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群星Stellaris MOD整合包
游戏语言:简体中文游戏大小:155 MB
群星inkit mod整合包是在论坛发布的集合作品,今天小编为大家分享这个精品整合,让国内的玩家能够享受到海外作者们的精品mod。
放在 文档\Paradox Interactive\Stellaris\mod\ 文件夹内,并在游戏启动器里勾选Inkitmod、morechn以及其他需要的mod。
Chinese font 简体中文字库v4.6 /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=
3DM汉化包3.0 1.1版全汉化 \localisation*.yml /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=
morechn 自制的一些工坊英文mod汉化包。 /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=
Ring World 种族设计界面:添加&圆环世界&,会有起始25格的行星,有三种圆环可选。 common\solar_system_initializers\ringworld_st_systems.txt
Complete Colors 种族设计界面有更多(RGB)可选颜色,注意这个多颜色选择会与其他的冲突,请不要再加载其他增加可选颜色的mod,这个已经是颜色最全的 flags\colors.txt及interface\zCompleteColors.gui
Galaxies Unlimited 新建游戏时,星系大小有等多选择,从很少到很多的更多选项。且根据大小标记成不同的颜色。
汉语种族随机名 种族设计界面以汉语命名的可选类型,随机汉语船、人名等。
更多的旗帜与背景整合.zip 压缩包 多个种族设计界面的纹章和背景整合:光环、日式、Flags:Emblems & Backgrounds、IT、星际之门、现实国家风格、刺客信条等。
Unique Resources 战略资源图标替换,战略资源图示更容易区别(比如原版两种蓝色的矿&&)。
Chinese name 汉语随机命名 星系、帝国等多个部分用汉语命名。
UI Overhaul 1080p UI重制,1080p版
Reduce/Remove Aura Graphics 二选一 减轻/移除单位光环的视觉效果,更容易看到船而不是光环。
Change Capital Planet 改变首都。 morechn已汉化。
Planetary Rally Points 设置舰队集结点。 morechn已汉化。
DZ Unique Starting Systems 创建种族时有更多的起始星系选择。 morechn已汉化。
Fox Leader Mod 领袖等级上限调整等领袖强化。
Yet Another Traits Mod 更多领袖特性 morechn已汉化
Extended Traits 更多的领袖特长。 morechn已汉化。
Crystallis Ship Modules Expansion 水晶船模块扩展 morechn已汉化
More Technologies 更多的科技。 morechn已汉化。 这个包是多个增量mod的整合包,修改较多较复杂,不过挺好玩的。
More Spaceport Modules 更多的空间站模块。 morechn已汉化
zBeautiful Battles 漂亮的战斗。 提高了战斗的美观度,有不少战斗平衡性调整,例如舰船战斗阵形优化等。但此mod改变的数据较多,想体验原始战斗设计还是不开启较好。
贸易增强(0) 同时开启的话可能发生意外。
Bread Baskets 可以在行星间运输的食物 morechn已汉化 /thread--1.html
Civilian Trade morechn已汉化
Interstellar Trading System morechn已汉化
Easybuff 自制的政策界面作弊。前缀为&作弊&的一系列政策。已分离成单独mod。 /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=
Grow Borders 边界增长速度加快的星球政策,需要影响力。 morechn已汉化
测试包(betaPack) 可能引发错误
Auto improve buildings 自动升级建筑 morechn已汉化 #234楼有自动建设more technologies建筑的代码,需要的自己修改。
New Ship Classes & More 更多的舰船类型 morechn已汉化
Colony Ship Start 殖民船开局 morechn已汉化
Expanded Spaceport 24格空间站
Expanded War Demands 更多的战争要求 morechn已汉化
More Edicts 更多的政策。 morechn已汉化
More Army Attachments 更多的军队模块。 morechn已汉化
Research All FTL 可以研究所有FTL迁跃理论。
Sector Defense Navy 会自动制造舰队的星区(星区选择第一种AI)
Slvrbuu's Stellaris Cheat Menu 作弊菜单 morechn已汉化
The Belt 可在不能殖民的星球殖民,此mod内容较多。 未汉化
Zeon 机战吉恩公国 morechn已汉化
Playable Robot 可玩的机器人 morechn已汉化
The Elder's Notification 游戏默认语音替换为中文长者提示音
动物徽章EmblemsFauna 超多动物徽章
New Ships & Realistics Ships 更多的船 未汉化
Music Pack 音乐包
Monster Girls
Neptunia 超次元海王星
最新游戏补丁Steam Workshop :: New Ship Classes & More v2.5& 群星 新增航母无畏舰MOD[Build]
群星 新增航母无畏舰MOD[Build]
群星 新增航母无畏舰MOD;转自外网的一款功能MOD,NEW SHIP CLASSES & MORE,新增了航母和无畏舰,并且修复了之前版本的BUG,已汉化,有需要的玩家不要错过!
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群星 汉化截图 (1/14)
群星 新增航母无畏舰MOD;转自外网的一款功能MOD,NEW SHIP CLASSES & MORE,新增了航母和无畏舰,并且修复了之前版本的BUG,已汉化,有需要的玩家不要错过!
By 往事随行
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So long, . We hardly knew ye.
Lockheed Martin's USS Freedom (LCS 1) was the Navy's first littoral combat ship. New vessels of the same basic shape and size will henceforth be dubbed "frigates." Image source: .
