eve 里linkseve 飙车是什么意思思

section links
scrip if you want to see the final results right now, the
Resources section links to a . zip file with the completed project.
参考资料 部分,其中有一个 .zip 文件,内有完整的项目。
The methods of use section links the pattern to one or more of the three styles of MDM usage described earlier, where the pattern is most often encountered.
使用方法 把模式与前面讨论的一种或两种 MDM 使用风格关联起来,指出在哪些使用风格中常常遇到此模式。
Downloads section provides links to example scripts that contain the commands needed to back up the files, environment, and configuration settings as recommended in this article.
下载 部分提供了到示例脚本的链接,其中包含了本文所提到的,用于文件、环境、及配置设计备份的命令。
The My Games section links users to all previously purchased games and displays a list of the most frequently played games, making it easy to find the next big hit.
The site also has an entertaining humor section, with links to all those bad-joke pages about the Y2K computer bug.
The Insight section has sample portfolios with easy links to message boards and information on individual stocks.
- 来自原声例句
時間海洋ごΤιмё Οсеаи︷ .
& -我的2008,我的最愛。加油,我們會幸福。我要我們,永遠在一起。 -LQX。小柒,我愛你。 記憶里。我一直躺在全世界最溫暖的,你的懷抱里。 __和你緊緊的。相依相偎。 &
近期心愿美美满满。 期末考顺利通过~! 交友目的 结交朋友 婚姻状况 长期恋爱中 博客等级
this.p={b:2,ua:24, ub:'http://img.bimg.126.net/photo/RdLCvPQG6qZHp4Itjp8uHg==/272837.jpg',us:'她', friendstatus:'none',followstatus:'unFollow',hmcon:'',aShowT:'0',guideId:4};
积分 ${data.totalScore} 分,距离下一等级还有 ${data.nextGradeNeedScore}分
{if defined('fl')&&fl.length>0} {list fl as x}
${x.content|xescape:x.id,x.moveFrom} ${x.publishTime|xtime}
{if x.moveFrom&&x.moveFrom=='wap'} && {/if} {if x.moveFrom&&x.moveFrom=='mobile'} && {/if}
{/list} {else} 暂无心情随笔记录! {/if}
& 真的真的很对不起~! 这几天回老家了,没上网,没手机,没打电话。 & 你很担心我了吧~ 我真的不是故意的! 不要担心啦~! 下午跟你打电话,听着好久都没听到的声音, 感觉心里踏实了很多。 & 呵呵~ 能够听到你的声音。 真好~!
& 如果你爱我,请你深深的爱。 & 好久没来这里了。 因为忽然爱上了另一个家的感觉。 原谅我这么说,但也许那会是一个新的起点。 呵呵,这样的话 我说过好多回了。 每次以为总会是开始的时候, 却马上被现实打得遍体鳞伤。 我无语了,这样的生活.... & 好吧,现在开始回归这里。 毕竟这是我第一个,也是第一个真真正正的家。 我永远也不会忘记, 正像我永远也不会忘记那些人带给我的伤害。 到现在所有的伤害都变成了理直气壮 我还能说什么 我还能做什么 & 愿上帝,保佑我。 & & 如果你爱我,那么请你 一定不要忘记 我为你所做出的努力。 & 如果爱 请深爱。
头晕、出汗、想睡觉。的确是累了。 在外面泡了几个小时,定王台虽然有冷气,但是怎么也抵挡不住外面持续不断的高温。诶诶,我的身体。 其实,我很想告诉你我现在的状况,我想要人关心,想要人安慰。但是拿起电话的手最后又放下了,不想让你担心,真的真的不想。我希望你开开心心的过好这两天,我会乖乖的,不会打电话烦你。如果你知道了,你会自责,说是因为你我才会这样。亲爱的,我不希望看到你这样,真的。我会为了你,好起来。 想要回家洗个澡睡个觉,但是发觉腿像灌了铅一样的沉重。走不动了,我中暑了。 好想有个人扶着我、抱着我、呵护我。但是你却不在。早上高高兴兴的跟你发完信息,说什么一定要记得帮我带好玩的东西回来。可是发完之后,却忍不住的想要哭泣,我觉得,我是真的依赖你了,一刻也离不开你,怎么办。我不想成为你的包袱,我不想让你觉得累。我愿意让自己坚强,愿意让自己变得不再需要人照顾。这一切,因为你。 回到家,洗了澡睡了觉,却被雷声打醒。忽然觉得又厌恶又害怕,用被子蒙住头,竭力忍住身体上的不适,用跑调跑到南极的声音哼着不成调的歌。现在的我,的确是脆弱的不堪一击的。但是亲爱的,我需要你来滋润。 翻来覆去的,强迫自己睡着,最后却弄得自己筋疲力竭,更加沉重、更加郁闷。我想我是真的要哭了,那种感觉就像有什么东西堵在胸口,难受、折磨,对不起 我快要忍受不了了。之前的那一个星期,每天都在期盼着中午快快到来,在吃完午饭之后便飞奔出门,还好来得及见你,还好来得及。总是这样重复,一天又一天,尽管外面的太阳如此毒辣,但是我却乐此不疲。这是为什么呢,我不知道,但始终有一股力量驱使着,让我不断靠近你,索取我想要的温暖。 这一刻,我真的觉得 就好像是世界末日了。一切都没有了,只有我一个人和无边的黑暗。 我想,对于这种生活,我的确是累了倦了想睡了。但是亲爱的,我想 如果你及时赶到,我还不至于枯萎,至少 我会保留住最好的一面,来见你。亲爱的,此刻 我想你了。事实上 我一直都在想你。 我想 我是累了;我想 我需要好好睡一觉。
