Planetarytotal annihilation吧可以汉化么

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UID7880524主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分10995金钱38894 荣誉325 人气1452 在线时间65535 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分10995金钱38894 荣誉325 人气1452 评议0
英文名称:Planetary Annihilation
游戏制作:Uber Entertainment
游戏制作:Uber Entertainment
  《横扫千星》是一款由UBER所开发的即时战略游戏,UBER算是一个才刚创立的游戏开发团队,但本身却已有相当的游戏开发经验,有参与过《终极动员令:将军》、《魔戒:中土战争》和最早的经典战略游戏《横扫千军》。本作可以说是《横扫千军》进化版本,画面大幅改善、特效也提升了不少,但最重要的是新加入的元素——星球。  在游戏中,玩家的战斗不再只是侷限於当下的星球而已了,玩家可藉由火箭搭载士兵去抢占周遭的星球来作为第二基地;像是影片中所展示的月球基地,就可透过投射的方式直接将军队从外太空对敌人前线进行突击;后期还是打不下来?直接在向外延伸到小行星群,直接以陨石作为战斗要塞,还可直接操控陨石撞向星球,直接毁灭一切。
操作系统:& && &&&Win VISTA/Win7/Win8
处理器 :& && &&&Intel Core2 3.0GHz/AMD同性能CPU
图形显卡:& && &&&nVidia GTX260/ATI Radeon HD4870
内存容量:& && &&&8GB以上
硬盘空间:& && &&&2GB以上空间
操作系统:& && &&&Win VISTA/Win7/Win8
处理器 :& && &&&Intel Core2 2.0GHz/AMD同性能CPU
图形显卡:& && &&&nVidia 9600GT/ATI Radeon HD4000
内存容量:& && &&&4GB以上
硬盘空间:& && &&&2GB以上空间
1. 用WINRAR软件解压缩游戏到硬盘上
2. 开始游戏
百度网盘下载(推荐安装使用"" 批量下载,在百度链接页面上点下载,点高速下载即可)
游侠网官方 新浪微博,欢迎大家收听:
UID1218089主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分2405金钱5797 荣誉0 人气5 在线时间3232 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 2405, 距离下一级还需 3595 积分
帖子精华0积分2405金钱5797 荣誉0 人气5 评议0
UID6400090主题阅读权限30帖子精华0积分208金钱4878 荣誉0 人气14 在线时间2058 小时评议0
Lv.3游侠中级会员, 积分 208, 距离下一级还需 292 积分
帖子精华0积分208金钱4878 荣誉0 人气14 评议0
UID3596124主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分128金钱1471 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间242 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 128, 距离下一级还需 72 积分
帖子精华0积分128金钱1471 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID主题阅读权限10帖子精华0积分2金钱43 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间7 小时评议0
Lv.1游侠新人, 积分 2, 距离下一级还需 3 积分
帖子精华0积分2金钱43 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
Powered by如何评价游戏《Planetary Annihilation》?
游戏官网 《Planetary Annihilation》是一款由 UBER 所開發的即時戰略遊戲,UBER 算是一個才剛創立的遊戲開發團隊,但本身卻已有相當的遊戲開發經驗,有參與過《終極動員令:將軍》、《魔戒:中土戰爭》和最早的經典戰略遊戲《橫掃千軍》。本作可以說是《橫掃千軍》進化版本,畫面大幅改善、特效也提升了不少,但最重要的是新加入的元素,「星球」。在遊戲中,玩家的戰鬥不再只是侷限於當下的星球而已了,玩家可藉由火箭搭載士兵去搶占周遭的星球來作為第二基地;像是影片中所展示的月球基地,就可透過投射的方式直接將軍隊從外太空對敵人前線進行突擊;後期還是打不下來?直接在向外延伸到小行星群,直接以隕石作為戰鬥要塞,還可直接操控隕石撞向星球,直接毀滅一切。遊戲曾在 Kickstarter 上尋求募款,90 萬美金可不是一筆小數目阿,可是他們在短短十天,就募得了 70 萬美金了
说一说我在文字宣传上没看到的内容吧。 这是一个网络游戏...玩家通过游戏客户端连接到服务器。我看到的每场游戏都是由服务器host的。客户端崩溃以后玩家只需重新登录服务器即可回到游戏,这是一个意义巨大的改动。Total Annihilation系列一直以设(sang)计(xin)超(bing)前(kuang)著称,这点相信老玩家都深有体会。TA的续作 Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance 于2007年发布,用现在(2013年)最高端的cpu跑多人游戏后期(12玩家每人1000单位FFA)仍然非常吃力。PA(Planetary Annihilation)的做法显著降低了游戏对玩家机器性能的要求,事实上PA客户端的游戏载入可以说是秒进。当然了,现在游戏内的单位和地形仍然十分粗糙,不知道正式发布会是怎样。 从单位类型和科技树来看,这游戏更接近横扫千军的复刻版而不是最高指挥官的新作。貌似科技只分2级了,工程单位不分级,指挥官不能升级配件,单位经验系统(veterancy)目前还没有。 另一个重要的改变是出现了随机地图。 啊 是吧 呵呵 我要开始吐槽啦! 残骸回收貌似大概好像是没有了。单位死了没尸体。建筑在视觉上好像有残骸,但是从没见任何玩家回收。为毛呢?因为满地都是铁矿有木有!开局指挥官脚不挪窝至少能够着5个铁矿有木有!
