
这是‘溯洄Days ’太太和‘淡路国有老狸名曰芝右卫’太太在上发表的~我获得了两位太太的授权将之转载在吧里~希望大家喜欢#滑稽go die#~由于两位太太好像不用~我就不@ 了~
第一章~这是天依部分的~首先是太太对翻译的解释~【1. 排序大致是按照观看次数由多到少排的,个别会因为搜索漏掉补充在后面(油管的搜索你懂得)。但由于我们是围观外国人评论,因此我会选有英语歌词翻译(即English Sub)的视频,这种视频外国人比较多。有些视频点击虽高但基本都是国人我就不放了。2. 并不是每一条评论都翻译。只选了比较热门或者我觉得比较有趣的评论翻译,带有一定主观性。3. 为了方便阅读和“接地气”,部分评论采用【意译】,如果有因po主本人学艺不精导致的翻译错误请评论指出,感激不敬。4. 括号内为po主自己的一点吐槽和补充,希望不会影响各位观看。】
【洛天依原创】The B?chy Idol【PV付】据@收据兔 的情报,这首歌因为视频【5 Vocaloid Songs Not Meant For Kids】这个视频(我在下面也会翻译一些有关的评论。)广泛的为外国人所知,所以算外国人评论最多的天依歌曲(大概……约有2000条)。因为这首歌多少无知的外国人以为天依是个伪娘……简直有毒。1.Sora3 个月前Aki brought me here...(点赞和回复最多的评论,Aki是上面提到的那个视频的up主。大概就是“XX过来的”这种刷卡回复,还有很多类似的就不翻译了。)2. Illuminati Doritos3 个月前its made by japan but the singing is by a Chinese Vocaloid这是个日本P主用中文V家音库写的歌。(我发现不止一个人认为这首歌是日文or日本P主写的歌,虽然有人也在下面纠正了但还是很多人这么认为的样子……不知道staff们觉得突然变成日本人是什么心情……)3. Luka “Blackjack” Megurine3 个月前I actually like this, just not the fucked up lyrics...我其实挺喜欢这首,只要不看那卧槽的歌词。(100多个赞同和很多类似意思的回复。)4. Bobby Blair3 个月前I turned to porn when my mom walked in. It is easier to explain than this.我妈进来时看到我看色情片都比(看到我在看)这个东西好解释……(yoooooooooooooo~!)Ugh parents catching you watching this would be terrible. &Hey hon, whatcha watching?& &Oh uh...music.& &Really? Let me-& &...& &...why does this girl have a dick?& &I can explain, I swear. I'm not weird.& &I don't want to know. No more internet for you.&(回复上一条评论)哈哈,父母看到你看这个简直太糟了。“嗨,宝贝,你在看什么?”“啊,恩…音乐”“真的,让我看看……”“……”“为什么这个女孩有X?(“X”部分自己意会)”“让我解释,我保证,我不是变态!”“我不想知道……你走。”????? ????????2 个月前Better solution Quickly close,Claim it's porn and you need personality(还是回复主楼)更好的解决方式:快读关闭视频,并声称这是个色情片并且(让你父母)尊重你的个性。5. iAkane3 个月前This song is so catchy but god damn... I'm glad my mandarin's weak.这首歌超抓耳,但是额的神呐……我无比庆幸我中文不好。6. Verian?3 个月前I'm blaming aki for why I'm here混蛋aki你为什么让我知道这首歌!(中毒了吗hh)7. Yumi Hoshine3 个月前Wait... LUO IS A FUCKING WAIFU TRAP?! WHAT?!?!??! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH等等,洛是个天杀的伪娘????不!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(yooooooooo~~~!)8. Waffle The Wolf3 个月前NAH. NAHWHYSTOPITS A BOYNIPE NOPESEND HELP不!不!为啥住手!这!是!个!男!孩!我!拒!绝!谁来救我!(我超喜欢这个回复的,特搞笑XD。但是感觉不是很好翻译,大概就是一种“我不要出卖灵魂给路西法!!”的窒息语气吧~)9. Ali-Chan3 个月前Just listen to this one time and i'm obsessed ! Chinese sound so cute with this song ^^只听一次我就迷上了这首歌!这首中文听起来真可爱10. Cleo Green3 个月前Soooo according to what i remember Aki saying, this is about a young by dressing up as a girl to get sex. Buuuuttt. Wouldn't they find out once he was naked? Or is this an &a hole is a hole& situation好了,根据aki的说法,这是个伪娘准备上床(意会意会,恩)。在他赤裸的时候他们没发现(这是一个男孩)吗?或者说这就是一个“有洞就进”的情况。(污污污,最后一句请意会。)5 Vocaloid Songs Not Meant For Kids导致TBI播放暴涨的元凶ww。Up主是个做V家歌曲系列(带点评)的,我会翻译这部分up主的点评。因为没字幕,这部分是po自己听译的,可能会有错误。Aki的点评:这是一首相当卧槽的歌。大概是讲一个非常非常年幼的男孩穿上女装勾引老男人XX。恩……等等……这个曲绘好像洛啊,(up开始查天依的图片),恩……好像真是洛……什么!你跟我说洛是个男孩子!!???What???!!(此处up破音ww)(一阵沉默后up开始结结巴巴ww)恩……这个好像是P主自己设定的故事线吧,恩……不管洛她是…恩…或者他是……我完全搞不懂发生了什么…不!!不!!!不!!!(这部分真的是3个语气逐渐崩溃的NO,哈哈)
