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My Cisco Linksys E4200 DD-WRT Settings for Max SpeedLinux install and configure DLink DWL g 520 – RT61 Wireless LAN PCI Card
≡ MenuThe D-Link AirPlusXtremeG DWL-G520 Wireless PCI card is an enhanced 802.11g high-performance, wireless card for desktop computers. It supports high-speed wireless networking of up to 108Mbps.
This card has open source . Card comes with RT61 chipset from ralinktech. You need to compile this driver for Linux. Make sure you have gcc compiler installed.My setup is as follows:Linksys WRT54G Wireless router/802.11g access point at Router at Laptop IP (obtained using WRT54G
DHCP server)My Desktop system (Static IP devices (Mobile, PDA, XBOX 360 etc)Debian LinuxStep #1: Verify your driver chipset with lspci command$ lspciOutput:
.0 Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 rev B 802.11
..Use update-pciids command to fetch the current version of the pci.ids file from the primary distribution site and installs it. # update-pciids $ lspci Step #2: Find out your kernel version ( I am using kernel v2.6)# uname
-rOutput: #3: Download driverVisit ralinktech
RT61 chipset driver.# cd
/opt # wget .tw/data/RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.1.0.0.tar.gzStep #4: Untar driver, type the following command# tar -zxvf RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.4.0.tar.gz # cd RT61_Linux_STA_Drv1.0.4.0.tar.gzStep #5: Compile driver source code# cd Module # cp Makefile.6
Makefile # makeIt will take some time to compile driver source code.Step #6: Install driverYou need to copy firmware and configuration file to /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/ directory. First, create a directory:# mkdir -p /etc/Wireless/RT61STANow copy binary firmware files:# cp rt2561.bin /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/ # cp rt2561s.bin /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/ # cp rt2661.bin /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/Now copy confiugration file:# cp rt61sta.dat
/etc/Wireless/RT61STA/rt61sta.dat # dos2unix /etc/Wireless/RT61STA/rt61sta.datNow copy actual driver (rt61.ko) to your kernel directory:# cp rt61.ko /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/wirelessStep #7: Configure cardNext logical step is to load the device driver. If you have Ethernet card disable to avoid problems:# ifconfig eth0 down # modprobe rt61Once driver is loaded, you can activate interface called ra0. With ifconfig command:# ifconfig ra0 upTo configure a wireless network interface you need to use iwconfig command. This command is part of wireless-tools package. If wireless-tools is not installed use apt-get or yum to install it:# apt-get install wireless-toolsNow make sure you know the ssid / essid. If you have turned on encryption, you must use the same encryption type and key on both desktop system and the wireless router. You can obtain necessary settings using iwlist command:# iwlist ra0 scanningOutput:
Scan completed :
Cell 01 - Address: 00:12:39:6C:D6:8A
Encryption key:on
Step #1: Set SSID/ESSIDYou need to set ssid/essid. My SSID is nixcraft. The SSID/ESSID is
to identify cells which are part of the same virtual (wireless) network:# iwconfig ra0 essid nixcraftStep #2: Set modeYou need to set
the operating mode of the PCI card. Use Managed mode that node connects to a network composed of many Access Points (wireless router).# iwconfig ra0 mode ManagedStep 3: Setup channelSet
frequency or channel in the device.# iwconfig ra0 channel 6Step 4: Setup keyUsed to manipulate encryption or scrambling
security mode (you can obtain security key by opening your web browser and type your routers IP address into address bar):# iwconfig ra0 key 47bxy55a1194lchjk6You can now ping to wireless router or browser internet and rest of network (if connected).Step #8: Configure rt61 driver auto-load at boot time#1: Configure ra0 interface so that it can activated after reboot. Create a
helper scripts. Download these scripts and copy to /etc/Wireless directory.#2: Make sure wireless kernel modules (rt61) to load at boot time. Open config file /etc/modules (this file
names of kernel modules that are to be loaded at boot time, one per line.):# vi /etc/modulesAppend rt61 module:rt61Close and save the file.#3: Configure ra0 ip address: Open /etc/network/interfaces file:# vi /etc/network/interfacesMake sure ra0 interface look like as follows (static IP configuration):auto ra0 iface ra0 inet static name Wireless LAN card address netmask broadcast network gateway post-up /etc/Wireless/wlan.up post-down /etc/Wireless/wlan.downSave the file and reboot the system.Furhter referencesPlease read iwconfig, ifconfig and networking related man pages.Please read driver readme file for more information Share this on: Your support makes a big difference: I have a small favor to ask. More people are reading the nixCraft. Many of you block advertising which is your right, and advertising revenues are not sufficient to cover my operating costs.
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:电源模块、可编程逻辑器件模块、微处理器模块、静态RAM模块以及触摸屏控制模块。其中微控制器模块采用C语言编程,实现对液晶屏得数据传以及其它控制功能,可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)模块采用VHDL语言编程,实现对屏的时序控制,最终实现对液晶屏图像显示的控制。最后通过对使用该控制板点亮的液晶屏进行光学测试验证了这种设计方案的可靠型和稳定性。 本设计具有较大的实用价值,可为以后液晶屏控制系统的研制提供参考。...
在当前的数字信息技术和网络技术高速发展的后PC时代,嵌入式系统技术已经广泛地渗透到人们生活的各个方面。由于嵌入式系统的交互性比较强,液晶屏做为输出设备对汉字显示又尤为重要,但很多关于嵌入式系统开发、应用的教材中,对于液晶屏的程序设计也只是初始化和测试的编程,没有进一步的应用开发。所以选择了该毕业设计题目,以完善液晶屏的汉字显示功能。 在选定了毕业设计题目之后,随着开发研究的不断深入,主要完成了...
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; delay(5);
12864的液晶屏的程序如下但是显示的时候没第二行了,中文也不对 这种格式看着好难受{:1_101:},给你个我写的链接,[url]/12864lcd.html[/url]
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;LCD_DisplayTemp();& && && && && &&&//温度显示到液晶屏
& && && && &LCD_DisplayRH();
& && &&nbsp...
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HD66772的操作时序图,利用指令对其进行读写操作,可以对液晶的读写进行编程。MSP430F149与液晶HD66772模块之间的连接分为控制总线和数据总线。在液晶屏上正确显示信息,必须对液晶进行两个基本操作:第一,写入指令代码;第二,写入显示数据。  4.系统调试与运行  因为MSP430F149的主时钟采用8MHz晶振,虽然系统的单条指令的执行时间仅为0.125μs,但是加上处理FFT的运算...
PS:我看了好多遍DHT22的时序图,大概能看明白,但是自己编程序就力有未逮了。 各位大神,学长学姐,萌新菜鸟求助。 求帮忙
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求测量范围5Kg内便携式电子称原理图,谢谢各位大神 只说原理,称重传感器,或说压力传感器,发生变形,使得阻抗发生变化,电路产生电压变化,输出变化的模拟信号,然后放大电路输出到数模转换,变为数字电路给单片机控制,输出到显示,或数码管或液晶屏


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