青龙复仇 片尾曲之刃电视剧片尾曲叫什么名

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药品服务许可证(京)-经营-电视剧《复仇之刃第30-31集》剧情介绍,复仇之刃第30-31集分集剧情简介-剧情介绍网您当前位置:--浏览文章复仇之刃第30-31集剧情介绍这是一篇关于复仇之刃第30-31集剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清复仇之刃第30-31集请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看复仇之刃第30-31集相关剧情复仇之刃第30-31集全集在线观看:复仇之刃第30集剧情介绍  林部长来到了妓院,司马空他们透过墙上的墙洞偷听隔壁的对话。之江一语惊醒梦中人说难不成藏到妓院,于是就要到妓院周围搜查。帅飘于是就急急忙忙跑到林部长面前说柴山找他,于是林部长就跟之江一起 回去了。司马空于是就让五毛赶紧收拾东西离开这个地方,另外还想办法给帅飘打圆场。  柴山将军并不在,晴气对林部长说刚才发现了一个仓库可能已经找到黄金的下落,柴山已经赶过去了。林部长就赶快去找柴山。柴山向林部长引见了新来的特高科岗村,岗村锁据自己观察黄金很有可能就藏在这里,但是以前这里是法国人的租界,林部长是进不来的。林部长说端木星已经返回了军统,这批黄金可能已经转交给了军统了。林部长说只要这批黄金在上海自己就能找到。  回到家之后林部长知道柴山根本就没有来,于是就命人赶快去妓院周围看看是不是有蹊跷。刑书媛回到了妓院收拾了房间想要帮助帅飘打圆场,帅飘也回来了,他们俩假装情侣,林部长找来看见了却不相信,再三试探他们俩。临走的时候林部长警告帅飘说不要跟自己耍小聪明小心搬石头砸了自己的脚。  林部长走了之后,帅飘和刑书媛感觉很尴尬,帅飘问刑书媛为什么她知道自己穿了白色的内裤,刑书媛说帅飘一翻白眼自己就猜到了。帅飘说为了隐瞒下去就要让刑书媛以后跟自己长期住在这里。  帅飘找司马空知道黄金还在那个仓库里,于是就帮他出了主意说让他给重庆发电报庆祝黄金顺利运来,这样就能转移日本人的注意力。  周院长找林部长问他黄金的消息。林部长说初步认定黄金已经被司马空运走了,还跟周院长做了交易。  雪儿在街上卖烟,老郑来对她说让她注意敌人的动向。  帅飘对老郑说日本人正在尽力搜查那批黄金,这批货光靠司马空不行,自己想到办法暂时移开日本人的视线,共产党的群众基础好要帮忙转移出去黄金。  林部长生气周院长给自己出难题,还生气日本人总是逼自己。帅飘对林部长说听说周院长要用储备券换取黄金,这些黄金只能从老百姓身上搜刮,一定会怨声载道的。帅飘还给林部长出主意说就随便找个人来录口供说黄金已经被偷运出上海了。  司马空在偷听刑书媛和帅飘的房门,帅飘对刑书媛说自己要睡地上。可是等到司马空看见之江从远方过来就赶快暗示帅飘和刑书媛。帅飘和刑书媛就赶快一起上了床,还做出了动静让之江相信他们俩不是再演戏。之江走了之后,帅飘要下床去,刑书媛说万一让之江发现就不好了,还说这自己相信他,于是两个人就躺在了一张床上睡下了。两个人都有点不好意思,心里很激动,谁都睡不着。刑书媛想说什么,帅飘说自己懂得,让她不要说出来。  之江对林部长说帅飘跟刑书媛是真的,林部长一声冷笑说以后还是要多多提防。帅飘来了,林部长说自己收到电报说黄金已经被转移出上海了,于是赶快去找柴山。柴山说这个消息是假的,黄金还在上海,于是提醒林部长距离自己的要求还有六天时间。帅飘帮助林部长开脱,还转移日本人的注意。柴山却一口咬定说黄金不可能藏在帅飘说的那些地方。这时候有人汇报说静安寺附近有人集会,柴山让人遣散他们。帅飘却说出这样做会给市民留下不好的印象。  私下里帅飘对林部长说柴山太傲慢了,没有影佐那么重视他。林部长说傲慢的人早晚会有不好的下场。复仇之刃第31集剧情介绍  帅飘给林部长出主意说自己有办法就是让他离开上海,这样就能撇清自己。林部长说自己要去找周院长说一声,帅飘说周院长一定不想要看见自己于是就在静安寺那里下了车。帅飘去找司马空说让五毛去烧了军械库吸引日本人的注意力,然后对司马空说让他走水路将货运出去。  静安寺外热闹非凡,司马空按照帅飘对自己的安排将门外的守卫然后进入仓库准备将仓库里的黄金。  