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英文翻译read face know to mered face know to me&&&&a beauty&&&& unde ...&&&&djweiko remix&&&&1.(情谊深切的) understanding
和他很知己 be on intimate ter ...&&&&she swallowed her sorrows&&&&outrage&&&&bosom friend&&&&chikio&&&& heart-to-heart talk&&&&marry a woman many years
the old man married a young lad ...&&&&beauty is but skin deep&&&&angelique&&&&miss misery&&&&outrage&&&&a young lady was married to an old man&&&&beauty is but skin-deep&&&&a beautiful girl has (often) an unfortunate life.; the beautiful woman suffere ...&&&&i01v&&&&a beautiful girl has often over the greatest beauty hangs ...&&&&not an ill-fated lady&&&& dangerous beauty&&&& enjeru dasuto&&&& the wrong girl&&&&haut brion&&&&introducing dorothy dandridge
例句与用法Kum , you ' re like my soul mate , but fate keeps us apart你真是我的红颜知己可惜我们有缘无份She is a very considerate person , always patient and in fact is the merchant ' s confidante覃辉背景事实上,她是商人的红颜知己。 She is a very considerate person , always patient and in fact is the merchant ' s confidante赵雅芝图片事实上,她是商人的红颜知己。 She is a very considerate person , always patient and in fact is the merchant ' s confidante谈剑郭广昌事实上,她是商人的红颜知己。 She is a very considerate person , always patient and in fact is the merchant ' s confidante电视剧双面胶事实上,她是商人的红颜知己。 She is a very considerate person , always patient and in fact is the merchant ' s confidante网际快车官网事实上,她是商人的红颜知己。 She is a very considerate person , always patient and in fact is the merchant ' s confidante爱情魔发师22全集事实上,她是商人的红颜知己。 Romantic types might say they seek the perfect soulmate but the revealed truth is more prosaic浪漫型的人士可能声称自己在寻觅完美无暇的红颜知己,然而,呈现的真相却十分平淡无奇。 He too , loved his 2nd wife . she is a very considerate person , always patient and in fact is the merchant ' s confidante当然,商人也爱二老婆,她既善解人意又温柔耐心.事实上,她是商人的红颜知己My friend should like sports , and have a elegant taste . she ' d better be cultivated with profound culture / history background希望我的红颜知己爱好运动,品味高雅。没有不良嗜好。最好知识广泛,不一定要博古通今,但文化背景很重要。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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应该是虎把 你好,答案是牛 牛有【反刍】习性,胃里食物要花很长时间重复咀嚼,一遍又一遍,使之完全消化,绝不会急就章下咽,所以牛年生的人也如此,一件事会在脑中反覆思考,一遍又一遍...牛,千,古两字去掉口,组合在一起就是牛,因为绝唱,所以要去口千古绝唱 四字梅花 蛇 The snake 蛇[shé] [名](爬行动物)你好,答案是兔 兔年出生的人是十二属相中最走运的人之一。正像中国神话中所讲的,它是长寿的象征,是月亮的精灵。当西方人赏月时,属兔人也可能开玩笑说月亮是一个奶酪...喜欢在各种事情中克服困难,寻找出自己的出路。属鸡人早有准备,知道事情并非都如人意。属鸡人敢大胆幻想,充满抱负,而且命中注定会在日常工作中取得成果。另一方面也要... 猴
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