
To my surprise,he has never heard of Obama奥巴马为什么总逼迫中国人民币升值啊,我不是学经济的希望解释清楚点分不是问题
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Barack Hussein Obama has 18 letters in his name. That's 6+6+6, or 666. Get it? Barack Hussein Obama的名字里有18个字母,等于6+6+6,也就是666,懂了吗? Substantial numbers of Americans believe Obama is the Antichrist. One survey in New Jersey found that as many as one in five people believe this theory. Similar numbers of people believe other crazy theories, including that Obama is a Muslim, a foreigner, and a socialist. 相当多的美国人相信奥巴马是伪基督。新泽西州的一个调查显示相信这个理论的人占五分之一。相信其他疯狂故事的人数也差不多,比如奥巴马是个穆斯林,外国人,社会主义者 The traditional way to disabuse people of false beliefs is to provide them with accurate information. Here's Obama's birth certificate, for example. Hundreds of news Web sites have published evidence that Obama was born in the United States, but disbelief persists. Why is this? 扭转这些错误观念的传统方法是向这些人提供准确的信息。比如,奥巴马的出生证明。几百个新闻网站公布证据说奥巴马是出生在美国,但是怀疑依旧,这是为什么? When we confront crazy beliefs that are widely held, we usually blame propaganda. The Germans believed the lies Hitler told them (we tell ourselves). Those who do not believe that Obama's birth certificate is valid must have been misled by ideological commentators. This theory reflects a profound naiveté about how our minds work, and it externalizes blame that is better turned inward. 当我们遇到那些广为传播的疯狂理念,我们通常会谴责宣传媒体。德国人相信希特勒告诉他们的那些谎话(我们告诉自己)。那些不相信奥巴马出生证明真实的人,一定是被那些意识形态不同的评论员误导了。这个理论反映了我们的思维深层是如何工作的,在谴责外部影响的时候更应该考虑内部原因。
In recent years, dozens of psychological studies have shown that we shape incoming information as much as it shapes us. We sift and sort, choosing what we like and discarding what we don't. Much of this happens unconsciously in what I call the hidden brain. We see the effects of these mental gymnastics all the time: Few people change their minds on hot-button issues, even when new information is provided to them. Political commentators generate lots of heat, but when was the last time you heard about a liberal who was persuaded by Rush Limbaugh? Or a conservative who switched parties after watching a Michael Moore movie? The partisan divide in the country has barely budged for over a decade—hardly what you'd expect if the hyper-partisan information we see all around us was having much effect. 最近这些年里,数十个心理学实验都表明我们会对接收的信息进行加工变形,就像信息改变我们一样。 我们对信息进行删选归类,选择我们喜欢的,抛弃我们不喜欢的。 这些都发生在无意识中,我称之为隐形大脑。这些心理活动的后果显然易见:很少有人会在热点问题上改变自己的观念,即使新信息证明他们错了。政治评论员总是能掀起热潮,不过你什么时候听说过一个自由主义者被Rush Limbaugh说服了?或者保守党员看了Michael Moore的电影后改变了党派? 难以妥协的党派之争在这个国家已经超过十年了。超党派信息遍地都是,但你很难期待这能起什么作用。
Social psychologist Tom Pyszczynski at the University of Colorado, with co-authors Carl Henthorn, Matt Motyl and Kristel Gerow, recently published an interesting study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Pyszczynski told volunteers they were participating in a creative writing exercise, and he divided them at random into two groups. He asked one group to write a short essay about a student named Tyrone Walker, and another to write an essay about Brad Walker. This turns out to be an effective technique to activate (or "prime") people's racial attitudes without their awareness: Tyrone Walker is a typically black name and Brad Walker is a typically white name. (The essays revealed as much—the Tyrone essays typically were about a black student, and the Brad essays were about a white student. Earlier experiments have found that the technique produces clearly measurable differences on various skills affected by racial attitudes.)
