
你可能喜欢  就在这一天:日本开始了杀死20万中国人的“南京大屠杀”  译文来源:  原文地址:http://uk./on-this-day--japanese-begin-rape-of-nanking-that-killed-200-000-chinese-.html?vp=1#Lhmrbh5  正文翻译:  原创翻译:龙腾网
翻译:Mariner 转载请注明出处  论坛地址:/bbs/thread--1.htmlDECEMBER11, 1937: Japanese forces began the Rape of Nanking – massacring 200,000 menand sexually assaulting at least 20,000 women in China’s former capital.  Mostof the rape victims were mutilated or killed while almost the entire ancientcity was burned to the ground during one of the 20th century’s most sickeningwar crimes.  日:日军开始南京大屠杀——在中国前首都有200000人遭屠杀,至少有20000名女性遭性侵犯。  绝大多数被性侵者还遭到了残害和杀害,而这个古老的城市差不多被烧成一片平地,这是20世纪最令人作呕的战争罪行之一。  Thedevastation of Nanking, which is now called Nanjing and lies 600 miles south ofthe present capital of Beijing, was designed to break the spirit of Chineseresistance.  南京城位于现在的首都北京以南约600英里,彻底将其摧毁,是为了消灭中国人的抵抗精神。  Thesix-week rampage followed the fall of the city after the Japanese Imperial Armyhad left a trail of destruction as it marched up the Yangtze River fromShanghai.  日本帝国陆军自上海出发,沿扬子江而上一路进军,当南京城被攻陷后随之而来的是长达六周的蹂躏。  ABritish Pathe newsreel shows gunboats steaming up China’s longest waterwayafter Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek evacuated the majority of histroops.  一部英国新闻短片显示当中国的领导者蒋介石将部队主力撤离后,这条中国最长的水道中(日军)炮舰横行。  Fewcould imagine the fate of the remaining 150,000 soldiers, who were butcheredafter commander Prince Yasuhiko Asaka issued an order to “kill all captives”.  当朝香宫鸠彦亲王发布了“杀光所有的俘虏”的屠杀令后,没人能想象那些滞留的15万士兵的命运。  FiveChinese prisoners of war are buried alive by their Japanese captors justoutside Nanking after the fall在南京陷落后,五名中国战俘被日军在城外活埋  Ontop of this, some 50,000 male civilians were also massacred, despite theGerman-led International Committee setting up a Nanking Safety Zone for theirprotection.  尽管德国领导下的国际委员会设立南京安全区为平民提供保护,还是有5万名男性平民遭到了屠杀。  Amongthe gruesome spectacles witnessed by some foreign diplomats were Japaneseofficers engaging in beheading contests.  一些外国外交官目击了这样恐怖的场面,日本军官迷恋于砍头竞赛。  TwoTokyo newspapers published an account of two “heroic” lieutenants who - aftertying each other in a race to kill 100 people by sword – went into “extrainnings”.  两家东京的报纸还出版了两名日本“勇士”尉官的报道——在一场用刀杀死一百人的比赛中打平,进入了“延长赛”。  ToshiakiMukai and Tsuyoshi Noda, who were tried and executed by the Chinese in 1948,allegedly settled their contest by persuing 150 more decapitations each.  向井 敏明和野田 毅于1948年在中国被审问并枪决,据其供认他们的比赛已经向斩首150人的目标进发了。  Yetit was the mass rape that most epitomised the horror and provided the iconicname to an act of almost unparalled barbarism.  这举世无双兽行,只是这场大屠杀众多暴行中的一个恐怖缩影和代名词。  Soldierswent from door to door searching for female victims, including young girls whowere often cut open so that they could be penetrated.  士兵们挨家挨户的搜索包括女孩在内的女性受害者,  Womenwere routinely mutilated and often killed afterwards by troops stabbing them invaginas with objects ranging from bayonets and bottles to bamboo sticks.  妇女们在通常被弄伤残并被日军用诸如刺刀,酒瓶和竹棍的大量异物刺入阴道而死。  Pregnantwomen were also bayoneted in the stomach.  孕妇也经常被刺刀刺入腹部。  Chinesesurvivor Tang Junshan later revealed one of the most gut-wrenching cases ofthis after he watched a group of civilians be murdered.“The seventh and lastperson in the first row was a pregnant woman,” he testified to the Nanjing WarCrimes Tribunal.  中国的幸存者Tang Junshan 后来在南京战犯法庭作证时,披露了他目睹一场恐怖的一群平民遭屠杀的场面中就提到“第一排的第七和最后一个人都是孕妇。”  “Thesoldier thought he might as well rape her before killing her, so he pulled herout of the group to a spot about ten meters away.  “有士兵觉得在杀死她应该先强奸她,所以把她拖出了人群带到10米远的地方。”  “Ashe was trying to rape her, the woman resisted fiercely ... The soldier abruptlystabbed her in the belly with a bayonet.  “当他试图强奸她时,那妇女拼命反抗……那个士兵突然用一把刺刀刺入了她的腹部。”  “She gave a final scream as her intestinesspilled out. Then the soldier stabbed the foetus, with its umbilical cordclearly visible, and tossed it aside.”  “当她的内脏流出来时候她发出了最后的惨叫,然后那士兵还用刺刀刺向还可以清楚看到留着脐带的胎儿,然后把胎儿扔到一边。”  Japaneserecruits at bayonet drill using Chinese prisoners as targets, after the captureof the Chinese capital, …  日军新兵用在中国首都抓获的战俘作为刺杀用的靶子  JohnRabe, a German businessman who was elected to lead the Safety Zone because ofJapanese sympathy to his Nazi Party membership, recorded the horror in a diary.Inone excerpt, he wrote: “Last night up to 1,000 women and girls are said to havebeen raped, about 100 girls at Ginling College Girls alone.  德国商人John Rabe,成为安全区的首脑,因为日本会顾忌他纳粹党员的身份,在他的日记留下这样的恐怖记录。其中有一段,他写道:“昨晚,说有1000名女子和女孩被强奸了,差不多有100名是金陵女子大学的学生”  “Youhear nothing but rape. If husbands or brothers intervene, they're shot. Whatyou hear and see on all sides is the brutality and bestiality of the Japanesesoldiers.”  “除了强奸外你就听不到其他事情。如果丈夫或兄弟阻止,他们会被打死。你到何处何地满眼见到的满耳听到的都是日本士兵的暴虐和兽行。”  Rabe,who was credited by the Chinese for helping to save around 250,000 lives, was arrested by the Gestapo when he returnedto Germany at the end of February 1938.They seized film he had made and bannedhim from speaking about the atrocities committed by the Nazi’s World War IIAxis partner.  拉贝,据中国人记载他帮助营救了25万条生命…当他于1938年2月回到德国时,遭到了盖世太保的逮捕。没收了他拍的片子,并禁止他提及纳粹二战期间轴心盟国的暴行。  FollowingJapan’s unconditional surrender to the Allies, they finally ended fighting inChina, which allowed Communists forces under Mao Zedong to seize power there.  日本向盟军无条件投降后,他们在中国的抵抗也停止了,他们允许在毛泽东领导下的GCD武装来夺取当地权利。  Japanesewar crimes were both investigated by the Chinese and the U.S.-led InternationalMilitary Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo.  日本战犯被中国方面和以美国为首设在东京的远东国际军事法庭调查。  HoweverAmerica’s General Douglas MacArthur gave the royal family – including PrinceAsaka – immunity from prosecution in a bid to maintain peace.  然而美国的道格拉斯 麦克阿瑟将军为了了确保和平,给予了包括朝香宫鸠彦亲王在内的日本皇室免遭指控的豁免权。  Japancontinues to refuse to pay compensation to China for its brutal occupation,which at least 23million Chinese died.  日本依旧不断拒绝为其至少造成两千三百万中国人死亡的暴行向中国进行赔偿。  评论翻译:  原创翻译:龙腾网
翻译:Mariner 转载请注明出处  论坛地址:/bbs/thread--1.htmlTheHorse   Theorder to kill all the captives was actually issued by Isamu Cho an ultraextremist nationalist who was Yasuhiko Asaka's second in command. AlthoughAsaka could have and should have countermanded it once he became aware of theorder, he did nothing.Afterthe war Asaka was stripped of his...  After the war Asaka was stripped of his Royaltitles but was never prosecuted, he later became a golf course designer andlived to the age of 93.  Cho was latercommander of the 32nd Army defending Okinawa late in World War II the islandwas captured by the Americans in fierce fighting, rather than surrender tothem, Cho chose the Samurai way out, he committed Seppuku by cutting his ownstomach open.  下达杀光所有俘虏命令的是长 勇,他是个极端民族主义者,而且是朝香宫鸠彦的副手。尽管当朝香宫鸠彦知道这条命令后,能够也应该取消这道命令,然而他并没有这样做。  战后朝香宫鸠彦被剥夺了皇室头衔,但是并未遭到指控。他后来还成为高尔夫球场设计师,活到了93岁。  长勇后来成为守卫冲绳岛32军的指挥官,这是二战末期美军遭遇的最惨烈的夺岛战。