有一部电影叫什么神奇动物 魔法世界魔法是一个男孩会魔法

迪士尼最受欢迎的角色 发展成全新动画系列
奇妙的精灵世界里居住着成千上万的小精灵,他们各司其职,装点广阔人间:风仙子为花儿传粉;花仙子为花草上色;水仙子给大地解冻;动物仙子唤醒冬眠的小动物……然而小叮当( Mae Whitman 配音)却只是一名修理仙子,负责制造和修补一些工具,她天天渴望能像姐妹们一样到人间工作,装扮春天。于是,小叮当开始苦练姐妹们的能力,希望改变自己的职能。然而冒冒失失的她虽然学习刻苦,但也闯祸不断,甚至在学习风仙子的技能时不慎破坏了春天的准备进程。懊恼悔恨之时,她却意外发现了自己发明创造的天赋,小叮当决定将功补过,努力发明提高工作速率的工具,让人间的春天及时降临…… 本片为迪士尼公司制作的《奇妙仙子》系列作品中的第一部。
名字:Tinker Bell
昵称:有时候被称为Miss Bell(Bell 小姐)
最好的朋友:Terence,他暗恋着Tinker Bell。
最喜欢的花:Tink 觉得银铃花最棒了。
住在: 一个过滤式陶瓷茶壶改装的房子里。
有趣的事情:Tink 发明了“气球飞船”。一个使用棉花绒毛,葫芦壳和指南针制成的神奇飞船。
  昵称:Sil  中文名字:水密斯  天赋:水仙子  最佳描述: 甜美,有些傻乎乎,但是富有同情心,随时侧耳倾听那些需要帮助的仙子朋友们的声音。  人格:她有着顺其自然的信念。但是她往往有些优柔寡断。  最喜欢的食品: 乌芋(荸荠bí qi,有些地区名地栗、地梨、马蹄。一种多年生草本植物,种植在水田中,这种植物的球茎,可作蔬菜,可代水果,也可制淀粉,作中药)。  她最出名的特点: 她的乐观。一点点另类,还有她看待事情的方式。
忌讳: 大声喧哗。  为什么而疯狂:让每一个在仙子谷的仙子都倾听她的心声。  很酷的怪癖:培训蝌蚪们吹泡泡,把露珠挂在蜘蛛网上。  让她有些内疚的爱好:喜欢听谣言和八卦闲话。  特别的住处: babbling小溪  最喜欢的颜色:凉爽的蓝色。
喜欢的花:睡莲  有趣的话:“你听说过水滴吧?这是水不滴。”(注:Sil是水仙子,她捧起水滴来水珠就不会散开。)  
名字: Rosetta  中文名字: 罗塞塔
  天赋:花园仙子  最喜欢的食品:毛茛汤。毛茛是一种多年生草本植物,生于田野、路边、沟边、山坡杂草丛中。)。  最喜欢的花:当然是玫瑰花!  时尚宣言(最喜欢的颜色):红粉佳人。  人格:甜美又有些时尚,随时都准备分享一些好的建议。
她最出名的特点:她迷人的口音。  爱好:化妆,并且随时确认自己是不是最漂亮。  特别的住处:玫瑰花小屋  最佳拍档:睡觉前她给自己的盆栽植物讲故事。  有趣的话:“你没事吧?甜心。”【注:这里将“甜甘蔗”引申译作“甜心”】  
名字: Iridessa  中文名字:爱丽德莎
  天赋:光仙子  最喜欢:秩序,秩序,更多的秩序!(井井有条)  不喜欢: 不知道正确的答案。  最喜欢的甜点:柠檬酥皮馅饼
最佳描述: 虽然她试图把眼光放在事物光明的一面,但是她的缺点就是总有点焦虑。  最喜欢的花:向日葵  时尚宣言:明亮的金色的太阳裙。  特别的住处:向日葵花朵  有趣的话:“这或许是我见过最耀眼美丽的东西……我可是见过很多新奇的东西!”
