
作者: &发表日期: 7:20:00
&&&& 不好意思,养得这么肥了才来吃&&&&
作者: 回复日期: 07:24:39 
作者: 回复日期: 15:35:32 
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作者: 回复日期: 16:10:34 
  %  183. End Of The Road    这是和声优美的Boyz II Men在1992年推出的歌曲,当时非常轰动,以13周冠军的成绩一举打破了猫王保持36年之久的排行榜冠军记录。    MV地址/v_show/id_XMTEwMzAyODky.html    下载/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=End%20Of%20The%20Road&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU    歌词  Girl you know we belong together  I don’t have time for you to be playing with my heart like this  You’ll be mine forever baby  You just wait  We belong together  And you know that I am right  Why do you play with my heart  Why do you play with my mind  Said we’d be forever  Said it’d never die  How could you love me and leave me and never  Say goodbye  When I can’t sleep at night  Without holding you tight  Girl, each time I try I just break down and cry  Pain in my head  Oh, I’d rather be dead  Spinning around and around  Although we’ve come  To the end of the road  Still I can’t let go  It’s unnatural  You belong to me  I belong to you  Girl  To the end of the road  Still I can’t let go  It’s unnatural  You belong to me  I belong to you  Girl  I know you really love me  You just don’t realize  You’ve never been there before  It’s only  Your first time  Maybe I’ll forgive you  Maybe you’ll try  We should be happy together forever  You and I  Will you love me again  Like you loved me before  This time I want you to love me much more  This time instead  Just come to my bed  And baby just don’t let me go  Although we’ve come  To the end of the road  Still I can’t let go  It’s unnatural  You belong to me  I belong to you  Girl  To the end of the road  Still I can’t let go  It’s unnatural  You belong to me  I belong to you  Girl, I’m here for you  All those time as night  When you just hurt me  And just ran out with that other fella  Baby I knew about it  I just didn’t care  You just don’t understand how much I love  Do you  I’m here for you  I’m not about to go out on cheat you  Just like you did  But baby that’s alright  I love you anyway  And I’m still going to be here with you until my dying day  Right now  I’m just in so much pain  Cuz you just won’t come back to me  Will you  Just come back to me  Yes baby, my heart is lonely  My heart hurts baby  Yes, I feel pain too  Baby please  This time instead just come to my bed  And baby just don’t let me go  Although we’ve come  To the end of the road  Still I can’t let go  It’s unnatural  You belong to me  I belong to you  Girl  To the end of the road  Still I can’t let go  It’s unnatural  You belong to me  I belong to you  Girl  To the end of the road  Still I can’t let go  It’s unnatural  You belong to me  I belong to you  Girl  To the end of the road  Still I can’t let go  It’s unnatural  You belong to me  I belong to you    
作者: 回复日期: 21:30:10 
  好贴 不可不顶~~~~~楼主强人 顶一个····
作者: 回复日期: 12:30:16 
作者: 回复日期: 16:57:04 
  %  184. Endless Love    莱昂纳尔里奇Lionel Richie 与戴安娜罗斯Diana Ross两大巨星深情款款的对唱,情歌史上的经典之作。十年之后,路德范德鲁斯(Luther Vandross) 与玛丽亚凯莉(Mariah Carey)也推出过一个翻唱,同样颇受欢迎。      下载/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=Endless%20Love&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU    歌词  My love there’s only you in my life  The only thing That’s right  My first love  You’re every breath that I take  You’re every step I make  And I...I want to share all my love with you  No one else will do  And your eyes(Your eyes your eyes)  They tell me how much you care oh yes  You will always be my endless love  Two hearts two hearts that beat as one  Our lives have just begun  Forever(Woo oh)  I’ll hold you close in my arms  I can’t resist your charms  My love(Woo love)  I’ll be a fool for you  I’m sure  You know I don’t mind(Woh you know I don’t mind)  ’Cause you  You mean the world to me oh  I know I’ve found in you(I know I’ve found in you)  My endless love  Woo Woo  Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom  Bom bom bom bom bom bom  Woo and love(Woo love)  I’ll be a fool for you  I’m sure  You know I don’t mind(Woh you know I don’t mind)  You’ll be the only one  (’Cause no one can deny)No one can deny  This love I have inside  And I’ll give it all to you  (My love)My love my love  My endless love    
