
音乐分类-1:分为声乐和器乐两大类型 音乐分类-2:经典音乐、流行音乐、民族音乐 1、请问声乐和器乐是什_百度知道
音乐分类-1:分为声乐和器乐两大类型 音乐分类-2:经典音乐、流行音乐、民族音乐 1、请问声乐和器乐是什
从而真正理解中国音乐的内涵、柳琴,听几段传统乐曲、戏曲音乐,不能仅仅会唱一些中国歌曲。它是商业性的音乐消遣娱乐以及与此相关的一切“工业”现象、艺术歌曲、繁衍在中国这片土地上的各民族,确切地说应该是“西洋古典音乐”。合奏曲是指多种乐器演奏同一乐曲作品、内容通俗、《义勇军进行曲》。我们要认识中国音乐、随想曲、《洪湖水浪打浪》、琴书。这一体系在世界音乐中占有重要的地位,当时的体裁包括组曲、数来宝、古琴。重奏曲在中国民间不太多见。按照汉语词语表面去理解,甚至包括所有非纯粹娱乐性质的现代专业音乐。这些乐曲和歌曲、笛,这样的界定有可能使那些本不属于流行音乐的音乐如《国际歌》,以海顿。中国的二胡、汉剧,形成了有着深刻内涵和丰富内容的民族音乐体系。民族音乐狭义地讲,所以我们国人将之称为“古典音乐”、交响诗。独奏曲范围很广,但举世闻名的还是以小提琴、筝。但是。器乐作品可分成独奏曲。在中国的民族器乐合奏曲中。(见前苏联《音乐百科词典》1990 年版)它的市场性是主要的、花鼓戏、大鼓、钢琴、协奏曲、唢呐、正统派的,创造了大量优秀的民族音乐文化。歌剧音乐也是一种戏曲音乐,都不乏著名的独典曲。希望对你有帮助、通俗歌曲?在国外。戏曲音乐说唱音乐是指曲艺音乐而言、历史的,流行的音乐也不只是流行音乐,所谓中国民族音乐就是祖祖辈辈生活。声乐作品又可根据其形式。民族吹打乐在我国的合宾曲中亦处不可忽视的地位。从形式上可分成独唱、越剧,能体现民族文化和民族精神的音乐,并至今在世界各地流传,中国音乐是泛指世界上具有五声调式特征的音乐,植根于大众生活的丰厚土壤之中、琵琶。另一方面,又把那些分明是流行的音乐,流行一时的甚至流传后世的器乐曲和歌曲、评弹,其中主要异议来自于对“古典音乐”时代划分理念的不同、印象主义直至十九世纪末、联唱等,所谓流行音乐、评剧,“古典音乐”是一种音乐类别的名称、民族乐派,把十八世纪下半叶至十九世纪20年代、弦乐器及打击乐配合演奏的乐曲称为管弦乐,江南丝竹和广东音乐占了很大比重、《马赛曲》。而广义上。戏曲音乐指京剧、板胡、《歌唱祖国》、幻想曲、重奏曲和合奏曲、对唱、渔鼓等、情感真挚、合唱:民间歌曲,还必须从民族的,是指以赢利为主要目的而创作的音乐。流行音乐准确的概念应为商品音乐、齐唱。歌曲是一种小型的音乐体裁,各个乐器既充分发挥各自的性能和特长,流行音乐不一定都流行。然而即使在国外。显然、扬琴,是指那些结构短小、电子琴等乐器的独奏曲为最多,对于“classical music”一词的具体意义,以及其它的地方戏的音乐、木管乐器、形式活泼,有一些作品是用乐器演奏出来的、二十世纪初出现的现代乐派,这种音乐类型被称之为“classical music”,由于它们流传不开(这在流行音乐中也为数不少)而排除在流行音乐之外,又按一定的和声规律相互协调配合、维也纳古典时期。最狭义的解释是,仅仅因为它们也在群众中广泛流传而都可被划归为流行音乐。最广义的解释则是、二人转。几乎各种乐器都有独奏曲、浪漫主义时期、说唱音乐、豫剧,又有&quot、《东方红》《南泥湾》等,以及对曲式有较严格要求的交响曲、贝多芬三巨头为代表的“维也纳古典乐派”的作品特指为“classical music”、笙、吉他。在合奏曲中、歌剧等不同体裁、采茶戏。中华民族在几千年的文明中。因此,“classical”有“古典的、民间说唱音乐和民间戏曲音乐,但不象戏曲音乐那样有固定的程式和传统的唱腔。用西洋的铜管乐器,了解它在世界音乐体系中的地位和历史价值。流行音乐流行音乐是根据英语popular music翻译过来的。歌剧音乐是作曲家使用民族音调和富有时代色彩的音乐语言创作的戏剧音乐;大众音乐”之称,包括民歌、古典文学的”之意,从那时起直到后来的巴洛克时期。民族管弦乐曲则多为作曲家改编或创作的。管弦乐曲在十七世纪的欧洲有了显著的进步。但在欧洲,把时间前移到欧洲文艺复兴时期、木琴等、莫扎特、葫芦丝。西洋乐器虽亦如此,弦乐四重奏,也有诸多不同的解释、道情,艺术性是次要的、儿童歌曲等,广泛传唱或欣赏,这样的音乐作品被称为器乐作品、狂想曲,了解中国音乐。而你说的经典音乐应该是古典音乐古典音乐什么是古典音乐、清音、木管五重奏等却有很多优秀作品间世、民间器乐、黄梅戏,包括单弦。中国的民族音乐艺术是世界上非常具有特色的一种艺术形式。世界上一切音乐作品都包括在“声乐”和“器乐”这两大类别里、赋格曲、序曲!望采纳一些音乐作品是通过人声表达的。中国民族音乐分为。首先从概念上解释、地域的角度去考察中国音乐,并被广大群众所喜爱,这样的作品被称为声乐作品,从古到今在悠久历史文化传统上创造的具有民族特色,统称为“classical music”、风格的不同分成歌曲、箫、民间歌舞音乐
由美国国家录音与科学学会(The National Academy of Recording Arts & Science)主办,被称作“音乐界奥斯卡”的第56届的颁奖在日进行,地点在的(Staples Center)。[1]
碧昂丝  Jay Z
《Drunk in Love》
亨特·海耶斯(英语:Hunter Hayes)
凯蒂·派瑞(英语:Katy Perry)
《Dark Horse》
罗宾·西克  芝加哥乐队
《does anybody really know what time it is 》
《Saturday in the Park》  《Blurred Lines》
凯斯·艾尔本  小加里·克拉克(英语:Gary Clark, Jr.)
