心乱如麻歌词的难受 啊桑 的歌歌词是什么意思知道的给翻译一下谢谢了!

沙拉莹 念白:破烂小仙炎炎夏日间 来一盘激烈三国杀主公或反贼 爷都要亲自打一打忠臣忒正义 只杀得坏人心慌慌呀内奸最猥琐 最怕被大伙儿一起砸三国硝烟起 诸豪杰个个有绝招仁德漫天放 俺刘备加血不需桃孙某换换换 还有个妹妹孙尚香伴君如伴虎 曹操我万箭一齐放大乔美人乐 壮士们醉在温柔乡小乔有天香 抛红心自有人来挡英姐爱锦囊 顺宝物不怕路途长决斗为红颜 貂蝉姐出必有人伤关二爷云长 见红他就能出杀招飞哥一咆哮 杀得你跪地直求饶闪杀满手抓 子龙啊一身都是胆观星望明月 我空城不怕也不逃江湖险恶有杀气(请抓紧闪盾还有无懈可击)桃花岛主最得意(等桃花谢了我们桃园来结义)三足鼎立谁称帝(我改判定让闪电来劈你)涅磐重生神关羽(我挂了你也和我一起下地狱)迷魂八卦阵 专克你名剑与刀枪青缸剑一出 防具们统统要投降的卢与赤兔 随将士驰骋沙场上煮酒论剑后 哪家把千秋威名扬违章建筑多 让我来过河拆个桥武器够不着 借你的宝刀砍人倒南蛮入侵时 武将们合力出杀搞待到秋收时 人都说五谷丰登好自古乱世出英雄(只可惜英雄气短难过美人关)才子佳人皆薄幸(三滴血你说怎么熬下去)歌罢一曲转头空(友谊第一,我知道的!下次我来当主公)跳反 就一鼓作气反得昏天黑地装忠 就掏心挖肺忠得痛哭流涕人生 也不能左顾右盼要坚持到底最后 记住只有行为才是硬逻辑 三国杀沙拉莹曲。周铁男版本桃园结义 火烧赤壁 三分天下那是谁在指点 看江山如画风起云涌 尔虞我诈 同是韶华那是谁在乱世间 四海为家英雄是该逃 该闪 该杀追名利 是对 是错 由他谁用三国杀 杀出一个天下任凭万箭齐发 是谁心乱如麻杀杀杀 谁在谱写神话是他 在野之上风起云涌 尔虞我诈 同是韶华那是谁在乱世间 四海为家英雄是该逃 该闪 该杀追名利 是对 是错 由他谁用三国杀 杀出一个天下任凭万箭齐发 是谁心乱如麻杀杀杀 谁在谱写神话是他 在野之上杀杀杀 武将莫讲牵挂任凭乱马践踏 去争我的天下杀杀杀 留万世后人评价是他 在野之上在野之上 杀杀杀 武将莫讲牵挂任凭乱马践踏 去争我的天下杀杀杀 留万世后人评价是他 在野之上汪苏泷版本羽扇纶巾笑谈间千军万马我无懈伪面君子三尺剑 狼火烽烟我敷衍 生于乱世行不言功过不求谁来鉴灯为谁点 脂为谁添任谁来笑我太疯癫雨一直下 风一直刮谁与我煮酒论天下万箭齐发 杀气如麻谁忍我乱世中安家三分天下 为谁争霸如今我已剑指天涯却只想为你抚琴从此无牵挂漫天恩恩怨怨的变化谁为我泡壶 热茶你为他断了指甲换不回他一句牵挂雨一直下 风一直刮谁与我煮酒论天下万箭齐发 杀气如麻谁忍我乱世中安家三分天下 为谁争霸如今我已剑指天涯却只想为你抚琴从此无牵挂原来我一生戎马三国为你杀破烂小仙版本曲:木木蓝颜 ]唱:金庸群侠传词,游戏第二)不服气还能再开一局(昏君:三国杀OL背景音乐 词貌似没有三国杀有有4个版本
出门在外也不愁有首歌的歌词里有“I'M sorry&是一个乐团唱的,我找了很久,没找到,希望大家知道的给我说一下,谢谢了。_百度知道
有首歌的歌词里有“I'M sorry&是一个乐团唱的,我找了很久,没找到,希望大家知道的给我说一下,谢谢了。
但我依然做了这个选择.can't hold it coz i'm sorry.i figure it out,你却洞悉了一切, lord.forgive me, i&#39:aaron sledge][by.现在我决定鼓气勇气面对你forgive me.上帝:da light][t need me playing hard,因为我已厌倦了为它祈祷.that i&#39.这个,原谅我吧.you……you know my heart and mind sold it out, oh…,我知道你在注视着我but i get upon doing the same moan thing?难道他们不再需要我努力吗, lord, forgive me.上帝?i didn&#39,为什么到头来它还会伤了我呢.forgive me,i&#39.现在我决定鼓气勇气面对你forgive me.ain&#39, try to hang my hands after tt say a thing?可是这一次为什么你就抛弃我了呢;t say a thing.not to but i still chose to..你清楚是我的灵魂将它出卖, i am sorry.但我每天却总在无病呻吟, you know me?don&#39?难道他们不再需要我努力吗;s so waste,s time to think applause to me.it&#39.ain&#39.won&#39.now i gotta face you.上帝,因为它是那么无谓;m sick of pray?我已遵循你的指引,原谅我吧:i&#39.再也不能将它深埋,你知道我是这样的人,尽管我曾努力尝试,t even need a try coz it&#39, i&#39.如此说来不过在浪费我们的时间而已;t in now.can't they don&#39, plaese leave the words that don&#39.也许会很难受.你伴随着圣光降临.我沉默不语.did this obeys your word now is coming back and harming me.我沉默不语.看吧.是时侯为我喝彩了.我开始回想你上一次给我的启示, oh…我就像一个小孩?so…….也许会有点难受;t;t speak from my mouth?see.ah…;t they don&#39.再也不能将它隐瞒.?don&#39,抛开那些我未曾吐露的心声吧,因为你给了我信心.是时侯为我喝彩了?see,因为你给了我信心:赖志华]歌曲.我明白了我不能再深陷其中, you know me.哪怕是一次尝试也不再需要?see,但却对我的寂寞无能为力?我已遵循你的指引.did this obeys your word now is coming back and harming me, lord.your light came up and let you down?难道他们不想再听我的音乐了吗, lord.不;m thinking about what you respond to me last time,s time to think applause to me,我深深的忏悔:i&#39, i am sorry,你打上这歌名, i can&#39?ain&#39.ain&#39, you know me, m sorry.at they don&#39.所以.上帝, you know everything?难道他们不想再听我的音乐了吗,原谅我吧;t they don&#39.now i gotta face you.t need me playing hard, coz you told me, you know everything,都会忐忑的将手藏在身后.