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[情歌在每个人的心中也许都有其独特动人的记忆,或深情,或悲情,或甜蜜,或难过,将世间男女在爱与不爱,相爱却不能相守的种种爱恨情仇中纠缠、挣扎演绎得丝丝入扣,荡气回肠。阳光、沙滩,碧海蓝天….闭上眼睛,倾听海浪拍岸的声音,徜徉缱绻在 28度荫凉处….多么令人神往的场景…../size]
[这是jean-francois maurice1978 年的歌曲,是流行在七十年代末和八十年代初的一首很受欢迎的对唱爱情歌曲。在2003年被评为20世纪十大经典爱情对唱歌曲。歌曲的名字是:《温度28,荫凉处》,网上也有称作monaco,摩纳哥的。歌词很美,很煽情,令人迷醉。“什么也别说,只要你愿意,什么时候都可以拥抱我。我会感到很舒服。爱情全在你索求!”/size]
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11:39 上传
TA的每日心情擦汗 21:08签到天数: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
TA的每日心情开心 23:15签到天数: 1 天[LV.1]初来乍到
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是挺好 听的&&顶
TA的每日心情开心 08:45签到天数: 4 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
听是好听,呵呵 !
TA的每日心情开心 17:30签到天数: 4 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
TA的每日心情怒 07:51签到天数: 5 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
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Powered by欧美对唱歌曲经典有哪些?感谢回答的人们_百度知道
Falling SlowlyGlen Hansard5.The Saltwater RoomOwl City7.you can trust in meTang nguoi toi yeu21.just one last dance 伤感抒情伤感非主流3.Need You Now (iTunes Live Session Performance)Lady Antebellum8.I Miss YouSarah Engels。6.Timeless (Duet With Kelly ClarksonrJustin Guarini12.One Sweet DayRumble Fish11.If You Want MeGlen Hansard9.winter in my heartbeFour10.say helloRosie Thomas4
正在加载中,请稍候...从09年7月开始,历时半年,这个1000首歌的系列终于发完了。    在刚开始发的时候就有很多朋友建议我把所有内容发在一个帖子里,但这样做有个问题,那就是由于每个帖子里只能放1个音乐盒,所以我无法把1000首歌都放在1个盒子里播出来,因此先只能在每个帖子里播出5首歌,这样一来共发了200个帖子。    现在如果有想听这1000首歌曲的朋友,点一下我的名字“挂甲人”,打开新页面后再点“TA的帖子”,前面的所有歌都能找到。        欧美乐坛数十年来好歌如云,其数量成千上万,我的这1000首就是从电脑里平常搜集的数千首里按个人的喜好大致挑了一下,并不是什么权威性的榜单(我也不认为有一张榜单能涵盖所有的欧美金曲,至少在中国,目前还没有任何人或任何机构能做出来),因此完全有以下两种可能:    首先,有些朋友觉得非常好听、非常经典的一些歌曲并没进入这1000首,这很正常——国外的好歌太多了,只是因为时间和精力的关系,我无法整理一个2000首、3000首的榜单,就先做了个1000首的出来,并不代表这1000首以外的歌不经典。    此刻这个帖子的音乐盒里正在播放的,就是我从这1000首以外的曲目里又找了10首歌,它们不也是非常好听吗?        还有一种可能就是,我选的这1000首里面有一些歌曲大家并不喜欢,这也很正常——每个人都有自己的口味,张三看上的西施可能是李四眼里的无盐,你心目中的林黛玉也许是我认为的潘金莲。        好了,下面就开始这1000首歌的汇总介绍,之前的那200个帖子的功能主要就是为把音乐播出,因此文字内容较单薄,大部分只有歌名和演唱者。这次我将尽可能地将演唱者的详细资料、该歌曲的不同版本、歌曲背后的典故花絮等背景内容更多地介绍出,也希望和大家一起交流聆听动人旋律时的那份感受。    此外,大家最关心的下载地址,凡是我能找到的会一并贴出。      下面开始,争取每天至少更新一次。      
楼主发言:1次 发图:107张
  期待!一定有everything i do. i do it for you .
Light    演唱安迪威廉姆斯Andy Williams,安迪被喻为情歌圣手,生于20年代的他当年与三个哥哥共组威廉姆斯四兄弟演唱组,在四十年代就轰动一时。但后来哥哥们都另有发展,只有安迪坚持下来,并在六七十年代大红大紫,其代表作品Moon River、Love Story、Speak Softly Love等名满天下(这些歌曲后面会详细介绍)。    A
Light出自专辑Greatest Love Classics,这张专辑是安迪威廉姆斯与英国皇家爱乐交响乐团的一次合作,将贝多芬、巴赫、舒伯特等古典大师的著名作品填上词重新编配演唱。    A
Light的旋律来自柴可夫斯基的钢琴组曲《四季》中的六月篇“船歌”,适合喜爱古典抒情风格的朋友。    地址/music/search?q=A++Different++Light&aq=f      
Love    这是60年代美国组合Wayne Fontana & The Mind benders的冠军金曲。88年的时候,巨星菲尔柯林斯(Phil Collins) 参演一部电影「火车大盗」(Buster),他在片中再次演绎了该首歌曲并引起轰动。    这是一首动人的情歌,当年它的创作者是两个女孩子: 17岁的Toni Wine和22岁的Carole Bayer Sager。    When I’m feeling blue, all I have to do  Is take a look at you, then I’m not so blue  When you’re close to me, I can feel your heartbeat  I can hear you breathing near my ear  Wouldn’t you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love  Anytime you want to you can turn me onto  Anything you want to, anytime at all  When I kiss your lips, ooh I start to shiver  Can’t control the quivering inside  Wouldn’t you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love, oh  When I’m feeling blue, all I have to do  Is take a look at you, then I’m not so blue  When I’m in your arms, nothing seems to matter  My whole world could shatter, I don’t care  Wouldn’t you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love  We got a groovy kind of love  We got a groovy kind of love, oh  We got a groovy kind of love      地址/music/search?q=A++Groovy++Kind++Of++Love+&aq=f    
Fontaine    一首非常清新空灵的法语歌,来自加拿大法语区的童谣。有多个版本,前一段上演的电影《面纱The Painted Veil》也以其作为片尾曲。     e la claire fontaine 泉水何其清澈  M’en allant promener 我以漫步踟躇  J’ai trouve l’eau si belle 水光何其娇艳  Que je m’y suis baigne 我以沐浴身心  Il ya longtemps que jet’aime 思君良久  Jamais je ne t’oublierai不敢或忘  Sous les feuilles d’un chene 华盖荫荫之下  Je me suis fait secher 我得擦拭浮尘  Sur la plus haute branche 枝繁叶茂深处  Un rossignol chantait 闻得夜莺啼声  Il ya longtemps que je t’aime 思君良久  Jamais je ne t’oublierai不得或忘  Chante rossignol chante夜莺声声欢鸣Toi qui as le c ur gai为有胸中爱情  Tu as le cur arire你可一展欢笑Moi je l’ai à pleurer我却难掩悲音  Il ya longtemps que jet’aime 思君良久  Jamais je ne t’oublierai不可或忘  J’ai perdu mon amie我已永失爱侣  Sans l’avoir merite缘去无迹可循  Pour un bouton de roses只为一束玫瑰  Que je lui refusai 挥手竟如浮云  Il ya longtemps que je t’aime思君良久  Jamais je ne t’oublierai无时或忘  Je voudrais que la rose只冀望那玫瑰  Fut encore au rosier仍有昨日光彩  Et moi et ma ma tresse我与昔日游伴  Dans les memes amities度过安宁时光  Il ya longtemps que je t’aime思君良久  Jamais je ne t’oublierai不能或遗忘    地址/music/search?q=A++La++Claire++Fontaine&cat=song      
