
日本剧情片 《七夜侍》(下),女性导演河濑直美08年佳作,求一部电影 剧情为一个日本女记者专门调查慰安妇 后被将军强暴后送至慰安妇集中营
日本剧情片 《七夜侍》(下),女性导演河濑直美08年佳作
时间: 15:13:56
介绍: 本片导演河濑直美曾凭07年的
荣获戛纳电影节评审团大奖,前作 沙罗双树 和 萌动的朱雀 同样口碑大好,是日本目前最炙手可热的新生代文艺片导演之一,08年上映的本片全程在泰国拍摄,讲述一个关于生存,沟通与共处的故事,延续了导演一贯自然,空灵,写实的风格
亲子 大家好!我是中国爸爸。 \r\n今天给大家介绍的是日本少儿学刊 小学馆幼稚园12月号的附录 妖怪手表扭蛋机!! 日本的少儿学刊里有好多这样自己动手做的附录。\r\n当然不少小朋友也都是为了得到附录才购买。 \r\n这次的附录很有意思,是MA酱喜欢的妖怪手表的扭蛋机!!\r\n对于MA酱好像有些难度,有些地方还需爸妈的帮助,不过还是很努力了。 \r\n今后会定期上传新的视频,为大家介绍日本小朋友的食品和玩具。 \r\n请大家哆哆关注!别忘记按订阅加我粉丝噢 谢谢! \r\n小学館 幼稚園の12月号ふろくの『妖怪ウォッチのようかいガシャガシャマシン』が、面白そう-だったので買ってみました? 組み立ては少々難しかったので主にママとパパでやりました。 ガチャガチャ用の小さめのカプセルが8個あり、中に入れる妖怪のこまが26種類(内占-い用が8個)☆ 飴などを入れても面白そうです。
自拍 如此日本人,如此素质,只能让人鄙视
娱乐 2013年日本最佳A片颁奖典礼,简直碉堡了,这东西还颁奖!屌丝们记着片名准备下载啦。。哈哈
亲子 各位朋友,大家好!我是中国爸爸。 \n今天给大家介绍的是日本食玩 Kracieのチョコがたーっぷり!チョココローネ Kracie的巧克多多 巧克力螺!\n这次的食玩是小宝宝和小姐姐一起来做的!姐妹俩搭配的怎么样哪?\n另外中国爸爸这次也加油做了中文字幕,希望大家能够更好的观看! \n刚满3岁的宝宝有时说的内容让人不能理解(笑)所以字幕会有些混乱,还请大家哆哆见谅。\n今后会定期上传新的视频,为大家介绍日本小朋友的食品和玩具。请大家哆哆关注!别忘记按订阅加我粉丝噢。 谢谢! \nクラシエの知育菓子。チョココローネをまーちゃんと
亲子 大家好!我是中国爸爸。 \r\n今天给大家介绍的是日本玩具 万圣节!可以吹灭的LED蜡烛灯! \r\n这是在日本百元店买到的小玩具。(日本的百元是人民币的6块钱左右) \r\n马上要到万圣节,正好在百元店看见这个小灯,很有万圣节气氛!! \r\n就给MA酱和O酱一人买个一个。 \r\n这个LED蜡烛是可以吹灭的,可是O酱还小,吹不灭只能敲灭了。。。(笑) \r\n今后会定期上传新的视频,为大家介绍日本小朋友的食品和玩具。 \r\n请大家哆哆关注!别忘记按订阅加我粉丝噢。 谢谢! \r\n100円SHOPでハロウィンのグッツを見つけたので購入? 吹き消せるTeaキャンドルという事でまーちゃんも吹き消して見ました。 中々によく出来ていました☆
生活 大家好!我是中国爸爸。 \r\n今天给大家介绍的是2014夏!中国爸爸烟花大会!! \r\n这个是暑假中拍的视频,一直没有时间剪接。 \r\n有些小朋友可能会问,为什么要夏天放烟火? \r\n日本与中国不同,国内是春节庆祝时放烟火,日本是夏天才放烟火。 \r\n哥哥,姐姐,MA酱和O酱玩的都很开心!! \r\nMA酱也是第一次自己独立放烟火!! \r\n今后会定期上传新的视频,为大家介绍日本小朋友的食品和玩具。 \r\n请大家哆哆关注!别忘记按订阅加我粉丝噢 谢谢! \r\n2014年の夏休み 自宅前で花火をしました? \r\n今年のまーちゃんは上手に花火に火をつけられる様になっていました。
科技 10月26日,在日本东京设计师周上展示一款由A-Lab公司研制的高仿生机器人,这个名叫“Asuna”机器人年龄大约15岁,具体高度逼真的人体肌肤,通过远程遥控来进行游客接待工作。\r\n\r\n【藤缠楼】日本展出高仿生女性机器人Asuna 肌肤高度逼真15岁少女2-2
搞笑 稍后补充视频简介
音乐 同志 BL Boys Love MV
综艺 深受中国文化影响,为何日本后来在文化艺术上的成就远超中国?从血型看世界各国性格,日本属哪种血型的典型?历数日本文化成就,这片土壤为何容易产生艺术家?本期节目高晓松继续再与你聊聊日本。
自拍 啦哇伊
游戏 稍后补充视频简介
广告 各位朋友,大家好!我是中国爸爸。\n今天给大家介绍的是日本玩具 マリオカート7 プルバックカー 马里奥拉丁车!\n分别是马里奥和路易基两辆车拉丁车组成!\n中途宝宝和小妹妹变身成超级兄弟(笑)!!!\n今后会定期上传新的视频,为大家介绍日本小朋友的食品和玩具。请大家哆哆关注!别忘记按订阅加我粉丝噢。\n谢谢!\nまーちゃんにプルバックはまだ難しかった様です^^;\n走らせて見せると大笑いでした^^?
亲子 各位朋友,大家好!我是中国爸爸。 \n今天给大家介绍的是日本小朋友最喜欢的面包超人的食玩! \n这是一套动动玩系列玩具,上次开封的是飞球面包超人! 这次是飞球SL号! \n里面装有一个SL号,一个球球还有一张贴纸和一块汽水糖。 \n这次的SL号和上次的面包超人号有些重复(笑) \n这个视频还有③④,都请大家收看! \n今后会定期上传新的视频,为大家介绍日本小朋友的食品和玩具。 \n请大家哆哆关注!\n别忘记按订阅加我粉丝噢。 谢谢! \nBANDAIのうごいてあそぼう!アンパンマンシリーズの②番 \nぱっちんボールSLマンで遊んだよ?
生活 稍后补充视频简介
音乐 日本电影《春之雪》mv,曲子很好听
资讯 中国国家主席习近平会晤日本首相安倍晋三
资讯 日,国家主席习近平在人民大会堂应约会见来华出席亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议的日本首相安倍晋三。\r\n习近平指出,这两年,中日关系出现严重困难的是非曲直是清楚的。双方已就处理和改善中日关系发表四点原则共识,希望日方切实按照共识精神妥善处理好有关问题。习近平强调,历史问题事关13亿多中国人民感情,关系到本地区和平、稳定、发展大局,日本只有信守中日双边政治文件和“村山谈话”等历届政府作出的承诺,才能同亚洲邻国发展面向未来的友好关系。
音乐 爱剧情电影单元拍摄出品 森格乐器行广告片
音乐 爱剧情电影单元拍摄出品
电影 讲述人与人的情感
电影 狂恋高校生 少女被迫援助交际 日本剧情片 \r\n高中生裕美暑假里和朋友知佐、奈绪、千惠子一起来到涉谷。她看中了一款标价12万八千日元的戒指,决定设法在营业时间结束前筹得足够的钱买下戒指。于是,裕美她们同有奇怪嗜好的老头一起唱卡拉OK、同变态青年一起去影碟租借商店,很快赚到了4万多日元。离闭店时间只剩5个多小时了,裕美选择了最快的赚钱方式——她同一个青年进了记时旅馆……通过一系列的援助交际,虽然裕美得到了足够钱,但终于还是错过了营业时间没有买成心爱的戒指。然而通过这场经历,裕美获得了成长……
电影 年轻流浪飞车手阿涟驾驶GTR,在山路上打败了一辆红色180SX後,车胎却在稍不留神时被偷车胎党偷走了。阿涟跟飞车高手老大的女儿率领的偷车胎党大战,结果胜利而回。可是老大的女儿输了後,却有求于阿涟……。调整至最佳状态的GTR及180SX等多部跑车同场较劲,让车迷拍案叫绝的刺激赛车动作片!