作者: 回复日期: 15:31:02 
  %  185. Eternal Flame    80年代美国有一个四人女子组合手镯乐队(Bangles),她们最著名的作品就是这首Eternal Flame,也是一直被众多歌手竞相翻唱的经典之作。      MV视频/v_show/id_XMTM1Mzg2NjI0.html    下载/music/search?hl=zh-CN&q=Eternal%20Flame&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU    歌词  Close your eyes give me your hand darling  Do you feel my heart beating  Do you understand do you feel the same  Am I only dreaming is this burning an eternal flame  I believe it’s meant to be darling  I watch you when you are sleeping  You belong with me do you feel the same  Am I only dreaming or is this burning an eternal flame  Say my name sun shines through the rain  A whole life so lonely  And then you come and ease the pain  I don’t want to lose this feeling oh  Say my name sun shines through the rain  A whole life so lonely  And then you come and ease the pain  I don’t want to lose this feeling oh  Close your eyes give me your hand  Do you feel my heart beating  Do you understand do you feel the same  Am I only dreaming or is this burning an eternal flame  Close your eyes give me your hand darling  Do you feel my heart beating  Do you understand do you feel the same  Am I only dreaming is this burning an eternal flame  Close your eyes give me your hand darling  Do you feel my heart beating  Do you understand do you feel the same  Am I only dreaming an eternal flame  Close your eyes give me your hand darling  Do you feel my heart beating  Do you understand do you feel the same  Am I only dreaming is this burning an eternal flame  Close your eyes give me your hand darling      
作者: 回复日期: 18:10:14 
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作者: 回复日期: 22:45:33 
      MARK一下先     明天找個大塊的時間好好聽看看
作者: 回复日期: 13:41:00 
作者: 回复日期: 15:51:59 
作者: 回复日期: 23:43:50 
  [安评乐道]最经典最动听的1000首欧美金曲(汇总帖)  脱水整理版,手机 WEB自适应网址:    http://ty./m9010    只看搂主、TXT下载、完整带图、手机在线看。。。。
作者: 回复日期: 10:27:30 
作者: 回复日期: 22:13:07 
  186. Even the Nights are Better    这是八九十年代享誉全球的澳大利亚乐队空气补给 (Air Supply)的冠军金曲。    Air Supply的主唱卢瑟海希库克(Russell Hitchcook)拥有非常特殊的嗓音,也就是所谓的童音,而优势就是高音区可以飙得非常嘹亮,这点与张雨生有一些类似(有趣的是,据说中学时的张雨生就是酷爱演唱Air Supply的歌曲后形成了自己的嗓音特色,甚至是青出于蓝而胜于蓝,90年代前期Air Supply因为开演唱会、发唱片、做宣传等事宜多次到过台湾,并且与张雨生成为了朋友,Russell Hitchcook就对雨生的高音惊艳不已,甚至承认“他唱得比我还高”)。    由于Air Supply的这个特色,因此尽管他们拥有多首脍炙人口的动听金曲,但很少被男歌手翻唱,似乎还是由女歌手来翻唱他们的歌更适合。    而我之所以喜欢这首Even the Nights are Better就是源自于欣赏加拿大天后安玛莉(Anne Murray)的翻唱,她的演绎从容大气,与原唱相比另有一番味道。    MV视频/playlist/playindex.do?lid=7250996&iid=&cid=14    下载/music/search?q=+Even+the+Nights+are+Better&aq=f    歌词  I ,I was the lonely one  Wondering what went wrong.  Why love had gone  And left me lonely? I,  I was so confused  Feeling like I’d just been used.  Then you came to me  And my loneliness left me.  I used to think I was tied to a heart-ache.  That was the heartbreak but now that I’ve found you.  Even the nights are better  Now that we’re here together  Even the nights are better  Since I’ve found you. Oh, oh oh  Even the days are brighter  When someone you love’s beside ya.  Even the nights are better  Since I’ve found you.  You, you knew just what to do  ’Cause you have been lonely too.  And you showed me how to ease the pain. And you  Did more than mend a broken heart.  ’Cause now you’ve made a fire start.  And I, I can see that you feel the same way.  I never dreamed there’d be someone to hold me  Until you told me. And now that I’ve found you  Even the nights are better  Now that we’re here together  Even the nights are better  Since I’ve found you. Oh, oh oh  Even the days are brighter  When someone you love’s beside ya.  Even the nights are better  Since I’ve found you.  I never dreamed there’d be someone to hold me  Until you told me. And now that I’ve found you.  Even the nights are better  Now that we’re here together  Even the nights are better  Since I’ve found you. Oh, oh oh  Even the days are brighter  When someone you love’s beside ya.  Even the nights are better  Since I’ve found you.  Even the nights are better  Now that we’re here together  Even the nights are better  Since I’ve found you. Oh, oh oh      