  GOOd sings
  作者:wxkc 回复日期: 19:54:10 
    楼主,你真的发完了吗?我怎么只看到900首?    ===========================================================  全部发完了,点一下我的名字“挂甲人”,打开新页面后再点“TA的帖子”,在“别院”里200个帖子都在。  
Love    这是克里斯泰尔盖尔Crystal Gayle的一首经典情歌,Crystal Gayle是70年代著名的乡村女歌手,声音干净透明、悦耳动听,拿到过格莱美。     Crystal Gayl的好歌很多,不过在华语圈知名度最高的就是这首A
A long and lasting love  Not many people find it  But those who do their whole life through  Put their heart and soul behind it  A long and lasting love  A long and lasting love  Is what I always dream of  And when I look into your eyes  I knew I’ve really seen love  A long and lasting love  Now that you’re in my life  A long and lasting love  We share for many reasons  A special bond that goes beyond  The changing of the seasons  A long and lasting love  A long and lasting love  Is someone I can care for  Someone to be there for The rest of my life  A long and lasting love  A long and lasting love  A long and lasting love    地址/music/search?q=+A++Long++And++Lasting++Love&aq=f  
Concerto    旋律源于著名的巴赫的小步舞曲,60年代被美国人填上了词, 由当时的一个女子三人组合The Toys 首唱,立刻引起轰动,数十年来包括欧美、日韩、港台等翻唱版本无数,挂甲人个人比较偏爱的版本来自五六十年代的爵士天后莎拉瓦哈娜Sarah Vaughan。      地址1  /music/search?q=a+lover%27s+concerto&aq=0&oq=A++Lover%27s++Concerto    地址2  http://cgi./fcgi-bin/m.q?w=A++Lover%27s++Concerto&source=1&t=0    
Come    天后席琳狄翁(Celine Dion)的金曲很多,我个人比较喜欢这首,特别是早晨在路上听听,会给每天一个好心情。    世事艰辛,那就更该振作一些。    A new day...  A new day...  I was waiting for so long  For a miracle to come  Everyone told me to be strong  Hold on and don’t shed a tear  Through the darkness and good times  I knew I’d make it through  And the world thought I had it all  But I was waiting for you  Hush, love  I see a light in the sky  Oh, it’s almost blinding me  I can’t believe  I’ve been touched by an angel with love  Let the rain come down and wash away my tears  Let it fill my soul and drown my fears  Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun  A new day has... come  Where it was dark now there’s light  Where there was pain now there’s joy  Where there was weakness, I found my strength  All in the eyes of a boy  Hush, love  I see a light in the sky  Oh, it’s almost blinding me  I can’t believe  I’ve been touched by an angel with love  Let the rain come down and wash away my tears  Let it fill my soul and drown my fears  Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun  A new day has... come  Let the rain come down and wash away my tears  Let it fill my soul and drown my fears  Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun  A new day has... come  Ohhh, a light  Hush, now  I see a light in your eyes  All in the eyes of the boy  I can’t believe  I’ve been touched by an angel with love  I can’t believe  I’ve been touched by an angel with love  Hush, now  Hush, now      地址/music/search?q=+A++New++Day++Has++Come&aq=f        
琳恩玛莲Lene Marlin,一位挪威的80后女歌手,其声线既清新又甜美,这首歌又被译为《天堂若比邻》,将亲人之间的生离死别娓娓道来,令人动容。      I enter the room  Sat by you bed all through the night  I watched your daily fight  I hardly knew  The pain  Was almost more than I could bear  And still I hear  Your last words to me  Heaven is a place nearby  So I won’t be so far away  And if you try and look for me  Maybe you’ll find me someday  Heaven is a place nearby  So there’s no need to say goodbye  I wanna ask you not to cry  I’ll always be by your side  You just faded away  You spread your wings you had flown  Away to something unknow  Wish I could bring you back  You’re always on my mind  About to tear myself apart  You have your special place in my heart  Always  And even when I go to sleep  I still can hear your voice  And those words  I never will forget      地址/music/search?q=A++Place++Nearby&aq=f  
  8. A Rainy Night In Georgia    这首“乔治亚的雨夜”是六七十年代R&B巨星布鲁克班顿Brook Benton的经典之作,那种磁性而沧桑的声音,那份舒缓又从容的演绎,绝对的大师手笔。    Hoverin’ by my suitcase, tryin’ to find a warm place to spend the night  Heavy rain fallin’, seems I hear your voice callin’ &It’s all right.&  A rainy night in Georgia, a rainy night in Georgia  It seems like it’s rainin’ all over the world  I feel like it’s rainin’ all over the world  Neon signs a-flashin’, taxi cabs and buses passin’ through the night  A distant moanin’ of a train seems to play a sad refrain to the night  A rainy night in Georgia, such a rainy night in Georgia  Lord, I believe it’s rainin’ all over the world  I feel like it’s rainin’ all over the world  How many times I wondered  It still comes out the same  No matter how you look at it or think of it  It’s life and you just got to play the game  I find me a place in a box car, so I take my guitar to pass some time  Late at night when it’s hard to rest I hold your picture to my chest and I feel fine  (minor scat) But it’s a rainy night in Georgia, baby, it’s a rainy night in Georgia I  feel it’s rainin’ all over the world, kinda lonely now And it’s rainin’ all over the  world  Oh, have you ever been lonely, people?  And you feel that it was rainin’ all over this man’s world  You’re talking ’bout rainin’, rainin’, rainin’, rainin’, rainin’, rainin’, rainin’,  rainin’, rainin’ rainin’, rainin’, rainin’        下载地址/music.so?pf=&as=&st=&ac=1&w=&query=A+rainy++Night++In+Georgia&class=1&%2Fmusic.so=null&_asf=&_ast=      图为布鲁克班顿和猫王  