求一部电影 剧情为一个日本女记者专门调查慰安妇 后被将军强暴后送至慰安妇集中营
女记者最后染上梅毒 被送进731做实验,慰安妇中还有一个与自己的亲弟弟干了,后拉响手榴弹与弟弟一起消失
好像就是 731部队br[44:05.96]内战结束了 The Civil War is over. [44:08.02] [44:08.72]战争幸存者从拓荒线上的各处进发 Survivors head out across the frontier. [44:11.72] [44:11.98]一片无际的荒野隔开了美国东西部 A vast wilderness separates East and West. [
44:16.01] [44:16.56]老兵摇身一变 成为铁路工人 Veterans become railway men, [44:18.99] [44:19.53]牛仔 cowboys... [44:21.01] [44:22.28]移民 settlers. [44:23.78] [44:24.13]他们将征服自然 连接整个大陆 Conquering nature, they'll unite the continent. [44:28.19] [44:28.51]他们的使命就是 驯服西部的荒野 Their mission: to tame the Wild West. [44:32.27] [44:36.01] 第六集 腹地 [44:39.03] [44:42.28]1865 年的北美大平原 1865. The Great Plains. [44:46.93] [44:52.68]3000 万头美洲野牛在此狂奔 Where 30 million buffalo roam. [44:54.44] [45:07.87]这片广袤而未开发的荒原 把美国一分为二 Vast, untouched, a wilderness dividing America. [45:12.96] [45:13.90]横跨北美大陆需要花六个月 Crossing the continent takes six months. [45:16.89]西行的马车队中 有 20000 人半途丧命 20,000 die on wagon trains. [45:19.96]从水路需要绕道南美洲航行 18000 英里 By ship, it's an 18,000 mile journey around South America. [45:24.54] [45:26.68]为了征服荒原 连接东西两岸 To conquer the wilderness and unite East and West, [45:30.18] 林 肯 总 统 批 准 修 建 一 条 横 贯 东 西 的 铁 路 President Lincoln green-lights a transcontinental railroad, [45:34.10] [45:37.20]足有 2000 英里长 2,000 miles long. [45:39.47] [45:39.96]它将改变整个国家 It will transform the nation [45:42.40]引发一轮跨越大平原移民的热潮 triggering a tidal wave of settlement across the Great Plains. [45:47.19] [45:47.36]铁路对美国的扩张发展至关重要 Railroads were vital to the expansion of America. [45:50.74]这项技术以一种 This technology connects people in a way [45:54.60] [45:53.21]约翰·拉萨特 [皮克斯和迪斯尼公司创意总监] [45:56.40] [45:54.60]史无前例的方式 that never before in the history of mankind [45:58.20]将人们紧密相连 has there been that kind of connection. [46:00.90] [46:06.52]美国古老的荒原 America's ancient wilderness [46:09.29] [46:09.30]遭遇了现代技术与人力 meets modern American modern steel and muscle. [46:13.11] [46:14.97]一大批挥舞榔头的工人 An army of hammer-wielding men, [46:17.70] [46:19.12]有的是爱尔兰移民 Irish immigrants. [46:21.11] [46:21.65]有的是内战老兵 Civil War vets. [46:23.56] [46:25.07]如今都成了铁路工人 Railway men. [46:26.79] [46:29.18]他们的使命:征服大自然 Their mission: to tame nature itself. [46:32.92] [46:33.72]最大的障碍是 位于加利福尼亚东面的 The biggest obstacle heading east from California, [46:37.18] [46:37.30]高达 12000 英尺的悬崖峭壁 a 12,000-foot wall of granite, [46:40.72] [46:41.33]内华达山脉 the Sierra Nevada. [46:43.36] [46:45.50]由于北美洲毗邻的太平洋板块运动活跃 With the Pacific of North America plates alive, [46:48.65] [46:49.19]几十亿吨古老岩石拔地而起 billions of tons of ancient rock rise up [46:52.52]就像锡纸被挤皱起来一样 crumpling like tinfoil. [46:54.84] [46:55.29]在过去的 400 万年里 Over the last 4 million years, [46:57.16]内华达山脉上升了 2 英里多 the Sierra Nevada mountains climb more than 2 miles high. [47:01.57] [47:02.76]至今仍以每 1000 年 13 英尺的速度在升高 They're still growing. 13 Feet in 1,000 years. [47:07.69] [47:07.73]总有一天它会和喜马拉雅山一较高下 One day they could rival the Himalayas. [47:11.24] [47:16.13]只有疯子才会想让铁路 Only a mad man could dream of running a railroad [47:18.97]从这样的山中贯穿而过 across mountains like this. [47:20.96] [47:22.19]人们叫他疯狂的犹大 并不是平白无故 They don't call him crazy Judah for nothing. [47:25.61]对铁路的疯狂痴迷 让他终于找到了解决之道 Obsessed with the railroad, he sees a way through. [47:29.51]下来 小伙子们 Come on down, boys. [47:30.51] [47:30.95]西奥多·犹大曾 23 次攀上山顶 Theodore Judah makes 23 trips into the peaks. [47:34.26]把那个钉上 And peg that, boys. [47:35.26] [47:35.66]测绘出一条横穿山脊并通过山顶的路线 Plotting a path across ridges and through mountain summits, [47:39.99]修建这段铁路是那个世纪最大的工程挑战 building it will be the engineering challenge of the century. [47:43.45]好的 做个标记 Yup, let's mark that. [47:44.45] [47:45.21]这是一项成就空前的伟大创举 This is the most magnificent project ever conceived. [47:49.26]这项工程对于美国人意义重大 An enterprise more important [47:50.99] [47:51.00]其他工程完全不可同日而语 to the people of the United States than any other. [47:54.03]铁路终将被建成 The railroad will be built, [47:55.74]而我也为之出了一把力 and I will have something to do with it. [47:58.53] [47:58.69]美国人崇尚一种 Americans love someone who can go through [48:02.16]克服一切困难 冲破万难 seemingly difficult or impossible things, [48:04.53] [48:02.73]梅莉莎·埃瑟里奇 [歌手 作曲家] [48:06.62] [48:04.53]最终实现梦想的精神 and make their dreams happen. [48:08.20] [48:08.58]犹大的路线得到认可后 With Judah's route approved, [48:11.24]两家公司开始合作 two companies begin work. [48:12.58] [48:12.76]联合太平洋铁路公司从东边的奥马哈开始 The Union Pacific starts from O [48:16.33] [48:17.03]而中央太平洋铁路公司 the Central Pacific [48:18.71]则从西边的萨克拉门托开始 from Sacramento in the west. [48:20.77] [48:21.12]最终在犹他州会师 They'll meet in Utah. [48:23.66] [48:24.72]工程造价相当于现在的 20 亿美元 It'll cost over $2 billion in modern money, [48:28.04] [48:28.64]但政府却没有足够的资金 but the government doesn't have enough cash. [48:31.28] [48:31.89]所以用联邦土地作为报酬 支付给两家公司 It pays the companies in federal land. [48:35.10] [48:37.13]但规定需在 15 年内完工 否则将分文不给 They must finish in 15 years or lose everything. [48:41.78]我们在这个国家学习到 We have learned in this country, [48:43.25] [48:43.96]布鲁斯·詹纳 [田径运动员 奥运会十项全能冠军] [48:46.55] [48:43.25]没有冒险精神的人将寸步难行 you don't get anywhere in life if you don't take risks. [48:46.51]我认为美国之所以 I think America is by far [48:48.36]在很多领域都名列前茅 the shining light of the world in so many ways [48:50.76]就在于我们敢于承担风险 because we are risk takers. [48:53.23] [48:53.40]按英里计费 多造弯道显然能多赚钱 Paid by the mile, adding curve adds profit. [48:57.23]利欲熏心的公司为多得土地 无所不用其极 Corrupt investors built the railroad for every cent they can, [49:01.17]修建一条 9 英里的弯道 a nine mile curve [49:02.98]就意味着能多得 120 英亩联邦土地 means an extra 120 acres of federal land, [49:06.37]照此下去 他们相当于拥有了 and they'll end up owning [49:07.89]面积堪比德克萨斯州的土地 an area the size of Texas. [49:10.17] [49:10.46]首先他们需要征服唐纳之路 First they must conquer the Donner Pass. [49:14.09]高达 7500 英尺 是犹大路线中的最高点 7500 feet up, the highest Judah's route. [49:19.10] [49:19.15]每个冬天 积雪深达 30 英尺 Cursed by 30 feet o of snow each winter. [49:22.84] [49:23.08]雪崩等惨剧时有发生 Avalanches, tragedy. [49:26.71] [49:28.13]就在仅仅 20 年前 Here just 20 years earlier, [49:30.22]唐纳一行受困于暴风雪之中 the Donner Party became trapped in the snow [49:33.32] [49:33.70]最后只得食人 and ate each other. [49:35.42] [49:36.33] 由 于 犹 大 的 铁 路 直 接 贯 穿 山 脉 Now Judah's railroad cuts right through the mountain, [49:39.98] [49:42.11]需要挖掘 1649 英尺深的石头 1649 feet of rock must be excavated, [49:46.91]才能成就这条线路上最长的隧道 the longest tunnel on the route. [49:49.24] [49:49.68]中国工人夜以继日地开凿 Chinese laborers dig day and night. [49:52.68] [49:53.56]从中国运来劳工 It's easier to ship workers from China [49:56.20] [49:56.32]比在美国大陆招募工人容易得多 than to get Americans across the continent. [49:58.80]铁路大王说 The railroad magnets said, [50:01.24]中国人建造了长城 不是吗 &The Chinese built a g great wall, didn't they? [50:03.83] [50:01.19]埃尔·卡玛里罗 [斯坦福大学教授] [50:03.54] [50:04.41]那我们就招募中国人来施工 Let's bring the Chinese in to do this work.