
伊戈尔·别特连科/阿尔焦姆·谢马金/Aleksey Panin/Aleksey Kravchenko/Anatoli Gushchin/Amadu Mamadakov/Yuri Laguta/Yekaterina Vulichenko
布鲁斯·格林伍德/泽维尔·多兰/凯瑟琳·基纳/凯瑞-安·莫斯/Gianna Corbisiero/拉里·戴/Mark Donker/科鲁姆·费奥瑞/Melody Godin-Cormier/Matt Holland/Alison Louder/Guy Nadon/辛迪·桑普森
  即将步入社会的大学生泽田拓人(三浦春马 饰),在残酷的就活战线上邂逅了同校同学部的女孩本乡惠(多部未华子 饰)。两个不断挫败的年轻人同病相怜,误会与好感相随,在交往的过程中逐渐加深了解。摘下面具的拓人如愿成为某家具公司的正式员工,小惠则在老年人看护机构找到前行的方向。一番周折后,两个年轻人总算走到了一起。当一切看似顺风顺水之时,拓人却发现自己的身体出了问题,经检查发现他竟罹患了不治之症——肌萎缩性侧索硬化症(ALS),如果不借助呼吸机辅助的话,三到五年后他便会因呼吸肌麻痹死亡。  突然缩短的生命,对于正打算全力抓住幸福的拓人来说该如何面对……卡通动漫22页…
  超人、蝙蝠侠、神力女超人、闪电侠、鹰女、火星猎人和绿幻侠一共7名超级英雄组成有史以来地球上最为强大的团队,共同对抗外星人的入侵,一起保卫地球消灭来犯的外星人,巫师,超级恶棍以及各种可能出现的威胁! 本片由DCComic推出,经由时代华纳出品,在欧美动画市场上有着巨大的影响。其中超人和蝙蝠侠的画风和我国曾引进的版本基本相同,正像前面提到过的有的时候工作太巨大,以至于对于一个英雄来说太过艰难,所以要由各个英雄来合作解决,于是华纳旗下的众多英雄携起手来组成Justice League来对抗各方邪恶势力对和平的挑战。虽然在影片里各个英雄的能力都有所表现,不过还是感到大家都变弱了,或许这样倒是更真实些吧。我老婆被送货员玩一…
Denis Kacenga/卡尔·卢波利/乔治·纽伯恩…
Monty Oum/Lindsay Tuggey/Kara
Marie Edmonds/Ross Stein/Joshu
  剧情简介:一个绰号”土匪”的卡车司机跟别人打赌,说是他能在28小时内从德克萨斯州到乔治亚州的亚特兰大.为了赶时间,飞车,超速是免不了的,公路警察当然是不会坐视不理的,于是一路追赶拦截.一路上险象环生,可就是抓不住他.  简
伯特·雷诺兹/保罗 威廉斯/莎莉·菲尔德/杰基·格黎森/Jerry Reed/迈克·亨利/Pat McCormick/Macon McCalman/Linda McClure/苏珊·麦基弗…
  Exotic, erotic and utterly hallucinatory, the 8mm masterpiece Pink Narcissus was allegedly 'found' in 1972 and credited to 'anonymous'. In reality it was entirely shot over a period of 7 years in the New York apartment of its director, James Bidgood, a Young Physique photographer and performer at the infamous drag bar Club 82. The achievement, nonetheless, is extraordinary: Bidgood variously transforms his alter ego, the beautiful, pouting Bobby Kendall, into a toreador, a Roman Slave and an Arabian Knight! The result is a landmark in undergound gay art cinema that will still be viewed with pleasure a hundred years from now.1024核工厂论坛…
Don Brooks/Bobby Kendall…
Christina Ricci/Martin Donovan
罗纳德·考尔曼/葛丽亚·嘉逊/Philip Dorn/苏珊·
  影片是根据谢尔盖·卢科扬涅科的三部曲中的第一部《守夜人》改编。  光明军队与黑暗军队签订了一项为期一千年的免战合约。一千年后,两支军队的首领格谢尔(符拉季米尔·门少夫 Vladimir Menshov 饰)和扎乌龙(维克多尔·维尔热宾茨基 Valeri Zolotukhin 饰)生活在今日的莫斯科。守夜人跟踪黑暗的异己势力,维持善与恶之间的平衡;而守日人则是监视光明力量的活动,一旦善恶比例失衡就会引起战争、革命、毁灭甚至全世界的灾难。菜鸟守夜人安东·格洛节茨基(康斯坦丁·哈宾斯基 Konstantin Khabenskiy 饰)的监视对象是吸血鬼科斯佳(阿雷克西·查多夫 Aleksey Chadov 饰)。小男孩叶戈尔出现了,他拥有着打破光明黑暗两派平衡的力量,谁得到他都会取得最后的胜利。为了争夺终极力量的人魔大战开始了,自此世界开始崩溃……  叶戈尔将走向光明还是走向黑暗?女性柳叶型b示意图…
  非好感过气女星 VS 国民好感NO.1男星!一段妙趣横生却不被认可的话题爱情!前女子组合“国宝少女”的队长具爱贞(孔孝珍 饰)而今已沦落为生计型艺人,靠扮丑搞笑博得出镜率。偶然情况下她偷听到自己原本崇拜的国民顶级偶像独孤真(车胜元 饰)的小秘密,并在录节目时不慎公开。气急败坏的独孤真要求删除录像,两人理论间他吃惊的发现自己面对爱贞时竟会心跳加速。原来独孤真的心脏曾做过手术,“靠近这个女人心跳就会异样”的奇怪事实令他开始下意识关注爱贞。独孤真的合约女友姜世莉(刘仁娜 饰)是传与爱贞不和的前队友,她即将主持的一档打造情侣的新综艺给了爱贞出镜机会,男方是完美院长尹必周(尹继尚 饰)。随着节目的进行,尹必周出人意料的选择了爱贞,并透露出假戏真做的意向。这对反差极大的“情侣”掀起了全民八卦的热情,却令意识到自己爱上爱贞但无法公开的独孤真郁闷不已……  本剧为2011年MBC电视台5月档水木剧,由韩国金牌编剧洪氏姐妹倾力打造,获得当年MBC演技大赏多项大奖。欧洲签证照片尺寸…
维拉·法米加/河正宇/David McInnis/Eric
