
含笑 大笑 憨笔 苦笑 失笑 惨笑 痴笑 喷饭 嘻笑 讥笑 嘲笑 微笑 解颐 欢笑 俏笑 巧笑偷笑 暗笑 干笑 怪笑 假笑 狂笑 冷笑 媚笑 狞笑 窃笑 讪笑 奸笑 耍笑 谄笑捧腹大笑、 呵呵大笑、破涕为笑、嘻嘻哈哈、前仰后合、仰天长笑、哄堂大笑、眉开眼笑、莞尔一笑、 吟吟微笑、笑容可掬、笑逐颜开、嫣然一笑、开怀爽笑、笑声朗朗、谈笑风生、满脸堆笑、嬉皮笑脸、 笑里藏刀、胁肩献媚、咧嘴笑 抿嘴笑 笑眯眯 笑哈哈
含笑 大笑 憨笔 苦笑 失笑 惨笑 痴笑 喷饭 嘻笑 讥笑 嘲笑 捧腹大笑 呵呵大笑 破涕为笑 嘻嘻哈哈 前仰后合 仰天长笑 哄堂大笑 眉开眼笑 咧嘴笑 抿嘴笑 笑眯眯 笑嘻嘻 笑哈哈
笑口常开 轻吟浅笑 笑语盈盈
英音 [ '??pfr?nt ] ; 美音 [ '??pfr?nt ] 名词 店面店堂
the front side of a sto usually contains display windows
v. [生化](使)变成乳糜
含笑 大笑 憨笔 苦笑 失笑 惨笑 痴笑 喷饭 嘻笑 讥笑 嘲笑 微笑 解颐 欢笑 俏笑 巧笑偷笑 暗笑 干笑 怪笑 假笑 狂笑 冷笑 媚笑 狞笑 窃笑 讪笑 奸笑 耍笑 谄笑捧腹大笑、 呵呵大笑、破涕为笑、嘻嘻哈哈、前仰后合、仰天长笑、哄堂大笑、眉开眼笑、莞尔一笑、 吟吟微笑、笑容可掬、笑逐颜开、嫣然一笑、开怀爽笑、笑声朗朗、谈笑风生、满脸堆笑、嬉皮笑脸、 笑里藏刀、胁肩献媚、咧嘴笑 抿嘴笑 笑眯眯 笑哈哈
含笑 大笑 憨笔 苦笑 失笑 惨笑 痴笑 喷饭 嘻笑 讥笑 嘲笑 捧腹大笑 呵呵大笑 破涕为笑 嘻嘻哈哈 前仰后合 仰天长笑 哄堂大笑 眉开眼笑 咧嘴笑 抿嘴笑 笑眯眯 笑嘻嘻 笑哈哈
笑口常开 轻吟浅笑 笑语盈盈
window-shop是什么意思 window-shop在线翻译 window-shop什么意思 window-shop的意思 window-shop的翻译 window-shop的解释 window-shop的发音
window-shop英 ['w?nd????p] 美 ['w?ndo???p] 第三人称单数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:window-shop 基本解释不及物动词看商店橱窗,观望,物色window-shop 相关例句不及物动词1. We window-shopped along Madison Avenue.&&&&我们沿着麦迪生大道逛商店。window-shop 网络解释1. 1. 看商店橱窗:看清outguess | 看商店橱窗window-shop | 看上去itwouldappearitseemsthat2. 只看不买:shoplifter:商店扒手 | window shop:只看不买 | at the moment:现在,此刻3. 光看不买:too rich for my blood 昂贵的 | trash someone 严厉地批评某人 | window-shop 光看不买4. 4. 橱窗购物:She was second fiddle to his work. 她没有他的工作重要.
