
扫一扫发现精彩听音乐 用酷我
听音乐 用酷我
姓名: 陈浩
别名: 暂无
国籍: 中国
语言: 国语;
出生地: 中国
星座: 天蝎座
身高: 172cm
体重: 72kg
《海绵宝宝》1-3季中由配音演员演唱的歌曲视频5首,陈浩GG都是主唱,英文版我也顺手截了,方便大家对比~~个人认为这次配音演员们唱的真不错(貌似我印象中译制片很少有配音演员还负责配唱的),歌词翻译的也朗朗上口,非常值得单拎出来慢慢欣赏,海绵宝宝果然是配音神作(对我来说仅限于1-3季...)!以下为歌曲列表:1.F.U.N 2.第一个圣诞节 The Very First Christmas 3.物是人非 This Grill is Not a Home4.篝火歌之歌 The Camping Fire Song Song5.会飞的海绵宝宝 The Sponge Who Could Fly(歌曲集)(1)只要我能飞 If Only I Could Join You (2)他飞起来了 He's Flying(3)你需要的是友谊 All You Need is Friendship
1.F.U.N 中文版 歌词:海绵宝宝:F就是朋友们,同甘共苦的生活U就是你和我N是在任何时间和任何地方合:在这深蓝色海洋(这句竟然没唱orz)痞老板:F就是放火,火烧整个镇子U就表示原子弹 BONG!N就是没人能活下去海绵宝宝&痞老板:F是穿过花丛,一起嬉闹U是美妙的琴声N是捉迷藏,在沙在上玩耍和我最好的朋友哈哈哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 英文版 歌词:SpongeBob: What is fun? Fun is,... fun is... let me just spell it for you. F is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and me, N is for anywhere and anytime at all Down here in the deep blue sea Plankton: F is for fire that burns down the whole town, U is for uranium...bombs! N is for no survivors, When you--!! SpongeBob: Plankton! Those things aren't what fun is all about! Now, do it like this! F is for friends who do stuff to-- Plankton: Never! That's completely idiotic! SpongeBob: Here, let me help you! F is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and me, Try it! N is for anywhere and any time at all, Down here in the deep blue sea Plankton: Wait...I don't understand this...I feel all tingly inside...should we stop? SpongeBob: NO! That's how you're supposed to feel! Plankton: Well I like it! LET"S DO IT AGAIN! O K!!! F is for frolic through all the flowers U is for ukulele, N is for nosepicking, sharing gum, and sand-licking Here with my best buddy Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.
2.第一个圣诞节 The Very First Christmas 中文版(弱弱的说一句...李易老师,您这首歌唱的好像一句词都没在调上..应该跟歌词有一定关系...||抱头逃走)歌词:海绵宝宝&派大星:这将是一个美妙的节日,而不是普通的每一天章鱼哥:好像有人砍倒了我的珊瑚树,你们为什么这样对我海绵宝宝&派大星:这个世界感觉可真好章鱼哥:在我收拾你们之前赶紧离开海绵宝宝&派大星:美丽的圣诞,美丽的圣诞节海绵宝宝:我们购物装饰还有很多很多的雪,派大星谁在圣诞树下面?章鱼哥:什么!谁?我?你们看看时间我要走了痞老板:人们看起来都有点烦蟹老板:这个是我送你的特别礼物海绵宝宝&派大星:即使圣诞节的垃圾闻起来也特别甜这个圣诞节好像是我第一个圣诞节海绵宝宝:啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦章鱼哥:你们想要什么,没看见我正忙着海绵宝宝&派大星:到外面来吧,让你看样东西章鱼哥:海绵宝宝,马上把这些东西拿下来海绵宝宝&派大星:烤栗子吃的烧伤了他的嘴合:今晚的一切都是那么完美派大星:树上的一颗星结束了这晚会合(蟹老板高音):圣诞快乐,圣诞快乐,美好的圣诞节!圣诞快乐,圣诞快乐,美好的圣诞节!英文版 歌词:SpongeBob and Patrick: It's shaping up to be a wonderful holiday! Not your normal average everyday! Squidward: Sounds like someone felled my old coral tree. SpongeBob, Patrick why'd you do this to me? SpongeBob and Patrick: The world feels like it's in loverly! Squidward: Go away before I harm you bodily! SpongeBob and Patrick: This Christmas feels like the very first Christmas to me! SpongeBob and Patrick: There'll be shopping, decorating, and plenty of snow! SpongeBob: Hey Patrick, who's that under the mistletoe? Squidward: What? Who? Me? Would you look at the time, I should go! Plankton: People seem a little more brotherly. Mr. Krabs: Here's a special something to