
Rolf Lislevand 洛夫·里斯列凡德 -《维瓦尔第: 为曼陀林与鲁特琴的音乐》(Vivaldi: Musica per mandolino e liuto)[APE] - 王朝网络 -
分享&&&&&当前位置: &&&&&&&&Rolf Lislevand 洛夫·里斯列凡德 -《维瓦尔第: 为曼陀林与鲁特琴的音乐》(Vivaldi: Musica per mandolino e liuto)[APE]Rolf Lislevand 洛夫·里斯列凡德 -《维瓦尔第: 为曼陀林与鲁特琴的音乐》(Vivaldi: Musica per mandolino e liuto)[APE] 23:32:38&來源:互联网&&&&  专辑英文名: Vivaldi: Musica per mandolino e liuto  专辑中文名: 维瓦尔第: 为曼陀林与鲁特琴的音乐  艺术家: Rolf Lislevand 洛夫·里斯列凡德  古典类型: 协奏曲  资源格式: APE  发行时间: 日  地区: 法国  简介:   
  Performer:  Brian Feehan, Eduardo Eguez, Rolf Lislevand, Thomas C. Boysen, Thor Harald Johnsen, et al.  Composer: Antonio Vivaldi  Audio CD: March 27, 2007  SPARS Code: DDD  Label: Naive  Catalog No.: OP 30429  ASIN: B000LE0TEC  专辑介绍:  本辑所收录的作品,特别凸显韦瓦第对乐器色彩的创意与热爱。  《G大调为双曼陀林、弦乐与数字低音的协奏曲,RV532》,充满享乐主义的兴奋与丰富的诗意。另外一首同样编制的《C大调协奏曲,RV425》,也是充满节奏律动与活泼生命力。《G小调三重奏,RV85》,由小提琴、鲁特琴、数字低音联合演出,此曲的曲风比较亲密,带著曖昧的忧鬱。《D小调为柔音提琴、鲁特琴、弦乐与数字低音的协奏曲,RV540》,是一首重要杰作,当年曾在向萨克森选帝侯王子致敬的场合演出。《C大调三重奏,RV82》,风格与结构跟前面那首RV82相当近似。《D大调为双小提琴、鲁特琴与数字低音的协奏曲,RV93》,则是相当流行的展技杰作。  本专辑独奏者洛夫.里斯列凡德,出身挪威国立音乐院,主修古典吉他,后来赴瑞士留学,深受古大提琴之神沙瓦尔影响,也成为首屈一指的鲁特琴高手,专辑曾获坎城大奖。  As part of their Vivaldi Edition, Na?ve enables the collector to explore the extensive variety of the composer’s output from the collections housed at the National University Library in Turin. Described by Na?ve as “The greatest recording venture of the 21st century” they are in the process of recording by category (sacred music, opera, concerti for winds, concerti for violin, cantata, etc.) the 450 manuscripts from the Turin collection. These manuscripts are from Vivaldi's personal collection of his own, hand- his own private library at the time of his death.  One cannot help noticing Na?ve’s strategy of using glamorous young photographic models on the front covers of their Vivaldi Edition. Although totally irrelevant to the music this imaginative approach is proving to be an inspired and successful, if controversial and highly recognisable, marketing exercise. I can vouch that Na?ve are using the finest possible period-instrument ensembles, eminent baroque vocal specialists and the best choral ensembles in the field of historically informed performance. On this release, Rolf Lislevand is the soloist who presides over cutting-edge interpretations, employing a talented group of specialist period-instrument performers.  Lislevand first came to my attention a few years ago with a revelatory recital of unaccompanied seventeenth century French lute music titled ‘La Belle Homicide’ on Astrée Na?ve E 8880. This superb release, recorded in 2003 at Maguelone Abbey in France, won my vote as a ‘2003 Record of the Year’.  The six attractive scores on the disc follow Vivaldi’s usual three movement fast-slow-fast design. The first work is the outstanding Concerto for 2 mandolins, strings and basso continuo, RV 532 with its buoyant and vivacious opening Allegro. The central Andante contains an intimate dialogue between the mandolin soloists and the final Allegro is quite stunning being packed with incident. The Trio for violin, lute and basso continuo, RV 85 is a generally introverted score and barely decorative. The Larghetto is tender and meditative with a closing Allegro that just bursts with energy.  The Concerto for mandolin, strings and basso continuo, RV 425 is an excellent score with vigorous and rhythmic outer Allegros and an enchanting central Largo of contemplative and nocturnal quality. Throughout the Mandolin Concerto one cannot help but notice the richly written parts for the string section. In the Concerto for viola d’amore, lute, strings and basso continuo, RV 540, the unusual blend of the two solo instruments is entrancing. The tender central movement Largo is evocative of a musical interchange between two lovers. I loved the playful Allegro that closes the Double Concerto.  