
kāi chéng bù gōng。
成语解释:开诚:敞开胸怀;表示诚意;布公:公正无私地发表自己的见解。指坦白无私、诚恳公正地亮出自己的见解。成语出处:晋 陈寿《三国志 蜀志 诸葛亮评论》:“诸葛亮之为相国也……开诚心,布公道。”成语造句:上头的公事是叫地方官时时接见商人,与商人开诚布公,联络一气。(清 李宝嘉《官场现形记》第五十四回)成语辨析:~和“推心置腹”;都有诚心待人的意思。但~偏重形容心地坦白、无私;“推心置腹”偏重在形容两人的交情很深厚。成语使用:联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;含褒义发音技巧:诚,不能读作“cénɡ”。书写技巧:诚,不能写作“城”或“成”;公,不能写作“工”。褒贬解析:属褒义成语 歇后语:包大人的告示 近义词:、、待人以诚 反义词:、英语翻译:speak frankly and sincerely
开诚布公是什么意思 开诚布公在线翻译 开诚布公什么意思 开诚布公的意思 开诚布公的翻译 开诚布公的解释 开诚布公的发音
开诚布公 基本解释开诚布公开诚布公[kāi chéng bù gōng]词典speak frankly and sincerely:开诚布公。词典be frank and above-board:开诚布公。词典have a frank and straight talk:开诚布公。词典in all sincerity and frankness:开诚布公。开诚布公 汉英大词典开诚布公[kāi chéng bù gōng]speak f be frank and above- have a fra in all sin lay all th make a frank statement
open one's heart to sb.; speak candidly and ho开诚布公 双语例句1. 我会对你开诚布公的。&&&&I'll be open and sincere with you.2. 有效,开诚布公的信息交流的重要性是显而易见的。&&&&It is easy to understand the value and importance of open, honest communication and valid information.3. 我们将继续保持与投资者开诚布公的对话原则,并每年报告一次我们的社会行为。&&&&We subscribe to the International Chamber of Commerce's Business Charter for Sustainable Development.4. 开诚布公在线翻译4. 法官纳波利塔诺:你说到了S.604法案和H.R.1207法案,你使用的是国会里的命名术语,而你的方案快要成为法律了,我想,将会授权国会对美联储进行一行彻底开诚布公的审计。&&&&Judge Napolitano: When you say S 604 and HR 1207, you`re using the congressional nomenclature for your proposal which is close to becoming law, I think, which will authorize the Congress to conduct a full open transparent audit of the Fed.5. 5. 1 :开诚布公的沟通和无误的信息,它们的价值和重要性是显而易见的。&&&&It is easy to understand the value and importance of open, honest communications and valid information.6. 你以逻辑、合理跟和蔼的方式表达自己,而且你是以一种开诚布公的方式。&&&&You have a logical, judicious, and pleasant way of expressing yourself and you do so in a straightforward fashion.7. 新视野 -短语应用作为朋友,我们要开作为朋友,开诚布公诚布公,诚布公,而不是相互猜疑。&&&&To be open with each other Back 意群提示 As friends, we should be open with each rather than/feel doubtful about other rather than feel doubtful about one another.8. 8. 中国国务院总理和英国首相表示,他们在两天的首脑会议期间进行了非常开诚布公和坦率的讨论。这次首脑会议星期二在北京结束。&&&&Britain-China Meeting Covers Trade, Immigration and Human Rights RecordThe prime ministers of China and Britain say they held very open and frank discussions during their two-day summit, which ended today in Beijing.9. 他能开诚布公地与你沟通,他懂得倾听,知道什么时候该说话,什么时候该闭嘴。&&&&He can talk with you open-heartedly and he knows how to listen to you, when to say something and when to keep silent.10. 我们可以不厌其烦的争论奥巴马应该通过哪一平台来与美国人民开诚布公的沟通。&&&&We can argue, ad nauseam, about which forum Mr Obama should use to level with the American people.11. 11. 我们将继续保持与投资者开诚布公的对话原则,并每年报告一次我们的环保业绩。&&&&&&We will maintain an open dialogue with our stakeholders and report annually on our environmental performance.12. 我希望大家开诚布公,把问题摆到桌面上谈清楚。&&&&&&I hope everyone derectly to make clear the problem on the table.13. 他们经过一番开诚布公的交谈,发现他们对这孩子的前途有一致的看法。&&&&&&They had a heart to heart talk and found they were in accord as to the child`s future.14. 昨天晚上我和他对这个问题开诚布公地谈了谈。&&&&&&I had a man-to-man talk with him about the problem last night.15. 该是我们开诚布公地讨论这个问题的时候了。&&&&&&It is time for us to have an open dialogue on this important subject.16. 我想和她进行一次开诚布公的谈话。&&&&&&I`d love to have a heart-on-heart conversation with her.17. 每一次都是开诚布公,这一点很重要。&&&&&&Each time was frank and sincere, this is very important.18. 我们的谈话是开诚布公的,而且是非常积极的。&&&&&&Our talks were candid, and that`s very positive.19. 我希望大家开诚布公,把问题摆到桌面上谈清楚。&&&&&&I hope every one would open to each other, get the problem soved together.20. 我希望大家开诚布公,把问题摆到桌面上谈清楚。&&&&&&I hope we make this question clear honstly.开诚布公是什么意思,开诚布公在线翻译,开诚布公什么意思,开诚布公的意思,开诚布公的翻译,开诚布公的解释,开诚布公的发音,开诚布公的同义词,开诚布公的反义词,开诚布公的例句,开诚布公的相关词组,开诚布公意思是什么,开诚布公怎么翻译,单词开诚布公是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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