林部长晚上接到了柴山将军的命令说虹口着火了,让林部长派人来增援。帅飘怎么劝说都没有用,还是跟林部长一起去了军械库。赶到了军械库还在爆炸,柴山将司马空留下的纸条给帅飘看,司马空说自己这次是来抱负的。帅飘解释说这件事不能怪林部长。柴山对林部长说现在顾不了游行,现在日本人的人身安全才是最重要的。这时候,岗村赶来报告说租界的仓库的守卫被杀了,仓库也被拆得乱七八糟。于是柴山就带着人赶往仓库,气的直跺脚。林部长说这是司马空用的调虎离山计,还说是柴山将军让他们将所有的兵力都带走。岗村分析说一定是那些游行队伍掩护司马空出了城。  一个月之后,刑书媛跟林太太等各位太太打牌,刑书媛故意输牌给林太太,林太太高兴,还抱怨林部长为了黄金的事情躲在苏州组织清乡,自己实在是太郁闷了。林太太听说帅飘主动要去湖州进茶叶,就高兴的答应了他。  借口去湖州进茶叶,帅飘来到亡妻坟前祭奠,司马空找到他说戴老板很欣赏他,希望他能当上军统的上校。帅飘没有答应他们却带着他们来到家里吃饭。五毛见到刑书媛就叫嫂子。司马空却教训刑书媛为什么要成天跟帅飘鬼混在一起。帅飘说自己是帮助林太太挣钱。司马空说自己了解他,帅飘一定是要挣钱给地下党当补贴,还说早知道这样为什么当初不留下来一箱黄金。帅飘于是就表态说自己不愿意加入军统。  晴气来找周院长说他向日本申请再借款这件事已经被日本否决了,还说日本之前已经借给他很多钱了,就像一个无底洞。周院长说没有了财力支持,自己就成了空壳了,还说自己的赋税现在由林部长掌控。  周院长要跟军统要见面,戴老板就让自己来观风。帅飘不想要偷听司马空跟刑书媛的对话就一个人走了,刑书媛追出来。司马空和五毛远远看着他们俩,五毛说自己真的很同情他,这次他彻底没戏了。于是司马空就要跟五毛一起回上海。帅飘对刑书媛说自己要借助周院长的力量除掉林部长,自己要想办法将日本人的钱跟储备券绑在一起,一旦储备券贬值,日元也将缩水。  林部长借助汪精卫的名义向周院长要两千万,周院长说自己能忍让林部长,但是日本人却没有耐心,林部长没有多少好日子了。  帅飘路过遇到了熊司令就找他聊天。熊司令说自己要带兵去清乡,还说这给了自己一百万储备券。帅飘说这点钱够干什么,于是就帮他出主意说让他找林部长要军饷。熊司令听见高兴的不行。  林部长回到了上海,周院长把他堵在了办公室,之江连忙去请晴气来劝架。林部长说共产党很难剿灭,还说自己现在没有钱不能剿共。两个人激烈的争吵着,晴气来到这里。周院长诉苦说自己没有两千万给林部长。帅飘对晴气说如果宣布储备券和日元对等交易,那么储备券就不会继续贬值,问题就解决了。晴气说自己回去好好考虑一下。  周院长走了之后,帅飘对林部长说让他早日将储备券抛出去,就不会有什么风险。  司马空有了自己的新家,于是就让帅飘和雪儿他们来为自己庆祝。司马空的新家是一个货场,他把货场的钥匙交给了刑书媛说以后她可以随意出入。
复仇之刃第30-31集英文剧情The blade of revenge 30th episode is introduced
Minister Lin went to the brothel, SiMaKong them through a hole in the wall in the wall eavesdrop on the conversation next door. Zhijiang maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people wake up a language said to a brothel, so a search around to the brothels. Handsome float so hurriedly ran in front of the minister Lin said he shibayama, Yu Shilin minister as zhijiang back together. SiMaKong so let five hair quickly pack up and leave this place, I also think of some way to dozen circle field to handsome.