我说小伙伴们你们不会以为PA这群制作人真的准备就用90万美刀做个游戏出来然后画面完爆X3,战略系统秒杀EVE,战术操控蔑视星际2吧?最高指挥官的版权现在在SE手里,如果PA这个点子真的如宣传所说,是RTS类游戏的颠覆性革命的话,SE干什么吃的不自己搞?非得把那群一长串资历的制作人逼到kickstarter上去?说白了,从TA开始,到SC,再到PA,这种类型的即时战略游戏本身就是RTS中的小众,而RTS这个游戏类型在现在也是小众。总而言之,PA说的再好听,也是小众中的小众。还记得SC发布的时候制作人访谈里提到SC开发过程中砍掉了很多NB的机制,比如核弹引爆海啸摧毁对方基地等等。可见所谓炸星球之类的主意早就在这帮游戏者制作人的脑子里了。但悲催的是RTS类游戏如果不搞成星际war3这类竞技性定位,注定小众一生。而很明显THQ觉得有这个预算搞SC还不如砸在战锤里,好歹同样是RTS,战锤有桌游传统下的一群死忠。再说SC 和SCII的乐高画风,现在玩家说不好听的,都被NB的FPS画面惯坏了,你个RTS的画质怎么说也得跟人家是一个时代的吧。好了,一个FPS,ARPG,MOBA类游戏同图有多少个3D模型?星际2 战锤这种即时战术游戏同图有多少个3D模型?SCFA8人图开满单位有8000上限的单位,不算炮弹效果和爆炸效果还有残骸效果。这对硬件的要求压根就不是一个数量级上的好吧?不搞成乐高,得花多少钱去做优化开发?开发商花得起吗?花得起等得起么?等得起收得回来投资么?说到底,这是个游戏类型的问题,除了暴雪,没人敢把RTS做成星际2那种画质,就是暴雪还是仗着星际一的玩家群给星际二销售打的保票才敢这么弄。所以说RTS这种游戏类型,特别是TA SC PA这种战略类游戏,开发成本是一个现在无解的难题。至于PA?人家只是搞个概念原型(alpha)出来,等着B轮投资呢!