& [50:07.35] [50:08.63]超过 10000 名中国工人 Over 10,000 Chinese laborers [50:10.73]在最凶险的环境中工作 工资反而更少 earn less and do the deadliest jobs. [50:13.95]这条横贯大陆的铁路是中国工人修建的 The transcontinental railroad was built by Chinese workers [50:15.76]他们被专门引进来建这条铁路 brought over specifically to work on the railroad, [50:20.22] [50:16.60]玛格丽特·周 [喜剧演员] [50:20.35] [50:20.22]他们的待遇 可以说是比牲口好不到哪去 and they were considered somewhere in between human and animal. [50:24.57]没人指望他们能够生还 They were not expected to survive. [50:26.30]他们的命运就是死在工地上 They were expected to come here and work and die. [50:28.75] [50:31.32]背井离乡 7000 英里 7,000 miles from home, [50:33.69] [50:33.75]对于 17 岁的洪雷沃来说 17-year-old Hung Leiwo [50:36.63] [50:37.23]他在广东捉襟见肘的生活变成 swaps a life in poverty in Canton [50:40.09]修建工地上每日筋疲力竭的工作 for a back-breaking work on the railroad gang. [50:43.74] [50:44.86]洪雷沃必须使出全力来开凿岩石 Hung Leiwo must cut through granite so tough, [50:48.53]才能使大脚趾般大的石头 a rock the size of a big toe [50:50.55]足以承受重达 50 吨的火车头 will support 50 tons of locomotive. [50:53.59] [50:53.86]工程的进展变得异常缓慢 Progress slows to inches a day. [50:56.65] [50:56.90]想要有所突破 就得用炸药 To breakthrough, they need nitroglycerin, [51:00.35] [51:00.47]但是运输炸药是违禁的 but transporting it is banned [51:02.58]因为它的威力能把 15 个人炸得血肉横飞 when 15 men are blown to pieces. [51:05.76] [51:06.41]在一个移动实验室中 In a mobile lab, [51:07.84]苏格兰化学家詹姆斯·霍顿 Scottish chemist James Houghton [51:11.21]现场配制炸药 mixes it on the spot. [51:12.22] [51:13.45]炸药的威力是普通火药的 13 倍多 Nitroglycerin is 13 times more powerful than gun powder. [51:18.07] [51:18.29]但它非常不稳定 So unstable. [51:19.97]任何震动 都可能导致它当场爆炸 Any physical shock, and it will explode in his hand. [51:24.14] [51:24.16]霍顿的工作高风险高回报 Houghton gets hazard pay. [51:26.65] [51:26.85]每月收入相当于现在的 4000 美元 $4,000 a month in modern money. [51:30.44] [51:30.58]在山里面待了三个月后 他开始酗酒 After three months in the mountains, he turns to drink, [51:34.79] [51:34.85]把配制炸药的工作扔给洪雷沃这样的中国人 leaving the nitro to Chinese men like Hung Leiwo, [51:38.91] [51:39.44]爱尔兰工人则避之不及 Irish crews won't touch it. [51:42.33] [51:44.11]爆炸会使温度飙升至 9000 华氏度 Detonation creates temperatures of 9,000 degrees. [51:47.96]和太阳表面温度一样高 It's hot as the surface of the sun. [51:51.74] [52:51.93]大约有 1500 名中国工人 An estimated 1500 Chinese [52:54.17] [52:54.18]死于爆炸和岩石塌方 die in explosions and rock slides. [52:57.34] [53:02.03]洪雷沃得以幸存 Hung Leiwo survives. [53:04.32] [53:04.62]他的儿子成了第一位 His son will be the first Chinese-American [53:07.97]毕业于加州大学伯克利分校 to graduate an engineering [53:09.66]工程专业的美籍华人 from the University of California at Berkeley. [53:12.81] [53:18.63]打通了山脉之后 Once through the mountains, [53:20.30]火车轨道的铺设速度大大加快 track laying accelerates [53:21.81]从每天 10 英寸提高到每天 6 英里 from 10 inches to 6 miles a day. [53:25.34] [53:27.78]每个道钉钉 3 下 Each spike is struck 3 times. [53:30.30] [53:31.54]每节铁轨 10 个道钉 10 spikes to a rail. [53:33.58] [53:34.73]每英里有 400 节铁轨 400 rails a mile. [53:36.81] [53:38.89]需要挥舞 2100 万下榔头 铁路才能完工 21 Million hammer swings complete the railroad. [53:43.19] [53:45.30]1869 年 5 月 10 日 May 10th, 1869. [53:48.22] [53:48.38]电报传来一条只有一个词的消息 A one word message arrives by telegraph: [53:51.81] [53:51.84]完工 &Done&. [53:53.33] [53:54.95]从前横穿大陆要 6 个月 A six-month journey across the continent [53:57.52]现在缩减为 6 天 is cut to 6 days. [53:59.83] [54:00.47]从前人们得押上全副身家才能加入西进的马车队 The folks would once had to risk everything in a wagon train. [54:05.83] [54:06.12]如今再也用不上了 That is eliminated. [54:07.90]你现在可以坐上火车 You can now can get on the railroad [54:10.78]从波士顿一直坐到萨克拉门托 and travel from Boston to Sacramento. [54:12.94]这就是革命 That's a revolution. [54:14.66] [54:17.39]贯穿大陆的铁路网 The Internet of the area, the transcontinental railroad, [54:21.70] [54:21.71]改变了沿途的一切 changes everything it touches, [54:23.65] [54:24.07]给大平原带来了大量的移民 triggering a mass migration to the Great Plains [54:27.45] [54:35.77]蒸汽火车征服了整个大平原 The Great Plains conquered by steel and steam. [54:40.92] [54:46.56]横贯大陆的铁路 The transcontinental railroad [54:48.43]为沿途的荒芜地区带来了文明 threads a thin line of civilization through the wilderness. [54:52.37] [54:53.17]随之而来的是人口 People follow. [54:54.84] [54:55.26]仅仅一年里 In just one year, [54:56.63]40000 移民奔向内布拉斯加州 40,000 settlers move to Nebraska, [55:00.15]他们乘坐的马车奔向内陆的四面八方 fanning out across the frontier in wagon trains. [55:04.04] [55:04.74]从 19 世纪中叶到 19 世纪末 When in the mid-19th century to the late 19th century, [55:09.60] [55:05.43]汤姆·布罗考 [原 NBC 新闻主播] [55:09.26] [55:09.60]他们离开家乡定居在 they went out and settled [55:11.33]一些不适合人类居住的恶劣环境 some hostile territory known to mankind. [55:14.98]我就是在大平原长大的 The Great Plain where I grew up. [55:17.09] [55:17.49]他们是真正的先驱 These were true pioneers. [55:19.83]政府慷慨的土地给予政策 The government accelerates the process [55:21.89]又加速了这一进程 with the greatest land giveaway in history. [55:24.95] [55:25.50]任何人只要花 10 美元的登记费 Anyone with a $10 filing fee [55:28.22]就可以得到免费的土地 can claim free land. [55:30.31] [55:30.45]其中四分之一是单身女性和昔日的奴隶 A quarter are single women and ex-slaves. [55:34.30] [55:34.37]当你看到 绝望的人们 When you see the desperate scramble [55:36.27]争相挤上颠簸的四轮马车 in these rickety wagon trains, [55:38.60] [55:39.07]你会意识到美国的未来寄托在土地之上 you realize that promise of America was land. [55:42.53] [55:40.05]小亨利·路易斯·盖茨 [哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长] [55:42.53] [55:42.54]就算再过一百万年 These are people who never in a million years [55:46.10] [55:46.48]这些人也不可能在纽约州拥有土地 would be a able own land in New York. [55:48.36] [55:49.71]最终 美国 10%的土地 Eventually 10% of the United States [55:53.25] [55:53.28]根据《宅地法》被分配了出去 will be given away under the Homestead Act. [55:56.16] [55:57.59]我绝不回印第安纳租地种 I'm not going back to Indiana to rent [55:59.55]除非我分文不剩 不得不走回去 until I bust entirely and have to walk back. [56:02.58] [56:03.47]内战老兵乌利亚·奥布林格 Uriah Oblinger, Civil War vet [56:06.64]在内布拉斯加州得到了他的 160 英亩地 claims his 160 acres in Nebraska. [56:10.25] [56:10.32]但遇到了麻烦 There's a catch. [56:12.06] [56:12.51]夏季华氏 110 度的高温引发了草原大火 110 degrees summers spark prairie fires. [56:16.77] [56:17.72]平原上的树木因为干旱无法存活 Trees can't survive the drought on the plains. [56:21.11] [56:22.73]雨水稀少 只有草可以存活 There's so little rain, nothing grows here but grass. [56:26.94] [56:27.82]由于缺乏造房子用的木材 Without lumber to build houses, [56:29.86]新居民就只能住在泥屋中 the new inhabitants live in mud huts. [56:32.96] [56:33.11]泥屋由平原上割下的茅草建造而成 Built of sod, cut from the plains. [56:36.46] [56:36.47]乌利亚把马车拆了 用来做门窗 Uriah dismantles his wagon to make doors and windows. [56:40.89] [56:41.65]他们饱受蚊虫的滋扰 They often had insects. [56:44.53]还有蛇不请自来 They invited snakes. [56:46.42] [56:46.14]H.W.