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&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&猫狗大战2:猫咪的复仇 英语DVD中字版&&> 百度影音> 迅播高清给该影片评分已有0人评分
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◎译  名 猫狗大战2/猫狗大战:珍珠猫大反扑/猫狗斗多番/猫狗大战2:猫怪的复仇/猫狗大战2:猫咪的复仇◎片  名 Cats And Dogs 2◎年  代 2010◎国  家 美国/澳大利亚◎类  别 动作/喜剧/家庭◎语  言 英语◎字  幕 中英双字◎IMDB评分 2.5/10 (1,977 votes)◎文件格式 BD-RMVB◎视频尺寸 1024 x 576◎文件大小 1CD◎片  长 82 Minutes◎导  演 布拉德&佩顿 Brad Peyton◎主  演 迈克&克拉克&邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan....Sam (voice)      乔&潘托里亚诺 Joe Pantoliano....Peek (voice)      贝特&米德勒 Bette Midler....Kitty Galore (voice)      杰克&麦克布瑞尔 Jack McBrayer....Chuck      西恩&海耶斯 Sean Hayes....Mr. Tinkles      詹姆斯&麦斯登 James Marsden....Diggs      尼尔&帕特里克&哈里斯 Neil Patrick Harris....Lou      Carlos Alazraqui ....Cool Cat      克里斯蒂娜&艾伯盖特 Christina Applegate....Catherine      弗莱德&阿米森 Fred Armisen....Friedrich      Kristina Barr ....Woman Who Screams      Eve Casha ....Twin girl in amusement park      Lara Casha ....Twin girl in amusement park      Nicholas Everett ....Game Boy      马尔科姆&古德温 Malcolm Goodwin....Officer Mike      Robert Hewko ....Old Man Sleeping      Solomon Kennedy ....Man on ferry      David Milchard ....Carney      罗杰&摩尔 Roger Moore      尼克&诺特 Nick Nolte....Butch      克里斯&奥唐纳 Chris O'Donnell....Shane      Paul Rodriguez ....Crazy Carlito      琪兰&席普卡 Kiernan Shipka....Little Girl      马尔科姆&斯图尔特 Malcolm Stewart....Captain Flemming      Nathaniel Tenenbaum ....Ice Cream Kid      Ian Thompson ....Cablecar Driver      卡特&威廉姆斯 Katt Williams....Seamus◎简  介   距离上一次猫咪和狗狗的大战已经过去了数年之久,来之不易的和平再一次受到威胁。这次的敌人可不是上一部中的笨蛋,它可是原猫咪间谍组织&喵&(MEOWS)的顶级特工,名为Kitty Galore。它顺利地窃取到了狗狗组织的核心机密,并且为了报复狗狗组织和人类,它设计了一个恐怖而毒辣的计划意图控制全世界!在狗狗联合国的一致授意下,狗类和猫咪破天荒地结为战略同盟,帮助主角走上阻挠邪恶计划的征途&& 一句话评论  整个故事就像是一出专供小孩娱乐的笑话一样,大人们能认真的看完么?我很难保证这一点。&&《今日美国》   童欢乐,大人痛苦。&&《波士顿环球报》   考验我们智商的一部电影。&&幕后制作  宠物大战全面升级  九年前,一部讲述会说话的猫狗互相看不顺眼进而引发战争的儿童喜剧《猫狗大战》在暑期档上映,于全球拿下了逾2亿的票房成绩,相对于6000万的投资,这个票房数字亦算十分成功,但在长达9年的时间内,这部电影却迟迟没有续集面世,谈及原因,《猫狗大战》系列的制作人安德鲁&莱泽说:&在第一集《猫狗大战》推出之后,电影公司一直在考虑制作续集的可能性。第一集的成功是在动画和真人电影之间找到了一个巧妙的平衡点,它既不像动画电影那样完全虚拟,又比单纯的宠物题材电影要加强故事性。如果我们继续按照这样的模式复制一部续集,那么其实没有太大的创意,所以我们在等待一个很好的点子去拍摄续集。在这过程中又经历了很多事,虽然我们从2002年起就在筹拍《猫狗大战2》,但在剧情走向和拍摄方式上一直没有确定,直到2008年确定了故事大纲之后,这部电影才算真正启动。&  等待了这么多年,准备充分的《猫狗大战2》究竟在第一集的基础上带来了什么样的进步呢?对于这一点,安德鲁&莱泽继续说道:&首先是制作班底几乎全部更换,从导演到编剧,再到配音演员。我们原来有考虑过是否可以延续第一集的制作阵容,但时过境迁,当年的团队很难再聚到一起,在这个时候,史蒂夫和福德曼合写的第二集剧本已经定稿,而布拉德&佩顿对这个故事也很感兴趣,所以很快就开始了拍摄。配音演员是在拍摄的过程中慢慢沟通确定的,很多演员对为一只猫或者一直狗配音感到很有趣,他们也乐意尝试。《猫狗大战2》在全新的制作班底上,采用了更好的CG技术,这与九年前完全不同,这部电影里的原型动物几乎不需要再做太多动作,大部分时间都是由电脑工作室里的工程师去完成,而这些CG已经完全可以以假乱真,观众很难分辨出什么时候是真正的宠物,什么时候又是我们制作的CG。&玩得更眼花缭乱 虽然还没有大银幕商业制作的经验,但导演布拉德&佩顿混迹电影圈10多年,兜兜转转也担任过大小制作的编剧、制片人和导演,这次终于在一部暑期档的商业制作里担正导演一职,对于这次拍摄《猫狗大战2》的经历,布拉德&佩顿说道:&这是一部完全没有血腥暴力的电影,这对我来说是一个全新的导演经验,因为它主要瞄准的是那些喜欢宠物的观众,尤其是相当数量的小孩子。我自己是一个非常喜欢猫猫狗狗的人,家里养了好几只,我对他们的习性都很了解,所以这也是我执导本片的一个重要原因。