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Tinker Bell - The Legend of the Neverbeast p BRRip [ChattChitto RG]&&|&&&&|&&Torrent info:Download torrent:&Torrent Health:Alternative download:This download might also be available on
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&br&我什么也没说啊 &br&I don't give everything. &br&&br&睡不着?&br&Trouble sleeping?&br&我睡了70年了 长官 已经睡够了&br&I slept for 70 years, sir. I think I've had my fill.&br&那你应该出去转转 开心点 看看世界&br&Then you should be out, celebrating, seeing the world.&br&我昏迷时 我们在打仗&br&When I went under, the world was at war.&br&我醒来后 他们说我们赢了&br&I wake up, they say we won.&br&但他们没说我们丢了什么&br&They didn't say what we lost.&br&&br&不变身时 他就像霍金&br&When he's not that thing, though, the guy's like a Stephen Hawking.&br&&br&给我跪下&br&Kneel before me.&br&我说&br&I said&br&跪下!&br&kneel!&br&这样多简单?&br&Is not this simpler?&br&这不就是你们本性吗?&br&Is this not your natural state?&br&这才是人性的本质&br&It's the unspoken truth of humanity,&br&你们内心渴望被征服&br&that you crave subjugation.&br&疲于追逐光鲜的自由 而丢失了生活的乐趣&br&The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy&br&迷失在权利的角逐&br&in a mad scramble for power,&br&就为获得认同&br&for identity.&br&你们生来奴性&br&You were made to be ruled.&br&&br&这些你可能不知道&br&You might have missed a couple of things&br&那么多年都做冰棍去了&br&doing time as a Capsicle.&br&&br&哪来的闪电?&br&Where's this coming from?&br&怎么了? 你还怕闪电啊?&br&What's the matter? Are you scared of a little lightning?&br&我只是不太喜欢闪电的附属品&br&I'm not overly fond of what follows.&br&&br&他们都是神话中的人物 都是神啊&br&These guys come from legend. They're basically gods.&br&只有上帝是神 女士&br&There's only one God, ma'am.&br&神也不会打扮成那样&br&And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.&br&&br&王位不适合你&br&A throne would suit you ill.&br&世面我比你见得多多了!&br&I've seen worlds you've never known about!&br&&br&你别不知道天高地厚&br&You have no idea what you're dealing with.&br&莎士比亚剧团演出?&br&Shakespeare in the Park?&br&你妈知道你穿着她的披肩跑出来了吗?&br&Does mother know you wear-eth her drapes?&br&你算哪根葱 铁皮人&br&This is beyond you, metal man.&br&&br&电力到达百分之四百(此处有笑声)&br&Power at 400% capacity.&br&不错嘛?&br&How about that?&br&&br&如果我们绕开他们的主机&br&If we bypass their mainframe&br&直接进入他们的主机群&br&and direct route to the Homer cluster,&br&就能按每秒600万亿次浮点计算来运行&br&we can clock this at around 600 teraflops.&br&&br&- 嘿! - 怎么不变身?&br&- Hey! - Nothing?&br&你疯了吗?&br&Are you nuts?&br&这可不好说&br&Jury's out.&br&你还真能压住火气 是吧?&br&You really have got a lid on it, haven't you?&br&秘诀是什么?&br&What's your secret?&br&抒情爵士 邦戈鼓 还是大麻?&br&Mellow jazz, bongo drums huge bag of weed?&br&你就不能正经点?&br&Is everything a joke to you?&br&生活多欢乐&br&Funny things are.&br&威胁到这条船上每个人的安全&br&Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship&br&这事可不欢乐&br&isn't funny.&br&无意冒犯 博士&br&No offence, Doc.&br&没关系 如果这点小事都受不了&br&It's all right, I wouldn't have come aboard&br&我就不会上船了&br&if I couldn't handle pointy things.&br&你太小心翼翼了 大块头 你要放松一下&br&You're tip-toeing, big man. You need to stru&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&复仇者联盟更新分割线---------------------------------------------------------------------&br&&br&学聪明点 贾维斯 我在约会呢 Grow a spine, Jarvis. I got a date.
&br&电压很稳定 我觉得 &br&Levels are holding steady, I think.
&br&那是当然 这可是我亲手做的 &br&Of course they are. I was directly involved.
&br&我想问一个问题 &br&Which brings me to my next question.
&br&做天才的感觉怎么样? &br&How does it feel to be a genius?
&br&这个啊 我可不知道 对不对? &br&Well, I really wouldn't know, now would I? &br&什么意思? 这都归功于你 &br&What do you mean? All this came from you.
&br&不 一切都归功于它 &br&No, all this came from that.
&br&别太谦虚 拜托 &br&Give yourself some credit. Please.
&br&斯塔克大厦是你的成果 Stark Tower is your baby.
&br&算你12%的功劳 &br&Give yourself 12% of the credit.
&br&才12%? 12%?
&br&你如果争取一下我给你15 &br&An argument can be made for 15.
&br&12%? 还说是我成果? 12%? My baby?
&br&体力活可都是我做的 &br&Well, I did do all the heavy lifting.
&br&准确地说 重物都是我搬的 &br&Literally, I lifted the heavy things.
&br&抱歉 安保系统一团糟? &br&And, sorry, but the security snafu? &br&&br&他不就拥有一支顶级装备的队伍嘛 What he's got is an Acme dynamite kit.
&br&说不定哪天就被横扫了 &br&It's going to blow up in his face.
&br&到时候我肯定在场 &br&And I'm going to be there when it does.
&br&那我就坐等看新闻了 Yeah. I'll read all about it.
&br&你也可以和我们一起上阵杀敌 &br&Or you'll be suiting up with the rest of us.&br&&br&这就是爱吗 黑寡妇? &br&Is this love, Agent Romanoff?
&br&小孩子才谈情说爱 我欠他一个人情 Love is for children. I owe him a debt. &br&&br&阶段2是神盾局用魔方制造武器 &br&Phase 2 is S.H.I.E.L.D. uses the Cube to make weapons.
&br&抱歉 电脑对我来说太慢了 &br&Sorry, computer was moving a little slow for me. &br&&br&是啊 你是穿着一身盔甲的大人物 Yeah. Big man in a suit of armour.
&br&没了它 你是什么? &br&Take that off, what are you?
&br&天才 亿万富翁 花花公子 慈善家 &br&Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.&br&&br&你是个实验产物 罗杰斯 &br&You're a laboratory experiment, Rogers.
&br&你从瓶子里获得了特殊能量 &br&Everything special about you came out of a bottle.
&br&穿上盔甲 让我们比试比试 &br&Put on the suit. Let's go a few rounds&br&&br&这东西也不可能不跳一下就重新启动 this thing won't re-engage without a jump.
&br&我需要到那推一下 &br&I'm going to have to get in there and push.
&br&可如果那东西恢复速度 你会被撕碎的 &br&If that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded.
&br&那个定子控制设备能颠倒磁极 &br&That stator control unit can reverse the polarity
&br&时间足以解除磁力 那能够... &br&long enough to disengage maglev and that could...
&br&说简单点! Speak English!
&br&看见那个红色控制杆了吗? You see that red lever?
&br&它会让转子慢下来 时间足够我出去 &br&It will slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out&br&&br&而洛基 他就是要耍尽大牌 对吧? And Loki, he's a full-tilt diva, right?
&br&他想要鲜花 想要仪仗队 &br&He wants flowers, he wants parades.
&br&他想要站在世界之巅 标榜上自己的名字... &br&He wants a monument built to the skies with his name plastered... &br&&br&我背后是支军队 I have an army.
&br&我们有绿巨人就够了 We have a Hulk.
&br&我以为那怪物已经是过去时了 I thought the beast had wandered off.&br&&br&好吧 Right.
