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Fixed Tasks.PlayAnimation()
Reverted removal of IDisposable interface from Script class (but it's obsolete)
Important! Please read .
Fixed crash if no global INI was present
Fixed ScriptSettings.GetValue returning null instead of the default value if an entry was not found
This is the last big update to the v2 line of Community Script Hook V .NET (aka SHVDN). The upcoming major v3 version is a complete overhaul of the project and will break compatibility with most scripts. To continue support for older mods written against v2 or earlier, an option to change the location from which scripts are loaded was added, which now makes it possible to run multiple different versions of SHVDN alongside each other (e.g. both v2.9 and v3.0).
To do so, add a new INI file with the same name as the ASI to the game folder (e.g. ScriptHookVDotNet.ini if the ASI is called ScriptHookVDotNet.asi) with the following lines for SHVDN to load scripts from "\scripts_custom" instead of "\scripts":
Script developers are encouraged to start becoming comfortable with all the changes to the .NET scripting API in v3. To do so, simply checkout and build the default dev_v3 branch. But please note that it's a work-in-progress, so changes are still to be expected.
Also, the entire .NET scripting API was rewritten from scratch in C# (instead of C++/CLI as before), which should make contributions a lot easier for most, if you are interested in helping this project.
Added support for global settings file with "ReloadKey" and "ScriptsLocation" options
Added Aborted event to script class which is called on shutdown
Added car removing patch for mpexecutive update
Added Blip.Rotation setter
Added Camera.GetOffsetInWorldCoords and Camera.GetOffsetFromWorldCoords
Added Entity.IsInAngledArea and Entity.ApplyForce overloads which take a ForceType enum
Added Ped.DropsWeaponsOnDeath getter, Ped.MovementAnimationSet setter and Ped.GetLastWeaponImpactCoords()
Added Player.MaxArmor, Player.WantedCenterPosition, Player.PrimaryParachuteTint, Player.ReserveParachuteTint, Player.ChangeModel(), Player.RefillSpecialAbility(), Player.SetRunSpeedMultThisFrame(), Player.SetSwimSpeedMultThisFrame(), SetExplosiveAmmoThisFrame(), SetExplosiveMeleeThisFrame(), SetSuperJumpThisFrame(), SetFireAmmoThisFrame()
Added Scaleform.IsLoaded, Scalreform.IsValid and new constructor overload to handle loading instead of the Load() method
Added Tasks.AchieveHeading(), Tasks.FollowToOffsetFromEntity(), Tasks.LeaveVehicle() with LeaveVehicleFlags overload, more Tasks.ParkVehicle() overloads and more Tasks.PlayAnimation() overloads
Added Vehicle.Driver, Vehicle.IsFrontBumperBrokenOff, Vehicle.IsRearBumperBrokenOff, Vehicle.IsAxlesStrong setter, Vehicle.DropsMoneyOnExplosion setter, Vehicle.ProvidesCover setter, Vehicle.HasBombBay, Vehicle.HasForks, Vehicle.HasSiren, Vehicle.HasTowArm, Vehicle.CurrentRPM setter, Vehicle.WheelSpeed, Vehicle.ExtraExists(), Vehicle.IsExtraOn(), Vehicle.ToggleExtra(), Vehicle.Wash(), Vehicle.GetDoors(), Vehicle.IsDoorOpen(), Vehicle.GetDoorAngleRatio(), Vehicle.OpenBombBay(), Vehicle.CloseBombBay()
Added Weapon.Name and various methods related to weapon components
Added World.GetClosest() and additional overlodas for World.AddExplosion and World.AddOwnedExplosion
Fixed UI.Notify and UI.ShowSubtitle for messages longer than 99 characters
Fixed Vector3.Distance2D and Vector3.DistanceSquared2D
Fixed euphoria support
Added WeaponAsset class
Added System.Core.dll, System.XML.dll and System.XML.Linq.dll references to text script compiler
Fixed Ped.SetConfigFlag()
Changed startup code to only apply mplowrider2 car removing patch on newer game versions
Added byte and short overloads to InputArgument/OutputArgument
Removed Vehicle.MaxSpeed getter
Fixed Vector3.DistanceTo2D() and Vector3.DistanceToSquared2D()
Added BlaineCountyRadio to radio station enum
Added a lot of properties and methods to entity classes
Added a bunch of methods to game class
Added a bunch of properties and methods to math classes
Added IEquatable base interface to some scripting classes
Added IEnumerable base interface to PedGroup class
Added IHandleable and ISpatial base interfaces
Added InputArgument and OutputArgument overload for uint
Added World.ShootBullet() overload which takes a speed argument
Fixed game crash when calling UI.DrawTexture() with a non-existing file
Fixed wrong animal values in ped hash enum
Fixed WeaponCollection.Give()
Fixed Entity.IsExplosionProof, Entity.HasCollision, Ped.CanSufferCriticalHits and Vehicle.LandingGear
Fixed World.NextWeather
Optimized script tick execution performance
Optimized Game.GenerateHash() with custom implementation
Updated game version enum
Updated native function, vehicle and weapon hash enums
Restored Entity.Health behavior from previous versions
Disabled euphoria classes as they do not currently work on the latest patch
Added key code range check
Added Audio class
Added UISprite class
Added shadow and outline options for UIText class
Added World.Weather getter
Added Ped.IsFalling, Ped.IsJumping, Ped.IsClimbing, Ped.IsVaulting, Ped.IsDiving, Ped.IsFleeing, Ped.IsInCombatAgainst(), Ped.IsHeadtracking(), Ped.IsJumpingOutOfVehicle, Ped.IsCuffed, Ped.DropsWeaponsOnDeath setter, Ped.GetVehiclesIsTryingtoEnter(), Ped.GetMeleeTarget(), ...
Added Ped.Clone() method
Added Vehicle.IsDamaged, Vehicle.ClassType
Added Entity.IsTouching()
Added Player.DisableFiringThisFrame()
Added additional Task.EnterVehicle() overloads
Added Weapon.Tint
Added GameplayCamera.Zoom
Added Game.GenerateHash(), Game.GetControlNormal()
Fixed Entity.Health
Fixed Ped.MaxHealth
Fixed Entity.HasGravity
Updated native, weapon and vehicle hash enums
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to refresh your session.& 有人能分享1.33的能進ONLINE的ScriptHookV嗎
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如題 有高手能分享 或是教學如何修改ScriptHookV 才能進ONLINE模式嗎?
UID9982728主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分53金钱1785 荣誉0 人气17 在线时间654 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 53, 距离下一级还需 147 积分
帖子精华0积分53金钱1785 荣誉0 人气17 评议0
总评分:&金钱 + 10&
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求一个ScriptHookVDotNet v2.4
我装的mod需要这个文件 从网上找了半天都没有 谢谢大神给我一个


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