Shibayama not in general, fine gas said to minister Lin just found a warehouse may have found the whereabouts of gold, shibayama have driven in the past. Minister Lin will go to find shibayama. Shibayama to minister Lin introduced the new high-tech gang village, village lock according to his observation post gold is likely to hide here, but here is the French concession before, minister Lin is not. Minister says DuanMuXing Lin has been returned to the military, the gold may have been turned over to the military. Minister Lin said that as long as the gold in Shanghai can find himself.
After returned home minister Lin know shibayama doesnt have to, then go to a brothel life people look around is there something. XingShu luca brasi went back to the brothel to tidy up the room wants to help dozen circle field handsome, handsome wave also came back, they pretend to couples, minister Lin to see but do not believe that, repeatedly tested both of them. When he left Lin minister warned shuai wave against your own cleverness carefully off his own feet.
Minister Lin was gone, handsome and XingShu luca brasi felt very embarrassed, handsome wave q XingShu luca brasi why she knew she wore white underwear, XingShu luca brasi said their handsome to float a guess. Handsome floating say to hide let XingShu gentle with yourself after living here for a long time.
Handsome floating looking for SiMaKong know gold is still in the warehouse, and then help him out of the idea say let him sent a telegram to my chongqing celebrate gold shipped smoothly, so you can transfer the attention of the Japanese.
Weeks dean to find the news of the gold minister Lin asked him. Minister Lin said preliminary determination of gold has been flown to walk, sima dean made a deal with Joe.
Snow on the street selling cigarettes, LaoZheng said to her for her attention to the enemys movements.
Handsome float to LaoZheng say the Japanese are trying to search the gold, this shipment SiMaKong alone cant, my thinking way to temporarily remove the line of sight of the Japanese, good mass base of the communist party to help shift out of gold.
Angry minister zhou Lin for his problems, still angry Japanese people always force yourself. Handsome gone with the wind said to the minister Lin heard zhou with reserve notes for gold, the gold can only be gouging, from people will complain. Handsome to float to the minister advised Lin just looking for someone to record confession said gold has been smuggled out of Shanghai.
SiMaKong eavesdropping XingShu luca brasis door and handsome, handsome float to XingShu luca brasi said they were sleeping on the ground. But wait until SiMaKong saw zhijiang come from a far country to suggest that float and handsome XingShu luca brasi. Float and handsome XingShu luca brasi get together on the bed, made a movement to zhijiang also believe in both of them not to act. Zhijiang was gone, handsome float to go bed, XingShu luca brasi said one thousand to zhijiang discovered that not good, also said that he believes him, hence two people lying on the bed to sleep. Two people are a little embarrassed, the in the mind very excited, who all cant sleep. XingShu luca brasi wants to say what, said he knows handsome, let her not to say it.
Zhijiang said to minister Lin handsome float with XingShu luca brasi was real, a sneer at said after minister Lin will beware of more. Handsome, came on minister Lin said he received the telegram says that the gold has been transferred out of Shanghai, then go to find shibayama. Shibayama said that the news is false, gold is still in Shanghai, so remind secretary Lin from their requirements and six days. Handsome float to help defend the minister Lin, also transfer the attention of the Japanese. Shibayama have contended that gold cant be hidden in those parts of the handsome floating said. Someone reported some rally near jing an temple, shibayama dismissed them. Handsome floating say that doing so would give people a good impression.
