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BBC One - True Love
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David Tennant, Ashley Walters, Billie Piper, Jane Horrocks and David Morrissey star in an improvised series, exploring five powerful and overlapping love stories set in the same town.
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Discover the music soundtrack from the latest episode of True Love【True Love Alex】ERIC大人第一季对白_亚历山大斯卡斯加德吧_百度贴吧
【True Love Alex】ERIC大人第一季对白收藏
首先 是引言1x04 -Escape from Dragon House 1.&&&&& S&B在去Eric酒吧的车上的对话S:Penny for your thoughts?&&& 你一声不吭在想什么呢?B:I thought you liked not knowing my thoughts.&&& 我以为你喜欢不去了解我的想法。S:Most of the time I do.&&& 大部分时候是的。B;You won’t care for it.&&& 你不会感兴趣的。S: That doesn’t mean I don’t wanna know.&&& 那不代表我不想知道。B:You look like vampire bait.&&& 你看上去像吸血鬼的诱饵。S: What ‘s that supposed to mean?&&& 那是什么意思?B:I promised your gradmother no harm would ome to you at Fangtasia tonight.I’m not sure I’m gonna be able to keep that promise with you dressed like this.我向你奶奶保证,今晚确保你在FANTASIA酒吧的安全,可你穿成这样我可不确定我能不能做到这个保证。S: So you are saying you think I look nice?&&& 这么说你觉得我看上去很漂**: Doesn’t matter what I think. This is not a date,remember?我怎么想无所谓,这又不是约会,不是么?
2.&&&&& S&B在酒吧(A MAN: :Oh,my god , He’s so powerful,so beautiful.The closer I step,the more beautiful he gets.You can do this,just walk up there and offer yourself to him.)(一个男的心里想的:哦,天啊,他(指ERIC)真强大,太美了。我走得越近,他就越美丽。你可以的,走过去,把自己给他就可以了。)S: Who’s that ?&&& 那是谁?B:Oh,you noticed him,did you?&&& 哦,你注意到他了啊,是不?S:No,it’s not liked that,I just…&&& 不是那样的,我只是。。。B:Everyone does.That’s Eric,He’s the oldest thing in this bar….uh-oh每个人都会注意到的。那是ERIC,他是这里年纪最大的。。。啊,哦S:Don’t say uh-oh Vampires are not supposed to say uh-oh..&&& 别说啊哦,吸血鬼是不说啊哦的。B:It’s Eric,He’s scanned you twice.He’s going to summon us.&&& 是ERIC,他朝你看了两回了,他要召见我们了。S:He can do that?她能那样做么?B:Oh,yeah.&&& 哦,是的。
3.&&&&& ERIC 召见 S&BEric: "Bill Compton. It has been a while."&&Bill,有段时间不见了。Bill: "Yes, well...I've been..." 是的,最近我。。。Eric: "Mainstreaming. I heard. I see that is.. going well for you." 融入主流社会了,我听说了,看来你过得不错。Bill: "Yes, of course. Uh, sorry. Eric, this is my friend.." 是的,当然。哦,抱歉,Eric,这个是我的朋友Eric: "Sookie Stackhouse." 、Sookie: How do you know my name?&&&&&&& 你怎么知道我的名字?Pam:I never forget a pretty face.You’ve in my vault.&&&&& 我从不会忘记美丽的脸蛋,你已经在这里了。(指了指她自己脑袋)Sookie:Great.That’s just great. It’s nice to meet you.&&&&&&& 好啊,太好了。见到你很高兴(对ERIC说)Eric: "Aren’t you sweet?" &&&&&& 你真可爱。Sookie: "Not really." &&&&&&&& 不是这样的。(BILL,拍了她一下,示意S别乱说)Eric:I understand you’ve been asking questions about some of my customers. &&&&& 我听说你有些问题是有关我的顾客的。