I found the Trio for violin, lute and basso continuo, RV 82 an impressive score. It contains two good-humoured examples of the Allegro movement placed either side of a relaxing and affectionate Larghetto lento. The final score is the Concerto for 2 violins, lute and basso continuo in D major, RV 93. The melodic and memorable outer movements consist of an exciting and spirited opening Allegro giusto with a closing Allegro high on joie de vivre. The finest of all is the central movement Largo with one of the most beautiful melodies ever played on the lute. This is a score that could certainly be regarded as one of Vivaldi’s greatest hits.  Lislevand is an outstanding baroque guitarist who commands respect from the first note to the last with stunning interpretations that are awash with colour. He is at one with the emotional and technical demands of the music and I loved the way he imparts a spiritual, almost ethereal quality to the slow movements. The accompaniment is of the highest quality and I especially enjoyed the rich and varied basso continuo.  The Na?ve engineers have provided especially warm and detailed sonics. The very close sound-picture at times even captures the breathing of the soloists and the operation of the instruments but the ear soon becomes accustomed.  Lislevand displays his impeccable credentials on this superbly performed and recorded release of Vivaldi mandolin and lute works from Na?ve.  资源和文字来自网络。专辑用于试听,如果喜欢请购买正版。上传速度有限,请下完的朋友帮忙分流,谢谢。  欢迎大家试听后踊跃评论,不仅分享音乐,也要分享对音乐的感受.  资源 Also in http://alsomusic.net/phpbb/post1570.html#p1570 Pls keep upload file to share for more people.相似文章&今日推荐&&&&&&&&&&幽默笑话百态军事探索娱乐女性健康旅游互联网··············&专辑英文名: Vivaldi: Musica per mandolino e liuto
专辑中文名: 维瓦尔第: 为曼陀林与鲁特琴的音乐
艺术家: Rolf Lislevand 洛夫·里斯列凡德
古典类型: 协奏曲
资源格式: APE
发行时间: 日
地区: 法国
Brian Feehan, Eduardo Eguez, Rolf Lislevand, Thomas C. Boysen, Thor Harald Johnsen, et al.
Composer: Antonio Vivaldi
Audio CD: March 27, 2007
Label: Naive
Catalog No.: OP 30429
As part of their Vivaldi Edition, Na?ve enables the collector to explore the extensive variety of the composer’s output from the collections housed at the National University Library in Turin. Described by Na?ve as “The greatest recording venture of the 21st century” they are in the process of recording by category (sacred music, opera, concerti for winds, concerti for violin, cantata, etc.) the 450 manuscripts from the Turin collection. These manuscripts are from Vivaldi's personal collection of his own, hand- his own private library at the time of his death.
One cannot help noticing Na?ve’s strategy of using glamorous young photographic models on the front covers of their Vivaldi Edition. Although totally irrelevant to the music this imaginative approach is proving to be an inspired and successful, if controversial and highly recognisable, marketing exercise. I can vouch that Na?ve are using the finest possible period-instrument ensembles, eminent baroque vocal specialists and the best choral ensembles in the field of historically informed performance. On this release, Rolf Lislevand is the soloist who presides over cutting-edge interpretations, employing a talented group of specialist period-instrument performers.
Lislevand first came to my attention a few years ago with a revelatory recital of unaccompanied seventeenth century French lute music titled ‘La Belle Homicide’ on Astrée Na?ve E 8880. This superb release, recorded in 2003 at Maguelone Abbey in France, won my vote as a ‘2003 Record of the Year’.
The six attractive scores on the disc follow Vivaldi’s usual three movement fast-slow-fast design. The first work is the outstanding Concerto for 2 mandolins, strings and basso continuo, RV 532 with its buoyant and vivacious opening Allegro. The central Andante contains an intimate dialogue between the mandolin soloists and the final Allegro is quite stunning being packed with incident. The Trio for violin, lute and basso continuo, RV 85 is a generally introverted score and barely decorative. The Larghetto is tender and meditative with a closing Allegro that just bursts with energy.