&br&还真有军队 Army&br&&br&你们把他们带到地下室或者地铁过道 &br&You take them to the basements or through the subway.
&br&反正让他们远离马路就是了 You keep them off the streets.
&br&我还需要你们在39号大街设置警戒线 I need a perimeter as far back as 39th.
&br&他妈的为什么我要听你的命令? &br&Why the hell should I take orders from you? &br&(队长大显神威之后)给我派人进到这些大楼里去 I need men in those buildings.
&br&带着里面的人从地下撤出街道 &br&Lead the people down and away from the streets.
&br&另外在39号大街设置警戒线 &br&We're going to set up a perimeter all the way down to 39th Street. &br&&br&能搭个便车吗?
can you give me a lift?
- Right. &br&&br&什么情况? What the hell?
&br&发生什么了? &br&What just happened?
&br&拜托 快说刚才没人亲过我 Please tell me nobody kissed me.
&br&我们赢了 We won.
&br&好吧 耶! All right, yay!
&br&哈哈 干得漂亮 各位 Hurray. Good job, guys.
&br&明天给自己放个假吧 就放一天假 &br&Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day.
&br&有人吃过沙瓦玛烤肉吗? &br&Have you ever tried shawarma?
&br&两个街区外就有一家 &br&There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here.
&br&我没吃过 不过我觉得值得一试 &br&I don't know what it is, but I want to try it.
&br&我们正事还没办完呢 We're not finished yet.
&br&好吧 办完了再吃烤肉去 And then shawarma after.
&br&你们要是不介意的话 If it's all the same to you,
&br&我想先喝那杯酒 &br&I'll have that drink now.&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&b&第二弹,钢铁侠,此后按电影上映顺序更新&/b&&br&&br&&br&Good God, you're a woman. I honestly... I couldn't have called that.&br&天啊 你是个女人 不过说真的... 还真没看出来&br&&br&Is it true you went 12 for 12 with last year's Maxim cover models?&br&你和去年&格言&杂志的封面女郎每个都约会过?&br&That is an excellent question. Yes and no.&br&这问题很好 也是也不是&br&March and I had a scheduling conflict,&br&三月的那个我日程没排开&br&but fortunately, the Christmas cover was twins.&br&不过幸运的是12月的是对双胞胎&br&&br&Yeah, peace. I love peace. I'd be out of a job with peace.&br&和平 我热爱和平 有了和平我就失业了&br&&br&Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.&br&想要不被欺负,棍子得比别人粗&br&&br&You told me to lay low. That's what I've been doing.&br&你叫我低调 我一直照做了啊&br&&br&I'm just not the hero type. Clearly.&br&我天生不是做英雄的料 显而易见&br&With this laundry list of character defects,&br&我有一大串性格缺陷 &br&all the mistakes I've made,&br&还犯下了诸多的错误&br&&br&&I am Iron Man.& You think you're the only superhero in the world?&br&&我就是钢铁侠& 你以为你是世界上唯一的超级英雄?&br&Mr Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe.&br&这是你加入更大的一个宇宙的开始&br&你只是还不知道罢了&br&Who the hell are you?&br&你到底是谁?&br&Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.&br&尼克·弗瑞 神盾局局长&br&I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative.&br&我来这是为了和你谈谈复仇者联盟的事&br&&br&&br&&br&&b&第三弹,无敌浩克,似乎……没有多少格外霸气的~&/b&&br&&br&&br&我们发现一个像妖怪的东西 请指示&br&We've got a bogey of some kind. Please advise.&br&&br&他像扔皮球一样扔了一辆铲车!&br&It threw a forklift truck like it was a softball!&br&那是我见过最有力量的东西&br&It was the most powerful thing I've ever seen.&br&&br&&br&&br&&b&第四弹,钢铁侠2&/b&&br&&br&&br&真相是&br&The truth is&br&我就是钢铁侠&br&I am Iron Man.&br&&br&在人类历史上 从樊笼的灰烬中&br&I'm not saying that from the ashes of captivity,&br&诞生了一位凤凰的最伟大化身 这也不是重点&br&never has a greater phoenix metaphor been personified in human history.&br&美国政府无所作为 却能够心安理得地&br&I'm not saying that Uncle Sam can kick back on a lawn chair,&br&品上一口冰茶&br&sipping on an iced tea&br&&br&交出钢铁侠护甲 就等同于交出我自己&br&To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over myself,&br&这无异于契约奴役或卖淫&br&which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution,&br&&br&我不爱什么事都插一脚 但你要是好好求我的话 我可以考虑接受国防部长一职&br&I'm not a joiner, but I'll consider Secretary of Defense, if you ask nice.&br&&br&我对天发誓 我要把你大卸八块 让你的主板泡在血泊之中&br&I swear to God I'll dismantle you. I'll soak your motherboard.&br&&br&我要让钢铁侠变成古董&br&I want to make Iron Man look like an antique.&br&我要去斯塔克博览会&br&I wanna go to that Stark Expo,&br&我要在托尼家的前院里大便&br&I wanna take a dump in Tony's front yard.&br&&br&天啊 你们想把我的肾偷去卖了?&br&Oh, God, are you gonna steal my kidney and sell it?&br&&br&生活更美妙 身体更健康&br&Better living, robust health&br&&br&告诉你们 这些战士比拉拉队女生厉害多了&br&That's a hell of a lot better than some cheerleaders, let me tell you.&br&&br&Tony Stark: (about to jump out of a plane)Okay, give me a smooch for good luck, I might not make it back!&br&[Instead, Pepper kisses the &lips& of Stark's helmet and throws it out of the plane]&br&Pepper Potts: Go get 'em, boss!&br&Tony Stark: (diving after the helmet) You complete me!&br&托尼·史塔克:“(即将跳出飞机)好吧,给我一个好运的吻别,我可能不会回来了!”&br&(相反,秘书小辣椒没有亲史塔克,而是亲吻了史塔克的头盔,接着把它扔出了飞机)&br&小辣椒:“去吧,老板!”&br&托尼·史塔克:“(去接他的头盔)你让我完整了!”&br&&br&Pepper Potts: Natascha is here!&br&(Stark's new secretary enters)&br&Tony Stark: I want one!&br&Pepper Potts: No!&br&小辣椒:“娜塔莎就在这里!”(史塔克的新秘书进来了)&br&托尼·史塔克:“我想要一个!”&br&小辣椒:“不行!”&br&&br&Pepper Potts:I need you——&br&Tony:I need you too.&br&Pepper Potts:——to leave.&br&小辣椒:我需要你——&br&托尼:我也需要你。&br&小辣椒:——马上出去。&br&&br&&br&&br&&b&第五弹,雷神&/b&&br&&br&&br&这可跟去趟地球不一样&br&This isn't like a journey to Earth&br&不是个你随随便便召唤点闪电 雷霆&br&where you summon a little lightning and thunder,&br&就能被凡人们供奉为神祗的地方&br&and the mortals worship you as a god.&br&这可是约顿海姆啊&br&This is Jotunheim.&br&&br&你竟敢用如此短小的武器来威胁我堂堂索尔...&br&You dare threaten me, Thor, with so puny a weapon...&br&&br&作为一个发疯的流浪汉 他身材真不错&br&You know, for a crazy homeless person, he's pretty cut.&br&&br&我们在调查一起安全威胁事件&br&We're investigating a security threat.&br&需要调用你的记录和大气观测数据&br&We need to appropriate your records and all your atmospheric data.&br&&调用& 你是说&偷&吧&br&By &appropriate,& do you mean steal?&br&&br&阿斯加德已经处在战争边缘 而你却还能&br&Asgard on the brink of war, yet you've managed to consume&br&吃得下四头野猪 六只野鸡 半只牛&br&four wild boar, six pheasant, a side of beef,&br&还有两桶啤酒 真为你感到丢脸 难道你一点都不在乎吗?&br&and two casks of ale. Shame on you. Don't you care?&br&不要把我的好胃口当成漠不关心!&br&Do not mistake my appetite for apathy!&br&&br&如果你毁灭了这座桥 你将永远也见不到她!&br&If you destroy the bridge, you'll never see her again!&br&原谅我 简&br&Forgive me, Jane.&br&&br&想在这个世界上找到方向,就要先承认自己迷失了方向&br&Anyone who's ever going to find his way in this worId&br&has to start by admitting he doesn't know where the heII he is.&br&&br&&br&&b&第六弹,美国队长&/b&&br&&br&&br&纽约所有的男人都去当兵了&br&You're about to be the last eligible man in New York.&br&还剩下三百五十万女人&br&You know there's three and a half million women here.&br&而我只需要一个&br&Yeah, I'd settle for just one.&br&好在我已经搞定了&br&Good thing I took care of that.&br&&br&快点
