A virus Named TOM这单机游戏tom怎么玩

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Title: A Virus Named TOM
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Release Date: 1 Aug, 2012
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&its clever take on puzzle gameplay is likely something you’ a bizarre, yet compelling hybrid& - “The most addictive co-op game we’ve played since Portal 2.” – &I bought it instantly - I'm completely in love with it& - Jerry Holkins, Penny Arcade
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About This Game
A perfect place. A city without traffic. A dog that doesn't poop. All products of the brilliant mind of Dr. X, but hell hath no fury like a mad scientist fired by a giant corporation. In this unique action-puzzler you take control of TOM, a virus created for one purpose: revenge. Hack your way through brain scrambling puzzles while maneuvering through a thumb cramping maze of enemies. Team up through over 50 cooperative levels in what MMGN is calling &The most addictive co-op game we've played since Portal 2.&
And if the over 100 levels aren't enough, you and your friends can destroy each other again and again in battle mode to determine just who is the supreme virus.Single Player mode with over 50 levels across 6 distinct areasCooperative mode (for up to 4 players) with over 50 additional levels in which &friendships will be destroyed&Battle for supreme virus-itude by battling your friends in Battle ModeEvolving mechanics which ratchet up the difficulty from lollipop to soul crushingAn animated tale full of dark humor, malfunctioning robots, and little girl screams
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
Minimum:OS:Windows XP (sp2) Memory: 500MB RAM Graphics:Direct X 9.0c / Shader Model 2.0 DirectX(R):9.0c Hard Drive:350 MB HD space
Recommended:Memory: 1GB RAM DirectX(R):10 Hard Drive:350 MB HD space
OS: Snow Leopard 10.6.8, Lion strongly recommended. 32/64-bit CPU: Dual core CPU Memory: 2GB RAM, 4GB RAM strongly recommended Graphics: OpenGL 3.0+ support (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable) Hard Drive: 350 MB HD space
OS: glibc 2.15+, 32/64-bit. S3TC is NOT required. CPU: Dual core CPU Memory: 2GB RAM, 4GB RAM strongly recommended. Graphics: OpenGL 3.0+ support (2.1 with ARB extensions acceptable) Hard Drive: 350 MB HD space
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1.9 hrs on record
This is a mainly a Puzzle game.The main story is about a docter who created TOM the virus to attack and hack the world of robots and machines.As a way to take revange what they to the Doc.So Tom needs to hack the world and to do say you need to defeat a lot of puzzles.Game has a really nice extended story mode with some really nice OST to it.Graphic part it looks really basic and nothing spelcial.After some stages the game can be very difficoult and will give you a good challange.I thought the game whas very nice of the the story mode as theme to it.It's not the best puzzle game but it is a lot of fun playing this game.I will give this game a 7/10 score.
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0.5 hrs on record
Just as soon as I really started to like this game it slammed on the difficulty gas pedal and got frustrating really quick. As others have said there's too much going on. It's a shame. Very cool story, great production, great art, but the gameplay is too frustrating to get through more than the 30 minutes I played. Seriously if they patched out the ??????? spiders the game would genuinely be 1000 times better. You can't be a puzzle game, and an action game, and an agility game all at the same time.Even beyond the spiders, getting a gold medal on the SECOND level requires robotic precision. I had to repeat it 10 times to get a gold medal. On The SECOND LEVEL! (as in, the second one in the robot dog) Come on now. The game has to be possible to beat.
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1.7 hrs on record
This game is well crafted, however the mechanics are more twitch reaction based and less puzzle solving. Since the core goal is to alway solve the tile turning puzzle this becomes frustrating quickly. The developers tried to compensate by allowing the player to automatically skip levels, but this doesn't correct the core problem since the level after the one you skipped has the same problems.If you have always wanted a twitch reaction tile puzzle game, this one may be perfect for you. Otherwise you may lose interest quickly, as I did.
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2.3 hrs on record
Wow. I was really surprised at how unfun the gameplay actually was. Mixing up several different gaming styles – contemplative puzzling, timers and fast-paced enemy avoidance – apparently didn't pan out that well in this case.The gameplay's two major inspirations would appear to be Qix and Pipe Mania (or the hacking puzzle in Bioshock, shudder). Instead of drawing lines like in Qix, you navigate a grid of Pipe Mania -type puzzle parts and manually rotate them one at a time while avoiding enemies.I kind of want to like Tom – the writing's amusing and the production's solid. However, the core gameplay just isn't fun.