名字: Fawn
中文名字: 芳玟  天赋:动物仙子  最喜欢的食物:在任何食物上抹上融化的橡子黄油
  最喜欢的花:卷丹(多年生草本。叶披针形。花下垂,橘红色,上有紫黑色斑点,向外反卷,故而得名。)  忌讳:把自己打扮的花枝招展。  为什么而疯狂:娱乐还有游戏。  时尚宣言:芳玟的长辫子看起来已经成了她的象征啦!  人格特质:芳玟是一个乱七八糟,彻头彻底的假小子!
语言: 每种动物的语言都可以,她特别喜欢和青蛙说话。  坏习惯:没事儿就戏弄Iridessa。特别的住处:在一棵巨大的松果树上的树屋里。  动物拍档:只要是长着绒毛的小动物都算。  最喜欢的游戏:跳背游戏还有仙子捉迷藏。  有趣的话:“保持拍打翅膀!”(注:教小鸟飞的时候。)
名字: Vidia  中文名字:维迪亚(注:音译,暂时未出现官方中文名称。)  天赋:风仙子  最好的朋友...Vidia总是一个人独来独往...不知道为什么?  为什么而疯狂:独自飞行以及在没人看见的时候与蜻蜓比赛速度。
时尚宣言: 光滑的暗紫色的羽毛装饰。  人格特质:有着被动的攻击性,傲慢,并不很友好。  以什么闻名:经常使用“甜心”和“亲爱的”这种词。(虽然她并不真的把她的谈话对象当做甜心。)  居住在: 独自一人住在一颗酸梅树上!  最大的秘密:她一直把一个仙尘盒子藏在床下。
敌人:她用自己的态度制造了许多。  最喜欢的食品:柠檬馅饼……也许这能解释为什么她的连看上去充满敌意。(注:英文sour既有酸也有刻薄,有敌意的意思。这里是个双关语。)  有趣的话:“甜心,我希望你不要误解,在我们是好朋友的情形下。”  
迪士尼《奇妙仙子》大陆版 配音表
CCTV6 佳片有约栏目首播
翻译 马建丽
译制导演 李平
作品名称:Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure
【奇妙仙子与迷失的宝藏】(小叮当和失落宝物)是迪士尼卡通片厂所制作‘奇妙仙子’系列的第二部作品,接续前一年2008年秋季所推出的【奇妙仙子】 (小叮当),第二集则于2009年的10月底在美国推出上市。
本片是由Sean Lurie担任制片人,由KlayHall负责执导,由Spiliotopoulos负责编剧。配音演员方面则找回第一集的原班人马担任配音,包括Mae Whitman 、JesseMcCartney 、 Raven-Symone 、America Ferrera …等等。至于本片的配乐,也依然还是由第一集的配乐家JoelMcNeely所负责,本片的电影原声带由迪士尼唱片发行。[1]
作品名称:Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue
本片是【奇妙仙子】系列的第三部作品,同样是以直接发行影音产品的方式推出。这是一个发生在夏季的故事,Tinker Bell 和死对头 Vidia 纠纷不断,Tinker Bell因为种种原因被一位人类小女孩给捉住了,Vidia 只好回到仙子谷找人帮忙,于是在这夏日雷雨季,一场奇妙仙子的救援计划就此展开…
Margot Pipkin 制片,Carolyn Gair 执导。
作品名称:Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings
在美推出:2012 年秋季
本片是【奇妙仙子】系列第四部电影,四部作品刚好就是春夏秋冬四季的故事。在本片【奇妙仙子:冬森林的秘密】的故事当中,Tinker Bell 和她的朋友们来到梦幻岛北方最神秘的冬森林,在这里 Tinker Bell 将会遇到一位和她自己关系密不可分的仙子 Periwinkle,并且还发现了一个足以改变整个仙子世界的秘密。[2]
Sean Lurie担任制片,Peggy Holmes 和 Bobs Gannaway 执导[3]
作品名称:Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy
在美推出:日 美国
导演: Peggy Holmes
类型: 动画
作品名称:Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast
奇妙仙子系列: 精灵杯竞赛,将收录在【奇妙仙子:羽翼之谜】所发行的影音产品当中。[4-6]
奇妙仙子Tinker Bell
小叮当 / Songs From and Inspired by Disney fairies[7]
艺人:Joel McNeely 语种:英语唱片公司:Walt Disney Records发行时间:日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐专辑风格:原声 Soundtrack