  9 A Rose From Another Garden     来自乡村歌手Dan Seals,一首旋律动听、和声优美的佳作。    地址/song/detail/id/1344197    
Mama    80年代末成立的四人组合Boyz II Men在整个90年代非常走红,拥有End Of The Road、It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday 、I’ll Make Love To You等一大批脍炙人口的金曲,而这首献给母亲的歌同样非常好听,情真意切。    You taught me everything  And everything you’ve given me  I always keep it inside  You’re the driving force in my life yeah  There isn’t anything  Or anyone that I can be  And it just wouldn’t feel right  If I didn’t have you by my side  You were there for me to love and care for me  When skies were grey  Whenever I was down  You were always there to comfort me  And no one else can be what you have been to me  You will always be you always will be the girl  In my life for all times  Mama mama you know I love you  Oh you know I love you  Mama mama you’re the queen of my heart  Your love is like  Tears from the stars  Mama I just want you to know  Lovin’ you is like food to my soul  You’re always down for me  Have always been around for me even when I was bad  You showed me right from my wrong  Yes you did  And you took up for me  When everyone was downin’ me  You always did understand  You gave me strength to go on  There was so many times  Lovin’ you is like food to my soul  Looking back when I was so afraid  And then you come to me  And say to me I can face anything  And no one else can do  What you have done for me  You’ll always be  You will always be the girl in my life  Mama mama you know I love you  Never gonna go a day without you  Fills me up just thinking about you  I’ll never go a day   Without my mama     地址/music/search?q=%09A++Song++For++Mama&aq=f        
  11.A Spaceman Came Travelling    爱尔兰歌星克里斯蒂伯Chris De Burgh的代表作,其英文版本许冠杰、邰正宵都翻唱过,但最出色的翻唱来自齐秦——“直到世界末日”,无论是填词、配器还是演唱,都非常有水准。    A spaceman came travelling on a ship from afar  Towars light-years of time since his mission did start  And over a village he halted his cralt  And it'd hung in the sky like a star  Just likes a star  He followed a light and came down to a bed  Where a mother and child were lying there on a bed  A bright of silver shonee around his head  And he had the face of an angel  And they were afraid  And the stranger spoke,he said &Don't not fear,  I come from a planet a long a long way from here,  And I bring a message for mankind to hear.&  And suddenly the sweetest music filled thr air  And it went,&La la la....&  Peace and good will to all men  Ang love for the child  This lovely music went trembling through the ground  And many will waken on hearing that sound  And travellers on the road the village they found  By the light of that ship in the sky that shone all around  The stranger returned and said &Now I must fly,  When two thousand years of your time has gone by,  This song will begin once again,  To a baby's cry.&    地址/music/search?q=A+Spaceman+Came+Travelling&aq=f        顺便附上 齐秦——直到世界末日 歌词     他们说 季节越来越无常  就连雨水也跟着受伤  整个世界 象风中尘埃  谁也不敢大声对人说  你爱我吗    别问我 永久到底够不够  假如地球脱离了宇宙  永恒的大地开始融化  就让我们紧紧拥抱着变成沙    如果世界末日真的有审判  所有人类剩我们两个  不管付出任何的代价  我愿为你钉上无悔的十字架    不要怕 啦....啦....啦....  一直到世界末日 等你回答    士兵们放下他们的枪   顽皮的孩子收起了翅膀  愤怒的火山停止喧哗  异常的平静埋伏着多少不安    风暴渐渐升高   大地开始动摇  我在风中呼唤你听见了吗  别在世界末日来临之前  口中仍然隐藏着那句话  你爱我吗    不要怕 啦....啦....啦....  一直到世界末日 等你回答  他们唱 啦....啦....啦....  一直到世界末日 等你回答    不管你要付出任何的代价  啦.... 就让我们紧紧拥抱  一直到世界末日   你爱我吗        
  收藏了~  新年快乐~
  12. A Summer Place    《A Summer Place》是1959年的一部美国电影片名,影片本身反响平平,但电影配乐大师马克斯 斯坦纳Max Steiner(其代表作《乱世佳人》、《金刚》、《卡萨布兰卡》等)为该片谱写的音乐却非常动听,于是当时著名的美国轻音乐团帕西费斯 (Percy Faith)和他的乐队在60年录制了该曲,推出后立刻风靡,连续9周蝉联Billboard冠军(该记录至今无人打破,当然,我指的是纯音乐作品),也一举获得了1961年的格莱美奖。    此后旋律又被歌手Bobby winton填词后演唱,更是引起了一波翻唱热潮,包括我前面介绍过的安迪威廉姆斯Andy Williams以及英国猫王克利夫理查(Cliff Richard)等等。    There's a summer place  Where it may rain or storm  Yet I'm safe and warm  For with in that summer place  You rarms reach out to me  And my heart is free from all care  For it knows  There are no gloomyskies  When seen through the eyes  Of those who are blessed with love  And the sweet secret of  A summer place  Is that it's anywhere  When two people share  All their hopes  All their dreams  All their love      地址/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=A%20Summer%20Place%20&oq=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU  
  So beautiful !Thank you !