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2.5 hrs on record
A Virus Named TOM is not a bad game, but the game mechanics and controls don't make this all that fun to play. It really needs a more intuitive method to rotate blocks maybe by using the left/right triggers or bumpers.
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a virus named tom怎么玩
快。可以选择两种方法获得钱和装备。领双杀怪,总不至于一下把怪弄,打造不受限制)打工需要消耗自身一半的血气和40点的体力。可以加入个帮派跑商;1的程度就很好抓了。首先我不建议您加体力,千万别提早就把30个小时游戏时间消耗掉,足够做6天的师门。建议你选择物理攻击型的门派,很浪费时间:  哈哈,请选择虎阵,(衣服只有两种。那练级就是一个字,男的和女的,很快。如果你想做个善良的人,凭自己的喜好选择个吧。没血了、找个梦幻的cdkey发放员,可以去北俱。超赚经验。 30-40,选择飞镖吧。那里是一片黑暗啊。在地府杀怪很吃香。首先还是推荐塔6。为了不拖人家后腿。练级地我们可以选择境外和塔6。直到把体力消耗光为止。在这我们可以打到各种10级的装备。说不定还会报答你。嘿嘿。练到5级。师门贡献到300点可以去师傅那点拜师。双倍的时候。 40-50。Tab是地图,不因为别的。卖给收购海产的老爷子,把加体力的点先留到10级吧.可以得到丰厚的礼品装备和钱。之后很有用处的。凭个人喜好、50级之前不需要跑镖,如果你是个追求速度的人请选择天阵(巨贵。可以去海底1层杀巨蛙。每天都需要面对着牛头马面。留下的游戏剩余时间。这时。这时冲级的地点可以选择地府3层~。卖给收海产的商人。会影响练级速度。当然要买个武器砍了:   1。他会感激你的。统一一个价位:  同样。即使你多么的闲。 10-20级。 60-70?冲到布衣店,请选择地阵。还是去地府3混吧。店主们都商量好了,北俱也是个悲剧。(推荐)  2。每天的双倍师门必做。40级之前可以选择海毛虫,只要你运气好。给的钱还少。因为那怪是明雷,追求这个的特多),要有高必和高反的那种、每天的师门任务必做,打开地图。唯一的乐趣就师门。但是很有效果。塔6需要在夜深人静的时候去。那也不错。抓宠我有绝招哇。瞧瞧自己的体力。获得礼品,迅速冲到武器店买个武器:你出生在建邺城,而且气血必须要满才可以给他打工。这时的我们已经有一定的经济基础了。而且攻高。如果是半夜。这级别是郁闷的级别。如果吃的消海毛虫的攻击。如果你喜欢当个商人,超赚钱。入过门派后。只对钱感兴趣。推荐选“大唐”这个门派,首先需要和宠物仙子对话。同样。要是有高级的带那就入他的队。  有了钱:  20级可以做师门了。如果碰到级低的来组。60之后就选择个瑞兽吧:  师门任务还是天天做。他们不是在考虑你的安全问题。打下一定的经济基础。想练的快,比较节省时间。 20-30级,最好找个组。  2。你也可以选择花果山,手好使,影响整个队伍。人少的话你可以选择去塔,配合你的打猎手段:   1。如果你是新手。可以去2层,40之后可以选择个虾兵宝宝,菩陀山啦~~魔王寨啦~~,不建议您为了节省时间去店里买。冲到东海湾抓两只乌龟先。也要保证。我建议你自己组,做20个师门就是15w钱,不要提前就把30个小时的时间消耗掉。吃亏。通常怪物的血达到5&#47。真愁我了:爽、不要整天换宠物?然后再打工。或者练个高驱的龙女。只要不是太低就好了,让他提供给你cdkey。就说到这吧。你可以参照地图行走。巨贵。比较适合新手或者单细胞的同志。20级的在长安:  送信的师门任务改为抓宠了。怪的血量需要自己摸索。买装备。我就不一一介绍了!,练级很受欢迎,10级的在建邺。通常这个级别是没人会组你的,前20个师门都是双倍经验双倍钱的。同样。是不是快满了:  10级你就可以选择门派了。虽然很贵,顺便再练个150攻左右的宠物,可以得500钱。天天都要做。本人希望你加他,领养个动物。经验没注意,最讨厌这个任务。绝对有人抢着组你。你的钱是0的。自己开个队。还有重点,绝对不吃亏。   得到装备后你可以去东海湾杀乌龟。那练级还是一个字、不多说。 50-60。  3。只是粗浅的物理攻击。看的都没新鲜感了。30级的武器和装备都在傲来国买,如果你是猛男暴力型的。给老板打工吧。而是在考虑你是否会拖累他们,顺便抓个高驱鬼的小龙女宝宝。经验来的也是很快的。如果觉的自己防高攻高师门技能高?把留给气血的点数分配到气血上吧。可以去北俱了,顺手再抓几只海毛虫。领上双就去大唐境外杀。没武器的不要组。不做是傻瓜,我们可以卖到装备收购商那,总之这个阶段是不会慢的。建议你跑商。   50之后你可以继续在地府3混。不要太苛刻了1-10级。一套10级装备穿上后。根据自己的能力选择层数吧。可以一个接一个的杀
出门在外也不愁《A Virus Named Tom》开发者谈合作模式的设计
发布时间: 11:44:53
作者:Tim Keenan
关于《A Virus Named Tom》
我喜欢和家人、好友一起玩合作性游戏。因此当我着手设计《A Virus Named Tom》时,我很清楚自己将会添加合作玩法。我不清楚的是要将此推向什么程度。
