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不良信息举报电话:Miscreate - definition of miscreate by The Free Dictionary /miscreate
miscreate Also found in: .
(m&#x12d;s&#x2032;kr&#x113;-&#x101;t&#x2032;)tr.v. mis·cre·at·ed, mis·cre·at·ing, mis·cre·ates
To make or shape badly.adj. (m&#x12d;s&#x2032;kr&#x113;-&#x12d;t, -&#x101;t&#x2032;) F misshapen or deformed.mis&#x2032;cre·a&#x2032;tion n.miscreate
vb to create (something) badly or incorrectly
archaic badly or unnaturally formed or made
?miscre'ation nmis&#8226;cre&#8226;ate
&#716;m&#618;s kri&#712;e&#618;t; adj.
&#712;m&#618;s kri &#618;t, -&#716;e&#618;t)
-at&#8226;ed, -at&#8226;ing,
to create badly or wrongly.
mis`cre&#8226;a&#8242;tion, n.
mis`cre&#8226;a&#8242;tive, adj.
mis`cre&#8226;a&#8242;tor, n.
miscreatePast participle: miscreatedGerund: miscreatingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativemiscreatemiscreatePresentI miscreateyou miscreatehe/she/it miscreateswe miscreateyou miscreatethey miscreatePreteriteI miscreatedyou miscreatedhe/she/it miscreatedwe miscreatedyou miscreatedthey miscreatedPresent ContinuousI am miscreatingyou are miscreatinghe/she/it is miscreatingwe are miscreatingyou are miscreatingthey are miscreatingPresent PerfectI have miscreatedyou have miscreatedhe/she/it has miscreatedwe have miscreatedyou have miscreatedthey have miscreatedPast ContinuousI was miscreatingyou were miscreatinghe/she/it was miscreatingwe were miscreatingyou were miscreatingthey were miscreatingPast PerfectI had miscreatedyou had miscreatedhe/she/it had miscreatedwe had miscreatedyou had miscreatedthey had miscreatedFutureI will miscreateyou will miscreatehe/she/it will miscreatewe will miscreateyou will miscreatethey will miscreateFuture PerfectI will have miscreatedyou will have miscreatedhe/she/it will have miscreatedwe will have miscreatedyou will have miscreatedthey will have miscreatedFuture ContinuousI will be miscreatingyou will be miscreatinghe/she/it will be miscreatingwe will be miscreatingyou will be miscreatingthey will be miscreatingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been miscreatingyou have been miscreatinghe/she/it has been miscreatingwe have been miscreatingyou have been miscreatingthey have been miscreatingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been miscreatingyou will have been miscreatinghe/she/it will have been miscreatingwe will have been miscreatingyou will have been miscreatingthey will have been miscreatingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been miscreatingyou had been miscreatinghe/she/it had been miscreatingwe had been miscreatingyou had been miscreatingthey had been miscreatingConditionalI would miscreateyou would miscreatehe/she/it would miscreatewe would miscreateyou would miscreatethey would miscreatePast ConditionalI would have miscreatedyou would have miscreatedhe/she/it would have miscreatedwe would have miscreatedyou would have miscreatedthey would have miscreated
Switch to Verb1.miscreate - shape o "Our miscreated fantasies", , , ,
- "experience often determines ability"; "mold public opinion"
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The lesson is forcibly taught by these observations that our life might be much easier and sim that the world might be a happ that there is no need of struggles, convulsions, and despairs, of the wringing of the hands and the g that we miscreate our own evils. And God forbid, my dear and faithful lord, That you should fashion, wrest, or bow your reading, Or nicely charge your understanding soul With opening titles miscreate, whose right Suits not in native co For God doth know how many now in health Shall drop their blood in approbation Of what your reverence shall incite us to.The rhetorical force of Henry's invitation to the Archbishop to interpret the Salic law comes from his success in sounding the drum of humility over and over again: "God forbid, my dear and faithful lord, / That you should fashion, wrest, or bow your reading, / Or nicely charge your understanding soul / With opening titles miscreate, whose right / Suits not in native colours with the truth.
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