  13。 A Thousand Miles    80年出生的凡妮莎卡尔顿(Vanessa Carlton)是美国歌坛一个唱作俱佳的才女,她的成名作A Thousand Miles就是她自己创作的,里面悦耳的钢琴也来自她自己的演奏。    Making my way down town   Walking fast  Faces pass   And I'm home bound    Staring blankly ahead  Just making my way  Making a way  Through the crowd    And I need you   And I miss you  And now I wonder  If I could fall  Into the sky  Do you think time  Would pass me by  Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles  If I could just see you... tonight    It's always times like these   When I think of you  And I wonder   If you ever think of me    Cause everything's so wrong  And I don't belong  Living in   Your precious memory    Cause I need you  And I miss you   And now I wonder  If I could fall  Into the sky  Do you think time  Would pass me by,oh  Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles  If I could just see you... tonight    And I, I don't wanna let you know  I, I drown in your memory   I,I don't wanna let this go   I, I've fallen...    Making my way down town   Waking fast   Faces pass   And I'm home bound    Staring blankly ahead   Making my way  Making a way   Through the crowd    And I still need you  And I still miss you   And now I wonder  If I could fall into the sky  Do you think time, would pass us by  Cause you kow I'd walk a thousand miles   If I could just see you...    If I could fall into the sky  Do you think time would pass me by  Cause you know I'd walk a thousand miles  If I could just see you...  If I could just hold you... tonight      地址/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=A%20Thousand%20Miles%20&oq=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU      
  楼主 第二首两女对唱歌名叫什么?  两只老虎也不错  有连接不更好了!
  14. A Twist Of Fate    前面介绍过安迪威廉姆斯Andy Williams的专辑Greatest Love Classics,这也是其中的一首名曲,旋律取自舒伯特的小夜曲。    此外,齐豫也曾翻唱过这首歌。      Life is a book Each day is a page  Each word a moment in time  And as you read The story unfolds  It's there to see in your mind  In my book of memories  Are words I don't understand  Someone else has written there  A pen and a different hand  As I look back And think of the past  Would I have chosen this way  One never knows What life has in store  You live it day by day  Why is it when something's wrong  It suddenly turns up great  Is it a twist of fate  I've had my share of broken hearts  and tears and pain  What makes a man get on his feet and start again  Fate...  Why is it when you're content  And everything's in its place  In the midst of happiness  Love suddenly turns to hate  Is it a twist of fate  Is it a twist of fate      地址/music/search?q=%09A+Twist+Of+Fate&aq=f        
  15. A Whiter Shade of Pale    普洛考哈勒姆(Procol Harum)是60年代一支著名的英国乐队,这首歌是他们的代表作,一经推出轰动世界。这也是挂甲人百听不厌的一首歌,尤其是其前奏,宛如仙乐。该曲目数十年来被多次翻唱,版本众多。    We skipped the light Fandango  And turned cartwheels across the floor  I was feeling kind of seasick  But the crowd called out for more  The room was humming harder  As the ceiling flew away  When we called out for another drink  The waiter brought a tray  And so it was that later  As the miller told his tale  That her face at first just ghostly  Turned a whiter shade of pale  She said &There is no reason  And the truth is plain to see&  But I wandered through my playing cards  And would not let her be  One of sixteen vestal virgins  Who were leaving for the coast  And although my eyes were open  They might just as well have been closed  And so it was that later  As the miller told his tale  That her face at first just ghostly  Turned a whiter shade of pale    地址/music/search?q=%09A+Whiter+Shade+of+Pale&aq=f        
  16. A Time For Us---------出自1968年版的电影《罗密欧与朱丽叶Romeo and Juliet》的主题音乐,意大利电影配乐大师尼诺罗塔Nino Rota(其最经典作品《教父》系列)为该片创作的音乐旋律及其优美动听,因此影片上映之后又被填上歌词由安迪威廉姆斯Andy Williams演唱轰动一时,后来又有多个纯音乐及歌手演唱版本。      a time for us, some day there'll be
  when chains are torn by courage born of a love that's free
  a time when dreams so long denied can flourish
  as we unveil the love we now must hide
    a time for us, at last to see
  a life worthwhile for you and me
    and with our love, through tears and thorns
  we will endure as we pass surely through every storm
  a time for us, some day there'll be a new world
  a world of shining hope for you and me     a time for us, at last to see
  a life worthwhile for you and me
  and with our love, through tears and thorns   we will endure as we pass surely through every storm
  a time for us, some day there'll be a new world
  a world of shining hope for you and me