[One] 坐在麦当劳里 吹吹冷空气 忽然想起了电话还没打 就火急火燎的跑了出去 最近的一个报刊亭 一下一下 敲着一串熟悉的号码 ‘对不起 您拨打的用户因关机或无法接通。。’ 思路好像就被打断了一样&一遍又一遍的 不停地按 不停地按 & 又不知道是过了多久 也数不清楚是多少次从麦当劳里跑出来 就连报刊亭里那个大婶 也对我流露出异样的目光 诶诶诶 本来就没啥形象了 索性就抛开这些东西吧 & 电话终于打通 熟悉的声音 听着终于舒了一口气 好在他接了电话 好在他会来 好在 可以听到他的声音 & [Two] 麦当劳里的冷气 多的好像吹一辈子都吹不完 坐在离门口最近的一个位子 心里想着一些永远不可能活在现实里的东西 & 突然一个人影闯入我的视野 抬头一看 好看的笑容印在了脸上 然后 他突然像变戏法一样 从身后掏出了一束玫瑰 递到了我眼前 妈呀 这可是我活到现在 第一次有人送花 还是玫瑰花 我看着花 有些不知所措了
伸出手 把它抱在怀里 轻轻的笑了笑 恩 这家伙果然懂得讨我欢心 & 看了看无名指上的戒指 忽然觉得心里像被填满了一样 充实的快乐 嘿 别靠我太近 不然我会把你抱得紧紧的 永远不松开 & [Three] 一起走啊走 走了没多久 还是一致决定 Taxi 的士上 & 还是一如既往的 有些胡闹的亲他的脸颊 忽然觉得好软 想要捏一把 & 跟他聊着一些有的没的 竟然也可以聊得如此开心 哈哈 也许是他的原因吧 总可以让我做出一些平常都做不到的事 看着他的侧脸 就觉得似乎是快要陷了下去 那么好看的轮廓 天呐 那个人竟然是我的老公 & 也许是老天特别关照吧 我的老公特别帅 & [Four] 有冷气的地方就是好 在商场里转了一圈 还是没有找到要买的东西 诶诶 谁说的要买铃铛呢 虽然我也举双手双脚赞成 & 没有买到 心里还是觉得有点可惜
毕竟是为了它 一直想要补偿点什么 却连这么一点小事都做不到 诶 你真没用 & [Five] 最后我们都退了一步 买不到铃铛 就买风铃吧 反正都是可以摇得响的就对了 于是 一起向定王台出发 & 风铃买到了 但是价格却贵的惊人 两个竟然花了我50 My God 我这样 真是 太败家了 难怪他都要说我了
& 说就说嘛 干嘛声音那么大 弄得我郁闷 诶 没办法诶 我生来就不喜欢人家在大庭广众之下大着嗓门说我 那样 就算是我不对 也会生气的 架就是这样吵起来的 & 原因也够荒唐的 就因为两个人都没弄清楚生气的原因 我因为他声音大了生气 他却以为是他说了我 我就不高兴了 他因为我后来的道歉 就认为是在委屈求全 我却以为他还是在为刚才的事生气 乱套了 全都乱套了 & 好在我们及时清醒了 说清了理由 说清了道理 嘿嘿 我觉得 我们解决问题的能力 还真不错 & [Six] 其实我想说 对不起 我太冲动了 也许有时候我会不虚心接受意见 但我以后会改的 & 老公 我不希望我们吵架 但那绝不是委屈求全 我很爱很爱你 所以我要为今天的事 跟你说 对不起 & 还有 我爱你 &
忽然想要记录一点关于快青的片段 才发现脑袋中的东西真是少得可怜 好吧 从最最基本 大家都知道的开始吧 & 快青呢 在我脑海里 不过是与新兰一样 属于青梅竹马的代名词 但是 又与新兰不一样 因为 快青的缘分是从一朵玫瑰开始的 玫瑰是情人与情人之间象征的花语 所以 他们早已是命中注定的恋人 & 好看的玫瑰瞬间绽放在男孩指尖 被玫瑰夕阳映衬着的女孩的脸 荡漾出了一朵朵的深红 & 他们的缘分 从此开始 然后 是彼此熟稔的对白 [我叫黑羽快斗 请多多指教] & 青子就是如此 一爱便是十年 之后 名扬天下的怪盗基德 爸爸痛恨的小偷 竟然竟然就是身边的快斗 我想 也许青子不知道也是对的 真相一旦被揭穿 那些隐藏了十年之久的秘密 就会随之而清晰 那时的青子 面对自己最最痛恨的基德
她的痛苦 是从心底里被欺骗的羞辱 以及 不被信任的情感 & 青子曾对他说 [你对我太冷淡了 就像冰淇淋一样] 于是快斗回答 [但是冰淇淋很甜呐] 如此 是在暗示着什么么 不管是如何 快青之间 是暧昧 是想念 是甜蜜如冰淇淋一般的爱恋 & 似乎是在一段很短很短的时间之内
我的新兰情结 就转变成为了快青情结 这并不意味着 我放弃了新兰 只是 快青于新兰一样 都是谎言与梦幻编织起来的梦 新一对兰的欺骗 快斗对青子的欺骗 无一例外都是出于无奈 & 而我始终相信 在无奈之中的欺骗 最终会是最刻骨铭心的爱恋 &
&&那些绚丽的花纷飞了谁的年华。 &&那些岁月承载了多少繁盛的花。 是谁在谁的夜里点亮一盏安静的灯。 是谁在谁的瞳中映出一张温柔的脸。 是谁在谁的唇边印下一个窒息的吻。 是谁在谁的鬓角插上一只绯红的花。 是谁在谁的手心划开一圈又一圈温暖的涟漪。 是谁在谁的额前刻下一道又一道沉重的年轮。 是谁在谁的背后偷偷哭泣。 是谁在谁的梦里笑出了声。
所有的事都过去了 & 该来的来了 该说的说了 该做的做了 那么 该忘的也应该忘了 & 忽然想说 以后写日记不想再用标点 不知道是不是一个记号 想要从这里开始 彻底抛开过去 和小柒说了 我们重新来过 好么 亲爱的朋友 我们不是要分手 而是重新 得到快乐 & 这些日子发生的事太多 我一个人承受不过来
一天一天 整个人意志消沉 慢慢的
从前是那么爱笑的我 现在 变成了 笑 对我来说是一件很奢侈的事 小柒说我这样他很心痛 对不起 我忘记了原来你也是跟我一起痛着的 所以我说 老公 我们忘记那些不开心的事 重新开始好不好 他说 过去的那些事 你一直不肯挣脱出来 我笑 原来这世界上除了你 再无人了解我 我说 我会试着摆脱 我会让自己变回从前那样 于是你说 好 我们一起努力 & 我一直相信 那些困住我 不让我获得自由的过去
就像是一座座围城 我永远只能一个人孤单的呆在里面 一个人流泪 但是我想 现在 我似乎又走进了另外一座围城 & 那就是 你给我的保护 你给我的爱 我愿意一直待在里面 一直爱 一直被爱 你给我的所有 就像全世界的光芒 不会冷 不会热 不会寂寞 & 我知道 对于他 你跟我一样心痛 甚至 看到我的消沉 你的心痛更甚于我 小柒 我不会再那样了 相信我
一切都会好的 我们会很幸福 & 我们 会一直幸福
如果没有能力 如果没有责任 那么就不要让它来到这个世界 觉得自己好残忍 怎么可以如此没有责任 & 对不起 是我亏欠了你的 相信我 我爱你。