不.not to but i still chose to.我….ain&#39.我想向你坦白我心中的一个谎言, m sorry][ar?如果不是你去百度MP3那里有个歌词的?i didn&#39,每当做错事的时侯,你却洞悉了一切.;t need me playing hard, nothing you help to close this alone.so,原谅我吧.why you just cot they don&#39?难道他们不再需要我努力吗.看吧.ah…;t,我深深的忏悔it&#39,但我仍然做了这个选择,我深深的忏悔,为什么到头它还会来伤害我呢.the crazy thing about it is that i know you are watching me疯狂的是;t need me playing,我深深的忏悔;t hide it though i tried to,i&#39,你知道我是这样的人;m sorry.难道他们不再需要我努力吗:aaron sledgeoh……i……i gotta m sorry主唱[ti
出门在外也不愁&p&It Ain't Me, Babe&/p&&p&宝贝,这不是我&/p&&p&
Bob Dylan,1964&/p&&br&&p&Go ’way from my window&/p&&p&离开我的窗子吧,&/p&&p&Leave at your own chosen speed&/p&&p&走快还是走慢,你自己选,&/p&&p&I’m not the one you want, babe&/p&&p&我不是你想要的那个人,宝贝,&/p&&p&I’m not the one you need&/p&&p&也不是你需要的那个人。&/p&&p&You say you’re lookin’ for someone&/p&&p&你说你想找一个人,&/p&&p&Never weak but always strong&/p&&p&他永远刚强,绝不脆弱,&/p&&p&To protect you an’ defend you&/p&&p&护着你,保卫你,&/p&&p&Whether you are right or wrong&/p&&p&无论你是对是错。&/p&&p&Someone to open each and every door&/p&&p&这个人会为你开启每一扇门,&/p&&p&But it ain’t me, babe&/p&&p&但这不是我,宝贝,&/p&&p&No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe&/p&&p&是的,这绝不是我,宝贝,&/p&&p&It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe&/p&&p&我不是你要找寻的那个人,宝贝。&/p&&br&&p&Go lightly from the ledge, babe&/p&&p&轻轻地离开这窗台,
&/p&&p&Go lightly on the ground&/p&&p&宝贝,你轻轻地走,&/p&&p&I’m not the one you want, babe&/p&&p&我不是你想要的那个人,宝贝,&/p&&p&I will only let you down&/p&&p&我只可能让你失望。&/p&&p&You say you’re lookin’ for someone&/p&&p&你说你要找一个人,&/p&&p&Who will promise never to part&/p&&p&对你承诺永不分离,&/p&&p&Someone to close his eyes for you&/p&&p&彻底关闭他的心扉,&/p&&p&Someone to close his heart&/p&&p&闭上眼想的全是你。&/p&&p&Someone who will die for you an’ more&/p&&p&这个人为了你情愿付出生命,&/p&&p&But it ain’t me, babe&/p&&p&但这不是我,宝贝,&/p&&p&No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe&/p&&p&是的,这绝不是我,宝贝,&/p&&p&It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe&/p&&p&我不是你要找寻的那个人,宝贝。&/p&&br&&p&Go melt back into the night, babe&/p&&p&回去吧,宝贝,消失在这夜色中,&/p&&p&Everything inside is made of stone&/p&&p&我的内心已坚硬如石,&/p&&p&There’s nothing in here moving&/p&&p&此处无人走动,&/p&&p&An’ anyway I’m not alone&/p&&p&然而我并不孤独。&/p&&p&You say you’re lookin' for someone&/p&&p&你说你在找一个人,&/p&&p&Who’ll pick you up each time you fall&/p&&p&每次跌倒都能将你扶搀,&/p&&p&To gather flowers constantly&/p&&p&永远捧着鲜花,&/p&&p&An’ to come each time you call&/p&&p&等待着随时的召唤。&/p&&p&A lover for your life an’ nothing more&/p&&p&他会做你一生的伴侣,别无他求,&/p&&p&But it ain’t me, babe&/p&&p&但这不是我,宝贝,&/p&&p&No, no, no, it ain’t me, babe&/p&&p&是的,这绝不是我,宝贝,&/p&&p&It ain’t me you’re lookin’ for, babe&/p&&p&我不是你要找寻的那个人,宝贝。&/p&
It Ain't Me, Babe宝贝,这不是我 Bob Dylan,1964Go ’way from my window离开我的窗子吧,Leave at your own chosen speed走快还是走慢,你自己选,I’m not the one you want, babe我不是你想要的那个人,宝贝,I’m not the one you need也不是你需要的…