The Concerto for mandolin, strings and basso continuo, RV 425 is an excellent score with vigorous and rhythmic outer Allegros and an enchanting central Largo of contemplative and nocturnal quality. Throughout the Mandolin Concerto one cannot help but notice the richly written parts for the string section. In the Concerto for viola d’amore, lute, strings and basso continuo, RV 540, the unusual blend of the two solo instruments is entrancing. The tender central movement Largo is evocative of a musical interchange between two lovers. I loved the playful Allegro that closes the Double Concerto.
I found the Trio for violin, lute and basso continuo, RV 82 an impressive score. It contains two good-humoured examples of the Allegro movement placed either side of a relaxing and affectionate Larghetto lento. The final score is the Concerto for 2 violins, lute and basso continuo in D major, RV 93. The melodic and memorable outer movements consist of an exciting and spirited opening Allegro giusto with a closing Allegro high on joie de vivre. The finest of all is the central movement Largo with one of the most beautiful melodies ever played on the lute. This is a score that could certainly be regarded as one of Vivaldi’s greatest hits.
Lislevand is an outstanding baroque guitarist who commands respect from the first note to the last with stunning interpretations that are awash with colour. He is at one with the emotional and technical demands of the music and I loved the way he imparts a spiritual, almost ethereal quality to the slow movements. The accompaniment is of the highest quality and I especially enjoyed the rich and varied basso continuo.
The Na?ve engineers have provided especially warm and detailed sonics. The very close sound-picture at times even captures the breathing of the soloists and the operation of the instruments but the ear soon becomes accustomed.
Lislevand displays his impeccable credentials on this superbly performed and recorded release of Vivaldi mandolin and lute works from Na?ve.
资源 Also in http://alsomusic.net/phpbb/post1570.html#p1570 Pls keep upload file to share for more people.
[url=http://www./bt/detail_20349.html][img]http://image./bt/5.jpg[/img][/url]&&&&&  免责声明:本文仅代表作者个人观点,与王朝网络无关。王朝网络登载此文出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同其观点或证实其描述,其原创性以及文中陈述文字和内容未经本站证实,对本文以及其中全部或者部分内容、文字的真实性、完整性、及时性本站不作任何保证或承诺,请读者仅作参考,并请自行核实相关内容。&&&&&&为你推荐&&&&&因版权问题本站不提供资源下载&&&转载本文&UBB代码&HTML代码复制到剪贴板...&更多内容··········&&&&&&&频道精选&&王朝女性&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝分栏&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝编程&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝导购&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&王朝其他&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&&&&2005-&&版权所有&口哨 曼陀林 古典吉他合奏 舒伯特小夜曲 演奏 陈老师 小单_土豆_高清视频在线观看曼陀林是什么意思_曼陀林在线翻译_曼陀林什么意思_曼陀林的意思_曼陀林的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
曼陀林是什么意思 曼陀林在线翻译 曼陀林什么意思 曼陀林的意思 曼陀林的翻译 曼陀林的解释 曼陀林的发音 曼陀林的同义词
曼陀林 基本解释曼陀林词典曼陀林(一种琵琶类乐器)曼陀林 网络解释1. 曼陀林1. Mandolin:----兰草乐队是一支融合了美国乡村民谣,西部牛仔音乐,爱尔兰民间舞蹈音乐,中国传统民间音乐等不同音乐风格的乐队,乐队自成立以来一直以独特的演奏和演唱风格活跃在国内外的音乐舞台. 他们以美国乡村小提琴(Fiddle),班卓琴(Banjo),曼陀林(Mandolin)和原声吉他(Acoustic gui2. mandolins:4529 七弦琴 lyres | 4530 曼陀林 mandolins | 4531 风笛 bagpipes3. 3. il mandolino:琵琶 il liuto | 曼陀林 il mandolino | 双簧管 l&#39;oboe曼陀林 双语例句1. 曼陀林的解释1. 与赛者可角逐共15个项目的奬金,分别为数个小提琴及吉他项目、口琴、曼陀林、怀旧歌曲演唱、五弦琴及巴克舞(buck dancing,一种美式踢踏舞配合非洲部落旋律的舞蹈)。&&&&Contestants compete for prize money in 15 categories, including several fiddle and guitar categories, harmonica, mandolin, old-time singing, banjo, and buck dancing.2. 