  圣诞节临近,狮子亚历克斯(本·斯蒂勒 Ben Stiller 配音)、斑马马蒂(克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock 配音)、长颈鹿迈尔曼(大卫·休默 David Schwimmer 配音)以及河马格洛里亚(贾达·萍克·史密斯 Jada Pinkett Smith 配音)决定正式告别马达加斯加,回到久违的纽约共度佳节。冷冷清清的送别晚会没能熄灭它们归去的热情,好伙伴们燃起热气球正式出发,可是却被狐猴王朱利安当作红色妖盗击落下来。不久,真的红色妖盗出现夜空,混乱之中亚历克斯阴差阳错将其打落,结果却发现所谓的红色妖盗竟然是圣诞老人!倒霉的是圣诞老人被砸失忆,为了不让全世界小朋友失望,亚历克斯他们和企鹅帮决定充当圣诞老人的助手,将礼物送到世界每一个角落。网络红人张依依…
本·斯蒂勒/克里斯·洛克/大卫·休默/贾达·萍克·史密斯/塞德里克·凯尔斯/安迪·里查克/卡尔·雷纳/Danny Jacobs/汤姆·麦格拉思/Chris Miller/Christopher Knights/薇洛·史密斯/妮娜·杜波夫…
  文革十年动乱期间,远在陕北的大梨树村也受到运动浪潮的冲击。美丽的女青年景梅(车晓 饰)和邱建明(隋存毅 饰)相知相恋,更瞒过众人偷尝禁果。谁知邱建明始乱终弃,抛弃怀有身孕的景梅独自回城,景梅不仅遭到众人的白眼,还饱受知青头目葛红(刘钇彤 饰)等人的批斗冲击,险些走上自决的道路。而在此关键时刻,善良忠厚的农村小伙满仓(于晓光 饰)热心照顾景梅的生活起居。景梅为满仓的善良所感动,二人最终结为夫妇,满仓也将景梅的孩子视若己出。动乱结束,知识青年们纷纷回乡,满仓也告别了熟悉的大梨树和妻儿回城。生活环境的巨大差异和景梅家人的轻视讥讽,令一向赤诚待人的满仓不知所措。随着葛红嫁给景梅的弟弟,邱建明卷土重来,景家更是没有太平的日子。  而在一系列的命运蹉跎中,满仓和景梅的爱情也承受了巨大的考验……幸福小区七号楼…
Neil Brand/Bernard Herrmann/Ma
  国营明星理发店因为有年轻理发师阿华(霍建华 饰)而吸引来诸多各式各样女人,爱妮(关之琳 饰)就是其中之一。爱妮的蘑菇头曾是上海滩的经典,虽然如今已经时过境迁,但做头依然是爱妮生活中不变的情趣。长相精致漂亮的爱妮年轻时没有嫁好,如今整日面对家庭琐碎以及无趣丈夫(吴镇宇 饰)和骄蛮女儿,惟有在阿华在她的头上摆弄时,她才能找到年轻时风华绝代的感觉。国营理发店面临倒闭,爱妮的婚姻也走到了尽头,阿华要去新的地方工作,爱妮的时代似乎要彻底走到尽头。有一天,阿华提出帮爱妮最后一次做头……  本片根据著名女作家唐颖小说《红颜》改编。爱我国模…
关之琳/霍建华/吴镇宇/郭晓婷/毛永明 Yongming Mao/王惠 Hui Wang/杨潞 Lucy Yang…
seth green
明星合集专题Michael McManus/Arsinée Khanjian/加布里埃尔·罗斯/Tony Nardi/大卫·海布伦/Patricia Collins/Gerard Parkes/Jacqueline Samuda/Peter Krantz/Patrick Tierney/Robert Dodds/Leszek Lis/Sharon Corder/David MacKay/Teresa Hunt
造型设计: 吴云初、薛梅君、查侃
马库·佩尔托拉/卡蒂·奥廷宁/Juhani Niemel?/Janne Hyyti?inen
[影片名稱】:死亡天使导演: Andreas Bethmann主演: Timo Rose / Petra Quednau / Andreas Bethmann制片国家/地区: 德国上映日期: 1998(导演剪辑版)[影片時間]:2小时40分[檔案數目]:1[有 無碼]: 三级 [種子期限]:出种撤-不定时补种[影片簡介]: 疯狂,残虐。杀人,被杀。人类的良知与道德已不复存在!Andreas Bethmann以这种方式告诉我们-这是一个冷酷而疯狂的世界!!!…
Gustav von Wangenheim/Lotte Ne
  11 December 2004 (Season 30, Episode 7)…
Colin Farrell…
  在乔布斯离世后,全世界的人们用各种方式纪念这位富有远见的天才,而授权版乔布斯传记作者Walter Isaacson也揭示了许多关于乔布斯私人生活的细节,PBS电视台将于11月2日播放纪念乔布斯的新纪录片“Steve Jobs - One Last Thing”,片中将会将会有大量曾经与乔布斯合作的采访片段。  其中包括苹果联合创始人Ronald Wayne,投资NeXT电脑的Ross Perot,“华尔街日报”主要技术专栏作家Walt Mossberg,黑眼豆豆乐队制作人will.i.am,苹果第一代鼠标设计师Dean Hovey,PBS系列片主持人Robert Cringely,里德大学书法教授Robert Palladino以及介绍Woz和Jobs相识的Bill Fernandez。  该纪录片还会包含从未播放过的1994年采访乔布斯的片段。乔布斯对生活的理解塑造了他的人格,这也使他为很多行业带来革命性变革。Steve Jobs - One Last Thing”将于下周三,11月2日晚上10点在美国的PBS电视台播出。…
Robert X. Cringely, Bill Fernandez and Demetri Goritsas…
  A home care nurse works with terminally ill patients.…
Patricia Arquette/Miguel Sando
Nathalie Boulin/Antonio Buíl
肯·杜肯 Ken Duken/Claire Keim/史丹芬
泰伦·莱斯托/Nicola Lipman/Jonathan
  9岁男孩托尼随父母多蒂和鲍伯·汤普森夫妇从喧闹的美国大城市搬到了遥远偏僻的的一个苏格兰小村。对托尼来说这个新家可不是那么好适应的,每天夜晚,他都会莫名其妙地梦见吸血鬼。更离谱的是,他很快地被梦中的一切深深吸引,并开始寻找所有可能找到的书籍资料来学习吸血鬼知识。他的新同学们把这当作取笑他的把柄,尤其是粗野的尼基尔和弗林特,而弗林特的叔父正是当地乡绅、鲍伯·汤普森的老板。托尼的老师告诉他母亲多蒂,他对这个孩子非常担心,因为在这个新来的孩子身上发生的事绝不是个好兆头。  一天晚上,托尼正在自己房间里练习着吸血鬼的基本动作时,一只巨大的蝙蝠前来造访。蝙蝠在托尼眼前变身成了一个同样9岁的吸血鬼男孩儿,鲁道夫。饿得不行的鲁道夫以为托尼是自己的同类,然后当然发现他并不真是吸血鬼时鲁道夫马上想从窗户飞走,无奈体力不支,直直地掉了下去。正好碰上的吸血鬼猎手布克雷开着他的狩猎卡车穷追不舍。托尼被吸血鬼真正的生活所触动,设法保护了鲁道夫,并应他的要求把他带到了一个农场,而鲁道夫喝到了奶牛的血补充了体力。在其后的一连串冒险经历中,托尼帮助鲁道夫找到了传说中失落的半个护身符。这半个护身符的功能是帮助鲁道夫和他的家族实现他们长久以来的梦想——重新变回人类…