布兰茨 [德克萨斯大学教授] [56:49.50] [56:46.43]这跟住在洞里没什么两样 It was pretty much like living in a burrow in the ground. [56:51.69] [56:52.00]我想先驱们的生活确实很苦 I think the pioneers did have it hard. [56:54.73]他们保守而节俭 They conserved. They were frugal. [56:57.07] [56:57.67]玛莎·斯图尔特 [著名女企业家 有&家政女王&之称] [57:00.45] [56:57.07]一件衣服可以穿很长时间 One dress lasted a long long time. [57:00.48] [57:00.49]对乌利亚的妻子马蒂来说 这些都是值得的 For Uriah's wife Mattie, it's a price worth paying. [57:03.97]你可能会觉得我们生活得很凄苦 I expect you think we live miserable [57:06.37]因为我们住的是茅草搭建的泥屋 because we are in a sod house. [57:08.17]但说实在的 我觉得再没地方比这里好 But I'll tell you, in solid earnest, I never enjoyed myself better. [57:12.76]每一滴汗都为自己流 Every liquid we strike is for ourselves [57:14.86] [57:15.13]没被别人榨取一分一毫 and not half of someone else's. [57:17.76]奥布林格一家虔诚的信念 每天都在经受考验 The devout Oblingers face daily tests of their faith. [57:22.10] [57:23.04]由于没有山脉阻挡强风 With no mountains to stop the wind, [57:25.29]大平原成为了大雷雨的多发地带 the Great Plains are a breeding ground for massive thunder storms. [57:29.68] [57:31.13]这里最难对付的天气就是大风天 The most objection I have to the weather here is the wind. [57:35.09]冬春两季大风尤其频繁 There's a great deal of it during the winter and spring, [57:38.01]由于沿路没有阻挡 威力就更强了 and being nothing to break it, one feels it more. [57:41.34]别走远 亲爱的 Not too far, honey. [57:42.34] [57:44.50]奥布林格一家住在龙卷风多发带 The Oblingers live in tornado alley. [57:47.30] [57:49.06]这个地区的龙卷风 More twisters in this region [57:50.63] [57:50.64]比地球上其他任何地方都多 than anywhere else on earth. [57:53.21] [57:53.97]亲爱的 Honey! [57:56.43] [57:59.04]每年 400 多轮龙卷风过境 Over 400 touch down every year [58:02.18] [58:08.12]要是谁说在印第安纳却从没见过龙卷风 Tell the folks they never seen a storm in Indianna, [58:10.99] [58:11.71]绝对是开玩笑 only playthings. [58:13.40] [58:16.89]时速 200 英里的大风卷成漩涡 200 miles an hour winds spin into a vortex, [58:21.01] [58:23.23]吸进空气以及未能深植于大地的一切 sucking in air and anything not bolted down. [58:27.36] [58:27.91]1930 年 有个人在堪萨斯被风吹走了一英里 In 1930, a man is carried a mile across the Kansas, [58:32.90] [58:32.92]鱼和蟾蜍从天而降 fish and toads rain from the sky. [58:36.28] [58:37.59]奥布林格一家蜷缩在他们结实的茅屋中 The Oblingers hunker down in their heavy sod house, [58:41.26] [58:44.30]坚守着这份来之不易的独立 clinging to their new found independence. [58:47.55] [58:50.10]我认为我们的民族是 I think that we're a nation of people descended [58:52.53]坚强的老傻瓜和老女人的后代 from tough old coots and tough old broads. [58:55.13] [58:54.54]珍妮特·沃尔斯 [著名作家] [58:56.71] [58:55.13]我说这话时心怀无限敬意 And I say that with great admiration. [58:57.44]他们只是想要主导自己的未来 They just wanted to control their own future, [59:00.47]想让下一代能够掌握自己的命运 and to have children who could control their own destiny, [59:04.98] [59:07.71]奥布林格一家遭遇的圣经所说的考验 还不止龙卷风 Tornadoes aren't the only biblical challenge the Oblingers face. [59:12.35] [59:12.89]在落基山下的河畔 By the river of Rockies, [59:15.00] [59:15.02]世界末日 正悄然逼近 the end of the world, it's brewing. [59:17.71] [59:18.30]一个古老物种的出现 A prehistoric species emerges to [59:21.03]将大平原的人们逼向绝境 battle for the Great Plains. [59:23.37] [59:25.29]蝗虫 Locusts. [59:26.91] [59:28.80]将当地植物祸害一空后 After devouring the local vegetation, [59:31.26]又释放出信息素 作为继续前进的信号 they released pheromones that signal it's time to move on. [59:34.97] [59:36.76]它们翅膀很长 They grow long wings. [59:38.80] [59:39.00]这些害虫们顶风向东 These worms head east on the wind. [59:42.00] [59:42.01]聚集在大平原上 形成了大规模蝗灾 They join up over the Great Plains and become a plague. [59:46.14] [59:48.47]仅 1874 一年 就毁掉了西部一半的收成 In 1874, they devour half of the crops in the West. [59:53.08] [59:53.36]三万亿蝗虫 Three trillion locusts. [59:55.61] [59:57.00]聚集成半英里高 100 英里宽 Half a mile high, 100 miles wide. [00:00.88]长达 1000 英里 相当于科罗拉多州的面积 1,000 miles long, as big as Colorado. [00:05.22] [00:05.26]遮天蔽日 They block out the sun. [00:07.34]这是农业的末日浩劫 Agricultural Armageddon. [00:09.60] [00:14.59]在乌利亚等人看来 蝗灾是上帝的惩罚 To men like Uriah, the locust are the wrath of God. [00:19.23] [00:22.37]1892 年 By 1892, [00:24.14]内布拉斯加州西部有一半人口向东回迁 half the population of western Nebraska goes east. [00:28.43] [00:33.06]而乌利亚坚守了下来 Uriah stays. [00:34.95] [00:35.06]想在这个国家有所成就 就得勇敢过人 You have to be brave in order to achieve in this country. [00:37.33] [00:37.34]因为在这里 一切都得靠自己 because nothing is set right there for you. [00:39.65] [00:38.24]迈克尔·斯特拉汉 [前美国橄榄球联赛球星] [00:41.62] [00:39.65]生存就是一场冒险 You have to take chances. [00:41.62]我认为 勇敢也好 畏惧也罢 And I think bravery and fear are the same things. [00:45.43]只是面对相同感受的不同反应而已 It's just a matter of how you react to that same feeling. [00:49.12] [00:49.26]坚持下来的人是幸运的 Those who stick it out get lucky. [00:52.23] [00:54.47]此后不到 30 年 这里的蝗虫绝迹了 Within 30 years, the locust is extinct. [00:58.17] [00:59.04]落基山脚下肥沃的土地 It's breeding grounds in the Rockies [01:01.02]任由像乌利亚一样的移民们开垦 plowed over by settlers like Uriah. [01:03.98] [01:06.48]此后的 10 年间 In 10 years, [01:07.42]大平原成了整个国家的粮仓 the Great Plains become the bread basket of the country. [01:11.18] [01:11.59]美国第一次实现了粮食自给 For the first time, America can feed itself. [01:15.55] [01:15.87]如今 这里的小麦年产量已达 5000 万吨 Today 50 million tons of wheat is farmed each year, [01:20.47] [01:20.49]但树木依然稀少 but trees are still scarce, [01:22.99]为建造城镇 移民们急需木材 and to build towns settlers need wood. [01:26.72] [01:30.78]在密歇根 威斯康星与明尼苏达 In Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, [01:33.52]伐木工人们砍掉了整整 5000 万英亩森林 loggers harvest over 50 million acres of trees. [01:37.31] [01:39.02]绿色的金子 Green gold. [01:40.80] [01:41.72]如磁铁一般 吸引着斯堪的纳维亚樵夫 A magnet for Scandinavian woodsmen. [01:45.21] [01:48.48]从 1825 年到 1925 年 这一百年间 Between 1825 and 1925, [01:51.59]挪威总人口的三分之一来到美国 a third of Norway's entire population comes to America. [01:55.71]尼尔斯·豪根便是其中一员 including Nils Haugen. [01:58.61] [01:58.77]当时的薪水是每天 3 美元 The pay was $3 a day. [02:01.09]每个人都要准备一双结实的靴子 You had to have a good pair of driving boots [02:03.55]密不渗水 以便能踩在漂浮的原木上 well caulked to be able to keep on top of the logs. [02:07.22] [02:07.53]事关百万美金的生意 There's millions of dollars at stake. [02:09.96] [02:09.97]如果木材不能顺流而下 城镇便无法建造 If the flow of logs stops, towns can't be built. [02:15.06] [02:16.44]原木阻塞是河工们的噩梦 Log jams. River man's ruin. [02:19.85]1886 年 In 1886, [02:21.32]可建两万所房屋的松木 pines to build 20,000 homes [02:24.49] [02:24.50]堵在了圣克罗伊河上 get stopped on the St.Croix River. [02:26.61] [02:26.94]1.5 