为什么unityeditor unity movietexturee两倍

&>&&>&&>&&>&Unity插件:Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) v3.24
Unity插件:Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) v3.24
Including source code (Android , iOS)
Android source path : EasyMovieTexture/AndroidSource folder
iOS( with tvOS) source path: Plugins/iOS folder
Supported platforms: Android, iOS, AppleTV(tvOS)
Supported platforms(Editor Mode Installation): PC (windows, Mac 64bit)
EasyMovieTexture Editor mode support. (Upgrade Pack)
[Using ffmpeg, the LGPL license. The original EasyMovieTexture required. ]
[ And it uses a dynamic link, there is no obligation to disclose the source. ]
[Source code is included in the package. If necessary, it may be used to modify. ]
Supported resolutions:
Android: General devices support up to 1920 * 1080.
The latest device supports up to 4k.
iOS: General devices support up to 1920 * 1080.
The latest device is support up to 2560 * 1440.
iPhone 6s Plus supports up to 4k.
It also supports StreamingAssets, external storage, and streaming services.
Android streaming support list: http, HLS (http live streaming),rtsp
iOS streaming support list: http,HLS (http live streaming)
EasyMovieTexture requires Android 4.0 or above.
EasyMovieTexture requires iOS 6.0 or Above.
Unity 4.X requires an iOS Pro.
In Unity 5.X it does not require a Pro.
Supports multithreaded rendering options. (Only supports Unity 5.X.)...展开收缩
Unity插件:Easy Movie Texture (Video Texture) v3.24
*详细原因:Unity 定制图集打包 - 简书
Unity 定制图集打包
using System.IO;
using UnityE
public class TextureAssetPostprocessor : AssetPostprocessor
void OnPreprocessTexture()
if (!assetPath.StartsWith("Assets/UI"))
var textureImporter = assetImporter as TextureI
var atlasName = new DirectoryInfo(Path.GetDirectoryName(assetPath)).N
textureImporter.spritePackingTag = atlasN
textureImporter.mipmapEnabled =
using UnityE
using UnityEditor.S
using UnityE
using System.Collections.G
public class CustomPackerPolicy : IPackerPolicy
public int GetVersion()
public void OnGroupAtlases(BuildTarget target, PackerJob job, int[] textureImporterInstanceIDs)
var assets = new HashSet&string&();//存储有被场景引用的资源
var scenes = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("t:SceneAsset");
for (var i = 0; i & scenes.L i++)
var guid = scenes[i];
var assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guid);
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("AssetDatabase.GetDependencies", assetPath, 1.0f * i / scenes.Length);
var dependencies = AssetDatabase.GetDependencies(assetPath);
foreach (var dependency in dependencies)
if (!assets.Contains(dependency))
var groups = new Dictionary&string, List&Sprite&&();
for (var i = 0; i & textureImporterInstanceIDs.L i++)
var instanceID = textureImporterInstanceIDs[i];
var textureImporter = EditorUtility.InstanceIDToObject(instanceID) as TextureI
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath", textureImporter.assetPath, 1.0f * i / scenes.Length);
if (!assets.Contains(textureImporter.assetPath))
var sprite = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath&Sprite&(textureImporter.assetPath);
if (!groups.ContainsKey(textureImporter.spritePackingTag))
groups.Add(textureImporter.spritePackingTag, new List&Sprite&());
foreach (var group in groups)
EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("AddAtlas", group.Key, 0.5f);
job.AddAtlas(group.Key, new AtlasSettings()
format = TextureFormat.ETC2_RGBA8,
maxWidth = 4096,
maxHeight = 4096,
//enableRotation = true
foreach (var sprite in group.Value)
job.AssignToAtlas(group.Key, sprite, SpritePackingMode.Tight, SpritePackingRotation.None);
No Code, No Life.From Unify Community Wiki
- Adds an empty GameObject as a child of each selected object.
- Parents all selected objects under new empty GameObject.
- Adds a component to an object, and all the children of that object.
- Wizard for adding or removing components on a GameObject and its children
- Script to play animations utilizing the keyboard 1 - 0 keys.
- Creates a directory of PNG files from any animation you play in the editor.
- Automatically changes the target platform and creates a build. Can be run from the command line.
- Convenient move assets from one folder to another.
- Prints to console and copys to clipboard asset paths for all selected project window items
- Automatically convert mesh from 3D Package into Mesh Collider on Import.
