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Knytt Underground
Knytt Underground
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Is this a metroidvania?
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Knytt Underground Achievement Guide
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Kyntt Underground manages to mix minimalism with beauty.&
knytt withdrawal syndrome
Since finishing this game I have been suffering from not being able to find another game with controls as wonderfully good as the ones in this game. Every platformer I have tried playing since then now just feels like a laggy sluggish mess compared to thi...
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Anyone tried this with a controller?
What are the keyboard keys used for the game? Do you have to use the mouse for anything?
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PEW! PEW! Achievement Guide
The missing link in Knytt Underground Achievement guides.&
Tobias Chilli Achievement
This guide shows you how to get &Tobias Chilli& Achievement.&
Because it's tradition Achievement
This guide shows you how to get &Because it's tradition& on Knytt
Knytt Stories Achievement
This guide shows you how to get &Knytt stories& achievement&
Knytt Underground &
Blue Trip&
[Playthrough] Knytt Underground - Episode 21 &Norse Horse Course&&&
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17.4 hrs on record
Challenging and fun game. Lots of places to explore with tons of secrets to find. There is great variety in the challenges and the mechanics were very fun to mess around with. Highly recommended.
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Village beneath the Infinite Darkness
Besides hitting the white switch at the bottom of the volcano and talking to the &Vomit Tail& sprite, is there anything to do in this area?
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[Playthrough] Knytt Underground - Episode 19 &Off to the Sprite Club&&
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[Playthrough] Knytt Underground - Episode 17 &Three Dimensional 2D Characters&&
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小清新游戏《尼特的故事(Knytt Underground)》续作公布 将登陆PC平台
09:31:27 来源:互联网 作者:未知 编辑:饼干 浏览:loading
《尼特的故事》是知名独立游戏制作者Nifflas的作品,获得2007年独立游戏TOP10第05名,游戏类型有点象《超级玛丽》,不过清淡的画面,清淡的音乐,非常治愈身心。今天Nifflas宣布《尼特的故事》续作《Knytt Underground》将在今年登陆PC、PS3、PSVITA。
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& 版权所有 Gzip enabledKnytt Underground review for PS Vita, PSN
Platform: PS Vita
Also On: PS3, PSN
Publisher: Ripstone
Developer: nifflas
Medium: Digital
Players: 1
Online: No
Knytt Underground is…something.
I realize that outside of my house, that doesn't mean much, so I should probably give a little backstory. Basically, any time my wife or I come across something that leaves us more confused than anything, the go-to response is "Well that's…something." (The phrase "Uh….huh" is also acceptable.) "Something" is a descriptor that applies to anything that exists outside of the usual good/bad, awful/awesome dichotomy.
And if ever I've played a game that seems to exist in that difficult-to-classify grey area, Knytt Underground would be it. I mean, I have an opinion on it — I kind of hate it. Or, at least, I think I hate it. It's probably a mark of how confused the game leaves me that I've played it for about a dozen hours now, and explored more rooms than I can count (literally, since the save system, and its total lack of autosave, means that I twice lost a substantial amount of progress), but I still can't tell for certain whether I like it or whether it makes me want to throw my Vita across the room.
That's not to say I don't like and dislike certain elements of Knytt Underground. Take the game's art, for example: it's gorgeous. It's got a neat style that could almost be accused of ripping off Limbo — in many places, you're basically playing in silhouette — if it weren't for the fact that every so often you'll come across dazzling, vibrant colours and images, things like luminescent flowers and glowing mushrooms, that are simply beautiful. Considering you're playing in a 2D cavern, that's quite an achievement.
Also neat: the sheer size of the game's world. You're tasked with exploring a cavern that contains approximately 2,000 rooms, and a significant chunk of them require a combination of careful planning and luck in order to reach. With that kind of scope, it's very easy to sink lots of time into the game, and you generally won't feel like you're doing the same thing over and over again.
You will, however, wonder why you're doing it. That's Knytt Underground's big, glaring flaw, as far as I'm concerned: there's not much of a plot to speak of. Or, more accurately, there is (possibly?) one… something to do with ringing bells of fate to stop the world from ending, if Google is leading me in the right direction, but the game does a horrendous job of explaining it. Things get mentioned in passing in conversation with characters you meet throughout the game, but there's no way of telling what's important to the story, and what's just a weird digression. Just like the game starts with your character in silhouette and no explanation of what you're supposed to do next (hint: exit to the right to get to the game's title screen), if you're anything like me, you'll constantly feel as though you're only getting snippets and fragments of something that may or may not be much larger. While that may be true to life, it's not exactly conducive to making a coherent game.
That said, I can't shake the nagging feeling that I might be looking at things the wrong way — that I might be looking for a linear plot when that's not supposed to be the focus of the game, and that all the random asides are there to be reminders of that fact. If that's the case, then trying to apply the usual "This game is awesome!"/"This game sucks!" labels just doesn't work. If you're supposed to focus on the simple joys of exploring and solving the occasional puzzle, rather than worrying about completing quests and finding items and ringing bells of fate, then…well, then the game is an unqualified success, and I'm just missing the point entirely. Though the converse is true, too — if creator Nicklas Nygren was trying to tell a story with Knytt Underground, he failed miserably.
Considering , however, it seems like the charitable approach is the one to take. I mean, if the man once made a game where the point was figuring out the rules, expecting anything in the way of obvious linearity is probably expecting too much. I can't say, in all honesty, that it's an approach that speaks to me (I like my games to be obvious and linear, darnit!), but I can say that if you're the type of person who can appreciate the journey as much as the destination in a game, then Knytt Underground should be well worth your time and money.
$19.99 USD In Stock
A surprise remaster that brings an old favorite back to life with 60fps and 4K resolution.One of the Vita's most acclaimed visual novels gets a sequel. Does it live up to expectations?It's not perfect, but there's a lot of potential here.An external that improves load times, at a cost.
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