& &&& 你们以为,我是个容易屈服的人。 &&& 你们以为,我还是以前那个懵懵懂懂不懂事的小女孩。 &&& 你们以为,我会如从前那样依赖你们。 & &&& 呵呵,告诉你们吧,你们错了。 &&& 再大的血缘亲情也是会累的。就像我呆在家里会无端的觉得无聊一样。 &&& 这么久的争吵,我不断的让步,忍耐,现在,我终于累了。 &&& 所以,你们怎么刁难我都好。 &&& 甚至可以因为电风扇没有摆对位置而来来回回不断的要我重新去摆。 &&& 我告诉你们,我可以忍耐,直到我走出家门的那一刻。 &&
&&& 哈哈,至少我现在还可以笑。 &&& 战争并没有结束,那么我也不会输。 &&& 放心吧,没有你们,我依旧会活得很好。 &
&&& 不要以为,是你们造就了我的一生。 &&& 不要妄想,我会就此妥协,乖乖的走上你们为我安排的道路。
&&&&[壹] 记得当初刚进高一的时候,还是怀揣着朦朦胧胧的理想,踏进了这张并不怎么陌生的大门。 呵呵 什么都是崭新的,就连手机,也是新的。望着自己那些崭新的愿望,崭新的人生,也不知道自己是从哪儿来的信心,说什么高中绝不能让自己失望。刚进教室的时候,看着黑板上陌生的一排排的名字,心想若是能找到几个熟悉的也算不错了,好在老天够眷顾我,数了数,不多不少,刚刚好四个。 好吧,重新开始吧!记得 那就是当初对自己说的话。 & & &&&&[贰] 军训那几天还真是吃足了苦头。天天的稀饭包菜馒头,让我怀疑那些当兵的叔叔们是不是有很久都没吃过肉了?不过教官很可爱,与其说可爱,不如说是管不住我们班的时候脸上透露出的那种无奈。一个兔子教官,一个矮子教官。 在那么大的太阳底下晒来晒去,最大的愿望就是训练快快结束,让我舒舒服服洗个冷水澡。但当我真正见识到的时候,便开始了打从心底里的绝望。从此,洗澡成了我人生中最痛苦的事。脏兮兮的厕所,一眼望去只看见人头的长龙。然后愤然向前一挤,哈,又响目标迈进了一步! 晚上睡觉跟菲菲扯谈,声音大的让隔壁床的女生都起了意见。那个时候,心里满是怀揣着对高中生活的期盼,至少,那对于我,是一个全新的开始。 & &&&&[叁] 好像一到了开学,整个人就萎缩了下来。到了学校,望着那一张张陌生的脸孔,甚至从心底里生出了一丝畏惧。这到底是个什么样的地方?我的生活会如何?后面的一大串问号不期而至。 不过,好在傻人有傻福,很快的就把那些不好的忘记,专心的学习。第一次,那么佩服自己的毅力,竟然可以对作业的每一道题都认认真真的做,并且一丝不苟的遵循老师‘不懂就问’的原则,一个晚上电话几乎打爆。不过,那些努力并没有白费,成绩单上赫然显示着的数字让我感觉到阵阵不真实。是的,那是我努力的结果,我没有让自己失望。 那一夜,我几乎彻夜未眠。 & &&&&[伍] 原本以为会一直继续下去的计划,却在一次意外中残酷的被打破。起因是年级组织排练舞台剧,却因为种种在我们看来不是原因的原因而被搁置。知道年级组长说,舞台剧计划被推迟到与元旦表演同时演出,意思是,元旦表演即舞台剧。于是,我们又在种种的哀怨声中开始了紧张的排练。 其实一开始我并没有太多的去注意你。只是觉得你一只是一个沉默寡言的人,胸口的刺青明明那么明显,但你仍旧不愿意多说一句话,就好像与我们是另外一个世界的人,并无过多交流。 但是,好像就是那么一个动作的需要我走上前去,握住你的手。天知道,那一刻我的心是如何的紧绷,我的手,是如何的冰凉。我甚至来不及知道,我是如何喜欢你,你就那么明目张胆的,偷走了我的心。 嘿,如果遇见你是一个梦境,那么醒来之后我该如何睡去。那是我当时,对自己说的话。 & &&&&[陆] 拜托,我真的很佩服自己。 明明是在无意中知道了你的生日是离圣诞节不远的日子,明明在心里告诫自己无数次不要去在意,否则会闯祸。但还是忍不住的,悄悄的买了生日礼物,原本打算在没有人的时候偷偷塞给你,但却被朋友恶作剧的在大庭广众之下满脸通红的送给你。天呐,那一刻我真想杀了自己。 后来,舞台剧。我握着你的手在台上跳舞,嘴角忍不住的跳动。就连坐在台下的同学都看出了端倪,但我依旧坚持我一贯秉持的‘绝不承认’的原则,嘴硬了好久。但最后,终于还是软了下来,好吧,我承认我喜欢他。那一刻,我有多么想跳楼。 再后来,为了避免尴尬,我竟然撒了一个我最不应该撒的谎。在车站,我鼓足勇气跟你说 其实你们误会了,我不喜欢你,只是想要跟你做好朋友。然后,你对我笑,说没有关系,你并没有当真。那一刻,我真的舒了一口气。 & &&&&[柒] 寒假。越来越抵挡不住的思念。 你有了手机,我便天天没日没夜的跟你发信息。 跟思一起出去玩,顺便也当了一回电灯泡。雪越下越大,越来越厚重的棉衣也抵挡不住寒意。我们漫无目的地走在步行街上,然后按自在心里感叹,中国不愧是人口大国。走到饭店,吃了一碗热腾腾的混沌,心想以后的高中的生活都要如此平凡的度过,心里就像缺了一块什么似的,隐隐的痛。也许,那时的自己,已缺乏了当初的激情。 & &&&[捌] 开学,心想终于可以过正常的生活了。一切恢复平静,我依旧如往常一样,安静的做我自己的事情。只是,之前那一双对于我没有任何超乎同学之间友谊的双眼,却在不经意间,又加深了一层我所无法分辨的情感。 后来,的确,感情上是过的十分的不平静。 跟你告白,然后鼓足勇气问你是否也喜欢我,之后听到的肯定的回答让我在那一刹那几乎快要失控。从来没有试过,被自己所爱的人爱着,那种感觉,何其幸福。 然后,在那个刮着大风的晚上,我轻轻地亲了你的脸颊。虽然看不清你的表情,但是也许那会是一张诧异,惊喜的脸庞。在然后,又是在那样的一个晚上,我们面对着面坐在亭子里,我靠着你的肩膀,你枕着我的肩头。就那样恬然安静的坐着。我抬头,看见了你清澈如水的双眸,你低头,吻我。 那个时候,我在想,幸福,是否就是遗失给那个叫做初吻的东西呢? & &&&[玖] 3月14日。白色情人节。 你送给我这一生唯一的一枚戒指,小心翼翼的戴在我手上。其实,那个时候我心里正在想,这样是什么意思呢?只是知道了互相喜欢,却没有什么别的关系,甚至连男女朋友都不是,就带上了这么富有价值的东西。我们到底应该算是什么关系呢? 但是,从你把戒指戴在我手上的那一刻起,我便知道,即使你会对不起我,即使你会欺骗我,我也不会后悔。我也会毫无怨言的跟着你,知道你把我丢下。 但是,我也相信,不会有那一天,因为你曾跟我说过。 然后,在回家的路上,我收到了你发来的短信。你说 诶,从今天开始我们谈好不?我于是笑着回答 怎么今天突然说起这个了?你说 哎呦,好不嘛!我笑,何其郑重的说 好,我答应你。这是我的初恋。我在心里想。