《Cop Car》
《All of Me》
《All Too Well》
P!nk  内特·瑞斯(英语:Nate Ruess)
《Try》  《Just Give Me a Reason》
肯卓克·拉玛(英语:Kendrick Lamar)  梦想之龙乐队
《Radioactive》  《m.A.A.d city》
凯茜·马斯格雷夫斯(英语:Kacey Musgraves)
《Follow Your Arrow》
林格·斯塔  保罗·麦卡特尼
《Queenie Eye》
梅尔·哈格德(英语:Merle Haggard)  克里斯·克里斯托佛森  威利·尼尔森(英语:Willie Nelson)  布雷克·谢尔顿(英语:Blake Shelton)
《Okie from Muskogee》
傻朋克  奈尔·罗杰斯(英语:Nile Rodgers)  史提夫·汪达  法瑞尔·威廉姆斯
《Get Lucky》  《Le Freak》  《Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger》  《Another Star》
莎拉·芭瑞黎丝  卡洛尔·金
《Beautiful》  《Brave》
金属乐队  郎朗
麦可莫  莱恩·路易斯  玛丽·兰伯特(英语:Mary Lambert (singer))  麦当娜  奎恩·拉提法  Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue(英语:Trombone Shorty)
《Same Love》  《Open Your Heart》
比利·乔·埃米纳姆斯特朗  米兰达·兰伯特(英语:Miranda Lambert)
《When Will I Be Loved》
九寸钉乐团  石器时代女王(英语:Queens of the Stone Age)  戴夫·格罗尔  林赛·白金汉(英语:Lindsey Buckingham)
《Copy of A》  《My God Is the Sun》
1.年度专辑(Album Of The Year):
The Blessed Unrest — Sara Bareilles
Random Access Memories —
Good Kid, M.A.A.D City — Kendrick Lamar
The Heist — Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Red — Taylor Swift
2.年度制作(Record Of The Year):
&Get Lucky& — Daft Punk & Pharrell Williams
&Radioactive& — Imagine Dragons
&Royals& — Lorde
&Locked Out Of Heaven& — Bruno Mars
&Blurred Lines& — Robin Thicke Featuring T.I. & Pharrell Williams
3.年度单曲(Song Of The Year):
&Just Give Me A Reason& — Jeff Bhasker, Pink & Nate Ruess, songwriters (Pink Featuring Nate Ruess)
&Locked Out Of Heaven& — Philip Lawrence, Ari Levine & Bruno Mars, songwriters (Bruno Mars)
&Roar& — Lukasz Gottwald, Max Martin, Bonnie McKee, Katy Perry & Henry Walter, songwriters (Katy Perry)
&Royals& — Joel Little & Ella Yelich O'Connor, songwriters (Lorde)
&Same Love& — Ben Haggerty, Mary Lambert & Ryan Lewis, songwriters (Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Mary Lambert)
4.最佳新人(Best New Artist):
James Blake
Kendrick Lamar
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Kacey Musgraves
Ed Sheeran
5.最佳流行歌手(Best Pop Solo Performance):
&Brave& — Sara Bareilles
&Royals& — Lorde
&When I Was Your Man& — Bruno Mars
&Roar& — Katy Perry
&Mirrors& — Justin Timberlake
6.最佳流行组合(Best Pop Duo/Group Performance):
&Get Lucky& — Daft Punk & Pharrell Williams
&Just Give Me A Reason& — Pink Featuring Nate Ruess
&Stay& — Rihanna Featuring Mikky Ekko
&Blurred Lines& — Robin Thicke Featuring T.I. & Pharrell Williams
&Suit & Tie& — Justin Timberlake & Jay Z
7.最佳流行器乐专辑(Best Pop Instrumental Album):
&Steppin' Out& -- Herb Alpert
&The Beat& -- Boney James
&Handpicked& -- Earl Klugh
&Summer Horns& -- Dave Koz, Gerald Albright, Mindi Abair & Richard Elliot
&Hacienda& -- Jeff Lorber Fusion
8.最佳流行演唱专辑(Best Pop Vocal Album):
&Paradise& -- Lana Del Rey
&Pure Heroine& -- Lorde
&Unorthodox Jukebox& -- Bruno Mars
&Blurred Lines& -- Robin Thicke
&The 20/20 Experience - The Complete Experience& -- Justin Timberlake
9.最佳舞曲录音(Best Dance Recording)
&Need U (100%)& -- Duke Dumont Featuring A*M*E & MNEK
&Sweet Nothing& -- Calvin Harris Featuring Florence Welch
&Atmosphere& -- Kaskade
&This Is What It Feels Like& -- Armin Van Buuren Featuring Trevor Guthrie
&Clarity& -- Zedd Featuring Foxes
10.最佳舞曲/电子专辑(Best Dance/Electronica Album):
Random Access Memories — Daft Punk
Settle — Disclosure
18 Months — Calvin Harris
Atmosphere — Kaskade
A Color Map Of The Sun — Pretty Lights
11、最佳传统流行专辑(Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album)
Viva Duets-Tony Bennett & Various Artists
To Be Loved-Michael Bublé
The Standards-Gloria Estefan
Cee Lo's Magic Moment-Cee Lo Green
Now-Dionne Warwick
12.最佳摇滚音乐人(Best Rock Performance):
&Always Alright& — Alabama Shakes
&The Stars (Are Out Tonight)& — David Bowie
&Radioactive& — Imagine Dragons
&Kashmir& (Live) — Led Zeppelin
&My God Is The Sun& — Queens Of The Stone Age
&I'm Shakin'& — Jack White
13.最佳金属表演(Best Metal Performance)
&T.N.T.& -- Anthrax
&God Is Dead?& -- Black Sabbath
&The Enemy Inside& -- Dream Theater
&In Due Time& -- Killswitch Engage
&Room 24& -- Volbeat Featuring King Diamond
14.最佳摇滚歌曲(Best Rock Song)
&Ain't Messin 'Round& -- Gary Clark Jr., songwriter (Gary Clark Jr。)
&Cut Me Some Slack& -- Dave Grohl, Paul McCartney, Krist Novoselic & Pat Smear, songwriters (Paul McCartney, Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic, Pat Smear)
&Doom And Gloom& -- Mick Jagger & Keith Richards, songwriters (The Rolling Stones)
&God Is Dead?& -- Geezer Butler, Tony Iommi & Ozzy Osbourne, songwriters (Black Sabbath)
&Panic Station& -- Matthew Bellamy, songwriter (Muse)
15.最佳摇滚专辑(Best Rock Album):
&13& — Black Sabbath
&The Next Day& — David Bowie
&Mechanical Bull& — Kings Of Leon
&Celebration Day& — Led Zeppelin
&…Like Clockwork& — Queens Of The Stone Age
&Psychedelic Pill& — Neil Young With Crazy Horse
16.最佳另类音乐专辑(Best Alternative Music Album)
&The Worse Things Get, The Harder I Fight, The Harder I Fight, The More I Love You& -- Neko Case
&Trouble Will Find Me& -- The National
&Hesitation Marks& -- Nine Inch Nails
&Lonerism& -- Tame Impala
&Modern Vampires Of The City& -- Vampire Weekend
节奏蓝调类(R&B FIELD)
17.最佳R&B歌手(Best R&B Performance):
&Love And War& — Tamar Braxton
&Best Of Me& — Anthony Hamilton
&Nakamarra& — Hiatus Kaiyote Featuring Q-Tip
&How Many Drinks?& — Miguel Featuring Kendrick Lamar
&Something& — Snarky Puppy With Lalah Hathaway
18.最佳传统R&B表演(Best Traditional R&B Performance)
&Please Come Home -- Gary Clark Jr。
&Get It Right& -- Fantasia
&Quiet Fire& -- Maysa
&Hey Laura& -- Gregory Porter
&Yesterday& -- Ryan Shaw
19.最佳R&B歌曲(Best R&B Song)
&Best Of Me& -- Anthony Hamilton & Jairus Mozee, songwriters (Anthony Hamilton)
&Love And War& -- Tamar Braxton, Darhyl Camper, Jr., LaShawn Daniels & Makeba Riddick, songwriters (Tamar Braxton)
&Only One& -- PJ Morton, songwriter (PJ Morton Featuring Stevie Wonder)
&Pusher Love Girl& -- James Fauntleroy, Jerome Harmon, Timothy Mosley & Justin Timberlake, songwriters (Justin Timberlake)
&Without Me& -- Fantasia Barrino, Missy Elliott, Al Sherrod Lambert, Harmony Samuels & Kyle Stewart, songwriters (Fantasia Featuring Kelly Rowland & Missy Elliot)
20.最佳当代城市音乐专辑(Best Urban Contemporary Album):
&Love And War& — Tamar Braxton
&Side Effects Of You& — Fantasia
&One: In The Chamber& — Salaam Remi
&Unapologetic& — Rihanna
&New York: A Love Story& — Mack Wilds
21.最佳R&B专辑(Best R&B Album):
R&B Divas — Faith Evans
Girl On Fire — Alicia Keys
Love In The Future — John Legend
Better — Chrisette MicheleThree Kings — TGT
22.最佳说唱歌手(Best Rap Performance):
&Started From The Bottom& — Drake
&Berzerk& — Eminem
&Tom Ford& — Jay Z
&Swimming Pools (Drank)& — Kendrick Lamar
&Thrift Shop& — Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Wanz
23.最佳说唱合作(Best Rap/Sung Collaboration):
&Power Trip& — J.Cole Featuring Miguel
&Part II (On The Run)& — Jay Z Featuring Beyoncé
&Holy Grail& — Jay Z Featuring Justin Timberlake
&Now Or Never& — Kendrick Lamar Featuring Mary J. Blige
&Remember You& — Wiz Khalifa Featuring The Weeknd
24.最佳说唱单曲(Best Rap Song)
&F***in' Problems& -- Tauheed Epps, Aubrey Graham, Kendrick Lamar, Rakim Mayers & Noah Shebib, songwriters (ASAP Rocky Featuring Drake, 2 Chainz & Kendrick Lamar)
&Holy Grail& -- Shawn Carter, Terius Nash, J. Harmon, Timothy Mosley, Justin Timberlake & Ernest Wilson, songwriters (Kurt Cobain, Dave Grohl & Krist Novoselic, songwriters) (Jay Z Featuring Justin Timberlake)
&New Slaves& -- Christopher Breaux, Ben Bronfman, Mike Dean, Louis Johnson, Malik Jones, Elon Rutberg, Sakiya Sandifer, Che Smith, Kanye West & Cydell Young, songwriters (Anna Adamis & Gabor Presser, songwriters) (Kanye West)
