
电视剧《军火大追踪第37-38集大结局》剧情介绍,军火大追踪第37-38集大结局分集剧情简介-剧情介绍网您当前位置:--浏览文章军火大追踪第37-38集大结局剧情介绍这是一篇关于军火大追踪第37-38集大结局剧情介绍的文章,不提供在线观看。观看高清军火大追踪第37-38集大结局请到爱奇艺iqiyi,乐视letv,腾讯视频,搜狐视频,土豆网tudou,优酷网youku,百度影音,qvod等视频网站观看军火大追踪第37-38集大结局相关剧情军火大追踪第37-38集大结局全集在线观看:  电视剧军火大追踪第37集剧情介绍  查探过后,两人还是被日兵发现,双方一阵搏斗。好不容易冲到街口,又被这里的检查宪兵拦下,眼看难以脱身。  巧的是,他们又碰到了那个“老乡”。  而那边,日军参谋看到残局,气急败坏,但是却没能找到一丝响林游击队的踪迹。他将这一情况汇报给穿野坚。川野坚命令立刻转移六号训练所。  由于白天发生的冲突,鬼子加强了搜查。玄娃,林大志,白丛雪暂时躲在酒店地下室休整。等到夜深,三人又来到仓库探查。他们杀了两个守卫,抓住了一个,刚想审问,不料他服毒自杀。白丛雪翻捡这三具尸体,她发现了一个共同点……他们都有一个同样的袋子。  哨声响起,上田将部队紧急集合起来川野希子让上田的部队先行调到榆城,从玄武山调两个小队回来守卫叶家庄。  看着摆在地上的尸体,川野坚脸色铁青,他命令上田加强戒备,警惕游击队进城。  川野希子询问曹军叶家庄的情况,在得知叶家大院没有动静后,川野希子怀疑叶家庄在欺骗她,便让他们继续加强戒备,自己去着皇协军。  叶凌青在训斥李全有和方大嘴,怪他们把日本密探给杀了,两人告诉叶凌青不想再给日本人卖命了,而且这也是大家的意思,叶凌青让他们将尸体埋了,切记保密。  林大志和玄娃在一边擦枪,游击队员开两人的玩笑,鼓动两人结婚,这时白丛雪带来任务:川野希子被牵制在叶家庄,上田又被调去榆城,所以决定攻打葬龙谷,白丛雪让联络点的同志们监视川野坚的行动,给八路军运输队提供消息,大家分头行动起来。  川野希子将叶凌青派到榆城坚守,只留了一个小队的兵力在叶家庄。  叶凌青将李全有留下驻守叶家庄,监视川野希子的行动,同时派他到葬龙谷找游击队去找宝树。  白丛雪进入葬龙谷,玄娃和林大志带着队员行进,白丛雪接到叶凌青情报,川野坚又派上田加强葬龙谷的布放,白丛雪建议趁着上田来之前,尽快肃清葬龙谷的勘探队,然后阻止上田的队伍,白丛雪派林大志小队留在谷口观察敌情。  另一边日本兵还在葬龙谷勘测。  上田带着宪兵从叶家庄朝葬龙谷赶过来。  白丛雪和叶家管家见面,管家告诉白丛雪川野希子开始怀疑叶凌青,已让他带着两个小队回了榆城,另外川野坚把上田调回榆城,不知怎么他又去了葬龙谷,另外叶凌青会设法在榆城吸引鬼子,叶老爷子也会在叶家庄闹出动静,牵制住川野希子,来配合白丛雪的行动。  白丛雪带着响林游击队来到一片林地,孙磊给白丛雪指出鬼子勘探的地方,同时提心大家小心那边树上的机关,众人点头,孙磊带着大家避开机关,绕路而行。  白丛雪带着大家到了日军的勘测地,林大志上前就要攻击被白丛雪拦住,白丛雪觉得目前最主要的就是消灭谷内的日军,将日军的大部队拦在葬龙谷外,为八路军的运输队扫清道路,最好利用我们的长处,不声不响的将鬼子消灭。  白丛雪让孙磊带路,利用机关,将日军引到这里来,干净利落的消灭他们,然后去三道沟汇合。  林大志和玄娃将日军引到有机关的树林,日军陷入了各种陷阱,瞬间惊慌失措。  一对日本人兵追着白丛雪和孙磊,孙磊利用是树林中的机关将后面的追兵消灭大半,白丛雪甩出长鞭消灭剩下的鬼子,两人相互配合,成功消灭后来的追兵,两人便去往二道沟。  玄娃和林大志带着游击队员来到日军的通讯站,两人便决定将日军的通讯站摧毁,冲进敌军的帐篷,将鬼子消灭,然后去三道沟和队长汇合。  看着一袋袋粮食摆在粮仓,叶老爷子感叹自己这几年做的事情愧对祖宗,顺子劝叶老爷子这也是无奈之举,叶老爷子派顺子将地窖里的酒全运出来,如果有人问就说是为了准备我的七十大寿。  日军的通讯兵联络不上葬龙谷,川野希子判断是出事了,连忙派上田加速前进葬龙谷。  另一边的上田接到川野希子的命令,以最快的速度赶到葬龙谷。  白丛雪、林大志和玄娃在三道后汇合,打算围剿三道沟的鬼子,游击队员报告谷外三里发现了大批的日军,白丛雪命令孙磊对付三道沟的鬼子,她和林大志玄娃则到了谷口。  白丛雪、林大志和玄娃带着队伍来到谷口,看着上田的队伍马上就要进来了,白丛雪利用谷口易守难攻的地势先抵挡一阵,打掉鬼子的锐气,但不要硬拼,当一阵子后,就把他们放进来,这时候孙磊也应该消灭了三道沟的鬼子,我们就可以利用葬龙谷的地形拖垮他们。  