我会把它送给我最最珍惜的人,但也希望,那会是我这一生唯一的一次恋爱。 & &&&[拾] 日子就那么波澜不惊得过了下去。好在有你,生活才不至于如此单调。 我想,我是幸福的,因为我爱着的人也爱着我。并且,我们承诺,会永远永远,一直走下去。但是,接踵而来的是来自另外一些人的伤害,猜忌和不信任。我知道,只要有你,我会永远永远的开心快乐。但那些始终是横亘于我心里的刺,不去拔掉,他便会永远的带给我伤痛。 不断的谣言,不断的争吵几乎快要将我打垮。从前我以为只要能与你开心的在一起,生活便是美好的,但是也许是我太单纯,是我太笨太傻。有些人也许是误解,但有些人却永远都不会看着你幸福快乐,他们会用一些手段,来打击,甚至是攻击你。为了这些,我甚至会哭,甚至会闹,甚至会发脾气。但是,当我清醒过来时,看到身边始终站着的还是你时,所有的不愉快,所有的伤心难过,都会在瞬间摧毁了所有城墙。你抱着我,人有我的眼泪浸湿你的胸口。你只是不说话,用与我一样的难过的眼神看着我。让我知道,其实你跟我一样难受。 & &&&[十一] &无法忘记你那张不要脸的得意的表情。我依然可以笑着回答你的问题,笑着跟你谈话。但是,我无法抑制从我心底里迸发出来的那种恶心的情绪。我知道,那些所谓的理智会在我见到你的那一刻全盘崩溃。但我还是竭力忍住了,因为很久很久以前,我就学会了忍耐,学会了坚强。但当我知道你会把一件于个人及其私密的事宣扬的满城风雨,我真的忍不住那股冲动,想要冲上去狠狠扇你两个耳光。呵 也许我会试着跟你好好相处的,但至少不是现在。 &如果不是小柒,我想我应该会败在你的手下。 & &&&[拾贰] 面临一个严峻的问题。分班。 其实我们都知道分班了就意味着是两条不同的路,但我们依然坚信,只要坚定,心中那份情绪依旧不会改变。其实那就意味着一个新的开始。让我重新生活的开始。那些不愉快的,我会忘记,如我们所愿。 所以,我会笑着说我不在意,即使那些人曾经伤害过我。我不想,在最后的这些日子里,做一些让自己后悔的事。 怀念,无可厚非。 & &&&&[拾叁] 那些伤害过我的人,我要在这里,致以诚挚的谢意。 Sue 说的对,人始终还是要坚强的。所以,我要感谢你们,因为我的坚强拜你们所赐,我会好好珍惜 这个难得的教训。我会试着努力,把那些该忘的忘记,该记住的记住。我想,从前的那个我还是我,没有变化,只是那些坚强,勇敢,以及把眼泪憋在心里的那种毅力,会永永远远的倒影在我身上。哈哈 也许过了今夜 一切都会好的。 & &&&&[拾肆] 依旧还是会记得‘从前’那个在老师眼里看起来不思进取,吵吵闹闹的班级。至少那会是我记忆的一部分。与以往的记忆不同,那会是我让我成长的,带给我伤痛的回忆。也许不会忘记,但至少是我不想记得。 走出教室门的那一刻,听到有人说 这个班级终于要解散了。那一刻,心里突然有种酸酸的情绪,毕竟大家相处了一年,不可能毫无情感,怎么可以说出这么残忍的话?当年初中毕业的时候,大家在一起,甚至会流泪,甚至会望着彼此说不出话。但为什么到了高中一切都变得如此冷淡,是人变了,还是世界变了。 那个属于了我一年的班级永远不会存在。那些属于了我一年的回忆会慢慢淡去。只是,如果很多很多年以后,我在想起来,那一张张熟悉的面孔,那一片片重叠的回忆。我会怎样去看待,或者会难过,或者会伤心。但至少,不会是快乐。 & &&&&[拾伍] 到现在,我依然会记得当初你脸上让我着迷的表情。 当然,那时的你不会注意我。但我却用我整颗整颗的心在默默关注你。我知道那种滋味有多难受,也无法得知我们之间是否会有结果。但缘分就是那么奇妙,无心插柳柳成荫,那一次次的误打误撞,那一次次的仗着是‘无聊所以才会跟你发短信的借口’跟你联络。甚至会因为你一句无心但又看似暧昧的话而暗自欣喜。呵呵 很傻吧,但我记得你说过,你喜欢的,是完整的我,所以即使是傻傻的,你也会喜欢。 从来没有想象过我会如此幸福。就连那一句喜欢你也是在吃飞醋的时候脱口而出。原谅我这种冲动的性格,我只是想要好好喜欢你。大概我现在说什么 其实当初也不是想跟你谈 之类的话你都不会相信了吧。说不定你还会偷偷捂着嘴巴笑我傻,但是,就是喜欢你带着宠溺的眼神摸摸我的头,就是喜欢你会在人潮拥挤的时候去牵我的手。神情庄重的像深怕失去一件珍宝。好吧,我承认,我就是你心里 唯一的珍宝。 & &&&&[拾陆] 日记到这里就此打住。 其实省略了好多。诸如被班主任发现谈爱,状告家长等等一系列的事情。但是仔细想想,那些都是微不足道的。因为至少那在我的记忆里,不足以被重视。不管发生什么,我和他依旧不会改变。 所以,到这里,我告别我的高一。为纪念这一段生命中绝无仅有的辉煌。它,让我懂得,如何坚强。
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Jul 2, 2016
Eve Development Network Killboard v4.2.24.0
- Webserver (Apache, IIS)
- PHP 5.2+
- Mysql 5+
- GD 2 or higher
- Upload the whole package to a webhost
- Point your webbrowser to /install inside the
- Follow the instructions
- Don't forget to delete the install folder after
installation or restrict the access to it!
o/ EVE Development Network
Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-6 1.0.
Added option for displaying daily stats summary on the front page
Try to use CREST hash provided by zKB first before parsing kills
Fix: Redis Cache-Handler Database selection
Fix: Fixed error in ZKBFetch when creating fallback corp for involved parties
Fix: ZKBFetch now accepts formats generated by XML -& CREST converter
Fixed potential layout issues with displaying daily stats summaries
Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-5 1.0.
Updated CREST endpoint for fetching item types
Top scorers are no longer displayed on the front page if showing kill points is disabled in configuration
Added getter to page classes for better accessibility from mods
Added calculation of summary (kills, losses, efficiency) to KillListTable class
Added support for structure service slots to InventoryFlag class
Fixed link for creating API keys in ACP
Fix: Fallback for unknown types if fetching from CREST fails
Fix: Support new Attribute Icon format when viewing item details
Updated EDK to and CCP DB to Citadel 1.0.
Allow posting of CREST links with legacy base URL
Changed CREST base URL to crest-
Fetch dogma info for unknown items
Fixed typo in ACP setting name
Fix: Fetching item types via CREST
Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-3 1.0.117575
ZKBFetch: Abort instead of skipping kills on CREST communication error
IDFeed/API: Abort instead of skipping kills on CREST communication error
Kill location in IGB
Fixed cache poisoning when running multiple sites
Fixed typo in Item class when rebuilding instance from cache
Fix: Flushing the Redis database did not work
Fix: Item slot for items from ItemLists were not determined correctly
This is a hotfix release for v4.2.19.0, fixing idfeed
Fix: Removed call to removed function
Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-2 1.0.116998
IDFeed from other EDK boards fetches mail from CREST
Made cache object factory more robust against corrupted cache
Added PHP time limit as hint to config option for maximum number of kills to fetch per run
Generic module slot detection
Added Meta Tags to main killboard pages
Added rewind() method to top list base class
Split cron jobs and improved logging
Added documentation to constants
Set old value fetcher to deprecated
API Import: Made more robust against API errors
Updated ACP Troubleshooting indicator icons
Removed legacy EDK feed
Updated IDFeed to v1.5 and zKBFetch to v1.1
Removed reinforced mode feature
Removed PHP4 style constructors from all classes
Many code cleanups
CacheHandlerRedis: Fix for warning in PHP7
Fixed default URL in ValueFetcherCrest
Fix: Respect seconds when showing kills in time intervals
Fix: Declared callback methods as static
Fix: Try to load config after installation check
Installer: Use mysqli and fixed removed/deprecated methods
Fix: Declared gzopen in case only gzopen64 is available
Updated EDK to and CCP DB to YC-118-1 1.0.116645
Add Redis cache system based on memcache handler
Increased memory limit for long-running cron jobs
Added location top list to front page
PHP errors should only be displayed on the frontend when `display_errors` is on.
