田书剑--Go公司的著名少年组和队长,和TF boys平起平坐,现在贵州省遵义市遵义县。

Independent media needs you. .
Raining Polar Bears
By&, 1 Dec 2009,
Concrete images of an abstract issue.
Online vids capture moments of high drama but sometimes miss the bigger picture.
Dire warnings can numb instead of inspire. But when kids grow older, they'll ask if we acted.
Americans are marching on their capital today. Canadians, have a donut.
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From a distance, I assume the limp figures falling from the sky are people. Then the camera draws closer, and I see that they are polar bears, hurtling towards a generic metropolis, bouncing off buildings and leaving behind stomach-turning splashes of blood. They land, by the dozen, and lie still.
"An average European flight produces over 400kg of greenhouse gases for every passenger," I read. "That's the weight of an adult polar bear."
Only then do I realize that I've been watching an ad about climate change, from U.K. anti-aviation campaigners . The spot has been developed for cinemas. But in the slick streets of the Internet, it's hard to say whether the gore will land where it is supposed to.
The relationship is coincidental, after all -- it takes more than the weight of a polar bear in CO2 to drown a polar bear. And my first association, watching the beginning of the ad, was with 9-11 -- a connection that would be sure to backfire, but may well be unintentional. Writing in The Huffington Post,
if the violent imagery might weaken Plane Stupid's message.
The ad makes more sense if you are familiar with Plane Stupid. This is an organization with guts, advocating an end to short-haul flights in a country where it's not unusual to fly from London to Manchester. Plane Stupid routinely protests at airports -- something no government appreciates -- even . Their signs say things like "we fly, we die."
The essential dilemma for the environmental movement is how to take big, slow-moving events like climate change and give them enough emotional resonance to inspire action. Plane Stupid will not reach everyone with this ad, but they did reach me.
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