作者: 回复日期: 03:42:42 
作者: 回复日期: 11:02:42 
  mark先,慢慢听~  lz辛苦了
作者: 回复日期: 13:55:58 
作者: 回复日期: 13:57:32 
  藏藏 lz加油  
作者: 回复日期: 14:48:39 
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作者: 回复日期: 20:10:46 
  187. Evergreen    现在的年轻歌迷可能都不太熟悉芭芭拉史翠珊Barbra Streisand了,其实她在歌坛的地位已经不是用一个“天后”或者“超级巨星”这类词就能涵盖的,无论是在商业成就还是艺术成就,她都是一个活着的传奇。    这首Evergreen出自同样著名的电影A Star is Born(中文名一个明星的诞生、星梦泪痕、爱情万年青、星海浮沉录),这部电影最早问世于30年代,之后又被多次翻拍,而在70年代的版本里由芭芭拉史翠珊Barbra Streisand主演并担任主唱,她唱出的Evergreen浪漫典雅、韵味醇厚,不久风行了当年的各大排行榜,而且一举拿到了奥斯卡的最佳电影歌曲以及格莱美的年度最佳歌曲。      下载/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=Evergreen&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU    歌词  Love soft as an easy chair  Love fresh as the morning air  One love that is shared by two  I have found with you  Like a rose under the April snow  I was always certain love would grow  Love ageless and evergreen  Seldom seen by two  You and I will  Make each night the first  Everyday a beginning  Spirits rise and their dance is unrehearsed  They warm and excite us  ’Cause we have the brightest love  Two lights that shine as one  Morning glory and midnight sun  Time we’ve learned to sail above  Time won’t change the meaning of one love  Ageless and ever evergreen        
作者: 回复日期: 21:06:24 
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  %%188. Evergreen tree    用这首歌的歌名常青树Evergreen tree用来形容它的演唱者克利夫理查(Cliff Richard)再恰当不过了。    有英国猫王之称克利夫理查出第一张唱片的时间是1958年,而他在2008年时还推出了新作并登上了排行榜,跨度整整半个世纪,太牛了。    这首Evergreen tree就是他将近50年前的旧作,质朴的木吉他和口琴,深情隽永的歌词,让人从浮躁中彻底放松心灵。      下载/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=Evergreen%20tree&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU    歌词  Oh darling will our love be like an evergreen tree  Stay ever green and young as the seasons go  Your kisses could make love grow like an  Evergreen tree  Bloom in the summer’s sun and the winter’s  Snow  On every branch will blossom dreams for me  And you  Our tree of love will stay ever green if our  Hearts stay ever true  Oh darling I love you so don’t you know  That I’ll be  True ’til the leaves turn blue on the  Evergreen tree  On every branch will blossom dreams for me  And you  Our tree of love will stay ever green if our  Hearts stay ever true  Oh darling I love you so don’t you know  That I’ll be  True ’til the leaves turn blue on the  Evergreen tree  On the evergreen tree on the evergreen tree      
作者: 回复日期: 00:00:05 
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  %  189. Every Breath You Take    斯汀与警察乐队Sting & The Police 的代表作,节奏、旋律、歌词、配器、演唱都堪称完美,是令人百听不厌的经典作品。    MV视频/video/10225    下载/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=Every%20Breath%20You%20Take%20%20&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wU    歌词  Every Breath you take  Every move you make  Every bond you break every step you take today  I’ll be watching you  Every single day  Every word you say  Every game you play every night you stay  I’ll be watching you  Oh can’t you see  You belong to me  How my poor heart aches  With every step you take  Every move you make  Every vow you break  Every smile you fake every claim you stake  I’ll be watching you  Since you’ve been gone I’ve been lost without a trace  I dream at night I can only see your face  I look around but it’s you I can’t replace  I feel so cold and I long for your embrance  I keep crying baby baby please  Oh can’t you see  You belong to me  How my poor heart aches  With every step you take  Every move you make  Every vow you break  Every smile you fake every claim you stake  I’ll be watching you  Every move you make      
作者: 回复日期: 20:56:52 
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作者: 回复日期: 01:34:25 
作者: 回复日期: 07:30:50 
  顶顶楼主 楼主辛苦了。。。。。。。。
作者: 回复日期: 18:21:19 
  谢谢 分享
作者: 回复日期: 22:42:17 
