
◆【课本剧剧本:三人儿童舞台剧《抄作业》(小学生搞笑剧本)】◆高端演出网 新艺术信息The Pocket MoneyCharacter: Reader, Salesman, Daddy, Maggie, Minnie, Policeman, Boy, Mummy.Scene 1 At Salesman&s HomeReader: In a dark dirty house, there lives a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. But how does he make the candies? Oh,sh & He is coming.Salesman: Hello! Do you know me? I&m the famous candy salesman. My candies are very popular. Now I am going to make my candies. (Sing: Making candy, making candy&) Oh, it doesn&t matter! Nobody can see! (Sing: Making candy, Making candy&) Haha, it doesn&t matter, nobody can see. Go on! Making candy, making candy&Scene 2 At the School GateReader: The next day, when the class is over. All the studentscome out happily and the salesman goes to the school gate as usual.Salesman: Candies! Candies! Sweet candies! &Maggie & Minnie take their schoolbags hands in hands walk out.Maggie: Oh,Minnie! Look! Candies!Minnie: Yeah! They looks so yummy yummy!Maggie: Let&s go and see.Minnie: OK!Salesman: Hey, girls! Candies! Candies!Maggie & Minnie: I want to eat!Salesman: Do you have money?Maggie & Minnie: Money? Oh, we have no money.Salesman: Oh, no money no talk! Go away! Go! Go! Go!Maggie & Minnie: Huh!Minnie: Maggie, I want some candies. What can we do?Maggie: Oh, I have a good idea. Let&rs#from :超搞笑儿童英文短剧:Pocket Money零花钱来自 end#s go home and ask daddy for money.Minnie: Good. Let&s go~~~.Scene 3 At Maggie&Alice&s HomeDaddy is watching at the newspaper.Maggie & Minnie: Daddy! Daddy!Daddy: What&s the matter?Maggie: Daddy, I want some money.Daddy: For what?Maggie: I want to buy the candy at the school gate.Minnie: Yes! They look so delicious!小品剧本:Daddy: They are unhealthy. I won&t give you money.文章出自,转载请保留此链接!Maggie & Minnie: Daddy~~~Daddy: No way. Please go and do your homework..Minnie: What can we do now?Maggie: Let me think.Minnie: Yes.Maggie & Minnie: Daddy! I want some money.Daddy: No way. I won&t give you money to buy the dirty candy.Maggie: Look, it&s broken.Daddy: Oh?Minnie: Here! It&s broken, too!Daddy: OK! OK! For you!Maggie & Minnie: Yeah!Daddy: Remember! Don&t buy the candy!Reader: Now, Maggie & Minnie have money, they come to the school gate and buy the candy.Salesman: Candies, candies! Sweet candies!Maggie & Minnie: How much?Salesman: You two again? Go away! No money no talk!Maggie: Is it enough?Salesman: Wow! Money,money! OK! Good! Candies for you!Maggie: Money for you.Scene 4 At Maggie&Alice&s homeMaggie & Minnie: A-yoo! A-yoo!Mummy: What&s the matter?Maggie & Minnie: I&ve got a stomachache.Daddy: What did you eat?Maggie & Minnie: Candies, A-yoo&Dad看完本文,记得打分哦:很好下载Doc格式文档马上分享给朋友:?知道苹果代表什么吗实用文章,深受网友追捧比较有用,值得网友借鉴没有价值,写作仍需努力相关小品剧本:网友评论本类热门48小时热门发表评论:(匿名发表无需登录,已登录用户可直接发表。)


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