上田来到山谷口,这是游击队已埋伏在山崖上方,上田决定绕道过去和勘探队里外夹击。  联系勘探队的士兵始终没有回来,上田蔑视游击队,命令第一小队出击。  早已准备好的游击队观察到日军开始突击了,便对日军发动进攻,日军被打的四处逃窜。  川野希子得知葬龙谷遭到了袭击,便连忙派兵力赶往葬龙谷。  叶老爷子和顺子商量演一出戏,故意让李广胜去通风报信。  川野希子带着人员赶到,上田报告日军伤亡惨重,川野希子命令上田不惜代价拿下谷口,林大志和玄娃看到日军逐渐增多,便打算撤退没想到日军紧追不舍。林大志决定先掩护玄娃撤离。  玄娃一边撤离一边消灭追上来的日军,另一边的林大志遭到了川野希子部队的攻击,白丛雪突然出现给林大志指出撤离的道路,自己带着一队人迂回到敌人后面,川野希子命令兵分两路,一前一后,分进合击。  这边叶凌青来到司令部向川野坚报到,川野坚夸奖了他带领的皇协军。  叶凌青得知川野希子去了葬龙谷,怀疑她知道了秘密,快剧网首发,便决定带领着皇协军在榆城刺杀川野坚,让川野希子顾此失彼,但川野坚戒心重重,得想一个万全的办法。  叶凌青向日军参谋报告近日八路军的一个参谋住进了山西会馆,一是来探榆城虚实,趁机偷袭。二是向为了军火与游击队接头,日军参谋听到这个很是高兴,将这个消息告诉了川野坚。  川野坚怀疑叶凌青的情报的属实,便让参谋去查,回报从猎犬那里得到,这个消息确实属实川野坚决定自己亲自参与这次抓捕。  林大志和战士们在林子里奔跑,上田带着宪兵队依旧追赶。  川野希子发现身后有游击队的身影,便命令一队翻身攻击。  林大志面对上田带着大批的日军的追击,与日军火拼了起来,但无奈势单力薄,被上田的队伍围了起来。  电视剧军火大追踪第38集剧情介绍(大结局)  林大志将炸药绑在身上正要与敌人同归于尽时,白丛雪带着游击队将林大志解救,大家回合后连忙去解救玄娃。  玄娃带着队伍一边撤离,一边扔着烟雾弹,川野希子带着日本兵在后面追击,  玄娃带着四个队员走到悬崖边,远处鬼子来了一大片,玄娃看看崖底,让大家将衣服撕成条,结成绳子,让队员先捉着绳子逃脱,留下玄娃自己掩护他们离开,队员流着泪,一个接着一个下了山崖。  玄娃将绳子扔掉,这时,大片的日本兵一步一步围了上来,川野希子将日军呈扇形将玄娃围住端枪戒备。  玄娃提出单挑川野希子,两人便赤手空拳打斗起来,两人旗鼓相当,玄娃假装体力不支,川野希子进攻时,玄娃故意一个趔趄滚到曹军前边,抽出军刀,杀死好几个日本兵,玄娃趁势突围,但无奈日本兵众多,玄娃决定一不做二不休,直杀向川野希子,当一刀正砍向川野希子时,被上田一枪打到手上,玄娃又冲向上田,被涌上来的日本人兵捉获,川野希子将她带走。  白丛雪带着队员赶到,发现人都不见了,看到有人从悬崖爬下去的痕迹。  白丛雪和林大志来到悬崖底下,四个队员从树后出来,告诉他们玄娃为了先让他们离开,自己留在了最后,白丛雪让林大志全力查找玄娃,她则到城里一趟。  玄娃被带到川野希子的面前,川野希子看到玄娃流血过多,便让她与他们合作,否则就会流血而死,玄娃拒绝告诉她来葬龙谷的目的,川野希子怎么都问不出来,就让士兵将她吊起来。  叶家庄中,顺子和管家在房间里看着李广胜过来偷听,便故意假说庄子里只剩一小部分皇协军,日军又都到了葬龙谷了,八路应该马上回到,李广胜听到这些后便离开了。  顺子告诉叶老爷子李广胜听到这些就去了葬龙谷了,快剧网首发,估计是给日本人通风报信了,叶老爷子利用日军的运粮对将川野希子引回来,在办寿的时候将鬼子的粮草烧掉,顺子表示绝对不会给叶老爷子掉链子。  此前白丛雪和叶凌青就合计,为了八路和游击队的顺利接头,叶凌青让白丛雪配合演一场戏、、、、、、  川野坚坐在办公室前把玩着一个心形项链,参谋进来报告,八路在茶馆等待接头。  白丛雪来到茶馆茶馆门口,走了进去。  川野坚感叹八路好大的胆子,竟敢在榆城接头,并询问叶凌青的动向,参谋回报叶凌青带着一班子的人朝着茶馆去了,川野坚便让参谋包围茶馆,亲自想看看他们到底想干什么。  叶凌青走到门前停了下来就让手下将白丛雪和另一个男子押了出来,装作逮捕他们。  参谋回报川野坚叶凌青真的将白丛雪他们逮捕了,正在回司令部的路上,川野坚决定亲自会会他们。  白丛雪正被叶凌青押在到司令部的路上,川野坚带着日本人兵走了出来,这时叶凌青给方大嘴使了一个眼色,两队皇协军将它们包围了,川野坚意识到皇协军哗变了,但已为时已晚。  