  %%190. Every Moment Of My Life    莎拉柯娜(Sarah Connor)由于在德国出生和发展,因此一直被冠以德国小天后的名号,不过她的风格可是与德国的本土音乐没什么联系,而是更接近蓝调(据说是受她出生于新奥尔良的祖父影响)。    由于从小在唱诗班接受系统训练,她的嗓音条件非常出色,这首动人的Every Moment Of My Life被她演绎得情真意切。      下载/music/search?q=every%20moment%20of%20my%20life&oq=every%20moment%20of%20my%20life&aq=0    歌词  Everytime I leave to head out on the road  I wanna take you with me to save me from the cold  No matter where I go wrong  You’ll be there to turn it into right  I will love you every moment of my life  When I’m on an airplane, flyin’ cross the sky  I know you’re on a trainride, stations passin’ by  No matter what the signs say  However in my mind you are by my side  I will love you every moment of my life  Everyone misses something  And I know time changes everything  All the love that you have to give  You should give just as lost as you’re holding that someone  I’d travel cross the great lakes to get to where you are  And even if forever wouldn’t be too far  So baby when you asked me  To be the leading lady by your side  I promised to love you every moment of my life  Everyone misses something  And I know time changes everything  All the love that you have to give  You should give just as lost as you’re holding that someone  Everytime I leave to head out on the road  I wanna take you with me to save me from the cold  No matter where I go wrong  You’ll be there to turn it into right  I will love you every moment of my life  When I’m on an airplane, flyin’ cross the sky  I know you’re on a trainride, stations passin’ by  No matter what the signs say  However in my mind you are by my side  I will love you every moment of my life  I will love you every moment of my life  Love you every moment of my life……    
作者: 回复日期: 23:01:55 
作者: 回复日期: 09:50:47 
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作者: 回复日期: 17:48:44 
  191. Every Rose Has Its Thorn    来自美国的毒药Poison是80年代涌现出来的一支非常出色的乐队, 它和Bon Jovi、Guns N’ Roses、Def Leppard等等一起开创了一个属于重金属乐队的辉煌时代。    这首Every Rose Has Its Thorn是他们的一首偏抒情风格的作品,灵感来自乐队灵魂人物Bret Michaels的真实经历,他可以征服全球亿万歌迷的心,但却只能无奈地看着自己的女友绝尘而去,伤感之余,他写出了这首Every Rose Has Its Thorn。    所有的女人都好似娇艳的玫瑰,当你被她的美丽折服时,一定要小心她的刺。      下载/music/search?q=Every+Rose+Has+Its+Thorn    歌词  we both lie silently still  In the dead of the night  Although we both lie close together  We feel miles apart inside  Was it something i said or something i did  Did my words not come out right  Though i tried not to hurt you  Though i tried  But i guess that’s why they say  Every rose has its thorn  Just like every night has its dawn  Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song  Every rose has its thorn  Yeah it does  I listen to our favorite song  Playing on the radio  Hear the dj say loves a game of easy come and  Easy go  But i wonder does he know  Has he ever felt like this  And i know that you’d be here right now  If i could have let you know somehow  I guess  Every rose has its thorn  Just like every night has its dawn  Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song  Every rose has its thorn  Though it’s been a while now  I can still feel so much pain  Like a knife that cuts you the wound heals  But the scar, that scar remains  I know i could have saved a love that night  If i’d known what to say  Instead of makin’ love  We both made our separate ways  But now i hear you found somebody new  And that i never meant that much to you  To hear that tears me up inside  And to see you cuts me like a knife  I guess  Every rose has its thorn  Just like every night has its dawn  Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song  Every rose has its thorn    
作者: 回复日期: 19:23:59 
  我承认我很懒。。。想要下载的合辑    估计LZ是不会弄的了
作者: 回复日期: 20:07:39 
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作者: 回复日期: 17:41:34 
  192. Every Time I Close My Eyes    娃娃脸Babyface不仅仅是R&B领域的超级巨星,同时还是才华横溢的创作者和金牌制作人,为无数大牌歌星制作过专辑或单曲(比较顶尖的就有玛丽亚凯莉Mariah Carey、席琳狄翁Celine Dion、惠特尼休斯顿Whitney Houston、麦当娜Madonna、男人男孩Boyz II Men、艾里克克莱普顿Eric Clapton 、唐妮布蕾斯顿Toni Braxton等等)。    就是因为拥有如此至尊的地位,所以当他自己唱出这首柔情款款的Every Time I Close My Eyes时,天后玛丽亚凯莉Mariah Carey 甘当幕后和音,而萨克斯的演奏则是大名鼎鼎的肯尼吉(Kenny G)。      