这部电影最大的特点就是让宠物们都会说话,而且在故事层面上我们故意采取了真人动作片的趋势,这是一种比较强烈的反差,让我们平时养的宠物来拯救这个世界,故事的欢乐点也就呼之欲出了。&  谈及拍摄电影过程里的难点,布拉德&佩顿说:&我觉得观众最关心的是,当宠物们说出我们说的话的时候,场面上会不会看上去很怪?我们反复在参考第一集的展现手法,在那个CG技术不如现在成熟的年代,拍摄《猫狗大战》的时候其实是用了不少动物真正去演绎,摄影小组非常用心的捕捉他们的每一个表情,然后找到对应的语句。虽然在如今我们已经不需要在用这种守株待兔的方式,但是更大的难题来了:这样栩栩如生的说话,我们从来没有在一部真人电影里尝试过,虽然像《鼠来宝》这样的电影都已经采取了真人+CG的拍摄方式,但我们的主角要更加的生活化,当我们让这些很熟悉的猫猫狗狗们开口说话的时候,是否会给观众带来不适应的感觉呢?最后,我和整个制作团队都觉得,提供不一样的想象力很重要,大家对这部电影感到开心,就足够了。&花絮 &狗在执行任务唱的歌曲《Hampster Dance》,是1973年的电影《罗宾汉》里主题曲的旋律变奏版本。&本片里猫与狗等动物在说话时候的英语嘴形是用电脑特效做出来的。&与第一集《猫狗大战》一样,9年后的续集《猫狗大战2》一样选择在暑期档上映。而当年的制作团队里,只有制作人安德鲁&莱泽还继续担任《猫狗大战2》的制片。
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◎译  名 猫狗大战2/猫狗大战:珍珠猫大反扑/猫狗斗多番/猫狗大战2:猫怪的复仇/猫狗大战2:猫咪的复仇
◎片  名 Cats And Dogs 2
◎年  代 2010
◎国  家 美国/澳大利亚
◎类  别 动作/喜剧/家庭
◎语  言 英语
◎字  幕 英文/法文/西班牙文
◎IMDB评分 2.5/10 (1,977 votes)
◎IMDB链接 /title/tt1287468
◎文件格式 MKV
◎视频尺寸 624 x 352
◎文件大小 1CD 442M
◎片  长 82 Minutes
◎导  演 布拉德·佩顿 Brad Peyton
◎主  演 迈克·克拉克·邓肯 Michael Clarke Duncan....Sam (voice)
      乔·潘托里亚诺 Joe Pantoliano....Peek (voice)
      贝特·米德勒 Bette Midler....Kitty Galore (voice)
      杰克·麦克布瑞尔 Jack McBrayer....Chuck
      西恩·海耶斯 Sean Hayes....Mr. Tinkles
      詹姆斯·麦斯登 James Marsden....Diggs
      尼尔·帕特里克·哈里斯 Neil Patrick Harris....Lou
      Carlos Alazraqui ....Cool Cat
      克里斯蒂娜·艾伯盖特 Christina Applegate....Catherine
      弗莱德·阿米森 Fred Armisen....Friedrich
      Kristina Barr ....Woman Who Screams
      Eve Casha ....Twin girl in amusement park
      Lara Casha ....Twin girl in amusement park
      Nicholas Everett ....Game Boy
      马尔科姆·古德温 Malcolm Goodwin....Officer Mike
      Robert Hewko ....Old Man Sleeping
      Solomon Kennedy ....Man on ferry
      David Milchard ....Carney
      罗杰·摩尔 Roger Moore
      尼克·诺特 Nick Nolte....Butch
      克里斯·奥唐纳 Chris O'Donnell....Shane
      Chris Parson ....Hep-Cat
      Geoff Redknap ....Puppeteer
      Rondel Reynoldson ....Tourist
      Paul Rodriguez ....Crazy Carlito
      琪兰·席普卡 Kiernan Shipka....Little Girl
      马尔科姆·斯图尔特 Malcolm Stewart....Captain Flemming
      Nathaniel Tenenbaum ....Ice Cream Kid
      Ian Thompson ....Cablecar Driver
      卡特·威廉姆斯 Katt Williams....Seamus
      Adam Behr ....Puppeteer (uncredited)
      Chris Boyd ....Bomb Squad Police Officer (uncredited)
      Paul Hooson ....Various Creatures (uncredited)
      Tom MacNeill ....Crowd Member (uncredited)
      Eduardo Noda ....Fair Goer (uncredited)
      James Arnold Taylor ....Various cats and dogs (uncredited)
      Jim Van Dijk ....Security Agent (uncredited)
◎简  介 
  距离上一次猫咪和狗狗的大战已经过去了数年之久,来之不易的和平再一次受到威胁。这次的敌人可不是上一部中的笨蛋,它可是原猫咪间谍组织&喵&(MEOWS)的顶级特工,名为Kitty Galore。它顺利地窃取到了狗狗组织的核心机密,并且为了报复狗狗组织和人类,它设计了一个恐怖而毒辣的计划意图控制全世界!在狗狗联合国的一致授意下,狗类和猫咪破天荒地结为战略同盟,帮助主角走上阻挠邪恶计划的征途……