长勇最后选择了武士道的方式,切腹自杀了  Kevin  A terrible crime that has never been properly addressed, and there is much muchmore that has been conveniently swept under the carpet for the fast 60 years.  一场从来没有被真正清算可怕的罪行,而更多更多罪行的被随手掩盖了起来,已经快60年了。  Stephen   Iived in Japan and can attest to the fact that they have NEVER recognised theirimmens sins in Asia. This is why they are hatd so much by so many in theregion. In the Chinese City in which I curently live , there is a smallcontingent of Japanese. And they are scared to death of the possibility of anuprising against them. The Koreans were also brutally raped en masse andsubject to crimes of utter depravity. Modern Japan is amazing, but there is anodious Old Guard who steal believe they are the Master Race. They'll all bedead soon, thank God.  回楼上:我在日本住过,而且我可以指出真相,他们从来没有承认过在亚洲犯下的滔天罪行。这就是为什么他们在该地区遭到比你们多的仇视。我现在住在中国的一个城市里,这里有一小群日本人,每天担惊受怕会被一场可能的反日暴乱杀死。韩国人也对大规模强奸和战争暴行提出指控。现代日本是了不起的,但是他们有一群可恶的保守派还依然认为自己是优等民族。感谢上帝,他们马上就要死光了。  Kevin  UnfortunatelySteven there is an old truth that those who are unable or unwilling to learnfrom past mistakes are doomed to repeat them.  回楼上:真不幸,Steven,老话说得好,那些不能或不愿从过去的错误中吸取教训的人是注定要重蹈覆辙的  Frank,  Itseems incredible that, not only were the Japanese on our side during the firstworld war, but they fought with restraint and honour. How could this changehappen in just 20 to 25 years?  看起来真是不可思议啊,第一次世界大战时候日本人还站在我们一边,他们为荣誉而战而且打起来也很克制,怎么才过了20~25年就变了?  Ajm783  Becausethe Generals and Politicians Said - So  回楼主:因为那些将军们和政治家们,所以么…  Glovemonkey  Germaninvolvement?  回楼主:难道是因为和德国人结盟了才变的?  Margaret  Also,consider reading "The Forgotten Highlander" by Alistair Urquhart, aterrible account oftheJapanese Hell ships, in World War 2. He was on the "Kachidoki Maru",and men driven toinsanity,and drinking the blood of fellow men who had died, because of raging thirst.The films on the TV are mostly about the German atrocities. He portrays also,true accounts of the Death Railway, and bridge over the Kwai.  还有,可以考虑读读Alistair Urquhart写的《被遗忘的高地人》,一篇关于二战时期日本地狱之船的可怕记录。他坐过“堪察加丸”号,人们都被逼疯了,因为口渴而去喝那些濒死者的血。电视上播放过的大多数都是德国人的战争暴行。他则真实描述了死亡铁路,还有桂河大桥。  (译注:AlistairUrquhart19岁被征入伍,在新加坡英军投降时被俘,在俘虏营幸存下来后,所乘坐的战俘船被击沉,在海上漂浮5天后被一艘捕鲸船救起,送往日本,被迫在长崎附近的矿场工作,然后美军在离他10几公里的地方投下了原子弹……经历十分曲折神奇。)  CTheUSA  protected Japan after the war no wonder the Chinese feel so strongly aboutthe disputed islands. At lease most Germans seem to regret the actions ofHitler while you get the impression that many in Japan have no regrets aboutthe actions of the Japanese forces.  美国战后保护了日本,所以就别奇怪为什么中国对争议岛屿反应那么强烈。至少大多数德国让你看起来他们对希特勒的行为表示悔过,而你在日本看到的却是那么多人否认日军的所作所为。  Ann  I read the book and some of the pictures were horrific,they even raped woman andgirls who were under protection by the nuns even some of them were raped andmurdered, America given immunity to the royal family, they should have justbombed Japan and flattened it  我读过书还看过些照片,真是让人毛骨悚然,他们不但强奸那些被修女保护的妇女和女孩,甚至连一些修女也遭到强奸和杀害,美国还为皇室提供豁免权,他们应该把日本炸平。  Jeff   Howpeople forget especially in the West. Japan and Germany should never have beenallowed to rise again. Japan is a danger in the east and Germany now rules thewest. They should teach real history in our schools rather than subjects likemedia studies!  人们,尤其是西方人怎么能够遗忘呢,日本和德国就永远不该被允许复兴。日本在东方是个祸害,而德国如今已经掌握的西方。他们应该在我们的学校里学习真实的历史,而不是看那些媒体搞出来话题。  TREVOR  Letus hope one day Japan will finally admit culpability for World War 2 crimes inchina and say sorry an pay up. For these reasons I have no inkling to go toJapan....But Equally we all know China's record on Human Rights...They to haveto admit culpability and reform.  