 迪士尼《奇妙仙子》系列电影初步计画在2008年至2011年年之间推出四部作品,分别叙述四季的故事,而首部于2008年推出的《奇妙仙子》讲的是春天的故事,跟盖尔卡森文长篇小说的内容并不同,而是一个全新的故事。本片首度揭露了廷克贝尔的诞生,来到仙子王国的她被指派为修补仙子,但她觉得自己工作不像其他仙子朋友那么特别,因此想要更换自己的工作,她的几位仙子好朋友,包括园艺仙子罗塞塔,水仙子Silvermist,动物仙子小鹿和光仙子Iridessa等,也帮忙廷克尝试其她们的工作,没想到这样的改变却给仙子王国造成灾难,差点搞砸了筹备已久的春天准备工作,经过一番波折,廷克贝尔才了解到要尊重自己的天赋,才能真正发挥所长。  《奇妙仙子》-音乐  至于《奇妙仙子》的音乐方面,全片由乔尔麦柯尼利负责配乐,他可以说是迪士尼卡通片厂十分爱用的配乐家,至于片中歌曲《如果他们接近仙女(To the Fairies They Draw Near)》在先前预告就让人印象深刻,由Loreena肯尼特谱写并演唱,而片尾曲《飞向你的心(Fly to Your Heart)》则由米歇尔Tumes谱写,塞莱娜戈麦斯演唱。《奇妙仙子》有发行原声带的CD,除了收录片中歌曲和配乐组曲外,还有多首衍生歌曲,演唱的包括红宝石夏季,凯瑟琳麦克菲,Jonatha布鲁克...等。本专辑在美国以DIGIPAK包装发行,封面印上亮亮的烫金粉,做的十分精美。
1-To The Fairies They Draw Near
2-Fly To Your Heart
3-How To Believe
4-Let Your Heart Sing
6-To The Fairies They Draw Near, Part II
8-Fly With Me
9-Wonder Of It All
10-End Credit Score Suite
奇妙仙子Tinker Bell (Score)
奇妙仙子 配乐版原声大碟[8]
艺人:Joel McNeely 语种:英语唱片公司:Disney / Intrada发行时间:日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐
World premiere release of Joel McNeely soundtrack for Walt Disney 2008 animated feature. One of Disneys most beloved characters inspires composer to create magical, playful orchestral score replete with yearning ideas for lost collectibles, lyrical melodies for Tinker Bell, musical wisps for Pixie Hollow, much more. Exotic colors abound. It is a score that literally sparkles with delight. Celtic sounds, birds, crickets, drops of water, all are captured in skillful meld of gently dramatic, hauntingly beautiful musical vignettes. Highlights are plentiful but surely deserving spotlight is &Choosing A Talent& with rich major to minor chords that crescendo into powerful, massive orchestra/choral peroration. Breathtaking! Capturing attention in action mode is powerful &Hawk!&, with heroic moment for French horn, trumpet. &Sprinting Thistles& commands as well. For sheer exuberant splendor, listen no further than to &Rebuilding Spring&. McNeely shines! And yes, you also get that soaring vocal &Fly To Your Heart& as well. Beautifully packaged, illustrated booklet graces Disney/Intrada co-brand CD. Joel McNeely conducts.