下载/music/search?q=Every+Time+I+Close+My+Eyes    歌词  Girl, it’s been a long, long time comin’  But I, I know that it’s been worth the wait  It feels like springtime in winter  It feels like Christmas in June  It feels like heaven has opened up it’s gates for me and you  And every time I close my eyes  I thank the lord that I’ve got you  And you’ve got me too  And every time I think of it  I pinch myself ’cause  I don’t believe it’s true  That someone like you  Loves me too  Girl, I think that you’re truly somethin’  And you’re, you’re every bit of a dream come true  With you baby, it never rains and it’s no wonder  The sun always shines when I’m near you  It’s just a blessing that I have found somebody like you  And every time I close my eyes  I thank the lord that I’ve got you  And you’ve got me too  And every time I think of it  I pinch myself ’cause  I don’t believe it’s true  That someone like you  Loves me too  To think of all the nights  I’ve cried myself to sleep  You really oughtta know  How much you mean to me  It’s only right that you be in my life right here with me  Oh baby baby  And every time I close my eyes  I thank the lord that I’ve got you  And you’ve got me too  And every time I think of it  I pinch myself ’cause  I don’t believe it’s true  That someone like you  Loves me too  Loves me too      
作者: 回复日期: 23:21:06 
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作者: 回复日期: 08:39:36 
作者: 回复日期: 17:06:08 
  作者:挂甲人 回复日期: 17:40:12     楼上这位同学,这个帖子跑不掉的,还是别耽误工作,挣银子第一,呵呵。    作者:挂甲人 回复日期: 17:41:34     192. Every Time I Close My Eyes        娃娃脸Babyface不仅仅是R&B领域的超级巨星,同时还是才华横溢的创作者和金牌制作人,为无数大牌歌星制作过专辑或单曲(比较顶尖的就有玛丽亚凯莉Mariah Carey、席琳狄翁Celine Dion、惠特尼休斯顿Whitney Houston、麦当娜Madonna、男人男孩Boyz II Men、艾里克克莱普顿Eric Clapton 、唐妮布蕾斯顿Toni Braxton等等)。        就是因为拥有如此至尊的地位,所以当他自己唱出这首柔情款款的Every Time I Close My Eyes时,天后玛丽亚凯莉Mariah Carey 甘当幕后和音,而萨克斯的演奏则是大名鼎鼎的肯尼吉(Kenny G)。  ————————————————抱住LZ合影,咔嚓咔嚓,我终于下完追到这里了,又是大半天,MUA………………
作者: 回复日期: 21:51:25 
作者: 回复日期: 22:39:16 
作者: 回复日期: 10:12:23 
  %%193. Every Woman In The World    前面刚刚介绍过澳洲的空气补给乐队(Air Supply) ,这里不多说了。    这首Every Woman In The World是他们每次演唱会上都受到热烈追捧的曲目,特别是那句动人的“Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me”更是引爆万人大合唱。     大概很多人就是唱着这首歌把女友追到手的吧。        下载/music/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&q=Every%20Woman%20In%20The%20World&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=iU      歌词  Every night seems dinner and wine  Saturday days  I was never in love, never had the time  In my hustle and hurried world  Laughing my self to sleep, waking up lonely  I needed someone to hold me, oh  It’s such a crazy home town  It can drag you down  Till you run out of dreams  So you party all night to the music and lights  But you don’t know what happiness means  I was dancing in the dark with strangers  No love around me  When suddenly you found me, oh  Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me  You’re my fantasy, you’re my reality  Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me  You’re everything I need, you’re everything to me  Oh girl  Everything good, everything fine  That’s what you are  So put your hand in mine and together we’ll climb  As high as the highest star  I’m living the life time in every minute  That we’re together  And I’m staying right here forever, oh  Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me  You’re my fantasy, you’re my reality  Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me  You’re everything I need, you’re everything to me  Oh girl  Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me  You’re my fantasy, you’re my reality  Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me  You’re everything I need, you’re everything to me  Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me  You’re my fantasy, you’re my reality  Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me  You’re everything I need, you’re everything to me    
作者: 回复日期: 11:49:58 
作者: 回复日期: 12:22:19 
  %作者:挂甲人 回复日期: 10:12:23     %%193. Every Woman In The World        前面刚刚介绍过澳洲的空气补给乐队(Air Supply) ,这里不多说了。        这首Every Woman In The World是他们每次演唱会上都受到热烈追捧的曲目,特别是那句动人的“Girl, you’re every woman in the world to me”更是引爆万人大合唱。         大概很多人就是唱着这首歌把女友追到手的吧。  -----------抱住,合影,MARK,我爱你LZ  
作者: 回复日期: 18:30:38 
作者: 回复日期: 20:07:27 
  偶最喜欢听英文歌了,楼猪辛苦了哈 ~
作者: 回复日期: 00:13:32 
作者: 回复日期: 08:08:01 
作者: 回复日期: 13:19:34 
作者: 回复日期: 14:57:12 
  谢谢 收割了  1000首可是一个庞大的工程啊  楼主加油 呵呵
作者: 回复日期: 17:06:37 
作者: 回复日期: 20:39:21 
  今天来Mark一下,难得去找!这下方便一些!    加油,楼主!!!    精神上支持你!