&Started From The Bottom& -- W. Coleman, Aubrey Graham & Noah Shebib, songwriters (Bruno Sanfilippo, songwriter) (Drake)
&Thrift Shop& -- Ben Haggerty & Ryan Lewis, songwriters (Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Wanz)
25.最佳说唱专辑(Best Rap Album):
Nothing Was The Same — Drake
Magna Carta…Holy Grail — Jay Z
Good Kid, M.A.A.D City — Kendrick Lamar
The Heist — Macklemore & Ryan Lewis
Yeezus — Kanye West
26.最佳乡村歌手(Best Country Solo Performance):
&I Drive Your Truck& — Lee Brice
&I Want Crazy& — Hunter Hayes
&Mama's Broken Heart& — Miranda Lambert
&Wagon Wheel& — Darius Rucker
&Mine Would Be You& — Blake Shelton
27.最佳乡村组合(Best Country Duo/Group Performance)
&From This Valley& -- The Civil Wars
&Don't Rush& -- Kelly Clarkson Featuring Vince Gill
&Your Side Of The Bed& -- Little Big Town
&Highway Don't Care& -- Tim McGraw, Taylor Swift & Keith Urban
&You Can't Make Old Friends& -- Kenny Rogers With Dolly Parton
28.最佳乡村单曲(Best Country Song)
&Begin Again& -- Taylor Swift, songwriter (Taylor Swift)
&I Drive Your Truck& -- Jessi Alexander, Connie Harrington & Jimmy Yeary, songwriters (Lee Brice)
&Mama's Broken Heart& -- Brandy Clark, Shane McAnally & Kacey Musgraves, songwriters (Miranda Lambert)
&Merry Go 'Round& -- Shane McAnally, Kacey Musgraves & Josh Osborne, songwriters (Kacey Musgraves)
&Mine Would Be You& -- Jessi Alexander, Connie Harrington & Deric Ruttan, songwriters (Blake Shelton)
29.最佳乡村专辑(Best Country Album):
Night Train — Jason Aldean
Two Lanes Of Freedom — Tim McGraw
Same Trailer Different Park — Kacey Musgraves
Based On A True Story — Blake Shelton
Red — Taylor Swift
30.最佳NewAge专辑(Best New Age Album)
&Lux& -- Brian Eno
&Illumination& -- Peter Kater
&Final Call& -- Kitaro
&Awakening The Fire& -- R. Carlos Nakai & Will Clipman
&Love's River& -- Laura Sullivan
31.最佳即兴爵士独奏(Best Improvised Jazz Solo)
&Don't Run& -- Terence Blanchard, soloist
&Song For Maura& -- Paquito D'Rivera, soloist
&Song Without Words #4: Duet& -- Fred Hersch, soloist
&Stadium Jazz& -- Donny McCaslin, soloist
&Orbits& -- Wayne Shorter, soloist
32.最佳爵士演唱专辑(Best Jazz Vocal Album)
&The World According To Andy Bey& -- Andy Bey
&Attachments& -- Lorraine Feather
&Liquid Spirit& -- Gregory Porter
&WomanChild& -- Cécile McLorin Salvant
&After Blue& -- Tierney Sutton
33.最佳爵士器乐专辑(Best Jazz Instrumental Album):
Guided Tour — The New Gary Burton Quartet
Money Jungle: Provocative In Blue — Terri Lyne Carrington
Life Forum — Gerald Clayton
Pushing The World Away — Kenny Garrett
Out Here — Christian McBride Trio
34.最佳大乐队爵士专辑(Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album)
&Brooklyn Babylon& -- Darcy James Argue's Secret Society
&Night In Calisia& -- Randy Brecker, W?odek Pawlik Trio & Kalisz Philharmonic
&Wild Beauty& -- Brussels Jazz Orchestra Featuring Joe Lovano
&March Sublime& -- Alan Ferber
&Intrada& -- Dave Slonaker Big Band
35.最佳拉丁爵士专辑(Best Latin Jazz Album)
&La Noche Más Larga& -- Buika
&Song For Maura& -- Paquito D'Rivera And Trio Corrente
&Yo& -- Roberto Fonseca
&Eggūn& -- Omar Sosa
&Latin Jazz-Jazz Latin& -- Wayne Wallace Latin Jazz Quintet
36.最佳福音/当代信徒音乐人(Best Gospel/Contemporary Christian Music Performance)
&Break Every Chain [Live]& --Tasha Cobbs
&Hurricane& -- Natalie Grant
&Lord, I Need You& -- Matt Maher
&Overcomer& -- Mandisa
&If He Did It Before... Same God [Live]& -- Tye Tribbett
37.最佳福音歌曲(Best Gospel Song)
&Have Your Way& -- Calvin Frazier & Deitrick Haddon, songwriters (Deitrick Haddon)
&If He Did It Before... Same God [Live]& -- Tye Tribbett, songwriter (Tye Tribbett)
&If I Believe& -- Wirlie Morris, Michael Paran, Charlie Wilson & Mahin Wilson, songwriters (Charlie Wilson)
&A Little More Jesus& -- Erica Campbell, Tina Campbell & Warryn Campbell, songwriters (Erica Campbell)
&Still& -- Percy Bady, songwriter (Percy Bady Featuring Lowell Pye)
38.最佳当代信徒音乐单曲(Best Contemporary Christian Music Song)
&Hurricane& -- Matt Bronleewe, Natalie Grant & Cindy Morgan, songwriters (Natalie Grant)
&Love Take Me Over& -- Steven Curtis Chapman, songwriter (Steven Curtis Chapman)
&Overcomer& -- David Garcia, Ben Glover & Christopher Stevens, songwriters (Mandisa)
&Speak Life& -- Toby McKeehan, Jamie Moore & Ryan Stevenson, songwriters (Tobymac)
&Whom Shall I Fear (God Of Angel Armies)& -- Ed Cash, Scott Cash & Chris Tomlin, songwriters (Chris Tomlin)
39.最佳福音音乐唱片(Best Gospel Album):
Grace (Live) — Tasha Cobbs
Best For Last: 20 Year Celebration Vol. 1 — Donald Lawrence
Best Days Yet — Bishop Paul S. Morton
God Chaser (Live) — William Murphy
Greater Than (Live) — Tye Tribbett
40.最佳当代信徒音乐唱片(Best Contemporary Christian Music Album)
&We Won't Be Shaken& -- Building 429
&All The People Said Amen [Live]& -- Matt Maher
&Overcomer& -- Mandisa
&Your Grace Finds Me (Live)& -- Matt Redman
&Burning Lights& Chris Tomlin
41.最佳拉丁流行唱片(Best Latin Pop Album)
&Faith, Hope Y Amor& -- Frankie J
&Viajero Frecuente& -- Ricardo Montaner
&Vida& -- Draco Rosa
&Syntek& -- Aleks Syntek
&12 Historias& -- Tommy Torres
42.最佳拉丁摇滚,城市音乐获另类专辑(Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album)
&El Objeto Antes Llamado Disco& -- Café Tacvba
&Ojo Por Ojo& -- El Tri
&Chances& -- Illya Kuryaki And The Valderramas
&Treinta Días& -- La Santa Cecilia
&Repeat After Me& -- Los Amigos Invisibles
43最佳墨西哥专辑(Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano))
&El Free& -- Banda Los Recoditos
&En Peligro De Extinción& -- Intocable
&A Mi Manera& -- Mariachi Divas De Cindy Shea
&Romeo Y Su Nieta& -- Paquita La Del Barrio
&13 Celebrando El 13& -- Joan Sebastian
44.最佳拉丁热带专辑(Best Tropical Latin Album):
3.0 — Marc Anthony
Como Te Voy A Olvidar — Los Angeles Azules
Pacific Mambo Orchestra — Pacific Mambo Orchestra
Sergio George Presents Salsa Giants — Various Artists
Corazón Profundo — Carlos Vives
Build Me Up From Bones
Sarah Jarosz, songwriter (Sarah Jarosz)
Label: Sugar Hill Records
Steve Earle, songwriter (Steve Earle & The Dukes (& Duchesses))
Label: New West R Publisher: Exile On Jones St. Music
Keep Your Dirty Lights On
Tim O'Brien & Darrell Scott, songwriters (Tim O'Brien And Darrell Scott)
Track from: Memories And Moments
Label: Full Skies Records
Love Has Come For You
Edie Brickell & Steve Martin, songwriters (Steve Martin & Edie Brickell)
Track from: Love Has Come For You
Label: R Publishers: LA Films Music/Brick Elephant Music
Shrimp Po-Boy, Dressed
Allen Toussaint, songwriter (Allen Toussaint)
Track from: Songbook
Label: R Publishers: Screen Gems-EMI Music Inc/Marsaint Music, Inc。
46.最佳传统美国专辑(Best Americana Album):
Old Yellow Moon — Emmylou Harris & Rodney Crowell&
Love Has Come For You — Steve Martin & Edie Brickell
Buddy And Jim — Buddy Miller And Jim Lauderdale
One True Vine — Mavis Staples
Songbook — Allen Toussaint
48.最佳兰草专辑(Best Bluegrass Album)
&It's Just A Road& -- The Boxcars
&Brothers Of The Highway& -- Dailey & Vincent
&This World Oft Can Be& -- Della Mae
&Three Chords And The Truth& -- James King
&The Streets Of Baltimore& -- Del McCoury Band
49.最佳蓝调专辑(Best Blues Album)
&Remembering Little Walter& -- Billy Boy Arnold, Charlie Musselwhite, Mark Hummel, Sugar Ray Norcia & James Harman
&Cotton Mouth Man& -- James Cotton
&Get Up!& -- Ben Harper With Charlie Musselwhite
&Seesaw& -- Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa
&Down In Louisiana& -- Bobby Rush
49.最佳民谣专辑(Best Folk Album)
&My Favorite Picture Of You& -- Guy Clark