Made update 038 more robust
Fix: CREST link calculations for Drifter kills
Renamed subselct in location toplist query
Fix: Location toplist now respects PodNoobship setting
Fixed location toplist description when showing kills
Fix: Pilot name was missing from top Solokillers, Damagedealers and Finalblowe toplists
Updated EDK to and CCP DB to Forstline 1.0.116241
Added nearest location to Kills in database
Added filters to top locations list on Solarsystem Detail page
Update coordinates of kills without coordinates
Fixed defect index definition for kb3_kills table
Fixed exception when viewing kills without nearest location
Disable posting of text mails without accurate timestamp
Timestamp parsing of text mails from old EDK installations
Handling of related kills with new timestamp accuracy
Updated EDK to and CCP DB to Parallax 1.0.115480
Added kill location within systems
Killmail Parser: Added support for timestamps accurate to the second
Fix: Kill coordinates in zKBFetch
Fix: Make Pheal actually use the API server setting in constants.php
Updated Killboard to and Vanguard 1.0.114986
Fix: SQL error when adding/updating on some environments
Updated EDK version to for Galatea 1.0 and CCP DB to 114618
Added getter to detail view pages
Fixed non-static reference in static method in Corporation class
Fix: Redirection for database update using https
Updated CCP DB to Aegis
Download unknown ships/items
Updated CREST links for https, added CA certificate bundle
Removed obsolete alliance logos ...
Added error hanlding to item fetching functionality
Fix: Remove broken cyan color tag from corp descriptions
Fix: AJAX when called from command line
Fix: Cron Jobs and Simple URLs.
Updated CCP to Carnyx 1.0.113321, Killboard to
Special Item Prices
Updated zKB fetch example URLs
Fix for loading mods in cronjob using xajax (e.g. ajcron)
Merge pull request #39 from R3ality/patch-1
o Update class.translate.php
Fix: Respect HTTPS scheme everywhere
Updated CCP DB to Mosaic 1.0.112318 Updated Killboard version to (Mosaic 1.0)
Load mods in cron jobs
Improved update mechanism with enhanced version check
DB Update: Convert BPC flags to singleton
Change auto updater download file to update2.xml
Fix: zKB Fetch last kill timestamp reset
Fix: Made zKB fetch more robust
Code cleanup
Removed Accept-Language from SimpleCrest request headers
Updated CCP DB to Scylla 1.0.111482
Rewrote table updates for better compatibility
Enhancement: Added support for item singleton flags
Fix: BPC values in kill detail view
Fix: BPCs inside containers don't conserve the singleton flags
Fix: Add an alliance as killboard owner which is not in the database
Updated CCP DB to Tiamat 1.0 (110751)
Added kill/loss lists for ship types
IDFeed 1.3
Fix for API sanity check
Fix for infamous "Invalid argument supplied..."
Fix: Correctly build context menu in item detail view
Fix: Display context menu only for ships in item details view
Updated CCP DB to Proteus 1.0.109795
ZKBFetch: Updated examples for beta.eve-kill.net
Don't test API connection with cURL if it's not available
Introduced configuration of API connection method
Fix: Copy/Paste error in Ship Details View
Fix: Make installer use UTF8 charset in DB connection
Fixed bug in generating image URLs
Fixed bug in parsing ship traits info links
Fix: file method not being able to handle compressed replies
Fix: For cURL and file methods in SimpleCrest class
Updated CCP DB to Rhea 1.0 (109013)
CREST value fetcher uses industry price as fallback
Updated Map generator to work with Thera
Reintegrated ship traits into item details
Enhanced cURL detection and Pheal compatibility
Expanded ACP Troubleshooting section
Automatically detect file/curl method for XML API
Use TLS with cURL for fetching from CREST/zKB
Fix: Victim name of structures in IDFeed
Fix: Host detection during installation
Fix: Allow negative timestamp offset of 0 for ZKBFetch
Fix: zKB sliding timestamp and HTTP errors
Fix: Changed URL for socket connect check
Updated CCP DB to Phoebe 1.0 (build 107269)
CREST item value fetcher
Added compression to SimpleCrest cURL fallback
Enhanced error logging for API import/IDFeed
Fixed formatting of zKB fetch error texts
Fix: zKB fetch fetching the same kills all over again
Fix: Correctly distinguish involved structures
Fix: Updated XHTML theme for CREST link posting
Fix for external Character ID sanity check
Fix: zKB fetch not fetching new kills
Comments not diplayed on kill detail pages
Updated URL for connectivity check during installation
Updated CCP DB to Oceanus 1.0 (105658)
Enhancement: Negative timestamp offset for zKB fetch
Enhancement: Alliance detection for involved pos mods
Added sanity check for external corp/pilot IDs
Made item price editor use prepared queries
Fix: Use UTC time for adding new zKB fetch configurations
Fix: Copy/Paste error in zKB fetch for involved factions
Fix: Blank alliance for corps without alliance part 2
Fix: Blank alliance for corps without alliance
Fix for creating IDs for roles on 64bit unix systems
Fix: Warning when adding custom top navigation item
Fix: Edit item price for items without price
Fix: Ammo recognition for Tracking Computers
Fix: Corporation links in Corp descriptions
Fix: Ammo recognition for Sensor Boosters
Fix: Ammo detection for Rapid Heavy Missile Launcher
Updated CCP DB to Hyperion 1.0 (101505)
Enhancements to Memcache caching
Enhancement: Get images CCP image server via SSL
Enhancement: Use correct moonID in IDFeed whenever possible
Enhancement: Added CREST link generator
Enhancement: Expose CREST url via kill details menu
Fix: Adding corps/alliances as owners by external ID
Fix: SQL error when adding killboard owners in some environments
Fix: Adding a pilot as killboard owner by external ID
Fix: Handling of https scheme for image server URL
Fix for the Fix for CREST hash generator with NPC deaths
Fix for CREST hash generator with NPC deaths
Fix: Fixed some warnings in API import cron job
Fix: Fetching permanently deleted mails from zKB causes error
Fix: Caching issue while listing zKB Fetch
Fix: Items in "None" bay were doubled on display
Fix: Ignore NPC only kills from zKB Fetch
Fix: Fixed possible fatal error in cron_zkb in some environments