Privately handsome gone with the wind said to the minister Lin shibayama too arrogant, no shadows with so importance to him. Minister Lin arrogant people sooner or later have to a bad end.
The blade of revenge 31 episode is introduced
Handsome drifting advised Lin minister said he had a way is to let him leave Shanghai, so you can clean itself. Minister said he was going to find zhou Lin say, handsome floating said zhou certainly dont want to see themselves and then the car under the jing an temple there. Handsome go find SiMaKong said five hair and burned the armory is attracting the attention of the Japanese, and then said to SiMaKong let him go waterways will be shipping out.
Jing an temple outside noisy, SiMaKong will be arranged with a handsome float on their own outside the guards and then enter the warehouse ready to gold in the warehouse.
Minister Lin night received a command said general shibayama hongkou was on fire, let secretary Lin sent reinforcements. How to persuade all useless handsome, still go with minister Lin the armory. Arrived at the armory in the blast, shibayama will leave a note to look handsome, SiMaKong SiMaKong said she this time to ambition. Handsome explained that the matter cant blame minister Lin. Shibayama said to minister Lin now rushing the parade, and now the Japanese personal safety is the most important thing. Arrived at that time, gang village to report says guards killed the concession, warehouse, warehouse has been split up. Then shibayama with people on their way to the warehouse, gas straight stamp. Lin minister said this is SiMaKong by meter, also say general shibayama let them to take away all the troops. Post village analysis must be those who said the parade SiMaKong cover out of the city.
A month later, XingShu apologise to Mrs Lin Mrs. You play CARDS, such as XingShu luca brasi deliberately losing card to Mrs. Lin, Lin wife happy, and complain that minister Lin to gold things hiding in suzhou organization qing township, oneself is too depressed. Mrs. Lin heard that handsome wave initiative to huzhou into tea, is pleased to promise him.
Excuse to huzhou into tea, handsome came to his deceased wife grave festivals, SiMaKong find he said wear the boss very appreciate him, hope he can as a colonel in the military. Handsome floating no promise they are come to dinner with them. Five MAO met XingShu luca brasi call sister-in-law. But SiMaKong lesson XingShu luca brasi why want to stop fooling around all day with handsome gone with the wind. Handsome said he is to help Mrs. Lin to earn money. SiMaKong say they know him, handsome wave when subsidies must be to make money to underground party, said early know so why dont you stay a box of gold. Handsome and so he said he not willing to join the military.
Fine gas to find weeks dean said he applied to Japan for borrowing again this matter has been rejected by Japan, also said that the Japanese had lent him a lot of money, just like a bottomless pit. Zhou said that without the financial support, myself becomes empty shell, said taxes by minister Lin now in control of their own.
Zhou to the military to meet, wear the boss let yourself to be on the lookout. Handsome wave dont want to listen in on SiMaKong with XingShu luca brasi dialogue is a person to walk, XingShu luca brasi chased out. SiMaKong and five hair far looked at both of them, five MAO said he really felt sorry for him, this time he was out. So SiMaKong will return to Shanghai with five MAO. Handsome float to XingShu luca brasi said they were with the power of zhou to get rid of minister Lin, the money youll think of some way to the Japanese people to reserve notes tied together, once the depreciation reserve notes, the Japanese yen will shrink.
In the name of the minister Lin by wang ching-wei from zhou to twenty million, zhou said to self-surrender minister Lin, but the Japanese have no patience, minister Lin not many good old days.
Handsome wave passing met bear commander just for a chat with him. Bear commander said they were plotting to qing township, also said this to his one million reserve notes. Handsome floating said this money enough to do, and then advised him to let him find minister Lin to field. Bear commander heard not happy.
Minister Lin returned to Shanghai, zhou stuck him in the office, zhijiang hurriedly went to see my fine gas to stop the fight. Minister Lin said that the communist party is very difficult to destroy, also said he was now no money cant try. Two bitter quarrel, the fine gas here. Zhou bitterness say no twenty million to minister Lin. If that handsome gone with the wind said to the fine gas reserve notes and yen offset deal, then reserve notes will not continue to depreciate, problem solved. Qing qi said he go back to think about.
