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一、什么是白色污染 所谓“白色污染”,是人们对塑料垃圾污染环境的一种形象称谓。它是指用聚苯乙烯、聚丙烯、聚氯乙烯等高分子化合物制成的各类生活塑料制品使用后被弃置成为固体废物,由于随意乱丢乱扔,难于降解处理,以致造成城市环境严重污染的现象。 二、白色污染的危害 白色污染存在两种危害:视觉污染和潜在危害。 视觉污染指的是塑料袋、盒、杯、碗等散落在环境中,给人们的...
本文从中国动画的历史梳理开始,结合中国动画创作和市场两个方面,探寻中国动画的艺术创作规律. In this paper, China began to comb the history of animation, combined with China Animation and the two markets, the China animations to explore the laws of artistic creation. 中国动画创作经历了20世纪50年代末到60年代中期和70年代末到80年代中期的两个发展高潮,新世纪中国动画俨然又要迎来它的又一繁荣时期,中国动画不是作为一个独立的个体而存在,中国动画不仅要拥有国内市场,更要走向世界. Chinese animation has gone through at the end of the 1950s to the mid-60's and 70's at the end of the mid-80's two development climax of the new century, Chinese animation as if it's another to usher in a period of prosperity, the China animations are not as a stand-alone The existence of the individual, not only to Chinese animation has a domestic market, but also to engage the world. 经过七十多年的动画探索,中国的动画创作达到了一个很高的艺术水准. After 70 years of animation to explore China's animation has reached a very high standard of art. 但是在市场上稍许欠缺,中国动画人也意识到这个问题. But a little lacking in the market, the China animations are also aware of this issue. 特别是在美国日本等外来动画的冲击下,中国动画面临巨大挑战,中国动画制作者面对动画现状,显示了他们的魄力,在动画的制作体系和发行体系上都做了改进,借鉴吸收国外先进经验,为己所用,并取得了良好的市场回报. Particularly in the USA and Japan, such as the impact of foreign animation, the China animations are facing great challenges, China's animation to the status quo in the face animation to show their courage in the animation production system and distribution system have made improvements from foreign Advanced experience for its own use, and made a good return on the market. 与此同时我们也不能忽视中国动画存在的一些不足之处. At the same time, we can not ignore the China animations there are a number of shortcomings. 应在保持民族特色的同时,使中国动画有更好的发展. In the national characteristics should be maintained at the same time, make China a better animation. 影片的艺术水准为其长久的生命力提供保障,而良好的市场回报也为艺术再创作提供资金. The Art of the film for its long-term vitality of the level of protection, and a good return on the market for art re-creation fund. 如何在艺术性与商业性之间找到一个完美的契合点,是本文所关注的. How to between artistic and commercial to find a perfect fit, is of concern to this article. 动画作为一种艺术创作,在中国的发展前景是非常广阔的. Animation as an art in China have broad prospects. 新的世纪,让我们展望中国动画的灿烂未来! The new century, so we look to the bright future of the China animations! 动画艺术是一种世界性的文化. Animation art is a kind of global culture. 从动画诞生以来,各国的动画交流就十分广泛. From the birth of animation, the animation on a wide range of the exchange. 中国动画作为世界动画的一分子也闪耀着它夺目的光辉. Chinese animation in the world of animation is also a member of its brightly shining brilliance. 中国第一部动画长片《铁扇公主》,在国内外引起广泛影响,发行到了新加坡、马来西亚、日本等地区,打响了中国动画片对外输出的第一炮. China's first animated feature film "Princess Iron Fan" at home and abroad has aroused widespread impact, to be issued in Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and other regions, the China animations started exporting the first shot. 中国动画片也自觉地将自己纳入到世界动画片的轨迹当中,与世界动画发展保持一致. Chinese animation has consciously put themselves into the world of animation track, with the consistent development of the animation world. 随后,中国动画片频频在国际上获奖,引起世人的注目,声誉鹊起. Subsequently, the China animations frequently in the international award-winning, caused the people of the world's attention, the reputation of reputations. 中国动画片便在世界动画影视长廊里占据了不容忽视的一席之地,并散发着它独特的魅力. Chinese animated film animation in the world occupy the gallery in a place that can not be ignored, and distributed its unique charm. 可是中国动画片发展到现在却陷入了沉寂,从21世纪的90年代至今,中国动画片没有了以前的繁荣. However, the development of Chinese animation has now fallen into silence, 21, from the age of 90 so far, the Chinese animation has not previously prosperity. 搜狐博客 > 蓝色的海洋 > 日志 > 生活社会与自然 Sohu blog> blue ocean> log> social life and nature