Fix: Crest/zKB Fetcher and chunked responses
Fix: Empty data set from zKB API causing a warning
Fix: Fix for displaying the error code for Json Fetching errors
Fix: Fixed typo and copy-paste error in zKB Fetcher
Fix: CREST/zKB Fetcher with file HTTP method
Fix: Alliance detection for involved structures
Support fetching kills from zKillboard
Show DNA ship fitting for kills in IGB
Expose a kill's CREST link
Updated CCP DB to Crius 1.0 (100038)
Added parsing of showinfo-links in corp descriptions
Determine Alliance of involved structure more reliably
Fix: getting a corp with better performance for CREST mails
Fix: Improved HTTPS detection
Fix: Fixed error when logging to kb3_apilog in some environments
Fix: Fetching a Pilot from API
Corrected API server URL in constants.php
Fix: Remove size attributes from Corp descriptions
Fix: MySQL version to check fails with server versions & 9
Fix: Added exit() after setting header for reloading page
Fix: Add corps as additional board owners
Fix: Distinguishing API from IDFeed in IDFeed class
Fix: CrestParser exception handling compatibility
Fix: Exception handling in CrestParser
Updated CCPDB package files to Kronos 1.0
Updated CCPDB and Killboard version
Enhancement: Added "ignore NPC kills" option to IDFeed
Enhancement: Added more attributes to itemlist
Enhancement: cURL support for SimpleCrest fetcher
Config option: Show ISK loss instead of ship type
Fix: CrestParser, NPC kills and permanent deletion
Fix: Add corp name in front of control towers/mods
Fix: Changed default method to cURL for SimpleCrest
Fix: Delete standings when using simple URLs
Fix: No API Log entries for KillMails API call
Fix: EFT and EVE Fitting export with new slot flags
Fix: Suppress warnings in auto updater
Fix: Empty redirect URL in conversion scripts Part 2
o Support of kill posting via CREST link
o Support for all hangar locations for dropped/destroyed items
o Use CCP KillMail API instead of old KillLog API
o Kill Details: support for charges in low slots
o Updated file verification with correct checksums
o Fixed typo in cron_clearup
o Keep https scheme on update redirections
o Updated API Base URL in installer
o Handling of item locations from old feeds
o Adding of NPC Corps failed in some environments
o Make API key handling more robust
o Parser NullPointer and translation of old mails
o Graceful error handling for unknown involved ships in parser
o Correct detection of installed https wrapper
o Wrong count for KillLists for more than one Killboard Owner
o Includes CCPDB for Rubicon 1.3 (Mar 23, 2014)
o Lineendings of all code files harmonized to unix style
o Autoupdater enhancement: Check file permissions before update,
Check file permissions for files to delete
o Updated PHEAL to version 0.1.15
Includes CCP DB for Rubicon 1.3 (Mar 10, 2014)
Bugfix: Installer incompatibility with new database
Bugfix: Weapons list in "Ships & Weapons"
Includes CCP DB for Rubicon 1.1 (Jan 24, 2014)
Removed the autoupdater for CCP database
Starting with EDK will always contain current CCP DB.
This is what the forth number in the version is for. E.g. if there will
be a new CCP DB but no code update in EDK, then next version will be
Bugfix: execQuery() on unknown entities identified by external ID
Fixed the code autoupgrader. It should work for the next upcoming versions now
Bugfix: Files from code update archive shall always be extracted
Bugfix: Towers show always "None" as Alliance
Workaround: API verification of manually poster or fetched kills
Feature: make parser accept killmails from fully localized clients
Bugfix: idfeed uses argument "startdate" as "enddate"
Bugfix: if the option "Include Capsules, Shuttles and Noobships in kills" is disabled in ACP, kills for these ship classes won't be displayed even if filtered
Value fetch: Set "Update Faction Values" to No as default
Fix: Capsule - Genolution 'Auroral' 197-variant
Fix step 5 of installation
Fix for API via https
Add Crucible 1.1 DB packages.
Add \n to cronjobs.
Ship class links for public summary tables fixed.
fix parser translation for pre-crucible 1.0 ABs.
Page cache timing fixes - respects admin settings.
Setting prices on kill details works with unitialised Kills
Neaten update errors for unlinking missing files.
Remove kill points from killer rather than victim on deletion.
Updates old owner ids to new format
idfeeds no longer fall back to old feed on error
items inside containers are stored correctly
blueprint copies inside containers work
Unknown ships are added with correct id.
Installer finds http class when curl is not enabled.
Killlog error messages are clearer.
Parser fails less dramatically on unknown ships and weapons.
Add new, unknown, alliances when adding new corps.
Add server status class.
Fix CCP's latest killmail bugs.
Fix for updated german killmail translations.
Fix kill related links.
Item values can be updated on kills.
Forum post and known members mods fixed.
CSS fixes for kill_details
API static methods under 5.2
Name display on self details page cleaned.
BPCs in quantities greater than 1 found
API kills show API as source.
search redirectes to correct page.
Classified mails fixed.
previous month selection in corp details corrected.
german translation of mails updated.
pilot names shown on some awards where they were missing
better escaping of old killlog API names.
moons table created if it does not exist.
URL redirects with non-simple urls no longer escaped.
filename fixed in renamed cron files.
Cleaner URLs: kburl/home/2011/23/kills/
More caching! Objects can now be filecached(meh)/memcached(yay!)
Corp logo transparency returns
IIS bug avoided
improved error messages
improved duplicate checks
improved toplist display for mixed boards
ajcron admin panel display fix
various other internal fixes
Added html5 theme
New API support
Support Implants on pod mails
Support BPC flag
Updated with Crucible database
More stuff
Related kill count fix
Incarna DB
Custom EDK URL creation support (supports future versions of EDK)
Use CCP image server for images
If using local cache of images, fetch Types from CCP
Fix for pilot points and corp icons in killlists
Increased contrast of red graphs in red theme
Troubleshooting page checks SSL support.