2-To the Fairies They Draw Near
3-A Child's Laughter - Flight to Pixie Hollow
4-Choosing a Talent
5-Tink Tours Pixie Hollow
6-Welcome to Tinker's Nook
7-Tinker Bell's New Home
8-Tink Meets the Other Fairies
9-The Lost Things Theme
10-Tink Meets Vidia and Finds Lost Things
12-Your Place is Here
13-Making Things
14-Tink Tries to be a Light Fairy
15-Teaching a Baby Bird to Fly
17-Tink Finds the Magic Box
18-Searching for Answers
19-Sprinting Thistles
20-Tink Feels Lost
21-Spring is Ruined
22-Rebuilding Spring
23-The Music Box Restored
24-To the Fairies They Draw Near Part 2
25-Tink Meets Wendy
26-Fly to Your Heart
Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure(Soundtrack from the Motion Picture)
艺人:Joel McNeely 语种:英语唱片公司:发行时间:日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐专辑风格:原声 Soundtrack
继2008年的《奇妙仙子》之后,2009年发行了迪士尼卡通工作室制作的奇妙仙子系列的第二部作品:《奇妙仙子与失落的宝藏》。  至于本片的配乐,也依然还是由第一集的配乐家Joel McNeely所负责,本片的电影原声带由迪士尼唱片发行。  此次配乐上依旧有当红的流行歌手如Demi Lovato,Jordan Pruitt,Jesse McCartney,Jordin Sparks等参与,同时和上一部一样,有凯尔特歌手,来自Celtic Woman的Lisa Kelly,Méav(Méav Ní Mhaolchatha,前Celtic Woman成员)等。如果你喜欢前一部配乐,相信这一张也不会让你失望。
1-Gift Of A Friend
2-Take To The Sky
3-Where The Sunbeams Play
4-Road To Paradise
5-I'll Try
6-If You Believe
7-Magic Mirror
8-The Magic Of A Friend
9-It's Love That Holds Your Hand
10-A Greater Treasure Than A Friend
11-Pixie Dust
12-Fly Away Home
13-Fly To Your Heart
奇妙仙子奇妙仙子与失落的宝藏 电影配乐原声带
Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure (Original Score)
艺人:Joel McNeely 语种:其他唱片公司:Disney / Intrada发行时间:日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐
Our second 'Disney Fairies' soundtrack release premieres Joel McNeely's sensational orchestral tour-de-force for Tinker Bell And The Lost Treasure. A song album appeared in 2009 albeit offering none of McNeely's score. New Disney/Intrada co-brand now zeroes in on McNeely's music as well as spotlighting several key songs including wondrous, important 'If You Believe'. McNeely works with large orchestra, chorus, Celtic violin, ethnic woodwinds, creates richly textured environment for Tinker Bell s second adventure in Pixie Hollow, primarily involving breakage of moonstone that generates their precious pixie dust. Highlights literally abound: haunting, major-key chorus & orchestra envelopes 'Hall Of Scepters', rousing, powerful 'Tink Sails Away' with surging themes coming to fore, tender Celtic overtones of 'Tink Tries For More', dramatic, imposing 'The Ship That Sunk', aggressive, ferocious 'Rat Attack' just a handful. Special attention due magnificent, fanfare-regal 'Our Finest Revelry Ever' with its spectacular outbursts for brass as well as oft-requested entire 'Fairy Tale Theater' sequence which melds dynamic storytelling with combination of Celtic opening, choral & orchestral development leading to fortissimo minor-key coda for entire ensemble. McNeely provides a stirring, melodically soaring and vibrant score throughout. An hour of musical riches! Joel McNeely conducts.