| 动漫论文
| flash paper
[论文]处于世界市场中的中国动画 [Paper] in the world market in the China animations 本文从中国动画的历史梳理开始,结合中国动画创作和市场两个方面,探寻中国动画的艺术创作规律. In this paper, China began to comb the history of animation, combined with China Animation and the two markets, the China animations to explore the laws of artistic creation. 中国动画创作经历了20世纪50年代末到60年代中期和70年代末到80年代中期的两个发展高潮,新世纪中国动画俨然又要迎来它的又一繁荣时期,中国动画不是作为一个独立的个体而存在,中国动画不仅要拥有国内市场,更要走向世界. Chinese animation has gone through at the end of the 1950s to the mid-60's and 70's at the end of the mid-80's two development climax of the new century, Chinese animation as if it's another to usher in a period of prosperity, the China animations are not as a stand-alone The existence of the individual, not only to Chinese animation has a domestic market, but also to engage the world. 经过七十多年的动画探索,中国的动画创作达到了一个很高的艺术水准. After 70 years of animation to explore China's animation has reached a very high standard of art. 但是在市场上稍许欠缺,中国动画人也意识到这个问题. But a little lacking in the market, the China animations are also aware of this issue. 特别是在美国日本等外来动画的冲击下,中国动画面临巨大挑战,中国动画制作者面对动画现状,显示了他们的魄力,在动画的制作体系和发行体系上都做了改进,借鉴吸收国外先进经验,为己所用,并取得了良好的市场回报. Particularly in the USA and Japan, such as the impact of foreign animation, the China animations are facing great challenges, China's animation to the status quo in the face animation to show their courage in the animation production system and distribution system have made improvements from foreign Advanced experience for its own use, and made a good return on the market. 与此同时我们也不能忽视中国动画存在的一些不足之处. At the same time, we can not ignore the China animations there are a number of shortcomings. 应在保持民族特色的同时,使中国动画有更好的发展. In the national characteristics should be maintained at the same time, make China a better animation. 影片的艺术水准为其长久的生命力提供保障,而良好的市场回报也为艺术再创作提供资金. The Art of the film for its long-term vitality of the level of protection, and a good return on the market for art re-creation fund. 如何在艺术性与商业性之间找到一个完美的契合点,是本文所关注的. How to between artistic and commercial to find a perfect fit, is of concern to this article. 动画作为一种艺术创作,在中国的发展前景是非常广阔的. Animation as an art in China have broad prospects. 新的世纪,让我们展望中国动画的灿烂未来! The new century, so we look to the bright future of the China animations! 序言 Preamble 动画艺术是一种世界性的文化. Animation art is a kind of global culture. 从动画诞生以来,各国的动画交流就十分广泛. From the birth of animation, the animation on a wide range of the exchange. 中国动画作为世界动画的一分子也闪耀着它夺目的光辉. Chinese animation in the world of animation is also a member of its brightly shining brilliance. 中国第一部动画长片《铁扇公主》,在国内外引起广泛影响,发行到了新加坡、马来西亚、日本等地区,打响了中国动画片对外输出的第一炮. China's first animated feature film "Princess Iron Fan" at home and abroad has aroused widespread impact, to be issued in Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and other regions, the China animations started exporting the first shot. 