Sookie:Yes,I have.&&&&&&& 是的。Eric: If you have anything to ask ,you should ask it of me.如果你有任何问题,都应该直接问我。Sookie: All right.I…"You recognize either one of these girls?" 好的,我。。。(拿照片)你认识这两个女孩子吗?Eric: "Hmm... (pointing to Maudette) well, this one offered herself to me. But I found her too pathetic for my attentions. Now, this one, however... (pointing to Dawn) I have tasted." 恩,这个主动向我献身,不过我看不上眼。不过这个么,我品尝过了。Pam: "I remember them both." 这两个我都记得。Sookie:On account of the vault?&&&&&&& 记在大脑里了么?(BILL,又拉了她一下,让她别乱说话)Pam:Never had either of them though. They weren’t really my type.那倒没有。她们都不是我喜欢的类型。Sookie: "Well... thank you very much. That is all your time I need to take." 嗯,十分感谢。我要问的就这么多。Eric: "I'm not finished with you yet! Please. Sit. So, Bill. Are you quite&&attached to your friend?"&&我们还没有完呢!请,坐。那么,BILL,你和你的朋友关系很亲密吗?Bill: "She is mine!" 她是我的!Sookie: "Yes. I am his." 是的,我是他的。Eric: "What a pity. For me…. Sit with us. We have catching up to do, you and I.&&It has been too long." 太可惜了,对我来说。。。来跟我们一起坐(对bill说),我们来叙叙旧,太久没见了。Bill: "Yes." 好啊。Sookie:We have to get out of here.&&&&&&& 我们得离开这Bill: Sookie!(还是示意她别乱说)Sookie:Eric,cops are coming.There’s gonna be a riot. &&&&&&& Eric,**要来了。这里会有暴动的。Eric: You an undercover cop?&&&&& 你是**卧底吗?Sookie:I’m not ,but that man in the hat is. &&&&&&& 我不是,但那个戴帽子的男人是的Eric: We do nothing illegal.&&&&& 我们没有做任何违法的事情。Sookie:There’s a vampire named Taryn in the toilet with that man you kicked..She’s feeding on him. &&&&&&& 厕所里有个叫TARYN的吸血鬼跟刚才被你踢到的那个人在一起。她在吸他的血。Eric: How do you know this?&&&&& 你怎么知道?(bill 对S摇摇头,示意不要说)Freeze! ******.Don’t move!别动!**!Eric: Follow me .Let’s get out. 跟我来,咱们快出去Eric: "I enjoyed meeting you Miss Stackhouse… you will come again."&&&&& 见到你很高兴,下次再见!
1x07 -Burning House Of Love4.&&&&& 一个女孩在酒吧想给ERIC拍照Random: "Excuse me. May I take a picture of you?" 对不起,我可以给你照张相吗?Eric: "You may."&&可以。(还摆了个POSE)Longshadow: "No pictures!" 不许照相!(同时把她手机砸了)Random: "He said I could take it."&&她说可以照的呀Eric: "I did not say you could keep it."&&&&&& 但我没说你可以留下照片。
5.&&&&& 在bill家,BILL进门发现家里有人,Eric在他浴缸里。Eric:I texted you three times.Why didn’t you reply?&&&&&& 我给你发了三条短信,你为什么不回?Bill: I hate using the number beys to type. What are you listening to ?&&&&&&& 我讨厌用数字键盘打字。你在听什么音乐?Eric:From my younger days. It’s really quite beautiful if you know old Swedish.I have a favor to ask of you.&&&&&& 我年轻时候听的歌曲。要是你懂古瑞典语的话,你知道这很美。我要请你帮忙。Bill: A favor or an order?&&&&& 让我帮忙还是下命令?Eric:Depends on how you look at it.Honestly, did you think you could keep her to yourself?看你怎么理解了。老实说,你真以为可以把她据为己有吗?