叶凌青将川野坚一把推进司令部,川野坚顺手将一个项链悄悄丢在门口,叶凌青看到门口有一个项链,打开一看是一张照片,在川野坚眼前晃一晃,只见川野坚表情一变,让他还给他,叶凌青取出照片,看待里面还有一张纸,在火上一烤,原来是猎犬小组的名单,川野坚突然瘫在地上,从军靴中抽出一把匕首刺向白丛雪,叶凌青马上拿枪将川野坚打死,叶凌青带着皇协军出发葬龙谷。  叶凌青、白丛雪和叶凌青带着队伍来寻找玄娃,孙磊捉了一个俘虏打听到玄娃下落,林大志执意要去就白丛雪,大家都劝他冷静不要冲动,要先查清楚才行,大家连忙筹备营救玄娃。  玄娃遭到了川野希子的毒打,早已奄奄一息了,川野希子还在一鞭一鞭的打着,上田发现玄娃早已断了气,川野希子大怒让士兵将尸体抬出去。  叶凌青和白丛雪来到葬龙谷左右包抄干掉守卫,营救玄娃。  当叶凌青和玄娃穿过谷口时看到两个日本士兵抬着玄娃的遗体,扔在一个土坑里,等鬼子离开后,他们连忙跑过去。  叶凌青、白丛雪和林大志将玄娃埋在一个新的地方,游击队战士围着坟堆祭奠玄娃,而林大志早已泣不成声。  管家带着日军运输车来到粮仓,乡民们把粮食搬运到车上后,日军司机看到一切没问题后,便安心享用起酒食来。  管家和家丁商量好,故意激日军司机大怒,管家趁机做好银保引爆工作,带着嘉定离开粮仓,粮仓瞬间发生剧烈爆炸,日军司机被炸死。  白丛雪和叶凌青、林大志商议,由于敌众我寡,这场仗不讨好打,叶凌青提议发挥自身的优势,将日军引到葬龙谷,拖垮他们,分散包围,慢慢吃掉它们,众人同意。  白丛雪看着地图,林大志回来说日军没有上钩,叶凌青感到奇怪,决定去看看日军到底在搞什么鬼。  白丛雪带着一部分游击队来到日军的营地,孙磊回报说川野希子带着一队人马去了叶家庄,白丛雪决定全军突击。  白丛雪带着响林游击队悄悄接近日军军营,林大志用手榴弹掩护,白丛雪用机枪扫射,压制住了敌人你的火力,这时叶凌青也带着一队人马冲了进来,日军瞬间崩溃,林大志杀进军营,为玄娃报仇打死上田,日军纷纷逃跑,叶凌青让白丛雪带着八路军运输队到藏龙洞搬运弹药他来掩护。  八路军战士正在搬运弹药时,叶凌青站在高岗上,看着叶家庄。  叶家庄冒着浓烟,忽然一阵巨响,叶凌青猛地回头朝着叶家庄看着,他早已泪流满面,举手敬礼,大家也跟着叶凌青举手敬礼。  原野上,马车运送着弹药。  大批军火和补给物资发到八路军根据地的战士手上,八路军领导余向秋激昂的布置反攻。
军火大追踪第37-38集大结局英文剧情TV arms big track set 37 plot is introduced
Find out later, two people or by day soldier, found that the two sides fight. Very not easy to block, it was check military police stopped here, see is hard to get.
Coincidentally, they met the countryman again.
And there, the Japanese staff saw the mess, flustered, but failed to find a little trace of ring Lin guerrillas. He will report the situation to wear wild nut. Sichuan wild command immediately transfer training no. 6.
Due to the conflict in daytime, devil strengthened the search. Xuan, da-zhi Lin, Bai Cong snow temporarily hide in the basement of the hotel to recover. Wait until night, three people came to the warehouse. They killed two guards, caught a, just want to interrogation, only to find he commit suicide by poison. Bai Cong snow turn to pick up the three bodies, she found a common ground... They all have the same bag.