作者: 回复日期: 23:05:54 
作者: 回复日期: 15:31:35 
作者: 回复日期: 15:36:29 
  194. Everybody    超级偶像后街男孩Backstreet Boys早期的成名金曲之一,歌曲活力十足,MV的制作也非常讲究。    MV视频/v_show/id_XMTgxNTY=.html    下载/music/search?q=Everybody    歌词  Everybody  Rock your body  Rock your body right  Backstreet’s Back alright  Oh my God we’re back again  Brothers sisters everybody sing  We’re gonna bring the flavor show you how  I’ve gotta question for ya  Better answer now  Am I original  Yeah  Am I the only one  Am I sexual  Am I everything you need  You better rock you body now  Alright  Now throw your hands up in the air  And wave ’em around like you just don’t care  If you wanna party let me hear you yell  ’Cause we’ve got it goin’ on again  So everybody everywhere  Don’t be afraid don’t have no fear  Gonna tell the world make it understand  As long as there’ll be music we’ll be coming back again      
作者: 回复日期: 17:17:57 
作者: 回复日期: 17:19:18 
作者: 回复日期: 17:20:13 
作者: 回复日期: 22:59:12 
  你好 挂甲人 可以把这个帖子的播放器的音乐 列表发给我吗 邮箱  方便的话把第一首歌的词也发下 真的想要 谢谢了 麻烦了
作者: 回复日期: 02:34:13 
作者: 回复日期: 10:36:16 
作者: 回复日期: 11:24:19 
  想给你爱人、朋友、同学、同事、亲人等一个意外的惊喜吗?  您可用您的手机拨打您爱人的手机号却显示您爱人的情人的手机号码。  您可以拨打您爱上的电话却显示外地的手机号码。  您还可以娱乐一下 拨出超级靓号,让他/她感到惊讶哦!  一切超乎你的想像,手机号码想怎么显示都行!没有什么不可能,只有你想不到,没有你做不到!  2010最新手机改号呼叫平台—网天下科技,拨打全国各地统一价格:0.2元/分钟,接听免费,无漫游,可以免费测试,诚招代理商,详询在线客服QQ:。  
作者: 回复日期: 14:07:09 
作者: 回复日期: 14:30:38 
作者: 回复日期: 18:20:42 
  作者:挂甲人 回复日期: 15:36:29       194. Everybody        超级偶像后街男孩Backstreet Boys早期的成名金曲之一,歌曲活力十足,MV的制作也非常讲究。        MV视频/v_show/id_XMTgxNTY=.html        下载/music/search?q=Everybody  +---------------抱住,LZ是好人,我以为要弃楼来了呢,嘿嘿,那我就一个星期来收割一次啦,MUA……
作者: 回复日期: 18:51:30 
   —By 三平67 84
作者: 回复日期: 22:12:46 
  195. Everything I do I do it for you     这首歌大家非常熟悉,就不多说了,布莱恩亚当斯(Bryan Adams)的代表作,电影《侠盗王子罗宾汉Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves》主题歌。      MV视频/v_show/id_XMTY1MjI4OTg4.html    下载/music/search?q=Everything+I+do    歌词  Look into my eyes  You will see what you mean to me  Search your heart search your soul  And when you find me there you’ll search no more  Don’t tell me it’s not worth trying for  You can’t tell me it’s not worth dying for  You know it’s true  Everything I do  I do it for you  Look into your heart  You will find there’s nothing there to hide  Take me as I am take my life  I would give it all I would sacrify  Don’t tell me it’s not worth fighting for  I can’t help it there’s nothing I want more  You know it’s true  Everything I do  I do it for you  There’s no love  Like your love  And no other  Could give more love  There’s no one  Unless you’re there  All the time all the way  Ah you can’t tell me it’s not worth trying for  I can’t help it there’s nothing I want more  Yeah I would fight for you  I’d lie for you  Walk the wire for you  Yeah I’d die for you  You know it’s true  Everything I do  Ah  I do it for you      
作者: 回复日期: 22:41:24 
   —By 三平67 86
作者: 回复日期: 10:24:11 
  196. Everytime You Go Away    这首歌本来是80年代美国的一对组合霍尔与奥兹二重唱(Hall & Oates)的作品,不过直到后来被英国歌星保罗杨(Paul Young)翻唱后才大红大紫,成为当时席卷全球排行榜的冠军情歌。    MV视频/v_show/id_XMzk5MjI0MDQ=.html    下载/music/search?q=Everytime+You+Go+Away    歌词  Take take  Hey If we can solve any problem  Then why do we lose so many tears  Oh so you go again  When the leading man appears  Always the same thing  Can’t you see we’ve got everything goin’ on and on and on  Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you  Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you oh  Go on and go free  Yeah  Maybe you’re too close to see  I can feel yor body move it doesn’t mean that much to me  I can’t go on sayin’ the same thing  Just can’t you see we’ve got everything do you even know we know  Every time you go away  You take a piece of me with you  Oh  Every time you go away  You take a piece of me with you hu hu  I can’t go on sayin’ the same thing  ’Cause baby can’t ya see we’ve got everything go on and on and on  Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you  Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you  Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you  Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you  Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you  Every time you go away you take a piece of me with you      