&p&&b&闲话:&/b&&/p&&p&1.Tangled Up In Blue 当“纠缠在忧郁之中”讲,文中译作“心乱如麻”不错&/p&&p&2.在滚雷巡演(罗纳尔多和克拉拉)这个演出中,鲍勃·迪伦把脸涂白装扮成马戏团小丑演出,并且把第一人称换成了第三人称演唱,比较伤感&/p&&br&&p&&b& Tangled Up In Blue &/b&&br&&/p&&p&Early one mornin' the sun was shinin' &br&I was layin' in bed wond'rin' if she'd changed at all , if her hair was still red &br&&br&一大清早阳光灿烂 &br&我躺在床上想着她是否变了样 &br&&br&Her folks they said our lives together &br&Sure was gonna be rough &br&&br&她家人说我们要是走到了一起 &br&生活必定艰辛无比 &br&&br&They never did like Mama's homemade dress &br&Papa's bankbook wasn't big enough &br&&br&他们讨厌我妈妈缝的衣服 &br&他们还嫌我爸爸还不够富 &br&&br&And I was standin' on the side of the road &br&Rain fallin' on my shoes &br&&br&于是我站在马路边等啊 &br&雨一直下气氛不太融洽 &br&&br&Heading out for the East Coast &br&Lord knows I've paid some dues gettin' through &br&&br&我准备搭车去东边 &br&我他妈当然付了钱 &br&&br&Tangled up in blue &br&心乱如麻啊 &br&&br&&br&&br&She was married when we first met &br&Soon to be divorced &br&&br&我倆初次见面她已是人妻 &br&但是很快她就离了异 &br&&br&I helped her out of a jam, I guess &br&But I used a little too much force &br&&br&我想我帮了她一把 &br&事后证明我有点瞎 &br&&br&We drove that car as far as we could &br&Abandoned it out West &br&&br&我们的车越开越远 &br&抛下一切到了西边 &br&&br&Split up on a dark sad night &br&Both agreeing it was best &br&&br&在一个苦逼的夜晚我们分手离去 &br&都自以为这他妈的是最好的结局 &br&&br&She turned around to look at me &br&As I was walkin' away &br&&br&当我走开 &br&她转过身来 &br&&br&I heard her say over my shoulder &br&&We'll meet again someday on the avenue.& &br&&br&我听她说了些话,在我的耳边 &br&“总有一天我们能再见面” &br&&br&Tangled up in blue &br&心乱如麻啊 &br&&br&&br&&br&I had a job in the great north woods &br&Working as a cook for a spell &br&&br&我原本在大兴安岭打工挣钱 &br&当个厨子有好一段时间 &br&&br&But I never did like it all that much &br&And one day the ax just fell &br&&br&但是我对这个实在没兴趣 &br&于是有一天就被炒了鱿鱼 &br&&br&So I drifted down to New Orleans &br&Where I was lucky to be employed &br&&br&我漂来漂去到了秦皇岛 &br&人品爆发在那儿把工作找到 &br&&br&Workin' for a while on a fishin' boat &br&Right outside of Delacroix. &br&&br&在渔船上又干了一段 &br&隐约那边就是山海关 &br&&br&But all the while I was alone &br&The past was close behind &br&&br&那些日子我都是独自一人 &br&往事不堪回首,现在没人疼 &br&&br&I seen a lot of women &br&But she never escaped my mind, and I just grew &br&&br&我见过的女人成千上万 &br&但她从未逃出我的心房 &br&&br&Tangled up in blue &br&心乱如麻啊 &br&&br&&br&&br&She was workin' in a topless place &br&And I stopped in for a beer &br&&br&她在一个酒吧当脱衣舞娘 &br&于是我进去要了瓶珠江 &br&&br&I just kept lookin' at the side of her face &br&In the spotlight so clear &br&&br&我目不转睛看着她的侧脸 &br&在聚光的下如此明艳光鲜 &br&&br&And later on as the crowd thinned out &br&I's just about to do the same &br&&br&后来人群渐渐散去 &br&而我也准备离去 &br&&br&She was standing there in back of my chair &br&Said to me, &Don't I know your name?& &br&&br&她站在我的的身后对我说 &br&“难道你忘记了我?” &br&&br&I muttered somethin' underneath my breath &br&She studied the lines on my face &br&&br&我支支吾吾语焉不详 &br&她揣摩着我脸上奇怪的样儿 &br&&br&I must admit I felt a little uneasy &br&When she bent down to tie the laces of my shoe &br&&br&当她弯下来为我把鞋带绑好 &br&我不得不承认我想要逃跑 &br&&br&Tangled up in blue &br&心乱如麻啊 &br&&br&&br&&br&She lit a burner on the stove and offered me a pipe &br&&I thought you'd never say hello,& she said,&You look like the silent type.