
Shang shi wei cheng.
There are a lot of corpses around the city.
Dead Rising
Dead Rising
Dead Rising
中文名称: 丧尸围城2最新预告片英文名称: Dead Rising 2版本: 发行时间: 日制作发行: Blue Castle GamesCapcom地区: 美国,日本对白语言: 英语文字语言: 英文简介: 游
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感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!丧尸围城:瞭望塔(Dead Rising Watchtower)_英文电影_VOA英语学习网
有时候 我经常做僵尸的噩梦 Sometimes I have bad dreams About zombies,我爸说Phenotrans 制药公司的人... My dad says the nice people at Phenotrans...制造了一种名为Zombrex 的
这里是记者蔡斯·卡特... Chase Carter here for Hit Point Digital来自隔离区的报道 reporting from inside the quarantine zone.这可能是发生卡特里娜飓风以来 政府最糟糕的决定 Now this may well b
美国人从不关心这些 The American people don't give a shit.好吧 Right.看来你不害怕僵尸 You don't seem too concerned about zombies, themselves.你让我说真话 You serious? 我很怕
它们开始吃... Usually they start on the extremities,手和手指 usually with your fingers, hands...-好吧 好的 -然后是手臂 -Yes, Okay? -work their way beyond,我们很快就回来 W
等等 等等 Wait! Wait!不 No! No!嗨 开门 Hey, open the gate.开门 Open the gate!快开门 Open the goddamn gate!快点 乔丹 接电话 Com'on, Jordan, pick up the goddamn ph
我们还没弄清楚她那里是怎么回事呢 There's no where to go, anyway.什么 Why not? 他们在隔离墙上对人开枪 They're shooting people at the wall.我们被困了 We're trapped.现在 当局怀疑在东团的病毒...
我想我没有什么可说的 I don't think that I have anything to say.好吧 把你所知道的事 分享出来... Well you know, sharing your story...或许可以解释你女儿发生了什么 it might help you with
这是一个伟大的故事 It's a huge story.是的 这个故事让我无法入眠 A story that could kill me in my sleep.拜托了 蔡斯 她是人类 Oh come Chase! She is still human.她可能被吓坏了 She's pro
目前的状况很严重 This is a serious situation,但没有必要恐慌 but there is no need to panic,这是真的 It is true,必须作出困难的选择 tough choices have to be made.我们会做出选择 and the
好耶 Yeah!全部拿走 Take everything!很好 Yeah.你想让我们都被杀了吗 You're gonna get us killed.你这个顽皮的女孩 You're a bad girl, huh? 让我看看你 Look at you.是的 很好 Yeah. Okay,
你来了 You coming? 听着 Listen.轰炸的唯一原因是他们不知道你的存在 The only reason they are bombing is they don't know you exist.他们不知道 你的药物是有效的 They didn't know your dr
乔丹找到地方了 Jordan found something.在运输储备仓库那里一定有Zombrex疫苗 A storage facility. There should be Zombrex there.我们走吧 Come on, let's go.这是谁干的 Who the hell
希望给那些人提供参考意见... and to hopefully offer people some kind of advice,-还是希望...-还有多少希望 -or hope... -How much hope do they have? 基本上 他们搞砸了 You're basicall
已经没这个必要了 At least I don't think it's going to matter.什么 不 听着 听着 呆在那里 What? No, listen, listen, Just hang in there.我们被困了 We're trapped.我不知道我们还有多
现在 我们直播在隔离墙外的... We now go live to a joint press conference...新闻发布会 just outside the quarantine wall.目前我们正在进行全面核查... We are presently conducting an
蔡斯 Chase? 蔡斯 哦 我的上帝 你在哪里 Chase! Oh my God! Where were you? -你在干什么 -我在仓库里 -Are you here? -I'm at the warehouse.我设法脱身 I got out.不...他们说... At
我和僵尸有一些所谓的共同利益 Me and Z, got what you call a mutual interest.所以 不 不 不 So, no! No! No!我不想离开这里 I don't want out of this shit!我要继续下去 跟我来 I'm tak
军队接管了整个世界 The Army has been set up to take over Homeland Defense.里昂是个英雄 Lyons is a frick'in hero.给他们植入这种芯片 那是什么样的感觉 and they can put these computer
-你不知道的 -这是荒谬的 -You don't know that. -This is ridiculous.他们要追踪的唯一的目的是... The only thing they will be tracking...看看药物是否在有效范围内 is if you need more dru
搜查她 搜查她 Check her out, check her!把车停下... Leave your vehicle.慢慢走到隔离墙 Walk towards the wall, slowly.举起你的手 Keep your hands where we can see them.他们会
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