北京 PK 10——LOL Singed Support Jungler 分别北京是什么省意思,请教下。

Build Guide by Spiral Tactician
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please dont troll vote and be prepared to read a lot ^_^
as i am not level 30 my build will not have any mastery or rune but im sure that if you played lol a lot you'l know what to take and if not and looking for a good build (below level 20 not much have got great mastery and runes....thats what friend of mine who played a lot told me
(over 500 win))....
p.s. sorry for grammar or other mistakes....also this is the first of my build so i havent understood all the thing i can do with that site (images, mastery tree, skill sequence etc) i'll edit my build when i'l know how to do that
all of my build have been tested by me or some friend against real player and have made their proof, all will be explained and after reading this guide you should play this hero quite well
this build will show you a single way to play a great tank/off-tank singed
first item: sapphire crystal as it give you mana and health( due to singed passive) to this add mana and life potion to stay in your line a little longer and harass with your poison
second item: boots of speed (u can buy one or 2 potion if u think it can help)
third: upgrade sapphire crystal into tear of the goddess to gain mana (and life by the way)and mana regen
fourth:finish youre boots with mercury treads and start building a rod of ages beginning by sapphire crystal/catalyst the protector
fifth: finish rod of ages(wich will give you ton of mana life and ability power) asap then start rylai crystal scepter (more life, great ability power and best of all....on-it slow effect for all of your attack include the poison)
sixth: finish rylais and go for nothing more than a rabadons deathcap ( tons of damage due to ability power)
7: you can exchange the order you will build 6 and 7 if you think you need to be a little more tanky or if you think your damage output is great for the game advancement, seventh item is gardian angelyou can also take aegis of the legion if you want to be more support for your team and if you know that you wont die
and last but not least is the upgrade of your tear of the goddess: archangels staff
with those items your poison will be doing 70+(near 180) damage per second and your fling 300+( near 425) damage wich is really great
also this build wont cost you a lot ( between 16,7 and 17k depending on potion/ and ward you might have bought) and be easy to get as singed is great to farm/jungle (you can do dragon solo by the time you get rabadon and if you use your ult to get spell vamp)and with 2 or 3 kills this late game build can easily be finished before end of game.
Skill Sequence
at lvl 1 put one point in poison trail, level 2 fling, level 3 mega adhesive vial, then max poison trail as soon as possible as it will be your harrassing/farming attack (dont forget to put point for your ultimate), then max fling( to do more damage you can with it) and the last skill you should be upgrading is the slow thing cause it only slow and doesnt do damage so it will only help you escape dangerous situation or stop an enemy from fleeing but
to stop an enemy you got rylais and fling and to escape dangerous situation gost and cleanse (dont forgot to use it...it could save your ***) and poison trail...no-one want to chase singed as he will take over-time damage for nothing
Summoner Spells
there is some spell that low-level are using but should never get use (im talking about revive and heal) if youre playing smart ignite wont be useful as you get your poison to do over time damage, you wont need clarity cause as soon as you will get your tear of the goddess your mana regen will be so great you will never (really....never)never get out of mana even if youre running with your poison active for all the game duration, fortify can be useful if youre a tank nammed alistair (or some other character that can stun,taunt you close to their turrets to take first blood) otherwise dont even thinkabout it,clairvoyance ...really....have someone really used this? beeing singed? if yes they were having teleport and they were stupid.....teleport...can be useful to prevent gank or to make some but the 300 second cooldown do that i'm never using it. now the spell you can think of taking : ghost : in gank use ghost to past trought unit and lay your poison everywhere or the flee from them (if youre loosing)cleanse is used to flee by easily avoiding cc, flash can be useful to pass trought wall or to teleport in front of a running character to damage him with your poison by running in front of him,rally can help a little if well placed like in gank/teamfight and thats all i think for summonners spell( tell me if i forgot something) (havent talked about smite? well you dont need it to jungle past level 10 and singed isnt a level one jungle because he havent got spellvamp/lifesteal))
Creeping / Jungling
