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类型:汉化补丁大小:6.1M语言:中文 评分:10.0
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Full Audio
Title: Flowers -Le volume sur printemps- Demo
Release Date: 24 Feb, 2016
Play Flowers -Le volume sur printemps- Demo
Update Notes
Changes 8/16/2016
Updated font style.
Increased text line limit for each screen.
Added new elements to the chapter intros..
Fixed typos and errors in the script.
Updated trial introduction splash text.
Changes 4/29/2016
Continued improvements to dialog flow and style.
Changes 3/7/2016
Improved dialog scripts
Fixed small typo in title monologue image
Changes 2/26/2016
Updated dialog scripts
Fixed egregious errors in translation
Updated images to match new script
First Release 2/24/2016
About This Game
In the middle of a forest isolated from the rest of the world lies Saint Angraecum Academy, an all-girls school. This is where Suoh Shirahane, a painfully shy girl with a mysterious past, will begin her first year of high school. Follow her as she navigates new friendships within the academy’s special “Amiti?” partner program and attempts to unravel the many mysteries at the academy, including occult rituals and the mysterious disappearance of fellow students, all while trying to pass her classes.
Within the halls of Saint Angraecum Academy, spring warms into summer, as does Suoh's friendships until they too blossom into something much more.
The demo takes place in the middle of chapter two of our story, after Suoh has joined the academy. Still uncomfortable with the newness of everything, she tries her best to make new friends, but her shyness gets the better of her. That is, until she is faced with a mystery that she alone can solve to help her Amiti? partner.
System Requirements
OS: Windows Vista/7/8/10
Memory: 512 MB RAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 200 MB available space
Innocent Grey, JAST USA.
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Very Positive
(63 reviews)
Let's keep it short for this trial version.- Great visuals! Astounding artwork for the characters and distinct and detailed backgounds. The artist must very talented, no doubt.- The characters have a good air of personality despite this being a short trial. Their appearance and memorability is certainly also helped by the gorgeous artwork.-The trial version offers a short story which I found interesting. Good execution though it's hard to get a good grasp of the characters because of the short lenght.- The font used is a bit crude and contrasts too sharply with the soft artwork of the game in my opinion.And if any of the devs read this: there's a sound bug when going from the title screen to the load save screen and pressing &exit& too soon. The BGM will begin to stutter. I would appreciate if this was fixed.
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is it spring 2016 yet?
I played several &visual novels& and this one easily grabbed my attention the most. Loved the visuals, music, and dialouge. The characters feel real and have a sense of individuality. I like the maturity and overall seriousness of the game which makes me pay attention to the story opposed to focusing on boobs dangling all over my screen like other games. Not saying I do not like boobs but I feel less distracted and therefore I can truly focus on what is actually happening and end up enjoying the story, music, and art.
nice artstyle and music, looking forward to the full release
Product received for free
10 outta 10 lots of gay forthcoming. would recommend
it has been around 2 years since i beat this game on its japanese version and it was fantastic. The story is about Suoh, a young girl seeking her education in a aristocratic single-sex high school. Through many incidents and events, she met her true love for the life time. And there comes the \'Suddenly\'.Now, for the ORIGINAL game, (NOT SURE for the translated version) these are the things you are gonna get from it:- Splendid watercolor-like drawing with a unique touch of artistical vision that is iconic to the Innocent Grey- classical-ish BGMs that really fits every single line of the script,- a setting of a single-sex aristocratic school divided from the society,- beautifully made story, fun dialog and reasoning.-
a must for those who loves anime culture and yuri, or lesbian love, sort of culture (and a must for those who seeks some challenge on reasoning lol)Downsides and doubts:1. For this trial version, the translation group certainly needs to put more work on its level of translation skill. Currently it is very unprofessional. 2. the Font and size are very unfitting and they are damaging the experience. A LOT.3. lacking a choice of the original japanese script.4. parts of the translation is done merely according to the verbal meaning, not according to the story and situational meaning. It could be presumed that the final version of the game might still have this sort of problem.Overall, if you need some fresh air of a story that could bring you places, that could demonstrate the power of the visual noval and sympathy game and you don\'t know how to read japanese, this is a must for ya.