Mummy Returnshttp://www.reelviews.net/movies/m/mummy2.htmlThe 1999 remake of the horror classic The Mummy surprised Universal Pictures with its box office success. The studio had expected it to be profitable, but not that profitable. However, long before the worldwide gross crept close to $400 million, Universal had already put two additional Mummy films into the hopper, awarding the series the "franchise" label. The Mummy Returns, which re-unites nearly the entire cast from the 1999 movie, is the first of these two productions. The other, a prequel called The Scorpion King, will be released either later this year or next year, depending on how Universal arranges its release schedule. Stephen Sommers' 1999 feature was an enjoyable, if overlong, romp recounting the struggles of an adventurer and his companions to stop the apocalyptic agenda of an ancient Egyptian priest. While not entirely successful, The Mummy nevertheless boasted an infectious blend of high adventure, low-scare horror, and special effects that transformed it into a crowd-pleaser capable of sating the early summer audience until The Phantom Menace came along a few weeks later. Now, Rick O'Connell (Brendan Fraser), Evie O'Connell (Rachel Weisz), Jonathan Carnahan (John Hannah), Ardeth Bay (Oded Fehr), and (of course) Im-Ho-Tep (Arnold Vosloo) are all back. Joining them are a couple of notable newcomers: Rick and Evie's son, Alex (Freddie Boath), and the dreaded Scorpion King (WWF mainstay, The Rock). The story for The Mummy Returns is a meager and muddled affair peppered with deus ex machina contrivances. A cult of power-mad Egyptologists (is there another kind?) have concocted a plan by which they can obtain world domination. First, they must resurrect Im-Ho-Tep, the mummy from the first film. Since they are being led by the ancient priest's re-incarnated girlfriend, Anck-Su-Namun (Patricia Velazquez), this proves to be surprisingly easy. Then, with his powers restored, Im-Ho-Tep heads off to do battle with the mythical Scorpion King, whose tomb lies in a pyramid at the center of a hidden oasis. In order to find that oasis, Im-Ho-Tep needs an artifact which happens to be in the possession of Alex O'Connell. And, when the boy is kidnapped, that brings his parents, his uncle Jonathan, and their old friend, Ardeth Bay, into the conflict. This results in a lot of chasing around the globe and a climax that features a special effects-laden battle between a large force of humans and an army of decaying, dog-faced creatures. The fundamental problem underlying The Mummy Returns is the reason that the movie exists in the first place. This is not the byproduct of
