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包括 37 项 Steam 成就
名称: Ballistic Overkill
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&Ballistic has been in development for quite some time, and has been in the hands of players for well over a year in it’s F2P form. With our Steam release, we are focusing on making the best game experience in the form of a full retail game, cutting out unnecessary features and remaking some important parts. We at Aquiris believe that our players will be the best guides towards the best game. We are remaking game balance, networking, UI, and HUD, and you will be able to help define the game as we enter our early access program. Nothing is set in stone and a lot will change. We are thrilled to offer you the opportunity to be part of it.Join our active players community and take part in the development while we complete and evolve the game:&
&A few more months.&
&We envision the game as “done” when: all classes and all maps from the previous versions have been revisited and updated.&
&Almost all content from F2P is back in the game, including:Over 80 weapons7 Classes10 Maps4 Game ModesSteam Market integration&
&Yes, its cheaper now, and you’ll get some exclusive vanity items that will never be available again for participating and contributing with our early access. Because you're awesome.&
&We have an active involvement on the forums, aside of our always present Community Manager and Game Master, our designers, developers and artists participate in discussions and we maintain a public task board where anyone can vote for what features they want to be in the game sooner. We are a small team of really passionate people and we’ll be in there not only to collect feedback but to share our experiences with you.Join our active players community and take part in the development while we complete and evolve the game:&
购买 Ballistic Overkill
Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well. Over these first days of 2017 we worked on some bug fixes and added minor features to improve the overall experience. One of our favorites is the ability to setup a promotional banner in your dedicated server and advertise your Twitch/Youtube channel!Bug FixesImproved Free-for-All spawns to prevent players from respawn at the same point.Free-for-All now rewards players with Kill Assists.Sound effects revised to consistently respect volumes set in options screen.You can now disable the weapon swap with mouse wheel in the options menu.Added specific message when players can't enter a match because of a VAC ban.Improved Quick-Match algorithm.Sunnsquare Mall collision reworked to prevent players from getting stuck on the ceiling in some locations.Crouching repeatedly will not prevent players from take hazard damages anymore, e.g: Gas chambers in Blackfield.Fixed weapon skins not showing in third person with dual wields.OptimizationsWe significantly reduced some memory allocations. Which means, the game should now have less frame drops during the match. Although the average framerate should remain the same.New TerritoriesDue some new legal conditions, Ballistic Overkill can be available in all of these countries:Russian Federation, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Luxembourg.Dedicated Server BannerIf you access Library/Tools in your Steam, you will see the Ballistic Overkill Dedicated Server. It allows you to create your own server with some custom options in a fairly low bandwidth and CPU cost. Now you are also able to setup an image and a link to promote your channels.This is part of many dedicated server customizations we plan to do in the near future.Hope you like it. See you soon!
Hey guys! We are preparing some in-depth interviews about the making of Ballistic Overkill to document the development process. Would you like to participate with questions regarding any aspect of how the game is being developed, from game design, art, programming, production or any other areas? Feel free to submit your questions in the following form:Cheers,The Ballistic Overkill Team.
在讨论版中为这款游戏汇报 BUG,并留下反馈
Ballistic Overkill(硝云弹雨)是一个快节奏PVP射击游戏. 容易上手,且没有复杂的规则和设定: 只有杀敌或被杀!超过80种武器7种职业10张地图4种游戏模式整合了Steam市场功能7种不同职业可供选择, 每种都有自己的独特技能和武器. 通过不同的装备技能组合, 每个角色都有各色各样的构筑方案. 没有软弱的辅助职业, 在枪林弹雨中每个人都是杀手!狂战士 – 致命的近距离冲阵战斗专家冲锋队 – 野外生存专家及突击大师幽灵 – 渗透者及远距离杀手暗影 – 疾行大师及潜行杀手投弹手 – 野战克星及爆炸狂坦克 – 如山般的人形自走机枪及生存专家光战队 – 感知和适应力极强的情报特工游戏中有超过80种武器, 总有新的方法可以使您在枪林弹雨中杀死敌人.更绝的是,所有的武器都有可掉落的皮肤,您可以在steam市场中进行买卖.每两个月, 掉落会随赛季改变, 使得玩家可以掉落不同的皮肤并得到不同的配饰.基于不同职业的奖励箱每周2-4次的奖励掉落打开箱子无需钥匙5种不同的稀有度: 普通,高级, 稀有, 精英和传说收集皮肤以开启不同赛季的专属配饰从公园, 市场, 到废弃医院和工厂, 枪林弹雨的10张地图中包含了各式各样的战场. 尽管大小不一, 但是他们都各具特色且独一无二. 所有的地图都有以下多人模式可选:团队死亡竞赛自由模式占点模式据点之王