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I've been waiting for this game for a year, honestly. Ever since I found it whilst searching for a quality yuri visual novel, I was immediately hyped. Now, after just finding this demo today, I played through it, and all I can say is that it's far more than I could've hoped for. Now, it's not perfect, but no visual novel is. It has its flaws just like any other, though I'm sure the final version will looks much better, considering they've removed some bits and pieces for sake of the demo version. Character-wise, even if we're only introduced to six, including the main character, I love each and every one of them. Their each unique in their own ways, and make the visual novel all the more enjoyable to read. I can't wait for the final version to be released, and I'll definitely be buying it whenever I have enough money. It seems like my wait for a quiality yuri visual novel that isn't all porn like Sono Hanabira is finally over.
Pretty nice demo. From an aesthetic viewpoint, the artwork and coloring is absolutely beautiful, though I feel the font chosen for reading could be better as the current one feels a bit &system font&, so to speak (However, this could be an issue on my part because visual novel games just love to screw with fonts on my end sometimes). I feel like more could have been done to make the context of the scenes we are given a bit more clear in the very beginning, but overall it seems like a reasonable and readable preview of the story, however short the excerpt.
finished the Demo, I love the art, the story is probably much more interesting if played on full mode than just chapter 2 of the story.I'm a big yuri fan, so I'll get the limited edition. I liked what I saw, so yes I will recommend it.
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Really AMAZING art and, from the looks of the preview, a really good story too. And enough yuri to satisfy the most fervent fan-girl/fan-boy! Can't wait for the full version!!!
2 people found this review funny
EDIT for Update#2:They fixed the most basic of errors, but the more fundamental issues I described still remain. The stuff that I gloss over near the beginning of my review is what they fixed, and did nothing to address the rest. It still isn't English prose. The sentences are still constrained to Japanese grammar. It's a shame. It looks like they aren't going to completely dump this version just yet, and instead, we're getting a patchwork abomination of basic corrections over fundamentally broken prose.Here we go:If it wasn't for this demo, I would pre-purchase this game without much of a second thought, purely on the merits of the original Japanese release. It is everything that I want in a Visual Novel--this game looks AMAZING.However, they forgot half of it: the novel part.A lot of people will be able to readily pick apart all of the abundant typos, grammar mistakes, and general lack of basic AutoCorrect screening... I'm not going to get into that. Anyone can get into those mistakes, and they are intrusively clear. Believe me, they are there in force.The problem is that this wasn't written by someone who writes or edits fiction, and I have a hard time it was looked over by anyone who has ever worked with the English language in a professional capacity. I'm having constant flashbacks to reviewing high school essays and creative works, and it's completely killed any hope of me enjoying this visual novel.In addition, I've seen some testimonial from Japanese speakers who have experience with the original game that the translation is straight up incorrect or missing information. I can't attest to that too much--I only hold basic conversational Japanese skills.Now onto some proper English, of which you will not find in this 'novel':Dialogue isn't reasonable. When a character decides to say more than the most simple of phrases, it quickly falls apart--the ideas presented are simply not presented that way in English, and seem to have been pigeonholed into fitting into a 1:1 translation of the original Japanese. The Japanese voice-over allows me to quickly find this pattern--Japanese word for English word, you end up with some abomination that lacks the nuance of English prose.When you look at the environments, at the title, and listen to the music, you're looking for something altogether different: a gentle work, one with deliberately careful movement and elegant language. You'll find nothing of that sort, instead you're listening to gentle melodies and reading a staccato of mixed verbs, inconsistent tenses, and only the most passive tone. When I think of Flowers, I think of ballett. Of the powerful but gracefully flowing movements that make it an art. JAST USA imported some visual art, and left out the rest. If you want a nice slide show, get this visual novel. If you want to engage with a work, if you want to connect to characters, to suffer through their pain and share in their joy--you won't be able to do that in any capacity. This is an affront to all writers everywhere that have honed their craft, and a colossal migraine for their editors.
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To get to the point of a potentially long review: Flowers being released in E the translation of the demo is not so great. Beyond easily recognisable errors and the general oddness that works its way through every screen, the translation more often than not misses the point of the text. Sentences are clumsy and awkward to the point where it's hard to know what's going on – which might be all well and good if it was just girls holding hands, but the mystery elements and tense social situations that develop in the full game need the more careful eye of translator/s who can at least interpret who is perfoming an action given context clues.In face of all the other companies releasing more competent localisations of visual novels, it's no longer a matter of being grateful for what little we get or just putting up with translators not being able to meet the bare minimum standard of legible sentences in a professional project (localisation is not what makes this hard to read, mistranslation and no editing does it just fine). JAST USA's handling of most things to do with Flowers has been disappointing (including tweeting spoiler graphics to 'advertise'), but the most heartbreaking of all of it is that we're given a demo that insults the people who made it and insults players who would buy it. Please JAST, step up or bow out. Update: New patch fixes some errors brought to attention on Twitter but introduces more typos and misses other mistranslations. Barring J-List's defensive responses, the JAST team has been handling feedback well amid worries of the full version.