作者: 回复日期: 21:05:16 
  LZ太强悍了 顶顶顶啊   太多好听的歌了 哦耶   谢谢谢谢谢谢谢谢
作者: 回复日期: 21:15:43 
  The sound of silence, I cant smile without u,memory,lemon tree,老鹰的,甲壳虫的,歌剧魅影系列的等等在p3呆那么长时间就是不舍得删
作者: 回复日期: 21:22:27 
作者: 回复日期: 11:20:05 
  197. Eye In The Sky    亚伦派森Alan Parsons是英国的一位鬼才音乐制作人,曾为The Beatles、The Hollies、Pink Floyd这些大名鼎鼎的乐队录制过专辑,而他自己组建的亚伦派森实验乐团(The Alan Parsons Project)也是七八十年代里在英伦非常著名的一支乐队,这首Eye In The Sky就是他们的代表作,无论词曲、编配还是制作都非常考究。        下载/music/search?q=Eye+In+The+Sky    MV视频/v_playlist/fp1.html      歌词  Don’t think sorry’s easily said   Don’t try turning tables instead   You’ve taken lots of chances before   But I ain’t gonna give any more   Don’t ask me   That’s how it goes   ’Cause part of me knows what you’re thinking...   Don’t say words you’re gonna regret   Don’t let the fire rush to your head   I’ve heard the accusation before   And I ain’t gonna take any more   Believe me   The sun in your eyes   Made some of the lies worth believing     I am the eye in the sky   Looking at you   I can read your mind   I am the maker of rules   Dealing with fools   I can cheat you blind   And I don’t need to see any more   To know that I can read your mind, I can read your mind     Don’t leave false illusions behind   Don’t cry I ain’t changing my mind   So find another fool like before   ’Cause I ain’t gonna live anymore believing   Some of the lies while all of the signs are deceiving     I am the eye in the sky   Looking at you   I can read your mind   I am the maker of rules   Dealing with fools   I can cheat you blind   And I don’t need to see any more   To know that I can read your mind, I can read your mind     I am the eye in the sky   Looking at you   I can read your mind   I am the maker of rules   Dealing with fools   I can cheat you blind   And I don’t need to see any more   To know that I can read your mind, I can read your mind          
作者: 回复日期: 17:51:24 
  198. Eye Of The Tiger    这是活跃于七八十年代的美国摇滚乐队Survivor 的作品,力道十足,让人热血沸腾,作为电影《洛奇Rocky3》的主题歌再合适不过了。      视频/v_show/id_XOTI1NDYwODg=.html    下载/music/search?q=+Eye+Of+The+Tiger    歌词  Risin’ up, back on the street   Did my time, took my chances   Went the distance now I’m back on my feet   Just a man and his will to survive  So many times it happens too fast   You trade your passion for glory   Don’t lose your grip on the dreams of the past   You must fight just to keep them alive  It’s the eye of the tiger   It’s the thrill of the fight   Rising up to the challenge of our rival  And the last known survivor   Stalks his prey in the night   And he’s watching us all   With the eye of the tiger  Face to face, out in the heat   Hangin’ tough, stayin’ hungry   They stack the odds still we take to the street   For the kill, with the skill to survive  It’s the eye of the tiger   It’s the thrill of the fight   Rising up to the challenge of our rival  And the last known survivor   Stalks his prey in the night   With the eye of the tiger  Risin’ up, straight to the top   Had the guts, got the glory   Went the distance, now I’m not gonna stop   Just a man and his will to survive  It’s the eye of the tiger   It’s the thrill of the fight   Rising up to the challenge of our rival  And the last known survivor   Stalks his prey in the night   And he’s watching us all   With the eye of the tiger   The eye of the tiger        至此E字头结束,后面开始F字头。        
作者: 回复日期: 23:28:55 
  mark one!