让我们来期望有一天日本最终会承认二战中在中国犯下的罪行,并道歉赔偿。基于以上这些我不打算去日本…但是公平的说,我们都知道中国在人 木又方面的记录…他们也应该认错并改善。  Foggo  Ithink payback day is fast approaching...so a warning to all invading armies ofthe world oneday you great grand children will face their great grand children and thebalance of power may be reversed..... as one day things you do comeback tohaunt you.  我觉得遭报应的日子就快来了…这是对全世界每个侵略军的警告,终有一天,你们的后代将面对他们的后代,而此时力量对比已经逆转…你当年做过的事情有朝一日会报应在自己身上。  Henry  Andpeople wonder why the Chinese hate the Japanese!...Also how come there are nomovies or documentaries about John Rabe one of the true heroes of the war ineast Asia..oh because he was a NAZI party member I suppose.  人们知道为什么中国人恨日本人了吧!…还有,为什么有没关于拉贝这位东亚战场真正英雄的电影或纪录片呢…哦,我猜因为他是纳粹党员。  Davey  Yeah,lets see a 'Schindlers List' type film about John Rabe, don't think jewishcontrolled Hollywood will have any of it though!  回楼上:是啊,让我们看一部关于拉贝的“辛特勒的名单”式的电影,不过在被犹太人操控的好莱坞里那是想都别想的。  Sam  Clearlya saint.  很显然,他是个圣人。  Andrew  Thiswas indeed a dark day in history. Its hard to imagine looking at Japaneseculture nowadays that they were capable of such atrocities. I did not agreewith the Atomic Bomb as it was a mass killing of civilians just like Nankingbut each and every soldier and officer that followed the orders of Nankingdeserved everything they got. I am sure that Japan now are ashamed of what theydone.  这真是历史上黑暗的一天啊。看着当今日本的文化真是难以想象他们当年所做的如此暴行。我不赞同使用象屠杀南京平民那样带来巨大伤亡的原子弹,但是对于那些每个在南京接受命令的士兵和军官们他们应该为他们所作的付出代价。我觉得现在日本一定为他们过去所做的感到羞愧了。  LowerLip  Fortunatelythe Yanks squashed them otherwise they would still be at it.  万幸,美国佬揍扁了他们,不然他们还会这么干下去。  FatherTed  andall for things mean nothing - wars are about nothing more than greed. Ban allwars, ban all armies worldwide and spend the money on hospitals and education.This is the only way humanity will move forward is by all standing together andrefusing to join any form of military. If there ain't no soldiers, there won'tbe any wars. Simple as that.  万物都是虚幻的,战争就是因为贪婪。全面禁止战争,全面禁止军队,把钱都用在医疗和教育上。这才是让人类不断向前发展的唯一途径,拒绝加入任何军事组织,如果没有士兵,也就没有战争了,多简单。  SamAworthy  ally for the immoral Americans and their disobedient history.  有着这么不堪历史的日本人如今给邪恶的美国人当盟友了,真般配啊。  Davey  TheJapanese were far worse than the Nazis for brutality, we never nuked themenough in my opinion...  日本人比纳粹还要更凶残,在我看来,我们的原子弹扔的太少了。  Sam  Andthe Chinese themselves should be remembered for direct and indirect humanitycrimes against their own kinsfolk that continue today.  回楼主:中国人自己也该记得他们直接的或间接的残害自己同胞的人权罪行。  Stephen Well,at least the American Genocide took a while, eh?Chinais still there. Where are the cultures of The First Nations of North America?#$%$  回楼主:好吧,反正美国的种族灭绝也过去那么久了。对吧?中国还在那儿。可北美洲当年的原住民的文化跑哪儿去了?
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  这是30多万亡灵,这是国殇!   这不是地域贴,也请不要引为地域贴。   无论你是中国人,韩国人,日本人,还是其他国家的人,这一天请尊重无辜的亡灵!   死者为大,人类本性!   
  扺制日货,从我做起!一一这是我最庄严的誓言!  本人已经三年没有买过一个日本品牌的产品:如汽车,手机,家电....................
  1980年代以前中国大陆教科书没有登载南京大屠杀,有材料表明在中国大陆的80年代以前关于南京大屠杀的教科书和传媒记录存在着有的年限空白缺失的情况,朱世巍就回忆他的老师象做贼一样小心地告诉他们南京大屠杀的事。例如1960年上海教育出版社《中学历史教师手册》和1979年徐州师范学院历史系所编教学参考用《世界历史大事纪年》都在其涉及中国1937年大事的年表内容中未提南京大屠杀,只提到毛泽东发表《实践论》《论持久战》,77事变和813事变,平型关大捷数项,国民政府丢失上海南京,就抗日战争总体在八一三事变后唯一提到的国民党军战事是豫湘桂战役,连台儿庄也没有。1960年的初中课本《中国历史》就南京仅有一句“12月南京又失守”]70年代的高中课本《中国历史》也没有南京大屠杀内容。78年定稿的《中学基础知识手册-历史 增订本》虽然说了日军“烧杀抢掠,无恶不作,无数城乡变成废墟”却没提到南京。人民日报在年的22年间一篇反映南京大屠杀的文章也没有


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