  17. A Whole New World--------      迪斯尼动画电影《阿拉丁》(Aladdin)的主题曲,由Peabo Bryson和Regina Belle担任男女对唱,这首歌在1993年风靡一时并成为了有史以來第一首拿到BillBoard冠軍的迪斯尼动画片歌曲。      I can show you the world, shining, shimmering, splendid.  Tell me princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?  I can open your eyes, take you wonder by wonder,  Over sideways and under, on a magic carpet ride  A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view  No one to tell us no, or where to go, or say we're only dreaming.  A whole new world,  A dazzling place I never knew  But when I'm way up here, it's crystal clear  That now I'm in a whole new world with you.  Unbelievable sights, indescribable feeling  Soaring, tumbling, freewheeling through an endless diamond sky  A whole new world, / Don't you dare close your eyes,  A hundred thousand things to see. / Hold your breath it gets better.  I'm like a shooting star, I've come so far,  I can't go back to where I used to be / A whole new world,  With new horizons to pursue  I'll chase them anywhere, there's time to spare  Let me share this whole new world with you  A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view  No one to tell us no, or where to go, or say we're only dreaming.  A whole new world,  Every turn a surprise,  With new horizons to pursue / every moment red-letter.  I'll chase them anywhere, there's time to spare  anywhere, there's time to spare  Let me share this whole new world with you  A whole new world / A whole new world  That's where we'll be / That's where we'll be  A thrilling chase  A wondrous place  For you and me.      地址/music/search?q=A+Whole+New+World&aq=f    
  18. ABC    来自Jackson 5在70年的百万冠军歌曲,那时的MJ还是个声音稚嫩的孩子。      You went to school to learn girl  Things you never, never knew before  Like &I& before &E& except after &C&  And why 2 plus 2 makes 4  Now, now, now  I'm gonna teach you  Teach you, teach you  All about love girl  All about love  Sit yourself down, take a seat  All you gotta do is repeat after me  ABC  It's easy as, 1 2 3  As simple as, do re mi  ABC, 1 2 3  Baby, you and me girl  ABC  It's easy as, 1 2 3  As simple as, do re mi  ABC, 1 2 3  Baby, you and me girl  Come on and love me just a little bit  Come on and love me just a little bit  I'm gonna teach you how to sing it out  Come on, come on, come on  Let me tell you what it's all about  Reading, writing, arithmatic  Are the branches of the learning tree  But without the roots of love everyday girl  Your education ain't complete  Tea-Tea-Teacher's gonna show you  How to get an &A& (na-na-na-naaaaaa)  How to spell &me&, &you&, add the two  Listen to me, baby  That's all you got to do  Oh, ABC  It's easy as, 1 2 3  As simple as, do re mi  ABC, 1 2 3  Baby, you and me girl  ABC it's easy,  It's like counting up to 3  Sing a simple melody  That's how easy love can be  That's how easy love can be  Sing a simple melody  1 2 3 baby  You and me  Sit down girl,  I think I love you!  No!  Get up, girl!  Show me what you can do!  Shake it, shake it, baby, come on now!  Shake it, shake it, baby, ooo oooh!  Shake it shake it, baby, huh!  ABC, baby, nah nah!  123,  Do re mi, baby, huh!  That's how easy love can be.  123, BABY,  ABC, BABY  Do Re Mi, Baby  That's How Easy Love Can Be  It's Easy, It's Easy Like Counting Up To 3  Sing A Simple Melody  That's How Easy Love Can Be  I'm A Gonna Teach You How To Sing It Loud  Come On, Come On, Come On,  Lemme Show You What It's All About  Abc, It's Easy , It's Like Counting Up To 3  Sing A Simple Melody  That's How Easy Love Can Be  I'm A Gonna Teach You How To Sing It Loud  Sing It Loud, Sing It, Go, Sing It, Go Sing It  Abc, It's Easy As 123...    地址/music/search?q=+ABC&aq=f        
  19. Achy Breaky Heart    美国乡村歌手比利 雷 塞罗斯(Billy Ray Cyrus)的代表作,此歌节奏明快、旋律悦耳,在90年代初期红极一时。       You can tell the world you never was my girl  You can burn my clothes when I'm gone  Or you can tell your friends just what a fool I've been  And laugh and joke about me on the phone  You can tell my arms to go back onto the phone  You can tell my feet to hit the floor  Or you can tell my lilps to tell my fingertips  They won't be reaching out for you no more  But don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart  I just don't think it'd understand  And if you tell my heart, my achy breaky heart  He might blow up and kill this man  Ooo  music  You can tell your ma I moved to Arkansas  Or you can tell your dog to bite my leg  Or tell your brother Cliff who's fist can tell my lips  He never really liked me anyway  Oh tell your Aunt Louise, tell anything you please  Myself already knows that I'm okay  Oh you can tell my eyes to watch out for my mind  It might be walking out on me today  But don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart  I just don't think it'd understand  And if you tell my heart, my achy breaky heart  He might blow up and kill this man  Ooo  music  But don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart  I just don't think it'd understand  And if you tell my heart, my achy breaky heart  He might blow up and kill this man  Don't tell my heart, my achy breaky heart  I just don't think      /music/search?q=Achy+Breaky+Heart&aq=f      