乔纳森·利普尼基/理查德·格兰特/吉姆·卡特/艾丽丝·克里奇/帕米拉·吉德利/汤米·欣克利/安娜·帕波维尔/Dean Cook/罗洛·韦克斯/约翰·伍德/埃德·斯托帕德/Jake D'Arcy/伊恩·德·卡斯泰克/Scott Fletcher/Johnny Meres…
微电影Micro Film
  Gotthold Ephraim Lessing published his "dramatic poem" in 1779 as a direct response to censure by official orthodox religious circles, to which he was subject after publishing a work by Samuel Reimarus that was critical of religion. He set his story in Jerusalem at the time of the Crusades, where Christians, Jews and Muslims were in constant and close confrontation. It threatens to end tragically in religious conflict, but the main character succeeds, with insight and shrewdness, in reconciling the religious communities. Lessing's drama is acknowledged in German literary history as a "humanist manifesto" that defends "religious tolerance and the freedom of ideas". Scriptwriter Hans Kyser adapted the drama to great cinematic effect, incorporating as a powerful prologue, the opening episode that Lessing resolved only at the end of his drama. Manfred Noa used the brutality of the Crusades and their exotic setting to stage visually impressive crowd scenes. Experienced actors from box-office hits were magnificent in the leading roles, among them Werner Krauss (Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari / The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari by Robert Wiene) as Nathan, and Carl de Vogt (Die Spinnen / The Spiders by Fritz Lang) as a young Templar knight. As in the original drama, this emotionally charged production ends in an impassioned plea for reason and for tolerance towards people of other faiths.  On 21st September 1922 the film, Nathan der Weise was submitted for assessment to the Munich Board of Film Censors (Filmprüfstelle München) which withheld approval of its release because the film "appears extraordinarily suited to jeopardizing public order and security". The second chamber of the Munich Board of Film Censors reached a different verdict: "It [the chamber] agreed with the assessment insofar as the time of the film's release is the least favourable imaginable, and that perhaps though not probably misled rowdies in places strongly characterised by anti-Semitism might riot, yet it accordingly found that any blame for this lies not with the film but rather, with people's improper attitudes and that, ultimately, banning the film would be no protection against the excesses of such people". The chairman however, instantly lodged a complaint about the chamber's approval of the film's release with the Supreme Board of Film Censors (Oberprüfstelle) in Berlin, arguing that the chamber "had not taken sufficient account of the clearly formulated and unambiguous assessment by experts".  