SteamOS + Linux
最低配置:操作系统: Windows 7 or newer处理器: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or better内存: 2 GB RAM图形: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or betterDirectX 版本: 9.0c网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
推荐配置:操作系统: Windows 7 or newer处理器: Intel Core i5 2.5 GHz or better内存: 4 GB RAM图形: GeForce 6000 Series or betterDirectX 版本: 9.0c网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
最低配置:操作系统: Mountain Lion处理器: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHZ or better内存: 2 GB RAM图形: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
推荐配置:操作系统: Mountain Lion处理器: Intel Core i5 2.5 GHz or better内存: 4 GB RAM图形: GeForce 6000 Series or better网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
最低配置:操作系统: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 or newer处理器: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHZ or better内存: 2 GB RAM图形: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 4 GB 可用空间
推荐配置:操作系统: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 or newer处理器: Intel Core i5 2.5 GHz or better内存: 4 GB RAM图形: GeForce 6000 Series or better网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 8 GB 可用空间
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Ballistic Overkill
Global Achievements
Early Access Game
Get instant acce get involved with this game as it develops.
Most popular community and official content for the past week.&
1.3.2 - January Update
Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well. Over these first days of 2017 we worked on some bug fixes and added minor features to improve the overall experience. One of our favorites is the ability to setup a promotional banner in your dedicated server and advertise your Twitch/Youtube channel!Bug FixesImproved Free-for-All spawns to prevent players from respawn at the same point.Free-for-All now rewards players with Kill Assists.Sound effects revised to consistently respect volumes set in options screen.You can now disable the weapon swap with mouse wheel in the options menu.Added specific message when players can't enter a match because of a VAC ban.Improved Quick-Match algorithm.Sunnsquare Mall collision reworked to prevent players from getting stuck on the ceiling in some locations.Crouching repeatedly will not prevent players from take hazard damages anymore, e.g: Gas chambers in Blackfield.Fixed weapon skins not showing in third person with dual wields.OptimizationsWe significantly reduced some memory allocations. Which means, the game should now have less frame drops during the match. Although the average framerate should remain the same.New TerritoriesDue some new legal conditions, Ballistic Overkill can be available in all of these countries:Russian Federation, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Luxembourg.Dedicated Server BannerIf you access Library/Tools in your Steam, you will see the Ballistic Overkill Dedicated Server. It allows you to create your own server with some custom options in a fairly low bandwidth and CPU cost. Now you are also able to setup an image and a link to promote your channels.This is part of many dedicated server customizations we plan to do in the near future.Hope you like it. See you soon!
Ballistic Overkill
Nerf Shadow !
Hello there , i don't know what you think about the Shadow class but me i think it need to get a big nerf !
This class is just so OP , when i play it my score is like 30-2 , it's so easy to make kills , there are no challenge , all noobs without skills c...
The Making of Ballistic Overkill - Team Member Interviews Series
Hey guys! We are preparing some in-depth interviews about the making of Ballistic Overkill to document the development process. Would you like to participate with questions regarding any aspect of how the game is being developed, from game design, art, programming, production or any other areas? Feel free to submit your questions in the following form:Cheers,The Ballistic Overkill Team.
Ballistic Overkill
Poster - Go Ballistic&
Ballistic Overkill Sniper Montage&
Progression Guide
This guide outlines the rewards and requirements for progression in
Ballistic Overkill . &
27 ratings
Na 3.0 o Tank com sua DEFESA
era rei, e muitos diziam HACK, ,HACK , HACK veja o que ele tem a dizer ... :v&
Ballistic Overkill GUN SYNC || Fireball SAMBA&
THE Guide to Competative Ballistics(in progress)
A Detailed Guide for playing Ballistics Overkill, it covers all aspects of beginner to top level gameplay.
written to help you learn all aspects of the game!