6.&&&&& 背景:Bill 带S去酒吧,在车上(有些场景是可以衬托出ERIC)Bill: You said you wanted to go out&&& tonight.&&&&& 你说你今晚想出门的。Sookie: I didn’t not mean Fangtasia.I mean,really, all those pathetic people who come here looking for sex with vampires. &&&&&&& 我又不是说来FANGTASIA.我是说,这里都是可悲的家伙跑来跟吸血鬼。。的。Bill: I know. It’s despicable.&&&&& 我知道,确实很卑劣。Sookie: You know what I mean. So,what , five ,ten minutes?&&&&&&& 你知道我的意识。那么,这要花5分钟,还是10分钟?Bill:As long as Eric requires us.&&&& 看Eric需要我们多久了。Sookie: You mean as long as he requires me. Didn’t even have the decency to ask me himself ?&&&&&& 你是说需要我多久吧。他都不来问我么?Bill:You are mine. He didn’t need to ask your permission.&&&& 你是我的,他没必要取得你的同意。Sookie: He cann’t check me out like a library book!&&&&&&& 他不能像借书一样就这么把我借来借去!Bill: Unfortunately. Sookie, he can. Eric is sheriff of Area 5.&&&&& 不幸的是,他可以。Eric是第五区治安官Sookie: Sheriff?&&&&&&& 治安官?Bill: It’s a position of great power among our kind. We do not wanna anger him. As long as the requests are reasonable. we should accede to his wishes. 这在我们中是很高的职位。我们可不想惹他生气。只要要的要求是合理的,我们最好还是不要跟他唱反调。(下车)
7.&&&&& 在酒吧调查谁偷了ERIC的钱Eric: Pam, Longshadow and I are partners in this club. And we recently noticed that $60000 has gone missing from our books. And Bruce… is our accountant. Perhaps you can listen to him.Pam, Longshadow 和我是这个酒吧的合伙人。最近我们注意到账本上少了六万美元。而BRUCE是我们会计,也许你可以听听他的想法。Sookie: He’s not saying anything.他什么也没说Eric: "Don’t be coy. It’s humbling enough to turn to&& a human for assistance. We&&know what you can do." 别扭扭捏捏的,找个人类来帮忙已经够羞辱的了,我们知道你的能耐。Sookie: "And I know what you can do, too. Why don't you just glamour him?" 我也知道你们的能耐,你们干嘛不用吸血鬼的力量迷惑他?
接9楼Eric: "Now don’t you think we&& tried everything before summoning you? So it&&would be a great favour to me and to&& Mr. Compton if you help us." &&&&&& 难道你想不到我们尝试了各种方法没有奏效,才叫你来的吗?那么,如果你能帮我们的话,我跟COMPTON先生都会很感激你的。Sookie: If I find out who did it ,then what?&&&&&&& 我找出谁干的,那然后呢?Longshadow: We will turn that person over to ****** and let the authorities handle it.&&&&&&&&&&&& 我们会把那人交给警方,由他们处理。Sookie: Hundreds of years old and you’ve still a terrible liar. come on.几百岁了你还是个糟糕的说谎者,得了吧。Sookie: "I'll make you a deal, if you promise to hand over the person who did this to the ******, I 'll&&& agree to help you anytime you want."&&我跟你做个交易,如果你承诺把肇事者交给警方,我愿意随时帮你。Eric: "Alright.. why not."&&&&&& 好的,干嘛不呢?