中国动画片也自觉地将自己纳入到世界动画片的轨迹当中,与世界动画发展保持一致. Chinese animation has consciously put themselves into the world of animation track, with the consistent development of the animation world. 随后,中国动画片频频在国际上获奖,引起世人的注目,声誉鹊起. Subsequently, the China animations frequently in the international award-winning, caused the people of the world's attention, the reputation of reputations. 中国动画片便在世界动画影视长廊里占据了不容忽视的一席之地,并散发着它独特的魅力. Chinese animated film animation in the world occupy the gallery in a place that can not be ignored, and distributed its unique charm. 可是中国动画片发展到现在却陷入了沉寂,从21世纪的90年代至今,中国动画片没有了以前的繁荣. However, the development of Chinese animation has now fallen into silence, 21, from the age of 90 so far, the Chinese animation has not previously prosperity. 在中国的动画片市场上充斥的大多是美国和日本的动画片,在人们周围的生活用品、印刷品当中流行的更多是加菲猫、史努比等外来卡通形象. China's animation market full of the most animated of the United States and Japan, in the lives of people around the supplies, printed matter which is more popular Garfield, Snoopy, and other foreign cartoon image. 对民族动画寄予厚望的广大观众对民族动画呼声甚高,国家也大力地扶持民族动画事业,中国动画艺术家也为国产动画的发展花费大量心血,国产动画虽有起色,但尚不尽如人意. Animation of the nation's high hopes for the majority of the audience on the national voice of the animation was very high, the country has also made great efforts to support the cause of national animation, Chinese animation artists for the development of China-made animation a lot of efforts, China-made animation, although improvement, but is not yet satisfactory. 国产动画面临着巨大的挑战,如何在新世纪获得更好的发展,抢回国内市场,同时走向世界,是动画创作者的当务之急. China-made animated faces enormous challenges, how to get better in the new century, the development of the domestic market recover, and the world at the same time, the creators of animation is top priority. 国产动画发展缓慢的症结在哪里? The slow development of China-made animation where the crux of the problem? 如何探寻一条适合中国动画发展的道路是现在国产动画亟待解决的. How to search for a suitable development of the China animations on the road is now urgent domestic animation. 第一章历史篇 Chapter chapter of history 中国动画曾无比地辉煌过,这也证明中国动画是有实力的,有适合它发展的艺术规律. China has great animation and brilliant, this also proves that China is capable of animation, it is suitable for the development of the law of the arts. 对中国动画发展脉络有一个了解,对今天的动画创作是大有裨益的. Chinese animation sequence on the development of an understanding of today's animation is most helpful. 既可从中借鉴吸收优良传统,又可发现总结中国动画的不足之处,找到一条在新的社会发展时期的发展道路. Can draw from to absorb the fine traditions of Chinese animation can be found in the summarize deficiencies found in a new period of development of social development. Chinese animation is a huge market potential. 中国动画要突破思维定势,挖掘市场,使社会效益和经济效益形成良性互动. Chinese animation to break through thinking, tap the market, so that the social and economic benefits the formation of positive interaction. 艺术水准为影片的长久生命力提供保障,但良好的市场回报也为艺术再创作提供资金. Standard for the art of film for a long time to protect life, but a good return on the market for art re-creation fund. 在新世纪里中国动画有更好的发展除与国际接轨外还要结合本国的特点,具体问题具体对待. In the new century, Chinese animation in addition to the development of a better track with the world outside the country would also like to combine the characteristics of the specific treatment of specific issues. 中国动画是有着广阔前景,让我们一起期待中国动画的灿烂未来! Animation is China has broad prospects, let us look forward to the bright future of Chinese animation!
