有歌词至少还有你 歌词,,,无法交流的歌曲

社会给的压力,我们不得轻松,父母给的教导使我们不得沟通 是哪个歌曲的歌词_百度知道
社会给的压力,我们不得轻松,父母给的教导使我们不得沟通 是哪个歌曲的歌词
爽子 所有的过去就像一本掉了页的黄历没有人再把它粘好会一业一业的起回忆我的兄弟你们此时都在哪里我常常会把你们想起虽然我们没有了那么多联系我知道大家都很忙其实我也一样每天都在为了未来拼命的积攒也许这就叫做成长我们可能得到了太多的快乐今天我们才会比别人付出的更多社会给的压力我们不得轻松父母给的教导使我们不能沟通但不要忘记我们过去的那些梦不在失败我们只有成功都不小了也算活明白了现实才是梦想的初衷信吧也咱们的挫折不一样但是咱们的心还是一样滚烫无数个夜你我都曾为了理想睡不着只有经历越多才会变得越强在一起的日子我只有放肆和快乐当你走了哥们才知道什么叫做失落你很坚强就像&quot,彼此不用隐藏着你可知道你是我最要好的朋友真的在一起的时候从不计较太多就算玩笑开过了无所谓太正常了你已经证明了你的努力不管为了谁你已经把重担抗起你生活没有规律你要注意身体我们并不是外人你是我的瓷器世上最珍贵的就是友谊全世界最无敌的就是咱们的情义你曾说过咱们里面没有耸人永远不会倒下这世界属于我们以后有了儿子我还会给他讲你的张叔洋叔最牛比最神三个人就像三角一样哪个方向拿出手去都是最尖儿做到有份儿有钱儿有里儿有面儿事到临头该马就马哈哈咱就这样以后的路想想真的还很漫长不知道痛苦和快乐它们会是多少听着词咱们还的挺着不服咱的人他们都在看着爱着咱的人他们都在等着咱们脚踏实地一步步的走着我们的路我们自己走着什么都会有的真的你们说呢.还有大雨子我感觉咱们好象有了隔阂你我知道这是为什么;一样越是困难越是第一个上在剧组的日子我想一定也很难就算担子再沉你也一样会忍耐只是为了两个字男人无所谓惧什么都不用怕咱是南城的人;格瓦拉&quot:挂念歌手歌曲
爽子 唱的!百度搜 挂念
出门在外也不愁有首英语歌曲,有句歌词好像是show girl ,pass me_百度知道
有首英语歌曲,有句歌词好像是show girl ,pass me
歌曲名:Show Girl歌手:谢容儿发行时间:所属专辑:《寂寞》作词:张铠麟 作曲:张铠麟GIRLS请跟我一起挥洒你的魅力就要DANCING请不需要怀疑屏住呼吸悄悄释放魔力洋装派上用场美丽变幻磁场PARTY里的闪烁灯光充满期望掉进我织的网谁刺痛你的伤让MUSIC来止痛疗伤OH I wanna beI just wanna beI wanna be your SHOW GIRL OH I wanna beI just wanna beI wanna be your SHOW GIRL
PASS ME完美计划随时要出发我们吸引你的目光OH自有主张不会去多想登场没人能阻挡GIRLS请跟我一起挥洒你的魅力就要DANCING请不需要怀疑屏住呼吸悄悄释放魔力洋装派上用场美丽变幻磁场PARTY里的闪烁灯光充满期望掉进我织的网谁刺痛你的伤让MUSIC来止痛疗伤OH I wanna beI just wanna beI wanna be your SHOW GIRLOH I wanna beI just wanna beI wanna be your SHOW GIRL完美计划随时要出发我们吸引你的目光OH自有主张不会去多想登场没人能阻挡OH OH OH OH SHOW GIRLSOH OH OH OH SHOW GIRLSOH OH OH OH SHOW GIRLSOH OH OH OH SHOW GIRLSOH I wanna beI just wanna beI wanna be your SHOW GIRLOH I wanna beI just wanna beI wanna be your SHOW GIRL完美计划随时要出发我们吸引你的目光OH自有主张不会去多想登场没人能阻挡OH I wanna beI just wanna beI wanna be your SHOW GIRLOH I wanna beI just wanna beI wanna be your SHOW GIRL完美计划随时要出发我们吸引你的目光OH自有主张不会去多想登场没人能阻挡
, are you trying to get through你打电话找我么;m placed in但身在我的处境只能And get up and get my own振作起来靠你自己I was never the type of kid我从来不是那种只会等待的孩子To wait but I know to unpack his bags我会收拾自己的行李Never sat on the porch and hoped and prayed或者坐在走廊里并祈祷For a dad to show up who never did老爸出现尽管他一直没有来I just wanted to fit in我只是希望能融入Every single place每个地方Every school I went我去的每一所学校I dreamed of being that cool kid我梦想我能做个酷小孩Even if it meant acting stupid即便要表现的很傻Aunt Edna always told me阿姨告诉我要不许说话Keep making that face till it gets stuck like that直到面部僵化Meanwhile I&#39, don'm reaching out for you我也想了解了解你I&#39, took my lumps身上带着淤青和肿块Fell down and I got right back up摔倒了也立刻爬起来But I need that spark to get psyched back up但我需要那种快感来使我的精神振作起来And the right thing for me to pick that mic back up这样才能回到麦克风前I don&#39, to be me成为我是什么感觉All be you, be proud of who you are做你自己,为你的本色而自豪Evet let 'm reaching out for you我也想了解了解你I&#39, just to see用我的眼;m not looking for extra attention我不是想吸引多余目光I just want to be just like you我只想成为你Blend in with the rest of the room和大多数人关系融洽Maybe just point me to the closest restroom或许只是告诉我最近的休息室在哪里I don&#39,明日始But you have to walk a thousand miles漫漫长路即将开始Walk my shoes,去发现What it&#39, just to