TOEFL 考试,90% 的考生均进入了第一或第二志愿的大学。
8.&&&&& 1x09-Plaisir D'Amour ( Bill 杀了Longshadow以后,GINGER在收拾)Eric: Humans. Honestly, Bill, I don’t know what you see in them….When Ginger is finished , glamour her for me.人类。坦白说,bill,我不知道你看中他们什么了。等GINGER弄完了,帮我抹掉她的记忆。Pam: Are you sure ? She’s been glamoured one too many times already, who knows how much of her is left.&&&&& 你确定?她已经经受过太多次了,谁知道她还剩下些什么记忆。Eric: It’s either that or turn her. You want her? &&&&& 要么抹掉记忆,要么把她变成我们的人,你想要她?Pam: Please , I’m not that desperate. Glamour it is .&&&&& 别开玩笑了,我还没有那么饥不择食,那就抹掉记忆吧。Eric: Excellent.Come in . I’ll buy you a blood.很好。来,我请你喝血。Bill: Thank you 谢谢Eric: "How do you stomach that stuff? Don’t you find it metallic and vile?" 你的胃是怎么忍受那种东西的?你没发现它含金属并且粗制滥造吗?Bill: "I don't think about it. It's sustenance, that's all... what?" 我没想过那些,它只不过是维持体力的东西,仅此而已。(Eric笑)什么?Eric: "Well, if you’re their poster boy, the mainstreaming movement is in very deep&&trouble. True Blood: It keeps you alive but it will bore you to death." 如果你成了他们的代言人,那些所谓的主流运动就要有大麻烦了。真血,维持你的生命,但是会把你闷死。Bill: Let’s cut to the chase, shall we?&&&&& 咱们别说废话了,好么?Eric: You killed a vampire , Bill. For a human. What are we gonna do about this?&&&&&& 你杀了一个吸血鬼,bill,为了一个人类。我们怎么处理这事呢?Bill: What do you have in mind?你想怎么处理?
Eric: "I'll take the girl." 我要那个女孩了。Bill: "No.. you can have anyone you want, why do you want her?" 不行,你可以要任何你想要的人,为什么要她?Eric: "Why do you want her? You're not in love with her are you?" 那为什么你想要她?你不会是爱上她了吧,是么?Bill: "Sookie must be protected." S必须被保护起来。Eric: "Now that sounds like an edict, but it couldn’t be, because I would know&&about that.. Admit it.. you love her." 现在这个听起来像是一个法令,但是不可能是,否则我应该知道的,承认吧,你爱她。Bill: If I hadn’t done what I did, would you have let his disloyalty stand?&&&&& 如果刚才我没有杀他,你会对他的背叛置之不理吗?Eric: Whatever I did to Longshadow, I would not have done in front of witnesses. Especially not vampire witnesses. Not smart, Bill. Not smart at all.&&&&&& 无论我对Longshadow做什么,我不会当着别人的面做的,特别是当着人类的面,不明智,bill,一点都不明智。9.&&&&& Eric三人来到BILL的家Bill: Eric, Pam.Eric: Bill , Chow, chow, Bill.(介绍语)Chow: Nice to meet you.Pam: Chow is Longshadow’s replacement..&&&&& Chow是接替L的。Bill: Oh, I take it by your being here, there was no way around it, then?&&&&& 哦,既然你们都来了,我看是没指望可以躲过这次了,是么?Eric: I can’t really say. Didn’t exactly look into it.&&&&& 这个我不好说,还没着手开始呢。Bill: Tell me ,do you enjoy it ,living halfway up his backside, the way you do?&&&& 告诉我,像这样在他身边做跟班,这种生活你很喜欢么?Pam: Yes, it’s nice. You should try it.&&&&& 是的,很不错,你应该试试。Bill: We’re gonna have to stop by the bar where Sookie works first. She needs to know that I ‘ll be gone. Don’t forget how this started. She came to Fangtasia to help you.&&&&& 我们得先去S上班的酒吧一趟,我得让她知道我要走了。别忘了这一切是怎么开始的。她去F是为了帮你来着。Eric: Fine. Go to the bar.&&&&& 好,去酒吧。Pam: Might be smart to check out the competition.&&&& 正好去看看我们的竞争对手。Eric:&& Yes, indeed.没错。