亿英尺的木材 150 Million feet of wood. [02:29.83] [02:32.52]只要移开关键部位的木材 Remove the right log, [02:34.07]其余的便会奔流而下 and the rest will explode downstream. [02:37.16] [02:39.22]类似的排障过程中 有些河工失去了生命 Rivermen die clearing the obstructions like this. [02:43.15] [02:58.87]1892 年 In 1892, [03:00.67]仅威斯康星一州就砍伐了 20 亿英尺木材 2 billion feet of lumber will be cut in Wisconsin alone. [03:05.07] [03:10.31]木材经由铁路运往各地 促进西部建设繁荣 The railroad feeds lumber into the West's construction boom. [03:14.07] [03:17.63]城镇如雨后春笋般发展起来 Towns are built so fast, [03:19.31]人们甚至无暇为街道命名 there's no time to name streets. [03:21.99]代之以字母或序号 They're given letters and numbers. [03:24.54] [03:28.72]大平原上还栖息着 The Great Plains is also home to [03:31.82]世界上大型野生哺乳动物中数量最多的一种 the most numerous species of large wild mammal on earth. [03:35.18] [03:36.64]3000 万头美洲野牛 30 million buffalo, [03:38.85] [03:41.77]集结成长达 25 英里的牛群 herds up to 25 miles long, [03:43.72]向夏季的繁殖地狂奔 race to summer breeding grounds. [03:46.29] [03:48.90]却不幸与现代世界迎面相撞 On a collision course with the modern world. [03:52.16] [03:57.21]铁路把新一代的猎手带到了大平原 The railroad brings a new kind of hunter to the Great Plains. [04:01.12] [04:02.37]在利益的驱使下 Driven by profit, [04:04.12] [04:04.73]刚刚经过内战的洗礼 fresh from the carnage of the Civil War. [04:07.72] [04:12.56]200 万支来福枪触手可及 Two million rifles are in circulation. [04:15.47] [04:17.18]这让 100 万训练有素的退伍军人 Over a million veterans trained to use them [04:20.37] [04:20.68]有了新的标靶 have a new target in their sights. [04:22.98] [04:24.33]法兰克·梅尔 内战退伍军人 Frank Mayer, Civil War vet. [04:27.30] [04:27.41]野牛猎手 Buffalo hunter. [04:29.17] [04:30.93]在现代文明中 我没有任何用武之地 I had nothing to look forward to in civilization. [04:33.91] [04:34.34]我对枪异常痴迷 I was crazy about guns. [04:36.26] [04:38.77]梅尔追踪着这些足有 2000 磅重的野牛 Mayer tracks 2,000 pound buffalo, [04:41.68] [04:42.94]每一头都能轻易将人碾碎 easily capable of crushing a man. [04:45.75] [04:46.79]他在 200 码[约 182 米]外狙击 He picks them off from 200 yards [04:49.41] [04:51.64]只要你能够杀死它 If you could kill them, [04:52.99]它身上的一切尽归你所有 what they brought was yours. [04:55.72]它们就是活生生的金子 They were walking gold pieces. [04:57.68] [04:58.28]猎人射杀野牛只为谋求牛皮 Hunters harvest the buffalo for its hide. [05:01.06] [05:02.18]1872 年 In 1872, [05:03.98]只从堪萨斯一地就运出了 100 万张牛皮 they ship over one million out of Kansas alone, [05:07.20] [05:08.01]在东海岸 每张可卖到 3 美元 worth $3 a piece back East. [05:10.86]运气好时 梅尔的收入甚至高过总统 On a good day, Mayer earns more than the President. [05:14.74] [05:19.21]工厂用长而强韧的长条牛皮作为牵引带 Factories use long strong strips of buffalo leather as drag belts [05:23.84] [05:29.03]小块的皮则做成衣服和鞋 Small pieces become coats and shoes. [05:31.80] [05:33.91]为满足大量需求 To meet demand, [05:35.22] [05:35.23]猎人们为获取牛皮每天射杀 8000 头水牛 hunters kill 8,000 buffalo a day for their hides alone. [05:39.50]在白人看来 这是大势所趋 For America, this is progress, [05:41.26]因为这就是利用自然资源 because this is a natural resource. [05:43.13] [05:44.35]但在印第安人看来 From the Indian's perspective, [05:45.86] [05:45.20]埃尔·卡玛里罗 [斯坦福大学教授] [05:47.20] [05:45.86]他们完全不理解 they couldn't understand [05:48.20]白人为什么这样做 what the white people were doing. [05:50.27] [05:50.30]但当然 他们知道如此大量屠杀野牛 But, of course, they knew that the decimation of those [05:53.54]必将永久地改变他们的命运 buffalo herds would change their lives forever. [05:57.18] [05:57.65]大平原上的印第安人 The Plain Indians [05:58.92]靠野牛生存 将其奉为神物崇拜 depend on the buffalo and worship them. [06:01.63] [06:02.62]野牛是我们的力量之源 The buffalo were our strength from whence we came, [06:06.12]同时也是哺育我们的母亲 and whose breast we suck as babies all our lives. [06:09.80] [06:10.44]猎人们乘火车到来时 巴拉克·艾尔克年仅 6 岁 Black Elk is 6 years old when the railroad arrives. [06:14.07] [06:14.87]与白人猎手们不同 Unlike the white hunters, [06:16.76] [06:16.99]他的族人非常讲究物尽其用 his people waste none of their kill. [06:19.80] [06:20.07]筋腱做成弓弦 Sinews become bow strings. [06:23.07] [06:24.11]骨头用作器皿 Bones are cups and spoons. [06:26.55] [06:26.97]牛皮做成衣物 帐篷或是棺椁 Skin is clothing, tepees and coffins. [06:32.10] [06:32.66]印第安人与野牛 自冰河时期以来共存 Native Americans and buffalos have co-existed since the last ice age. [06:38.03] [06:40.00]巴拉克·艾尔克的祖先曾徒步捕猎野牛 Black Elk's ancestors hunted them on foot. [06:44.11] [06:44.95]那时没有马可骑 There were no horses to ride. [06:47.32] [06:50.02]现代的马并不是北美当地物种 The modern horse isn't native to North America. [06:53.26]而是西班牙征服者 1493 年从欧洲带来的 Spanish conquistadors brought them from Europe in 1493, [06:58.10] [06:58.34]有些马匹逃到了大平原 Some escaped to the Great Plains. [07:00.87]这里是马匹的完美栖息地 Perfect horse habitat. [07:03.06] [07:03.56]经过 400 年的繁衍生息 400 years later, [07:05.62]此时在草原上驰骋的野马已过百万 over a million mustangs run wild. [07:08.19] [07:09.21]驯化的马匹彻底改变了 Taming horses transformed [07:10.82]大平原上印第安人的生活 the life of the Plains Indian. [07:13.09] [07:14.06]他们成为了专业骑手 They become expert horsemen. [07:16.61] [07:25.95]狩猎口号由此兴起 The battle cry went up. [07:27.39] [07:27.45]当喊道&Hokahey& 意为攻击 Hokahey! Which means &to charge.& [07:30.35]猎手们便一齐蜂拥而上 射杀猎物 and the hunters went in for the kill. [07:33.25] [07:33.78]在马背上 弓箭是最佳武器 On horse back, the bow is the weapon of choice. [07:37.16] [07:39.19]枪支重新装弹所用的的时间 And the time it takes to reload a gun, [07:41.56] [07:43.24]足够一名战士策马狂奔 300 码 a warrior can ride 300 yards, [07:46.29] [07:46.63]张弓发箭 20 支 and fire 20 arrows. [07:48.99] [07:50.13]野牛奔跑时速高达 35 英里 Buffalo can run at 35 miles an hour. [07:53.30] [07:56.74]狩猎范围方圆几百英里 时间长达数日 Hunts cover hundreds of miles over many days. [08:00.63] [08:01.70]射死一头野牛需要 15 支箭 It can take 15 arrows to kill a buffalo. [08:05.21] [08:06.01]而像法兰克·梅尔这样的白人猎手 只需子弹一发 White hunters like Frank Mayer use a single cartridge. [08:10.47] [08:12.02]对准肺部 He aims for the lungs. [08:14.13] [08:16.41]干净利落地放倒一头牛 disturbing the herd. [08:21.20] 丝毫不曾惊动牛群 A clean kill drops a buffalo without[08:25.81]短短十几年 3000 万头野牛死在枪口下 30 Million are killed in a little over a decade. [08:29.48] [08:30.72]在猎手剥下牛皮之后 After hunters take the hides, [08:32.83] [08:33.48]火车载着工人接踵而至 拉走剩下的残骸 train loads of men arrive to pick their carcasses. [08:36.97] [08:38.01]他们利用牛骨做扣子 They make buttons from bones [08:40.47] [08:40.53]把骨架打磨成粉用作肥料或是制作瓷器 and grind down skeletons for fertilizer and porcelain. [08:44.78] [08:48.81]原住民靠天吃饭赖地穿衣的日子一去不复返了 The primary resource keeping Native Americans alive is gone. [08:54.17]面对着灭顶的饥荒 他们被迫迁往保留地 Facing starvation, they're forced on to reservations. [08:57.95] [08:57.96]我的曾曾祖母 巨鹰太祖 My great-great-grandmother, Grandma Big Eagle [09:00.70] 罗伯特·沃里尔 [伊利诺伊大学] [09:02.93] [09:00.70]在捕猎野牛时代终结时还活着 was alive when buffalo hunting ended. [09:04.97]他们挥别的不仅是赖以生存的食物 They weren't