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Let's make it clear immediately: this negative review is all about the translation.The game itself looks great, fantastic art and sound, very interesting story and, of course, yuri.Based on what we can see on this demo, however, it seems that JAST has make an horrible work with the translation: lots of typos, awkward sentences and, what's even worse, LOTS of mistranslated parts, some of which are apparent even to a person with only a basic understanding of japanese like myself.This visual novel really doesn't deserve an incompetent translation like this.I was really interesting in purchasing the Limited Edition, but if this will be the &quality& of the final product I refuse to give a cent to a company who thinks it can get away with a sloppy loclization which only manages to insult the fans who have been waiting for english translated yuri visual novels for years.
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is it spring 2016 yet?
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it has been around 2 years since i beat this game on its japanese version and it was fantastic. The story is about Suoh, a young girl seeking her education in a aristocratic single-sex high school. Through many incidents and events, she met her true love for the life time. And there comes the \'Suddenly\'.Now, for the ORIGINAL game, (NOT SURE for the translated version) these are the things you are gonna get from it:- Splendid watercolor-like drawing with a unique touch of artistical vision that is iconic to the Innocent Grey- classical-ish BGMs that really fits every single line of the script,- a setting of a single-sex aristocratic school divided from the society,- beautifully made story, fun dialog and reasoning.-
a must for those who loves anime culture and yuri, or lesbian love, sort of culture (and a must for those who seeks some challenge on reasoning lol)Downsides and doubts:1. For this trial version, the translation group certainly needs to put more work on its level of translation skill. Currently it is very unprofessional. 2. the Font and size are very unfitting and they are damaging the experience. A LOT.3. lacking a choice of the original japanese script.4. parts of the translation is done merely according to the verbal meaning, not according to the story and situational meaning. It could be presumed that the final version of the game might still have this sort of problem.Overall, if you need some fresh air of a story that could bring you places, that could demonstrate the power of the visual noval and sympathy game and you don\'t know how to read japanese, this is a must for ya.
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I liked the demo. Based on what JAST has said they are going to change the script, I have confidence that they will deliver. They haven't let me down before, so I don't think they will now.
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I've been waiting for this game for a year, honestly. Ever since I found it whilst searching for a quality yuri visual novel, I was immediately hyped. Now, after just finding this demo today, I played through it, and all I can say is that it's far more than I could've hoped for. Now, it's not perfect, but no visual novel is. It has its flaws just like any other, though I'm sure the final version will looks much better, considering they've removed some bits and pieces for sake of the demo version. Character-wise, even if we're only introduced to six, including the main character, I love each and every one of them. Their each unique in their own ways, and make the visual novel all the more enjoyable to read. I can't wait for the final version to be released, and I'll definitely be buying it whenever I have enough money. It seems like my wait for a quiality yuri visual novel that isn't all porn like Sono Hanabira is finally over.
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Product received for free
Really AMAZING art and, from the looks of the preview, a really good story too. And enough yuri to satisfy the most fervent fan-girl/fan-boy! Can't wait for the full version!!!
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I'm not a native english speaker, so maybe I missed some typos or anything else ( as mentionned in some older posts ) but I really appreciated what I saw. The background story and the characters are interesting. With a little of mystery ? Count me in ! If by chance you loved Maria-sama ga Miteru or Strawberry Panic, you will surely love this one.( By the way, you can pre order the physical version of this VN on
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Fairly interested to see where this goes. I'm new to Visual Novel-esque games, and this one intrigued me. The art and music direction are very well done, although some of the audio mixing in various parts of this demo seemed to prove a bit of a nuisance. The background music would overpower the main dialogue at random intervals (which, although a simple fix in the menu, is a bit of an immersion killer lol). While I'm not seeing the glaring issues that so many other reviewers have mentioned, there are a few typos here-and-there in the translations. Hope to see these ironed out in further patches and an eventual full release.(This review was posted after viewing Update #2)
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