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既然很多人都把iPad Pro看成是一台缺少了键盘的笔记本电脑,那么这个键盘配件自然是很...
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间97 小时 UID
青苹果, 积分 105, 距离下一级还需 95 积分
本帖最后由 梅子麦茶 于
20:42 编辑
电脑落在咖啡厅了,咖啡厅人流量较大,虽然庆幸还能拿回来,但进程一看发现期间有人动了我的电脑,18:11分落在那边的,20:03分回来拿到,发现这个期间有19:42分到43分有系统运行记录。电脑有很重要的公司项目资料,希望不会有问题,希望这只是power nap在mac睡眠下启动的工作。
15/10/27 18:11:02.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 4
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: XHC1&&怀疑被动用开始的时间
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 syslogd[43]: ASL Sender Statistics
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: RTC: PowerByCalendarDate setting ignored
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: Previous sleep cause: 5
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 1 us
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 1 milliseconds
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch&0&(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch&0&(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 12 unplug = 0
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: TBT W (2): 0x0040 [x]
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000320
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: full wake promotion (reason 1) 258 ms
15/10/27 19:42:22.258 CommCenter[278]: Telling CSI to exit low power.
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 1
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AppleUSBMultitouchDriver::checkStatus - received Status Packet, Payload 2: device was reinitialized
15/10/27 19:42:22.341 airportd[59]: _handleLinkEvent: WiFi is not powered. Resetting state variables.
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: Setting BTCoex Config: enable_2G:1, profile_2g:0, enable_5G:1, profile_5G:0
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from AUTO to SUSPENDED
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlSuspendedMode() Suspending AWDL, enterQuietMode(true)
15/10/27 19:42:22.389 hidd[98]: [HID] [MT] MTSimpleHIDManager::deviceDidBootload device bootloaded
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'JP'.
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on en0
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to a4:12:42:43:ab:f5
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 11
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0x857c510ac49f3699 has no prefix
15/10/27 19:42:22.611 configd[51]: LINKLOCAL en0: parent has no IP
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: RSN handshake complete on en0
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: USBMSC Identifier (non-unique):
0x5ac 0x, 3
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: Unexpected payload found for message 9, dataLen 0
15/10/27 19:42:22.629 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Inactive
15/10/27 19:42:22.631 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0-: v6(en0-::ac04:cb00:3e15:c2ff:fed8:9c00) DNS- Proxy-
15/10/27 19:42:22.633 symptomsd[192]: -[NetworkAnalyticsEngine _writeJournalRecord:fromCellFingerprint:key:atLOI:ofKind:lqm:isFaulty:] Hashing of the primary key failed. Dropping the journal record.
15/10/27 19:42:22.703 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: [CNInfoNetworkActive:1748] en0: SSID 'pr500m-835d32-1' making interface primary (cache indicates network not captive)
15/10/27 19:42:22.703 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Evaluating
15/10/27 19:42:22.703 configd[51]: network changed: DNS* Proxy
15/10/27 19:42:22.705 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: en0: Not probing 'pr500m-835d32-1' (cache indicates not captive)
15/10/27 19:42:22.705 UserEventAgent[42]: Captive: CNPluginHandler en0: Authenticated
15/10/27 19:42:22.708 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0!: DNS+ Proxy+ SMB
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: : AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Wake - Full Wake/ Dark Wake / Maintenance wake
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: : IOPMPowerSource Information: onWake,&&SleepType: Normal Sleep,&&'ExternalConnected': No, 'TimeRemaining': 5262,
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: : AirPort_Brcm43xx::platformWoWEnable: WWEN[disable]
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::wakeEventHandlerThread
15/10/27 19:42:22.723 WindowServer[173]: CGXDisplayDidWakeNotification [29]: posting kCGSDisplayDidWake
15/10/27 19:42:22.724 WindowServer[173]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: Reordering authw 0x7f8fb5a6d800(2004) (lock state: 3)
15/10/27 19:42:22.724 WindowServer[173]: handle_will_sleep_auth_and_shield_windows: err 0x0
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: Setting BTCoex Config: enable_2G:1, profile_2g:0, enable_5G:1, profile_5G:0
15/10/27 19:42:22.865 deleted[202]: __38-[CacheDelete updateInFlight:set:add:]_block_invoke:293 trying to add &com.apple.bird.cache-delete&, which is already inFlight
15/10/27 19:42:22.865 deleted[202]: __38-[CacheDelete updateInFlight:set:add:]_block_invoke:293 trying to add &com.apple.cloudd.cache-delete&, which is already inFlight
15/10/27 19:42:22.865 deleted[202]: __38-[CacheDelete updateInFlight:set:add:]_block_invoke:293 trying to add &com.apple.revisiond.cache-delete&, which is already inFlight
15/10/27 19:42:22.867 deleted[202]: __38-[CacheDelete updateInFlight:set:add:]_block_invoke:293 trying to add &com.apple.bird.cache-delete&, which is already inFlight
15/10/27 19:42:22.867 deleted[202]: __38-[CacheDelete updateInFlight:set:add:]_block_invoke:293 trying to add &com.apple.cloudd.cache-delete&, which is already inFlight
15/10/27 19:42:22.867 deleted[202]: __38-[CacheDelete updateInFlight:set:add:]_block_invoke:293 trying to add &com.apple.revisiond.cache-delete&, which is already inFlight