Whistle, emergency units on the field set up sichuan wild bush son let on field forces first transferred to the elm city, from the basaltic mountains guard Ye Guzhuang two teams came back.
Look at the body of the earth, wild sichuan solid blue, he ordered on the alert, alert to the guerrillas into the city.
Sichuan wild bush son ask jun Ye Guzhuang, knowing that the compound leaves home nothing happened after the sichuan wild child doubt Ye Guzhuang cheat her was in, then let them continue to strengthen alert, oneself to the emperor association army.
Ye Lingqing in reprimanded Li Quanyou and big mouth, blame them to kill Japanese spy, two men tell Ye Lingqing dont want to give the Japanese hard again, and its everybodys meaning, Ye Lingqing let they buried the body, remember that a secret.
Da-zhi Lin xuan and Eva in the side wipe gun, guerrillas joke about two people, put two people get married, then Bai Cong snow brings mission: sichuan wild child contain Ye Guzhuang was in, the field has been transferred to elm city, so I decided to fight against bury backflip studios, Bai Cong snow is focal point of the comrades monitoring sichuan wild strong action, to the eighth route army fleet to provide news, everyone acting separately.
Sichuan wild child we hold fast the Ye Lingqing sent to yu city, only left a small force in Ye Guzhuang.
Ye Lingqing will leave stationed Ye Guzhuang Li Quanyou and monitoring sichuan wild childs action, and sent him to the buried backflip studios to find guerrillas to find treasure tree.
Bai Cong snow into the buried backflip studios, xuan Eva and da-zhi Lin with the players, Bai Cong snow received Ye Lingqing intelligence, sichuan wild nut sent on field strengthen the cloth was buried backflip studios, Bai Cong snow suggested, taking on the field before from buried backflip studios exploration team as soon as possible, then stop on the field team, team Bai Cong snow sent da-zhi Lin stay taniguchi observe the situation of the enemy.