Before the Supreme Board of Film Censors had reviewed the initial verdict, hostility towards the film continued in Munich, where it had not yet been released. The magazine Lichtbildbühne reported "attempts by Nazi sympathisers to destroy the negative " in October 1922, which were however obviously unsuccessful. On 28th December 1922, the Supreme Board of Film Censors dismissed the appeal against the Munich Board of Film Censor's verdict and stressed that, should an "anti-Semitic hate campaign" occur, this would be due to motives "that have been arbitrarily attributed to the film's content by external sources. Should, for such reasons, public order later be jeopardized, this danger can be averted (...) not by censorship legislation (the Lichtspielgesetz) requiring withdrawal of the film, but only by police intervention".  Nathan der Weise was eventually premiered on 29th December 1922 in Berlin's Alhambra cinema, located on the Kurfürstendamm. The advertising campaign introduced the film under the slogan, "the film of humanity". On 28th January 1923, the trade publication Der Kinematograph carried a full-page announcement detailing the film's success: "The spontaneous wild applause at the end of the film proved without a shadow of doubt that the prevailing mood is unambiguous" (in Film-Echo); "It was heart-rending, true humaneness that motivated the audience to spontaneous applause in the middle of the scene" (in the newspaper B.Z. am Mittag).  In Munich, the "capital of the [Nazi] movement", attempts to hinder the film's release had not yet been forgotten when Nathan der Weise was programmed to run on 9th February 1923 at a local cinema, Regina-Lichtspiele. Although as a precaution publicity had been avoided, the first threatening letters arrived that very afternoon. The cinema owner received a phone call that evening, warning him that, "if the film is not removed from the programme, 'his place will be smashed to pieces tomorrow night'". The owner, concerned for his expensively equipped cinema, then turnedto Bavaria-Film. The February 1923 issue of Lichtbildbühne reported that, "Director Hoppe from Bavaria (...) hastily called a meeting with the appropriate persons. Being aware of the danger and from what source it was to be expected, it was decided to get in direct contact with the Party leader, Hitler. In place of Hitler, a certain Mr. Esser, his deputy, received the gentlemen. Director Hoppe declared himself ready to organise a special screening of the film for Mr. Esser, in order that the latter might be personally assured that the film was free of the tendencies attributed to it. (...) After the screening, Esser expressed the opinion that the film was propaganda and was insistent on this point, despite attempts by Director Hoppe to refute it". In the newspaper V?lkischer Beobachter of 16th February 1923, a certain H.E. wrote about the "Jewish infiltration" of the German film industry: "The film that was presented to us yesterday