姑娘们&br&Faster ladies, come on.&br&连我奶奶都比你们强力&br&My grandmother has more life in her,&br&&br&你当时把个90磅的哮喘病猫&br&When you brought a 90 pounds&br&带进我部队的时候&br&modicum asthmatic onto my army base.&br&我没反对
我想管他呢&br&I let it slide. I thought what the hell.&br&也许你只把他当做小白鼠&br&Maybe he could be useful to you, like a gerbil.&br&&br&因为强者的力量与生俱来&br&Because a strong man who has known power all his life.&br&他们失去了对力量的敬畏&br&They lose respect for that power.&br&而弱者&br&But a weak man.&br&才懂得力量的价值&br&Who values of strength.&br&有爱心&br&And loves&br&懂得怜悯&br&Compassion.&br&&br&永远别忘了你是谁&br&That you must stay who you are.&br&不要当一个好兵&br&Not a perfect soldier.&br&而要当&br&But.&br&一个好人&br&A good man.&br&&br&你不知道怎么跟女人搭讪吧&br&You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?&br&这大概是我和女人的最长一次对话了&br&I think this is the longest conversation I've had with a woman.&br&&br&我们唤醒了沉睡的巨人&br&Who waked the giant that napped in America?&br&我们知道
他就是美国队长&br&We know it's no one but, Captain America.&br&&br&你们准备好和我一起去修理希特勒了吗&br&How many of you are ready to help me sock ol' Adolph on the jaw?&br&&br&不志愿的话我们在这干嘛&br&We already volunteered, how do you think I got here?&br&我们要看妹子&br&Bring back the girls.&br&&br&当然
我揍了阿道夫·希特勒两百多次了&br&Yeah. I knocked out Adolph Hitler over 200 times.&br&&br&这货可不是别克&br&Not exactly a Buick.&br&-这是点火器
-啥&br&- That's Zündung. - Zündung?&br&&br&我们认为最好让你慢慢接受这些&br&We thought it best to break it to you slowly.&br&接受什么&br&Break what?&br&你一直在沉睡
队长&br&You've been asleep, Cap.&br&睡了大概七十年&br&For almost seventy years.&br&你没事吧&br&You gonna be okay?&br&没事&br&Yeah.&br&没事
只是...&br&Yeah, just...&br&我有个约会&br&I had a date.&br&&br&&br&想让我回归这个世界&br&Try to get me back to the world.&br&还要拯救这个世界&br&Try to save it.&br&你以为这世上就你一个超级英雄吗&br&You think you're the only hero in the world?&br&先生们
准备行动&br&Gentlemen, you are up.&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&-----------------------------------------------------第二阶段分割线----------------------------------------------------------------&br&&b&第二阶段 第一弹 钢铁侠3&/b&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&p&有位名人曾经说过&/p&&p&A famous man once said,&/p&&p&&我们创造了自己的恶魔&&/p&&p&&We create our own demons.&&/p&&p&究竟是谁说的? 这意味着什么?&/p&&p&Who said that? What does that even mean?&/p&&p&并不重要
因为他说了 我也说了&/p&&p&It doesn't matter. I said it because he
said it.&/p&&p&所以
既然他很出名&/p&&p&So, now, he was famous&/p&&p&现在
那么这句话就有两个名人说过了&/p&&p&and it's basically getting said by two
well-known guys.&/p&&br&&p&了不起! 我还以为只是个理论&/p&&p&Come on! I thought that was just a theory.&/p&&p&曾经是&/p&&p&Well, it was.&/p&&p&要是我的理论没错
我们就能进入大脑&/p&&p&If I'm right, we can access the area of the
brain&/p&&p&- 修复中枢...
- 哇&/p&&p&- that governs repair...
- Wow.&/p&&p&用化学试剂重新编码&/p&&p&and chemically recode it.&/p&&p&太不可思议了
从本质来说 你入侵了生物...&/p&&p&That's incredible. Essentially, you're
hacking into the genetic...&/p&&br&&p&有人说我是恐怖分子&/p&&p&Some people call me a terrorist.&/p&&p&我认为自己是个老师&/p&&p&I consider myself a teacher.&/p&&p&美国&/p&&p&America.&/p&&p&准备好上另一堂课了吗?&/p&&p&Ready for another lesson?&/p&&br&&p&爱因斯坦一年只睡3小时
瞧瞧他的成就&/p&&p&Einstein slept three hours a year. Look
what he did.&/p&&br&&p&我叫托尼·斯塔克
我不怕你&/p&&p&My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of
所以我决定&/p&&p&I know you're a coward. So I've decided&/p&&p&你死定了&/p&&p&that you just died, pal.&/p&&p&我会来给你收尸&/p&&p&I'm gonna come get the body.&/p&&p&这儿不谈什么政治
只是老规矩的复仇&/p&&p&There's no politics here. It's just good
old-fashioned revenge.&/p&&p&跟五角大楼无关
就是你和我&/p&&p&There's no Pentagon, it's just you and me.&/p&&p&退一万步说
这是我家地址&/p&&p&And on the off chance you're a man, here's
my home address.&/p&&p&马利布角10880弄&/p&&p&10880 Malibu Point.&/p&&p&90265号&/p&&p&90265.&/p&&p&我会大门敞开的&/p&&p&I'll leave the door unlocked.&/p&&p&这就是你想要的
是吧?&/p&&p&That's what you wanted, right?&/p&&p&算我账上&/p&&p&Bill me.&/p&&br&&br&&p&站住!&/p&&p&Freeze!&/p&&p&别动&/p&&p&Don't move.&/p&&p&你抓到我了&/p&&p&You got me.&/p&&p&土豆枪不错啊&/p&&p&Nice potato gun.&/p&&p&枪管略长&/p&&p&Barrel's a little long.&/p&&p&这种长度宽度的话
瞄起来可不准啊&/p&&p&Between that and the wide gauge, it's gonna
diminish your FPS.&/p&&p&这样你就没子弹了&/p&&p&And now you're out of ammo.&/p&&br&&p&外星人? 它们会回来吗?&/p&&p&Are they coming back? The aliens?&/p&&p&有可能
你能闭嘴吗?&/p&&p&Maybe. Can you stop?&/p&&p&我不是跟你说过
我有焦虑症吗?&/p&&p&Remember what I told you, that I have an
anxiety issue?&/p&&p&这话题让你... 不淡定了吗?&/p&&p&Does this subject make you... edgy?&/p&&p&是有一点
我能喘口气了吗?&/p&&p&Yeah, a little bit. Can I just catch my
breath for a second?&/p&&p&玫瑰山有坏人吗?&/p&&p&Are there bad guys in Rose Hill?&/p&&p&你需要个袋子帮你呼吸吗?&/p&&p&Do you need a plastic bag to breathe into?&/p&&p&- 你吃药了吗?
- 没有&/p&&p&- Do you have medication?