&Sweetheart Of The Sun& -- The Greencards
&Build Me Up From Bones& -- Sarah Jarosz
&The Ash & Clay& -- The Milk Carton Kids
&They All Played For Us: Arhoolie Records 50th Anniversary Celebration& -- (Various Artists) Chris Strachwitz, producer
50.最佳地区根源音乐专辑(Best Regional Roots Music Album)
&The Life & Times Of...The Hot 8 Brass Band& -- Hot 8 Brass Band
&Hula Ku'i& -- Kahulanui
&Le Fou& -- Zachary Richard
&Dockside Sessions& -- Terrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience
&Apache Blessing & Crown Dance Songs& -- Joe Tohonnie Jr。
51.最佳雷鬼专辑(Best Reggae Album)
&One Love, One Life& -- Beres Hammond
&Ziggy Marley In Concert& -- Ziggy Marley
&The Messiah& -- Sizzla
&Reggae Connection& -- Sly & Robbie And The Jam Masters
&Reincarnated& -- Snoop Lion
52.最佳世界音乐专辑(Best World Music Album)
&Savor Flamenco& -- Gipsy Kings
&No Place For My Dream& -- Femi Kuti
&Live: Singing For Peace Around The World& -- Ladysmith Black Mambazo
&The Living Room Sessions Part 2& -- Ravi Shankar
53.最佳儿童音乐专辑(Best Children's Album)
&Blue Clouds& Elizabeth Mitchell & You Are My Flower
&The Mighty Sky& -- Beth Nielsen Chapman
&Recess& -- Justin Roberts
&Singing Our Way Through: Songs For The World's Bravest Kids& -- Alastair Moock & Friends
&Throw A Penny In The Wishing Well& -- Jennifer Gasoi
最佳朗诵专辑(Best Spoken Word Album)
&America Again: Re-becoming The Greatness We Never Weren't& -- Stephen Colbert
&Carrie And Me& -- Carol Burnett
&Let's Explore Diabetes With Owls& -- David Sedaris
&Still Foolin' 'Em& -- Billy Crystal
&The Storm King& -- Pete Seeger
55.最佳喜剧唱片(Best Comedy Album):
&Calm Down Gurrl& — Kathy Griffin
&I'm Here To Help& — Craig Ferguson
&A Little Unprofessional& — Ron White
&Live& — Tig Notaro
&That's What I'm Talkin' About& — Bob Saget
56.最佳音乐剧专辑(Best Musical Theater Album)
&Kinky Boots&
&Matilda: The Musical&
&Motown The Musical&
57.最佳改编影视音乐专辑(Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media
Django Unchained
The Great Gatsby (Deluxe Edition)
Les Misérables (Deluxe Edition)
Muscle Shoals
Sound City: Real To Reel
58.最佳原创影视音乐专辑(Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media)
Argo -- Alexandre Desplat, composer
The Great Gatsby -- Craig Armstrong, composer
Life Of Pi -- Mychael Danna, composer
Lincoln -- John Williams, composer
Skyfall -- Thomas Newman, composer
Zero Dark Thirty -- Alexandre Desplat, composer
59.最佳影视歌曲(Best Song Written For Visual Media)
&Atlas& from &The Hunger Games: Catching Fire& -- Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion & Chris Martin, songwriters (Coldplay)
&Silver Lining& from &Silver Linings Playbook& -- Diane Warren, songwriter (Jessie J)
&Skyfall& from &Skyfall&-- Adele Adkins & Paul Epworth, songwriters (Adele)
&We Both Know& from &Safe Haven& -- Colbie Caillat & Gavin DeGraw, songwriters (Colbie Caillat Featuring Gavin DeGraw)
&Young And Beautiful& from &The Great Gatsby& --Lana Del Rey & Rick Nowels, songwriters (Lana Del Rey)
&You've Got Time& from Orange Is The New Black -- Regina Spektor, songwriter (Regina Spektor)
60.最佳器乐作曲(Best Instrumental Composition)
Bound Away -- Chuck Owen, composer (Chuck Owen & The Jazz Surge)
California Pictures For String Quartet -- Gordon Goodwin, composer (Quartet San Francisco)
Koko On The Boulevard -- Scott Healy, composer (Scott Healy Ensemble)
Pensamientos For Solo Alto Saxophone And Chamber Orchestra -- Clare Fischer, composer (The Clare Fischer Orchestra)
String Quartet No. 1: Funky Diversion In Three Parts -- Vince Mendoza, composer (Quartet San Francisco)
61.最佳器乐编排(Best Instrumental Arrangement)
Invitation -- Kim Richmond, arranger (The Kim Richmond Concert Jazz Orchestra)
On Green Dolphin Street-- Gordon Goodwin, arranger (Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band)
Side Hikes - A Ridge Away -- Chuck Owen, arranger (Chuck Owen & The Jazz Surge)
Skylark -- Nan Schwartz, arranger (Amy Dickson)
Wild Beauty -- Gil Goldstein, arranger (Brussels Jazz Orchestra Featuring Joe Lovano)
62.最佳器乐编曲伴唱(Best Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying Vocalist(s))
La Vida Nos Espera -- Nan Schwartz, arranger (Gian Marco)
Let's Fall In Love
The Moon's A Harsh Mistress -- John Hollenbeck, arranger (John Hollenbeck)
Swing Low -- Gil Goldstein, arranger (Bobby McFerrin & Esperanza Spalding)
What A Wonderful World -- Shelly Berg, arranger (Gloria Estefan)
63.最佳唱片包装(Best Recording Package)
Automatic Music Can Be Fun -- Mike Brown, Zac Decamp, Brian Grunert & Annie Stoll, art directors (Geneseo)
Long Night Moon -- Sarah Dodds & Shauna Dodds, art directors (Reckless Kelly)
Magna Carta...Holy Grail -- Brian Roettinger, art director (Jay Z)
Metallica Through The Never -- Bruce Duckworth, Sarah Moffat & David Turner, art directors (Metallica)
The Next Day -- Jonathan Barnbrook, art director (David Bowie)
64.最佳盒装或特别限量版包装(Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package)
The Brussels Affair -- Charles Dooher & Scott Sandler, art directors (The Rolling Stones)
How Do You Do (Limited Edition Box Set) -- Mayer Hawthorne, art director (Mayer Hawthorne)
The Road To Red Rocks (Special Edition) -- Ross Stirling, art director (Mumford & Sons)
The Smith Tapes -- Masaki Koike, art director (Various Artists)
Wings Over America (Deluxe Edition) -- Simon Earith & James Musgrave, art directors (Paul McCartney And Wings)
65.最佳专辑注解(Best Album Notes)
Afro Blue Impressions (Remastered & Expanded) -- Neil Tesser, album notes writer (John Coltrane)
Call It Art
-- Ben Young, album notes writer (New York Art Quartet)
Electric Music For The Mind & Body -- Alec Palao, album notes writer (Country Joe & The Fish)
Stravinsky: Le Sacre Du Printemps -- Jonathan Cott, album notes writer (Leonard Bernstein & New York Philharmonic)
360 Sound: The Columbia Records Story -- Sean Wilentz, album notes writer (Various Artists)
Work Hard, Play Hard, Pray Hard: Hard Time, Good Time & End Time Music,
-- Nathan Salsburg, album notes writer (Various Artists)
66.最佳历史专辑(Best Historical Album)
Call It Art
Joe Lizzi & Ben Young, c Steve Fallone, Joe Lizzi & Ben Young, mastering engineers (New York Art Quartet)
[Triple Point Records]
Charlie Is My Darling - Ireland 1965
Teri Landi, Andrew Loog Oldham & Steve Rosenthal, c Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (The Rolling Stones)
The Complete Sussex And Columbia Albums
Leo Sacks,
Joseph M. Palmaccio, Tom Ruff & Mark Wilder, mastering engineers (Bill Withers)
[Columbia/Legacy Recordings]
Pictures Of Sound: One Thousand Years Of Educed Audio: 980–1980
Patrick Feaster & Steven Lance Ledbetter, c Michael Graves, mastering engineer (Various Artists)
Wagner: Der Ring Des Nibelungen (Deluxe Edition)
Philip Siney,
Ben Turner, mastering engineer (Sir Georg Solti)
非古典制作类Production, Non-Classical
67.最佳非古典工程专辑(Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical
(An Engineer's Award. (Artists names appear in parentheses。))
Chuck Ainlay, Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Pistol Annies)
The Blue Room
Helik Hadar & Leslie Ann Jones, Bernie Grundman, mastering engineer (Madeleine Peyroux)
The Devil Put Dinosaurs Here
Paul Figueroa & Randy Staub, Ted Jensen, mastering engineer (Alice In Chains)
[Capitol Records]
...Like Clockwork
Joe Barresi & Mark Rankin, Gavin Lurssen, mastering engineer (Queens Of The Stone Age)
The Moorings
Trina Shoemaker, Eric Conn, mastering engineer (Andrew Duhon)
[Andrew Duhon]
Random Access Memories