2-If You Believe-Main Title
3-Pixie Dust Factor2y
4-Where Are You Off To-
5-Pixie Dust Express
6-The Hall of Scepters
7-Maybe I Can Help
8-The Fireworks Launcher
9-The Finishing Touch-I Had a Fight with Tink
10-Fairy Tale Theatre
11-Tink Sails Away
12-Tink Tries for More Pixie Dust
13-I'm On My Own
14-Sailing Further North
15-Blaze the Stowaway
16-I'll Take First Watch
17-The Lost Island
18-Tink Finds the Arch
19-Troll Bridge Toll Bridge
20-The Ship That Sunk
21-Searching the Ship
22-They Find the Mirror of Encanta
23-I Was Wrong
24-Rat Attack
25-I Can't Do This Without You
26-Presenting the Autumn Scepter
27-Our Finest Revelry Ever
28-If You Believe, Part 2
29-The Gift of a Friend
30-Where the Sunbeams Play
Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue (Original Score)
艺人:Joel McNeely 语种:其他唱片公司:Disney / Intrada发行时间:日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐
Tinker Bell's third film adventure featuring Joel McNeely music gets premiere CD soundtrack release on Disney/Intrada co-brand! 'The majestic countryside of England meets the magical world of Pixie Hollow' is vivid description of score in booklet introduction by director Bradley Raymond. As with two previous Tinker Bell scores, McNeely creates magical, magnificent musical portrait of Tink's world of wonder, adventure with full orchestral assist courtesy finest musicians in Los Angeles. Moments of magical melody trade with powerful episodes of action. In between are rich bars of sentiment, warmth, wonder. This time Tinker Bell attends English fairy camp, befriends human child Lizzie, gets trapped in fairy house. Rescue plans are soon underway. McNeely keeps pace with every moment of action and adventure with his array of orchestral color ranging from delicate celeste, flute and shimmering strings to pulse-racing flourishes for his entire orchestra. Dazzling music! Just two of many highlights: Rousing action of 'We're Going To Build A Boat', gentle Vaughn Williams-style modality of 'Tink And Lizzie Meet'. Deserving extra spotlight is masterful 'Tink Wants To Leave/Launching The Boat', which melds vernacular of above two highlights in one great sequence. In addition to McNeely score, CD also offers key songs 'Summer's Just Begun', 'How To Believe', 'Come Flying With Me'. Third Disney/Intrada co-brand in 'Disney Fairies' series. Joel McNeely conducts.
2-Summer's Just Begun
3-Fairy Camp!
4-The Horseless Carriage
5-Curious Tink
6-Lizzy Builds Her Fairy House
7-Tink and Vidia Discover the Fairy House
8-Tink Is Captured
9-Trying to Escape
10-We're Going to Build a Boat
11-Tink and Lizzy Meet
12-Tink Wants to Leave-Launching the Boat
13-How to Believe (Fairy Field Guide)
14-Riding the Rapids
15-I'll Never Forget You
16-Tink Returns
17-Fixing Leaks
18-Father Never Hs Time for Me
19-Lizzie Flies!
20-Father Discovers Tink-Vidia Is Captured
21-Flying to London
22-Race to Save Vidia
23-Father Believes
24-A Fairy Tea Party
25-Summer's Just Begun (Reprise)
26-How to Believe (EC Version)
27-Come Flying with Me
Disney Fairies: Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust
艺人: 语种:英语唱片公司:Walt Disney Records发行时间:日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐专辑风格:原声 Soundtrack
1-The Great Divide
2-We'll Be There
3-Dig Down Deeper
4-The Gift of a Friend
5-Fly to Your Heart
6-How To Believe
7-Let Your Heart Sing
8-Shine (Laura Marano)
9-Smile (Sabrina Carpenter)
10-Magic Mirror
奇妙仙子Tinker Bell and The Secret of the Wings
奇妙仙子:冬天的故事 / 奇妙仙子:羽翼之谜
艺人: 语种:英语唱片公司:Walt Disney Records发行时间:日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐专辑风格:原声 Soundtrack【未发布】
小叮当和她的朋友们来到梦幻岛北方最神秘的冬森林,在这里小叮当将会遇到一位和她自己关系密不可分的仙子Periwinkle,并且还发现了一个足以改变整个仙子世界的秘密。  The Secret of the Wings soundtrack was released on October 16, 2012, and contains songs from and inspired by the film. The soundtrack also contains &The Great Divide& from the McClain Sisters official music video. This album includes singles from Disney Channel stars, featuring Zendaya & Bella Thorne & Caroline Sunshine from Shake It Up, Bridgit Mendler from Good Luck Charlie, China Anne McClain from A.N.T. Farm, Demi Lovato from Sonny with a Chance, Alyson Stoner from Phineas and Ferb, Laura Marano from Austin & Ally, and Selena Gomez from Wizards of Waverly Place.