& &br&&br&她生起了炉子,给了我一支烟 &br&“我以为你有话不会说,你看起来寡言沉默” &br&&br&Then she opened up a book of poems &br&And handed it to me &br&&br&后来她打开一本诗集 &br&又递给了我 &br&&br&Written by an Italian poet from the thirteenth century &br&And every one of them words rang true &br&And glowed like burnin' coal &br&&br&十三世纪意大利诗人写的诗 &br&字字句句都那么真实 &br&仿佛燃烧的煤炭一样炽热 &br&&br&Pourin' off of every page &br&Like it was written in my soul from me to you &br&&br&每一页纸都闪着光芒 &br&就像从我灵魂深处写给你的一样 &br&&br&Tangled up in blue &br&心乱如麻啊 &br&&br&&br&&br&I lived with them on Montague Street &br&In a basement down the stairs &br&&br&后来我住在一个地下室 &br&楼梯下面拐个弯就是 &br&&br&There was music in the cafes at night &br&And revolution in the air &br&&br&晚上的咖啡屋有流浪人的演出 &br&空气中开始弥漫着革命的音符 &br&&br&Then he started into dealing with slaves &br&And something inside of him died &br&&br&有人开始买卖奴隶 &br&他们内心早已死去 &br&&br&She had to sell everything she owned &br&And froze up inside &br&&br&这时她开始变卖财物 &br&内心冰冷,世事不顾 &br&&br&And when finally the bottom fell out &br&I became withdrawn &br&&br&终于,不愿做奴隶的人们起来造反 &br&我也变得离群索居,不愿与人交往 &br&&br&The only thing I knew how to do &br&Was to keep on keepin' on like a bird that flew &br&&br&只有一件事我知道怎么去做 &br&像鸟一样拼命飞翔不致坠落 &br&&br&Tangled up in blue &br&心乱如麻啊 &br&&br&&br&&br&So now I'm goin' back again &br&I got to get to her somehow &br&&br&谁说好马不能吃回头草 &br&我得想办个法把她找到 &br&&br&All the people we used to know &br&They're an illusion to me now &br&&br&过往认识的那些二百五 &br&我现在对他们不屑一顾 &br&&br&Some are mathematicians &br&Some are carpenter's wives &br&&br&有些人干了一辈子的微积分 &br&有些人一辈子被木匠老公干 &br&&br&Don't know how it all got started &br&I don't know what they're doin' with their lives &br&&br&我都不知道他们都是怎么搞的 &br&我也不知道他们怎么面对生活 &br&&br&But me, I'm still on the road &br&Headin' for another joint &br&&br&但我还年轻,我渴望上路 &br&即使会没命,也要跟她处 &br&&br&We always did feel the same &br&We just saw it from a different point of view &br&&br&我们一直都心有灵犀 &br&只是观点不同而已 &br&&br&Tangled up in blue &br&唉,心乱如麻啊&/p&
闲话:1.Tangled Up In Blue 当“纠缠在忧郁之中”讲,文中译作“心乱如麻”不错2.在滚雷巡演(罗纳尔多和克拉拉)这个演出中,鲍勃·迪伦把脸涂白装扮成马戏团小丑演出,并且把第一人称换成了第三人称演唱,比较伤感 Tangled Up In Blue Early one mornin'…
Forever Young
&br& 永远年轻
&br&&br& May God bless and keep you always,
&br& May your wishes all come true,
&br& May you always do for others
&br& And let others do for you.
&br& May you build a ladder to the stars
&br& And climb on every rung,
&br& May you stay forever young,
&br& Forever young, forever young,
&br& May you stay forever young.
&br& 愿上帝庇佑,托起前路
&br& 愿你美梦均可成真
&br& 愿你与人为善,被人相帮
&br& 愿你建成通往光明的天梯
&br& 稳妥沿它而上
&br& 愿你永远年轻
&br& 永远年轻,永远年轻
&br& 愿你永远年轻
&br&&br& May you grow up to be righteous,
&br& May you grow up to be true,
&br& May you always know the truth
&br& And see the lights surrounding you.