  20. After The Love Has Gone    说这首歌之前必须说一下流行乐大师大卫福斯特David Foster,他曾是麦当娜、席琳迪翁、惠特尼休斯顿等多名巨星的王牌制作人,1979年他为“地球、风和火乐队Earth、Wind & Fire”写了这首歌,立刻引起轰动,并拿到了格莱美。    进入80年代后,大卫福斯特又为另一只老牌乐队芝加哥Chicago担任制作人,再次演绎了这首歌,同样成绩不俗。    For awhile to love was all we could do  We were young and we knew  And our eyes were alive  Deep inside we knew our love was true  For awhile we paid no mind to the past  We knew love would last  Evry night somethin right  Would invite us to begin the dance  Somethin happened along the way  What used to be happy was sad  Somethin happened along the way  And yesterday was all we had  And oh after the love has gone  How could you lead me on  And not let me stay around  Oh oh oh afterthe love has gone  What used to be right is wrong  Can love thats lost be found  For awhile to love each other with all  We would ever need  Love was strong for so long  Never knew that what was  Wrong oh baby wasnt right  We tried to find what we had  Till sadness was all we shared  We were scared this affair would lead our love into  Somethin happened along the way  Yesterday was all we had  Somethin happened along the way  What used to be happy is sad  Somethin happened along the way  Oh yesterday was all we had  And oh after the love has gone  How could you lead me on  And not let me stay around  Oh oh oh after the love has gone  What used to be right is wrong  Can love thats lost be found  Oh oh oh oh oh oh after the love has gone  What used to be right is wrong  Can love thats lost be found  Oh woh woh after the love has    地址:/music/search?q=After+The+Love+Has+Gone&aq=f        
  21. Afternoon Delight    美国七十年代乐队星境合唱团Starland Vocal Band的代表作,该乐队由两男两女组成,和声极为优美,而他们的制作人就是大名鼎鼎的约翰丹佛。     这两男两女与著名的ABBA一样先组成了两对夫妻,然后又分别离婚,但与硕果累累的ABBA不同的是,他们的歌唱生涯里只留下了这一首经典名曲Afternoon Delight,并且凭此歌拿到了格莱美。    歌名“午后的乐趣Afternoon Delight”本来是一个餐厅午饭后供应的甜点的名称,但在此歌中,作者Bill Danoff与 Taffy Nivert(四人中的一对夫妻)又暗示了男女间忙里偷闲在下午“加一顿餐”的快乐,因此这首歌推出后在整个西方社会的夫妻或情人之间就都将Afternoon Delight赋予了某种含义,而其食品名称的本意几乎被遗忘了。        Gonna find my baby, gonna hold her tight  gonna grab some afternoon delight.  My motto' when it's right, it's right.  Why wait until the middle of a cold dark night.  When everything's a little clearer in the light of day.  And you know the night is always gonna be there any way.  Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite  looking forward to a little afternoon delight.  Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite  and the thought of rubbin' you is getting so exciting.  Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight.Afternoon delight.  Started out this morning feeling so polite  I always though a fish could not be caught who wouldn't bite  But you've got some bait a waitin' and I think I might try nibbling  a little afternoon delight.  Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight.Afternoon delight.  Please be waiting for me baby when I come around.  We could make a lot of lovin' 'for the sun goes down.  Sky rockets in flight. Afternoon delight. Afternoon delight.      地址/music.so?query=Afternoon+Delight&as=false&st=&ac=1&pf=&_asf=&_ast=&w=&p=&class=1    
  22. Agadoo      来自黑花边合唱团Black Lace,80年代著名的迪斯科舞曲,听了就叫人坐不住。    地址/music.so?pf=&as=&st=&ac=1&w=&query=+Agadoo+&class=1&%2Fmusic.so=null&_asf=&_ast=  
  音乐盒里的几个很好听 歌名楼主给提供下啊
  上图是第21;    下面是第20.
  23. Against All Odds-    巨星Phil Collins菲尔柯林斯84年为同名电影创作并演唱的主题曲,歌曲情真意切,推出后大受欢迎,席卷各类排行榜及各大奖项。    由于这首歌的出类拔萃,吸引了许多歌星纷纷翻唱,包括玛丽亚凯莉Mariah Carey、西城男孩Westlife、迈克尔保尔Michael Ball等等,但大都中规中矩,没有什么特别出彩的地方。印象中只有邦尼泰勒Bonnie Tyler有一个版本,无论编曲还是演唱有一些自己的特色。      How can I just let you walk away,  just let you leave without a trace,  When I stand here taking every breath with you, ooh  You're the only one who really knew me at all  How can you just walk away from me,  when all I can do is watch you leave  Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain,  and even shared the tears,  You're the only one who really knew me at all  So take a look at me now,  there's just an empty space  And there's nothing left here to remind me,  just the memory of your face  Take a look at me now,  there's just an empty space  And you coming back to me is against all odds  and that's what I've got to face  I wish I could just make you turn around,  turn around and see me cry  There's so much I need to say to you,  so many reasons why  You're the only one who really knew me at all  But to wait for you, well that's all I can do  and that's what I've got to face  Take a good look at me now,  'cos I'll still be standing here  And you coming back to me is against all odds  That's the chance I've got to take, oh, oho  Just take a look at me now      地址/music.so?pf=&as=&st=&ac=1&w=&query=Against+All+Odds&class=1&%2Fmusic.so=null&_asf=&_ast=      
  24. Against The Wind    来自鲍勃塞格Bob Seger,他活跃于70年代,拥有自己的乐队Silver Bullet。鲍勃塞格和布鲁斯斯普林斯汀Bruce Springsteen一样都是蓝领摇滚的代表人物,可惜在知名度及市场影响力上均未达到后者的高度,这首Against The Wind是他为数不多的成绩出色的歌曲,但就这一首,已足够经典!     