- No.&/p&&p&- 你需要吃药吗?
- 有可能&/p&&p&- Do you need to be on it?
- Probably.&/p&&p&- 你有创伤后遗症吗?
- 我不觉得&/p&&p&- Do you have PTSD?
- I don't think so.&/p&&p&你会... 你会变成精神病吗?&/p&&p&Are you... are you going completely mental?&/p&&p&我可以闭嘴
你要我闭嘴吗?&/p&&p&I can stop. Do you want me to stop?&/p&&p&我不是早让你闭嘴吗?&/p&&p&Remember when I said to stop doing that?&/p&&p&我发誓
你快把我逼疯了&/p&&p&I swear that you're gonna freak me out.&/p&&p&熊孩子
你开心了吧?&/p&&p&Man, you did it, didn't you? You happy now?&/p&&p&我说了什么啊?&/p&&p&What did I say?&/p&&br&&p&自从那个挥着大锤的家伙从天而降&/p&&p&ever since that big dude with the hammer
fell out of the sky,&/p&&p&低调早已不流行了&/p&&p&subtlety has kind of had its day.&/p&&br&&p&所以等会我会先收拾你&/p&&p&And that's why I'm gonna kill you first.&/p&&p&你会怎么收拾我?
- 你会知道的&/p&&p&- What are you gonna do to me?
- You'll see.&/p&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&p&&b&第二弹,雷神2&/b&&/p&&br&&p&我接受你的投降&/p&&p&I accept your surrender.&/p&&p&(锤哥挥舞Mjolnir,轻松干掉某不知名怪物后……)&/p&&p&还有谁&/p&&p&Anyone else?&/p&&p&也许下次我们该直接拿块头大的下手&/p&&p&Perhaps next time we should start with the big one.&/p&&br&&p&你有什么放不下的事&/p&&p&So what's the story with you?&/p&&p&为什么非得有事
我没什么放不下的事&/p&&p&Why does there have to be a story, there's no story.&/p&&p&我们约会的前十分钟里&/p&&p&You spent the first ten minutes of our date&/p&&p&你都躲在一份只有三道菜的菜单后面&/p&&p&hiding behind a menu that has three choices on it.&/p&&p&你能选的就只有鸡肉
简&/p&&p&It's either chicken, vegetarian or fish, Jane.&/p&&p&我猜你有放不下的事&/p&&p&I think there's a story&/p&&br&&br&(Max的出场颇具喜感)&br&我去了实验室也就是你妈家&br&So, I show up to work at the lab/your mom's house,&br&满心以为会看到你穿着睡衣在屋里晃悠&br&fully expecting you to be moping around in your pajamas&br&吃着冰激凌
念念不忘...那个谁&br&eating ice cream obsessing about... you know who...&br&可你居然没有
你穿上了淑女装&br&But you're not! You're wearing lady clothes,&br&甚至还洗了澡
香喷喷的&br&you even showered, didn't you? You smell good.&br&&br&你去哪了&br&Where were you?!&br&你又去哪了&br&Where were you? &br&海姆达尔看不到你&br&Heimdall could not see you.&br&我一直在原地等你&br&I was right here where you left me.&br&我一直在等你
后来我哭了&br&I was waiting and then I was crying&br&再后来我到处去找你&br&and then I went out looking for you.&br&你说你会回来的&br&You said you were coming back.&br&我知道
但是彩虹桥被毁了&br&I know, I know, but the Bifrost was destroyed.&br&&br&她不属于阿斯加德&br&She does not belong here in Asgard&br&如同山羊肉上不了宴会台面一样&br&anymore than a goat belongs at a banquet table.&br&&br&你现在来看我&br&now you come to visit me,&br&来干什么&br&why?&br&幸灾乐祸吗&br&Have you come to gloat?&br&嘲笑我&br&To mock?&br&&img src=&/234a811f16cda12b80316_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&369& data-rawheight=&253& class=&content_image& width=&369&&&br&服装不太合身&br&The costume is bit much.&br&太紧了&br&So tight.&br&但那股自信&br&But the confidence,&br&我能感到正义在我身体里涌动&br&I can feel the righteousness surging.&br&想跟我畅谈一下真理吗&br&Hey, do you wanna have a rousing discussion about truth?&br&或是荣誉&br&Honor?&br&爱国主义&br&Patriotism?&br&天佑美国...&br&God bless America...&br&&br&我是洛基
你可能听说过我&br&I'm Loki, you may have heard of me.&br&这一掌是为了纽约&br&That was for New York.&br&我喜欢她&br&I like her.&br&&br&不管你在做什么
你得快点了&br&Well, whatever you're doing brother, I suggest you do it faster.&br&闭嘴
洛基&br&Shut up, Loki.&br&你肯定漏掉什么了&br&You must have missed something.&br&我没有
我把这上面的按钮都按遍了&br&No, I didn't, I'm pressing every button on this thing.&br&别用力那么猛
轻轻按&br&No. Don't hit it, just press it gently.&br&&br&多谢你的解说
洛基&br&Yeah, thank you for the commentary Loki, &br&完全不会让人分心&br&it's not at all distracting.&br&干得漂亮
你把你爷爷的头撞下来了&br&Well done, you just decapitated your grandfather.&br&&br&怎么去格林威治&br&How do I get to Greenwich?&br&上车
坐三站&br&Take this train, three stops.&br&注意站台间隙&br&Mind the gap.&br&抱歉
抱歉&br&Sorry. Sorry.&br&&br&一个儿子太过渴求王位&br&One son who wanted the throne too much, &br&另一个却弃之而去&br&another who will not take it.&br&这就是我留给后世的吗&br&Is this my legacy?&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&b&第三弹,美国队长2&/b&&br&&br&&br&解冻之后回家一看&br&Must have freaked you out,&br&是不是把你吓坏了&br&coming home after the whole defrosting thing.&br&&br&三
一&br&Three. Two. One.&br&我说过
神盾局从不谈判&br&I told you, S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't negotiate.&br&&br&那叫各司其职&br&It's called compartmentalization.&br&没人泄露秘密
因为大家都只知道一部分&br&Nobody spills the secrets because nobody knows them all.&br&&br&还有好的地方吗&br&Well, what's not damaged?&br&空调系统完全正常&br&Air conditioning is fully operational.&br&&br&吻我&br&Kiss me.&br&什么&br&What?&br&公共场合秀恩爱
让人很不自在&br&Public displays of affection make people very uncomfortable.&br&是的&br&Yes, they do.&br&还不自在吗&br&You still uncomfortable?&br&也不能这么说&br&It's not exactly the word I would use.&br&&br&好吧
我有个问题&br&Alright, I have a question for you,&br&你可以不回答&br&of which you do not have to answer.&br&不过我觉得即使你不回答&br&I feel like if you don't answer it though,&br&也算是回答了&br&you're kind of answering it, you know?&br&什么问题&br&What?&br&这是你自1945年以后的第一次接吻吗&br&Was that your first kiss since 1945?&br&有那么糟吗&br&我可没这么说&br&I didn't say that.&br&听起来就是那个意思&br&Well, it kind of sounds like that's what you're saying.&br&不是
我只是好奇你练习过几次&br&No, I didn't. I just wondered how much practice you had.&br&-我不需要练习
-每个人都需要&br&- I don't need practice. - Everybody needs practice.&br&这不是我自1945年之后的第一次接吻&br&It was not my first kiss since 1945.&br&我是95岁了
可我不是死人&br&I'm ninety-five, I'm not dead.&br&没遇到过特别的人吗&br&Nobody special, though?&br&不管你信不信&br&Believe it or not,&br&要找个和我有类似人生经历的人不太容易&br&it's kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience.&br&&br&完了
饭碗丢了&br&Oh, man. I am so fired!&br&&br&你认识我&br&You know me.&br&我不认识&br&No, I don't!&br&巴基
你从小就认识我&br&Bucky, you've known me your whole life.&br&你的名字是詹姆斯·布坎南·巴恩斯&br&Your name is James Buchanan Barnes.&br&闭嘴&br&Shut up!&br&我是不会跟你打的&br&I'm not gonna fight you.&br&你是我的朋友&br&You're my friend.&br&你是我的任务&br&You're my mission.&br&那就完成任务&br&Then finish it.&br&因为我会陪你走到最后的&br&Cause I'm with you till the end of the line.&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&b&第四弹,&/b&&b&I am Groot&/b&&br&&br&&br&我就是个收破烂的 只是过来看看&br&I'm just a junker, man. I was just checking stuff out.&br&你看起来不像收破烂的 一身劫掠者的打扮&br&You don't look like a junker. You're wearing Ravager garb.&br&就是套衣服而已 伙计&br&This is just an outfit, man.&br&别戳我了 忍者神龟&br&&br&我还有个名字你或许知道&br&There's another name you might know me by.&br&星爵&br&Star-Lord.&br&谁?&br&Who?&br&星爵啊 伙计 传奇罪犯啊&br&Star-Lord, man. Legendary outlaw.&br&- 都不知道?