&br& May you always be courageous,
&br& Stand upright and be strong,
&br& May you stay forever young,
&br& Forever young, forever young,
&br& May you stay forever young.
&br& 愿你成就真实自我,
&br& 愿你永远感知真理,
&br& 看向身边的无尽光明;
&br& 愿你勇敢无挡,坚强可靠;
&br& 愿你永远年轻,拥有纯洁之心
&br&&br& May your hands always be busy,
&br& May your feet always be swift,
&br& May you have a strong foundation
&br& When the winds of changes shift.
&br& May your heart always be joyful,
&br& May your song always be sung,
&br& May you stay forever young,
&br& Forever young, forever young,
&br& May you stay forever young.
&br& 愿你脚步永远轻盈
&br& 愿你根基牢靠
&br& 愿你永远唱响音声之声
&br& 愿你永远年轻
&br& 永远年轻,永远年轻
&br& 愿你永远年轻
Forever Young 永远年轻 May God bless and keep you always, May your wishes all come true, May you always do for others And let others do for you. May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung, May you stay forever young, Fore…
Things Have Changed
&br& A worried man with a worried mind
&br&No one in front of me and nothing behind
&br&There’s a woman on my lap and she’s drinking champagne
&br&Got white skin, got assassin’s eyes
&br&I’m looking up into the sapphire-tinted skies
&br&I’m well dressed, waiting on the last train
&br& 这是一个满怀忧虑的男人
&br& 四下无人的我
&br& 坐拥一个肤质白皙,如杀手般锐利双眼的女人啜饮香槟
&br& 抬首看向宝蓝晕染的天空
&br& 光鲜亮丽的等待终途列车
&br&&br& Standing on the gallows with my head in a noose
&br& Any minute now I’m expecting all hell to break loose
&br& People are crazy and times are strange
&br&I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range
&br&I used to care, but things have changed
&br&&br& 我头套绞索毗邻绞架
&br& 我期待着逃离所有的地狱之苦
&br& 周遭人群太过疯狂,时光太过吊诡
&br& 我被紧锁钳制,游离排斥
&br& 我曾满怀期待,但已物是人非
&br&&br& This place ain’t doing me any good
&br&I’m in the wrong town, I should be in Hollywood
&br&Just for a second there I thought I saw something move
&br&Gonna take dancing lessons, do the jitterbug rag
&br&Ain’t no shortcuts, gonna dress in drag
&br&Only a fool in here would think he’s got anything to prove
&br& 此处已无法让我倚靠
&br&&br& Lot of water under the bridge, lot of other stuff too
&br&Don’t get up gentlemen, I’m only passing through
&br& People are crazy and times are strange
&br&I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range
&br&I used to care, but things have changed
&br& 桥下水底暗涌,满是杂质
&br& 先生何必相迎,我本一介过客
&br& 周遭人群太过疯狂,时光太过吊诡
&br& 我被紧缩钳制,游离排斥
&br& 我曾满怀期待,但已物是人非
&br&&br& I’ve been walking forty miles of bad road
&br&If the Bible is right, the world will explode
&br&I’ve been trying to get as far away from myself as I can
&br&Some things are too hot to touch
&br&The human mind can only stand so much
&br&You can’t win with a losing hand
&br& 我跋山涉水崎岖路
&br& 如果圣经所言即是,这疯狂世界行将毁灭
&br& 我曾永不放弃远离自我
&br& 总有东西太过炽热,以致不堪触碰
&br& 可人心承担有底,大脑容量有限
&br& 你又怎能期望一手烂牌走天下
&br&&br& Feel like falling in love with the first woman I meet
&br&Putting her in a wheelbarrow and wheeling her down the street
&br& People are crazy and times are strange
&br&I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range
&br&I used to care, but things have changed
&br& 感觉像是初次爱恋上一个人
&br& 我将她放进手推车中,看着她被滑轮一带而下
&br& 周遭人群太过疯狂,时光太过吊诡
&br& 我被紧缩钳制,游离排斥
&br& 我曾满怀期待,但已物是人非
&br&&br& I hurt easy, I just don’t show it
&br&You can hurt someone and not even know it
&br&The next sixty seconds could be like an eternity
&br&Gonna get low down, gonna fly high
&br&All the truth in the world adds up to one big lie
&br&I’m in love with a woman who don’t even appeal to me
&br& 从不让人看见柔软易伤真我
&br& 你可以总是不自知的去伤害他人
&br& 那短短一分却也可变成永恒时刻