Weeks dean had gone, handsome to float to the minister Lin says he will reserve notes thrown out as soon as possible, there will be no any risk.
SiMaKong has its new home, so let the handsome gone with the wind and snow to celebrate them. SiMaKong new house is a yard, he took the key of the freight yard to XingShu luca brasi said later she can freely in and out.最新剧情热门剧情电视剧《复仇之刃第8-9集》剧情介绍,复仇之刃第8-9集分集剧情简介-剧情介绍网您当前位置:--浏览文章复仇之刃第8-9集剧情介绍这是一篇关于复仇之刃第8-9集剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清复仇之刃第8-9集请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看复仇之刃第8-9集相关剧情复仇之刃第8-9集全集在线观看:复仇之刃第8集剧情介绍  卢笑庵去找邢书媛  司马空给朱彪早已准备好了杀死卢笑庵的毒药,要他把毒药放进卢笑庵喝的汤里。并说保证朱彪的安全,还给他一些金条,到别处过清闲的日子。  狡猾的卢笑庵找到邢书媛,要她赶快写亲日文章并见报,文章登报才会放了报社的两位编辑。卢笑庵回去时,因为喜事多很高兴,就到新世纪酒店吃饭去了。  晚上卢府,朱彪已经准备好了给卢笑庵和的放了毒药的汤,刚好卢市长喝醉,帅飘陪着回到家。朱彪把放有毒药的汤端给卢笑庵,但是,卢笑庵把汤打翻了,一切出于意料。  冷静的帅飘吩咐朱彪再去盛一碗,可是没有了毒药,无奈之时,朱彪又想起了肉案子上砍肉的情形,就假装送汤,怀揣菜刀,到了卢笑庵的居室。看到醉如死猪的卢笑庵,一时眼红,举刀向卢笑庵身上砍去,连砍数刀,解了窝在心中已久的仇恨,之后,来到帅飘他们的住处,告诉他们把卢笑庵杀死消息就走了。  听到卢笑庵已死的消息,卢琳既高兴又害怕,乱了手脚,帅飘安慰她,他们象什么也没有发生一样,继续吃饭,正常入睡。就这样他们怀着紧张的心情挨到天亮,管家敲门报告卢市长死亡的事,帅飘与卢琳佯装刚睡醒,万分惊讶。  卢琳面对卢笑庵的尸体痛哭流涕,帅飘对卢笑俺的死更是气愤,要赶快抓到杀死卢市长的朱彪。杀死卢笑庵,朱彪来到正在等消息的司马空那里,确认朱彪杀死了卢笑庵后,司马空派人护送朱彪带着金条离开。  消息传到林士群那里,林士群很意外,考虑到以后的前程,他马上派人全城搜捕朱彪。卢笑庵的葬礼很隆重,周淮海、林士群也到场假惺惺的表示哀悼,两人离开葬礼现场,就开始商量接任副市长的问题。  为了各自的利益,两人达成政治上的协议,周淮海帮助林士群就任山西省主席,林士群联合其他人共同举荐周淮海就任上海市市长。大仇已报,帅飘与卢琳才有时间和精力考虑他们的事了,两人开始培养起他们的感情,寻找属于他们的幸福,他们决定在上海努力打拼,共同创造美好的未来。  卢笑庵的所有财产都归帅飘所有,邢书媛很严肃的提醒帅飘,希望他能够小心行事,没有卢笑庵的支持,他的平静的生活很难实现。一时的成功,让帅飘有点得意忘形,目空一切,他没有想到,一张面对他而编制的大网正在展开。复仇之刃第9集剧情介绍  帅飘没有把邢书媛的忠告放在心上,林士群找到帅飘,毫不客气的要他降下通商银行的利息,并在原来的基础上再降一厘,他的利泰银行要开业。林士群命令帅飘必须照办,否则,不讲情面,要把他抓起来,无奈,帅飘找到也曾提高利息的当市长的周淮海帮忙,周淮海也不愿为帅飘做主。  周淮海也有意提醒帅飘要明白些政治上的事,权利就是一切。从市政府出来,卢琳陪帅飘到外面散心,两人互相信赖,互相支持。半夜,卢琳醒来发现住室里挂有一只杀死的公鸡,他们知道是林士群干的,为了卢琳,为了安全,帅飘被逼答应了林士群的要求。  帅飘按照林士群的要求贴出了报告,可乐坏了林士群夫妇,没想到通商银行降了利息,他们利泰银行还一样不景气,最后弄明白是周淮海在捣鬼。就气愤的找周淮海讨说法,周淮海送给了林士群一份五千万的大礼,两个人是表面和气,暗地争斗。  卢琳到百货公司给帅飘买围巾,碰到潘达,为了讨好卢琳,他一味献媚,结果又讨了个没趣。帅飘和卢琳回到家,鲁妈告诉他们周淮海的夫人到他们家,送了一只母鸡,并把院里院外都转了一圈。两人感觉事情不妙,帅飘与卢琳商量想要找周淮海做靠山。  林士群派人封了中纺,理由是盛天林窝藏抗日分子,帅飘想讨说法,被卢琳劝住,要帅飘舍弃中纺,再送给周淮海,也算是给周淮海送礼了。没想到周淮海更狡猾,帅飘一出口,他就明白了帅飘的用意,知道帅飘要林士群他们两个人去争中纺,帅飘还要让他当自己的靠山。  周淮海又说他的夫人看中了帅飘家的房子,因为风水好要当做佛堂,帅飘苦不堪言,无理抗争。回到家中,帅飘因气愤而行为反常,说到周夫人要他们房子的事,他对不起卢琳。  看到帅飘的痛苦的模样,卢琳到静安寺找到周夫人,把家里的所有钥匙全交给了她。卢琳满腹委屈,不满,在河边大喊发泄,被在一旁的邢书媛和司马空看到,邢书媛之前在街上看到过帅飘落寞的样子,再有卢琳的发泄,心生同情,与司马空商量帮助帅飘他们。  司马空认为,只拥有经济头脑的帅飘,没有政治头脑,商场、官场就是尔虞我诈的地方,再者,卢笑庵死后,日本人对军统监管更为严密,还没有多大必要去帮助帅飘他们。