The other side of the Japanese soldiers are buried backflip studios survey.
On the field with a gendarme from Ye Guzhuang dynasty burial backflip studios to.
Bai Cong snow and meet the housekeeper leaves home, housekeeper told Bai Cong snow wild child began to wonder if Ye Lingqing, sichuan has let him back to elm city, with the two teams and sichuan wild nut on the field back elm city, I do not know how he went to the buried backflip studios, in addition Ye Lingqing will try to attract devil in elm city, leaves the old in Ye Guzhuang make a movement, pin down sichuan wild child, co-ordinate Bai Cong snows actions.
Bai Cong snow with ring guerrillas came to a forest, Lin sun show Bai Cong snow devil exploration, heart everyone be careful over there in the tree authority at the same time, the crowd nodded, sun with everyone to avoid organ, detours.
Bai Cong snow with you to the survey, the Japanese da-zhi Lin forward to attack by Bai Cong snow Bai Cong snow think is currently the main valleys of the Japanese, the Japanese forces block in buried backflip studios, to smooth the path of the eighth route army fleet, the best use of our strengths, quietly the devil.
Bai Cong snow let the sun to lead the way, the use of authority, will the Japanese here, clean wipe them out, and then to meet three gap.
Da-zhi Lin xuan and Eva will be the Japanese have authority to the woods, the Japanese army in the various traps, instant panic.
A pair of Japanese soldiers chased Bai Cong snow and the sun, sun using troops is an organ of the forest behind will destroy half, Bai Cong snow to jilt whip destroy the rest of the devil, two people together, successfully eliminated troops later, two people go to erdaogou.
The xuan Eva and da-zhi Lin with guerrillas came to the Japanese station, the two men decided to destroy the Japanese station of rushed into the enemys camp, will destroy the devil, then go to three gap and captain rendezvous.
Looked at the bags of grain in the granary, leaves the old exclamation oneself these years do live up to fathers, shunza advised leaf (this is also helpless, leaf he sent sequences will be hauled out of the whole wine cellar, if someone asked as to prepare for my seventieth birthday.
The Japanese tech contact not buried backflip studios, sichuan wild child judge something is wrong, hurriedly sent on field accelerates rapidly buried backflip studios.
On the other side of the field from sichuan wild childs command, with the fastest speed to get buried backflip studios.
Bai Cong snow, da-zhi Lin and xuan Eva after three converging, three gap to encirclement and suppression of the devil, the guerilla report three mile found a large number of Japanese troops, vale Bai Cong snow command cells against three gap of the devil, she and da-zhi Lin xuan Eva to taniguchi.
Bai Cong snow, da-zhi Lin and xuan Eva with team came to taniguchi, looked at the fields team is going to come in, using taniguchi easy to keep difficult tapping Bai Cong snow ground against a first, devils momentum, but dont recklessly, when after a while, just come in, put them at this time the sun should also destroyed three gap of the devil, we can use of buried backflip studios terrain drag them down.
On the field came to the valley mouth, the guerrillas have ambush over the cliff, on field decided to bypass the past and exploration team trapped inside and outside.
Contact the exploration team of soldiers has not come back, in contempt of the guerrillas, command team one.
Already prepared to observe the Japanese guerrilla assault, attack of the Japanese, the Japanese army was beaten running amok.
Sichuan wild bush son learned that buried backflip studios had been attacked, he hurriedly sent troops to buried backflip studios.
He conferred with the sequences in a play, deliberately let Li Guangsheng tipped them off.
Sichuan wild child with paramedics rushed, field reports on the Japanese heavy casualties, wild sichuan sub commands on the field at any cost added taniguchi, da-zhi Lin and xuan Eva saw the Japanese gradually rise, then going to retreat didnt think the Japanese gave chase. Da-zhi Lin decided to cover the xuan Eva to evacuate.
Xuan Eva evacuation and eliminate the catch up with the Japanese, on the other side of the da-zhi Lin, sichuan wild bush son forces attacked Bai Cong snow suddenly appear to da-zhi Lin pointed out that the road of evacuation himself with a band of detour to the rear of the enemy, sichuan wild child command mulling two ways, tandem, converging attack.