&br& 你可向上翩跹,向下匍匐
&br& 这世界没有所谓真实,只是弥天大谎
&br& 而我正和一个两心人虚情假意(这句不知道翻译的是否准确,有待商榷)
&br&&br& Mr. Jinx and Miss Lucy, they jumped in the lake
&br&I’m not that eager to make a mistake
&br& People are crazy and times are strange
&br&I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range
&br&I used to care, but things have changed
&br& 金克斯先生和鲁斯小姐,他们决绝跳入湖中
&br& 我却没有那么冲动去犯如斯美丽错误
&br& 周遭人群太过疯狂,时光太过吊诡
Things Have Changed A worried man with a worried mind No one in front of me and nothing behind There’s a woman on my lap and she’s drinking champagne Got white skin, got assassin’s eyes I’m looking up into the sapphire-tinted skies I…
Subterranean Homesick Blues &br&隐秘思乡布鲁斯 &br&&br&Lyrics:Bob Dylan Music:Bob Dylan &br&&br&Johnny's in the basement &br&Mixing up the medicine &br&强尼在地下室里勾兑着药 &br&I'm on the pavement &br&Thinking about the government &br&我在人行道上思考着政府 &br&The man in the trench coat &br&Badge out, laid off &br&有个人穿着风衣 &br&被解除了徽记,显然下岗了 &br&Says he's got a bad cough &br&Wants to get it paid off &br&他说他咳得很厉害 &br&想要治一治 &br&Look out kid &br&It's somethin' you did &br&小心啊小盆友 &br&这就是你干的 &br&God knows when &br&But you're doin' it again &br&谁知道你啥时干的 &br&但是你又干了 &br&You better duck down the alley way &br&Lookin' for a new friend &br&你最好赶紧爬下小路 &br&结识些新哥们 &br&The man in the coon-skin cap &br&In the big pen &br&戴浣熊皮帽的人 &br&进了所大局子 &br&Wants eleven dollar bills &br&You only got ten &br&你想要11美元 &br&却只得到十块钱 &br&&br&Maggie comes fleet foot &br&Face full of black soot &br&玛吉迅速走来 &br&满脸烟灰 &br&Talkin' that the heat put &br&Plants in the bed but &br&说着进热气了 &br&厂房就像在温床上一样 &br&The phone's tapped anyway &br&Maggie says that many say &br&反正电话已经按了 &br&玛吉说很多人传言 &br&They must bust in early May &br&Orders from the D. A. &br&五月初就得破产 &br&让地区检察官弄的 &br&Look out kid &br&Don't matter what you did &br&小心啊小盆友 &br&别管你做什么 &br&Walk on your tip toes &br&Don't try 'No Doz' &br&最好踮着脚尖走 &br&别想耍花招 &br&Better stay away from those &br&That carry around a fire hose &br&远离那些消防栓附近的人 &br&Keep a clean nose &br&Watch the plain clothes &br&最好清白点 &br&小心便衣条子 &br&You don't need a weather man &br&To know which way the wind blows &br&你不需要气象员去告诉你风向是什么 &br&&br&Get sick, get well &br&Hang around a ink well &br&病了又好了 &br&舞文弄墨 &br&Ring bell, hard to tell &br&If anything is goin' to sell &br&按门铃,推销也不好开口 &br&Try hard, get barred &br&Get back, write Braille &br&努力了,被禁了 &br&回去吧,写盲文吧 &br&Get jailed, jump bail &br&Join the army, if you fail &br&进局子,逃保释 &br&实在不行去当丘八 &br&Look out kid &br&You're gonna get hit &br&小心啊小朋友 &br&你要挨揍了 &br&But users, cheaters &br&Six-time losers &br&但是用户,骗子 &br&衰货们 &br&Hang around the theaters &br&在剧院旁边转悠 &br&Girl by the whirlpool &br&Lookin' for a new fool &br&涡轮旁的女孩 &br&寻觅着下一个傻瓜 &br&Don't follow leaders &br&Watch the parkin' meters &br&别跟人瞎走 &br&看着点计程表 &br&&br&Ah get born, keep warm &br&Short pants, romance, learn to dance &br&出生,进保温箱 &br&穿短裤,搞对象,学跳舞 &br&Get dressed, get blessed &br&Try to be a success &br&穿西服,去教堂 &br&试着做成功人士 &br&Please her, please him, buy gifts &br&Don't steal, don't lift &br&取悦他,取悦她,买礼品 &br&不偷也别顺 &br&Twenty years of schoolin' &br&And they put you on the day shift &br&上了20年学,却去守白班 &br&Look out kid &br&They keep it all hid &br&小心啊小盆友 &br&他们不会告诉你的 &br&Better jump down a manhole &br&Light yourself a candle &br&最好跳进维修洞 &br&自己点根蜡烛 &br&Don't wear sandals &br&Try to avoid the scandals &br&别穿趿拉板 &br&也别惹丑闻 &br&Don't wanna be a bum &br&You better chew gum &br&不想当流浪汉 &br&你就得嚼口香糖 &br&The pump don't work &br&'Cause the vandals took the handles &br&泵不转了 &br&是因为有人搞坏了