作者: 回复日期: 11:19:01 
  199. Fairy Tale    前面介绍过R&B天后唐妮布蕾斯顿(Toni Braxton),这首Fairy Tale出色的编曲与她浑厚磁性的嗓音完美结合,听来十分有感觉。      下载/music/search?q=+fairy+tale (没写出演唱者,标注为群星,专辑Touch My Soul CD 22那个就是)       歌词  And if I was wrong I know I don’t deserve this  Don’t stay too long  I need to hear those words you use to tell me  From way back when we were just friends  Before this love affair began  Tell me how I love you wins  Or how a broken heart can mend  Just tell me this is not the end  Please tell me now  How the fairy tale begins  Or how it was supposed to end  Please tell me that part again  Tell me now tell me now  Again baby oh  Now tell me what’s wrong  I never meant to hurt you no baby ooh  Was it the home the car  Or darling all those things we thought we needed  Tell me even if it ain’t true  But baby please don’t say we’re through no no  Tell me how I love you wins  Or how a broken heart can mend  Just tell me this is not the end  Please tell me now tell me now baby  How the fairy tale begins  Or how it was supposed to end  Please tell me that part again  Tell me now baby tell me now  Again darling oh  I wanna know that  Feelin’ that’s from way back  A time when it was true that  Love was sweet and innocent  When you and I could still be friends  Make all the wrong be right again  Where true love never has to end wo wo  Tell me how tell me how I love you wins  Or how a broken heart can mend  Just tell me this is not the end  Please tell me now tell me now baby  How the fairy tale begins  Or how it was supposed to end  Please tell me that part again  Wo baby I means no  Wo baby  Da la la la  Wo wo baby wo        
作者: 回复日期: 23:10:27 
作者: 回复日期: 14:03:38 
  200.Faithfully    前面介绍过旅程乐队(Journey)那首经典的Don’t Stop Believin’,这首Faithfully是他们另一首非常走红的歌曲。    Journey是一支在商业上很成功的摇滚乐队,这首先得益于其创作旋律上的动听,像这首Faithfully就是一首朗朗上口的情歌;而在另一方面,由于其主唱Steve Perry拥有非常出色的声音条件,高亢、有力同时沧桑十足,因此又为这些情歌里面注入了一种硬朗的男人味道。      下载/music/search?q=Faithfully    歌词  Highway run  Into the midnight sun  Wheels go round and round  You’re on my mind  Restless hearts  Sleep alone through the night  Sendin’ all my love  Along the wire  They say that the road  Ain’t no place to start a family  Right down the line  It’s been you and me  And lovin’ a music man  Ain’t always what it’s supposed to be  Oh girl you stand by me  I’m forever yours  Faithfully    Circus life  Under the big top world  We all need the clowns  To make us smile  Through space and time  Always another show  Wondering where I am  Lost without you  And being apart ain’t easy  On this love affair  Two strangers learn to fall in love again  I get the joy of rediscovering you  Oh girl, you stand by me  I’m forever yours  Faithfully    Oh, oh, oh, oh  Faithfully, I’m still yours  I’m forever yours  Ever yours  Faithfully    
作者: 回复日期: 19:04:01 
  太他妈好听了,全是经典来的!    楼主啊,你能不能注册个网盘,把你的音乐放到里面去供大家下载呢?这样一首一首找太麻烦了,楼主好人做到底啊!!
作者: 回复日期: 19:05:07 
作者: 回复日期: 19:46:05 


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