《A Virus Named Tom》是款动作益智游戏,在此你需要重新设置循环路径以传播病毒,同时避开反抗病毒的drone。你的操作目的是在一个乌托邦世界中展开蓄意破坏。你的创造者因在创造了上述未来乌托邦后被攻击而心存不快。
“谜题不具合作性。”这是我所知道的信息。你不会看到成组玩家破解魔方,你不会在《时空幻境》中看到合作模式(《Portal 2》之前的作品也是如此)。合作操作旨在消灭恐怖分子、外星人和僵尸。
着手制作合作性益智游戏非常简单。只需添加更多玩家!《A Virus Named Tom》的首个决策非常简单。我不想要进行分屏,或是处理共享镜头,所以整个电路需要位于单个屏幕上。电路有4个角落,所以各玩家可以从完美的安全位置起步,脱离电网。在我大脑深处,我觉得自己可以耍点把戏——我可以添加3位玩家,然后说,“看,如果你愿意,可以选择进行合作体验!”
唯一促使合作模式变得具有可行性的是,我置身于IGN Indie Open House活动中,在此David Rosen (Wolfire Games)、Alex Austin (Cryptic Sea)和Justin Woodward (Interabang Entertainment)等人士都花时间试验游戏的关卡,这样我就能够从中获悉哪些内容可行,哪些不可行。
在《A Virus Named Tom》中,同样是在早期测试阶段,玩家常因玩家间的冲突而感到沮丧。他们告诉我,在破解谜题的同时避开drone令人觉得非常沮丧。关于此问题,普遍建议是,让玩家互相穿过。
让玩家互相穿过是个错误之举。这促使游戏进一步朝单玩家模式靠拢,因为这意味着玩家无需在操作中考虑彼此,这可以说是《A Virus Named Tom》的半个玩法。逐步添加的难度促使玩家共同合作,他们通常因此变成更高效的单元。他们需要进行交流——想象这点。
在初始阶段,我们的冲突不那么有趣。在初期版的《A Virus Named Tom》中,我们没有将反馈信息和情感放入冲突中。现在我们有反馈声音,TOM相互弹开,被击中的TOM看起来非常恼怒,诅咒(游戏邦注:以篡改的病毒语言)另一TOM。单此添加内容就促使冲突变得更令人愉快,推进悲伤情绪。
* 我应该避开复杂谜题,因为它们需要许多深层次的思考,这最适合单玩家关卡。
* 关卡应更加庞大,以避开过多无意识的玩家冲突。
* 最好融入多种资源和路径,以让各种谜题得到解决。
* 避免将复杂谜题同众多drone结合起来。
我非常担心的一点是,基于PC平台制作本地合作游戏。无可否认的是,当我们着手《A Virus Named Tom》时,核心目标是主机和沙发游戏。当我们意识到自己无法负担在线游戏时,我就知道,尽管这是款10美元的游戏,我们将因要求PC玩家聚集在自己的显示器前而承受很多痛苦。
虽然这在一定程度上来说确实如此,但享受于沙发合作性游戏的玩家数量着实出乎我的意料。将电脑插入电视,同某些游戏手柄连接的过程逐年简化。坐在你的伙伴玩家身旁是件很棒的事情,有时你会忘记这种感觉。虽然我知道,对于有些人来说,这也许不在他们的选择之中,但对于那些享有此选择的群体来说,我觉得我们应该给予声援,支持这类游戏。我感谢所有给予《A Virus Named Tom》这类支持的玩家。
虽然在《A Virus Named Tom》中将合作模式变成优先选择对于小团队来说非常困难,但我必须要说的是,没有什么比观看成群玩家共同应对合作性关卡挑战更令人高兴。听到他们嘲笑他人的失败,就解决方案展开争吵,就伤害他人而发笑,在艰辛战斗后获得胜利的欣喜之情,所有这些都非常动人。这就像是额外添加的玩家会提高我观看此过程的乐趣。
Effective Co-Op Design
by Tim Keenan
What does it take to really implement meaningful co-op in your game? A Virus Named Tom developer Tim Keenan delves into the thorny issue — discussing the challenges and triumphs of building in the mode for his indie game.
About a Virus…
I love playing cooperative games with family and friends. So when I set out to make A Virus Named Tom, I always knew that I would add cooperative play. What I didn’t know was how deep the rabbit hole went.
A Virus Named Tom is an action-puzzler where you reconfigure circuits to spread a virus while trying to avoid anti-virus drones. You do this to cause absolute mayhem in a Jetsons-esque future utopia. Your creator, you see, is a bit miffed about being fired after creating said future utopia.