Subterranean Homesick Blues 隐秘思乡布鲁斯 Lyrics:Bob Dylan Music:Bob Dylan Johnny's in the basement Mixing up the medicine 强尼在地下室里勾兑着药 I'm on the pavement Thinking about the government 我在人行道上思考着政府 The man in the t…
可能是 with god on our side,新港音乐节
迪伦和琼贝茨(john baez)合唱的&br&这个是
迪伦 少有的男女合唱的歌曲,其他一般大多都是独唱、和声以及乐队演奏&br&&br&With God On Our Side &br&Bob Dylan &br&&br&Oh my name it is nothin' &br&My age it means less &br&The country I come from &br&Is called the Midwest &br&I's taught and brought up there &br&The laws to abide &br&And that land that I live in &br&Has God on its side. &br&哦,我的名字不足挂齿 &br&我的年纪更是无足轻重 &br&我来自的地方 &br&叫做中西部 &br&我在那里接受教育 &br&学到要遵守的规范 &br&还有我所住之地 &br&有上帝与你同在 &br&&br&Oh the history books tell it &br&They tell it so well &br&The cavalries charged &br&The Indians fell &br&The cavalries charged &br&The Indians died &br&Oh the country was young &br&With God on its side. &br&哦,历史书上说到了这一点 &br&还说的很好 &br&骑兵团猛攻 &br&印第安人纷纷倒地 &br&骑兵团猛攻 &br&印第安人纷纷死去 &br&欧,那时国家还很年轻 &br&有上帝与他同在 &br&&br&The Spanish-American &br&War had its day [1] &br&And the Civil War too was &br&Soon laid away &br&And the names of the heroes &br&I's made to memorize &br&With guns in their hands &br&And God on their side. &br&美西战争 &br&很是走运 &br&南北战争也同样 &br&为未来积蓄了发展条件 &br&而那些英雄们的名字 &br&注定要被载入史册 &br&他们的手里拿着枪 &br&有上帝与其同在 &br&&br&The First World War, boys &br&It came and it went &br&The reason for fightin' &br&I never did get &br&But I learned to accept it &br&Accept it with pride &br&For you don't count the dead &br&When God's on your side. &br&第一次世界大战 &br&来了又去 &br&战争的原因 &br&我从没明白 &br&但我学会了接受 &br&不无自豪地接受 &br&因为你不会计较死多少人 &br&有上帝与你同在 &br&&br&The Second World War &br&Came to an end &br&We forgave the Germans &br&And then we were friends &br&Though they murdered six million &br&In the ovens they fried &br&The Germans now too &br&Have God on their side. &br&第二次世界大战 &br&也结束了 &br&我们原谅了德国人 &br&然后我们成了朋友 &br&尽管他们残杀了六百万 &br&用他们煎烤的烘炉 &br&德国人现在 &br&也有上帝与他们同在 &br&&br&I've learned to hate the Russians &br&All through my whole life &br&If another war comes &br&It's them we must fight &br&To hate them and fear them &br&To run and to hide &br&And accept it all bravely &br&With God on my side. &br&从小到大我被教育着: &br&要憎恨俄国人 &br&要是另一场战争到来 &br&我们必须与之交战的就是他们 &br&憎恨他们又畏惧他们 &br&能跑则跑,能躲则躲 &br&还得勇敢地接受这一切 &br&因有上帝与我同在 &br&&br&&br&In the nineteen-sixties &br&Came the Vietnam War &br&Can somebody tell me &br&What we're fightin' for? &br&So many young men died &br&So many mothers cried &br&Now I ask the question &br&Was God on our side? &br&在1960年代 &br&来了越南战争 &br&有谁能告诉我 &br&我们为什么而战? &br&这么多的年轻人死去 &br&这么多的母亲哭泣 &br&现在我要问 &br&上帝那时是否与我们同在? &br&&br&But now we got weapons &br&Of the chemical dust &br&If fire them we're forced to &br&Then fire them we must &br&One push of the button &br&And a shot the world wide &br&And you never ask questions &br&When God's on your side. &br&但现在我们有 &br&化学粉尘武器 &br&要是我们被迫要发射这些武器 &br&那我们就必须发射 &br&只消按一下按钮 &br&就能带来世界性的一击 &br&而你从未有所质疑 &br&当上帝与你同在 &br&&br&Through many a dark hour &br&I've been thinkin' about this &br&That Jesus Christ [2] &br&Was betrayed by a kiss [3] &br&But I can't think for you &br&You'll have to decide &br&Whether Judas Iscariot [4] &br&Had God on his side. &br&在许多的夜晚时刻 &br&我一直在想着 &br&基督耶稣 &br&因一个吻而遭背叛的事 &br&但我不能替你思考 &br&你得自己决定 &br&犹大伊斯卡瑞尔特 &br&是否有上帝与你同在 &br&&br&&br&So now as I'm leavin' &br&I'm weary as hell &br&The confusion I'm feelin' &br&Ain't no tongue can tell &br&The words fill my head &br&And then fall to the floor &br&That if God's on our side &br&He'll stop the next war. &br&现在我就要离去 &br&我疲倦至极 &br&我正感受的混乱 &br&无法用言语表达 &br&那话语填满了我的头脑 &br&尔后落到地上: &br&他会阻止下一场战争 &br&要是上帝与你同在