15/10/27 19:42:22.868 awdd[169]: Saved awd report for awdd version awd-osx to /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/awdd_-194222_hongliangdeMacBook-Pro.awd
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to a4:12:42:43:ab:f5
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 11
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlOperatingMode Setting the AWDL operation mode from SUSPENDED to AUTO
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: IO80211AWDLPeerManager::setAwdlAutoMode Resuming AWDL
15/10/27 19:42:22.887 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f&: notification observer: com.apple.iChat& &notification: __CFNotification 0x7f912a915560 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
15/10/27 19:42:22.887 imagent[315]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7ff55aa00200&: notification observer: com.apple.FaceTime& &notification: __CFNotification 0x7ff {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
15/10/27 19:42:22.899 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f&:& & NC Disabled: NO
15/10/27 19:42:22.899 imagent[315]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7ff55aa00200&:& & NC Disabled: NO
15/10/27 19:42:22.908 imagent[315]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7ff55aa00200&:& &DND Enabled: NO
15/10/27 19:42:22.908 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f&:& &DND Enabled: NO
15/10/27 19:42:22.908 imagent[315]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7ff55aa00200&: Updating enabled: YES& &(Topics: (
& & &com.apple.ess&,
& & &com.apple.private.ac&
15/10/27 19:42:22.908 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f&: Updating enabled: YES& &(Topics: (
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.icloudpairing&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.continuity.encryption&,
& & &com.apple.ess&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.continuity.activity&,
& & &com.apple.private.ids&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.phonecontinuity&,
& & &com.apple.madrid&,
& & &com.apple.private.ac&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.phone.auth&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.fmf&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.keychainsync&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.sms&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.screensharing&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.maps&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.thumper.keys&,
& & &com.apple.private.alloy.continuity.tethering&
15/10/27 19:42:22.908 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f912a820c20&: notification observer: com.apple.iChat& &notification: __CFNotification 0x7f912aa89ad0 {name = _NSDoNotDisturbDisabledNotification}
15/10/27 19:42:22.918 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f912a820c20&:& & NC Disabled: NO
15/10/27 19:42:22.921 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f912a820c20&:& &DND Enabled: NO
15/10/27 19:42:22.922 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f912a820c20&: Updating enabled: YES& &(Topics: (
& & &com.apple.madrid&
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000300
15/10/27 19:42:22.928 sharingd[272]: 19:42:22.928 : Starting AirDrop server for user 501 on wake
15/10/27 19:42:23.187 awdd[169]: Diagnostics Report
15/10/27 19:42:23.191 awdd[169]: Saved awd report for awdd version anon-osx to /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/awdd_-194223_hongliangdeMacBook-Pro.awd
15/10/27 19:42:23.236 awdd[169]: Diagnostics Report
15/10/27 19:42:27.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::handleWakeEvent_gated
15/10/27 19:42:27.338 configd[51]: network changed: v4(en0: v6(en0+::ac04:cb00:3e15:c2ff:fed8:9c00) DNS* Proxy SMB
15/10/27 19:42:27.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::handleWakeEvent_gated
15/10/27 19:42:29.000 kernel[0]: Setting BTCoex Config: enable_2G:1, profile_2g:0, enable_5G:1, profile_5G:0
15/10/27 19:42:29.693 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f&: notification observer: com.apple.iChat& &notification: __CFNotification 0x7f {name = _NSDoNotDisturbEnabledNotification}
15/10/27 19:42:29.693 imagent[315]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7ff55aa00200&: notification observer: com.apple.FaceTime& &notification: __CFNotification 0x7ff {name = _NSDoNotDisturbEnabledNotification}
15/10/27 19:42:29.703 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f&:& & NC Disabled: NO
15/10/27 19:42:29.703 imagent[315]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7ff55aa00200&:& & NC Disabled: NO
15/10/27 19:42:29.709 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f&:& &DND Enabled: YES
15/10/27 19:42:29.709 imagent[315]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7ff55aa00200&:& &DND Enabled: YES
15/10/27 19:42:29.709 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f&: Updating enabled: NO& &(Topics: (
15/10/27 19:42:29.709 imagent[315]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7ff55aa00200&: Updating enabled: NO& &(Topics: (
15/10/27 19:42:29.709 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f912a820c20&: notification observer: com.apple.iChat& &notification: __CFNotification 0x7f {name = _NSDoNotDisturbEnabledNotification}
15/10/27 19:42:29.716 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f912a820c20&:& & NC Disabled: NO
15/10/27 19:42:29.719 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f912a820c20&:& &DND Enabled: YES
15/10/27 19:42:29.719 identityservicesd[286]: &IMMacNotificationCenterManager: 0x7f912a820c20&: Updating enabled: NO& &(Topics: (
15/10/27 19:42:37.701 loginwindow[94]: CoreAnimation: warning, deleted thread with uncommitted CAT set CA_DEBUG_TRANSACTIONS=1 in environment to log backtraces.