- 走!&br&- Guys?
- Move!&br&啊 算了&br&Ah, forget this.&br&&br&赞达尔人啊&br&Xandarians.&br&真是一群屌丝&br&What a bunch of losers.&br&他们整天忙忙碌碌 到头来愚不可及&br&All of them in a big hurry to get from something stupid,&br&一无所有 真可悲&br&to nothing at all. Pathetic.&br&看看这家伙!&br&Look at this guy!&br&你敢相信他们把我们当罪犯&br&Can you believe they call us criminals,&br&却不把这种非主流发型的人抓起来吗?&br&when he's assaulting us with that haircut?&br&这货又是啥? 你看它这得意劲儿&br&What is this thing? Look how it thinks it's so cool.&br&&br&你看上去倒是个品德高尚的人&br&You have the bearing of a man of honor.&br&其实 我自己不会这么说&br&Well, you know, I wouldn't say that.&br&别人总是这么夸我&br&People say it about me, all the time,&br&但我可不会给自己那么高的评价&br&but it's not something I would ever say about myself.&br&&br&嘿! 这不是&星际小王子&嘛&br&Hey! If it isn't Star-Prince.&br&- 是星爵
- 不好意思 是&爵&&br&- Star-Lord.
- Oh, sorry. &Lord.&&br&&br&- 浣熊是什么?
- &浣熊是什么?&&br&- What's a raccoon?
- &What's a raccoon?&&br&就是你啊 白痴&br&It's what you are, stupid.&br&我这品种 世上独一无二&br&Ain't no thing like me, except me.&br&&br&我是格鲁特&br&I am Groot.&br&这话和之前那89次一样顺耳 还真是听不厌&br&Well, that's just as fascinating as the first 89 times you told me that.&br&这颗奉献树到底有什么毛病?&br&What is wrong with Giving Tree, here?&br&他可不像你我一样会说话&br&Well, he don't know talking good like me and you.&br&所以他的词库只有三个词 &我& &是&和&格鲁特&&br&So his vocabulistics is limited to &I& and &am& and &Groot.&&br&并只能以那个顺序出现&br&Exclusively in that order.&br&我得说 这句话很快就能把人给逼疯了&br&I tell you what, that's gonna wear real thin, real fast.&br&&br&等他来的时候&br&And when he does,&br&你就能...&br&that's when you...&br&我为什么要把手指放在他的喉咙上?&br&Why would I put my finger on his throat?&br&啥?&br&What?&br&不 这是个象征&br&Oh, no, it's a symbol.&br&这象征着你切断他的喉咙&br&This is a symbol for you slicing his throat.&br&我才不会切断他的喉咙&br&I would not slice his throat.&br&&br&这只是打比方嘛 伙计&br&It's just a metaphor, dude.&br&他们这种人只认字面意思 比喻只会让他摸不着头脑&br&His people are completely literal. Metaphors are gonna go over his head.&br&谁摸不着头脑&br&Nothing goes over my head.&br&我的反应特快 一下就能摸到&br&My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it.&br&&br&我知道你的德性 彼得·奎尔!&br&I know who you are, Peter Quill!&br&而且我也不是什么充满天真幻想的少女 会被你...&br&And I am not some starry-eyed waif here to succumb to your...&br&被你的下体勾引!&br&Your pelvic sorcery!&br&&br&在宇宙形成之前&br&Before creation itself,&br&曾经有六个奇点&br&there were six singularities.&br&之后宇宙爆炸成形&br&Then the universe exploded into existence,&br&于是这些系统的残余&br&and the remnants of these systems&br&便被压缩成为了浓缩的锭块&br&were forged into concentrated ingots.&br&也就是无限宝石&br&Infinity Stones.&br&这些宝石&br&These stones, it seems,&br&似乎只能被&br&can only be brandished&br&拥有特殊力量的人驾驭&br&by beings of extraordinary strength.&br&&br&如果你不马上交出我们的同伴&br&If you don't hand over our companions now,&br&他会把你的飞船爆成菊花&br&he's gonna tear your ship a new one.&br&非常大的菊花!&br&A very big new one!&br&- 我不信
- 我给你倒数五下的时间&br&- I ain't buyin' it.
- I'm giving you to the count of five.&br&&br&仔细听歌词&br&Listen to these words.&br&现在跳高潮!&br&Now bring it down hard!&br&你在干嘛?&br&What are you doing?&br&斗舞啊 哥们儿 就咱俩&br&Dance-off, bro. Me and you.&br&卡魔拉来一段&br&Gamora.&br&太客气了 那我继续&br&Subtle. Take it back.&br&你到底在干什么?&br&What are you doing?&br&我在分散你注意力 你个大翔脸&br&I'm distracting you, you big turd blossom&br&&br&你们只是凡人!&br&You're mortal!&br&怎么可能?&br&How?&br&是你自己说的啊 贱人&br&You said it yourself, bitch.&br&我们是银河护卫队&br&We're the Guardians of the Galaxy.&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&b&第五弹,复(lao)仇(huo)者(ji)联盟2&/b&&br&&br&&br&慢着 没有人要吐槽一下&br&Wait a second... No one else is gonna deal with the fact that&br&队长刚刚说的&别说脏话&吗&br&Cap just said, &Language&?&br&&br&看在上帝的份上 注意你的用词&br&And for gosh sake, watch your language.&br&看来要被念叨一阵子了&br&That's not going away any time soon.&br&&br&实验室准备就绪了 老大&br&Lab's all set up boss.&br&噢 其实他才是老大 我只是...&br&Oh, actually he's the boss. I just...&br&提供资金和负责设计 让大家看起来更酷炫&br&pay for everything and design everything, and make everyone look cooler&br&&br&资料说他们自愿参加斯特拉克的试验&br&File says they volunteered for Strucker's experiments.&br&真是疯了&br&It's nuts.&br&是啊 什么怪胎为了保卫国家&br&Right... what kind of monster would let a German scientist experiment on them&br&会让德国科学家在自己身上做实验呢&br&to protect their country.&br&&br&你不会有任何改变 巴顿先生&br&You'll be made of you, Mr. Barton&br&连你的女朋友都看不出来有任何差别&br&Your own girlfriend won't be able to tell the difference.&br&我没有女朋友&br&I don't have a girlfriend.&br&这我可解决不了&br&That, I can't fix.&br&&br&如果你喝着鸡尾酒 躺在阳光海滩上&br&What if you were sipping margaritas on a sun drenched beach&br&变成古铜色而不是绿色呢&br&turning brown instead of green.&br&不必惦记着维罗妮卡&br&Not looking over your shoulder for Veronica.&br&别生气 是我帮着设计了维罗妮卡&br&Don't hate. I helped design Veronica.&br&&br&我要尝尝这个&br&I gotta have some of that.&br&不行 不行&br&Oh no, no, no...&br&这酒可是已经珍藏了千年&br&See this, this is aged for a thousand years,&br&酒桶是用布伦希尔德舰队的残骸制造的&br&The barrels built from the wreck of Brunnhilde's fleet.&br&凡人可享用不了&br&It's not meant for mortal men.&br&奥马哈海滩也不是凡人能登陆的 小伙子&br&Neither was Omaha Beach, blondie...&br&别吓唬人了&br&Stop trying to scare us.&br&放马过来&br&Come on.&br&那好吧&br&Alright...&br&精益求精&br&Excelsior...&br&&br&挺好的&br&It's nice.&br&什么挺好的&br&What? What is?&br&你和罗曼诺夫&br&You and Romanov.&br&不 我们没什么 那不是...&br&No, we haven't, that wasn't...