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coffeepot是什么意思 coffeepot在线翻译 coffeepot什么意思 coffeepot的意思 coffeepot的翻译 coffeepot的解释 coffeepot的发音 coffeepot的同义词
coffeepot英 ['k?f?p?t] 美 ['k?fi?pɑt, 'kɑfi-] coffeepot 基本解释danci.911cha.com名词咖啡壶coffeepot的解释coffeepot 网络解释1. coffeepot是什么意思1. 咖啡壶:coffee service, coffee set 咖啡具 | coffeepot 咖啡壶 | salt shaker 盐瓶2. coffeepot在线翻译2. 啡咖壼:saucer / 茶碟 | coffeepot / 啡咖壼 | liquor / 酒類3. 咖啡壶 (名):coffeehouse 咖啡馆 (名) | coffeepot 咖啡壶 (名) | coffer 装箱 (动)coffeepot 双语例句1. While his coffeepot was perking, he shaved with his electric razorMade in Hong Kong&&&&他那中国制的咖啡壶烧开了,他用香港制的电胡刀刮胡须。2. 2. I like this coffeepot very much.&&&&我非常喜欢这个咖啡壶。3. 3. I bought this coffeepot in England.&&&&我在英格兰买了这个咖啡壶。4. A man was accused of placing hazardous chemicals in his company's coffeepot, according to authorities.&&&&有个男的遭当局起诉,他居然在公司的咖啡壶壶头投放有害化学物质。5. He bought the coffeepot at 6 dollars off the list price.&&&&他以低于价目表6美元的价格买下了那个咖啡壶。6. 6. On one he placed a coffeepot and ten or a dozen cups.&&&&然后,他隔着妈妈的棺木在我对面坐下。7. I detail the application of the modular conformity by taking the form design of the coffeepot as an example.&&&&并以咖啡壶的形态设计为例具体说明模块整合法的应用。8. Take the simple act of pouring coffee in the morning: In walking toward the coffeepot, reaching for it, pouring the brew into the mug, even leaving extra room for cream, the occipital and parietal lobes, motor sensory and sensory motor cortices, basal ganglia, cerebellum and frontal lobes all activate.&&&&早上做简单地倒咖啡的动作。你走向咖啡壶,伸手够它,把咖啡倒入杯子,甚至多加一点奶油。这时,被触动的感觉运动皮层、基底神经节和额页就都被激活了。9. Along with you, your moronic coffeepot and Cappy.&&&&你、白痴咖啡壶还有凯比。。。10. The coffeepot bubbled, filling the room with fragrance&&&&咖啡煮开了,满屋子都是香味。11. A coffeepot in which boiling water ascends through a central tube and filters back down through a basket of ground coffee beans.&&&&&&沸腾的水通过中心管子上升并且通过地面上的咖啡豆的篮子过滤下来的咖啡壶。12. When you automate your home with a hub today, physical controls, whether a light switch or coffeepot buttons, suddenly become unusable or screw up an automated program.&&&&&&今天当你用某个控制中心实现住宅的自动化之后,实体操控装置(不管是电灯开关还是咖啡壶按钮)会在突然之间变得无法使用,或者与自动化程序不兼容。13. 13. The poor woman hurried and, with trembling hands, stirred up the coals and put water into a brass coffeepot.&&&&&&这个可怜的女人急急忙忙,用一双颤巍巍的手将煤火拨旺,把水倒入铜咖啡壶。14. It has also constructed a basic model which based on the analytic hierarchy process and the fuzzy quality synthetic evaluation method and took the coffeepot example as the empirical study to explain the green manufacturing and designing plan choosing.&&&&&&本文还构建了基于层次分析法和模糊评判法而成的模糊综合评价方法的基本模型,并结合咖啡壶的绿色生产问题及设计方案的选择进行了具体实例的说明。15. Design of the Die for Piercing the Handle Hole of the Stainless-Steel Electroheat Coffeepot&&&&&&不锈钢电热咖啡壶把手孔冲孔模设计16. Design of Injection Mold of Coffeepot Mouth Liner&&&&&&咖啡壶口衬垫注射模设计coffeepot 英英释义noun1. tall pot in which coffee is brewedcoffeepot是什么意思,coffeepot在线翻译,coffeepot什么意思,coffeepot的意思,coffeepot的翻译,coffeepot的解释,coffeepot的发音,coffeepot的同义词,coffeepot的反义词,coffeepot的例句,coffeepot的相关词组,coffeepot意思是什么,coffeepot怎么翻译,单词coffeepot是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2017  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 coffeepot是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:
tall pot in which coffee is brewed
用作名词 (n.)
I like this coffeepot very much.
The poor woman hurried and,with trembling hands,stirred up the coals and put water into a brass coffeepot.
coffeepot:coffeepot n. 咖啡壶…
coffee pot怎么理解
She accidentally breaks our coffee pot,and she really is like a bull in a China shop.她不小心把我们的咖啡壶打破了,她真是个毛手毛脚的闯祸人.


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