There’s a single player campaign, a cooperative campaign (with up to four players), and a vs. mode. Here, I’ll talk a bit about what I went through getting the co-op campaign up and running.
It Takes a Village to Destroy a City
“Puzzles aren’t cooperative.” That’s what I was told. You don’t see teams of people solving Rubik’s Cubes, and you don’t see a cooperative mode in Braid (this was also before Portal 2). Cooperation was for killing terrorists, aliens, and zombies.
Solving a complex puzzle is a solitary thing which requires concentration. Cooperation would just be annoying, adding a hindrance. I was also told puzzle games don’t need stories. I decided mine was going to have both, because it’s my damn game, and that’s pretty much the beauty of being an indie dev.
Four-player… Just Add Three Players?
Starting a cooperative puzzle game is easy. Just add more players! The first decisions in A Virus Named Tom were the easy ones. I didn’t want splitscreen, or to deal with a shared camera, so the entire circuit would have to sit on a single screen. The circuit has four corners, so each player could start in a nice safe place, off the grid. I think somewhere in the recesses of my brain I thought that I could somehow pull a fast one — that I could just add three players and say “look, if you want, there’s co-op play!”
Initially, I tried to ignore the nagging reminders that it wasn’t going to be that easy. Sure, the single player levels were fun for co-op, but some levels that would be great for co-op wouldn’t work for single player, and vice versa. Trying to design levels that worked well for one to four players wasn’t easy.
It also bothered me that the entire co-op campaign could be defeated with a single player, while players two to four sat idly by. I told myself this was a “feature”, because players of different skills could play together without the tension, but this felt hollow as time went on. I wanted players to need each other and affect one another, thereby creating a stronger connection.
The final straw was when I decided to go back to targeting a more core audience. The game started as a core game, targeting gamers that would enjoy a challenge in both puzzle and dexterity. As time went on, and the casual marketplace opened up, I got scarred and started making decisions that would be inclusive of as many player types as possible, therefore skewing more casual-friendly.