easiest **** ever: press q then run into the enemy you want to dammage and turn around till it die(if its a champion) or until he have lost half of is health...samething to jungle except that you can use fling to damage lizard elder and golem faster than with only your poison....you can also do dragon solo by activating your ultimate but watch out to avoid gank as ward will often be placed at baron and dragon cause they are valuable
run into team fight with your poison activated, fling out the one you want your team to kill easily or fling in(for the same reason) watch out who you will fling and were as amumu, and galio got devastating AoE ultimate, amumu does also deal massive damage as he hit % of live per second with despair, garen is also dangerous to fling in due to his <> also udyr as he can stun every single one of you for one second, alistair because he can tank you all(and he surely know it) there might be other i forgot but this is it for who to/not to fling, the adhesive vial should be used to cut the path of fleeing ennemy(shout in front of them not on them) or to prevent them from helping their ally by slowing them(75% + your rylais 15% does almost make them unable to move) your ultimate can be used to: run faster, do greater dammage, gain health when farming with your poison and dont fear to use it, its only 70 second cooldown and it last 25 second wich is really really long for an over-time ultimate
i hope you have read (and understood) every thing), enjoy playing singed as he is really annoying to face and kinda hard to kill
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League of Legends Champions:合乐888—LOL Singed Support Jungler 分别是什么意思,请教下。_百度知道
合乐888—LOL Singed Support Jungler 分别是什么意思,请教下。
9—这个世界既是有的世界,也是有权的世界; 5;&#397;0;0&#397;1
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Season 7 Kayle - Top/Mid Lane
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I'm a diamond
main who's been playing since Season 1. Summoner name: HoIy Fervor
I have loved this champion since I first played her way back in the day, and with the new preseason I thought I'd make a guide to help people out.
Please remember to up-vote the guide if you liked it or found it helpful.
(note: I will only update the primary build for new seasons, as that is how I think Kayle should be played. The guide should then be helpful enough to craft your own spin on the other styles of Kayle)
Why build what I build
I'm just a guy who has invested a ton of time into this champion trying to understand her at the best possible level. I have climbed to diamond, mainly playing this champion, so I can say with some confidence that I know this champion very well. You can either believe me and try it out or not, up to you.
is, without a doubt, my favorite champion in League and I fell in love with this champion in season one. What I love about her, and what you will love about her if you play her is that she is so versatile. That and her ultimate, . You can play her anywhere, top, jungle, mid, support and even adc. I have played her in every single one of these roles and done well on multiple occasions and in ranked queue. Her ultimate, , very well may be the best spell in the game, as it can single-handedly change the course of a game if used correctly and at the right moment. You can use it to save an ally who makes a mistake, deny a kill, give your ally the confidence to dive, give your ally the confidence to commit in a teamfight, save your ally from a hardcore dive. A well placed
can win you the game.
This style only applies to the main build, so please keep that in mind if you are using another build.
When you build the way I suggest, you place a heavier focus on sustained damage. You can also buil by building heavier AP items and
you can attempt to erase someones health bar in one shot. I feel that, in this current iteration of League, that style is not as powerful as building for sustained damage. With the buffs to
and the new keystone masteries, over the course of a game you will do far more damage if you play according to how you build.
In lane, what I have found to be very effective is to embrace your AOE kit and to play aggressively and push up the wave aggressively, since you have very good early waveclear. This gives you control of your lane and gives you and your jungler freedom to make more plays across the map before the enemy can respond. This does leave you however, with the new warding trinket having multiple charges and pink wards being 75 gold, this is easy to counter if you are vigilant.
Alternatively, you can also play a lane very passively and sometimes you may have to. You will always push a lane if you use your E, , to last hit but that's OK. Just make sure to push the lane faster when you feel like you are in a vulnerable position so that it will push back to you. Kayle is one of the champions who can do this very easily and quickly.