Report to sichuan wild nut side Ye Lingqing came to command and sichuan wild praise the emperor association army he led.
Ye Lingqing know sichuan wild child went to buried backflip studios, suspect she knew the secret, quick play network, decided to lead the emperor association army assassinated in elm city river wild nut, let the wild sichuan children attend, but sichuan wild nut guard, had to think of a solution.
Ye Lingqing a staff report to the Japanese staff in the eighth route army in shanxi hall, one is to explore the yu city, the actual situation, the chance to attack. The second is to joint for arms and guerrillas, the Japanese staff was very glad to hear that, will tell the news of sichuan wild nut.
Sichuan wild strong doubt Ye Lingqing information is true, then let staff to check, return from hunting, this news is really true sichuan wild firmly set yourself to participate in the catch.
Da-zhi Lin and the soldiers running in the woods and fields with military police still catching up.
Sichuan wild child found there behind the guerrillas, then the command team turn to attack.
Da-zhi Lin face on the field with a large number of Japanese troops, and the Japanese shooting up, but helpless is weak, be on the field team.
TV arms big track episode introduces 38 (final)
Da-zhi Lin will explosives strapped to his body on the point of the enemy, with Bai Cong snow with the guerrillas to free da-zhi Lin, hurriedly to save the xuan baby after all round.
Xuan Eva with team evacuated, while throwing smoke, sichuan wild child with Japanese soldiers behind chasing,
Xuan Eva with four players went down to the edge of the cliff, the devil to a large, xuan baby look at the bottom of the cliff, let everybody to clothes to tear into article, forming a rope, let the players catch the rope to escape, and left the xuan Eva cover their left, the players in tears, one by one down the cliff.
Xuan Eva to throw away the ropes, at this time, big Japanese soldier mobbed by his step by step, sichuan wild hope children will be the Japanese fan to surround the xuan Eva end gun alert.
Xuan Eva put forward heads-up sichuan wild child, two people with his bare hands fight, two people close, xuan, she pretended to exhaustion of sichuan wild child attack, xuan Eva deliberately in front of a staggered roll to jun, take out knife, killing several Japanese soldier, xuan Eva try to break, but many Japanese soldiers, xuan, she decided a don straight to sichuan wild child, when one knife is cut to sichuan wild Bush House, be on the field one gun to hand, xuan Eva into the field again, catch by gush of Japanese soldiers, sichuan wild child will her away.
Bai Cong snow with players arrived, found that people were gone, see someone climbed down from the cliff.
Bai Cong under the snow and da-zhi Lin came to the cliff, four players come out from behind a tree and told them the xuan Eva in order to let them leave, his left finally, Bai Cong snow let da-zhi Lin to find xuan, she is a trip to the town.
Xuan, she brought to sichuan wild childs sichuan wild child see xuan Eva bleed, then let her work with them, or you will bleed to death, the purpose of xuan she refused to tell her to bury backflip studios, sichuan wild child how are asked not to come out, let the soldiers will she hung up.
Ye Guzhuang, shunza and housekeeper at li is better than to listen in on the room, he deliberately hypothesis with only a small part of the emperor association army in zhuangzi, the Japanese and the buried backflip studios, eight-way should get, Li Guangsheng left after hearing these.
Shunza tell leaf (Li Guangsheng hear these went buried backflip studios, fast network starting, estimation is to the Japanese informant, leaf (use Japanese grain to sichuan wild bush son back, on the run life of devils burn, shunza said never give he badly off.
After snow and Ye Lingqing Bai Cong is combined, in order to eight-way and guerrillas smooth joint, Ye Lingqing accommodate Bai Cong snow to play a scene,,,,,,,,
Sichuan wild nut sitting in front of the office with a heart-shaped necklace, staff come in report, eight-way teahouse for connectors.
Bai Cong snow came to the teahouse tea house door, and went in.
Sichuan wild nut exclamation eight-way good dare, dare in elm city joint, and ask Ye Lingqing, Ye Lingqing staff returns with a group of people toward a teahouse, sichuan wild nut let staff surrounded the teahouse, personally want to see what they really want to do.