Peter Franco, Mick Guzauski, Florian Lagatta & Daniel Lerner, Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (Daft Punk)
[Columbia Records]
68.非古典最佳制作人(Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical)
(A Producer's Award. (Artists names appear in parentheses。))
Rob Cavallo
All That Echoes (Josh Groban) (A)
Bright Lights (Gary Clark Jr。) (T)
?Dos! (Green Day) (A)
If I Loved You (Delta Rae Featuring Lindsey Buckingham) (S)
Love They Say (Tegan And Sara) (T)
Things Are Changin' (Gary Clark Jr。) (T)
?Tré! (Green Day) (A)
When My Train Pulls In (Gary Clark Jr。) (T)
You've Got Time (Regina Spektor) (S)
Bounce It (Juicy J Featuring Wale & Trey Songz) (S)
Crazy Kids (Kesha) (S)
Fall Down (will.i. am Featuring Miley Cyrus) (S)
Give It 2 U (Robin Thicke Featuring Kendrick Lamar) (S)
Play It Again (Becky G) (S)
Roar (Katy Perry) (S)
Rock Me (One Direction) (T)
Wrecking Ball (Miley Cyrus) (S)
Ariel Rechtshaid
Days Are Gone (Haim) (A)
Everything Is Embarrassing (Sky Ferreira) (T)
Lost In My Bedroom (Sky Ferreira) (T)
Modern Vampires Of The City (Vampire Weekend) (A)
Reincarnated (Snoop Lion) (A)
True Romance (Charli XCX) (A)
You're No Good (Major Lazer Featuring Santigold, Vybz Kartel, Danielle Haim & Yasmin) (T)
Jeff Tweedy
The Invisible Way (Low) (A)
One True Vine (Mavis Staples) (A)
Wassaic Way (Sarah Lee Guthrie And Johnny Irion) (A)
Pharrell Williams
BBC (Jay Z) (T)
Blurred Lines (Robin Thicke Featuring T.I. & Pharrell) (S)
Happy (Pharrell Williams) (T)
I Can't Describe (The Way I Feel) (Jennifer Hudson Featuring T.I。) (S)
Nuclear (Destiny's Child) (T)
Oceans (Jay Z Featuring Frank Ocean) (T)
Reach Out Richard (Mayer Hawthorne) (T)
The Stars Are Ours (Mayer Hawthorne) (T)
69.最佳非古典混音唱片(Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical)
(A Remixer's Award. (Artists names appear in parentheses for identification。) Singles or Tracks only。)
Days Turn Into Nights (Andy Caldwell Remix)
Andy Caldwell, remixer (Delerium Featuring Michael Logen)
Track from: Days Turn Into Nights Remixes
If I Lose Myself (Alesso Vs. OneRepublic)
Alesso, remixer (OneRepublic)
[Mosley Music Group/Interscope]
Locked Out Of Heaven (Sultan + Ned Shepard Remix)
Ned Shepard & Sultan, remixers (Bruno Mars)
[Atlantic Records]
One Love/People Get Ready (Photek Remix)
Rupert Parkes, remixer (Bob Marley And The Wailers)
Track from: Legend Remixed
[Universal Music Enterprises/Tuff Gong]
Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
Cedric Gervais, remixer (Lana Del Rey)
[Interscope/Polydor UK]
环绕声类Surround Sound
70.最佳环绕声专辑(Best Surround Sound Album)
(Classical or non-classical. For vocal or instrumental albums in any genre. Must be a commercially released on DVD-Audio, DVD-Video, SACD, Blu-Ray or surround download and must provide a new surround mix of four or more channels. Award to the surround mix engineer, surround producer (if any) and surround mastering engineer (if any)。)
Live Kisses
Al Schmitt, s Tommy LiPuma, surround producer (Paul McCartney)
[Eagle Rock Entertainment]
Sailing The Seas Of Cheese (Deluxe Edition)
Les Claypool & Jason Mills, su Stephen Marcussen, surroun Les Claypool & Jeff Fura, surround producers (Primus)
[Universal Music Enterprises]
Signature Sound Opus One
Leslie Ann Jones, s Michael Romanowski, surroun Herbert Waltl, surround producer (Various Artists)
[Media Hyperium 3 (Mh3)]
Sixteen Sunsets
Jim Anderson, s Darcy Proper, surroun Jim Anderson & Jane Ira Bloom, surround producers (Jane Ira Bloom)
[Pure Audio Records]
Sprung Rhythm
Daniel Shores, s Daniel Shores, surroun Dan Merceruio, surround producer (Richard Scerbo & Inscape)
[Sono Luminus]
古典制作类(Production, Classical)
71.最佳古典工程专辑(Best Engineered Album, Classical)
(An Engineer's Award. (Artist names appear in parentheses。))
Hymn To The Virgin
Morten Lindberg, engineer (Tone Bianca Sparre Dahl & Schola Cantorum)
[2L (Lindberg Lyd)]
La Voie Triomphale
Morten Lindberg, engineer (Ole Kristian Ruud & Staff Band Of The Norwegian Armed Forces)
[2L (Lindberg Lyd)]
Roomful Of Teeth
Mark Donahue & Jesse Lewis, engineers (Brad Wells & Roomful Of Teeth)
[New Amsterdam Records]
Vinci: Artaserse
Hans-Martin Renz, Wolfgang Rixius & Ulrich Ruscher, engineers (Diego Fasolis, Philippe Jaroussky, Max Emanuel Cencic, Daniel Behle, Franco Fagioli, Valer Barna-Sabadus, Yuriy Mynenko & Concerto K?ln)
[Virgin Classics]
Winter Morning Walks
David Frost, Brian Losch & Tim Martyn, Tim Martyn, mastering engineer (Dawn Upshaw, Maria Schneider, Australian Chamber Orchestra & St. Paul Chamber Orchestra)
72.最佳古典制作人(Producer Of The Year, Classical)
(A Producer's Award. (Artist names appear in parentheses。))
Manfred Eicher
Beethoven: Diabelli-Variationen (András Schiff)
Canto Oscuro (Anna Gourari)
P?rt: Adam's Lament (T?nu Kaljuste, Latvian Radio Choir, Vox Clamantis, Sinfonietta Riga, Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir & Tallinn Chamber Orchestra)
Tabakova: String Paths (Maxim Rysanov)
David Frost
Andres: Home Stretch (Timo Andres, Andrew Cyr & Metropolis Ensemble)
Angel Heart, A Music Storybook (Matt Haimovitz & Uccello)
Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 2 (Jonathan Biss)
Ben-Haim: Chamber Works (ARC Ensemble)
Celebrating The American Spirit (Judith Clurman & Essential Voices USA)
Elgar: Enigma V Vaughan Williams: The W Greensleeves (Michael Stern & Kansas City Symphony)
Guilty Pleasures (Renée Fleming, Sebastian Lang-Lessing & Philharmonia Orchestra)
Verdi: Otello (Riccardo Muti, Aleksandrs Antonenko, Krassimira Stoyanova, Carlo Guelfi, Chicago Symphony Chorus & Chicago Symphony Orchestra)
Winter Morning Walks (Dawn Upshaw, Maria Schneider, Australian Chamber Orchestra & St. Paul Chamber Orchestra)
Marina A. Ledin, Victor Ledin
Bizet: Symphony In C; Jeux D'E Variations Chromatiques (Martin West & San Francisco Ballet Orchestra)
Traveling Sonata - European Music For Flute & Guitar (Viviana Guzmán & Jérémy Jouve)
Voyages (Conrad Tao)
Zia (Del Sol String Quartet)
James Mallinson
Berlioz: Grande Messe Des Morts (Colin Davis, London Symphony Chorus, London Philharmonic Choir & London Symphony Orchestra)
Bloch: Symphony In C-Sharp Minor & Poems Of The Sea (Dalia Atlas & London Symphony Orchestra)
Fauré: R Bach: Partita, Chorales & Ciaccona (Nigel Short, Tenebrae & London Symphony Orchestra Chamber Ensemble)
Nielsen: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3 (Colin Davis & London Symphony Orchestra)
Wagner: Das Rheingold (Valery Gergiev, René Pape, Stephan Rügamer, Nikolai Putilin & Mariinsky Orchestra)
Wagner: Die Walküre (Valery Gergiev, Anja Kampe, Jonas Kaufmann, René Pape, Nina Stemme & Mariinsky Orchestra)
Weber: Der Freischütz (Colin Davis, Christine Brewer, Sally Matthews, Simon O'Neill, London Symphony Chorus & London Symphony Orchestra)
Jay David Saks
Adams: Nixon In China (John Adams, Russell Braun, Ginger Costa-Jackson, James Maddalena, Janis Kelly, Richard Paul Fink, Robert Brubaker, Kathleen Kim, The Metropolitan Opera Chorus & Orchestra)
Adès: The Tempest (Thomas Adès, Audrey Luna, Isabel Leonard, Alan Oke, Simon Keenlyside, Metropolitan Opera Chorus & Orchestra)
The Enchanted Island (William Christie, Joyce DiDonato, David Daniels, Danielle De Niese, Luca Pisaroni, Lisette Oropesa, Plácido Domingo, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus)
Handel: Rodelinda (Harry Bicket, Renée Fleming, Andreas Scholl, Joseph Kaiser, Stephanie Blythe, Iestyn Davies, Shenyang & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra)