When you build for sustained damage, you need to be very mindful of your positioning. You can position aggressively in teamfights because you are Kayle and your ultimate allows you to do so, but you still need to be cautious. Your primary objective is to hit the highest value target that you can safely hit. If you know you can finish a high priority kill by committing and using your ultimate, that is usually worth it. Every situation is different so these are just guidelines.
An important note to remember is that when you play Kayle, you will do more damage the longer a fight drags on as your passive shreds resistances and Fervor of Battle adds damage. This can allow you to make dives and other aggressive moves that other champions may not be able to do.
Early Game
At level 1, I usually use
to kill the ranged minions on the first wave as soon as I can to establish lane control. This is not always possible and in some cases not optimal, as some players will t but it helps to get that early push so you can follow up on jungle invades/early skirmishes first. It takes 6 empowered autos () to kill the ranged minions at level one with this setup (depending on how you use your splash damage).
Kayle has a pretty powerful level 2 spike. Depending on the matchup, you can occasionally take an all-in and win at level 2 (this is much easier with ignite). Going for an early kill contrasts to the pushing the lane so you have to choose one or the other. I would recommend against it, and to just get good wave control but that is how I prefer to play. If you can take the kill, go for it. If you feel you can kill your opponent around level 4-5 make sure you put 2-3 points in your Q () instead of your E () as it gives you more burst and a more powerful slow.
The biggest problem with this style of play is early game junglers like , , etc. Make sure you ward up around 3 min 30 sec in an attempt to deny the early gank. If your jungler is good though, you can very easily bait out a counter gank and score a double kill.
Runaan's vs. Wit's End
has been an interesting item since its inception. It has an AD scaling AOE passive and it only functions for ranged champions (so it will only work when you have
up which won't be a problem later in the game). I see this item argued about all the time so I will add this section to share my thoughts about it.
With the rework to the item, the stats were redistributed and it became a crit item (mainly for the ADC role). It still gives attack speed, (new) movement speed, on-hit physical damage, and the defining AD based aoe, all of which
can use effectively. With the rework though, it now also gives 30% crit, which is the one stat on the item that has little value on Kayle. She can use it but it is not optimal because you do not build crit anywhere else, nor do you build much AD. You are paying 1200 gold for a stat you don't want just to get the AD scaling AOE passive, when you don't build AD. (If you do build Kayle AD, which you can do,
will be very good.)
, in my opinion, is a better item than
has an extremely good stat distribution for
as it gives the same attack speed, better on-hit magic damage, flat magic pen, and increasing magic resist. All of these stats
can take advantage of and they synergize better with her because it is all magic damage focused. After the rework to
in patch 6.9, this becomes even more valuable as once you buy the item, it will apply the on hit effects twice on every other hit. Your magic pen masteries and passive shred will stack with the
shred and increase all your on-hit magic damage from all sources, i.e. , your ,
and . You pay 200 more gold (little more than one minion wave) for better stats.
can be a good item on Kayle, provided the enemy team stacks up often and you can take full advantage of the passive AOE. In MOST situations,
will be a better item as it gives more single target damage AND more defenses (the magic resist is pretty big because you don't really run MR runes on Kayle).
Please look at the notes for each build, the runes differ from the main build and it is important so you can fill your role.
Greater Quintessence of Cooldown Reduction
Greater Quintessence of Ability Power
Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction
Greater Seal of Scaling Armor
Greater Mark of Attack Speed
You have these runes for one purpose, that is so that you can have minimal downtime on your
while still staying relevant in all stages of the game. These runes will allow you to have, once you complete , around 37.50% cooldown reduction. With that amount it is possible to have a 95-99% uptime on your . If you don't have your
you are pretty much useless since you cannot safely auto attack. The AP quints supplement your early damage and the armor is always good. You should swap the armor seals for scaling health per level seals if you are against a team with little physical damage.
Please read the notes, I put a lot of useful information there and each build has different masteries and reasons for said masteries.
