
求英语翻译:“有这样或那样的优点” 这个短语怎么说?用在这样的句子中 尽管XX有这样或那样的优点,但.
Have the advantages of this or that the phrase "how to say?Use in such a sentence although XX has the advantages of this or that,but.
Have this or that kind of advantages
Although () has advantages in many aspects,……although 跟but 不可以同时出现在一个句子里,只能二者选其一
Though it has numerous advantages like (优点1) and (优点2), but.....
There are advantages of this or that
1. to foster a culture of clean government& 廉政文化建设
2. the implications of social harmony the characteristics of harmonious society& 和谐社会的内涵
3. scientific outlook& on development& 科学发展观
4. har harmonious and win- all-win harmony& 和谐共赢
5. social assistance (aid) system& 社会救助体系
6. become increasingly prosperous& 日益昌盛 &maintain prolonged stability 长治久安
7. enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and international competitiveness& 增强综合国力和国际竟争力
8. bring about development and prosperity&& 实现发展繁荣
9. cadre and personnel system& 干部人事制度
10. system of dual control over cadres& 干部双重管理体制
11. non-traditional threats to security& 非传统安全威胁
12. leadership system against corruption& 反腐败领导体制
13. outdated governance& 不合时宜的社会治理模式
14. urban social security system& 城镇社会保障体系
15. new thinking on energy development& 新能源观
16. innovation-oriented country& 创新型国家
17. foster integration with the global economy& 促进全球经济一体化
18. export processing zone& 出口加工区
19. maintain prolonged stability& 长治久安
20. the Party's policy toward ethnic minorities& 党的民族政策
21. Party and government organs& 党政机关
22. duplicate law enforcement& 多重多头执法
23. system of public servants& 公务员制度
24. the vanguard of the working class& 工人阶级的先锋队
25. subjectivism, metaphysics& 主观主义、形而上学
26. democratic centralism, inner-Party democracy& 民主集中制、党内民主
27. the rule of law and the rule of virtue& 依法治国和以德治国
28. productive force, relation of production& 生产力、生产关系
29. the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages& 利远远大于弊
30. complicated social phenomenon& 复杂的社会现象
31. sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement& 责任感 / 成就感
32. sense of competition and cooperation& 竞争与合作精神
33. Take the essence and discard the dregs& 取其精髓,取其糟粕
34. an irresistible trend of&&& &必然趋势
35. unshakable duty& 不可推卸的义务
36. comprehensive quality& 综合素质
37. The theory on the initial stage of socialism& 社会主义初级阶段的理论
38. Macroeconomic decision& 宏观经济决策
39. Microeconomic phenomenon& 微观经济现象
40. Curb inflation& 抑制通货膨胀
这些小说改编的电影 不看原著简直亏大了!
修改的建议:英文翻译(我们被告知样品与所提供的货物不一样 be different from)要有这个短语_百度知道短语~“院子中的花朵”英文怎么翻译?想强调“花朵”这个词,哪里的花朵,院子里的花朵,而不是强调“花朵”在哪里,在院子里~想要翻译成可以直接说的英文短语~译成the flowers in the yard还是the flowers of the yard或者还有更好的说法?译成句子也成~ 另外直接写成“the flowers in yard”可以吗?yard 的前边还用加"the”吗?不加“the” 会不会显得强调“the flowers”?
The yard of flowers
只能译为:the flowers in the yard,不能用of,它表达的是从属(所有)关系。
the flowers in the yard更好the flowers of the yard无形中有种从属的关系,yard是主flowers是次
当然是the flowers in the yard你用the已经是强调了花朵了
the flowers in the yard只有一种答案
the flowers in the yard可以,院子里的花。the flowers ofthe yard不行,这是院子的花。
the flowers grown in a/the yard 这个如何,比较雅致的描述。
扫描下载二维码”一……就……”是一个短语,表示动作的承接。 帮忙用英文翻译一下,一…就…不用翻译_百度知道


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