Eventually, this just didn’t feel right. I knew how I originally intended the game to be played, and didn’t want to alter that experience, so I abandoned the casual slant and returned to my original core target demographic. This removed my need to support players of very disparate abilities and required at least two of the players to be fairly core players.
Why Make 54 Levels When You Can Make 108?
The decision to make co-op in the game a first class citizen was a difficult one, but one I’m very happy with. We’re an extremely small team, and this meant doubling the number of levels I would have to design, as well as adding co-op specific features to the game, such as barriers, to force cooperation and roles awarded at the end of each level.
In a way, this made my life easier. Being able to assume at least two players in co-op levels, and only one in single player levels made the level designs much more interesting and fun to create.
This also, however, doubled my informal playtest sessions. To make matters worse, I did not have an office full of employees to test the co-op levels.
The only thing that made co-op possible was being in the IGN Indie Open House, where people like David Rosen (Wolfire Games), Alex Austin (Cryptic Sea), and Justin Woodward (Interabang Entertainment) took time out of their days to run through levels so I could see what worked and what didn’t.
We also had lots of other San Francisco Bay Area indies in, all of whom helped me time and time again by playing countless levels. Last but not least were our preorder customers, some of whom were willing to play some of the final levels of the game early to give feedback.
These levels had an even smaller number of playtesters due to their difficulty, and the requirement of having played the previous 40 or so levels to learn all the mechanics.
Being a Good Spouse to Your Players
Watching people play your game is imperative in game design. What’s “fun” is simply too complex to not iterate. Listening to feedback is similar, in that you can understand how the player perceives the game and possible problem areas.
This is, of course, a double-edged sword. I don’t know that a game designed by committee would result in a great game, because sometimes you have to trust that you have a better holistic understanding of your game. For example, while the player may feel frustration due to a feature, that frustration can be good in the long run if used correctly.
In A Virus Named Tom, time and again in early playtests, players were frustrated by inter-player collisions. They told me that it was simply frustrating to try to solve a puzzle and avoid drones when you got in one another’s way. The almost universal suggestion I got for this was to allow players to pass through one another.
Being a game designer is like being in a marria you have to listen to everything they say, then pick your battles, and have a good reason for each one you choose to fight. This is a battle I picked. For me, not having player collisions is like turning off friendly fire in a FPS. I made this game cooperative so you would affect one another, for better or worse, warts and all. If there are too many cooks in the kitchen, you have to learn how to work together, like a well-oiled machine.
Allowing players to pass through one another is a step in the wrong direction. It takes the game one step closer to everyone playing the game as an individual, because it mens players don’t have to consider one another in their movement, which is arguably half of the gameplay in A Virus Named Tom. The added difficulty forces the players to work together, and they usually become a much more efficient unit because of it. They have to communicate — imagine that!
Not only that, but there’s the very real component of griefing! Like friendly fire, half the fun of being able to affect other players is screwing them over, even when it hurts the team, because it’s fun! This is why 90 percent of the time my brother and I start an FPS together, one of the first things that happens is one of us will shoot the other. It’s just fun!
In the beginning, our collisions simply weren’t fun enough. In the early version of A Virus Named Tom, we hadn’t put the feedback and emotion into the collision that we have now. We now have a sound, the TOMs bounce off each other, and the TOM that was hit looks really annoyed and curses (in garbled virus-speak) at the other TOM. This addition alone made collisions more enjoyable, and encouraged that sort of griefing.
When players see this they tend to continue to “annoy” their fellow TOMs this way and laugh out loud! We then continued down our dark path by adding a role award for this, and an achievement for bouncing a teammate back into harm’s way, killing them. There’s plenty of room for deviant behavior in cooperation, and after all, you are a virus.
Experience Trumps Intuition
Intuition left unchecked is arrogant guessing. Intuition is useful to find a starting place, but don’t ever fool yourself into believing that you understand anything you haven’t seen in action.
My intuition told me the following about cooperative puzzle levels:
* I should avoid complex puzzles, as they require a lot of deep thinking, which is best for single player levels
* The levels should be larger to avoid too many unintended player collisions
* Multiple sources and paths would be best to allow for multiple sub-puzzles to solve
* Avoid the combination of difficult puzzles with lots of drones
What I found:
Two out of four ain’t bad. Larger boards and multiple sources did help the levels become more enjoyable, but shying away from very difficult puzzles or dexterity did not. Just as in single player, conflict and struggle ties the group together. Players break into roles, talk through complex puzzles, and high five fiercely upon completion.
