一首女生英文歌歌词有来回重复一句的英文歌you get get get to love you are love

想找一首英文歌,一个女生唱的,有一句歌词叫,give me……give me you love_百度知道
想找一首英文歌,一个女生唱的,有一句歌词叫,give me……give me you love
可能是Give me your love -Debbie Gibson唱的Baby why do you not love meWhy do you not see me in the light that i see you inDon't you ever need me in the still of the nightI've been there in your shoesFeeling strong, feeling innocenceNothing short of a miracle could make it make senseOh darlingChorus:I gave you the moon, the stars aboveYou think you would give me your loveCame in like the tide, rose up like the sunDebbie GibsonYou think you would give me your loveI know all that's in your rulebookI took more than one lookAnd i know you are the proud typeBut i hate game playing, yes i know how to winBut it's not fair to meYou should move 'cause you're wanting toNot because i flyCan you only view your dreams when they'reUp there in the skyOh, darlin...Chorus:I gave you the moon, the stars aboveOh, darling, yes you wouldCame in like the tide, rose up like the sunYou think you would give me your loveChorusI gave you the moon, the stars aboveYou think you would give me your loveCome on, give it to meCame in like the tide, rose up like the sunYou think you would give me your loveOh, give me, give me, give me, give meThe stars aboveYou think you would give me your loveYour love, your love, your love, your love, loveCame in like the tide, rose up like the sunYou think you would give me your love
出门在外也不愁求一首女版英文歌 歌词里有一句是i dont wanna just be your friend, 求一首女版英文歌 歌词里有一句
求一首女版英文歌 歌词里有一句是i dont wanna just be your friend 还有句好像是holding hands with you is all氦辅份恍莓喝逢桶抚垃 that i want to do 月莎 求一首女版英文歌 歌词里有一句是i dont wanna just be your friend
Mymp - Say 氦辅份恍莓喝逢桶抚垃You Love Me Lyrics??USHER - LOVERS & FRIENDS LYRICS???
I Dont Wanna Be Your Friend - Do一个英文歌曲,女的唱,男的是RAP。歌词是男的唱了好多次get to love you,这个是什么歌曲_百度知道
一个英文歌曲,女的唱,男的是RAP。歌词是男的唱了好多次get to love you,这个是什么歌曲
男的上了就先说唱的,中间由于英文不好就听到是get to love you,很激情的一首歌,有些商店也放的歌曲
Love the way you lie
Love the way you lie蕾安娜和Eminem唱的
Got 2 Luv U—Sean Paul
1 a place nearby 天籁之音!2 lark in the clear air .爱尔兰女歌手卡尔迪龙清澈女声.3 a thousand miles 钢琴伴奏很好听.4 it\'s only the fairly tale. 很美的童声5 luka 6 love will keep us alive 7 forever young 童年美好的回忆在MELODY中再次重现,很清,很美.8 like a rose 男生对女生纯纯的告白.9 Hey Juliet .虽然是一支广告歌,却也不比其他的歌逊色,很动感的音乐.会不由自主的舞动起来.10 always getting over your 两个MM激情演绎的,好听!11 get the party started 朋克中的一首好听的歌,虽然很多人对朋克有许多偏见,但好的歌曲是不容质疑的,音乐可以包容一切,包括人们浮躁的心.12 小红梅有很多经典歌曲,偶还喜欢她的Animal Instinct . 13 i knew i loved you 澳洲组合野人花园为数不多的好歌之一.14 To Stay 再介绍一首抒情的歌,高潮在后面,要耐心等待.15 Lonely NANA出身于非洲加纳,家庭1有。儿时破碎的家庭、压抑的环境对其作品产生了深刻的影响。这首LONELY是她最有名的作品,也是最感人的作品之一。在这首歌曲中,爱情的失败,世事的无奈,人与人之间的勾心斗角,都被他赤的展露在你面前。动情处的伤心呐喊,颓废时的无奈低吟,节奏布鲁斯,跳舞音乐,HIP H害龚愤夹莅蝗缝伟俯连OP结合的天衣无缝。16 all \'bout the money 非主流音乐,加拿大女歌手MEJA 17 until the time through .曾被评定为欧美十大抒情歌曲之一.18 one better 偶就听过AC 这一首,感觉还不错.19 Unforgiveable Sinner 被誉为天籁女歌手的lene marlin 的一首快歌.20 Wake Me Up When September Ends 绿日乐队近来风头正劲,推荐他们的一首老歌吧,很有味道.21I believe I can fly 励志歌曲,看歌词就知道了.22 i could be the one 轻松的歌.23 season in the sun 欧美毕业时必唱歌曲!24 i lay my love on you 25 say something anyway .吐血推荐.26 when i dream at night.初听即爱.27 tonight i feel close to you 孙燕姿与仓本麻衣的黄金搭档.28《Robinson》----spitz 麒麟午后红茶.29 Under Southern Skies 好听的奥运歌曲!30 What If Lene Marlin 鲜为人知的好歌!31《I Cry》--------有里知花(本音乐为2005年夏威夷外文歌排行第一名)32 圣婴降临 很悠远的同声,如同仙境.33《返朴归真》--------英格玛(这首音乐带有浓厚的大自然最原始的色彩、此曲为著名电视节目“Discovery”的主题曲)34 if you come to me 偶然听到的,感觉不错.35 sorry for the stupid things 酒吧音乐36 shape of my heart <<这个杀手......
1 a place nearby 天籁之音! 2 lark in the clear air .爱尔...
jessie j 的 who you are,masterpiece,who is laughing...
有什么适合初中生唱的英文歌,女声的,柔和的,最好适合四五个人唱,求推荐...英文版的灰姑娘片尾曲 追...
心情不好时,音乐是良药 1一千零一个愿望 2北京室内男声合唱团-亮剑(《亮剑》电视主题曲) 3从头再...
求:适合中学生好听的流行歌!音乐分享到: ...听听这最痴情的女声。。。)70 付薇--想着想着.....
求3~4个美国或者英国中学生(最好是,小学生也行...英国 80s 电影 励志 经典 蓝调 流行 儿...
叫我第一名(克服身理缺陷取得成功) 当幸福来敲门(电影整体氛围压抑,但最后能让人感受希望)楼主看电影...
跪求英文歌 要适合中学生的 歌词简单易懂的 好听的 最好是旋律比较平的 我的乐感不好~~谢谢!!!:
19 一首女声的英文歌 旋律有点慢 很好听 只记得歌词有surrender 求歌名?...miley...
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