see用我的眼;t know how I pry away不知道怎么做到因为什么或什么时候And I ended up in this position I&#39, just to see用我的眼;s trade shoes交换灵魂, are you trying to get through OoOo你打电话找我么;s mind深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we find试试看会有什么新发现Looking shit through each other't beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美Theve been hard to reach最近我变得无法让人接近I'm just so fuckin&#39, you've been too long on my own我已经太久一个人Everybody has a private world每个人都有自己的天空Whes mind深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we find试试看会有什么新发现Looking shit through each other't let &#39, you ain&#39,整装待发As mind深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we find试试看会有什么新发现Looking shit through each other's eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don&#39.,我的痛Go inside each other&#39,我是你Just to see what I&#39,去发现What it&#39, god gave you the shoes献给世上其他的人,去发现What it're so funny man. sOoOoo好让自己来有片刻安宁 所以 哦 哦Am reaching out for you sOoOoo Oo Oo我也想了解了解你 所以 哦 哦 哦 哦Ys shoes.好像我希望如此I&#39, god gave you the shoes献给世上其他的人;s see if you can fit your feet看看你的脚穿我的鞋能不能正正好Walk my shoes. Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Don'em say you ain&#39, let'em say you ain&#39,我的痛Go inside each other&#39, you feel mine感受你的痛;em say you ain&#39, to be me成为我是什么感觉Am starting to lose my sense of humor我觉得我的幽默感已经开始离我远去Everything is so tense and gloom所有事情绷得那么紧看起来那么忧郁I almost feel like I gotta check the temperature in the room我觉得气氛不对想把它给换的干干净净Just as soon as I walk in就在我刚踏入房间的时候It&#39,and I&#39. sOoOoo好让自己来有片刻安宁 所以 哦 哦At beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦They can all get fucked, with the fact that就是我可能会I may be done with rap和饶舌一同去死I need a new outlet我需要一个新的出口I know some shits so hard to swallow并且我懂有些事情无法吞的下喉But I just can'm placed in但身在我的处境只能And get up and get my own振作起来靠你自己I was never the type of kid我从来不是那种只会等待的孩子To wait but I know to unpack his bags我会收拾自己的行李Never sat on the porch and hoped and prayed或者坐在走廊里并祈祷For a dad to show up who never did老爸出现尽管他一直没有来I just wanted to fit in我只是希望能融入Every single place每个地方Every school I went我去的每一所学校I dreamed of being that cool kid我梦想我能做个酷小孩Even if it meant acting stupid即便要表现的很傻Aunt Edna always told me阿姨告诉我要不许说话Keep making that face till it gets stuck like that直到面部僵化Meanwhile I&#39.;t beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦Thet expect no help别寄希望会有人来帮你Now I could have either just现在我可以呆在家呆坐Sat on my ass and pissed and moaned无病呻吟But take this situation in which I's trade shoes交换灵魂;m about to tell聆听我将要诉说的故事Hs trade shoes交换灵魂;m in告别了处在这种状态中的我I starting to feel distant again再次开始感到冷漠So I decided just to beat this pain所以我便拿起笔来开火Up and tried to make an attempt to vent但我真的无法But I just can&#39, you feel mine感受你的痛.;ll be one tough act to follow可不是一件轻松的事One tough act to follow跟随我的脚步Copy别尝试One tough act to follow跟随我的脚步Hm starting to lose my sense of humor我觉得我的幽默感已经开始离我远去Everything is so tense and gloom所有事情绷得那么紧看起来那么忧郁I almost feel like I gotta check the temperature in the room我觉得气氛不对想把它给换的干干净净Just as soon as I walk in就在我刚踏入房间的时候It&#39, to be me成为我是什么感觉All be you,兄弟;t let &#39., to be me成为我是什么感觉A depressed我就是感到很压抑I just can seem to get out this slump似乎就是无法从萧条中逃出去If I could just get over this hump除非我能把这座山头给翻过去But I need something to pull me out this dump我需要一些东西把我从忧郁里拉出去I took my bruises?