
Daniel Wellington在官网购买的话收货地址如何填写,是写中文还是英文?
我想在Daniel Wellington的官网购买一块表,他们官网有中文版的,所以我在想在填订单信息的时候填中文可以吗?如果要填英文的话怎么填?
Daniel Wellington官网写拼音地址即可!
社交帐号登录我想在Daniel Wellington的官网购买一块表,他们官网有中文版的,所以我在想在填订单信息的时候填中文可以吗?如果要填英文的话怎么填?
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Unit 1 Dream homes
Welcome to the unit
Teaching Aims:
1. Learn some names of places of interest, cities and countries in the world.
2. Arouse the students’ interests in the differences between countries.
Step 1 Warming up
Show some well-known places of interest in the world for the Ss to enjoy and let Ss know the phrase: place of interest: the Palace Museum
Step 2 Presentation 1. Show some pictures to learn some words about different places and teach some countries and their capitals. Countries and Capitals:
Japan Canada Russia the USA the UK
France Tokyo Ottawa Moscow
Washington DC
2. Then read aloud the new words.
France Japan
United Kingdom
capital Step 3 Pair work 1. Practise in pairs like this to talk about some places of interest and the names of the countries and capitals to arouse the Ss’ interest in the topic in this unit. --- Tian’anmen Square is in Beijing. Beijing is the capital of China. Where’s Red Square?
--- Red Square is in the capital of Russia. It’s in Moscow.
… 2. Then match the capitals with the countries.
Step 4 Listening Listen to Part B and answer the questions. 1. What country are they talking about?
2. What’s in the photo 3. Is Mount Fuji in Tokyo Then work in pairs and talk about the places in Part A, using Part B as a model.
Step 5 Learn the conversation
1. Enjoy the video:
2. Answer the questions:
Where would Eddie like to live?
Why would Eddie like to live next to a restaurant?
Which is Eddie’s favorite restaurant?
3. Act out the conversation.
4. Fill in the blanks:
Eddie doesn’t want to live in a ________. However, he would like _______ next to a __________. He _______ the biggest ________ in Fifth Street best.
Step 6 Explanation
1. Would you like to live in a palace, Eddie would you like to do something 带有委婉的语气,可以用来征求意见、提出建议或发出邀请。


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