15/10/27 19:42:38.744 AirPlayUIAgent[314]:
07:42:38.744285 PM [AirPlayUIAgent] BecomingInactive: NSWorkspaceWillSleepNotification
15/10/27 19:42:38.744 CommCenter[278]: Telling CSI to go low power.
15/10/27 19:42:38.000 kernel[0]: PM response took 121 ms (990, iTunes)
15/10/27 19:42:38.000 kernel[0]: PM response took 177 ms (990, iTunes)
15/10/27 19:42:38.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
15/10/27 19:42:39.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
15/10/27 19:42:39.737 WindowServer[173]: device_generate_desktop_screenshot: authw 0x7f8fb5a6d800(2002), shield 0x7f8fb1)
15/10/27 19:42:39.791 WindowServer[173]: device_generate_lock_screen_screenshot: authw 0x7f8fb5a6d800(, ] shield 0x7f8fb1), dev []
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: PM response took 11540 ms (54, powerd)
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io(0)
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: kern_open_file_for_direct_io took 0 ms
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: Opened file /var/log/SleepWakeStacks.bin, size 172032, extents 1, maxio 2000000 ssd 1
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: polled file major 1, minor 0, blocksize 4096, pollers 5
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000280
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: : AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: System Sleep
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: : IOPMPowerSource Information: onSleep,&&SleepType: Normal Sleep,&&'ExternalConnected': No, 'TimeRemaining': 5262,
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: en0: BSSID changed to a4:12:42:43:ab:f5
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: en0: channel changed to 11
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::prePCIWake - power up complete - took 2 us
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake - complete - took 0 milliseconds
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on awdl0. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: : wl0: leaveModulePoweredForOffloads: Wi-Fi will turn off.
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Down on en0. Reason 8 (Disassociated because station leaving).
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: en0::IO80211Interface::postMessage bssid changed
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: en0: 802.11d country code set to 'X2'.
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: en0: Supported channels 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 149 153 157 161 165
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: ARPT: : AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: WWEN[disabled]
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: in6_unlink_ifa: IPv6 address 0x857c510ac49f33f9 has no prefix
15/10/27 19:43:05.795 symptomsd[192]: -[NetworkAnalyticsEngine _writeJournalRecord:fromCellFingerprint:key:atLOI:ofKind:lqm:isFaulty:] Hashing of the primary key failed. Dropping the journal record.
15/10/27 19:43:05.802 airportd[59]: _handleLinkEvent: WiFi is not powered. Resetting state variables.
15/10/27 19:43:05.000 kernel[0]: IOThunderboltSwitch&0&(0x0)::listenerCallback - Thunderbolt HPD packet for route = 0x0 port = 11 unplug = 0
15/10/27 19:43:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleCamIn::systemWakeCall - messageType = 0xE0000340
15/10/27 19:43:07.000 kernel[0]: AppleThunderboltNHIType2::waitForOk2Go2Sx - retries = 8 怀疑被动用后结束的时间
15/10/27 20:03:46.000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.LidOpen (User) 我回来的时间
15/10/27 20:03:46.000 syslogd[43]: ASL Sender Statistics
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间10 小时 UID
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间3368 小时 UID
5/10/27 20:03:46.000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.LidOpen (User)
注册时间 最后登录
在线时间97 小时 UID
5/10/27 20:03:46.000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: EC.LidOpen (User)
LidOpen只有这一条,说明中间屏幕没有 ...
15/10/27 19:42:22.000 kernel[0]: Wake reason: XHC1
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