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On the Cultural Construction of university campus footballAbstract: The construction of the university campus sports culture, has been an important part of the construction of campus culture, Shenyang Normal, discusses the current problems in cultural construction of college campus football and made a number of rationalization proposals, and hope as the construction of the campus football culture to provide some thoughts.Keywords: Campus football cultureIs a special group of mostly students, the construction of the sports culture has been an important part of campus culture construction, moral, intellectual, physical, and the United States, labor-round development of quality education advocate. Of sun movement, is to implement the program of physical exercise have facilities, the construction of the campus sports culture to the campus sports to carry out. Soccer is the most representative projects of college sports, campus football culture related to the football game, football cheerleaders, football spread, football courses on all aspects of football culture can be good to promote the development of sports culture in schools.(1) the development of the campus football culture significanceChinese football is at a critical moment of the anti-corruption, anti-crime, many scholars of Chinese football is pinning its hopes up in the campus football. World power in the world of campus sports as a reserve base of competitive sports, such as the NAB pick of the United States, South Korean football K-League, are from the university, high school draft pick of the campus development of football can promote students' exercise, health promotion, and so involved in the contest to promote football game, game organization, game art, game performance can contribute to the construction of the campus sports culture, to enrich the campus culture, to attract more people to enjoy the football game, so that more into football, the excellent Football Talents for our culture.Campus football Cultural AnalysisShenyang Normal University teachers and students for research and investigation from the aspects of the football programs, football matches, football culture, football promotion, the results are not optimistic that the current campus football there are many problems with the construction of the football culture.2.1 Soccer Elective unreasonableCollege Physical Education is the main form of student sports, football lesson is the major elective courses of Physical Education in Colleges, loved by students, but in actual course selection process, but there are some problems. Most colleges and universities in football lesson elective set not by gender to be elective, but students where the faculty's time to set up, the consequences like football lesson, students choose classes, selected classes of students do not like football class, what is more a teaching classes more than 40 people, 38 were girls, this sex ratio is not conducive to the teaching of soccer lesson. College football elective settings has become a major obstacle to the development of college football.2.2 football facilities lackShenyang Normal University, the existing two football pitches for the class, the students, an artificial site, a natural grass, artificial site of most of the time for the sport of professional students use public sports students only in sports majors no class use, even if you can use two or three classes with class, more than 100 people shared a football field, soccer teaching quality can be imagined. Public sports football lesson most of the time in the natural grassland than the school, while the natural lawn grounds maintenance costs higher, usually the lack of maintenance, resulting in site quality is relatively poor, it is difficult to a football match. Greatly reduce the football interest of the students is not conducive to the universal development of the campus football.2.3-campus football game to a lack of continuityShenyang Normal University Campus Football League is a lack of continuity, sometimes held once a year, sometimes once every two years. For students' personal safety reasons, the school is willing to organize a large football game. This affected the football enthusiasm of the students, the students have a great yearning for the school organize regular football game, game to show their Many colleges have to organize football league, to meet the aspirations of the football game, this form of the league there are certain security risks. Campus football game, is an important part of the campus sports culture, appreciation of the game, the input of the game, the game's fans to participate in campus sports culture can contribute to the development of a regular game and talk about the construction of the football culture.2.4 lack of high-level football teamThe construction of high-level sports team can promote the development of the campus football culture, such as the Beijing Institute of Technology football team is a student military organization of the football team, perennial war in the China Football Super League B, and achieved a proud record by the school division favorite of students, rich sports culture of the Beijing Institute of Technology, along with the Northern Polytechnic very naturally think of the North University football team, which is the advocacy role of the high level of soccer. Shenyang Normal University football, table tennis, baseball, school team regularly participates in the province, and national contests, and achieved good results, access to wide acclaim, won the honor for the school, but also the promotion of school sports and culture developments. Shenyang Normal University do not have a fixed school football team, are rarely involved in the football game between the universities, which also affects the construction of the campus football culture, reducing the school's football atmosphere.College campus football culture construction strategy3.1 on the existing public sports football class reformReform of public sports football class settings, choice of classes, set up a class the proportion of male and female students by gender, boys and girls can also be placement of teaching, which avoids the student election was not in class, but also to enable teachers to teaching, set the reform of public sports football class, more like football, soccer classes, students choose a better development of the campus football.3.2 increase in the football facilities put intoFootball venues and facilities is a prerequisite to carry out by the football schools should make use of the community can use the power of the construction of football pitches, increase investment in football facilities for soccer enthusiasts to provide a good sport, the better to carry out the football. Also the implementation of specific measures of sun sports, responded to the call to carry out the campus football.3.3 specification Football LeagueCampus Football League is to promote football, the best way to build sports culture, schools should regulate the Football League, Football League has a sustainable development, the establishment of a college characteristics Football League. Can also attract some corporate sponsorship of campus football game, the establishment of a school football team on behalf of the school play, and strive for the Chinese football training out of football talent, but also can provide some help for Football Culture Communication.4 SummarySoccer is the universities which are more representative of sports, the construction of the campus football culture plays an important role in the construction of the campus sports culture, the development of college football and football culture there are still many problems, only fully awareness and take reasonable solution, and will promote the development of the campus football culture. 我再打中文参照进去,就发生错误了,如果你需要,把你邮箱发来,我把中文给你发过去,楼主,请你采纳吧,谢谢 楼主我已经发送过去了,标题是coolcoolhe发送校园足球论文,楼主麻烦采纳啊


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