前几天在twitch上随意翻了几个PA的早期alpha测试视频传送门在此 无需翻墙说一说我在文字宣传上没看到的内容吧。这是一个网络游戏...玩家通过游戏客户端连接到服务器。我看到的每场游戏都是由服务器host的。客户端崩溃以后玩家只需重新登录服务器即可回到游戏,这是一个意义巨大的改动。Total Annihilation系列一直以设(sang)计(xin)超(bing)前(kuang)著称,这点相信老玩家都深有体会。TA的续作 Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance 于2007年发布,用现在(2013年)最高端的cpu跑多人游戏后期(12玩家每人1000单位FFA)仍然非常吃力。PA(Planetary Annihilation)的做法显著降低了游戏对玩家机器性能的要求,事实上PA客户端的游戏载入可以说是秒进。当然了,现在游戏内的单位和地形仍然十分粗糙,不知道正式发布会是怎样。从单位类型和科技树来看,这游戏更接近横扫千军的复刻版而不是最高指挥官的新作。貌似科技只分2级了,工程单位不分级,指挥官不能升级配件,单位经验系统(veterancy)目前还没有。另一个重要的改变是出现了随机地图。啊 是吧 呵呵 我要开始吐槽啦!残骸回收貌似大概好像是没有了。单位死了没尸体。建筑在视觉上好像有残骸,但是从没见任何玩家回收。为毛呢?因为满地都是铁矿有木有!开局指挥官脚不挪窝至少能够着5个铁矿有木有!回收垃圾这种屌丝行为我们土豪从来不干!想加快游戏节奏,鼓励进攻,可以理解。可是收破烂的设定怎能去掉!经济控制是整个TA游戏的核心。手中有限的金属存量和供应该如何投资,如何应对战争中资源收入的巨大波动,一直是TA系列的精髓。不能回收残骸,意味着不需要担心进攻失利会给对方留下大量的资源,玩家不用再面对类似“战后收入暴涨,钱该怎么花?”的问题。还有造金属采集器的时候鼠标指针不会像最高指挥官那样自动停靠在资源点上了。这是严重的倒退!运营经济像星际一样拼手速,进攻像红警一样无脑爆坦克框框A。搞毛啊。而且地图巨小,尼玛T1飞机环球一周不用一分钟有木有!T1雷达有效半径比单位视野没大多少。星际2这种被TA界鄙视为连级战术游戏几十人群殴的货都表示地图不能太小。尼玛比星际2早期地图还小的行星打个毛的战略啊。一个海军工厂能把海面积占个5%,T1炮舰在工厂门口能打到隔壁家指挥官。就这还跨行星作战呢?运载工具做出来之前战斗已经结束了。到目前为止我只看见月亮从玩家屏幕上飞过,还没见过有人把部队弄上去或者把月亮弄下来。还有,星球是平的我了个去。地形没起伏,没有能挡平射炮弹的高山,没有坦克走不了只能过机器人的小径,水看不出深浅,还不如97年的TA。说到山水...TA时代硬科幻风格的画面,3D制作2D显示,在当年真是碉堡了。最高指挥官2里变成玩具兵大战,我忍了。PA奇葩的minecraft向画风,我也忍了。可是作为战略游戏,用战术级的战场尺寸,还大量简化战术细节,却又在战略上降低深度,这是表达了怎样的一种情感?鉴于目前(2013年9月)游戏仍处于alpha阶段,可以期待很多前面提到的缺陷得到改善。比如战场尺寸,不知道是他们目前对于服务器性能没有足够的信心没敢做大,还是Chris Tylor有意为之,强调战场的球面特性。
完全是被忽悠了还不如直接复刻 TA 都比这个强得多蛋疼的球形地图积木大战
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Includes 19 Steam Achievements
Title: Planetary Annihilation
Release Date: 5 Sep, 2014
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Recent updates
21 November, 2016
With the continued support of some of our most dedicated community members, we've just released a large patch that improves performance across many areas of the game.Summary of ChangesAdded Multi-threading support to both client and local serversTweaked AILZ4 compression for server modsMajor rework of the System EditorLots of bug fixes and polishMulti-threading support
Added option to server settings tab to enable multi-threading for local servers.Added server command line option &--mt-enabled& which enables server multi-threading if present.The Nav, Physics, and AI updates are now run in parallel when enabled.These changes do not affect Uber hosted games, only local and private servers (if configured)AI changes
Retrained all AI neural networks.Made changes to reduce AI baitingSupport for unit restrictions in new game lobby (work in progress)Added multi-thread safety to the AI neural networksLZ4 compression for server mods
Enable LZ4 server mod compression on servers with replay version &= 2, to help reduce client load times on servers with large modsAdded check to enable LZ4 server mod compression only on new servers that can support compression based on replay version sent in login acceptance message. Currently this also changes replays. Older builds cannot load replays created by newer builds with LZ4 compression of server mods, but newer builds can load older replaysServer version and buildid also sent in login acceptance message will be used for custom server checks in future.System Editor changesRefactored system_editor UI, system_editor_view and system_editor_planet
Fixed issues where CSG would be lostFixed lost advanced edits due to events not firingFixed resolution scaling not set causing incorrect air zoom calculationFixed unnecessary rebuilding when changing planetFixed metal spots disappearing when finished editing (invalid placement)Camera, camera_controller, camera_contoller_planet and camera_controller_space changes:
Added mouseLocationAsJsonAdded toLatLng (was planet private)System_editor_view and system_editor_planet changes:
Fixed encodeCSGBrushListJson to encode preview brushes or builder brushes in planetFixed addMetalSpot to validate metal spot and any mirror when placedRenamed senedSelectedPlanetToUI to selectedPlanetChanged and cleaned up usage in viewRenamed sendSystemSpecToUI to systemChanged and cleaned up usage in viewRenamed updateUIPlanetMetalSpots to selectedPlanetMetalSpotsChanged and cleaned up usage in viewRenamed updateUIPlanetLandingZones to selectedPlanetLandingZonesChanged and cleaned up usage in viewAdded selectedPlanetCsgChanged to viewMoved terrain editing status from view into planet (it's per planet which fixes lost CSG and unncecessary rebuilds)Moved UI interaction out of planet world into viewMoved UI planets ready from planet world to view and renamed