Say goodbye to the "Mobile Landing Platform," the "Afloat Forward Staging Base," and the "Joint High Speed Vessel," as well. As of this year, the United States Navy has done away with all four of these clumsy, elongated, ad hoc ship classes, replaced each with a new name -- and introduced a new theme for U.S. war-planning in the process. Henceforth, LCSes will be christened as "frigates," while the other three classes morph into Expeditionary Transfer Docks, Expeditionary Mobile Bases, and Expeditionary Fast Transports, respectively.
So in a word, the U.S. Navy of the future is going to look a whole lot more "expeditionary." This has implications for U.S. foreign policymakers, for its warship-makers -- and for those of us who invest in them as well.
Rationalizing the fleet The past 10 years have been a turbulent time for U.S. foreign policy -- and for its Navy. In 2005, General Dynamics () was given the contract to begin construction of a new kind of ship, designated the "Mobile Landing Platform." Weighing in at 34,500 tons, the new USNS Montford Point is designed to serve as a semisubmersible, traveling seaport.
USNS Montford Point. Image source: .
describes the Montford Point as a "deployable logistics node." Placed offshore in a troubled region, the ship can receive troops and supplies from larger cargo ships, load them aboard its own , and then deliver them when and where needed. The Navy refers to this new warfare "concept" as Maritime Prepositioning. What it does, essentially, is give the Navy (and Marines) access to shores where they control no ports.
General Dynamics delivered the Montford Point to the Navy in 2013, which plans to put it into service with the Military Sealift Command this year. A second MLP, the John Glenn, is under construction.
In 2013, as it was christening the Montford Point, the Navy went a step further and hit upon the idea of converting the old 16,600-ton Landing Platform Dock USS Ponce into a smaller, closer-in support vessel to be called an Afloat Forward Staging Base. In this role, the Ponce would serve as a naval aviation "lily pad." Helicopters conducting operations in a region, such as minesweeping, could land briefly upon Ponce, refuel, and continue with their mission.
USNS Lewis B. Puller. Image source: .
So far, Ponce is the only such "AFSB." But the Navy likes how it's performing, and has contracted General Dynamics to build two new larger vessels to replace it -- the Lewis B. Puller
(pictured above) and another vessel yet to be named. Semisubmersible like the Montford Point, but equipped with a flight deck as well for helicopters and , these new vessels will be built on the hull design of an Alaska-class civilian oil supertanker. They, too, will serve as floating bases for conducting special ops missions on hostile shores.
Let's pause for a moment, and tally that up. As of today, and the Navy possesses, has built, or is in the process of building, five of these prepositioning vessels.
Fast transport -- really fast The Navy also has a class of vessels in development, which it calls Joint High Speed Vessels.
describes the JHSV as a sort of oceangoing pickup truck -- "a thin aluminum shell wrapped around four diesel engines" and a vast 20,000 sq. ft. "empty space" for cargo, topped by "expansive flight deck" topside, for helicopters to land on and take off from.
USNS Spearhead. Image source: .
Austal USA has built six JHSV's for the U.S. Navy (technically, the Military Sealift Command). The lead ship of the class was appropriately christened "Spearhead," as it spearheads a Navy plan to build as many as 22 of the vessels. Generally speaking, the Spearhead class will be used for shuttling supplies back and forth within a single wartime "theater." But like the MLP and the AFSB, the Spearheads are also being considered in a role as "fast, low-profile staging bases for secret raids" by special forces.
What's in a name? So that makes three classes of military vessel being considered for roles as offshore staging areas for military "expeditions." As understanding of how these missions might be run has coalesced, the Navy is rationalizing the list of ad hoc names cobbled together over the past 10 years, renaming each in a way that identifies the ships as belonging to the same expeditionary mission.
Henceforth, the Montford Point-class MLPs will be called "Expeditionary Transfer Docks," abbreviated "ESD." Ponce- and Puller-class Afloat Forward Staging Bases will be renamed "Expeditionary Mobile Bases," or ESB. And Spearhead-class JHSVs will be christened "Expeditionary Fast Transports" (EPF).
What it means to investors As these ships transition from naval experiments to standardized ship classes with established "expeditionary" missions, the door may open to building more of them. But who would win from such a development?
Well, we already know that General Dynamics builds the now-renamed ESD and ESB ship classes. Australian Austal () has the contract to build the EPF. The fact that General Dynamics stock trades in the U.S., while Austal is foreign listed, already makes General Dynamics seem the better choice for investors looking to buy into this new trend in naval thinking.
What you may not know, though, is that General Dynamics is also a key subcontractor on Austal's EPF contract. General Dynamics Mission Systems, the defense giant's largest business unit according to data from S&P Capital IQ, and a partner to Austal on the Littoral Combat Ship -- er, the "frigate" class of warships -- serves as "ship mission system integrator" on the EPF class as well. As such, it's responsible for designing and integrating all of the navigation, communications, and weapons systems needed to turn an EPF hull into a fully functioning naval vessel.
In other words, as the Navy develops and expands three new ship classes for expeditionary missions (and a fourth as well, the frigate), General Dynamics plays either a leading or a supporting role in all four of these new ship classes. Buy this one stock, and you can own a piece of all four of these growing ship programs.
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I like things that go "boom." Sonic or otherwise, that means I tend to gravitate towards defense and aerospace stocks. But to tell the truth, over the course of a dozen years writing for The Motley Fool, I have covered -- and continue to cover -- everything from retailers to consumer goods stocks, and from tech to banks to insurers as well. Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for the most important developments in defense & aerospace news, and other great stories besides.
Nov 27, 2015 at 8:20AM
General Dynamics
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