Stopped Ye Lingqing walked to the door men staked Bai Cong snow and another man out, pretended to arrest them.
Staff return sichuan wild nut Ye Lingqing really Bai Cong snow arrested, they are on the way back to the headquarters, sichuan wild resolutely will meet them in person.
Being Ye Lingqing Bai Cong snow on the way to the headquarters of sichuan wild nut with a Japanese soldier came out, then Ye Lingqing mouth make an expression of eyes, to the two teams emperor association army surrounded them, sichuan wild strong consciousness to the emperor association army mutiny, but it is too late.
Ye Lingqing to established a push command, sichuan wild sichuan wild nut conveniently cast a necklace quietly in the doorway, Ye Lingqing saw the door has a necklace, open on see is a photograph, the wild sichuan shake at the moment Kennedy, see sichuan wild strong expression a change, let him back to him, Ye Lingqing take photos, look at the inside there is a piece of paper on the fire roast, originally is the list of the hound group, sichuan wild nut suddenly collapsed on the ground, pulled out a dagger from boots to Bai Cong snow Ye Lingqing gun will sichuan wild nut killed immediately, Ye Lingqing with emperor association army buried backflip studios.
Ye Lingqing, snow and Ye Lingqing Bai Cong with team to find the xuan, sun caught a prisoner to get xuan her whereabouts, da-zhi Lin determined to go Bai Cong snow, everyone advised him to calm dont impulse, need to find out first, you hurriedly preparation rescue xuan Eva.
Xuan, she was beaten by sichuan wild bush child already out of breath, sichuan wild when the child is still in with a whip lash, field found in the xuan Eva already expired, sichuan wild bush son rage bodies will let soldiers carried him out.
Ye Lingqing Bai Cong snow came to bury backflip studios around and kill the guards, to rescue the xuan Eva.
When Ye Lingqing and xuan Eva through the taniguchi see two bodies of Japanese soldiers carried the xuan Eva, throw in a pit, such as devil left, they went past.
Ye Lingqing, Bai Cong snow and da-zhi Lin xuan Eva will be buried in a new place, the fighters around the mound festivals xuan, the da-zhi Lin already sobbing.
Butler with the Japanese carrier came to the granary, the villagers put food handling to the car, after the Japanese drivers see after all no problem, then take comfort booze.
Good housekeeper and assume to discuss, deliberately stimulated the Japanese driver great anger, butler opportunity to do a good job of banc assurance to detonate, left with jiading granary, momentary explosions granary, the Japanese driver was killed.
Bai Cong snow and Ye Lingqing da-zhi Lin took counsel, and heavily outnumbered because of the war thankless, Ye Lingqing proposed play to its advantages, buried the Japanese to backflip studios, drag them down, surrounded by dispersion, slowly eat them, and they agree.
Bai Cong snow looked at the map, back da-zhi Lin said that the Japanese did not rise to the bait, Ye Lingqing surprised, decided to go to see what is playing at the Japanese ghost.
Bai Cong snow with a part of the guerrillas came to the camp of the Japanese, said sun returns sichuan wild child, with a band of people went to the Ye Guzhuang Bai Cong snow decided to army assault.
Bai Cong snow with ring guerrillas quietly close to the Japanese army, Lin da-zhi Lin, cover with grenades Bai Cong snow with a machine gun, overruled the enemy fire, you then Ye Lingqing with a band of people rushed in, the Japanese instant collapse, da-zhi Lin kill into the barracks, revenge for the xuan Eva killed on the field, the Japanese have fled, Ye Lingqing let Bai Cong snow with the eighth route army longdong transport ammunition to cover his fleet to hide.
The eighth route army soldier was carrying munitions, Ye Lingqing standing on Jeremy goldkorn, watched Ye Guzhuang.
Ye Guzhuang fug-belching, suddenly a burst of noise, Ye Lingqing jerked back toward the Ye Guzhuang looked at, he already was in tears, raised his hand and salute, everybody also follow Ye Lingqing raise hand to salute.
On the plain, the carriage carrying ammunition.
Large quantities of munitions and supplies to soldiers of the eighth route army base, the eighth route army led to the autumn passionate decorate a counter-offensive.最新剧情热门剧情


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