to updatePlanetsReadyAdded arePlanetsReady to planet worldAdded basic camera lookAt support for planet mode to view (TODO: space camera)Added systemEditor.convertSelectedPlanetToAdvanced for advanced editing in UI to view and planetAdded selectedPlanetEditingChanged and selected_planet_editing message for advanced editing in UI to viewAdded selectedPlanetEditingAsJsonMessage to viewAdded setLandingZoneSize to planet for advanced editing in UI to view and planetAdded camera_movement message for UI to viewAdded planent_csg updates for UI with selected planet index and current CSG selection for every change when editing terrain to viewAdded selected_csg message for UI when selectected CSG changes to viewAdded editing mode and planet status to selected_planet_index message for UI to viewAdded mouse location to time message for UI (to avoid spamming another UI message) to viewRefactored state handling to use new engine messagesAdded handling to restore editing state when changing planetsSystem Editor Advanced mode changesChanged advanced edit of no preview placeholder to convert with no csg, metal spots or landing zonesChanged advanced edit of terrain preview to convert csg only with no metal spots or landing zonesDisabled advanced edit mode changes while planets are buildingAdded landing zone rules editor with camera support to look at landing zone when selectedAdded landing zone sizeAdded display of delete key bindings when editing metal spots and landing zonesAdded camera locationAdded mouse locationSystem_editor_view / system_editor_planet, csg_brush_preview changesAdded resetSystem for loading entire systemAdded previewSelectedPlanet and updateSelectedPlanetAdded releaseCsg and changed grabSelectedCsg to save original positionAdded cameraLookAt with space camera to focus on sunAdded cancel check to release grabbed CSGAdded saveUndoPosition and restoreUndoPosition to CSG brush previewRenamed buildAllPlanets to previwAllPlanetsTweaked setLandingZoneSizeTweaked systemChanged and selectedPlanetChanged from first passTweaked updatePlanetSpecAdditonal changesAdded basic camera support to planet view in system editor via camera_movement handler and planet selector with sun zoom to celestial (no more accidentally changing orbits trying to select a planet)Added thrusters required for attack to advanced editAdded clickable CSG command bar showing key bindings when CSG selected (was key bindings help)Added api.terrain_editor.releaseCsg with ESC handling to cancel grabbed CSG and restore original positionAdded sandbox back into biomesCleaned up handling of planetCSG, metal_spots and landing_zones conversion to source & brushes, metal_spots, landing_zonesCleaned up initial loading of systemAdded buildAllPlanets to replace convertAllToTerrainPlanets with checks for existing status to system_editor_viewAdded resize handling to system editor when editing controls section overflows screen height eg long landing zone listsAdded key bindings help when editing csg to system editor Tweaked advanced landing zone size and selected csg updates in system editorAdded api.settings.titleAdded systemEditor.set_flooded_csg and systemEditor.set_no_features_csgTweaked handling of release CSGAdded hasUndoPosition and checks for newly placed CSG with no undo positionFixed message spam when planet or CSG grabbedFixed csg selection not cleared when ending CSG editingFixed selected csg not updated when placing new CSGFixed flooded and weight params not preserved in preview CSGBug fixes/improvementsClient_connection changesAdded CONNECT_TIMEOUT of 5 seconds and STATE_INITIALIZEDAdded RECONENCT_DELAY of 0.5 seconds and STATE_RECONNECTINGChanged MAX_RETRIES to 2 ( best handled in UI where we can provide feedback)Fix for change from list to vector in ThreadPool and TaskBatch where mTasks size is 1 (macos crash fix).Connect_to_game sceneAdded cancel button visible for non Ladder1v1 games after first failure which cancels immediately if no penidng engine connectionChanged DEFAULT_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS to 5 (now less in engine)Added DEFAULT_CONNECT_DELAY of 2 seconds when connecting to a new local server (reduces chance of first time fail while server is still starting)Added DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY of 5 secondsAdded connection attempts of 15 with retry delay of 10 seconds when loading local saved games (server is non responsive when loading big saved games)Other fixesUpdated to FMOD 4.44.64Attempted