just saying good-bye to kind of food stuff. [09:08.30]同时也是在挥别整个种族的生存方式 They were saying good-bye to a way of being in the world. [09:13.40]我想 当他们回顾那段历史时 I think for them to look back on that [09:16.13] [09:17.09]只会是难以言表的悲愤 was just unspeakably sad. [09:19.64] [09:25.35]1889 年 In 1889, [09:27.03]全美仅存 85 头野牛 just 85 wild buffalo exist in the whole United States. [09:32.59] [09:33.40]人类驾着铁骑 The men who ride the great iron horse [09:35.09]践踏着自然 征服着每一寸荒野 are taming the wilderness. [09:38.25] [09:38.46]铁路 The railroad [09:39.47] [09:39.48]把新时代美国的另一标志烙在了大平原上 will bring another modern American icon to the Great Plains. [09:43.67] [09:54.32]他们是最后的开拓者 The last of the great frontier's man. [09:56.97] [10:05.92]1865 年 1865. [10:08.20] [10:08.64]内战使得东海岸经济千疮百孔 The Civil War leaves cities on the Eastern Seaboard [10:12.36]物资严重匮乏 stripped the resources. [10:13.67] [10:15.74]另一方面 激增的人口需要大量食物供给 The country's booming population needs food. [10:19.64] [10:22.75]德克萨斯州 拥有 600 万头野牛 In Texas, over 6 million cattle roam wild [10:27.01] [10:29.71]此地只值 4 美元一头 worth $4 a head here, [10:32.01]但在东海岸 却能卖到 40 美元 but back East they're worth 40. [10:35.05] [10:38.64]到了 1868 年 从东海岸延伸过来的铁路 By 1868, the railroad spreads from the East, [10:42.35]已贯穿堪萨斯 但仍未通到德克萨斯 crossing Kansas, but it hasn't reached Texas. [10:46.16] [10:46.34]西部仍有 1000 英里蛮荒之地 There's still 1,000 miles of Wild West [10:49.24]横亘在牧群与铁路之间 between the herds and the railroad. [10:51.58]赶牛的任务应运而生 For that kind of cattle drive, [10:53.38]美利坚需要新一代的英雄 America needs a new kind of hero. [10:56.30] [10:58.30]牛仔 The cowboy. [10:59.30] [11:03.54]内战结束后 After the Civil War, [11:04.84]六成南方农民忍受着贫困的煎熬 60% of the South's population lives in rural poverty. [11:09.29] [11:14.01]为了生计 In search of work, [11:15.27]人们向西进发开始了新一轮冒险 a new kind of adventurer heads west [11:17.43]到阿比林 威奇托和道奇城等有牛的城市谋生 to cattle towns like Abilene, Wichita and Dodge City. [11:22.50] [11:24.68]泰迪· 布鲁· 艾伯特便是跋涉至德克萨斯的农工之一 One farmhand heading to Texas is Teddy Blue Abbott. [11:29.66] [11:32.58]年仅 23 岁的泰迪·布鲁 23-year-old Teddy Blue [11:34.32]是内布拉斯加州一个自耕农的儿子 is the son of a Nebraska homesteader. [11:37.29] [11:37.84]我父亲想把我拴在家里 My father wanted to tie me down [11:40.01]乖乖接班做农民 and make a farmer out of me. [11:41.65] [11:41.76]绝不可能 Never. [11:43.21] [11:43.55]我从家里逃出来 开始了牛仔生涯 I ran away from home to become a cowboy. [11:46.30] [11:48.83]牛仔是一种独立精神的体现 The cowboy mentality is a spirit of individuals. [11:52.45] [11:50.44]比尔·理查德森 [新墨西哥州州长] [11:52.09] [11:56.29]我和大地相连 和我的马相依为命 I have a communion with land, with my horse. [12:00.27] [12:01.52]它象征着对于强权的反抗 It symbolizes of a resistance to the authority. [12:05.73] [12:08.02]35000 名牛仔将牛群赶到 Teddy Blue is one of 35,000 cowboys [12:11.28]堪萨斯州的铁路上 泰迪·布鲁便是其一 who will drive cattle to the railroad in Kansas. [12:14.58] [12:19.37]他们将要面对的 是绵延 1000 英里的西部荒野 Standing in their way, 1,000 miles of untamed West, [12:24.09] [12:24.44]极度险峻的地形 和成群结伙的山贼 unforgiving terrain and gangs of ruslters. [12:29.38] [12:34.76]虽然日薪只一美元 For only $1 a day, [12:36.66]但要求牛仔不仅要骑技高超 cowboys must be skilled horsemen [12:39.43]还要熟知牛的习性 and cattle wranglers. [12:41.01] [12:46.00]套索的使用 可追溯到古埃及 The lasso dates back to the ancient Egyptians. [12:49.66] [12:49.76]墨西哥的牧场工人沿用数百年 Mexican ranchers have been using them for centuries [12:52.84] [12:53.06]并将此技术传授给了北方边境的牛仔 and pass their skills on to cowboys north of the border. [12:57.03] [12:59.67]1493 年 西班牙人将家牛引进美国 Cattle brought over by the Spanish in .20]与英国移民所带来的乳牛杂交后 had bred with settlers' cows from England [13:06.02]培育出了一个新品种 德克萨斯长角牛 breeding a new breed, the Texas Longhorn. [13:09.70] [13:12.30]在大平原上繁衍了数百年 After centuries roaming the plains, [13:14.39]这些牛难以驯服 易受惊吓 they're wild and easily spooked. [13:17.37] [13:17.90]泰迪·布鲁听到了会令所有牛仔胆寒的声音 Teddy Blue hears what every cowboy dreads. [13:21.10] [13:24.14]惊跑 Stampede. [13:24.93] [13:45.55]在 4 趟赶牛中 Over four cattle drives, [13:47.56]泰迪·布鲁亲手埋葬了 3 个兄弟 Teddy Blue buries three pals. [13:52.27]此中艰辛 非常人所能承受 A tough job for tough man. [13:54.96] [14:01.61]牛仔中 西班牙裔与非裔美国人占了三分之一 One out of three cowboys is Hispanic or African-American. [14:06.06]内战结束后 After the Civil War, [14:07.52]数千重获自由的奴隶到德克萨斯州谋生 thousands of freed slaves head to Texas looking for work. [14:11.97] [14:12.11]其中一个是来自亚拉巴马的 23 岁的马特· 莱夫 One is a 23-year-old, from Alabama. Matt Love. [14:17.44] [14:21.38]他有生以来第一次能靠实力证明自己 It's his first chance to be judged for his skills, [14:24.79]而不再因自己的肤色 抬不起头 and not just the color of his skin. [14:26.94]伙伴们的心胸像草原一样开阔 The guys on the team were as broad-minded as the plains. [14:30.69] [14:31.06]这是每个人所持的信条 It's every creed for himself [14:33.59]也是使友谊常青的相处之道 and every friend for each other till the end. [14:37.41] [14:39.78]让很多人意想不到的是 Many of the cowboys, to the surprise of most of us, [14:42.89]很多牛仔是非裔美国人 happen to be African Americans. [14:44.94] [14:47.15] 小亨利·路易斯·盖茨 [哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长] [14:49.29] [14:44.94]黑人也有突破想象力极限的冲动 Black people had the dream of conquering the imagination [14:48.19] [14:48.20]这一点和白人一样 just like white people do. [14:50.29] [14:50.30]辽阔 野性 没有法律约束的西部 The West, vast, wild, lawless, [14:54.59]驰骋着总值达 20 万美元的牲畜 with herds worth up to $200,000. [14:57.57] [14:59.10]牛仔用他们的生命和枪支保卫牛群 Cowboys guard the cattle with their lives, and their guns. [15:05.62] [15:06.59]枪就是德州人生活的一部分 Guns are a way of life in Texas then and now. [15:11.17] [15:11.65]直至今天 德州人枪支持有数超过 5100 万 Even today, Texans own over 51 million firearms. [15:16.81] [15:18.04]它是美国文化和美国形象 It's very intrinsic to the American culture [15:20.89] [15:20.99] 珍妮特·沃尔斯 [著名作家] [15:22.72] [15:20.89]非常本质的一面 and the American identity. [15:22.70]我们手里总是拿着支手枪或来福枪 We always had a pistol or a rifle. [15:25.48] [15:25.55]并且我认为这体现了美国式的独立精神 And I think it's part of &Don't try to tell me what to do&. [15:28.81]&我要凭自己的力量击退我的敌人& &I'll fight off my enemies on my own.