Corp logo transparency returns
IIS bug avoided
pilot points shown
improved error messages
thumbnail fixes for lighttpd
more default thumbnail sizes
summary tables on public boards work again
improved duplicate checks
improved toplist display for mixed boards
ajcron admin panel display fix
various other internal fixes
Mixed pilot/corp/alliance board owner
- no limits on number or type of owners
Code cleaning
DB speed optimisations
Quicker install
Moved everything to the left a bit.
More separation of mods and core for easy modding and theming
Images now use CCP's types directory structure
API updated with CCP's latest changes.
Images are now accessed through thumb.php
- simpler image handling
- improved speed for large sites
- ready for CCP's planned item image server
Russian mail parser fixes
kill_details has optional 256x256 ship background
kill_details links to killmail source.
Refixed hyphenated name display
Handles CCP's new default image system
Incursion 1.1 DB
Campaign end dates are respected
Cronjob feed fetches update last kill on first run
Fixed hyphenated name display
Structure names handled consistently
Improved alliance clustering in related kills
Incursion updates
- Image files
- Installation db
IDFeed renames structures as per standard parser.
kill_related improvements
Fixed killlist generation speed issues.
Fixes for cache generation issues
Corp/alliances with a null timestamp are updated correctly.
Alliance portraits show same image for small and large sizes
IDFeed reader stops posting 0 quantity kills.
IDFeed reader works more convincingly.
Single pilot boards authorise owner to post kills
IDFeed reader works.
Feed page works for pilot feeds.
Hashing works for updated kills
Update can reset db level.
IDFeed reader works for Corporate boards.
corp_detail correctly links to CEO
Constellation highlighting on maps highlights
Memcache support in page cache improved.
Region names on kill lists return
IDFeed reader implemented similar to CCP API feed.
Classes can be overridden by mods.
Code has been rewritten to fit a more OO design.
Code has been rewritten to be more maintainable.
Error handling has been added to improve error messages.
Error messages can be logged to file.
Memcache is used more widely, if enabled.
Standard cache manager has been added enabling simpler cache handling.
CCP's new image server is used.
Newer, faster version of the Smarty templating system is used.
Front page cam be toggled to display current week/month only.
Feed syndication uses 'trust'. API ids from trusted boards are used to verify kills.
Hashes of killmails are used to speed up the processing of duplicate kills.
Image cache now organised by ID and shared between pilot/corp/alliance.
More theming-friendly changes
Default character encoding added to db setup
New ships added.
API admin more friendly
More display options.
Numerous minor bugfixes and improvements.
Final Tyrannis content added to installer.
Auto db-updater works again
Tyrannis rather bizarrely sets pilots known to have no alliance as 'Unknown'
instead of 'None'. EDK will convert this back to 'None' until sense is restored.
Admin upgrade will report errors if upgrade could not be performed.
Prepared queries return better error messages.
Cache clearing script fixed.
Corp detail page shows top ships used rather than killed.
New ships can be added to admin ship values again.
Rare error in renaming pilots fixed.
Callback function passes references (Mod makers rejoice)
Updates to core mods missing from previous updates added.
Toplist speed fixes
Memory limits added to db caches
Backglow returned to kill detail modules
Kill related is more related.
Ship values set in the admin panel are set
Cache clearing cronjob checks directories exist
Toplist speed fixes.
Campaign speed fixes.
Pages no longer allow incorrect caching.
Signatures display correctly.
Kill detail themes work again.
PHP5 support only. PHP 4 may work in some cases but is not supported.
External ID for kills, corps and alliances added
large database handling improved
extended theme support
event driven page modification
v2.0.10 (svn r488)
Date function works in php4
v2.0.9 (svn r486)
Year end date handling fixed.
missing rank mod images returned.
Dominion parser and db
v2.0.8 (svn r479)
Board updated with Dominion installation DB and IGB pages changed.
PHP4 compatibility improved
Rank mod no longer gives EWAR award for missile use.
v2.0.7 (svn r476)
PHP4 compatibility improved
Install speed increased
EFT fittings show subsystems
session handling improved
corrected ship class filtering
pilot's corp reset correctly
eve-dev references changed to eve-id
v2.0.6 (svn r459)
Security fixes
Updated parser
Improved handling of large cache directories
cache clearing script included
v2.0.3 (svn 445)
- various bufixes
- PHP4 support
v2.0.1 (svn 435)
- first release of EDK v2
v2.0.0 RC1 (svn 370)
- Incorporates changes and additional mods from Alvar's EDK Full Package v150.13Apoc.33.2622.0
- Database structure changed
- SQL queries optimised for speed and error protection.
- feed syndication optimised
- front page includes optional clock and optional kill/loss display
- mysqli support added
- transaction protection of kills added where supported
- summary tables and contracts show total destroyed value instead of ship value
- html errors reduced
- related kill calculation improved
- query caching errors reduced
- minor bugfixes
- Smarty 2.6.25 added
- apoc fitting mod added and modified
- code optimisations
- comments added (doxygen format)
- conflicting mods are now identified
// Alvar Package VERSION HISTORY
v150.10Apoc.29.2622.0 - Initial Release
- This was the basic build as above but only for the QR information.
- Included updated Smarty to
v150.11Apoc.30.2622.0 - Updates for Apocrypha
- Updated the API to 3.0
- Added the Corp Logo mod
- Added the Apoc dB dump 1.1 from FriedRoadKill
v150.11Apoc.30.2622.1 - Updates for Missing files
- Added missing files for core mod: rank mod
- Added the missing parser files for the latest version
- class.registry.php included to fix borking api
v150.12Apoc.32.2622.0 - Updates for
- Update to API to 3.2
- Added the Apoc dB dump 1.2 from FriedRoadKill
- Updated the Version nomenclature.
v150.13Apoc.33.2622.0 - Updates for
- Update API to 3.3
- Updated the Apoc dB dump 1.3 from FRK
- Added the Apoc Fitting screen 1.3 by btcentral
- Removed the "Non Installed Mods" folder
- Removed the "Alvar" style
For general support, bugfixes and new versions see
Developers wanted!
If you'd like to contribute to further version
of this killboard, sign up for the EVE-Dev forums!
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