谁有Kenny Vehkavaara & Simone 的the sound of silence简谱,谢谢

the sound of silence 是谁创作的? 班得瑞,还是其他人?_百度知道
the sound of silence 是谁创作的? 班得瑞,还是其他人?
这首曲子最初是由Garfunk创作的,它当初的名字叫做silence in the wind,后来被班得瑞在开始部分做了很大删改,就成了现在班得瑞版的the sound of silence ,据此两人还发生过版权纠纷,最终也不了了之。版权是两个人的,好听的音乐则是大家的。
Paul Simon和Garfunk。
出门在外也不愁专辑中文名: Peace Love and Guitar歌手: Kenny Vehkavaara & Simone资源格式: MP3发行时间: 2000年地区: 美国语言: 英语简介: /Images/Sources/AMGCOVERS/music/cover200/drf700/f742/f74257zb24v.jpg 专辑名称: Peace Love and Guitar专辑歌手: Kenny Vehkavaara & Simone唱片公司: Avalon发行日期: 2000发布码率: 192kbps专辑介绍:正如专辑名和平、爱、吉他,这些重新演绎的经典民歌将带您重新体验60年代和70年代早期那些理想主义的日子,如 “The Times They Are a-Changin”,“The Sound of Silence”和“Cat's in the Cradle”等。 专辑曲目: 1. Big Yellow Taxi 2. Cat's in the Cradle 3. Fire and Rain 4. Midnight Cowboy 5. One Tin Soldier 6. If You Could Read My Mind 7. Times They Are A-Changin' 8. American Pie 9. California Dreamin' 10. For What It's Worth 11. Wild World 12. Sound of Silence 13. Time in a Bottle 14. Leaving on a Jet Plane 本专辑已加入MP3共享计划&The Sound Of Silence&这首歌的歌词及中文大意_百度知道
&The Sound Of Silence&这首歌的歌词及中文大意
歌词有点晦涩,我理解就是“沉默的力量”和沉默的哑忍,有的人有想法却不敢说,但是这种想法慢慢继续就会成为一种力量,一种无形的抵抗,终究会爆发出来。歌词翻译如下。The Sound of Silence 寂静之声 Hello darkness, my old friend 你好 黑暗 我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你交谈 Because a vision softly creeping 因为有一种幻觉正向悄悄地向我袭来 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子 And the vision that was planted in my brain 这种幻觉在我的脑海里生根发芽 Still remains 缠绕着我 Within the sound of silence 伴随着寂静的声音 In restless dreams I walked alone 在不安的梦幻中我独自行走 Narrow streets of cobblestone 狭窄的鹅卵石街道 'Neath the halo of a street lamp 在路灯的光环照耀下 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 我竖起衣领 抵御严寒和潮湿 When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 一道耀眼的霓虹灯光刺入我的眼睛 That split the night 它划破夜空 And touched the sound of silence 触摸着寂静的声音 And in the naked light I saw 在炫目的灯光下 Ten thousand people, maybe more 我看见成千上万的人 People talking without speaking 人们说而不言 People hearing without listening 听而不闻 People writing songs that voices never share 人们创造歌曲却唱不出声来 And no one dare disturb the sound of silence 没有人敢打扰这寂静的声音 &Fools& said I, &You do not know 我说:“傻瓜,难道你不知道 Silence like a cancer grows” 寂静如同顽疾滋长” Hear my words that I might teach you 听我对你说的有益的话 Take my arms that I might reach to you 拉住我伸给你的手 But my words like silent as raindrops fell 但是我的话犹如雨滴飘落 And echoed in the wells of silence 在寂静的水井中回响 And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made. 人们向自己创造的霓虹之神 鞠躬 祈祷And the sign flashed out its warning 神光中闪射出告诫的语句 And the words that it was forming 在字里行间指明 And the sign said: 它告诉人们 &The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 预言者的话都已写在地铁的墙上 and tenement halls 和房屋的大厅里 And whispered in the sound of silence.& 在寂静的声音里低语
出门在外也不愁谁有“The sound of silence”的伴奏音乐?谢谢!!!_百度知道
谁有“The sound of silence”的伴奏音乐?谢谢!!!
[原版伴奏]Simon&Garfunkel - The Sound Of Silence(寂静之声)Hello darkness, my old friend,I’ve come to talk with you again,Because a vision softly creeping,Left it’s seeds while I was sleeping,And the vision that was planted in my brainStill remainsWithin the sound of silence.In restless dreams I walked aloneNarrow streets of cobblestone,’neath the halo of a street lamp,I turned my collar to the cold and dampWhen my eyes were stabbed by the flash ofA neon lightThat split the nightAnd touched the sound of silence.And in the naked light I sawTen thousand people, maybe more.People talking without speaking,People hearing without listening,People writing songs that voices never shareAnd no one dearedDisturb the sound of silence.Fools said i,you do not knowSilence like a cancer grows.Hear my words that I might teach you,Take my arms that I might reach you.But my words like silent raindrops fell,And echoedIn the wells of silenceAnd the people bowed and prayedTo the neon God they made.And the sign flashed out it’s warning,In the words that it was forming.And the signs said, the words of the prophetsAre written on the subway wallsAnd tenement halls.And whisper’d in the sounds of silence.提供两个版本给你


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