& [15:31.42] [15:31.82]牛仔用枪的首选 柯尔特点 45 The cowboy's gun of choice, the Colt 45. [15:35.61] [15:37.70]西部射击速度最快的手枪 The fastest handgun in the west. [15:40.21] [15:40.54]六弹连发 不用上膛 Six shots without reloading. [15:43.23] [15:43.47]柯尔特生产的枪支超过 3000 万 Colt produces over 30 million guns. [15:46.51] [15:48.28]其中最受欢迎的就是经典的点 45 The most popular being the iconic 45. [15:52.20] [15:52.21]1873 年 一支柯尔特点 45 售价 17 美元 In 1873, a Colt 45 cost $17, [15:56.85]相当于普通牛仔半个月的薪水 half a cowboy's monthly salary. [15:59.50] [15:59.96]六发子弹 Six rounds of bullets. [16:01.49]则相当于半天的工资 Half a day's pay. [16:03.54]拓荒者们常这样说 Frontier men would say, [16:05.05]如果说亚伯拉罕·林肯解放了所有人 Abraham Lincoln may have freed all men, [16:07.86] [16:07.87]那么实现人人平等的却是山姆·柯尔特 but Sam Colt made them equal. [16:10.81] [16:13.61]牛仔们要将 500 万头牛 Cowboys drive 5 million cattle [16:16.56]从德克萨斯一直赶到堪萨斯的铁路沿线 from Texas to the railroad in Kansas. [16:19.97] [16:19.98]这是美国历史上最大规模的家畜迁徙 The largest migration of livestock in US History. [16:24.10] [16:25.08]不过一个简单的发明 But one simple invention [16:27.04]很快将会对整个牛仔生活方式构成威胁 will soon threaten the cowboy's entire way of life. [16:31.88]铁丝网 Barbed wire. [16:32.90] [16:34.66]短短 20 年内 In just 20 years [16:36.46]250 万新移民蜂拥来到西部 two and a half million new settlers flood into the west. [16:41.04] [16:41.75]5 亿英亩的野牧场被辟为农场 New farms cover half a billion acres of open range. [16:45.54] [16:45.55]新的战斗初现端倪 A new battle rages. [16:47.98] [16:48.17]牛仔与自耕农之战 Cattle rancher versus homesteader. [16:51.01]像泰迪·布鲁这样的牛仔和耕种者之间 Cowboys like Teddy Blue and farmers are [16:54.64]冲突在所难免 on a collision course. [16:56.12] [16:56.13]他们在牛仔的赶牛沿线种有庄稼 They'd plant the crop next to the trail. [16:58.75] [16:58.79]一旦牛群踩进了麦田 When the cattle got into their wheat, [17:00.86]他们就会挥舞猎枪跳出来要求赔偿损失 they'd come out waving a shotgun yelling for damages. [17:04.50] [17:07.75]地界争端导致暴力冲突 常有人死亡 Boundary disputes are violent, often deadly. [17:11.72] [17:12.60]一名农夫下决心 One farmer is determined [17:14.18] [17:14.19]要找到一个花费少且行之有效的方法 to find a cheap and effective way [17:16.56]将牲畜挡在他的地界外 to keep livestock off his land. [17:19.09]他的名字叫约瑟夫·格利登 Joseph Glidden. [17:20.81]一谈及美国人的创新 When we think about innovation in America, [17:22.76] [17:23.18] 詹姆斯·梅格斯 [《大众机械》杂志主编] [17:26.36] [17:22.76]我们常常想到的是 we often think about [17:23.89]像阿波罗登月这样的宏大工程 a big audacious projects like the Apollo project, [17:27.72]但美国的创新还有另一种来源 but there's another strain to American innovation. [17:31.27]那就是平民发明家 That's the local inventor. [17:33.25]一个天资聪颖的人 凭着一股热情 An individual genius with some passion [17:35.75]在某个深夜脑子里突然蹦出 in the middle of the night coming up [17:37.47]一个伟大而具有革新性的想法 with that big transformative idea. [17:40.07] [17:40.13]1873 年秋天 格利登有了重大突破 In the fall of 1873, Glidden has a breakthrough. [17:44.72] [17:47.58]他用磨咖啡机大致地 Using a coffee grinder he crudely [17:50.04]拧出了一些钢丝刺 fashions some steel barbs. [17:52.22] [17:54.63]现在问题是 如何把它们固定好 His problem: how to secure them. [17:57.64] [17:57.81]格利登的方法是用铁刺连接两股钢丝 Glidden's solution: bind the barbs between two links of wire. [18:02.53] [18:03.86]他的设计使围篱的费用降低了 70% His design cuts the price of fencing by 70%. [18:08.26] [18:10.51]不到 10 年 Within 10 years, [18:11.86]格利登的销售收入足以支付 25 次环球旅行 Glidden sells enough to go around the world 25 times, [18:16.46] [18:17.08]大平原被分隔成不计其数的牧场和耕地 carving the Plains into countless ranches and farms [18:20.51] [18:21.44]放牧线路也被完全隔断 and blocking the cattle trails. [18:23.82] [18:24.36]没有围篱的开放牧场从此退出历史舞台 The open range is closed forever. [18:28.17] [18:28.47]单凭这样一个发明 This single invention [18:29.69] [18:31.53] H.W.布兰茨 [德克萨斯大学教授] [18:34.20] [18:29.69]就使西部垦荒的 made possible the settling of the west [18:32.34]速度和效率大大提高 much sooner and more efficiently [18:33.97]比采用其他方式来得更快更好 than it would have occurred otherwise. [18:36.69] [18:39.86]泰迪·布鲁最后一次赶着牛群来到了铁路 Teddy blue rides one of the last cattle drives to the railroad. [18:44.25] [18:44.84]牛仔们在开放大草原上的鼎盛时期 The heyday of the cowboy on the open range [18:47.63]只持续了不过 20 年 lasts only 20 years. [18:50.00] [18:51.59]大平原拓荒潮 But settling the Great Plains [18:53.24] [18:53.25]虽然标志着一种生活方式的结束 will mark the end of one way of life [18:56.49] [19:01.22]但同时也宣告着另一种生活的开始 and the birth of another. [19:03.61] [19:07.11]1876 年 1876, [19:08.89]针对印第安人的政策已经延续了一个世纪 a century of government policies target native Americans. [19:13.47] [19:14.09]总共 371 项条约 371 treaties [19:16.43]迫使他们分散到边远的隔绝之地 keep them separate, isolated, remote. [19:20.54]美国 30 万原住民中的绝大多数 Most of America's 300,000 tribes people [19:23.41]已经生活在了政府指定的区划或保留地里 now live on government assigned lands, reservations. [19:27.89] [19:28.93]但仍然有强烈的反抗行动 But resistance is still fierce. [19:31.34]我认为美国历史上最黑暗的一页 I think probably the darkest spot in our history, [19:33.55] [19:34.36] 雪儿·克罗 [美国著名创作型歌手] [19:37.09] [19:33.55]就是对原住民的压迫 至少我是这么看的 for me at least is what happened to native Americans. [19:37.27]我们来到这片土地并侵占了他们的家园 We came here and confiscated their homeland. [19:40.51] [19:40.52]我想我们现在对自己在这中间扮演的角色 I think we have a real sense now [19:42.96]已经有了比较客观的认识 of what our part was in that, [19:44.30]我希望这段历史能被重新定义和重新叙述 one that I would love to see redefined and rewritten. [19:48.26] [19:48.61]从北到南 Across the Great Plains. [19:50.40]联邦政府获得了大平原数百万英亩 The federal government acquires millions of acres [19:53.05]印第安人用作传统猎场的土地 of the Native Americans' traditional hunting ground [19:56.07] [19:56.08]用来为工业铁骑开辟道路 to make way for the iron horse. [19:58.51] [20:00.64]苏族被迫转移至黑山深处 The Sioux are forced deep into the Black Hills. [20:04.27] [20:04.28]小时候 As a young boy. [20:05.40]巴拉克·艾尔克亲眼见证了铁路入侵草原 Black Elk witnesses the coming of the railroad [20:08.11]和白人对野牛群的大肆屠杀 and the destruction of the buffalo herds. [20:11.01] [20:11.06]现年 12 岁的他 Now aged 12, [20:12.64]将会成为苏族最后的凯旋勇士 he's about to be part of the Sioux nation's last triumph. [20:16.23] [20:18.14]白人像河水一样涌入 White men come in like a river. [20:20.63] [20:24.05]他们说只想要一点点土地 They told us that they wanted only a little land. [20:27.89] [20:28.62]但族人们都很清楚这只不过是幌子 But our people knew better. [20:30.69] [20:35.29]黑山里发现了金子 Gold is discovered in the Black Hills. [20:37.95] [20:38.29]10 万人的淘金者队伍蜂拥前来寻找宝藏 100,000 prospectors rush in to seek their fortune. [20:42.82]联邦政府想扫清这一带的障碍 The federal government wants to clear the area. [20:45.87] [20:47.26]在率领第七骑兵团的一次侦察途中 On a reconnaissance mission with the 7th cavalry, [20:49.96]乔治·卡斯特中尉意外地 Lieutenant Colonel George Custer stumbles [20:52.87] [20:52.88]发现了小大角河附近的苏族营地 across the Sioux camp near the Little Bighorn river. [20:56.02] [20:56.03]卡斯特做了一个致命的决定 Custer makes a fateful decision. [20:59.20] [21:02.55]他率领 700 名士兵朝着 with 700 soldiers Custer charges the camp [21:06.00]有 7000 名印第安人的营地发起了进攻 with 7,000 Native Americans. [21:08.89] [21:18.90]不到三个小时 Within three hours [21:20.51]卡斯特的骑兵团全军覆没 all the men in Custer's regiment are dead. [21:23.74] [21:25.62]苏族打赢了这场战斗 The Sioux win the battle, [21:27.62] [21:30.33]但输掉了整个战争 but will lose the war. [21:32.46] [21:36.63]美国兵报复性地将 3000 名苏族勇士 In response, US soldiers force 3,000 Sioux warriors [21:41.36]驱赶到了保留地 on to reservations. [21:43.02] [21:43.87]余下的人分成小拨四散逃走 The rest scatter in small bands. [21:46.92] [21:47.41]在接下来的 14 年中 Over the next 14 