| window shop 橱窗购物 | We&#39;re going window shopping later. 我们一会儿去逛逛,但是不买东西window-shop 双语例句1. I and father and mother window-shop.&&&&我和爸爸妈妈去逛街。2. 2. If I am living in a city, I wander streets, window-shop, or gaze at buildings.&&&&如果我是生活在城市里,我会到街头闲逛,浏览美丽的橱窗,或者就凝视某幢大楼。3. 3. We'd like to window-shop this afternoon.&&&&今天下午我们想出去逛街看看橱窗。4. I went with my wife to window-shop.&&&&李生:我同我太太去行公司。5. When you and she window-shop, she can be very happy, when your connecting rod enters haunted house time, she can have one kind of security sense.....&&&&当你和她逛街的时候,她会很幸福,当你们牵手走进鬼屋的时候,她会有一种安全感。。。。。6. One of my favorite ways to spend a rainy weekend is to window-shop for new gadgets in the electronics stores.&&&&雨天的周末我最喜欢的一种消遣方式之一是在电器商店里逛逛,看看新的电动小器具。<p class="p11查询·英语单词大全7. I`ll just window-shop.&&&&我只是逛逛橱窗里的商品。8. 8. She breaks faithoften is not because you to her insufficiently good, is not yourshortcoming many, was not you is always busy is accessing the netplays the game to treat coldly her, even more was not because you havenot weekend accompanied her to window-shop...... But is because youto hers said already did not have Freshness, but was because yourcurrent economic condition already could not fill up her to go to thebottomless pit which competed with the others, but was because youalready did not have that kind to let her heart movement the feeling.&&&&她的变心往往不是因为你对她不够好,不是你的缺点多,不是你总是忙着上网玩游戏冷落了她,更加不是因为你周末没有陪她去逛街……而是因为你对她来说已经没有新鲜感了,而是因为你的经济条件已经不能填满她去跟别人攀比的无底洞了,而是因为你已经没有那种让她心动的感觉了。9. window-shop的翻译9. On October 2, goes to cherie's to copy the note early in the morning, this is in front of the festival reaches an agreement, originally thought the flowered two hours did have decided, then afternoon we were allowed to leave the gate to window-shop, look for a pleasure, but cherie said this matter hung, but the result proved she was right, I altogether spend for more than 5 hours only then to finish up, this time, I already was am dizzy the vertigo, which also had any mood to play, or hurried to go home, recently, I always sense was very tired, how all rested insufficiently, I thought I was really this well have rested, but how many Pakistan's day when was a head?&&&&10月1日,在家无所事事。2)10月2日,一早就去cherie's抄笔记,这是节前说好的,原本以为花两个小时就搞定了,然后下午我们就可以出门逛街,找点乐子,可是cherie说这事悬,而结果证明她是对的,我一共花了5个多小时才完事儿,这个时候,我已经是头晕眼花了,哪还有什么心情去玩,还是赶紧回家吧,最近,我总是觉的很累,怎么都睡不够,我想我是真的该好好休息休息了,可是几巴的日子什么时候才是个头?10. Today is in this winter vacation most joyful one day, because mother is not busy finally, she complies to accompany me to window-shop, we did not have for a long time window-shopped together, therefore specially excited.&&&&今天是这个寒假中最快乐的一天,因为妈妈终于不忙了,她答应陪我去逛街,我们好久没一起去逛街了,所以特别兴奋。11. 11. Jin Zhichang you are good: You came China already to have one month, although we were not with the nationality person, when saw you since the my first day, I you regard am the friend of mine, I hoped that grips tightly in a big way helps you, our group to be very now chaotic diligently: Daily operating time some people exit to access the net secretly to window-shop, have look for the place to shunt sleep, has working overtime ahead of time, specially when polishes, why works every day cannot complete?&&&&&&金职长你好:你来中国已经有一个月,虽然我们不是同国籍的人,但是自从我第一天见到你时,我就把你当成是我的朋友,我希望紧握最大的努力帮你,我们组现在很乱:每天工作时间有人私自出去上网逛街,有找地方躲开睡觉的,有加班的提前走的,特别时打磨的,为什么每天工作都做不完?12. The things sold in New Town Plaza are too expensive, and I don`t have much money, so I`ll usually just window-shop.&&&&&&新城市广场的东西太贵了,我没有太多钱,所以只是逛一逛而己。13. Window-shop without your wallet.&&&&&&诳商店,千万别带钱包。14. The electronic institutions through Agent Technology provide a means to implement a virtual loan marketplace for loan shoppers to window-shop and strategically and methodically negotiate their self-interest loan terms.&&&&&&电子机构通过Agent技术实现了窗口商店,为贷款者提供了一个虚拟借款市场,使他们能够有效的谈判跟自身利益有关的贷款条件。window-shop 英英释义verb1. examine the shop windows&&&&shop with the eyes onlywindow-shop是什么意思,window-shop在线翻译,window-shop什么意思,window-shop的意思,window-shop的翻译,window-shop的解释,window-shop的发音,window-shop的同义词,window-shop的反义词,window-shop的例句,window-shop的相关词组,window-shop意思是什么,window-shop怎么翻译,单词window-shop是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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