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《Solo Day》 - B1A4
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&Solo Day #1 Drive&
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1.MBC电视台即将於10月25日举办顶级的音乐盛事「2014 MBC KOREAN MUSIC WAVE 韩国音乐波」,首站北京鸟巢,是海外区最接近台湾的一次演唱会,台湾韩流音乐迷因此疯狂抢票。此次演唱会将有韩国最当红16组天团同台开唱,全线覆盖了2PM、4minute、BAP、BEAST、B1A4、CNBLUE、Cra...
2.B1A4B1A4将於11月举行个人演唱会“ Road Trip to Seoul - READY?”,於10日公开5人的个人及团体海报。B1A4成员们於10在个人的SNS顺序公开五人的个人海报。在海报中成员们以这次公演的主题“Ready”摆著个人独特的姿势及表情的模样,在五个的海报中每个成员们都有不同...
1.热播讯 昨日(9月3日),第41届韩国放送大赏颁奖仪式在首尔KBS HALL举行。由韩国放送协会主管的“韩国放送大赏”从1973年开始举办至今,面向一心制作优秀电视节目的电视人,旨在刺激其创作意欲、振作士气。SBS TV选秀节目《K-Pop Star 3》、KBS 2TV电视剧《Good Doctor》、EBS TV《...
3.B1A4成员灿多B1A4所属经纪公司表示成员灿多将参与录制SBS TV月火剧(周一周二播出的剧集)《神的礼物-14天》的OST《因为伤痛》,为成员BARO加油。灿多通过所属公司表示「为了表示对在剧中饰演英奎的B1A4成员BARO的支援参与了这次电视剧OST的录制,我会通过这首OST展现不一样的自己。”《因为伤痛》这首歌...
1. 第12集中字该剧讲述拥有超能力,刻薄又唯我独尊因无法抹去初恋带来的伤痛与愤怒,内心爆发出刀子的主角朱洪彬邂逅温柔包容著一切的女人宋海乔之后,发生的爱情故事。
2. 第23集中字《巡夜人日记》是一部幻想古装剧,讲述了朝鲜时代,围绕着抓鬼巡逻队“巡夜人”所发生的否定鬼怪的存在、试图利用鬼怪、决心要击退鬼怪这三大势力间的竞争和倾轧。
3. 第03集中字是改编自日本的人气漫画,在日本已经于2006年拍成电视剧,而当时饰演剧中主角的玉木宏和上野树里也通过该剧一跃成为巨星。该电视剧是一部青春浪漫剧,讲述演奏古典音乐的音乐大学学生的爱情和成长故事
4. 第1集中字
5. 第09集中字
6. 第10集中字
7. 第09集中字
8. 第19集中字
9. 第06集中字
10. 第03集中字
郑秀妍Jessica同款修身百褶连衣裙【Solo Day】全部歌曲试听_B1A4_音乐专辑_酷我音乐
Solo Day - B1A4
专辑标签:韩国流行舞曲流行Dance Pop
Solo Day简介:Another day means a day without running. I want someone pulling out in the woods everyday ones. B1A4 leaving to find a dream that appeared in the story, but this mini-album with a sense of their vision of a perfect recreation of the artist as a figure grown aspects embedded. Yuhanham to know the time, all the human beings and their lives there alone. Behind every meeting has a parting word that is hiding in the shadows. Tingling nose and frowns had the muldeon putput, daldalhan remember poems from the sonan said, darkness and sorrow remains. B1A4 to combat this loneliness only human posture. Geotilkka How should we deal with? B1A4's fifth mini album "SOLO DAY" blow a new perspective on a solo, but as an expression of their boldly put bread and threw chulsapyo. In Korea, as opposed to the common sense, coupled with the concept of using a Solo, but Solo is not an English-speaking countries, the Single phrase. But "SOLO DAY" means the Solo B1A4 existing frame is made out of concepts in the light and pleasant way to start the new code and the time is becoming mature. This album is the title track of the album, as contained in the message of the artist as a B1A4 more aspects of growth ever felt. Mini-album, appearing in all six songs, led by the leader of the renal pelvis and right sides are involved in songwriting and producing songs of the album in their own distinctive music and colors are buried flies. The title song "SOLO DAY" is a hot country papgok acoustic guitar electric guitar and an exquisite blend of fluffy runnin anyone can hum the melody and feel the freshness of nature bit sensational addition to slowing the members' jimyeo refreshing voices feels refined. In particular, "SOLO DAY" music video, the title track and also the feel of soft natural light, to maximize the feeling of secrecy in California shooting was carried out locally. Lost Dreams of five boys and a mysterious girl appears in front of them, they make you go through growing pains, but if it's a dream come true imagination, but hopefully, I think is changing, the practice of action 'dream' of the 'real' this may be motifs as well. The blue in the sky, under the hot sun light with a pleasant melody episode the boys are creating a refreshing and delightful natural to choose the healing. Idol traditional group dancing in the music video that can be seen moving away from a focus on the music video in this short film is reminiscent of the story and the B1A4 members' in the sense of visual beauty and sophisticated character than melt into raising the understanding of the song. As an artist directly through own composition and producing their own shows aspects damahon honest story B1A4. B1A4 artist does not need any of the modifier [SOLO DAY]. Their story begins now. 01. "SOLO DAY" Jul. 14 days "SOLO DAY" our own new anniversary! The most wonderful solos to shine! Fluffy hot electric guitar and acoustic guitar is one of the exquisite harmony of nature runnin hear anyone humming the melody and feel the freshness of the bit sensational addition to slowing the members of the refined tone jimyeo jimyeo feel refreshing summer season table B1A4 song was born. 02 "What I dwae" Acoustic guitar tone with the various members of each song stands out sitting on bar chair in concert with each other, members of breath and imagine the song would be nice to look. 03: "How's it going" Urban R & B genre of Electronic Piano and breast squeezing makes catch of a sad electric guitar Adlib. I loved him erect pride left after spending someone else, voices from beyond the chest receiver ohjiman Mare, still does not abating bad self-esteem. Maybe love is the greatest sadness towards any pride, I'm afraid Listen to the lyrics this through! 04 "glass of water" Hot summer, cool, cool down the body and mind to give a glass of water in hand, put up with all the sound gardenia! "Glass of water" is the acoustic guitar chalrang intense electric guitar and synth sounds pierce ears with lyrics that blends addictive running or running, jumping or playing, drinking or drinking! If this all sounds B1A4 hit and people will "drink of water" with loved ones and spend the hot summer cool blow! 05, "drive" Medium-tempo synth sound and mystique to hip-hop song that chord progression, with two of the chorus in a rather unique configuration of power in the center to hold the lead line gives two fuzzy guitar sound is a strong masculine appeal. In particular, in the sense of B1A4 Shinwoo listen to the song and see the lyrics shine any saenga involuntarily under the hot sun to drive a hot one might imagine! 06. "YOU" I care you need is the right YOU! "" You (feat. aft) "is a contemporary R & B song, lyrics and melody, the simple instrument configuration, this charming song. Usual duwap ??(Doo-wop) factors apply wanted to do the camp of own composition of Stern's seductive voice, the more the ear to stimulate the song.
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