Luo Tianyi - Half and Half (English Sub)一半一半!这首歌挺受欢迎的,不仅有英语翻译还有、越南语(说真的,很多歌都有越南语翻译,而且评论还挺多,他们似乎很喜欢VC歌曲)。由于水平有限(我真的不懂越南语和西班牙语……),只翻译英语歌词翻译下面的视频。1. skyla sparkle3 个月前I feel weird watching this right after watching bitchy idol.....看了bitchy idol之后再看这个我感觉很奇怪……(别再提bitchy idol了求你们了hhh)2. Neptuna1年前(修改过)For me this is the best song by Luo Tianyi. So touching, so beautiful... Perfect. Such a shame this amazing piece of art isn't known as well as Japanese vocaloid song.对我来说,这是洛天依最好的一首歌。很感人,很优美……完美。很可惜这么棒的一首歌不像日语歌一样被人熟知。3. Pearl Hwang1年前I felt a bit awkward listening to this. Or maybe that's just because I'm from Taiwan and the Chinese we speak there is different from the Chinese people in China speak. So I'm not used to this. Lyrics are really beautiful, though.听这首我有点尴尬。可能是因为我是台湾人,我们说的话跟大陆的中文不太一样,所以我听不习惯。不过,歌词真的很美。4. Tyre 47702年前I still don't think it's a Vocaloid singing. It's so absotutely amazing~我仍然不相信这是电子合成的声音。它实在太棒了~5. Aryan Wilcox6 个月前before i even read the description i knew this wasnt a romantic love story to me it seems like a deceased father kinda love just from how its described in the song and the visuals i saw which is a really nice change from the romantic love songs out there! this and Sun Quan the Emperor are my favorite songs of all time that are done by Luo Tianyi在看描述之前我就知道这不是个有关浪漫爱情的歌。在我看来,这首歌是描述一位已故父亲的爱。我很高兴有这首不同于爱情故事的歌!这首和权御天下是我最喜欢的洛天依的歌。(我的妈,这人不打标点看得我好累。)6. Reino Kun2年前i... i broke my replay button. whoops.我把重播键都按坏了,真糟。(就是洗脑循环的意思。)7. Megumi Kumi1年前Replay, replay, replay, Amazing song - Luo is cute!重播,重播,重播,超好的歌——洛超可爱!8. ZenoDLC1年前This song makes me feel warm, so very warm.... A bit too warm infact that my eyes melted off a bit这首歌让我觉得很温暖,超级暖……甚至暖过头让我眼眶都湿了。9. xXxShadowAnimexXx2年前I love luo I can't wait till her japanese voice bank comes out cuz I loves her voice _我爱洛。我都等不及她的日语音库了,我超爱她的声音。(然而日语音库流产了……炸!任!力!)
【洛天依】Luo Tianyi - 憶紅蓮 Reminiscence of the Red Lotus (English Sub)1. Coco2 个月前Seriously though, if this turns into a Chinese anime I would definitely watch it!!!讲真,如果这首歌被拍成中国动画我绝对会看!!Quack Dragon2 个月前私も(回复楼上)我也是。(我看得懂日语有没有ww还有很多条类似回复。)2. mikuhatesducks leek lover (ouo)2周前Luo has got to be in da next installment of project diva. Like as a special guest owo and maybe some utaloids and English ones too.洛将会在下一个diva系列中出场,作为嘉宾~然后一些U家和英语音源也会出现。(2个星期前的回复。谁能告诉我project diva是个什么?我想去围观。)3. kazumy2 个月前I love the 'x' sound. Damn, Chinese is beautiful.我爱“x”这个音!我靠,中文太美了!4. Enzo Wu1周前Some pictures is strange,I remember the male is called &Le zhengLin& .that is the name of a girl in Chinese!Why he is a man? I don't understand.有些曲绘很奇怪,我记得那个男性名字叫,明明是一个中国女孩的名字!为什么他是个男人?我不懂。(这位居然认出了阿绫,不过拼音打错了啦,是Yue zhenglin。总之又是“把阿绫当男孩子用”的老槽点,各位绫粉原谅无知的老外吧。)5. 紅音梨沙6 个月前外国の! すごい!!外国的!太神奇了!(我看得懂一点日文,所以翻了ww还有韩文评论我看不懂就不翻了。)6. Grace Aiko8 个月前THEY SHOULD MAKE AN ANIME WITH THIS AWESOME STORY!!他们应该把这个故事拍成动画!!Yuri Lix5 个月前+Grace Aiko No, I'd cry my eyes out.(回复楼上)不要我会哭的。(可能是知道我国的动画水准……恩……)7. I am KIng9 个月前Speed Up to 1.5 or 2 to have a very different taste.把速度调到1.5倍或者2倍,另一种风味~(油管播放速度可调节,我试了下。确实很有趣,有点rap的感觉ww)8. ???1年前??! ?? ?? ???...!! ?? ????? ??? ???? ????8?8(大概是在说好棒,求韩文歌词……说了我不懂韩文ww)9. Anime channels ( No video sorry)1年前Luo tianya is from qins moon. And this song is beautiful.洛天依是个秦时明月的角色,这歌很棒。(大概是跟什么秦时的剪辑弄混了……当然楼下有人纠正了。)10 Monleela2年前........look like I be feeling in love with this vocaliod after all XD Yay for Lou Tianyi!!! Finally found a chinese vocaliod!……看来我终于要爱上洛天依了!终于找到了中文的!
