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Mob官网 - 中国最大的移动开发者服务平台 - ShareSDK官网 - 免费短信验证码 - ShareREC官网 - BigApp官网Android Open Source - ShareSDK-for-Android
My PlatformFrom ProjectBack to project page .LicenseThe source code is released under:
MIT License
Java Source Codepackage cn.sharesdk.socialization.
import android.content.C
import cn.sharesdk.socialization.SocializationCustomP
/** a demo of custom platform */
public class MyPlatform extends SocializationCustomPlatform {
public MyPlatform(Context context) {
public String getName() {
// returns the name display in account selecting page
return "ShareSDK";
public int getLogo() {
// returns the icon resource display in account selecting page
return R.drawable.logo_
protected boolean checkAuthorize(int action) {
// returns true, if you are sure the user to comment the topic is signed in
// or, if returns false, means the user hasn't signed in and ShareSDK will
// lead your app to the method of doAuthorize()
protected UserBrief doAuthorize() {
// lead your user to sign in and returns UserBrief to ShareSDK
UserBrief user = new UserBrief();
user.userId = "123456";
user.userNickname = getName() + "_123456";
user.userAvatar = "/Public/Frontend/images/android-log-bg.png";
user.userGender = UserGender.M
user.userVerifyType = UserVerifyType.V
Java Source Code List
&|&Email:info &|&& Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved.Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64
I upgraded xcode yesterday to 5.1 and hockey app sdk prevent to
build my app (Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64).
I have upgraded to the latest 3.5.4 hockey app SDK and the issue
add the following with a double click and +
That acutally solves everything.
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