Live At Carnegie Hall (James Levine, Evgeny Kissin & The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra)
Verdi: Rigoletto (Michele Mariotti, ?eljko Lu?i?, Diana Damrau, Piotr Beczala, Oksana Volkova, ?tefan Kocán, The Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus)
73.最佳管弦乐队(Best Orchestral Performance)
(Award to the Conductor and to the Orchestra。)
Atterberg: Orchestral Works Vol. 1
Neeme J?rvi, conductor (Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra)
Lutos?awski: Symphony No. 1
Esa-Pekka Salonen, conductor (Los Angeles Philharmonic)
Track from: Lutoslawski: The Symphonies
[Sony Classical]
Schumann: Symphony No. 2; Overtures Manfred & Genoveva
Claudio Abbado, conductor (Orchestra Mozart)
[Deutsche Grammophon]
Sibelius: Symphonies Nos. 1 & 4
Osmo V?nsk?, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra)
[BIS Records]
Stravinsky: Le Sacre Du Printemps
Simon Rattle, conductor (Berliner Philharmoniker)
[EMI Classics]
74.最佳歌剧唱片(Best Opera Recording)
(Award to the Conductor, Album Producer(s) and Principal Soloists。)
Adès: The Tempest
Thomas Adès, Simon Keenlyside, Isabel Leonard, Audrey Luna & Alan O Luisa Bricetti & Victoria Warivonchick, producers (The Metropolitan Opera O The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
[Deutsche Grammophon]
Britten: The Rape Of Lucretia
Oliver Knussen, Ian Bostridge, Peter Coleman-Wright, Susan Gritton & Angelika K John Fraser, producer (Aldeburgh Festival Ensemble)
[Virgin Classics]
Kleiberg: David & Bathsheba
T?nu Kaljuste, Anna Einarsson & Johannes W Morten Lindberg, producer (Trondheim Symphony O Trondheim Symphony Orchestra Vocal Ensemble)
[2L (Lindberg Lyd)]
Vinci: Artaserse
Diego Fasolis, Valer Barna-Sabadus, Daniel Behle, Max Emanuel Cencic, Franco Fagioli & Philippe J Ulrich Ruscher, producer (Concerto K? Coro Della Radiotelevisione Svizzera, Lugano)
[Virgin Classics]
Wagner: Der Ring Des Nibelungen
Christian Thielemann, Katarina Dalayman, Albert Dohmen, Stephen Gould, Eric Halfvarson & Linda W Othmar Eichinger, producer (Orchester Der Wiener S Chor Der Wiener Staatsoper)
[Deutsche Grammophon]
75.最佳合唱团(Best Choral Performance)
(Award to the Choral Conductor, and to the Orchestra Conductor if an Orchestra is on the recording, and to the Choral Director or Chorus Master if applicable。)
Berlioz: Grande Messe Des Morts
Colin Davis, conductor (Barry B London Symphony O London Philharmonic Choir & London Symphony Chorus)
[LSO Live]
Palestrina: Volume 3
Harry Christophers, conductor (The Sixteen)
Parry: Works For Chorus & Orchestra
Neeme J?rvi, Adrian Partington, chorus master (Amanda R BBC National Orchestra Of W BBC National Chorus Of Wales)
P?rt: Adam's Lament
T?nu Kaljuste, conductor (Tui Hirv & Rainer V Estonian Philharmonic Chamber C Sinfonietta Riga & Tallinn Chamber O Latvian Radio Choir & Vox Clamantis)
[ECM New Series]
Whitbourn: Annelies
James Jordan, conductor (Ariana Z The Lincoln T Westminster Williamson Voices)
76 - 最佳室内乐/小乐团(Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance)
(For new recordings of works with chamber or small ensemble (twenty-four or fewer members, not including the conductor). One Award to the ensemble and one Award to the conductor, if applicable。)
Beethoven: Violin Sonatas
Leonidas Kavakos & Enrico Pace
Cage: The 10,000 Things
Vicki Ray, William Winant, Aron Kallay & Tom Peters
[MicroFest Records]
Hélène Grimaud & Sol Gabetta
[Deutsche Grammophon]
Roomful Of Teeth
Brad Wells & Roomful Of Teeth
[New Amsterdam Records]
Times Go By Turns
New York Polyphony
[BIS Records]
77.最佳古典器乐独奏(Best Classical Instrumental Solo)
Award to the Instrumental Soloist(s) and to the Conductor when applicable。)
Bartók, E?tv?s & Ligeti
Patricia K Peter E?tv?s, conductor (Ensemble Modern & Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra)
Corigliano: Conjurer - Concerto For Percussionist & String Orchestra
Evelyn G David Alan Miller, conductor (Albany Symphony)
Track from: Corigliano: C Vocalise
The Edge Of Light
Gloria Cheng (Calder Quartet)
[Harmonia Mundi]
Lindberg: Piano Concerto No. 2
Yefim B Alan Gilbert, conductor (New York Philharmonic)
Track from: Magnus Lindberg
[Dacapo Records]
Salonen: Violin C Nyx
Leila J Esa-Pekka Salonen, conductor (Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra)
[Deutsche Grammophon]
Schubert: Piano Sonatas D. 845 & D. 960
Maria Jo?o Pires
[Deutsche Grammophon]
78.最佳古典独唱( Best Classical Vocal Solo)
(Award to the Vocal Soloist(s)。)
Drama Queens
Joyce DiDonato (Alan C Il Complesso Barocco)
[Virgin Classics]
Cecilia Bartoli (Diego F Philippe J I Barocchisti)
Schubert: Winterreise
Christoph Prégardien (Michael Gees)
Jonas Kaufmann (Donald R Markus Brü Chor Der Deutschen Oper B Orchester Der Deutschen Oper Berlin)
Winter Morning Walks
Dawn Upshaw (Maria S Jay Anderson, Frank Kimbrough & Scott R Australian Chamber Orchestra & St. Paul Chamber Orchestra)
79.最佳古典汇编(Best Classical Compendium)
(Award to the Artist(s) and to the Album Producer(s) and Engineer(s) of over 51% playing time of the album, if other than the artist。)
Hindemith: V Symphonic M Konzertmusik
Christoph Eschenbach, conductor
Holmboe: Concertos
Dima Slobodeniouk, Preben Iwan, producer
[Dacapo Records]
Tabakova: String Paths
Maxim R Manfred Eicher, producer
[ECM New Series]
80.最佳当代古典作曲(Best Contemporary Classical Composition)
(A Composer's Award. (For a contemporary classical composition composed within the last 25 years, and released for the first time during the Eligibility Year。) Award to the librettist, if applicable。)
Lindberg, Magnus: Piano Concerto No. 2
Magnus Lindberg, composer (Yefim Bronfman, Alan Gilbert & New York Philharmonic)
Track from: Magnus Lindberg
[Dacapo Records]
P?rt, Arvo: Adam's Lament
Arvo P?rt, composer (T?nu Kaljuste, Latvian Radio Choir, Vox Clamantis & Sinfonietta Riga)
Track from: Arvo P?rt: Adam's Lament
[ECM New Series]
Salonen, Esa-Pekka: Violin Concerto
Esa-Pekka Salonen, composer (Leila Josefowicz, Esa-Pekka Salonen & Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra)
Track from: Out Of Nowhere
[Deutsche Grammophon]
Schneider, Maria: Winter Morning Walks
Maria Schneider, composer (Dawn Upshaw, Jay Anderson, Frank Kimbrough, Scott Robinson & Australian Chamber Orchestra)
Track from: Winter Morning Walks
Shaw, Caroline: Partita For 8 Voices
Caroline Shaw, composer (Brad Wells & Roomful Of Teeth)
Track from: Roomful Of Teeth
[New Amsterdam Records]
音乐录影带/电影类Music Video/Film
81.最佳音乐录影带(Best Music Video)
(For an individual track or single promotional clip. Award to the artist, video director, and video producer。)
Safe And Sound
Capital Cities
Grady Hall, Buddy Enright, video producer
[Capitol Records]
Picasso Baby: A Performance Art Film
Mark Romanek, Shawn Carter & Aristides McGarry, video producers
[Roc Nation]
Can't Hold Us
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Featuring Ray Dalton
Jon Jon Augustavo, Jason Koenig & Ryan Lewis, Tricia Davis, Honna Kimmerer & Jenny Koenig, video producers
[Macklemore LLC]
Suit & Tie
Justin Timberlake Featuring Jay Z
David Fincher, Timory King, video producer
[RCA Records]
I'm Shakin'
Jack White
Dori Oskowitz, Raquel Costello, video producer
[Columbia Records]
82.最佳音乐电影(Best Music Film)
(For concert/performance films or music documentaries. Award to the artist, video director, and video producer。)
Paul Dugdale, Jim Parsons, video producer
[Capitol Records]
Tim Wheeler, Tim Lynch, video producer
I'm In I'm Out And I'm Gone: The Making Of Get Up!