【洛天依x言和】Luo Tianyi, Yan He - 月下蝉 Cicadas Under the MoonUp说这个没翻译因为他对歌词的理解有一些问题(的原因)。然后有人帮忙翻译了,还加了各种注释,超级认真的!各位可以看看他翻译的歌词英文版,为了阅读的连贯性,翻译我放在文章的最后。1. Angie Shark2年前Argh! Trying to listen to the song without looking at it, so I can revise for my Chinese listening test tmr, but it's basically impossible, I suck at Chinese (English should be my mother language T^T)... Q.Q Great song BTW!!!!! I need to listen more...啊哈!我试图在不看歌曲的情况下听懂它,这样我就能提高我的中文听力水平了,不过这几乎是不可能的。我被中文难住了(英语才是我的母语T^T)不管怎么说,这首歌很好!!我需要多听几遍……(这应该是个在学中文的外国人ww试图通过听曲子——还是曲子——来提高听力hh简直图样图森破。这跟听周杰伦来练中文有什么区别ww)2. Kakurei カクレイ7 个月前This song has a really similar melody rhythm to qing hua ci这首歌的旋律挺像青花瓷。(哪里像了……估计是在他们看来曲就是差不多的吧。)3. Joelle Frye8 个月前So gorgeous Yan He is definitely one of my favorite new vocaloid!太绮丽了!言和毫无疑问的成为我最喜欢的新音源之一!4. Melody Hatsune1年前This song and the mv are literally perfection even if i can't understand a single word. 这首歌和PV简直完美无缺!即使我一个词都看不懂!5. 夏絃1年前曲としてはとてもいいけど字体がごちゃごちゃな気がする大概意思是PV的字体有点乱,但是歌很好。(身为一个日本人你怎么能批评我们的书法字体??)6. Stardust1年前Que alguien traduzca esta canción al espa?ol pero ya 大概意思就是求翻译。(还有些越南人求歌词翻译,而且他们真的就有人翻译成越南语了→_→只能说牛X。)
网友的《月下蝉》歌词英文翻译版Jason Nung11 个月前I see that no one seems to have provided a translation of the song, so I have tried to provide one. My Chinese isn't the best, and I apologise in advance for any mistakes or misinterpretation. Any suggestions or corrections are welcome &月下蝉& Cicadas Under the Moon薄纱锦袍 飘啊飘 春来花枝招 Gauze and brocaded robes floating in the wind, like blooming flowers vying for attention坠铃步巧 摇啊摇 声似黄雀咲(With the horse’s) skilful steps, the ride bells ring, like the melodies of the yellow thrush 纵使这一曲奏罢 舞步再妖娆 By the song’s end, even if the dance is ever more seductive我却只迷 那淡抹的一笑 I’m only captivated by your enigmatic smile浓眉细描 臊啊臊 画扇半遮腰Eyebrows carefully drawn, brush by brush, your fan half-obscures your (slender) waist琵琶玉箫 绕啊绕 直把心儿撩 (The music) from the Pipa and jade flute, entwines around me, strumming my heartstrings飘红要掷出多少 我才能看到 你弯月般的眉梢How much flowers must shed their petals, before I can see your face, with your eyebrows like the crescent moon? 酌一盅小烧 醉不过今朝 这愁借酒也难消 Drinking a small bottle of warmed wine, (it) can hardly compare with my present (love) my troubles cannot be solved with wine想一世逍遥 敌不过烦恼 为红颜 折腰(Originally) intended for a carefree life, but instead ensnared by my troubled (heart), I have been enslaved by my beloved.