fix for AMD green planet bugFixed missing build bar images for Enderstryke71 and Nefelpitou commanders.Fixed incorrect economy rate when new player joins an empty slot cleared by another player leaving / kicked / spectating (or an AI removed) that was an economy rate not 1.0Fixed long timeouts with many retries when connecting to non existent or stealh blocked servers.Fixed loading of big saved gamesAdded cancel button while connecting to serverFix for planet wide patrol task not getting enough initial patrol points, causing the task to constantly reset itself and cause lag.Patrol task, auto repair task, and anti entity task now filter possible targets faster. This represents a decent perf boost for later game.Fixed bounty claimed by ally voice over playing in group for nuclear missle ready.Removed the ?_? AI name, since it was not displaying properly on at least one platform.Fixed lobbyId typo in start rejoinGame, lobbyId not set in matchmaking, ko db extender breaking systems and player guide not scrollable Fixed rejoinGame not settings mods, etc due to consistent use of lobbId vs lobby_idFixed lobbyId not saved in matchmakingFixed broken systems when not initialised correctly with default value of empty array by ko db extenderFixed player guide not scrollable due to incomplete white flash fixFixed server mods not uploaded during host connect for manually started local serverChanged community mods CDN URLRemoved the Mutex from swizzletree. Instead mEnumerationCount is a std::atomic.Fix for an uninitialized variable that was preventing users from being able to change the playback rate of replaysRemoved a couple of very spammy log messagesFix for burnables attempting to write out to the burning curve during the shutdown call when the curve was already updated by the call to incinerate on the same tick.We no longer query the order's unit's position for every pass of (is my fellow unit close enough to me). For area patrols with lots of units, this is a huge perf win.Fixed the army patrol target cache to work more like it was initially intended.Added sim performance percentage next to game time in live_game_options_bar.Fix for agent looking at wrong move type value when determining if it should just steer towards its slot position.Fix for formation looking at wrong move type value when determining grid and cushion size.Fix for group moving an agents goal to its slot position when the slot position is not valid.Fixed nav agent logic regarding when to steer towards their group slot position and when to use their own ground path.Fix for a nav agent variable getting modified on when it wasn't supposed to be.Adjusted the logic controlling what nav search spaces get updated per tick.Minor adjustment to nav to prevent units from remaining stuck due to not having a flow field for an extended amount of time.Adjusted nav group logic so that slots are not treated as ahead of the group when the group is not moving.Added gNoMods to startupJS for better handling of --nomods by community mods.Added cores, memory and nomods to getSetupInfo and UI start scene.More multi-threading protection for the unit type db.Fix for Collision Geometry potentially rebuilding its BVH in one thread while another thread is walking the tree. Would only occur if there were multiple AIs and multi threading was enabled.Fix for uninitialized variable in nav agent.Adjusted AsyncParallelForDriver to split work more evenly over threads.Added getVersion to AudioWrapper, NullAudioWrapper, FmodAudioWrapper with decoding and logging of FMOD version.Added getVersion / getRenderer / getShaderVersion to GLRasterizer, NullRasterizer and RasterizerAdded fmod_version, opengl_version, opengl_renderer and opengl_shader_version in getSetupInfo for UIMoved where feature observables are removed to prevent features from mutating the sim history during the retire entities step.Fix for octree::walk deleting the FindState we are working before we were really done with it.Fix for failing to parse a unit type string if one of the unit types returned an empty spec set. This can happen if a spec string includes one of the Custom unit types, but there are no mods installed that makes use of that unit type.Added defeated status and AI personality to army replay infoWe are no longer allocating a string eveytime we validate a build order. We do this often enough that this is a decent perf improvement.Added checkboxes for selected CSG pathable, mergable, no features and flooded flagsAdded