years, [21:49.14]大平原上的印第安人为求生做最后的挣扎 the Plains Indians struggle to survive, [21:52.09]直到伟大的苏族最终被打败 until the incident that finally defeats the Great Sioux Nation. [21:56.55] [21:56.56]伤膝河是美国大地上的 Wounded Knee is a great, great scar [22:00.50] [21:58.08] 汤姆·布罗考 [原 NBC 新闻主播] [22:01.01] [22:00.50]一块巨大伤疤 on the American landscape. [22:02.87]1890 年 12 月 29 日 December 29th, 1890, [22:05.93]最后一股被打散的苏族人 The Last band of independent Sioux [22:08.97] [22:08.98]在伤膝河附近投降 surrender beside Wounded Knee Creek. [22:11.19] [22:12.19]当骑兵团收缴他们枪械时 As the cavalry disarms them, [22:13.88]一支枪走火了 a gun goes off accidentally. [22:17.10] [22:23.54]引发了一场大屠杀浩劫 It triggers a massacre. [22:25.85] [22:28.60]短短几分钟内 Within minutes [22:30.76]逾 200 苏族壮丁和妇孺丧命 over 200 Sioux warriors, women and children are dead. [22:35.42] [22:41.44]27 岁的巴拉克·艾尔克浩劫余生 Now 27, Black Elk survived. [22:45.14] [22:45.65]当我回首往事 When I look back now, [22:47.48]遭到屠戮的妇幼尸体依然历历在目 I can still see the butchered women and children [22:50.11] [22:50.12]有的扎成堆 有的孤零零地躺着 lying heaped and scattered [22:52.30] [22:52.40]跟我小时候目睹的残酷景象一模一样 as plain as when I saw them when I was still young. [22:55.90] [22:56.60]我知道另一样东西也永远葬身在那了 And I see that something else died there. [22:59.24] [22:59.78]那就是一个民族代代相传的梦想 A people's dream died there. [23:02.02] [23:02.67]一个美丽的梦想 It was a beautiful dream. [23:04.62] [23:07.89]铁路改变了整个北美的面貌 The railroad has transformed north America. [23:11.11] [23:11.33]在仅仅 30 年的时间里 In just 30 years, [23:13.11]3 万英里的铁路线贯穿整个大陆 30,000 miles of track cross the continent. [23:16.52] [23:16.69]超过世界其他地方铁路里程的总和 More than the rest of the world put together. [23:19.56] [23:19.79]成千上万新城镇在铁路站点周围拔地而起 Thousands of new towns spring up around railroad stations. [23:23.70]每隔 8 英里就有一个 One every eight miles. [23:26.06] [23:26.18]五条铁路大动脉连接起了东西两岸 Five rail lines link the East and West Coast. [23:29.84]铁路还改变了计时方法 The railroad even changes time itself. [23:33.09] [23:34.32]到现在为止 Until now, [23:35.77]美国人一直根据太阳方位来调拨钟表 Americans set their clocks by the sun. [23:38.31] [23:38.40]500 条铁路沿线有着 8000 种不同的时间 8,000 different times along 500 rail lines. [23:42.85]制定火车运行时刻表是件不可能的事情 Scheduling trains becomes impossible. [23:46.03] [23:46.11]1883 年 11 月 18 日 On November 18th, 1883, [23:48.72]美国本土被划分为简单的 4 个时区 the continental US is reduced to just four time zones. [23:53.46]标准时间从此诞生 Standard time is born. [23:55.92] [23:59.36]铁路系统现在成为了美国最大的雇主 The railroad is now the largest employer in America. [24:02.85] [24:02.91]铁路职工多达近百万人 Nearly a million workers. [24:05.20] [24:05.21]其中有一名来自明尼苏达乡村的 One is a 23-year-old station agent [24:08.31] [24:08.32]23 岁的车站管理员 from rural Minnesota. [24:10.09]理查德·西尔斯 Richard Sears. [24:12.29] [24:15.48]趁着时下美国正在调整铁路时间 With the US adjusting to new railroad times, [24:18.19]西尔斯决心开创一番事业 Sears turns entrepreneur, [24:21.56] [24:21.57]他买进了一批怀表 and buys a batch of pocket watches. [24:23.14] [24:25.77]向其他车站管理员进行兜售 He offers them to other station agents, [24:28.80]然后静静等待 and waits. [24:29.93] [24:32.88]来了 Bingo. [24:34.31] [24:34.60]一份订单传了过来 An order comes through. [24:36.49] [24:36.77]又有一份 又一份 Followed by another, and then another. [24:40.44] [24:41.26]六个月不到 西尔斯售完了他进的所有怀表 Within six months, Sears sells all his watches, [24:45.53]收入 2500 元 十倍于他的铁路工资 2500, earning 10 times his railroad salary. [24:50.93] [24:52.22]意识到他可以用铁路作为分销渠道后 Realizing he can use the railroad for sales and distribution, [24:56.19]西尔斯抓住机会 Sears jumps on the opportunity [24:58.12]想到了一个日后改变整个美国的点子 with an idea that will transform the nation: [25:01.09]邮购目录 the mail-order catalog. [25:02.89] 我 觉 得 美 国 人 天 生 就 有 股 子 创 业 精 神 I think Americans are naturally entrepreneurial. [25:06.14] [25:03.19]鲍勃·鲁兹 [前通用汽车公司副总裁] [25:05.54] [25:06.14]如果你有好的点子加上勤奋工作 If you worked hard and if you had good ideas [25:08.87]并且愿意牺牲眼前利益 and you were willing to make short term sacrifices, [25:11.79]你就能在这个国家获得成功 you could succeed in this country. [25:14.33] [25:16.34]自卖出第一批怀表已经过了 10 年 10 Years after selling his first watch, [25:18.50]西尔斯印制的目录已经达到 700 页 Sears publishes a 700 page catalog. [25:22.17] [25:25.04]现在他已将公司总部搬到芝加哥 Now based in Chicago, [25:26.78]那里每天处理的订单超过 35,000 份 he processes over 35,000 orders a day, [25:30.49]发货的商品既有冰箱也有钢琴 delivering refrigerators, pianos, [25:33.34]每年售出的缝纫机超过 10 万台 one year, over 100,000 sewing machines. [25:37.60]借助铁路 Using the railroad, [25:38.86]西尔斯几乎可向全国任何角落售出任何商品 Sears can sell virtually anything, anywhere in the country. [25:43.26]真正改变这个国家的 What really transformed this country [25:45.31] [25:45.98] 詹姆斯·梅格斯 [《大众机械》杂志主编] [25:47.94] [25:45.31]不只是那些西进的移民 wasn't just the westward migration [25:48.12]或者是东部城市的发展 and development of cities in the east, [25:50.10]而是商品长途运输的能力 but the ability to move products across great distances. [25:54.04]以往分散的小定居点 Linking together what it had previously [25:56.66]现在连成了一片 been very disparate little settlement [25:57.70]不再像以前那样主要依靠自给自足 that had to be largely self-sufficient. [25:59.87] [26:02.57]到 19 世纪末 By the end of the 19th Century [26:04.49]美国铁路总长达到 20 万英里 America has 200,000 miles of railroad track, [26:08.64] [26:09.06]将区域市场连接整合成了全国性的大市场 linking the local markets and creating a national economy. [26:13.50] [26:15.16]接下来的 40 年里 Over the next 40 years, [26:17.11]铁路货运总量 the amount of freight carried by rail [26:19.39]由 5500 万吨激增至 7 亿吨 shoots from 55 to nearly 700 million tons. [26:24.25]中西部的资源 Resources from the Midwest [26:26.34]源源不断地流向东部迅速增长的工业 feed the country's growing industries in the East. [26:29.72] [26:31.14]美国超过了英国 The United States overtakes Britain [26:33.34]成为世界头号制造强国 as the largest manufacturer on earth, [26:36.31] [26:36.44]产量很快占到了世界总量的 30% soon producing 30% of the world's goods. [26:39.97] [26:43.88]铁路为世界 The railroads laid the basis for [26:45.88] [26:46.00] H.W.布兰茨 [德克萨斯大学教授] [26:48.79] [26:45.88]最大经济体的形成奠定了基础 the creation of the single largest market in world economy. [26:50.48]同时铁路也是 And this made it possible for the United States [26:53.46]美国在 19 世纪末成为 to become the global economic power [26:55.55]一个全球经济强国的主要原因 that it did by the end of the 19th century. [26:58.28] [27:02.15]美国人口在 20 年间翻了一番 [27:05.14]达到 8000 万 to 80 million. [27:07.13] In 20 years, the U.S. population doubles[27:08.34]城市数量则增至此前的三倍 The number of cities triples. [27:10.66] [27:10.84]700 万美国人离开乡村 7 million Americans leave the country [27:13.32]来到这个国家繁荣的中心城市 for the nation's booming urban centers. [27:16.16] [27:21.10]曾经是野牛狂奔的土地 Where buffalo once roamed, [27:23.54]已经呈现出一片现代文明的图景 now rises the modern world.
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