谁路过 半开窗棂听树上七日夏蝉 Who would pass by, and hear the summer cicada’s song from the half-open window?最难过 知知不停了了不歇声凄寒 Singing to their heart’s content, incessantly without regard for the approaching frost?月愈圆 鸣声愈切 彻一夜 韶华已远 The moon waxes, their song grows piercing (more desperate)*, the night ends, the bloom of youth fades. 谁路过 半卷珠帘窥月下琼花一坛Who would pass by, and see the hydrangeas, peeking from half-closed bejewelled curtains? 最难过 夜夜难眠日日挂念心不安 Greatest is the pain, of losing sleep night after night, the heart in the throes of missing you 月愈圆 瓣亦欲散 The moon waxes, the petals begin to fall彻一夜 花期也远 The night ends, the next spring is still far away. 言和:
胭脂粉药 瞧啊瞧 浓淡妆正好 Rouge and powder let’s have a look, your makeup is perfect锦囊香料 调啊调 弥漫烟稍薄 Mixing perfume for an embroidered bag, their fragrant smoke dissipates 这酒要斟下多少 醉一梦觅到 甩袖舞姿曼妙 How much will I need to drink, before I can see your sleeves flutter as you dance, in my dreams?酌一盅小烧 醉不过今朝 这愁借酒也难消 Drinking a small bottle of warmed wine, (it) can hardly compare with my present (love) my troubles cannot be solved with wine想一世逍遥 敌不过烦恼 为红颜 折腰 (Originally) intended for a carefree life, but instead ensnared by my troubled (heart), I have been enslaved by my beloved.
(Chorus repeat)言和:
点油灯半盏 照亮林间 伴夏蝉鸣愁怨 A single oil lamp, it’s light twinkle between the trees, serenading their sorrows with the summer cicadas浇一壶白月 黑一夜眼圈 赏昙花一现 A jug of pale moonlight pours (across the land), black rings grow around the eyes, so I can see you once upon a blue moon. 天依/言和: (Chorus with both male and female parts)谁路过 半开窗棂听树上七日夏蝉 Who would pass by, and hear the summer cicada’s song from the half-open window?只不过 知知不停了了不歇声渐暖Singing to their heart’s content, incessantly heralding the arrival of summer?月愈圆 鸣声愈悦The moon waxes, their song grows more jubilant 彻一夜 无悔无怨 The night ends, without regrets or lament谁路过 半卷珠帘窥月下琼花一坛 Who would pass by, and see the hydrangeas, peeking from half-closed bejewelled curtains? 只不过 夜夜难眠日日挂念惹花怜 I’m losing sleep night after night, from admiring these beautiful blossoms月愈圆 瓣亦欲散The moon waxes, the petals begin to fall 彻一夜 与君(卿)共眠The night ends, with (me) asleep with m: you (f: you) ** 言和:
月愈圆 琴声已灭 The moon waxes, the zither grows silent彻一夜 无悔无怨The night ends, without regrets or lament* The word 切 can mean both piercing or desperate, depending on context. In this line the context was purposefully eliminated so the double meaning could be expressed. ** 君 - an intimate form of “you” reserved for males, 卿 – an intimate form of “you” reserved for close femalesTranslation Notes: (1) “花枝招” is an abbreviated form of the expression “花枝招展”, which is meant to describe someone beautifully dressed.
A literal translation would be “(to be dressed like) boughs of waving flowers, attracting attention”. The expression carries a double meaning, being both as a metaphor, but also a literate expression of tree branches filled with blossoms waving in the wind, like a person waving. (2) “坠铃步巧” is a literary allusion. Saddles decorated with precious metals or bells often associated with handsome and wealthy young men. E.g. “五陵年少金市东,银鞍白马度春风. 落花踏尽游何处,笑入胡姬酒肆中.” – 李白, 少年行(3) Drunkenness is often used in Chinese poetry to describe the feeling of elation, despair and general mania associated with being in love. E.g. “对酒当歌,强乐还无味。衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴.”- 柳永, 蝶恋花(4) This song includes numerous descriptions of putting on makeup, preparing perfume and the like. Male writers often use descriptions of the male taking part in these domestic activities to indicate their closeness to the female, and to express and sense of “feminine” sentimentality. E.g. “小轩窗,正梳妆,相顾无言,唯有泪千行” (5) “赏昙花一现”- Here I have used “once upon a blue moon” as I believe this expression best expresses the underlying meaning of this literary allusion. This expression directly translates as “like the appearance of an Epiphyllum in bloom”, and is a reference to the ancient Chinese belief that the plant only flowers once every few hundred years, to describe something both rare and beautiful.
 ?﹏﹏ 菊花最好!菊花赛高!
15字! 15字! 15字! 15字! 15字! 15字! 15字! 15字!


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