可能是 with god on our side,新港音乐节
迪伦和琼贝茨(john baez)合唱的这个是
迪伦 少有的男女合唱的歌曲,其他一般大多都是独唱、和声以及乐队演奏With God On Our Side Bob Dylan Oh my name it is nothin' My age it means less The count…
原帖地址:&a href=&/group/topic//& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&翻译:Love Minus Zero/No Limit&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&感谢realalps&br&&br&Love Minus Zero/No Limit &br&&br&My love she speaks like silence, &br&Without ideals or violence, &br&She doesn't have to say she's faithful, &br&Yet she's true, like ice, like fire. &br&People carry roses, &br&And make promises by the hours, &br&My love she laughs like the flowers, &br&Valentines can't buy her. &br&我的爱,她说话像是静默一般 &br&不奢谈理想也不恶语中伤 &br&她不把忠诚挂在嘴上 &br&然而她像冰像火一样真实 &br&人们携带玫瑰 &br&时刻许下誓言 &br&我的爱,她笑起来像是花朵 &br&情人节礼物可不能打动她 &br&&br&In the dime stores and bus stations, &br&People talk of situations, &br&Read books, repeat quotations, &br&Draw conclusions on the wall. &br&Some speak of the future, &br&My love she speaks softly, &br&She knows there's no success like failure &br&And that failure's no success at all. &br&在杂货店和公交车站 &br&人们谈论局势 &br&阅读书籍,重复引用 &br&把结论涂到墙上 &br&有人说到未来 &br&我的爱,她轻言细语 &br&她知道没有成功会像是失败 &br&失败也根本算不得成功 &br&&br&The cloak and dagger dangles, &br&Madams light the candles. &br&In ceremonies of the horsemen, &br&Even the pawn must hold a grudge. &br&Statues made of match sticks, &br&Crumble into one another, &br&My love winks, she does not bother, &br&She knows too much to argue or to judge. &br&斗篷和短剑在晃动 &br&女士们点起蜡烛 &br&在骑手们的典礼上 &br&即便那无名小卒也必定心有怀恨 &br&火柴杆做成的塑像 &br&彼此相抵碎裂在一起 &br&我的爱视若无睹,她不为所扰 &br&她知道要争论或评判的东西实在太多 &br&&br&The bridge at midnight trembles, &br&The country doctor rambles, &br&Bankers' nieces seek perfection, &br&Expecting all the gifts that wise men bring. &br&The wind howls like a hammer, &br&The night blow’s rainy, [1] &br&My love she's like some raven &br&At my window with a broken wing. &br&那座桥在午夜颤颤巍巍 &br&那乡野医生四处游荡 &br&银行家的侄女们追求完美 &br&期待着精明之人带来的所有礼物 &br&大风嚎叫,像一把锤子 &br&夜风裹夹着雨水 &br&我的爱,她像是某只乌鸦 &br&带着它折断的翅膀落在我的窗口 &br&&br&【1】“The night blow’s rainy”:在网上看到的歌词,这句是“The night blows cold and rainy”,但我听到的是“The night blow’s rainy”。 &br&&br&Love Minus Zero/No Limit是Bob Dylan 1965年专辑《Bring It All Back Home》中的第4首歌。Wikipedia上有观点说这是一首Bob Dylan向其后来的妻子Sara致意的歌,歌词用一系列自相矛盾的话(dichotomy)折射出“她”禅一般的超然脱俗。歌词最后一句的意象让人想起Edgar Allan Poe的The Raven,同时也可以作为一个象征:尽管有着很强的内心力量,“她”也有其柔弱、需要庇护的一面。 &br&另外也有观点说,歌里的“她”,和She Belongs To Me一样,都是指代Dylan的缪斯。在这两首歌里,缪斯的这种不易接近性可以理解为他对自身限制的确认,而这些自身限制正是他在写歌时试图克服的东西。按这种解释,最后那个乌鸦坐在窗台上的映像就是象征着缪斯的不易接近,折断的翅膀则象征着它的野性。
&br&&br&“然后我推开了窗户,随着翅膀的一阵猛扑, &br&一只神圣往昔的乌鸦庄重地走进我房间; &br&它既没向我致意问候,也没有片刻的停留, &br&而是以绅士淑女的风度栖到我房门的上面, &br&栖在我房门上方一尊帕拉斯半身雕像上面; &br&栖息在那儿,仅如此这般。
”&br&&br&从Wikipedia上还看到这首歌最早的名字叫Dime Store。而Love Minus Zero/No Limit是一个分数式(“/”读作“over”),按Dylan的说法,分子是“Love Minus Zero”(爱减去零),分母是“No Limit”(无限)。理论上,得出的商等于“absolutely unlimited love”(绝对无限制的爱)。——真不知这是哪门子理论。Wikipedia上还说到,这个标题也基于一个赌博术语(gambling terminology),其含义是:所有的爱都是一种冒险(all love is a risk)。 &br&&br&LoF:Love Minus Zero/No Limit,要是从数学上来说,按乘除运算优先于加减运算的法则,其运算结果就等于“Love”(爱)。可是“爱”是个什么东西,数学怕是说不清楚的。
原帖地址:感谢realalpsLove Minus Zero/No Limit My love she speaks like silence, Without ideals or violence, She doesn't have to say she's faithful, Yet she's true, like ice, like fire. People carry roses, And…
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