For Offense tree, you start with attack speed in tier one, you are an attack based ap carry. Tier two, you can take either Double Edged Sword or Feast keystones, I opt for Double-Edged Sword as its just raw damage and you don't really need sustain since you have a heal. The rest is pretty basic, Kayle is good with both ad and ap so in Tier 3 you can realistically take either node. I have tested both out and found that they are really quite interchangeable, but for most matchups I prefer Natural Talent as it boots both of your schools of damage. Tier 4 and 5 are simple, you are ap focused and have a slow so you take Oppressor and Magic Pen. Tier 6, Fervor is a no- auto attack based champion. You will get much more out of Fervor (especially with the buffs) in just about any trade. I did mess around with Deathfire Touch and it really wasn't worth it even for a burst build.
There are two options for sub-speccing, as I will call it. One is you can go into Resolve tree for more utility and team-oriented play, or you can go into Cunning for more lane dominence/1v1 potential.
For the Cunning tree, in tier one you can choose either the movespeed or minion damage. Both have value, but I prefer the movespeed as it helps you move around the map just that much faster. The minion damage will help you push harder, but its not super noticeable as Kayle. In tier two, I opt for the Assassin node. I was messing around with it before the buffs, and I really find it helps you dominate your opponent, especially if they don't have the node. You can take biscuits if you want, but I don't value them much. You will rarely get buffs so that node is not worth it unless you are mid or jungling. For tier three, again you can take either. I find that the execute damage is more useful but if you really like to spam your spells, the extra mana wont be bad. Lastly, you take Dangerous Game as you won't benefit from the Bandit node.
For the Resolve tree it is pretty basic, you don't really need either in the first tier so you mix for lane sustain and for when you build wits end or other def items. Tier 2, If you roam a lot Explorer can be good, but you have movespeed on your heal and it only applies to a small portion of the map (brush and river). Tier 3, 8% more on your heal? Yes please. Tier 4, Flash is good and so is tp/ignite so you take Insight.
Please scroll over notes for when to swap items, unable to embed stuff so easier to look there. They also have a lot of useful information in them and they differ in each build.
My usual build consists of, in this order, , , , , , , and either
(selling Doran's for it, or earlier to complete another item).
I will often change the order I buy
and , but with the rework to , it is more valuable to get after you have your on-hit items already.
also provides you with much needed magic resist, as this build
takes none on runes, relying on game knowledge and mechanics when fighting AP champions.
I believe this is the highest consistent damage build for
at the moment (though I have no math to back it up), and I highly recommend it. Jungle
is also very strong with the rework to the Devourer enchant (now Bloodrazor),
is much stronger much earlier in the game making it easier to run over any given game.
I do not recommend building things like
as many other builds suggest. The combination of those items only serve to provide an aoe slow, provided the enemies are close enough together for the Hurricane passive, and it will do far less damage with the changes to . I feel that this combination of items is a trap, because you feel extremely oppressive when you can slow with every auto attack, but you will be doing much less damage than if you built differently. The combination of Hurricane and Rylai's, I feel, is a crutch for those who cannot manage their spacing well, and while it may work well against lesser opponets, sooner or later you will need more damage.
I stated earlier I think
is a large investment for wasted stats, and
is the far better option, especially with the rework to Rageblade as it will add the MR shred and the on-hit damage twice on every other auto. That combined with your passive shred does immense damage to all characters in a sustained battle environment.
Skill Sequence
Skills differ in each build, so please read the notes. The information will help you for each build.
is your main source of damage and waveclear so you max it first. If you think you can get an early kill because your lane opponent is really low, put another early point in your
around level four for the extra burst damage to try for the kill. You want all your abilities at level three because
can save your life from an early gank, or speed you up for an early kill. Your ultimate, , might be the best ability in the game so you level it whenever you can. Use it liberally because the cooldown is very short.
is probably the most versatile
a well played
can single-handedly win a game, by either becoming the primary carry on her team or empowering an ally with her support abilities and allowing them to carry the team to victory. This guide focuses on top lane , teaching you how to become the monster in lane and turn into carry that can support her team and carry you to victory. I hope this guide helps somewhat, and I hope you have as much fun playing this champions as I do.
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