《二十》片尾曲译音 用let it go中文译音 谢谢

一段简单的汉语,大家帮帮忙翻译成英文 很急很急 谢谢了 万分感谢啊!_百度知道
一段简单的汉语,大家帮帮忙翻译成英文 很急很急 谢谢了 万分感谢啊!
不要机器的翻译 要人工的 机器的一律不给分的。。要人工翻译 谢谢大家了
. Let one cool down and not be frustrated. Some of them were wearing black, and most were in colourful clothes. People were wearing colourful clothes. They are engrossed in their studies even its cold in winter, customers there are thinly dress, without restraints, calm himself and seriously think over some things, I knew that they were having a good time, some white, I learnt that sometimes one have to slow down. There. After which。, and it was crowded with people having gatherings. I realised that even there are unhappy times in life。 不是我翻的不好? 一下在自助餐馆, go to the library and study。, one must learn to let go and communicate with others, hence the atmosphere was heated, and improve oneself. Reading can help one with problem solving and also allows one to have deeper insights into problems,使你写的乱七八糟. 楼主到底是在哪啊, perhaps they were heated with their excitment。. From their conversations and the smiles on their faces. The aroma of food was everywhere in the place, I felt relaxed,一下在图书馆. Althought it was winter. ThereI went to a buffet today
额 就是两个地方 一共六段 肿么少了一段啊
好吧,是我少看了一段。 抱歉。 但你来来回回就同样的话,我很难翻呀今天还去了一个安静的地方图书馆。去了那里看到许多人都在认真学习。那里很安静,没有嘈杂的声音,有的只是翻书的声音。I also went to another place today, and saw a lot of people studying. it was very quiet there, with the exception of sounds of flipping pages, there was hardy any noise.
I went for a buffet for dinner yesterday, the restaurant were really crowed with Cheerful atmosphere. It's gladful to have a fancy dinner with friends or family, isn't it? Food smells really good. I noticed people around here were wearing various colors clothes, joy of dining seemed to
drive coldness of winter out of them. Suddenly, I got a feeling of release, or we could say, freedom. Life is always stuffed with troubles, so it's lucky i could have this kind of feeling, i don't just trap negatives inside me, learning to admit, learning to express. I also went to a library ...
1帮我翻一个英文视频,冰岛火山爆发的,翻成汉语!周二就用了!!万分感谢啊 (楼主再仔细斟酌下,翻译的偶点粗糙)
追问 可以把英文原文记下来吗?太谢谢梁瑞捷Z
出门在外也不愁谁能给我《哈佛爱情故事》里插曲or片尾曲 的歌(中文翻译的歌词)谢谢二楼的,应该还有一首吧!
主题曲:So in love 歌词 Spring,summer,fall & winter dreamsThose are shinning like a starThey keep whisperingI'm so in love with you 春夏秋冬的梦那些闪亮如星的梦 他们不停地说著悄悄话我如此爱你 Spring,summer,fall & winter loveIt is breezing to my heartand it keeps tellingI'll make you rainbow smile 春夏秋冬的爱如风掠我心 它不断地说我会让你的彩虹微笑 I remember when we were angelswhen we dreamed about us All my days were happy Just like a snowy christmas I wish I'd have them always我记得当我们是天使的时候当我们到我梦一起 我的时光是如此的幸福 就如雪中圣诞 我希望我能永远拥有它 Every step I make writes a story It is full of the heart Feeling love of my life andmissing friends of my time I wish I'd have them all 每一步都写下惊奇 心充满了情意 感受著我生命中的爱和想念著我的挚友 我希望我能完全拥有他们 In Spring,summer,fall & winter daysWe've been sharing all the hearts Love shines in my eyes Love just won't fade away 在春夏秋冬的日子里 我们一起分享了所有的心情 爱在我眼中闪烁
扫描下载二维码《虞美人盛开的山坡》主题曲——《别了夏天》的中文音译~!偶尔可以带一些罗马拼音~ 谢谢!_百度知道
《虞美人盛开的山坡》主题曲——《别了夏天》的中文音译~!偶尔可以带一些罗马拼音~ 谢谢!
哦靠某卡希腊, 搜来哦大压力 。有图一萨卡无,拍系, 乌塔乌耨 。 。 瓦塔系耨啊一。萨卡库。请见谅黑卡鲁唔米你,搜来哦卡某没。搜口闹 你就照着这样唱——————————————————第二种是罗马拼音的,那撒系瓦瓦大系否:中文的,哦来带又开把, 一库哭。有点小纰漏。 撒有那那路尅带尅(kei), 卡艘某胡内挖 。: 第一种。西比闹 小小宣传下, 哦考艾吗搜。 瓦塔系耨(nou)阿忆,欢迎加入“别了夏天吧” ——————————————————进入正题
在百度百科输入 别了夏天 就有了罗马发音:光る海に かすむ船は hikaru umi ni kasumu fune wa さよならの汽笛 のこします sayonara no kiteki noko shimasu ゆるい坂を おりてゆけば yurui saka wo orite yukeba 夏色の风に あえるかしら natsuiro no kaze ni aeru kashira わたしの爱 それはメロディー watashino ai sore wa merodei^ たかく ひくく 歌うの takaku hikuku utau no わたしの爱 それはカモメ watashino aiso reha kamome たかく ひくく 飞ぶの takaku hikuku tobuno 夕阳のなか 呼んでみたら yuuhi nonaka yonde mitara やさしいあなたに 逢えるかしら yasashii anata ni aeru kashira だれかが弾く ピアノの音 dareka ga hiku piano no oto 海鸣りみたいに きこえます umi nari mitaini kikoemasu おそい午後を 往き交うひと osoi gogo wo yukikau hito 夏色の梦を はこぶかしら natsuiro no yume wo hakobu kashira わたしの爱 それはダイアリー watashi no ai sore wa daiari^ 日々のページ つづるの hibi no pe^ji tsuduruno わたしの爱 それは小舟 watashino ai sore wa kobune 空の海をゆくの sora no umi wo yukuno 夕阳のなか 降り返れば yuuhi no naka furi kaere ba あなたはわたしを 探すかしら anatahawatashiwo sagasu kashira 散歩道に ゆれる木々は sanpomichi ni yureru kigi ha さよならの影を おとします sayonarano kage wo otoshimasu 古いチャペル 风见の鶏(とり) furui chaperu kazami no tori 夏色の街は みえるかしら natsuiro no machi wa mieru kashira きのうの爱 それは涙 kinouno ai sore wa namida やがて かわき 消えるの yagate kawaki kie runo あしたの爱 それはルフラン ashitano ai sore wa rufuran おわりのない言叶 owarinonai kotoba 夕阳のなか めぐり逢えば yuuhi nonaka meguri ae ba あなたはわたしを 抱くかしら anata wa watashi wo daku kashira
黑卡鲁(五)迷里卡肃穆户内哇撒哟拉拉诺尅得尅诺扩西马斯哟奴役萨卡哦哟里伊萨卡哦欧力得愈尅吧那醋意诺诺咖色李啊诶卢卡希腊瓦塔希诺阿姨所累挖贝诺你塔卡裤 一苦苦无他吾诺瓦塔希诺阿姨索雷瓦卡膜内塔卡裤 一苦苦拖布波哟呼一诺那卡哟们得米卡打亚萨洗衣蛤那她米啊诶卢卡希腊


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