奇妙仙子The Music From The Pirate Fairy
艺人:Joel McNeely 语种:其他唱片公司:Walt Disney Records发行时间:日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐专辑风格:原声 Soundtrack
1-Who I Am (From -The Pirate Fairy-)
2-What If There Was Pink-
3-Zarina the Alchemist
4-Zarina Visits Tink
5-Four Seasons Opening Ceremony
6-Captain Zarina
7-The Frigate That Flies, The Pirate Ensemble
8-James Betrays Zarina
9-A Very Familiar Coat
10-Fairy Dusted Festival
Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast (Original Score)
艺人:Joel McNeely 语种:其他唱片公司:Walt Disney Records发行时间:日专辑类别:原声带、影视音乐
1-The 1000 Year Comet
3-A Strange Cry
4-Fawn Discovers Gruff
5-Observing Odd Behavior
6-Becoming Friends
7-Strange Sight
8-Naming Gruff
9-The Scouts Hunt for Gruff
10-Meeting the Fairies
11-Going to See the Queen
12-Nyx and Queen Clarion
13-A Starry Night
14-The Storm Approaches
15-Building the Towers
16-Nyx Chases Gruff
17-The Scouts Capture Gruff
18-He Saved Me - the Transformation
19-Collecting Lightning
20-Into the Eye of the Storm
21-Fawn and Gruff Fall from the Sky - Mourning Fawn
22-Rebuilding Pixie Hollow
23-Strange Sight Reprise
24-Saying Goodnight
25-1000 Years
奇妙仙子Fly to Your Heart
《奇妙仙子》主题曲《飞向你的心(Fly to Your Heart)》
Fly to Your Heart ---
Watch all the flowers
Dance with the wind
Listen to snowflakes
Whisper your name
Feel all the wonder
Lifting your dreams
You can fly
Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
If you believe you'll find
Your wings
To your heart
Touch every rainbow
Painting the sky
Look at the magic
Glide through your life
A sprinkle of pixie dust
Circles the night you can fly
Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
If you believe you'll find
Your wings
Everywhere you go
Your soul will find a home
You'll be free to spread
Your wings
You can fly
To your heart
(Fly, fly)
Rise to the heights of all
You can be
(Fly, fly)
Soar on the hope of
Marvelous things
Fly to who you are
Climb upon your star
If you believe you'll find
Your wings
Everywhere you go
Your soul will find a home
You'll be free to spread
Your wings
You can fly
To your heart
奇妙仙子Loreena McKennitt
《奇妙仙子》插曲——Loreena McKennitt
Come away with me now to the sky
Up over the hill and the sea
Far beyond where our memories lie
To a place where I’m free to be me
Oh gather ye now one and all
No matter what all ye may do
Let the stars fill your soul when the moon cradles all
So to yourself be true
The blanket of snow is all gone
Each flowers waits for the sun
And the whispering tears of the rain
Holds promise for everyone
Then come away with me friends
No matter where you call your home
With a light in our hearts we will never part
No matter how far we were
Deep in the forest we go
The creatures are all fast asleep
With a kiss and a wink we will waken our souls
While always their safety we’ll keep
And then we’ll dance through the night
Till the sun beams sparkle at dawn
And away we will go like last winter’s snow
Soon our work will be done
Oh gather ye now one and all
No matter what all ye may do
Let the stars fill your soul when the moon cradles all
So to yourself be true
Oh gather ye now one and all
No matter what all ye may do
Let the stars fill your soul when the moon cradles all
So to yourself be true
So to yourself be true
奇妙仙子The Gift of a Friend
Sometimes you think you'll be fine by yourself
'Cause a dream is a wish what you make all alone
It's easy to feel like you don't need help
But it's harder to walk on your own
You'll change inside
When you realize
The world comes to life
And everything's all right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend by you side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are when you open your heart
And believe in
The gift of a friend
The gift of a friend
Someone who knows when your lost and you're scared
There through the highs and the lows
Someone to count on Someone who cares
Beside you wherever you'll go
You'll change inside
When you realize
The world comes to life
And everything's all right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend by your side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are when you open your heart
And believe in
The gift of a friend
And when your hope crashes down Shattering to the ground
You'll feel all alone
When you don't know which way to go
And there's no signs leading you on
You're not alone
