xcom如何在战斗中save和db2 load savecount,具体点哪里,或是按哪几个键位

【软件界面】MATLAB-&File-&Save Workspace As将变量存入硬盘中指定路径。
【功能描述】将文件导入到MATLAB workspace中
save filename options
-append 在已经存在的mat文件中保存此变量。
-format 确定要保存变量的格式,有下面这些格式:
-ascii 8位ASCII格式.
-ascii -tabs 8位ASCII格式以tab位分隔符.
-ascii -double 16位ASCII格式.
-ascii -double -tabs 16位ASCII格式以tab位分隔符.
-mat 默认格式
-v7.3 Version 7.3 or later Version 7.3 or later
-v7 Version 7.3 or later Versions 7.0 through 7.2 (or
-v6 Version 7 or later Versions 5 and 6 (or later)
-v4 Version 5 or later Versions 1 through 4 (or later)
1,save test.mat 把当前工作空间的所有变量保存到test.mat
3,s1.a = 12.7; s1.b = {'abc', [4 5; 6 7]};
s1.c = 'Hello!';
save newstruct.mat -struct s1;
使用whos -file newstruct.mat命令可以看到下面的信息:
Name Size Bytes Class
a 1x1 8 double array
b 1x2 158 cell array
c 1x6 12 char array
使用str = load('newstruct.mat', 'b')可以看到下面的结果:
b: {'abc' [2x2 double]}
4, save('mydata', '-regexp',
5,在使用 -append 选项时涉及到的文件,需要已经存在,否在会报错.
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。XCOM Expansion Grudgingly Acknowledges Save Scummers | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
XCOM Expansion Grudgingly Acknowledges Save Scummers
on October 16th, 2013 at 6:00 pm.
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I was away when body-horror
was announced, so that means you’ve tragically been denied my thoughts on it. Clearly, I am outraged that Firaxis are going to pervert their beautiful and unique snowflake with CHANGES and I beseech you to sign my online petition demanding that they cancel months of work immediately and develop a 100% faithful remake of Terror From The Deep instead.
Nah, there isn’t a game I’m more looking forward to right now. I can’t wait to play it. I’m especially enamoured of the idea that now is when they truly make XCOM their own game instead of beholden to its noble origins, and the new soldier-modding stuff sounds fascinating. A smaller added feature is that they’re offering the option to deactivate what’s something of a Firaxis house rule – pre-determined outcomes, regardless of how many times you reload the game.
Speaking to , lead designer Anand Gupta (assuming the mantle for this expansion from Jake Solomon) explained how a feature that’s thwarted attempts to gain a perfect result through repetition in a series of Firaxis titles (including Civ V) will now be toggleable to off for those who desire an easy ride. “It’s called Save Scum, in honour of what Jake Solomon likes to call players who do this. It resets the random number seed whenever the game is loaded. For people who really want to keep shooting until that 80% shot hits.”
If you are prone to reloading the game in the event one of your soldiers consumes an unwanted plasma buffet, you’ll probably have noticed that you’ll get the same result every time. I.e. the game has decided whether or not a given a shot will hit its target before the gun is fired, rather than rolling a dice every time the trigger is pulled. With the Save Scum option on, you’ll get a different result every time. While I experience some discomfort about using savegames this way – much as I am occasionally prone to it – what I do like about this new option is that it keeps everything random. I don’t much like the idea of a fixed destiny in a non-narrative game like this, if you see what I mean.
Of course this is going to be irrelevant to anyone who Iron Man-modes it, as I surely will.
Also being added for lily-livered players is a ‘bad streak breaker’ on Easy and Normal difficulty settings. “On Easy, if you miss three times in a row you’re not going to miss your fourth shot. It can be a 1% chance to hit and you’re not going to miss that shot.” This effect will lessen on normal, and be absent for Classic and above.
Won’t affect me, though I am convinced that something’s been done to ensure an inflated number of misses on shots with 90% and above chances – I’d miss on 95% shots far more often than I would on 60 or 70 percenters. Perhaps I’m just paranoid. Or perhaps slowly eroding the moral of veteran X-COM players is just stage one of the Sectoids who’ve infiltrated Firaxis’s masterplan.
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对于工作空间中变量的保存和载入可以使用save和load命令,详细的使用方法通过help指令获取(help save,help load)。
1、% 保存整个工作空间至指定的mat文件FILE_PATH_NAME,如E:\workspace.mat
% 若已经存在同名的mat文件,该文件会被覆盖重写而不是追加
2、% 保存指定的变量至指定的mat文件FILE_PATH_NAME
% 若已经存在同名的mat文件,该文件会被覆盖重写而不是追加
save FILE_PATH_NAME variable
3、% 保存指定的若干变量至指定的mat文件FILE_PATH_NAME
% 若已经存在同名的mat文件,该文件会被覆盖重写而不是追加
save FILE_PATH_NAME variable1 variable2 variable3 ...
4、% 载入mat文件FILE_PATH_NAME中的所有变量至当前工作空间
% 若当前工作空间中有同名变量,则此同名变量会被载入变量覆盖
5、% 载入mat文件FILE_PATH_NAME中的指定变量至当前工作空间
% 若当前工作空间中有同名变量,则此同名变量会被载入变量覆盖
load FILE_PATH_NAME variable
6、% 载入mat文件FILE_PATH_NAME中的若干指定变量至当前工作空间
% 若当前工作空间中有同名变量,则此同名变量会被载入变量覆盖
load FILE_PATH_NAME variable1 variable2 variable3 ...
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