你鞋码多大I wear tens我穿10号Let&#39. St let &#39, you feel mine感受你的痛,我是你Just to see what I&#39,为你的本色而自豪Even if it sounds corny,兄弟;t ever let no one tell you,你想了解我么;em say you ain&#39. Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Lately I&#39,你想了解我么;re so funny man., with the fact that就是我可能会I may be done with rap和饶舌一同去死I need a new outlet我需要一个新的出口I know some shits so hard to swallow并且我懂有些事情无法吞的下喉But I just can&#39.,明日始But you have to walk a thousand miles漫漫长路即将开始Walk my shoes, you ain&#39,爸爸就快到家了And to tt let &#39,我的痛Go inside each other&#39,我是你Just to see what I&#39,我的痛Go inside each other't beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦Them just standing there然后我就开始一言不发Holding my tongue up trying to talk like this在那里试着这样说话Till I stuck my tungue on the frozen stop sign poll接着我如同坠入冰窟走向极端不想言语;d be like to看看我究竟能不能Ft expect no help别寄希望会有人来帮你Now I could have either just现在我可以呆在家呆坐Sat on my ass and pissed and moaned无病呻吟But take this situation in which I&#39, to be me成为我是什么感觉A我不需要谁Tryind be like to看看我究竟能不能Feel your pain, took my lumps身上带着淤青和肿块Fell down and I got right back up摔倒了也立刻爬起来But I need that spark to get psyched back up但我需要那种快感来使我的精神振作起来And the right thing for me to pick that mic back up这样才能回到麦克风前I don's eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don&#39. Just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧I think I&#39, you feel mine感受你的痛,不幸被你言中but I just hide behind the tears of a clown我只是藏在一个小丑的眼泪的后面So why don'em say you ain'em say you ain&#39, you'em say you ain&#39,我是你Just to see what I't let &#39, and wipe my ass来做我的跟屁虫或拍我马屁Laugh at every single joke I crack对我说的每个笑话到笑到面部抽筋And half of them ain'em say you ain&#39, let't beautiful永远不要让任何人说你不够美SOoOoo所以 哦 哦
Beautiful - EminemLately I&#39, just to see用我的眼;s like. Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Don's mind深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we find试试看会有什么新发现Looking shit through each other&#39,爸爸就快到家了And to tt have to walk no thousand miles而你将无法知道我的苦涩Walk my shoes, are you trying to get through你打电话找我么.好像我希望如此I't let &#39, to be me成为我是什么感觉At beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦They can all get fucked, so put em on and wear em系好鞋带, be proud of who you are做你自己,at 8 years old那年我才8岁啊I learned my lesson and那时我吸取了教训cause I wasn're sitting因为换个角度看你的看法Is probably 110% different将会110%不一样I guess we would have to walk a mile我猜我们至少该互换鞋子In each other&#39,我的痛Go inside each other't know how I pry away不知道怎么做到因为什么或什么时候And I ended up in this position I't need fucking man servin&#39,上帝给了你属于你的鞋子That fit you,上帝给了你属于你的鞋子Ts like all eyes on me就好像所有人都在盯着我看So I try to avoid any eye contact所以眼神的交流我尽量避免Cause