lacey act form是什么Jonas故事模式里有她吗 怎么感觉没看过

日 来源:游迅网 编辑:怪蜀黍
& &在R星旗下现象级大作《》刚在3和Xbox 360两大平台发售的时候,深陷&集邮门&的好莱坞女星林赛&罗韩就曾经状告R星,因为游戏中的Lacey Jonas是以她的模型打造而出,随后这件事情便不了了之。
& &现在R星因宣布《侠盗飞车5》将登陆PC和次世代主机平台而又火了一把,这个绿茶婊又来了。林赛&罗韩决定正式起诉R星未经允许而使用自己的样貌。这次不仅仅是因为Lacey Jonas这一角色,林赛&罗韩还声称游戏还使用了她的声音和她自己设计的服装线。
& &而另外一个任务中玩家需要在Chateau Marmont宾馆拍摄一名男演员,而林赛&罗韩就曾经住在这个宾馆。
& &这个诉讼于周三的时候被提交到了曼哈顿法庭。而在这之前,关于侵权的问题林赛&罗韩还列出了一些详细证据:
& &具体证据:
& &1.&游戏封面上拿着手机的女人看起来与自己很像&。不过她更像凯特&阿普顿或谢尔比&韦林德。
& &2.&在躲避狗仔队追踪的任务中,有一个很像林赛&罗韩的女子被带回家&。
& &3.&在Marmont酒店和Hollywood西部一个地方,有跟林赛&罗韩相似的风流女子,可以OOXX。
妹子,我也想吃你……这碗面呢! 一个比一个变态,吊打斑的竟然夜凯未进前十!
菇凉,你这吹泡泡的技术到底跟谁学的? 妹子,我就喜欢看你用这种方式炫富!
众多3A大作云集、索尼全面进入4K新时代! 嘴上说不买,身体却很诚实,还没买到的果粉羡慕吗?
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备案编号:沪ICP备号-6Lacey Jonas - Grand Theft Wiki, the GTA wiki
From Grand Theft Wiki
Lacey Jonas is a character in the
who appears as a random character in . She is voiced by .
Lacey Jonas is, in , an
described as an "All-American romcom starlet" on the "Sightseeing and Celebrity" section of the GTA V website and is the rival of . She has
herself from her parents, spent millions of
in an attempt to lose her regional accent and developed anorexia. She believes that she is 'fat' and blames it on the French fries. According to Jonas, she would only suck on the French fries and spit them into a bucket, but she claims that even doing that would equate to 100 calories. The media satirise her over this, dubbing her 'Emacey Jonas' (a play on 'emaciated') and joke 'give that girl a sandwich'.
her gynecologist published a book that went on to become the best selling book for both fiction and non-fiction for the year. She claims that one photograph of her can fetch a six-digit figure from media outlets, that she has so many fans she could "fill the entire country of Africa", and that one fan sent her their own penis in box. A news article by
suggests that she has had an affair with music producer . In late 2013 she is hiding down an alleyway off
and asks for the help of ,
or . She will ask the
to drive her
and to lose, not kill, the pursuing paparazzi. When the protagonist loses the paparazzi, they drive her to her home on
complaining about being famous on the way.
In December
rumours began that
was to sue
for "using her image" for Lacey Jonas without her permission. This lawsuit was filed in July &ref name="Lawsuit"&.&#32;BBC Newsbeat.&/ref& with
later stating that they believed the lawsuit to be for publicity.&ref name="Response"&.&#32;BBC Newsbeat.&/ref&
The player, as Trevor Philips, can take her to the
She shares the same in-game model as , who appears in .
Some taxi drivers will mention that Lacey has snorted cocaine in their taxis before.
&references /&


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