It seems like yesterday     But it was long ago     Janey was lovely, she was the queen of my nights     There in the darkness with the radio playlng low     And the secrets that we shared     The mountains that we moved     Caught like a wildfire out of control     Till there was nothing left to burn and nothing left to prove          And I remember what she said to me     How she swore that it never would end     I remember how she held me oh so tight     Wish I didnt know now what I didnt know then          Against the wind     We were runnin against the wind     We were young and strong, we were runnin     Against the wind          And the years rolled slowly past     And I found myself alone     Surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends     I found myself further and further from my home     And I guess I lost my way     There were oh so many roads     I was living to run and running to live     Never worried about paying or even how much I owed     Moving eight miles a minute for months at a time     Breaking all of the rules that would bend     I began to find myself searchin     Searching for shelter again and again     Against the wind     A little something against the wind     I found myself seeking shelter against the wind          Well those drifters days are past me now     Ive got so much more to think about     Deadlines and commitments     What to leave in, what to leave out          Against the wind     Im still runnin against the wind     Well Im older now and still     Against the wind      地址/music/search?q=Against+The+Wind&aq=f      
  25. Ali Baba     阿里巴巴,德国 Pappy'ion 乐队于1979年发行的迪斯科舞曲,此歌在80年代红遍华语歌坛,最早由林子祥翻唱粤语版,高凌风翻唱国语版,之后又被无数大陆歌手演唱,和成吉思汗、巴比伦河、单程车票一样是那会儿几乎所有走穴演唱会的必唱曲目。      Forty wild that shine comes rich men, a thousand and one nights  Coming and going what was the secret, a thousand and one nights  If you are a spy, you just got to die  Forty wild that's killed by his right man  It’s a story, a story, a story of a thousand and one nights    Ali, Alibaba, Alibaba knew about the hideaway  Ali, Alibaba, Alibaba risked his life both night and day  open, open, open, open, sesame, sesame  open, open, open, open, sesame, sesame    Forty wild that lootin' shootin' hidin', a thousand and one nights  Ali told his brother of the secret, a thousand and one nights  `Cause he was a spy he just got to die  Forty wild and shinin’ gold and diamonds  It's a story, a story, a story of a thousand and one nights      地址/song/1412122/  
  26. All By Myself    70年代美国歌手埃里克卡门Eric Carmen根据俄罗斯著名作曲家拉赫马尼諾夫( Rachmaninoff )的作品——第二号钢琴协奏曲第二乐章中的主题改编创作而成并首唱,90年代时天后Celine Dion唱过,后来Jamie O'Neal 在电影《BJ单身日记》里也唱过。    这首歌旋律与歌词的结合堪称完美,对唱功的冲击力和感染力要求较高,而这三个歌手(其实很多歌手都翻唱过,但公认最具代表性的就是以上的三个)不同版本之间的演绎比较也一直是歌迷们争论不休的话题。    When I was young  I never needed anyone  And making love was just for fun  Those days are gone  Livin' alone  I think of all the friends I've known  When I dial the telephone  Nobody's home  All by myself  Don't wanna be  All by myself  Anymore  All by myself  Don't wanna live  All by myself  Anymore  Hard to be sure  Sometimes I feel so insecure  And loves so distant and obscure  Remains the cure  All by myself  Don't wanna be  All by myself  Anymore  All by myself  Don't wanna live  All by myself  Anymore  When I was young  I never needed anyone  And making love was just for fun  Those days are gone  All by myself  Don't wanna be  All by myself  Anymore  All by myself  Don't wanna live  All by myself  Anymore  All by myself  Don't wanna be  All by myself  Anymore  All by myself  Don't wanna live  All by myself  Anymore  All by myself    地址/music/search?q=All+By+Myself&aq=f    
  27. All For Love    来自Bryan Adams、Sting、Rod Stewart的一次经典合作,三大超级巨星同场飙歌,荡气回肠。      When it's love you give  (I'll be a man of good faith.)  then in love you live.  (I'll make a stand. I won't break.)  I'll be the rock you can build on,  be there when you're old,  to have and to hold.  When there's love inside  (I swear I'll always be strong.)  then there's a reason why.  (I'll prove to you we belong.)  I'll be the one that protects you  from the wind and the rain,  from the hurt and pain.  Let's make it all for one and all for love.  Let the one you hold be the one you want,  the one you need,  'cause when it's all for one it's one for all.  When there's someone that should know  then just let your feelings show  and make it all for one and all for love.  When it's love you make  (I'll be the fire in your night.)  then it's love you take.  (I will defend, I will fight.)  I'll be there when you need me.  When honor's at stake,  this vow I will make:  that it's all for one and all for love.  Let the one you hold be the one you want,  the one you need,  'cause when it's all for one it's one for all.  When there's someone that should know  then just let your feelings show  and make it all for one and all for love.  Don't lay our love to rest  'cause we could stand up to you test.  We got everything and more than we had planned,  more than the rivers that run the land.  We've got it all in our hands.  Now it's all for one and all for love.  (It's all for love.)  Let the one you hold be the one you want,  the one you need,  'cause when it's all for one it's one for all.  (It's one for all.)  When there's someone that should know  then just let your feelings show.  When there's someone that you want,  when there's someone that you need  let's make it all, all for one and all for love    歌曲地址/music/search?q=All+For+Love&aq=f    MTV地址http://6.cn/watch/110762.html  
  Breaking all of the rules that would bend       I began to find myself searchin       Searching for shelter again and again       Against the wind       A little something against the wind       I found myself seeking shelter against the wind              Well those drifters days are past me now       Ive got so much more to think about       Deadlines and commitments       What to leave in, what to leave out              Against the wind       Im still runnin against the wind       Well Im older now and still       Against the wind        
  28. All Good Things    有数首以All Good Things为名的不同歌曲都还不错,挂甲人今天推荐的是来自北欧天后西西Sissel Kyrkjebo的一首,她是挪威著名的女歌手,当年电影泰坦尼克号中那天籁般的无词吟唱都出自于她,只是在主题歌的演唱上制片方选择了更有名气的Celine Dion。      地址/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=all%20good%20things%20%20%20&oq=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU      
  1000首 那可不是一时半会的事情
