污秽摇篮 Thlove deathh of Love 女声是谁

污秽摇篮 The Death of Love 女声是谁_污秽摇篮吧_百度贴吧
污秽摇篮 The Death of Love 女声是谁收藏
Liv Kristine好不 叶之眼不好听&.&
我也想知道 10年她也献声唱了Lilith
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「梦想起航」 by TFboys
{list plist as item}污秽摇篮的Her Ghost In The Fog的歌词和中文翻译_百度知道
污秽摇篮的Her Ghost In The Fog的歌词和中文翻译
s creature 她是神的生物 That kissed in cold mirrors 亲吻冰冷的镜子 A Queen of Snow。。.. 雪之女皇Her Ghost in the Fog 她雾中的灵魂 The moon。。.。 The trees stank of sunset and camphor 那些树充满落日和樟脑的臭气 Their lanterns chased phantoms and threw 他们的灯笼追逐着魅影并且抛出 An inquisitive glance。,就像他们投在我 On my love picking rue by the light of the Moon 爱的利润上的阴影。., like the shadows they cast 好奇的一瞥.,噢.。, she hangs like a cruel Portrait 月啊.. 正如我们一定会看到的。。 Far beyond compare 远无法比拟的 Lips attuned to symmetry 协调对称的嘴唇 Sought her everywhere 她四处寻找 Dark liquored eyes 黑暗的酒精般烈性的眼睛 An Arabian nightmare 一场阿拉伯噩梦 She shone on watercolours 她闪现在水彩画上 Of my pondlife as pearl 作为我池塘生活的珍珠 Until those who couldn&#39,她像一幅残酷的肖像画般地悬挂着 soft winds whisper the bidding of trees 舒适的风低语树的卖价 as this tragedy starts with a shattered glass heart 正如这悲剧随同一颗粉碎的玻璃心和 and the Midnightmare trampling of dreams 午夜的噩梦践踏着梦想而开始 But oh, no tears please 但是。。.。。 She was divinity&#39..。. 那个灾难性的傍晚当,被月光所追悔 Putting reason to flight 以他们的方式找理由去飞行 Or to death as their way 或是4亡 They crept through woods mesmerised 他们匍匐着通过灌木丛。。。;t have her 直到谁也不能使她 Cut her free of this world 剪掉她在这世上的自由 That fateful Eve when,请别流泪 Fear and pain may accompany death 恐惧和痛楚或许会与4亡做伴 But it is desire that shepherds its certainty 但那是引导它确定的欲望 as we shall see
nymphetamine Tonight In Flames her ghost in the fog hallowed be thy name 这首应该是翻唱铁娘子的 born in a burial gown 不解释 听的第一首摇篮的
出门在外也不愁歌曲 Cradle Of Filth(污秽摇篮)
The Death Of Love 歌手 Cradle Of Filth(污秽摇篮)
Cradle Of Filth(污秽摇篮)
北欧黑金属的猛烈演奏、交响金属的宏大结构、死亡金属的低吼、哥特金属的女高音伴唱再加上主唱Dani Filth招牌式的吸血鬼气质的尖叫。在密不透风的编曲下流动着一幅幅阴暗残暴却又唯美的画卷。相信只要你投入过他们的音乐一次,就会情不自禁地一遍遍反复聆听,这是一种让人上瘾的邪恶感觉。
热度 20440
8 人认为非常好听
Cradle Of Filth(污秽摇篮)
The Death Of Love
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The Death Of Love英汉对照歌词&& The Death Of Love 爱之消逝 Cradle&&Of&&Filth 污秽摇篮 Where will you be when they tense for warfare? 当他们因战争惊慌失措的时候你会在哪里? What will you see with your innocence there? 纯洁的你会看见什么? Where will you be my darling? 亲爱的你将会在哪里? Where will you be when they tense for warfare?
当他们因战争惊慌失措的时候你会在哪里? Where will you be when God is glorifying? 当上帝如颂歌般的召唤的时候你会在哪里? There we will be between the dead and dying&&我们会在已逝与将逝之间徘徊 Where will you be my darling?&&亲爱的你将会在哪里? Where will you be when God is glorifying?&&当上帝如颂歌般的召唤的时候你会在哪里? Prophecies and glory forge a massive disdain 预言和荣耀伴随着沉重的轻蔑 For lying passive in the shadows whilst the enemy reigns 因为在敌人统治阴影下的卑微伏身 Devoted to the votive,holy standard above 全身心贡献给神,神圣的准则是 ‘By command of the king of Heaven’ ‘神的启示’ Came the death of love 传来了爱消逝的脚步声 Where will you be when they’re vilifying? 当他们诋毁(我)的时候你会在哪里? How will they see when the truth is blinding? 当真理被笼罩的时候他们会看见什么? Where will you be my darling?&&亲爱的你将会在哪里? Where will you be when they’re vilifying?&&当他们诋毁(我)的时候你会在哪里? Where will you be when the dark is rising? 当夜幕降临的时候你会在哪里? How will you keep from it’s terrorizing? 你要怎样驱散这种恐惧? Where will you be my darling?&&亲爱的你将会在哪里? Where will you be when the dark is rising?&&当夜幕降临的时候你会在哪里? Burning was the sunset like a portent of doom 燃烧的夕阳如同世界末日来临的凶兆 On the saintly iron maiden as she fell from her wound 圣洁的钢铁女神(应该是指贞德)倒在伤痛中 But visions and ambition 但是憧憬和雄心 Never listened to submission 从未屈服 And she was on a mission from the highest above 她要完成最重要的使命 To Lord upon the slaughter
主(站)在大屠杀(之上) Like a sword through hissing water 正如(红热的)剑浸入沸腾的水中 She arose where archers sought her 她出现在弓箭手曾经找到她的地方 For the death of love 因为爱的消逝 The righteous death of love 理所当然消逝的爱 Gilles adored her drama 吉尔斯〈注1〉崇敬她的装束 Her suit of pure white armour 她那身纯白的铠甲 Blazed against the English in a torrent of light 暴烈的火苗抵抗着英国人 And as they ralled onto night 他们聚集在夜色中 A cancer fled his soul 弊病逸出他的灵魂 Dissolving… 渐渐消散。。。。。。


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