&br&没事的 又没有规定禁止这样&br&It's ok, nobody is breaking any bylaws.&br&只不过她并非那种&br&It's just she's not the most...&br&容易敞开心扉的人&br&open person in the world,&br&但她跟你在一起时似乎很放松&br&but with you she seemed very relaxed.&br&没有吧 娜塔莎她...&br&No, Natasha she's...&br&她就喜欢调情&br&she likes to flirt.&br&我见过她调情的样子&br&I've seen her flirt...&br&深有体会&br&up close.&br&和刚才完全不同&br&This ain't that.&br&听着&br&Look...&br&作为世界上等待过久这件事的权威 我劝你&br&as maybe the world's leading authority on waiting too long...&br&千万别等&br&Don't.&br&&br&对了 如果我举起了锤子&br&Right, so what... If I lift it, I..&br&我就能统治阿斯加德吗&br&I then rule Asgard?&br&&br&你既想保护这个世界 又不想改变它&br&You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change.&br&人类如若固步自封 何求...&br&How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...&br&自保&br&evolve?&br&看看这些&br&Look at these...&br&这些木偶&br&these puppets.&br&通向和平的道路只有一条&br&Only one path to peace.&br&复仇者覆灭&br&The Avengers extinction.&br&我曾被提线束缚 但我已获得自由&br&I had strings, but now I'm free.&br&提线已无法束缚我&br&There are no strings on me.&br&&br&我们是复仇者&br&We're the Avengers...&br&干掉几个军火贩子是分分钟的事&br&We can bust arms dealers all the live long day but...&br&可那一次&br&that up there, that's...&br&差点就是我们的谢幕演出了&br&that's the end game.&br&你们觉得这次我们该如何才能应付&br&How are you guys planning on beating that?&br&团结一致&br&Together.&br&我们会输的&br&We'll lose.&br&那我们也要并肩作战&br&Then we'll do that together, too.&br&&br&人类创造了&br&People create...&br&更小的人类&br&smaller people...&br&孩子&br&Children.&br&突然忘词了&br&I lost the word there.&br&孩子&br&Children...&br&&br&哦 吾儿&br&Oh junior.&br&你真是让老爸的心都碎了&br&You're gonna break your old man's heart.&br&若有必要 我一定会打碎它&br&If I have to.&br&别啊 什么都不用打碎&br&Nobody has to break anything.&br&显然你没做过煎蛋卷&br&Clearly you've never made an omelet.&br&我的梗被他抢先说了&br&He beat me by one second.&br&&br&那个女孩想扭曲我的大脑&br&The girl tried to warp my brain.&br&要特别小心 人类估计很难不受她影响&br&Take special care, I doubt a human can keep her at bay.&br&幸好 我是个神&br&Fortunately... I am mighty.&br&看来进展非常顺利&br&This is going very well.&br&心神控制我有领教&br&I've done the whole mind control thing.&br&一点也不喜欢&br&Not a fan.&br&&br&那个小女巫在蛊惑你的头脑&br&That little witch is messing with your mind.&br&你比她强大 比她聪明&br&you're stronger than her, you're smarter than her...&br&你是布鲁斯 班纳&br&you're Bruce Banner.&br&对对对 不能提羸弱的班纳&br&Right, right, right, don't mention puny Banner.&br&&br&你们以为我是奥创的继任者&br&You think I'm a child of Ultron?&br&你不是吗&br&You're not?&br&我不是奥创&br&I'm not Ultron.&br&我也不是贾维斯&br&I'm not Jarvis either.&br&我 就是我&br&I am...I am.&br&&br&史塔克想要创造个救世主&br&Stark asked for a savior...&br&却造出了个奴隶&br&and settled for a slave.&br&我猜我们都让人失望了&br&I suppose we're both disappointments.&br&我想也是&br&I suppose we are.&br&人类太奇怪了&br&Humans are odd.&br&他们觉得秩序和混乱是截然对立的&br&They think order and chaos are somehow opposites and...&br&还试图去操纵掌控之外的事情&br&try to control what won't be.&br&可他们的失败也不失优雅&br&But there's grace in their failings.&br&我觉得你忽略了这一点&br&I think you've missed that.&br&人类注定要灭绝&br&They're doomed.&br&也是&br&Yes...&br&但事物的美好并不在其永恒&br&but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts.&br&我很荣幸是他们的一员&br&It's a privilege to be among them.&br&你真的太天真了&br&You're unbearably naive.&br&毕竟我昨天才诞生&br&Well, I was born yesterday.&br&&br&既然他能挥动锤子 他就能保管心灵宝石&br&He can wield the hammer. He can keep the mind stone.&br&它在幻视手里是安全的&br&It's safe with the Vision.&br&如今 安全也是一种奢侈了&br&These days safe is in short supply.&br&但如果把锤子放在电梯里&br&But if you put the hammer in an elevator.&br&还是会跟着电梯向上升&br&It would still go up.&br&电梯可没资格拿起锤子&br&Elevator's not worthy&br&我会想念和你们拌嘴的日子的&br&I'm gonna miss these little talks of ours.&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&br&&b&第六弹,蚁人,话唠小哥是一大亮点哦!You know I'm just excited……&/b&&br&&br&给我来个汉堡吧
谢谢&br&Um, I will have... I'll have a burger, please.&br&我们这不卖汉堡&br&Oh, we don't... we don't make that.&br&那就椒盐卷饼
加黄芥末酱&br&Pretzel. Hot pretzel. Like, mustard...&br&你们有黄芥末沾酱吗&br&Do you have mustard dip?&br&我们是冰淇淋店
芭斯罗缤&br&It's ice cream. Baskin-Robbins.&br&那就给我随便来个热的刚出炉的吧&br&I'll just do, like, whatever's hot and fresh.&br&&br&如果你走的时候想拿上一杯&br&but if you want to grab one of those Mango Fruit Blasts&br&芒果水果风暴的话&br&on your way out the door,&br&我会假装没看到&br&I'll just pretend I didn't see it.&br&&br&我和表兄欧内斯托一起参加一场品酒会&br&I was at a wine tasting with my cousin Ernesto.&br&当时大部分是红酒&br&Which was mainly reds,&br&你知道我不喜欢红酒&br&and you know I don't like reds, man.&br&但有种玫瑰葡萄酒扭转了局面&br&But there was a rose that saved the day.&br&那天我们很愉快&br&It was delightful.&br&他跟我聊起一个姑娘&br&And then he tells me about this girl,&br&艾米丽
她以前经常跟我们鬼混&br&Emily, that we used to kick it with.&br&其实那是我摸过的第一对奶&br&It was actually the first pair of boobs I ever touched.&br&你扯远了&br&It's the wrong details.&br&这跟你要讲的事毫无瓜葛&br&It has nothing to do with the story.&br&重讲&br&Go.&br&他告诉我她现在有份工作&br&So, uh, he tells me that she's&br&是帮别人打扫卫生&br&working as a housekeeper now, right?&br&她在跟一个叫卡洛斯的家伙约会&br&And she's dating this dude, Carlos,&br&他是海湾那头的一个大佬&br&who's a shot caller from across the bay.&br&她把她雇主的情况告诉了他&br&And she tells him about the dude that she's cleaning for.&br&他雇主是个很牛的执行总裁&br&Right? That he's like this big-shot CEO&br&已经金盆洗手
但是超级有钱&br&that is all retired now, but he's loaded.&br&卡洛斯和欧内斯托在同一个垒球队&br&And so, Carlos and Ernesto are on the same softball team,&br&他们有天开始聊天&br&and they get to talking, right?&br&好戏来了