  29. All I Have to do is Dream    50年代组合艾佛利兄弟二重唱(The Everly Brothers)的经典歌曲,由于歌曲的美妙动听,数十年来被多次翻唱,其中挂甲人较喜欢其中Juice Newton、可儿家族(The Corrs)、莎莉西蒙(Carly Simon)的版本。    Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream  When I want you in my arms  When I want you and all your charms  Whenever I want you, all I have to do is  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream  When I feel blue in the night  And I need you to hold me tight  Whenever I want you, all I have to do is  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam  I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine  Anytime night or day  Only trouble is, gee whiz  I'm dreamin' my life away  I need you so that I could die  I love you so and that is why  Whenever I want you, all I have to do is  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam  I can make you mine, taste your lips of wine  Anytime night or day  Only trouble is, gee whiz  I'm dreamin' my life away  I need you so that I could die  I love you so and that is why  Whenever I want you, all I have to do is  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream  FADE  Drea-ea-ea-ea-eam, dream, dream, dream        下载地址/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=All%20I%20Have%20to%20do%20is%20Dream&oq=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU    此外,原唱The Everly Brothers 于50年代在电视台现场演唱的影像资料地址/programs/view/gZWtniYn57U/        
  moon river不咋滴
  30. All I Need    有多首不同歌曲都取了这同一个名字,推荐杰克威尔森(Jackie Wilson)的那一首,来自80年代最动听的旋律。      地址/music/search?q=All+I+Need&aq=f  
  支持 顶下 好多首都没听过   Against the wind不错
  31. All I Need Is A Miracle     「麦克+机械工合唱团Mike +the Mechanics」是80年代英国的一支乐队,说起这支乐队就不得不说起另一支赫赫有名的英国乐队Genesis 创世纪,Genesis这个乐队的成员单飞后都成绩不俗,主唱彼得盖布瑞尔(Peter Gabriel)、鼓手菲尔柯林斯(Phil Collins)都成为了格莱美巨星,而吉他手Mike Rutherford则创建了Mike+ the Mechanics。    Mike + the Mechanics最出色的作品就是这首All I Need Is A Miracle,由于这首歌在的成功,他们在90年代又再次重新演绎了一个版本。    下载地址/music/search?q=All+I+Need+Is+A+Miracle&aq=f    MV地址/v_show/id_XOTc4NzkwMDg=.html    96年新版本MV地址/v_show/id_XNDgyMDE5NDg=.html      
  32. All My Loving    披头士无数经典中的一首,半个世纪以来被多次翻唱。由于其旋律优美、过耳不忘,因此除了被众多歌手翻唱外,也被许多乐队推出纯音乐演奏版本。    Close your eyes and I'll kiss you,  Tomorrow I'  Remember I'll always be true.  And then while I'm away,  I'll write home ev'ry day,  And I'll send all my loving to you.  I'll pretend That I'm kissing  the lips I am missing  And hope that my draems will come true.  And then while I'm away,  I'll write home ev'ry day,  And I'll send all my loving to you.  All my loving I will send to you.  All my loving, darling I'll be true.  presented by happyhuang :)  Close your eyes and I'll kiss you,  Tomorrow I'  Remember I'll always be true.  And then while I'm away,  I'll write home ev'ry day,  And I'll send all my loving to you.  All my loving I will send to you.  All my loving, darling I'll be true.  All my loving I will send to you.    地址1 /music/search?q=All+My+Loving&aq=f;      地址2 /music.so?as=false&query=All+My+Loving&page=1&w=&_asf=&_ast=      披头士60年代现场演唱该曲影像地址/u37/v_MTI0NjE5NzA.html        
  请问 主你地贴&音乐盒第一道歌叫什么 ,到哪下载?给我地址.就是那首&叮咚,叮咚叮咚&.谢谢
  请问 主你地贴&音乐盒第一道歌叫什么 ,到哪下载?给我地址.就是那首&叮咚,叮咚叮咚&.谢谢
  作者:li963xia 回复日期: 00:45:30 
    打开网页第一首地址.迫切想知道  ===========================================================    其实就是大家熟悉的法国儿歌《两只老虎》《Frère Jacques》,    下载地址/music/search?q=FrEre+Jacques&aq=f
  33. All out of love    这是老牌双人组合空气补给乐队Air Supply的代表作品之一。Air Supply的歌曲旋律都非常优美,有多首脍炙人口的经典作品,这首All out of love就是其中之一。此曲西城男孩(Westlife)的翻唱版本也很动听。    I'm lying alone with my head on the phone  Thinking of you till it hurts  I know you hurt too but what else can we do  Tormented and torn apart  I wish I could carry your smile in my heart  For times when my life seems so low  It would make me believe what tomorrow could bring  When today doesnt really know,  Doesnt really know  I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you  I know you were right, believing for so long  I'm all out of love, what am I without you  I cant be too late to say that I know I was so wrong  I want you to come back and carry me home  Away from these long, lonely nights  Im reaching for you, are you feeling it too?  Does the feeling seem oh, so right?  And what would you say if I called on you now  And said that I cant hold on?  Theres no easy way, it gets harder each day  Please love me or I'll be gone, I'll be gone  I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you  I know you were right, believing for so long  Im all out of love, what am I without you  I cant be too late to say that I know I was so wrong  Ooh, what are you thinking of  What are you thinking of  What are you thinking of  What are you thinking of  I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you  I know you were right, believing for so long  Im all out of love, what am I without you  I cant be too late to say that I know I was so wrong  I'm all out of love, I'm so lost without you  I know you were right, believing for so long  I'm all out of love, what am I without you  I cant be too late to say that I know I was so wrong  I'm all out of love, Im so lost without you  I know you were right, believing for so long  I'm all out of love, what am I without you  I cant be too late to say that I know I was so wrong  I'm all out of love, Im so lost without you  I know you were right      下载地址:/music/search?q=All+out+of+love&aq=f    Air Supply现场演唱该曲视频地址/v_show/id_XMzQ4NTcyMTI=.html    
  34. All Rise    本世纪之初,四个伦敦男孩组成了Blue组合,他们凭All Rise这首歌让美国人知道了原来英国人也可以把R&B玩得炉火纯青。    Yo, yo  Yo, yo  Your honour please  Gotta believe what I say (say)  What I will tell (tell)  Happened just the other day (day)  I must confess (confess)  'Cos I've had about enough (enough)  I need your help (help)  Got to make this here thing stop (stop)  Baby I swear I tell the truth (uhuh)  About all the things you used to do (come on)  And if you thought you had me fooled (come on)  I'm tellin' you now objection overruled  Here we go (oh baby)  One for the money and the free rides  It's two for the lie that you denied  All rise (all rise)  All rise (all rise, all rise)  Three for the calls you've been making  It's four for the times you've been faking  All rise (I'm gonna tell it to your face)  All rise (I rest my case)  You're on the stand (stand)  With your back against the wall (wall)  Nowhere to run (run)  And nobody you can call (call) oh no  I just can't wait (wait)  Now the case is open wide (wide)  You'll try to pray (pray)  But the jury will decide (decide)  (oh baby)  So step back 'cos you don't know this cat  I know deep down that you don't want me to react  I lay low leaving all my options open  The decision of the jury has not been spoken  Step in my house you find that your stuff has gone (gone)  But in reality to whom does the stuff belong  I bring you into court to preach my order  And you know that you overstep the border, uhuh  All rise      地址/music/search?q=All+Rise&aq=f    MV地址/programs/view/StwpkerRA3M/    
  MARK  1000首.可不是那么简单的事  别太监了


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