Disclaimer : this guide is being developed while the game is still in early access, as such ma...&
na faca hhahehuahueuhae&
Ballistic Overkill - Linux | Giveaway&
double kill&
Ballistic Overkill - Unity 5 - Sunnsquare Mall - Shot 3&
Boosting FPS
A guide to boosting your framerate in Ballistic Overkill.&
Jogando como Tanque! Ballistic Overkill&
2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful
88.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Pros:Excelent graphics, even at &low& graphics.Very good supportThere aren't much cheaters at the game.Well coded.Cons:There aren't many many players. Usually, you are going to see 2-3 servers full with players.Sometimes servers have high ping, even if my net is excelent.
6 products in account
2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful
3.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I love fps games even though im god awful at them. I dont know why i put myself the furating pain of getting killed by an ultra pro, but i love this game so much. It is a different take on a TF2/Overwatch type game. For the price and it being an early access game i couldnt ask for more. I plan on playing this game a lot more and will and a more in depth review after.
31 products in account
2 of 2 people (100%) found this review helpful
4.7 hrs on record
Early Access Review
great game i find that its like csgo, tactical intervention and overwatch all combined and its great
97 products in account
BallisticOverkill 2017&
Diferen?as entre gráficos no máximo e no mínimo
The Ultimate Anti Lag Guide!
In this guide I cover various settings you can apply to improve your overall gaming performance including latency.
This guide is intended for windows 7 and 8 users only.&
Winter Sale
Hello everyone! Hope you're having a good time!This the last update of the year. As of tomorrow, we're on a break for the holidays. Thanks to everyone who’s been helping us in this journey to make an awesome game.HotfixesPlayers not being able to spawn fixedWrong outline after changing teams fixedDeath animation not playing fixedIncreased the precision of the arrow that indicates where the player suffered damage.Traditional Chinese addedList of ServersIf you're wondering if you'll be able to find good matches in your region, below is a list of our current servers.NA West (North America)NA East (North America)Brazil (South America)Frankfurt (Central Europe)Singapore (Southeast Asia)It's important to notice that players can also create their own matches and that there are other dedicated servers created by fans.Winter SaleAs you might have noticed, Ballistic Overkill just went on sale with 15% off on the Winter Sale. This is a really great moment for you to buy the game or gift it to your friends. Not only is the game at it's cheapest point yet, but you'll also be able to participate on the Early Access season and get exclusive skins that will never drop again. After this sale, the game will go back to it's regular price. Finally, after the launch on early 2017, it'll become more expensive, so this is probably your best chance for a while.DiscordIf you're still not part of our Discord server[], we strongly suggest you join in. We have a cool group of players and we're sure you'll find someone to play with, share builds or to teach you something new.Bug ReportsIf you encounter any bugs, the best way to let us know is to make a post in the forums. Specially in this vacation period, if you can follow this tutorial to also send us your &output_log& we appreciate it. It help us immensely and will speed up the bug fixing process when we return.Anti-CheatGames with a growing community tend to have cheating problems at some point. To avoid this issue, we are actively developing tools to ban this players. Besides the VAC, which will become active soon. In 2017, hackers will not have an easy life in Ballistic Overkill.Happy holidays and see you in 2017!
Ballistic Overkill
Grenade launcher thoughts
I like the grenadier, it has decent SMG and in my opinion one of the better skill sets. Skills are varied and all have their uses, unlike some other classes *cough* tank *cough.
But I find myself nearly always using a gun instead of a launcher. The sad f...
Ideas, Suggestions and other Feedback
for windows 7 or higher version it appears that disabling the &nagle& algorithm improves in game performance from a network standpoint.
[ Named for its creator, John Nagle, the Nagle algorithm is used to automatically concatenate a number of small buffer...
No more content. So sad.
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View mobile website【fps射击游戏史低/安利第二段】ballistic overkill 试玩视屏_steam吧_百度贴吧
【fps射击游戏史低/安利第二段】ballistic overkill 试玩视屏
昨天了一发ballistic overkill (详见,内含游戏基本资料)反响还不错。 好多吧友入坑后大家愉快的开黑了一段。 我也录了一段视频,加上油管上偷点。 总算弄出来一个国内能播放的试玩集锦。希望射击玩家多多加入,以后一起开黑。
下面是小剧场 朋友说,&...
楼主姿势水平有点低,naive。不知道怎么发一系列视频。 请大家移步bi站观看完整视频列表。 视频来自:具体内容目前有光战队,,投弹手3个职业的试玩视频,还有一段楼主跨大洲回亚洲服顶着8500+公里和群友玩的视频。大家可以看看游戏表现和ping值补偿做的咋样。
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