曼陀林的反义词2. 它究竟是说话,还是时而变成了歌唱,变成水手们起锚时高唱的号子,帆索在呼啸的东北风里的嗡嗡低吟,日落时澄黄色的天空下渔人拉网的歌谣,游艇或帆船上弹奏吉他或曼陀林的琴音?&&&&And the talk, the wonderful talk flowed on—or was it speech entirely, or did it pass at times into song—chanty of the sailors weighing the dripping anchor, sonorous hum of the shrouds in a tearing North-Easter, ballad of the fisherman hauling his nets at sundown against an apricot sky, chords of guitar and mandoline from gondola or caique?3. 股市重来:奥提斯凯作品之谜》对他的作品做了大量细致的考证,最近由曼陀林出版社发行英意两个语言版本。&&&&Déjà Vu All Over Again: the Riddle of Otis Kaye`s Masterpiece, a book-length study of this work, has just been published in Italian and English editions by Mandragora.4. 4. 包围而且被传说上有名者举起越过或者现成小提琴、班卓琴、曼陀林、被槌打的德西马琴和吉他的和声学,每个硬面饼世代已经被远古山区域-阿帕拉契山区的有旋律表达激发而且养育。&&&&Surrounded and lifted up by the storied past or the harmonics of hand-me-down fiddles, banjos, mandolins, hammered dulcimers and guitars, each hardtack generation has been inspired and nurtured by the melodic expression of an ancient mountain region – Appalachia.5. 奶酪磨碎机,曼陀林切片机以及螺旋拔塞器也都是会造成较小伤害产品的例子&&&&A cheese grater, a mandolin slicer, and a cork screw are also examples of products that6. 他知道这可能是他最后一次为我们弹奏了,他为老曼陀林调弦,弹了几个音。&&&&He knew it would probably be the last time he would play for us. He 15tuned up the old mandolin and played a few notes.7. 7. 一个星期在他的死亡之前,我们问爸爸如果他会弹曼陀林为我们。&&&&About a week before his death, we asked Dad if he would play the mandolin for us.8. 我热爱唱歌,但我没有学会如何弹奏曼陀林,这是我遗憾至今的事情。&&&&This is something I regret to this day.9. 我爱唱歌,但我从未学会了怎么弹曼陀林。&&&&I loved to sing, but I never learned how to play the mandolin.10. 我热爱唱歌,但我没有学会如何弹奏曼陀林,这是我遗憾至今的事情。&&&&I loved to sing, but I never learned how to play the mandolin. This is something I regret to this day.11. 11. 我的父亲是一个自修的曼陀林球员。&&&&&&My father was a self-taught mandolin player.12. 我父亲是个自学成才的曼陀林琴手,他是我们镇最优秀的弦乐演奏者之一。&&&&&&My father was a self-taught mandolin player. He was one of the best string instrument players in our town.<p class="p1个预设的声音,包括钢琴1-4 ,honky唱片钢琴,zimbalon ,合成声音,古1-2 ,celesta 1-2 ,是Marimba ,竖琴1-3 ,江东1-2 ,大正琴,一把班究琴,曼陀林,吉他1 -3 ,电吉他1-5 ,电贝司,管风琴1-5 ,手风琴,风笛,双簧管,单簧管,长笛,尺八,华娃,圆号,flugel圆号,小号,铜管合奏,弦乐合奏,小提琴,大提琴,和低音提琴。&&&&&&Preset sounds including Piano 1-4, Honky Tonk Piano, Zimbalon, Synth-sound, Harpsichord 1-2, Celesta 1-2, Marimba, Harp 1-3, Koto 1-2, Taisho Koto, Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar 1-3, Electric Guitar 1-5, Electric Bass, Pipe Organ 1-5, Accordion, Bagpipe, Oboe, Clarinet, Flute, Shakuhachi, Wa-wa, Horn, Flugel Horn, Trumpet, Brass Ensemble, String Ensemble, Violin, Cello, and Double Bass.14. 他是一个两班卓琴和吉他演奏家,并在曼陀林有琵琶记录。&&&&&&He was a virtuoso on both banjo and guitar, and also recorded on mandolin and lute.15. 15. 舞蹈由小提琴、曼陀林、班卓琴、吉他及低音大提琴等乐器伴奏。&&&&&&A bluegrass band composed of fiddle, mandolin, banjo, guitar and bass accompanies the performers.16. 爸爸被爱弹曼陀林为他知道的他的家庭我们喜欢唱歌,和听见他演奏。&&&&&&Dad loved to play the mandolin for his family he knew we enjoyed singing, and hearing him play.17. 17. 没人弹了曼陀林象我的父亲。&&&&&&Nobody played the mandolin like my father.18. 18. 偶尔地,爸爸会出去他的曼陀林和戏剧为家庭。&&&&&&Occasionally, Dad would get out his mandolin and play for the family.19. 19. 每当我会回家在事假,我会要求爸爸弹曼陀林。&&&&&&Whenever I would come home on leave, I would ask Dad to play the mandolin.20. 他们用曼陀林或者小提琴的回声彼此交谈。&&&&&&They talk to each other with echoes of a mandolin or violin.曼陀林是什么意思,曼陀林在线翻译,曼陀林什么意思,曼陀林的意思,曼陀林的翻译,曼陀林的解释,曼陀林的发音,曼陀林的同义词,曼陀林的反义词,曼陀林的例句,曼陀林的相关词组,曼陀林意思是什么,曼陀林怎么翻译,单词曼陀林是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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专辑英文名: Bach
专辑中文名: 巴赫
艺术家: Avi Avital.
