phim set gai mai damgai nhay 2

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Release Date: 26 November 2003 (France)
Also Known As: Bar Girls
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User Reviews
Ground-breaking film for Vietnamese cinema
Gai Nhay (&Bar Girls&) is the story of how the other half lives, with a twist. Southeast Asia being known for the multitude of bar girls ready to be &borrowed& for a (usually quite cheap) price, the life these girls live--and the motivations and tribulations that lead them to it--are usually hidden to their oblivious client&le.Although this film has less-than-professional cinematography, and a bit of melodrama (which is not too bad until the final monologue &dressing down& an assembled crowd of government and health-organization VIPs), it nonetheless represents a sea-change for domestic Vietnamese film simply in that the authorities in Saigon allowed this film to be shown there at all. It deals with some fairly edgy issues for a conservative, Communist-dominated society (e.g., prostitution, sexuality, HIV/AIDS, class and wealth), but despite its blemishes manages to tell a decent story and develop some believable, sympathetic characters.Beyond that, anyone familiar with life in modern Saigon will recognize the gritty streets juxtaposed against the fenced, luxurious villas (complete with manicured lawns) of the Vietnamese nouveau-r&che.
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问:急求Gai Nhay(24)Phim Viet Nam高清完整版的,感谢哈_...答:Gai Nhay(24)Phim Viet Nam高清完整版 :麻烦选为满意,谢谢!
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问:仙境之桥电影仙境之桥里, 的穿着,从头到脚全部。答:这海报:有她从头到脚,呵呵
问:急求Gai Nhay(24)Phim Viet Nam高清完整版的,感谢哈_...答:Gai Nhay(24)Phim Viet Nam高清完整版 :麻烦选为满意,谢谢!
问:仙境之桥电影仙境之桥里, 的穿着,从头到脚全部。答:这海报:有她从头到脚,呵呵
问:请大神救命~感激不尽!她又发给我一堆看不懂的~我用google翻译...1、ban da an...答:1.你吃饭了没有?你正在做什么?2.你肚子痛啊3.谢谢你呢,我正在看电影.4.我考虑你怎么办.5.这一句有点短,有点像女的名字,又像是正在做什么,没有承上起下的连接...
问:phim online里的电影播放不了为什么?我装的是英文版WIN答:这个况一般是你需要指定的播放器才可以播放的啊,看看有没有什么提示安装播放器的,安装好之后就可以播放的了,一般是这样的,当然 多一般是...
问:Phim l?什么意思答:我?屏
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


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