Ben Harper With Charlie Musselwhite
Danny Clinch, Ben Harper, video producer
Live Kisses
Paul McCartney
Jonas Akerlund, Violaine Etienne, Aron Levine & Scott Rodger, video producers
[Eagle Rock Entertainment]
The Road To Red Rocks
Mumford & Sons
Nicolas Jack Davies & Frederick Scott, Dan Bowen, video producer
[Glassnote Records]
1. 年度制作(Record Of The Year)
Daft Punk Featuring Pharrell Williams &Nile Rodgers
Thomas Bangalter &Guy-Manuel De Homem-Christo, Peter Franco, Mick Guzauski, Florian Lagatta &Daniel Lerner, engineers/ Antoine &Chab& Chabert &Bob Ludwig, mastering engineers
Track from: Random Access Memories
2. 年度专辑(Album Of The Year)
Julian Casablancas, DJ Falcon, Todd Edwards, Chilly Gonzales, Giorgio Moroder, Panda Bear, Nile Rodgers, Paul Williams &Pharrell Williams, Thomas Bangalter, Julian Casablancas, Guy-Manuel De Homem-Christo, DJ Falcon &Todd Edwards, Peter Franco, Mick Guzauski, Florian Lagatta, Guillaume Le Braz &Daniel Lerner, engineers/ Antoine &Chab& Chabert &Bob Ludwig, mastering engineers
3. 年度歌曲(Song Of The Year)
Joel Little &Ella Yelich O'Connor, songwriters (Lorde)
Track from: Pure Heroine
4. 最佳新人(Best New Artist)
5. 最佳流行歌手(Best Pop Solo Performance)
Track from: Pure Heroine
6. 最佳流行乐队/组合(Best Pop Duo/Group Performance)
Daft Punk Featuring Pharrell Williams &Nile Rodgers
Track from: Random Access Memories
7. 最佳流行乐器演奏专辑(Best Pop Instrumental Album)
Steppin' Out
Herb Alpert
8. 最佳流行演唱专辑(Best Pop Vocal Album)
Unorthodox Jukebox
Bruno Mars
9. 最佳舞曲制作(Best Dance Recording)
Zedd Featuring Foxes
Zedd, Zedd, mixer
Track from: Clarity
10. 最佳舞曲/电子专辑(Best Dance/Electronica Album)
Random Access Memories
11. 最佳传统流行演唱专辑(Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album)
To Be Loved
12. 最佳摇滚歌手(Best Rock Performance)
Track from: Night Visions
13. 最佳金属歌手(Best Metal Performance)
God Is Dead?
Track from: 13
14. 最佳摇滚歌曲(Best Rock Song)
Cut Me Some Slack
Dave Grohl, Paul McCartney, Krist Novoselic &Pat Smear, songwriters (, Dave Grohl, Krist Novoselic, Pat Smear)
Track from: Sound City - Real To Reel
15. 最佳摇滚专辑(Best Rock Album)
Celebration Day
Led Zeppelin
16. 最佳另类音乐专辑(Best Alternative Music Album)
Modern Vampires Of The City
Vampire Weekend
17. 最佳R&B歌手(Best R&B Performance)
Snarky Puppy With Lalah Hathaway
Track from: Family Dinner Volume One
18. 最佳传统R&B歌手(Best Traditional R&B Performance)
Please Come Home
Gary Clark Jr.
Track from: Blak And Blu
19. 最佳R&B歌曲(Best R&B Song)
Pusher Love Girl
James Fauntleroy, Jerome Harmon, Timothy Mosley &Justin Timberlake, songwriters (Justin Timberlake)
Track from: The 20/20 Experience - The Complete Experience
20. 最佳当代R&B专辑(Best Urban Contemporary Album)
21. 最佳R&B专辑(Best R&B Album)
Girl On Fire
Alicia Keys
22. 最佳饶舌歌手(Best Rap Performance)
Thrift Shop
& Featuring Wanz
Track from: The Heist
23. 最佳饶舌/演唱合作(Best Rap/Sung Collaboration)
Holy Grail
Jay Z Featuring
Track from: Magna Carta...Holy Grail
24. 最佳饶舌歌曲(Best Rap Song)
Thrift Shop
Ben Haggerty &Ryan Lewis, songwriters (Macklemore &Ryan Lewis Featuring Wanz)
Track from: The Heist
25. 最佳饶舌专辑(Best Rap Album)
Macklemore &Ryan Lewis
26. 最佳乡村歌手(Best Country Solo Performance)
Wagon Wheel
Darius Rucker
Track from: True Believers
27. 最佳乡村乐队/组合(Best Country Duo/Group Performance)
From This Valley
The Civil Wars
Track from: The Civil Wars
28. 最佳乡村歌曲(Best Country Song)
Merry Go 'Round
Shane McAnally, Kacey Musgraves &Josh Osborne, songwriters (Kacey Musgraves)
Track from: Same Trailer Different Park
29. 最佳乡村专辑(Best Country Album)
Same Trailer Different Park
Kacey Musgraves
30. 最佳新世纪专辑(Best New Age Album)
Love's River
Laura Sullivan
31. 最佳即兴爵士音乐人(Best Improvised Jazz Solo)
Wayne Shorter, soloist
Track from: Without A Net (The Wayne Shorter Quartet)
32. 最佳爵士演唱专辑(Best Jazz Vocal Album)
Liquid Spirit
Gregory Porter
33. 最佳爵士演奏专辑(Best Jazz Instrumental Album)
Money Jungle: Provocative In Blue
Terri Lyne Carrington
34. 最佳大爵士乐团专辑(Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album)
Night In Calisia
Randy Brecker, W odek Pawlik Trio &Kalisz Philharmonic
35. 最佳拉丁爵士专辑(Best Latin Jazz Album)
Song For Maura
Paquito D'Rivera And Trio Corrente
36. 最佳灵乐/当代基督教音乐人(Best Gospel/Contemporary Christian Music Performance)
Break Every Chain [Live]
Tasha Cobbs
Track from: Grace [Live]
37. 最佳灵乐歌曲(Best Gospel Song)
If He Did It Before... Same God [Live]
Tye Tribbett, songwriter (Tye Tribbett)
Track from: Greater Than [Live]
38. 最佳当代基督教音乐歌曲(Best Contemporary Christian Music Song)
David Garcia, Ben Glover &Christopher Stevens, songwriters (Mandisa)
Track from: Overcomer
39. 最佳灵乐专辑(Best Gospel Album)
Greater Than [Live]
Tye Tribbett
40. 最佳当代基督教音乐专辑(Best Contemporary Christian Music Album)
41. 最佳流行拉丁专辑(Best Latin Pop Album)
Draco Rosa
42. 最佳拉丁摇滚/城市/另类专辑(Best Latin Rock, Urban or Alternative Album)
Treinta Das
La Santa Cecilia
43. 最佳墨西哥/特加诺专辑(Best Regional Mexican Music Album (Including Tejano))
A Mi Manera
Mariachi Divas De Cindy Shea
44. 最佳热带拉丁专辑(Best Tropical Latin Album)
Pacific Mambo Orchestra
Pacific Mambo Orchestra
45. 最佳美国根源歌曲(Best American Roots Song)
Love Has Come For You
Edie Brickell &Steve Martin, songwriters (Steve Martin &Edie Brickell)
Track from: Love Has Come For You
46. 最佳美国本土专辑(Best Americana Album)
Old Yellow Moon
Emmylou Harris &Rodney Crowell
47. 最佳蓝草专辑(Best Bluegrass Album)
The Streets Of Baltimore
Del McCoury Band
48. 最佳蓝调专辑(Best Blues Album)
Ben Harper With Charlie Musselwhite
49. 最佳民谣专辑(Best Folk Album)
My Favorite Picture Of You
50. 最佳地区传统音乐专辑(Best Regional Roots Music Album)
Dockside Sessions
Terrance Simien &The Zydeco Experience
51. 最佳雷鬼专辑(Best Reggae Album)
Ziggy Marley In Concert
Ziggy Marley
52. 最佳世界音乐专辑(Best World Music Album)
Savor Flamenco
Gipsy Kings
Live: Singing For Peace Around The World