10.&&&&& 来到酒吧S: Bill, what’s going on? &&& Bill,怎么了?B: Wow, his place is even more depressing than I thought it’d be.&&& 哇,这里比我想象的还要糟糕。S: What are they doing here?&&& 他们来这儿干嘛?B: Just give me a minute and then we’ll talk. Where is Sam? &&& 给我一分钟,我们待会聊,SAM在哪里?S: I don’t know , why?&&& 我不知道,怎么了?Tara: He’s in his office&&&&& 他在办公室Try to behave yourself.&&&&&& 注意你的举止(对Eric说)Eric: Don’t I always?..&&&&& 我什么时候不注意了?So simply present this card at the door, when you get to Fangtasia, and the first round is on me.到了F,只要出示这张卡,第一杯酒免费Pam: Also, Thursdays are ladies nights, so be sure to bring a date. That is ,if you can get one.&&&&& 另外,周四是女士之夜,别忘了带一个伴来,如果你能找到一个的话。Eric: "Not him. He doesn’t get one." 不要给他,他不能拿免费卡(对PAM说)Random: "What gives, bro?" 为什么,伙计?Eric: "What’d you do to your arm there.. bro? Hm?&&&&&& 你的胳膊怎么了?伙计?嗯?Bill: I take it your business here is done? I came to talk to Sookie.&&&& 我想你的事办完了吧,我来这是要跟S说几句话。Eric: I’ll give you three minutes. We have a tribunal to get to.&&&& 我给你三分钟,你还要上法庭的。S: What?&&& 什么?Bill: Come with me.跟我来
Eric: "Oh before I go.. a word of advice. We know when a human&&has wronged us. We can smell it. So do not make the mistake of letting the pretty&&blond vampire lady on television make you feel too comfortable. We may not have&&retaliated.. yet. But We know who you are. Have a nice night."哦,在我走之前,送你们句忠告。人类对我们做过什么,我们都知道,我们的鼻子很灵的(看了看JASON的那个女朋友,她用V)。所以,不要因为电视上那个漂亮的金发吸血鬼女士说的几句话,就气焰嚣张了。我们没有报复,目前还没有,但我们知道是谁干的。祝大家晚上愉快!&&&&&& Tick-tock ,Bill.&&&&&&& 没时间了,BILL&&&&&& And time!&&&&&& 时间到!Pam: If I had any feelings, I’d have the chills right about now.&&&&& 我要有感情的话,现在就要起鸡皮疙瘩了。(S&B在KISSING)Eric: Not me. Bill , now!&&&&&& 我可不会
11.&&&&& 接受裁决1x10 -I Don't Wanna Know Magistor: Eric Northman, sheriff of Area 5.&&&&&&&&& Eric Northman,第五区治安官。Eric:&& Magistor&&&&& 尊长。Magistor: Well, then, bring me your murderer.好吧,把你的杀人犯带上来。。。。。。Bill:&& Longshadow&& broke the law first. He was stealing from Eric.&&&&& Longshadow先违法的,他偷了Eric的钱。Majestor: Sheriff?治安官?Eric: "Yes magistor.. it’s true. Longshadow was a thief and a liar. He was hurting my business." 是的,尊长,是真的。Longshadow是个小偷和骗子。他在破坏我的生意。Majestor: The business part. That is a serious offense.&&&& 破坏生意,这是个严重罪行。Bill: And it was the human who exposed Longshadow, would you tell him, Eric?&&&&& 而且就是那个人类指认出Longshadow的,你告诉他啊,Eric。Eric: The only reason the girl was there was because I called her.&&&&& 那个女孩会去那儿完全是因为我叫她去的。Bill: To protect your wealth.&&&&& 为了保护你的财产。Eric: To protect my wealth, yes.为了保护我的财产,没错。Eric: "Majestor.. she is valuable." 尊长,她是有利用价值的。