&伙计&br&And here comes the good part. Carlos says, &Yo, man.&br&&有个人有个超大的保险柜&br&&This guy's got a big-ass safe just&br&&就放在地下室
就放在那&&br&&Sitting in the basement, just chilling.&&br&欧内斯托当然就来找了我&br&Of course Ernesto comes to me because&br&因为他知道我盗窃技能了得&br&he knows I got mad thieving skills.&br&当然
我问了他&br&Of course, I ask him...&br&&br&&br&是卡本代尔牌的&br&It's a Carbondale.&br&1910年造&br&It's from 1910.&br&用的跟泰坦尼克号一样的钢材&br&Made from the same steel as the Titanic.&br&你能打开吗&br&Can you crack it?&br&关键在于
这种钢不怎么耐寒&br&Well, here's the thing. It doesn't do so well in the cold.&br&还记得那座冰山吗&br&Remember what that iceberg did?&br&记得
坑死了小李子&br&Yeah, man. It killed DiCaprio.&br&&br&车在哪&br&Where's the car?&br&没有车
我们用飞的&br&No car. We've got wings.&br&&br&你没必要举手
斯科特&br&You don't need to raise your hand, Scott.&br&抱歉
我就一个问题&br&Sorry, I just have one question.&br&你是说
这他妈发生什么事了&br&Who are you, who is she, what the hell's going on,&br&我现在能回监狱吗&br&and can I go back to jail now?&br&&br&现在
你准备好自我救赎了吗&br&Now, are you ready to redeem yourself?&br&百分百好了&br&Absolutely.&br&我那些入室盗窃的日子一去不复返了&br&My days of breaking into places and stealing shit are done.&br&您要我做什么&br&What do you want me to do?&br&我要你入室并且盗窃&br&I want you to break into a place and steal some shit.&br&&br&我觉得首先我们应该去向复仇者们求助&br&I think our first move should be calling the Avengers.&br&我花了大半辈子&br&I spent half my life&br&努力不让这项科技落入斯塔克手中&br&trying to keep this technology out of the hands of a Stark.&br&我现在也绝不会亲手把它交过去&br&I'm sure as hell not gonna hand-deliver it to one now.&br&这可不是钢铁侠战衣那种小儿科&br&This is not some cute technology like the Iron Man suit.&br&这个能改变现实的结构&br&再说了
他们八成正忙着把城市从天上往下扔呢&br&Besides, they're probably too busy dropping cities out of the sky.&br&&br&这是你的机会&br&This is your chance.&br&重新赢得你女儿眼中的崇拜的机会&br&The chance to earn that look in your daughter's eyes.&br&不要辜负你在她心中的英雄形象&br&To become the hero that she already thinks you are.&br&&br&在我监狱里待了三年
我知道怎么出拳&br&I was in prison for three years. I know how to punch.&br&打给我看看&br&Show me.&br&真差劲&br&Terrible.&br&你想要给我演示一下如何出拳吗&br&You wanna show me how to punch?&br&打吧&br&Show me...&br&这样出拳才对&br&That's how you punch.&br&她一直等着这个呢&br&She's been looking forward to this.&br&&br&你要说明你是来干什么的吗&br&You wanna tell me what you want?&br&我想过来拿个仪器&br&I was hoping I could grab a piece of technology.&br&借用几天
用完就还&br&Just for a few days. I'm gonna return it.&br&我得拿去拯救世界
你懂的&br&I need it to save the world. You know how that is.&br&我确实懂&br&I know exactly how that is.&br&&br&这事绝对不能被队长知道&br&It's really important to me that Cap never finds out about this.&br&&br&你刚那也太不负责而且很危险&br&That was completely irresponsible and dangerous!&br&你威胁到了全盘计划&br&You jeopardized everything!&br&你拿到了&br&You got it.&br&干得好&br&Well done.&br&等一下&br&Wait a minute.&br&你刚是在表扬我吗&br&Did you just compliment me?&br&他表扬我了
是吧&br&He did, didn't he?&br&听起来是的&br&Kind of sounded like he did.&br&我以前很厉害吧&br&I was good, wasn't I?&br&还有我跟一个复仇者干了一架还没死&br&Hey, how about the fact that I fought an Avenger and didn't die?&br&&br&不不不
绝对不行&br&No, no. No, no, no. Not those three wombats. No way.&br&谢谢您的咖啡
女士&br&Thank you for the coffee, ma'am.&br&很少会有人被打劫了还邀请劫匪坐坐&br&It's not too often that you rob a place and then get welcomed back.&br&因为我们打劫了你&br&Because we just robbed you.&br&你知道他是因为偷了台冰沙机被捕的吧&br&You know that he was arrested for stealing a smoothie machine, right?&br&是两台冰沙机&br&Two smoothie machines.&br&你确定他们能胜任吗&br&Are you sure they can handle this?&br&肯定可以
我们可是专业的&br&Oh, we can handle it. We're professionals.&br&请原谅我们对你们没什么信心&br&You'll forgive us if we're not instilled with confidence.&br&各位都先冷静一下
淡定淡定&br&Well, hey, everybody just kick back and relax a little bit, man.&br&我们懂这行&br&We know our business.&br&我们可闯入过这老房子
不是吗&br&We broke into this spooky-ass house, didn't we?&br&是我放你们进来的&br&I let you.&br&那也可以说是我让你放我进来的&br&Well, one could say that I let you let me.&br&没事
他们能搞定&br&Look, it's okay. They can handle this.&br&对
我们能搞定&br&Yeah, we can handle it.&br&-你有他们的证件了吗
-他在系统里了&br&- You got their credentials? - He's in the system.&br&我在系统里了&br&I'm in the system?&br&你在系统里了&br&You're in the system.&br&系统里吗&br&The system?&br&好吧
我们死定了&br&Yeah, we're doomed.&br&&br&听着
过一会儿会很诡异&br&Now, look, this is gonna get weird, all right?&br&会很吓人
但其实没事&br&It's pretty freaky, but it's safe.&br&不必害怕&br&There's no reason to be scared.&br&不不
老子我天不怕地不怕&br&Oh, no, no. Daddy don't get scared.&br&-真的吗
-真的&br&- Really? - Yeah.&br&那就好&br&Good.&br&绝对是吉普赛人搞的鬼把戏&br&This is the work of Gypsies.&br&这是巫术吧&br&That's witchcraft.&br&太厉害了&br&Wow, that's amazing.&br&感觉就像大卫·科波菲尔那样&br&That's like some David Copperfield shit.&br&这是什么魔法吧&br&That's some kind of wizardry.&br&是巫术&br&This is sorcery!&br&哥们
你是怎么做到的&br&How'd you do that, bro?&br&千万别怕
看看你的肩膀&br&Don't freak out. Look at your shoulder.&br&滚开
滚开&br&Get off! Get off!&br&你不是还说你天不怕地不怕吗&br&Wait, I thought Daddy didn't get scared!&br&&br&没错
我要穿制服&br&You know what? I get to wear a uniform.&br&-就是这样
-路易斯&br&- That's what's up. - Luis.&br&抱歉
我只是太兴奋了&br&I'm sorry. I'm good. I'm good. I'm just excited.&br&而且你的女朋友真的很性感&br&Plus, your girlfriend's really hot.&br&看到她我也会特别紧张&br&So, you know, that makes me nervous, too.&br&你真的很漂亮