if I do that then it opens a door to conversation如果不这么做的话就打开了话匣子Like I want that. Just stay true to you让他们都去死你只需问心无愧I think I'm reaching out for you sOoOoo Oo Oo我也想了解了解你 所以 哦 哦 哦 哦Ys like all eyes on me就好像所有人都在盯着我看So I try to avoid any eye contact所以眼神的交流我尽量避免Cause if I do that then it opens a door to conversation如果不这么做的话就打开了话匣子Like I want that, let&#39, we don&#39,at 8 years old那年我才8岁啊I learned my lesson and那时我吸取了教训cause I wasn't beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦Thet sit back and wallow但我会退后一步In my own sorrow在我的伤感中颠簸But I know one fact但我知道一个事实I&#39,就算这话听着有点老土Don&#39,and I&#39. Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Nobody asked for life to deal us没有人会要求生活来With these bullshit hands with doubt赐给自己那些事情We have to take these cards ourselves我们得自力更生所以Am not looking for extra attention我不是想吸引多余目光I just want to be just like you我只想成为你Blend in with the rest of the room和大多数人关系融洽Maybe just point me to the closest restroom或许只是告诉我最近的休息室在哪里I don&#39,你想了解我么;s eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don'd be like to看看我究竟能不能Feel your pain?你鞋码多大I wear tens我穿10号Let't beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦Thed be like to看看我究竟能不能Feel your pain, god damn你该去当个喜剧演员Unfortunately I am,就算这话听着有点老土Don't need fucking man servin't let &#39, just to see用我的眼;s eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don'em say you ain&#39, and wipe my ass来做我的跟屁虫或拍我马屁Laugh at every single joke I crack对我说的每个笑话到笑到面部抽筋And half of them ain&#39, god damn你该去当个喜剧演员Unfortunately I am,我是你Just to see what I&#39,要坚强,我的痛Go inside each other&#39, you feel mine感受你的痛;我不需要谁Tryint you all sit down所以说你们为什么不试试静静坐下来Listen to the tale I've been hard to reach最近我变得无法让人接近I&#39. Daddy will be soon献给我的宝贝们,and I&#39, at least在彼此的生命里走上一英里What size you where. Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Don&#39,想和我说说话么Are yout sit back and wallow但我会退后一步In my own sorrow在我的伤感中颠簸But I know one fact但我知道一个事实I&#39.;m about to tell聆听我将要诉说的故事Hell, so put em on and wear em系好鞋带. Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Don'll be one tough act to follow可不是一件轻松的事One tough act to follow跟随我的脚步Copy别尝试One tough act to follow跟随我的脚步Hre sitting因为换个角度看你的看法Is probably 110% different将会110%不一样I guess we would have to walk a mile我猜我们至少该互换鞋子In each other&#39, gone tomorrow今日毕;t tryin to impress my friends no more因为我不想再引起朋友的注意But I already told you my whole life story但我已经告诉了你们我生命中全部的故事Not just based on my description不止是建立在我的笔墨文字上Cause where you see it from where you&#39, are you trying to get through OoOo你打电话找我么;s trade shoes交换灵魂;s like,去发现What it&#39,想和我说说话么Are you reaching out for me. Stay strong, we don's trade shoes交换灵魂;ve been hard to reach最近我变得无法让人接近I&#39, let&#39,你打电话找我么 哦 哦Are you reaching out for me. Tt admit承认一个事实Or come to grips,哥们 你太逗啦 you d be like to看看我究竟能不能Feel your pain,你打电话找我么 哦 哦Are yout let 'em say you ain&#39. Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Lately I&#39,去发现What it&#39,整装待发At let &#39,我是你Just to see what I't have to walk no thousand miles而你将无法知道我的苦涩Ws eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don&#39,你想了解我么;m just standing there然后我就开始一言不发Holding my tongue up trying to talk like this在那里试着这样说话Till I stuck my tungue on the frozen stop sign poll接着我如同坠入冰窟走向极端不想言语;s like. Daddy will be soon献给我的宝贝们, at least在彼此的生命里走上一英里Wt you all sit down所以说你们为什么不试试静静坐下来Listen to the tale I's trade shoes交换灵魂;s mind深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we find试试看会有什么新发现Looking shit through each other&#39Beautiful - EminemLately I&#39, just to see用我的眼;ve been too long on my own我已经太久一个人Everybody has a private world每个人都有自己的天空Whet even funny like that尽管他们中有一半根本就无聊透顶Ahh Mm in告别了处在这种状态中的我I starting to feel distant again再次开始感到冷漠So I decided just to beat this pain所以我便拿起笔来开火Up and tried to make an attempt to vent但我真的无法But I just can't beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦They can all get fucked, don't admit承认一个事实Oem say you ain's eyes透过对方的眼看看彼此的世界But don't beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦They can all get fucked. Ts mind深入彼此的灵魂中Just to see what we find试试看会有什么新发现Looking shit through each other&#39, let've been too long on my own我已经太久一个人Everybody has a private world每个人都有自己的天空Where they can be alone好让自己来有片刻安宁Are you calling me. Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Don't ever let no one tell you.;m just so fuckin&#39,不幸被你言中but I just hide behind the tears of a clown我只是藏在一个小丑的眼泪的后面So why don't let &#39.. Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Don't tryin to impress my friends no more因为我不想再引起朋友的注意But I already told you my whole life story但我已经告诉了你们我生命中全部的故事Not just based on my description不止是建立在我的笔墨文字上Cause where you see it from where you&#39,去发现What it's see if you can fit your feet看看你的脚穿我的鞋能不能正正好Wt even funny like that尽管他们中有一半根本就无聊透顶Ahh Md be like to看看我究竟能不能Ft have to trade our shoes我们不用互换角色And you don&#39, you feel mine感受你的痛;ve been too long on my own我已经太久一个人Everybody has a private world每个人都有自己的天空Where they can be alone好让自己来有片刻安宁At beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦They can all get fucked,要坚强,and I's shoes, gone tomorrow今日毕,哥们 你太逗啦 you t let &#39, let' depressed我就是感到很压抑I just can seem to get out this slump似乎就是无法从萧条中逃出去If I could just get over this hump除非我能把这座山头给翻过去But I need something to pull me out this dump我需要一些东西把我从忧郁里拉出去I took my bruises... Just stay true to you sOoOoo让他们都去死你只需问心无愧 所以 哦 哦Nobody asked for life to deal us没有人会要求生活来With these bullshit hands with doubt赐给自己那些事情We have to take these cards ourselves我们得自力更生所以At beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美Theem say you ain't beautiful OoOo但别让任何人说你不够美 哦 哦Thet have to trade our shoes我们不用互换角色And you don've been hard to reach最近我变得无法让人接近I&#39
应该是 周传雄的《暖风》
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'机打开听着别人的对白
此山是我开 此树是我栽
此山是我开 此树是我栽
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'


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