display of selected CSG JSON (temporary until full parameter editing is finished)Added clearMergableCsg, setFloodedCsg, clearFloodedCsg, setNoFeaturesCsg and clearNoFeaturesCsg to api.terrain_editorImproved and renamed respondToResize to checkResize with cleaner handling of landing zone and CSG json overflowFixed uninitialised weight, weightHard and weightScaleFixed revert to standard mode while advanced editing with zero CSG, metal spots and landing zonesFixed remote saved games not showing last saved time and incorrectly sorting to bottom of saved games listFixed minor scroll overflow in frame for player guide articleFixed --nomods handling using new gNoMods in connect to game, new game and replay loadingFixed
never returning for invalid lobbyIdAdded cancel to join game after waiting 10 seconds
About This Game
Colonize solar systems, annihilate homeworlds, and exterminate your foes in epic interplanetary battles with multiple players and thousands of units. Planetary Annihilation takes strategy gaming to a never-before-seen scale -- and gives players powerful tools to control the action.Blow up everything, dominate with punishing spacecraft, robots, and other futuristic machines of war. Arm asteroids and send them on planet-destroying collision courses. And take over an entire galaxy in a dynamic single-player mode with procedurally generated content. Don’t just win, annihilate!Epic Single-Player - Galactic War is a twist on traditional real-time strategy campaigns that has players battling across a dynamic galaxy filled with procedurally-generated content. Every playthrough is different. Annihilation is final. Epic Multiplayer - Play with up to ten friends (or enemies) in massive free-for-all and team-based matches.
Spectate - Spectate matches with a suite of incredible viewing options.
Advanced Command And Control - With intuitive drags and clicks, seamlessly switch between planets, mine resources, create custom unit formations, or pulverize armies.
Dynamic Picture-In-Picture - View and interact with your units on another planet in a second window as you focus and control the action in your primary view.
Instant Replays - View in-match recordings in real-time while matches are in progress. See when a battle turned by rewinding the game to any point or check out the entire match after a game ends. Smash Planets - Don’t just win, annihilate. End games with the mother of all weapons: an asteroid on a collision course. *Internet connection required.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
Minimum:OS:Windows Vista SP2 64-bit Processor:32 or 64-bit Dual Core or better Memory:4 GB RAM Memory:Integrated graphics with shared memory requires 6GB Graphics:Shader 3.0 / OpenGL 3.2 + Resolution: DirectX(R):9.0c Hard Drive:2 GB HD space Additional:Windows XP is NOT supported. The game will not run in XP. Offline Mode:To automatically use a local server, we require 8GB of RAM and 4 logical CPUs. Local server requires 64-bit. There is no 32-bit server.
Recommended:OS:Windows 7 64-bit
Processor:Quad Core Memory:8 GB RAM
Graphics:Dedicated Graphics Chip (Not Integrated) / OpenGL 3.2+ DirectX(R):9.0c Hard Drive:2 GB HD space Offline Mode:To automatically use a local server, we require 8GB of RAM and 4 logical CPUs. Local server requires 64-bit. There is no 32-bit server.
Minimum:OS:OS/X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10 (64-bit only) Processor:64-bit Dual Core or better Memory:4 GB RAM Graphics:Shader 3.0 / Open GL 3.2+ Resolution: Hard Drive:2 GB HD space Additional:32-bit versions of OS X are not supported Offline Mode:To automatically use a local server, we require 8GB of RAM and 4 logical CPUs.
Recommended:We urge all OS/X users to use the free upgrade to 10.9 or 10.10 to guarantee maximum compatibility and performance. Offline Mode:To automatically use a local server, we require 8GB of RAM and 4 logical CPUs.
Minimum:OS: Any , 64-bit only Processor:64-bit Dual Core or better Memory:4 GB RAM Graphics:Shader 3.0 / Open GL 3.2+ Resolution: Hard Drive:2 GB HD space Additional:32-bit distributions of Linux are not supported. Offline Mode:To automatically use a local server, we require 8GB of RAM and 4 logical CPUs.
Recommended:OS:Any , 64-bit only Processor:64-bit Dual Core or better Memory:8 GB RAM Graphics:Shader 3.0 / Open GL 3.2+ Hard Drive:2 GB HD space Offline Mode:To automatically use a local server, we require 8GB of RAM and 4 logical CPUs.
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