古典类型: 全集作品
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 日
发行公司:Deutsche Grammophon
  以色列小伙Avi Avital刚在DG录制首张巴赫专辑。曼陀铃自巴洛克时代起由盛转衰,长期游走于民间街头和舞台边缘,Avital作为首个面向大众的曼陀铃演奏明星,或许可改变这一局面。
完全巴赫压轴大戏 当曼陀林遇上羽管键琴
日晚7:30,中山公园音乐堂将迎来“完全巴赫”系列的压轴音乐会——第五场:“如果巴赫有个曼陀林”,当今世界曼陀林第一人艾维?阿威塔(Avi Avital)将与欧洲乐坛炙手可热的羽管键琴大师沙勒夫?艾德-艾尔携手,演绎最动听醉人的巴赫音乐会。
同台的羽管键琴家沙勒夫?艾德-艾尔(Shalev Ed El)曾发行70余张CD专辑、享誉欧洲。艾德-艾尔说:“羽管键琴表现力丰富,一个乐器抵得上钢琴、电吉他、加上打击乐的组合,能够营造出各种音乐风格。” 12月18日,艾德-艾尔将演奏1985年仿制的17世纪由Ruckers设计的弗拉蒙式双排键羽管键琴,这恰恰是巴赫生活的时代,艾德-艾尔说:“用羽管键琴演奏巴赫的作品,有种把当时的音乐在此复原的欢愉,我喜欢把这种美妙的体验与渴望聆听的人们分享。”
看点三: “如果巴赫有个曼陀林,他会这么弹”
01. Concerto for Harpsichord, Strings, and Continuo No.1 in D minor, BWV 1052 - adapted for Mandolin and Orchestra - 1. Allegro
02. Concerto for Harpsichord, Strings, and Continuo No.1 in D minor, BWV 1052 - adapted for Mandolin and Orchestra - 2. Adagio
03. Concerto for Harpsichord, Strings, and Continuo No.1 in D minor, BWV 1052 - adapted for Mandolin and Orchestra - 3. Allegro
04. Concerto for Harpsichord, Strings, and Continuo No.5 in F minor, BWV 1056 - adapted for Mandolin and Orchestra - 1. (Allegro)
05. Concerto for Harpsichord, Strings, and Continuo No.5 in F minor, BWV 1056 - adapted for Mandolin and Orchestra- 2. Largo
06. Concerto for Harpsichord, Strings, and Continuo No.5 in F minor, BWV 1056 - adapted for Mandolin and Orchestra- 3. Presto
07. Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor, BWV 1041 - adapted for Mandolin and Orchestra- 1. (Allegro moderato)
08. Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor, BWV 1041 - adapted for Mandolin and Orchestra - 2. Andante
09. Violin Concerto No.1 in A minor, BWV 1041 - adapted for Mandolin and Orchestra - 3. Allegro Assal
10. Sonata for Flute or Violin No.5 in E minor, BWV 1034 - adapted for Mandolin and Continuo - 1. Adagio ma non troppo
11. Sonata for Flute or Violin No.5 in E minor, BWV 1034 - adapted for Mandolin and Continuo - 2. Allegro
12. Sonata for Flute or Violin No.5 in E minor, BWV 1034 - adapted for Mandolin and Continuo - 3. Andante
13. Sonata for Flute or Violin No.5 in E minor, BWV 1034 - adapted for Mandolin and Continuo - 4. Allegro
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