The world comes to life
And everything's all right
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By you side
That helps you to find
The beauty you are when you open your heart
You believe in
When you believe in
When you believe in
The gift of a friend
奇妙仙子How to Believe (Fairy Field Guide)
Guess I always knew This could all come true
Still it feels so new Being here with you
Can't believe my eyes A new world comes ailve
Spring and summer Love and laught
We'll live happy ever after
We'll shine brighter Than we thought we'd be
Because you showed me How to believe
More than just pretend I'll make believe again
I hope this never ends Maybe we'll be friends
Now everything I know (Everything I know) I'll never let it go (Never let it go)
Spring and summer Love and laught
We'll live happy everafter
We'll shine brighter Than we thought we'd be
Because you showed me How to believe
奇妙仙子who I am
If I could reach the top of the world
Be all I am. It'd be so beautiful
If only I could be brave and I could be strong
I would know where I belong
I wanna feel free to be who I am
What I'm about is more than I've been
Ready to show the world who I am
So I could be who I am
I'm closer to where I'm meant to be
If I try I know that I can get there
I'm not gonna stop 'cause I believe
That there's so much more to me
So much more
I wanna feel free to be who I am
What I'm about is more than I've been
Ready to show the world who I am
Started it out, but I'm holding in
Find my own place to stay
So I can be who I am
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
Well, you don't know who you are
Sky is the limit And I just wanna flow
Free as a spirit on a journey of hope
Cut the strings and let me go
I'm weightless, I'm weightless
Millions of balloons tethered to the ground
Weight of the world tries to hold us down
Cut the strings and let me go
I'm weightless, I'm weightless
I'm weightless, I'm weightless
I'm weightless
All the things I hold in my fist
If I don't let go, I don't exist
They've become the things that define me
How I look and love, things can buy me
That's not important anymore
I feel me writting on the floor
Light as a feather, I'm carefree
I'm weightless
Free as a spirit on a journey I'll go
Cut the strings and let me go
I'm weightless, I'm weightless
Millions of balloons tethered to the ground
Weight of the world tries to hold us down
Cut the strings and let me go
I'm weightless, I'm weightless
I'm gonna fall
Headfirst and fast like an avalanche
Maybe I'll land
Maybe I'll crash
I will take that chance
'Cause there's nothing but air
in between me and everything
Nothing to keep me from flying aimlessly
Shamelessly laughing at destiny
And no one knows how high I go
Or what makes the atmosphere glow
I could follow the narrow road
But maybe I'll let it all go
And just float
I'll float
奇妙仙子Strange sight
Strange sight
You stand in the light
You're wrong but you're right
My heart's beating wildly
Strange, how I'm scared
but delighted
Afraid, but excited, too
You have a cold heart
You're reckless and distant,
but I'll be persistent
I will understand you
How I'm drawn to the danger
I reach out my hands to you
Do you long to be left all alone?
Set apart with a heart made of stone
Let me help, let's begin
Let me learn
Won't you let me in?
All the light
Let it show
You are a strange sight
Some new kind of wonder
With good hidden under
I'm sure that it's true
Strange how your dark doesn't faze me
No, I won't give up on you
Do you long to be left all alone?
Set apart with a heart made of stone
Let me help, let's begin
Let me learn
Won't you let me in?
All the light, let it show
If you're caught in the shadows and turned all around
Lost in the darkness you will be found
If you hear my voice
Follow the sound
'Cause I'm here to guide you home
Do you long to be left all alone?
Set apart with a heart made of stone
There's a light that you shine
There's a love
I see it in your eyes,All the dark
You're not alone
奇妙仙子Strange Sight Repris
Do you long to be left all alone
Set apart with a heart made of stone
There's a light that you shine
There's a love
I see it in your eyes
Every day, every night
I know time may divide
But fate is something we refuse to hide
And it's real and it's right
Something strange out of sight
We say good night


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