复仇之刃第8-9集英文剧情The blade of revenge plot introduced 8 sets
Lou smile to find XingShuYuan temples
SiMaKong give Zhu Biao prepared kill Lou smile temples of poison, will he put poison into lu guan laughter to drink soup. And said that ensure the safety of Zhu Biao gave him some gold bars, leisure time elsewhere.
Sly smile find XingShuYuan temples, want her to hurry up to write, was pro-japanese article and article having to put two editor of the newspaper. Lou smile back, temples as wedding more happy, and went to the new century hotel for dinner.
Lu Fu evening, Zhu Biao ready to Lou smile temples and put poison of soup, Lou mayor just get drunk, handsome with home. Zhu Biao give Lou smile put a poison thus, temples, but Lou smile bongjeongam knocked over the soup, all by surprise.
Cool handsome wave commanded Zhu Biao to fill a bowl, but have no poison, helpless, cut meat Zhu Biao again remind of the meat case, just pretend to send soup, with a kitchen knife, the Lou smile temples of the bedroom. See drunk like a dead pig smile anno, envy, raise knife to cut Lou smile anno, even cutting knife, the nest in the heart of hatred, after their habitations to handsome, tell them kill Lou smile anno message went away.
Hear that Lou smile dead temples Lu Lin happy and fear, the hands and feet, to comfort her handsome, they like nothing happened, continue to eat, to sleep normally. So they get through the night, a tense heart housekeeping knocking at the door report of death, Lou mayor handsome wave and Lu Lin pretend it just wake up, surprised.
Lu Lin face smile guan body crying, handsome wave is the death of lu smile an angry, want to catch to kill Lou mayor Zhu Biao quickly. Kill Lou smile anno, Zhu Biao came to SiMaKong are waiting for the news, confirmed Zhu Biao killed after smile temples, SiMaKong sent someone to escort Zhu Biao left with gold bars.