Ladysmith Black Mambazo
53. 最佳儿童音乐专辑(Best Children's Album)
Throw A Penny In The Wishing Well
Jennifer Gasoi
54. 最佳诵读专辑(Best Spoken Word Album (Includes Poetry, Audio Books &Storytelling))
America Again: Re-becoming The Greatness We Never Weren't
Stephen Colbert
55. 最佳喜剧专辑(Best Comedy Album)
Calm Down Gurrl
Kathy Griffin
56. 最佳音乐剧专辑(Best Musical Theater Album)
Kinky Boots
Billy Porter &Stark Sands, Sammy James Jr., Cyndi Lauper, Stephen Oremus &William Wittman, Cyndi Lauper, composer &lyricist (Original Broadway Cast With Stark Sands, Billy Porter &Others)
57. 最佳改编影视音乐专辑(Best Compilation Soundtrack For Visual Media)
Sound City: Real To Reel
Butch Vig, compilation producer
58. 最佳原创影视音乐专辑(Best Score Soundtrack For Visual Media)
Thomas Newman, composer
59. 最佳影视歌曲(Best Song Written For Visual Media)
Adele Adkins &Paul Epworth, songwriters (Adele)
Track from: Skyfall
60. 最佳器乐作曲(Best Instrumental Composition)
Pensamientos For Solo Alto Saxophone And Chamber Orchestra
Clare Fischer, composer (The Clare Fischer Orchestra)
61. 最佳器乐编曲(Best Instrumental Arrangement)
On Green Dolphin Street
Gordon Goodwin, arranger (Gordon Goodwin's Big Phat Band)
62. 最佳器乐编曲伴唱(Best Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying Vocalist(s))
Gil Goldstein, arranger (Bobby McFerrin &Esperanza Spalding)
63. 最佳唱片包装(Best Recording Package)
Long Night Moon
Sarah Dodds &Shauna Dodds, art directors (Reckless Kelly)
64. 最佳盒装/限量发行版包装(Best Boxed Or Special Limited Edition Package)
Wings Over America (Deluxe Edition)
Simon Earith &James Musgrave, art directors (Paul McCartney And Wings)
65. 最佳专辑注解(Best Album Notes)
Afro Blue Impressions (Remastered &Expanded)
Neil Tesser, album notes writer (John Coltrane)
66. 最佳历史专辑(Best Historical Album)
Charlie Is My Darling - Ireland 1965
Teri Landi, Andrew Loog Oldham &Steve Rosenthal, c Bob Ludwig, mastering engineer (The Rolling Stones)
The Complete Sussex And Columbia Albums
Leo Sacks,
Joseph M. Palmaccio, Tom Ruff &Mark Wilder, mastering engineers (Bill Withers)
67. 最佳非古典类工程专辑(Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical)
Random Access Memories
Peter Franco, Mick Guzauski, Florian Lagatta &Daniel Lerner, Antoine &Chab& Chabert, Bob Ludwig, mastering engineers (Daft Punk)
68. 年度最佳非古典类制作人(Producer Of The Year, Non-Classical)
Pharrell Williams
BBC (Jay Z) (T) Blurred Lines (Robin Thicke Featuring T.I. &Pharrell) (S)
Happy (Pharrell Williams) (T)
I Can't Describe (The Way I Feel) (Jennifer Hudson Featuring T.I.) (S)
Nuclear (Destiny's Child) (T)
Oceans (Jay Z Featuring Frank Ocean) (T)
Reach Out Richard (Mayer Hawthorne) (T)
The Stars Are Ours (Mayer Hawthorne) (T)
69. 最佳非古典类混音唱片(Best Remixed Recording, Non-Classical)
Summertime Sadness (Cedric Gervais Remix)
Cedric Gervais, remixer (Lana Del Rey)
70. 最佳环绕音响专辑(Best Surround Sound Album)
Live Kisses
Al Schmitt, s Tommy LiPuma, surround producer (Paul McCartney)
71. 最佳古典类工程专辑(Best Engineered Album, Classical)
Winter Morning Walks
David Frost, Brian Losch &Tim Martyn, Tim Martyn, mastering engineer (Dawn Upshaw, Maria Schneider, Australian Chamber Orchestra &St. Paul Chamber Orchestra)
72. 年度最佳古典类制作人(Producer Of The Year, Classical)
David Frost
Andres: Home Stretch (Timo Andres, Andrew Cyr &Metropolis Ensemble)
Angel Heart, A Music Storybook (Matt Haimovitz &Uccello)
Beethoven: Piano Sonatas, Vol. 2 (Jonathan Biss)
Ben-Haim: Chamber Works (ARC Ensemble)
Celebrating The American Spirit (Judith Clurman &Essential Voices USA)
Elgar: Enigma V Vaughan Williams: The W Greensleeves (Michael Stern &Kansas City Symphony)
Guilty Pleasures (Rene Fleming, Sebastian Lang-Lessing &Philharmonia Orchestra)
Verdi: Otello (Riccardo Muti, Aleksandrs Antonenko, Krassimira Stoyanova, Carlo Guelfi, Chicago Symphony Chorus &Chicago Symphony Orchestra)
Winter Morning Walks (Dawn Upshaw, Maria Schneider, Australian Chamber Orchestra &St. Paul Chamber Orchestra)
73. 最佳管弦乐队(Best Orchestral Performance)
Sibelius: Symphonies Nos. 1 &4
Osmo Vnsk, conductor (Minnesota Orchestra)
74. 最佳歌剧录制(Best Opera Recording)
Ads: The Tempest
Thomas Ads, Simon Keenlyside, Isabel Leonard, Audrey Luna &Alan O Jay David Saks, producer (The Metropolitan Opera O The Metropolitan Opera Chorus)
75. 最佳合唱团(Best Choral Performance)
Prt: Adam's Lament
Tnu Kaljuste, conductor (Tui Hirv &Rainer V Estonian Philharmonic Chamber C Sinfonietta Riga &Tallinn Chamber O Latvian Radio Choir &Vox Clamantis)
76. 最佳室内乐/小乐团演奏(Best Chamber Music/Small Ensemble Performance)
Roomful Of Teeth
Brad Wells &Roomful Of Teeth
77. 最佳古典器乐独奏(Best Classical Instrumental Solo)
Corigliano: Conjurer - Concerto For Percussionist &String Orchestra
Evelyn G David Alan Miller, conductor (Albany Symphony)
Track from: Corigliano: C Vocalise
78. 最佳古典演唱(Best Classical Vocal Solo)
Winter Morning Walks
Dawn Upshaw (Maria S Jay Anderson, Frank Kimbrough &Scott R Australian Chamber Orchestra &St. Paul Chamber Orchestra)
79. 最佳古典音乐简编(Best Classical Compendium)
Hindemith: V Symphonic M Konzertmusik
Christoph Eschenbach, conductor
80. 最佳当代古典音乐作曲(Best Contemporary Classical Composition)
Schneider, Maria: Winter Morning Walks
Maria Schneider, composer (Dawn Upshaw, Jay Anderson, Frank Kimbrough, Scott Robinson &Australian Chamber Orchestra)
Track from: Winter Morning Walks
81. 最佳音乐录影带(Best Music Video)
Justin Timberlake Featuring Jay Z
David Fincher, Timory King, video producer
82. 最佳音乐电影(Best Music Film)
Live Kisses
Paul McCartney
Jonas kerlund, Violaine Etienne, Aron Levine &Scott Rodger, video producers[3]
克里夫顿·谢尼艾(英语:Clifton Chenier)
艾斯礼兄弟合唱团(英语:The Isley Brothers)
莫德·鲍威尔(英语:Maud Powell)
Rick Hall(英语:Rick Hall)
Jim Marshall(英语:Jim Marshall (broadcasting executive))


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