by the Emelka Group is a one-sided, cleverly-made, and without question, technically brilliant film that for these very reasons, is even more effective in communicating its propaganda. Twisting the facts, it aims to force upon the population of Munich, the stronghold of the anti-Semitic movement, the opinion that Judaism is superior to and more humane than Islam and Christianity, and that the fight against Judaism is the most abominable injustice in world history. In this time of the most brutal suppression of the mostbasic human rights by an enemy whipped into furies of vengeance, it is a crime to employ such a truly Jewish creation, oozing with dishonest and hypocritical humanity, to forcibly drive out of the German people the last remnants of their will to rid themselves of slavery." Subsequently no cinema owner in Munich dared to show the film again. Evidence of a public screening exists only for October 1930.  The film Nathan der Weise experienced difficulties abroad too. Censors in Warsaw banned it in 1923 because it portrayed the "humanitarian role of Judaism [...] which might at the present time, in view of the execution in Moscow of Budkiewicz, a Catholic priest, provoke undesirable memories". In Austria, it was released on 21st September 1923 under the title Die Tr?ne Gottes (The Tears of God) and banned in schools. There are no records of the film being shown again after Hitler seized power. In his history of cinema, Vom Werden deutscher Filmkunst (The Development of German Film, 1935), Oskar Kalbus called it a "typically Jewish-influenced film" and claimed it was merely a "didactic costume drama". After that, the director and his film fell into oblivion. Lessing's drama has never again been adapted for the screen to this day.  The Filmmuseum München discovered the film in 1996 under the title Die Erstürmung Jerusalems (The Storming of Jerusalem), in the collection of Gosfilmofond in Moscow. The Russian film archive had made a black-and-white duplicate negative of a tinted nitrate print that no longer exists. The original title was missing and new chapter titles had been arbitrarily insertedfaults that the Filmmuseum München corrected as well as it recreated the colour tints.…
Werner Krauss/Carl de Vogt/Fritz Greiner/Lia Eibenschütz/Bella Muzsnay/Margarete Kupfer/Rudolf Lettinger/Ernst Schrumpf/Ferdinand Martini/Max Schreck/Ernst Matray…
  Golf Club经理潘致文(刘青云饰)与老婆张美瑛(蒋怡饰)结婚将近七年,生活平淡、枯燥,虽然他渴望着过过“放荡的新生活”,但是天性胆小,只敢说不敢做,基本上是一个善良的小男人。  这一次美瑛要去外地旅行,潘致文觉得这是个大好机会,于是决定趁这个“婚姻大假”找寻一些刺激。抚慰自己强压六年多的欲海。  夜晚在PUB中,致文就邂逅了冶艳少女赵静(应采儿饰),令到他心痒难忍。正当致文准备向阿静展开攻势的时候,却在相处中了解到她原来身世相当凄惨,放荡的行为只是因为孤寂的逆反,致文怜悯之心大增,无奈中不得不放弃了占有的欲念。  而与此同时,致文又遇上了自己的初恋情人张采冰(刘嘉玲饰),已经成为事业女性的阿冰目前生活无忧,身边男伴无数,并且和一个健身教练WIL(安志杰饰)关系暧昧。但是外表热情似火的她对于致文依旧念念不忘,致文立刻与冰重燃了爱火,但同时也觉得对妻子心存愧疚。然而此时此刻家庭的危机也渐渐发生了出人意料的变化………
Sakura Enomoto/


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