Majestor: Humans exist to serve us. That is their only value.&&&& 为我们服务,这是人类存在的唯一价值。Bill: There are those among us who think differently.&&&&& 我们中的有些人可不这么想。Majestor: Do you question my authority? I am the magister. I was trained in the inquisition and I am the adjudicator for every vampire territory in North America. As the humans say, the humans you love more than your own kind. Back your shit down.&&&&&&&& 你在质疑我的权威吗?我是尊长,在宗教裁判所受过专门的训练,是北美所有吸血鬼领域的仲裁者。就像人类所说,你爱人类甚于爱同类,这会让你倒退。Eric: Bill!&&&&& (bill,又想说什么,Eric制止了他)Majestor: Well, you haven’t bored me. That works in your favor. And you seems to be obedient to your sheriff.不过,你没让我倒胃口,这点对你是有利的。而且看来你很服从你的治安官。Eric: "For the most part. When it matters, yes ,he is.&&&&&& 基本上在重大问题上,他很服从我。
12.&&&&& 在Eric酒吧。To Love Is To Bury - 1x11 Eric: "She’s your punishment. Not mine." What am I supposed to do with her?&&&&&& 她是给你的惩罚,不是给我的。我该拿她怎么办?Eric: "Can’t handle one little girl, Bill?" New borns can be like this. Man up ,my friend. She’s not even one night old.不会调教幼女?bill?刚刚再生的有可能会不听话,有点儿男人样,老兄,她再生了还不到一晚。Bill: That is not the issue.&&&&& 不是这个问题。Eric: You want to stay with your maker, don’t you?&&&&& 你想和你的再生者待在一起吗?Jessica: No, He’s a dick. You’re cute. Can I sit on your lap?&&&&&&& 不,他就是个蠢货,你真帅,我能坐在你大腿上吗?Eric: No!&&&&& 不行!Jessica: Why? Nobody let’s me having any fun.。。。&&&&&&& 为什么,没人让我找乐子。。。Eric: Sit down and shut up. Close the door! You have to be tough with them, or they’ll walk all over you.&&&&& 坐下,给我闭嘴!关上门。你得对她们使硬的。否则就骑到你头上来了。
Bill: I am well aware of that, but you can see how she is, and there are urgent matters to which I must attend.&&&&& 我知道,但你看她那个样子,我还有更重要的事情要做。Eric: Sookie Stackhouse? Haven’t you done enough for her?&&&&& Sookie Stackhouse?你为她做的还不够?Bill: If any harm were to come to her, because of my absence, you would be…&&&&& 如果她因为我不在,而受到什么伤害,你就会。。。Eric: What?&&&&& 就会怎样?Bill: Without her helpful skills. I would be in your debt. I would return the favor.&&&&& 失去她那有用的能力。我会欠着你的债,我会回报的。Eric: Oh, yes, you will. You must definitely will. Jessica! &&&&& 哦,是啊,你会的,你确实应该要回报。Jessica!Jessica: You don’t have to yell at me.&&&&&&& 别对我乱吼!Eric: How would you like to learn how a real vampire feeds?&&&&& 想学一学一个真正的吸血鬼是怎么进食的吗?Jessica: Oh, yes ,sir. Please, sir.&&&&&&& 哦,是的,先生,快教我。Eric: See? It’s really quite easy.看到没?其实很简答。
13.&&&&& 在bill家1x12 -You'll Be The Death Of Me&&Jessica: Hi ,daddy.Bill: "What is this?" 这是怎么回事?Eric: "There are favours.. and there are favours." 你要我帮忙,我也要你。。。Pam: "She is extremely annoying." 她可真是让人烦。Bill: "You can't do this. We had a deal!" 你不能这样,我们说好了的。Eric: "Now the terms have changed, she's yours. Unless you wanna give me Sookie... it's just a suggestion, though a few nights with this one may change your mind." 条件变了,她是你的了。除非,你把S给我。就是个建议而已。和她待几个晚上,说不定能让你回心转意。Pam: "Good luck." 好运Eric: "Oh lovely… sweet freedom."&&&&&& 自由真是甜蜜啊!最后Eric那句“哦,甜蜜的自由”是用瑞典语说的:Åh att njuta av min frihet,发音请仔细揣摩影片。好,第一季完结。
回复:23楼人家真不好意思耶。。。。。我也喜欢~~~ 我爱E大~~~有机会大家一起上~~回复:24楼我爱绷带~回复:25楼绷带。。。。。


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