Colorado大学的社会心理学家Tom Pyseczynski和共同作者Carl Hentnorn, Matt Motyl,Kristel Gerow最近在实验社会心理学杂志上发布了一个有趣的研究结果。Pyszczynski告诉志愿者,他们正在参与一个创造性写作练习,他把实验者随机分为两组,其中一组要写一个名叫Tyrone Walker的学生的短文,在另一组里这个学生的名字叫Brad Walker。结果显示这个方法很有效的激活了人们潜在的对种族主义的态度:Tyrone Walker是个典型的黑人名字,Brad Walker则是典型的白人名字。(短文显示也差不多,Tyrone在短文里通常是黑人学生,Brad通常是白人学生。更早的实验表明这个方法可以清楚的衡量出对种族主义态度对各种技能的影响)
The volunteers then read an editorial about Obama. The ideas in it were drawn from various Web sites: 然后志愿者们读了关于奥巴马的一篇社论,其观念来自各个网站: &&&&The Anti-Christ will be a man in his forties, he will be of Muslim descent, people will flock to him and he will promise false hope and world peace, he will not have any male descendants to pass on his name, he will be an unknown man that rises to power. … Obama … only has daughters for children, he is a man in his forties that comes from Muslim descent, he was an unknown man who has risen to power, and he promises world peace. 伪基督将会是一个四十多岁的男人,穆斯林后裔,人们拥簇着他,他许下虚假的希望和世界和平,他不会有任何男性后裔来传宗接代,从一个籍籍无名之辈起家获取权利,...奥巴马...只有女儿,四十多岁,穆斯林后裔,直到获取权力时都是无名之辈,而且他许诺会让世界和平。
Volunteers given the "white prime" were less likely to buy the Antichrist editorial than those given the "black prime." Think about that for a second: Merely being asked to write an essay about Tyrone Walker rather than Brad Walker caused people to believe the Antichrist claim. It was the stuff happening inside people's heads—not the information in the fake editorial—that was decisive here. The Antichrist editorial was the same for all volunteers, but the hospitability for that information in people's heads changed depending on which prime they were given. 被要求写白人的志愿者比起被要求写黑人的志愿者来说,同意这片社论的可能性要小。想一想,只是被要求写Tyrone而不是Brad,这样就会让人们更相信伪基督的说法。发生在人们脑子里的反应起了决定性的作用,而不是虚假信息。反基督的社论对所有志愿者来说都是一样的,但是人们头脑中对信息的信任程度则取决于他们事先被给定了什么。 I'll talk in another piece about why racial priming should make any difference in people's willingness to believe in a theory that ostensibly has nothing to do with race, but the point here is that people's mental predispositions, not the Antichrist claim itself, explained why some found the theory persuasive while others did not. 我将在另外一段说明,为什么之前有关种族的信息会影响人们是否相信这个理论,尽管表面上看起来和种族没什么关系。关键在于起作用的是人们的心理倾向,而不是伪基督言论本身,这解释了为什么这个理论对某些人有说服力,而对另一些没有。 The idea that our mental terrain decides what information survives in our heads and what gets killed off finds a parallel with a venerable biological theory: Darwin's theory of natural selection. When we see lions and polar bears, we marvel at how well these animals have adapted themselves to the savannah and the polar ice caps. But no committee of lions sat down and decided that the African savannah would be home. No electoral bear-college voted for a leader who called for polar bears to move to the Arctic. These animals did not adapt to their environment, even though we use that figure of speech. Their environment adapted them to it. 我们的心理地形决定了什么信息能留在我们大脑里同时什么需要剔除,这个学说和一个已经被广为接受的生物理论很近似:达尔文的自然选择理论。当我们看到狮子和北极熊,我们会惊叹于这些生物怎么能这么好的适应热带草原和极地冰盖。但是并没有一个狮子委员会坐下来决定是否将非洲热带草原作为家乡。也没有一个选举产生的北极熊领导人呼吁大家移居北极。这些动物并没有适应他们的生存环境,尽管我们这样说,实际上是环境使他们适应。
Information, in this analogy, is our lion or polar bear. What gets inside our heads depends on the conditions our minds offer. If our minds offer savannah, lions thrive and polar bears die. If we have arctic chills, the polar bears live and the lions die. 信息,在这个比喻里,就是我们的狮子或者北极熊。什么样的信息能存留在我们大脑里,这取决于我们的心灵能提供什么条件。如果我们提供的是大草原,那么狮子繁荣昌盛,北极熊完蛋,如果我们提供的是寒冷的北极,那么北极熊生,狮子亡。 This is why offering Obama's birth certificate carries so little weight with people predisposed to buy the theory that the president was not born in the United States: It's like setting a lion down on a polar icecap and expecting it to drive the polar bears into extinction. (Passionate Obama supporters similarly find convoluted ways to reject all criticism aimed at him. This isn't a Republican or D it's just the way our minds work.) 这就是为什么对那些已经心理预设会相信总统不在美国出生的人们来说,提供奥巴马的出生证明无足轻重:这就像把一头狮子放在极地冰盖上,还期待这样做能够灭绝北极熊。(奥巴马的热情支持者也用差不多的方式迂回的拒绝了关于奥巴马的一切批评。这不是共和党或民主党的东西,只是我们的头脑工作的方式) The natural-selection analogy is admittedly imperfect. Animals do not significantly alter their environments, but our minds both shape information and are shaped by it. Accurate information, moreover, is not completely powerless to change people' over time, it becomes harder and harder to deny reality. Finally, partisan commentary is increasingly organized and strategic, and probably shapes the long-term terrain on which our national conversation is carried out. 自然选择的比喻不可否认并不完美。动物不会显著改变环境,但是我们的心意改变信息的同时也在被信息改变。准确的信息并非完全无法改变人们的念头。随着时间的推移,拒绝承认现实会变得越来越困难。最终党派报道会更有组织更有策略,也许对能我们国家对话的长期地形做出改变。 But the natural-selection analogy is a useful antidote to the surprise we profess when substantial numbers of people subscribe to smears, misinformation and even outright prejudice: Yes, it's true that propagandists spout misinformation to serve their own ends, but if our minds were inhospitable to such garbage, the lies would die as quickly as that lion abandoned on an icecap. 不过自然选择理论是对很多让我们惊讶不已怪现象的有效解毒剂:很多人会相信污蔑,错误的信息甚至直言不讳的偏见。是的,宣传人员滔滔不绝的宣讲错误信息来达到他们自己的目的,但是如果我们的心灵不是那么欢迎这些垃圾,那么谎言会像被遗弃在冰盖上的狮子那样快速死亡。
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