you from me. SpongeBob and Patrick: Even all the trash at Christmas it smells so sweetly! Gary: Meow. SpongeBob and Patrick: This Christmas feels like the very first Christmas to me! Spongbeob: La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! Spongebob: La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la! Spongebob: (reaching Squidward's house) La-la-la-la-la-la-la! Squidward: What do you want? Can't you see that I'm busy? SpongeBob and Patrick: Step outside, we've got something for you to see. Squidward: SpongeBob, take this stuff down immediately! SpongeBob and Patrick: Chestnuts roast and burns in the third degree. Bikini Bottomites: Tonight, things are as good as they seen to be! Patrick: A star on top will complete all the scenery. Everyone: This Christmas feels like Everyone: The very first Christmas to me Mr. Krabs in a high, opera like voice at the same time the others say it: Very first Christmas to me Everyone: This Christmas feels like Everyone: The very first Christmas to me Mr. Krabs in a high, opera like voice at the same time the others say it: Very first Christmas to me
3.物是人非 This Grill is Not a Home中文版 歌词:海绵宝宝:炉子还是炉子,无论你去哪儿蟹老板:肉饼还是肉饼,就像我说过的海绵宝宝:烤架还是烤架,这一切未改变蟹老板:烤炉,你还是那个烤炉海绵宝宝:但烤架不是家里的,炉子我也不熟悉蟹老板:如果你能回来,我会把他们换成崭新海绵宝宝&蟹老板:没有你的厨房已经不一样蟹老板:没有你我脑子里海绵宝宝:没有你我脑子里海绵宝宝&蟹老板:空荡荡 英文版 歌词:SpongeBob: A stove is a stove, no matter where you go, Mr. Krabs: A patty is a patty, that's what I say, SpongeBob: A grill is a grill, this is surely so, Mr. Krabs: And fries should be fries either way, SpongeBob: But this grill is not a home, This is not the stove I know, Mr. Krabs: I will trade it all away if you came back to stay, Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob: This kitchen's not the same, without you, Mr. Krabs: It's just a greasy spooooooon, SpongeBob: Just a greasy spoon, Mr. Krabs and SpongeBob: Without you!
4.篝火歌之歌 The Camping Fire Song Song中文版 歌词:海绵宝宝:我们围坐在篝火旁一起唱着篝火歌之歌我们的C-A-M-P F-I-R-E S-O-N-G之歌如果你以为我不能唱的更快的话那你就错了但是如果你要唱我可以帮忙派大星:Bom bom bom!海绵宝宝:C-A-M-P F-I-R-E S-O-N-G之歌C-A-M-P F-I-R-E S-O-N-G之歌如果你以为我不能唱的更快的话那你就错了但是如果你要唱我可以帮忙C-A-M-P F-I-R-E S-O-N-G之歌,派大星!派大星:@#¥%^*&海绵宝宝:章鱼哥!章鱼哥:……海绵宝宝:好!如果你想唱如果你想唱我可以帮忙~~啊呀!!!耶!!!! 英文版 歌词:Let's gather 'round the campfire and sing our campfire song. Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song. And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then your wrong. But it will help if you just sing along. Patrick: Bom bom bom! SpongeBob (quickly): C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song. (x2) And if you don't think that we can sing it faster then your wrong. But it will help if you just sing along. C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E-S-O-N-G song. Patrick! Patrick: SONG! C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E... SpongeBob: Squidward! (pause) Good! It'll help, it'll help, If you just sing along!!!!!!!!! (instrumental) Ohhhh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!