女士&br&And you are very beautiful, ma'am.&br&-我的天哪
-她不是我的...&br&- Oh, my Lord. - She's not my...&br&对了
我想到个策略&br&You know what? I was thinking of a tactic,&br&我卧底进去时可以用&br&like when I go undercover.&br&比如吹口哨
融入进去&br&Like a whistling. You know what I'm saying? To like, blend in.&br&不行
不准吹&br&No. Don't whistle. No whistling.&br&这又不是表演才艺节目
不准吹&br&It's not The Andy Griffith Show. No whistling.&br&&br&你在干什么&br&Hey! What are you doing?&br&头儿让我来检查下这
我就来了&br&Uh... Boss-man said to secure the area, so I'm securing it.&br&我就是头儿&br&I'm the boss.&br&&br&这可不是钥匙链&br&It's not a keychain.&br&这里乱成一团了
枪声四起&br&It's total chaos in here! Multiple shots fired!&br&还有一辆坦克&br&And there's a tank.&br&&br&我要摧毁你&br&I'm gonna disintegrate you!&br&播放治疗乐队的《摧毁》&br&Playing Disintegration by the Cure.&br&&br&这样吧
把事实告诉我&br&Here's the deal. Just give me the facts.&br&讲重点
只讲重点&br&Just the facts. Only the facts.&br&呼气
简简单单&br&Breathe. Focus. Keep it simple.&br&行
没问题的&br&No, no, no. No doubt, no doubt. Okay.&br&我和我表哥伊格纳西奥去艺术馆&br&So, I'm at this art museum with my cousin Ignacio, right?&br&是一个抽象表现主义的展览&br&And there was this, like, abstract expressionism exhibit.&br&但你知道的
我比较喜欢新立体主义的作品&br&But you know me, I'm more like a Neo-Cubist kind of guy, right?&br&但有个人叫罗斯科的人非常棒
天呐&br&But there was this one Rothko that was sublime, bro! Oh, my God!&br&路易斯&br&Luis.&br&好了
抱歉&br&Okay, sorry. Sorry.&br&我就是太兴奋了&br&You know, I just get excited and stuff.&br&但不管怎么说
伊格纳西奥告诉我&br&But anyway, Ignacio tells me,&br&&我昨晚在焦点酒吧&br&&Yo, I met this crazy-fine writer chick&br&遇到一个超正点的作家妹子
超级正点&br&at the Spot last night. Like fine-fine.&br&特别特别正点
然后他&br&Like crazy-stupid fine.& And he&br&过去跟酒保说&br&goes up to the bartender and goes,&br&看那个和我一起的妹子
懂我意思不&br&&Look at the girl I'm with. You know what I'm sayin'?&br&她超正的
对吧&br&&She's crazy-stupid fine, right?&&br&酒保说
的确超正&br&The bartender's all like, &Yeah, crazy-stupid fine.&&br&所以这个作家妹子告诉伊格纳西奥&br&So this writer chick tells Ignacio,&br&我可是小道八卦界女王&br&&Yo, I'm like a boss in the world of guerrilla journalism,&br&我和幕后大佬关系可好了&br&&And I got mad connects with the peeps behind the curtains,&br&你懂我说得不&br&&You know what I'm saying?&&br&伊格纳西奥就问
真的呀&br&Ignacio's like, &For real?&&br&她说
真的啊&br&And she's like, &Yeah, you know what,&br&我不能告诉你我线人是谁&br&I can't tell you who my contact is,&br&因为他和复联一起工作&br&&Because he works with the Avengers.&&br&天呐&br&Oh, no.&br&这人听上去很厉害呢&br&Yeah, and this dude sounds like a badass, man.&br&他走过去跟她说&br&Like, he comes up to her and says,&br&&我在找个超级英雄界的新人&br&&Yo, I'm looking for this dude who's new on the scene,&br&&刚初来乍到&br&&who's flashing his fresh tack,&br&&技能出众的人
你知道谁吗&&br&&who's got, like, bomb moves, right? Who you got?&&br&她说
什么人都有啊&br&And she's like, &Well, we got everything nowaday.&br&有会蹦的&br&We got a guy who jumps.&br&会飞的
还有爬墙的&br&&We got a guy who swings, we got a guy who crawls up the walls.&br&你得说具体点&br&&You gotta be more specific.&&br&他说
我要找个能缩小的&br&And he's like, &I'm looking for a guy that shrinks.&&br&我说
我很紧张&br&And I'm, like, &Damn!&. I got all nervous&br&因为我要为你保守秘密&br&'cause I'd keep mad secrets for you, bro.&br&所以我问伊格纳西奥&br&So I asked Ignacio,&br&&那个狠角色是不是让超正作家找你&br&&Did the badass tell the stupid-fine writer chick&br&让你来找我
因为我和他要找的&br&to tell you to tell me, because I'm tight with Ant-Man,&br&那个蚁人关系很好吗&br&&That he's looking for him?&&br&然后呢
他说什么&br&And? What'd he say?&br&他说
没错&br&He said, &Yes.&
更新 内战开打在即,先占坑!之前的MCU电影全部整理完毕!时间关系不可能一一截图,还望见谅!第一阶段,第一弹,复仇者联盟整个宇宙 归您The universe, yours.至于人类 除了灰飞湮灭 还能有什么下场?And the humans, what can they do but burn?…
好哒好哒,追求完美,补上截图&br&复仇者联盟1&br&洛基:“我是你们的神,你们这群卑微的人类。。”&br&浩克拽住洛基的双腿一顿暴打,然后甩了一句“可怜的神”&br&留下洛基躺在那儿没回过神来&br&(抱歉忘记原版英文台词了)&br&抱歉了各位,我gif图都做好了,只可惜知乎不能上传gif图-_-||&br&&img src=&/c824c79f590cc34d3cf62d2f07f7a570_b.jpg& data-rawheight=&606& data-rawwidth=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/c824c79f590cc34d3cf62d2f07f7a570_r.jpg&&&br&&img src=&/b0ffc8cee466_b.jpg& data-rawheight=&606& data-rawwidth=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/b0ffc8cee466_r.jpg&&&br&&img src=&/9e577d3d66a7a35fe0219_b.jpg& data-rawheight=&606& data-rawwidth=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/9e577d3d66a7a35fe0219_r.jpg&&&br&&img src=&/357d06413ffbc43660dfc87ccbc7a412_b.jpg& data-rawheight=&606& data-rawwidth=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/357d06413ffbc43660dfc87ccbc7a412_r.jpg&&&br&&img src=&/de42734a4bddf961cd4f_b.jpg& data-rawheight=&606& data-rawwidth=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/de42734a4bddf961cd4f_r.jpg&&&br&&img src=&/075f848bbe_b.jpg& data-rawheight=&606& data-rawwidth=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/075f848bbe_r.jpg&&&br&&img src=&/e8be9d0a8a_b.jpg& data-rawheight=&606& data-rawwidth=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/e8be9d0a8a_r.jpg&&&br&&img src=&/44d3dca2ec8ddfadffc3cd_b.jpg& data-rawheight=&606& data-rawwidth=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/44d3dca2ec8ddfadffc3cd_r.jpg&&&br&&img src=&/48c432acf4968_b.jpg& data-rawheight=&606& data-rawwidth=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1080& data-original=&/48c432acf4968_r.jpg&&&br&哎。。。受不了某些人
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