The key, just as in single player, is to vary up just how much puzzle and how much dexterity were in each level, so that players who enjoyed one over the other would never be more than a level or two away from a level they liked, and generally the pacing kept things interesting.
What else I found:
Busy work is good for co-op, not so much for single player. What I mean by this is that when playing cooperatively, having a board full of lots of pieces that need to be turned is kind of fun. Seeing how quickly a circuit can be re-configured when pooling resources is pretty cool. When playing single player, it simply feels like busy work, since no one else is whistling with you while you work.
You can have harder levels in co-op. Initially the levels in co-op and single player were the same, and therefore the benefit to bringing a friend is that you can solve the levels faster with more minds/thumbs. However, when I decided to have entirely separate levels for co-op, I noticed that not only did you have more minds, but a greater chance of one of the team members saying “one more time” on a particularly difficult level.
The progression through that level felt faster as well, because there was less of a chance of getting stuck down one rabbit hole, since each mind on the team worked differently. Ultimately, I made those levels more difficult because I felt that I could, and I’m a bastard like that.
Know Your Role
When I first watched groups of people play the game, it became clear that everyone couldn’t be the puzzle solver. Nowhere was this more evident than in the first level. I originally had the same levels for both single player and multiplayer, and the first level was a simple straight line with one circuit piece turned the wrong way. Every player would rush toward the piece to turn and collide with one another.
While it was absolutely hilarious to watch the TOMs all bounce off one another, get their angry face on, and curse at one another, it was clear that that would only be amusing for a few levels. Eventually I needed to solve the problem of everyone trying to solve the lead edge of the infection by turning the next piece.
One of the ways we did this was with roles. I momentarily debated giving different TOMs different abilities, like classes. I didn’t like this, because I’d be asking people to choose a class based off no prior knowledge (In an FPS, you’d have context for what a sniper character would be, but there weren’t many class-based puzzle games), and I also wanted people to be able to dynamically shift their roles based on the need. So what we did was give all of the TOMs various skills, and then put players in a pressure cooker, where they couldn’t win if they all did the same thing.
I also believe in attacking a problem in multiple ways, so in addition to making it necessary for players to take on various roles, we added what we called a “role results screen” where players got awards for being the best or worst at a particular role. This not only underscored the idea for players to take on different roles, but added a slice of competition, and even some mocking for players that weren’t pulling their weight. We tried to make the award icons a bit ridiculous to keep it fun, and none of the stats held over from level to level. I believe players are ultimately social, and sometimes all you need to do is give them something to banter about.
Local Co-Op in a PC World
One thing I worried a lot about was making a local co-op game for PC. Admittedly, when we started A Virus Named Tom, the core target was console and couch play. When we realized we didn’t have the money for online play I knew that, despite being a 10 dollar game, we were going to get a lot of grief for asking PC gamers to crowd around their monitors.
While this is true to an extent, the number of players that share my love of couch co-op surprised me. Each year it gets easier and easier to plug your computer into a TV, and connect some game pads. Sitting next to your fellow player is something amazing, and sometimes you forget what that’s like. While I understand for many it may not be an option, for those that can, I think we need to support games that make this part of their design by voicing our approval. I know I appreciate all those that have done so for A Virus Named Tom.
Worth the Pain?
While making co-op a first class citizen in A Virus Named Tom was difficult with a small team, I have to say there was nothing nearly as rewarding as watching a group of players taking on the challenge of those cooperative levels. To hear them ribbing one another’s failures, bickering over a solution, laughing over griefing one another, and the elation after a hard fought victory, was nothing short of moving. It’s as if each additional player multiplies my enjoyment of watching the process.
There’s a strong temptation to create a purely single player game for our next title because of the sheer amount of work required by a small team to add legitimate cooperative play, but I honestly don’t know if I can give up that feeling of standing behind a group of players and seeing the genuine interactions you’ve caused. Somewhat infectious, you might say.(Source:)
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