News reached Lin Shiqun Lin Shiqun very surprise, considering the future career, hell send someone searching for Zhu Biao throughout the city. Lou smile guan funeral was very grand, zhou huai hai, Lin Shiqun lamented presence as insincere, left the ceremony, two people started to discuss to take over the issue of vice mayor.
For their own interests, political agreement, zhou huai hai help Lin Shiqun became chairman of Shanxi Province, Lin Shiqun joint commend others to zhou huai hai became the mayor of Shanghai. Float and electrocuting has reported, handsome Lu Lin didnt have time and energy to consider them, two people began to cultivate their feelings, to find their happiness, they decided to working in Shanghai, jointly create a bright future.
Lou smile temples of all property owned by all handsome, XingShuYuan serious remind handsome, hope he will tread carefully, without the support of Lou smile anno, his quiet life is very difficult to realize. A temporary success, let the handsome to float a bit complacent, defiant, he did not think of, is a face he and compiled by the net.
The blade of revenge plot introduced 9 sets
Handsome floating no XingShuYuans advice to heart, Lin Shiqun find handsome gone with the wind, not polite to he lowered trade bank interest, and again on the basis of the original one, his litai bank for the opening. Lin Shiqun command handsome wave must be followed, otherwise, do not speak, want to catch him, helpless, handsome and find has also raise interest rates when the mayor zhou huai hai help, zhou huai hai or unwilling to make decision for the handsome.
Zhou huai hai also deliberately remind handsome float to understand something political, power is everything. Out of the city, Lu Lin accompany handsome to recover and outside two people trust each other, support each other. Hung in the middle of the night, Lu Lin woke up to find accommodation in a to kill the cock, Lin Shiqun did they know, in order to Lu Lin, for the sake of safety, handsome forced agreed Lin Shiqun requirements.
Handsome float according to the requirements of Lin Shiqun posted a report, the benefit of Lin Shiqun couple, unexpectedly commerce bank lowered the interest, they litai bank also depressed, finally understand is zhou huai hai at work. Beg, angry looking zhou huai hai zhou huai hai gave Lin Shiqun a gift of fifty million, two people are on the surface of the gas, covert struggle.
Lu Lindao department store to buy handsome floating scarves, encounter pan, to curry favor with the Lu Lin, he just flattery, the results for a boring again. Float and handsome Lu Lin returned home, mom told them weeks huaihai lu lady into their home, gave a hen, and turn courtyard courtyard outside the circle. Two people feel something bad, handsome and discuss Lu Lin want zhou huai hai do backer.
Lin Shiqun sent letters ZhongFang, reason is ChengTianLin harboring the anti-japanese molecular, handsome and want to win, be Lu Lin advised to live, to abandon ZhongFang handsome, then send to zhou huai hai, also be to zhou huai hai gifts. Thought that zhou huai hai more cunning and handsome one export, and he will understand the purpose of the handsome gone with the wind, float Lin Shiqun them two people get to know the handsome ZhongFang, handsome and let him when his patron.
Zhou huai hai said his wife took a fancy to handsome floating house, because good feng shui as a buddhist temple, miserable handsome, unreasonable. Home, handsome wave abnormal behaviour by anger, said Mrs Weeks to their house, he was sorry Lu Lin.
See handsome drift painful appearance, Lu Lindao find Mrs Zhou jing an temple, the whole home all of the keys to her. Lu Lin full of grievances, discontent, Shouting out along the river bank, is on the side of XingShuYuan and SiMaKong see XingShuYuan seen in the street before the appearance of the handsome floating lonely, no Lu Lin vent, had sympathies, consult with SiMaKong help them handsome.
SiMaKong believes that only have economic mind of handsome, no political savvy, shopping malls, officialdom is murky, moreover, Lou smile after the death of the leftover, Japanese military more tightly regulated, also not much necessary to help them handsome.最新剧情热门剧情


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