5.会飞的海绵宝宝 The Sponge Who Could Fly(歌曲集)(1)只要我能飞 If Only I Could Join You (2)他飞起来了 He's Flying(3)你需要的是友谊 All You Need is Friendship中文版 歌词:1.只要我能飞如果我可以和你飞向天空自由自在没有阻挡我想飞起来用不同眼光看这世界我可以飞飞得很高触摸天空你别问为什么因为我会飞2.他飞起来了海绵宝宝:我飞起来了,我飞起来了!众:他飞了,他飞了,他真的飞起来了!海绵宝宝:他们笑我,他们笑我,在我飞起来之前众:他飞起来来了,他高高地飞向天海绵宝宝:我想大声告诉人们我能做到但是我要飞去到水母田~大马路不适合我泡芙老师:救命,请救救我!我的蜗牛爬上了树从我还是小女孩时我就养着她不过现在好像已经到了它离开世界的时候不!海绵宝宝:接住了!哈哈哈哈哈哈,下次记着坐电梯泡芙老师:谢谢你,鸟人!海绵宝宝:我从没感觉那么自由高高天空是我的地盘我很乐意在天空帮助我的朋友我帮蟹老板找回那一毛钱(蟹老板:我发财了)救出朋友派大星(派大星:哦呵呵)就算痞老板需要帮助当他被海藻缠~~~~~~~~~住(痞老板:请把我放下来)3.你需要的是友谊你不用飞机也能飞塑料翅膀没意思风筝需要大风吹热气球会自己飞那条裤子,它会让你伤心如果你想飞你需要的,就是友谊,耶~~~ 英文版 歌词:1.If Only I Could Join You If only I could join you there in the air Floating free without a care I wish I could fly And see things with a different eye I could fly So very high And touch the sky And never have to ask why it is that I can't fly... 2.He's FlyingI'm flying! I'm flying! He's flying! He's flying! He's really really flying! They laughed, they scoffed, Before I had liftoff. But, now he's flying! He's flying high in the sky! I'd love to stay around to say 'I told you so,' But it's off to jellyfish fields I go! Roads and streets are not for me! Help! Please help! My snail is up a tree! I've had her since I was a little girl, But now it looks like the end of her world. Mrs. Puff: NO!!! SpongeBob: Gotcha! Next time, try the elevator. Mrs. Puff: Thank you, birdman! I have never felt so free! High in the sky is the place for me! Helping friends from up above These are the things that I love! I'll help Mr. Krabs reclaim his dime, Mr. Krabs: I'm Rich! And I'll save Patrick from this mime! Patrick: Thanks, buddy! Even Plankton needs some help When he gets tangled in the ke-e-e-e-elp! Plankton: Please put me down. 3.All You Need is FriendshipYou don't need a plane to fly. Plastic wings may make you cry. Kites are made for windy days. Lawn chair with balloons, fly away! Inflatable pants, you may as well skip! If you want to fly, all you need... (speaking) is friendship.
=========================TEH END=========================
我撕坏了我的裤子歌词:……裤子,我以为所有人都喜欢我,但是我搞砸了一切,现在她不会看我一眼,因为我撕破了我的裤子。 When big Larry came 'round just to put him down, &&&& Spongebob turned into a clown. &&&& And no girl ever wants to dance, &&&& With a fool who went and(Rip Sound) ripped his pants. &&&& SpongeBob:I know I shouldn't mope around. &&&& I shouldn't curse. &&&& But the pain feels so much worse &&&& 'Cause winding up with no one is a lot less fun. &&&& Then a burn from the sun, or sand in your buns. &&&& (Wierd noises) &&&& Now I learned a lesson, &&&& I won't soon forget. &&&& So listen and you won't regret. &&&& Be true to yourself, don't miss your chance, &&&& And you won't end up like the fool who ripped his pants!(Group rip)
英语部分的意思是:猛男虾霸耀武扬威在耍酷海绵宝宝变小丑美女都不会喜欢破裤子的傻瓜弄破裤子知道我该走人不能再埋怨可是我的心好痛没人理你一点都不好玩就像太阳晒伤面包上有沙学到了教训永远不会忘听好不然就会后悔做你自己 不要错过机会你就不会变成破裤子傻瓜
回复:19楼THE BEST DAY EVER~谢谢LS同学贴出来,4-6季的歌曲我还没有整理,大家喜欢的话我也可以截出来~~
The winner takes all, it's the thrill of one more kill, The last one to fall will never sacrifice their will. Don't ever look back on the wind closing in. The only attack were their wings on the wind. Oh, the daydream begins.... And it's sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And it's ours for the taking, it's ours for the fight, In the sweet, sweet, sweet victory, yeah, And the world is ours to follow.... Sweet, sweet, sweet victory.
sweet victory
视频: 泗县歌手陈浩的演唱视频!
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陈浩,泗县黑塔镇马厂村人,从泗县二中考入黄山音乐学院,毕业后成为一名音乐教师。近年来,陈浩多次参加各类歌唱大赛,均取得优异成绩。曾获得第六届安徽省中小学音乐教师基本功比赛一等奖,并获声乐单项第一名。 在第二届大别山民歌会展示中,以一首《淮河船夫号子》获得演唱第一名。


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