it's an off-shoot of Universal Pictures' greed. The sequel was made not because the filmmakers had a compelling story to tell, but because The Mummy made so much money that a second installment became mandatory. This thought process results in countless pointless and derivative sequels - a class in which The Mummy Returns unquestionably belongs. The plot is just a flimsy excuse to bring back old friends and stick them in a series of cliffhangers. It's low-rent Raiders of the Lost Ark, with high-quality special effects filling in for character development and intelligible storytelling. Some of the action sequences in The Mummy Returns are fun and the visual effects are more polished and less noticably "fake" than in the previous film. Unfortunately, all of this can't obscure the fact that there is basically no plot. The clash of armies at the end has no purpose beyond showing off the effects mavens' skills at the computer. (In terms of style, it's reminiscent of the war in The Phantom Menace, albeit without the same strong story motivation.) The Mummy Returns has opportunities to do interesting things (at one point, there's a chance to force Im-Ho-Tep and Rick into an uneasy alliance, but that is neatly bypassed). Like the Indiana Jones movies, The Mummy Returns tries to blend low-key humor with a non-stop series of cliffhangers. However, while some of the jokes are funny, the action sequences are only sporadically satisfying, owing primarily to their often preposterous resolutions. And, while Rick possesses a certain charm, he's no Indiana Jones. Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz rekindle the cute chemistry that existed between their characters in The Mummy. Freddie Boath makes an effective addition to the cast, primarily because he's not as annoying as most movie kids. John Hannah is back as the fatuous Jonathan. Arnold Vosloo's Im-Ho-Tep is subtly diminished, perhaps because he now has to share the spotlight with two other villains. Patricia Velazquez has an expanded role here from the one she essayed in the first film. And the part of The Scorpion King doesn't challenge The Rock's thespian abilities - all he has to do is snarl and look tough - things he is familiar with from his day job. The Mummy Returns offers one surprise - an unexpectedly poignant dramatic moment in which we feel a surge of sympathy for one of the characters. Unfortunately, it's for one of the bad guys, which makes the ending a downer. Overall, the film probably offers what fans of The Mummy are expecting. The thinner, unnecessarily long storyline notwithstanding, this is essentially more of the same. It's hollow, lightweight entertaininment - not unpleasant, but far from the summer's definitive action/adventure flick.http://www.tiscali.co.uk/entertainment/film/reviews/the_mummy_returns.htmlhttp://www./movies/reviews/themummyreturns.html/reviews/m/mummyreturns_1.htmPS.大哥你要求能高呀~?我只记得木乃伊第一部因为那片子我看了3遍了 哈哈
Mummy Returns, The United States, 2001U.S. Release Date: 5/4/01 (wide) Running Length: 2:08MPAA Classification: PG-13 (Violence) Theatrical Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1Seen at: U...
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