- Editor script for automatic saving the scene and assets with an interval.
- Allows to bake complex materials into a single texture. Can be useful for converting assets from Desktop to Mobile (Pro Only)
- Activate/deactivate all selected objects using Ctrl + Shift + A.
- Allows the use of the Blender numpad camera controls for faster viewport navigation.
- Extension to Blender Camera Controls allowing for 'always active' window
- Allows to scale or rotate BoxColliders side-aligned
- Creates Asset Bundles from all files in a Directory (Pro Only)
- Shows the rendered image of any camera that has this script on, the window is displayed inside the scene view.
- This will launch a window which renders the output of the selected camera GameObject.
- Copy & Paste properties from one Capsule/Sphere/Box collider to another
- Matches GameObjects from one hierarchy to another and clones all components from the source to the destination.
- Matches GameObjects from one hierarchy to another and clones all variables from 1 component from the source to the destination.
- Copies the local transform of the selected game instance in the scene and then pastes it into another one you select.
- Count all the files and lines in your project.
- A tool window which allows to change the presets of the built-in CurveEditorWindow.
- Creates a new empty GameObject under the active GameObject (GameObject in the Inspector). Has Undo, menu shortcut and a prefab disconnection warning.
- Create custom planes configurable orientation, pivot points, number of segments for width & height, among others.
- Creates a prefab containing the contents of the currently selected game object.
- Simple script which creates various directories under your Assets folder, best used when creating a new project.
- Creates baseboards for a Terrain.
- Script for adding/removing #define's that are dependent on a file.
- Generate a lightmap for your terrain that has beautiful soft tree shadows (for MAC).
Windows based version of Forest Johnsons custom terrain lightmap.
- Helps to delete a special type of components which are attached to the children of the selected Gameobject.
- Deletes playerprefs for the editor via a menu item
- Have you ever wanted to compile a dll file, but didn't want to have to learn some application and do a whole lot of setup? This script allows you to compile a selected C# script in the project view straight to a dll in the Plugins folder!
- A tool to align one or more edges of the AABB of a selected game object to those of the AABB of another selected game object
- Manage undos/redos inside any Unity Inspector or Window in an effortless and functional way. Works also with windows who manage multiple sources.
- A simple script to enclose your terrain in a wall.
- Export lightmap from selected terrain and save it image in Asset folder. Based on LightmapExport.cs fro Island Demo.
- Exports the normalmap generated from a grayscale texture.
- Wraps the Utility script ObjExporter.cs (above), adding File/Export/Wavefront OBJ menu item.
- Creates Visual Studio
and 2010 projects. Designed for minimal friction for non-techy people.
- Small script collection which exposes properties ( get/set accessors ) in the inspector.
- Import a list of splitted animations for FBX 3D models.
- Find objects by name or attached component type.
- Similar to the built-in "Find References in Scene" context menu option, but will list the prefabs/assets instead.
- Dockable editor window to find all scene objects with a particular tag.
- Fixes the discontinuity between blender and Unity's axis on import
- Find the bounding box of the selected game object (including any children)
- Get the size in game units of a selection.
- Applies the selected GridFloat file (topo data from USGS seamless server) as a heightmap to the active terrain.
- Applies a selected texture as a heightmap to the active terrain.
- Makes list in window of game objects that have Mesh Renderer and adds toggle for user to turn it on and off. In Alpha State, but working with some limitations.
- Editor script that automatically selects and scrolls to the desired gameObject in the hierarchy window.
- An alternative to the built-in Make Parent command, this script inserts a new GameObject which becomes the parent of all selected objects.
- Inverts the editors hierarchy selection
- iPhone specific script to change texture import settings for multiple textures at once.
- Convenient find assets with special component and add/remove label to them.
- Search objects in the scene by Layer.
- Loads a selected AssetBundle into the current scene. Good for browsing AssetBundle content.
- Loads a selected scene into the current scene. Good for copying scenes.
- Post Processing Build Script to auto-sign and auto-package your game for the Mac App Store.
- Execute arbitrary code snippets.
- Affect the some settings of the RenderSettings and Materials of selected objects simultaneously.
- Sets the materials of all selected objects simultaneously.
- Allows listing of all materials used by current scene selection, helps to optimize material usage
- Allows easy replacement of prefab materials by defining "from-&to" transitions in an editor window and save/load them to/from xml file
- Use an external 3D app to model and place primitive colliders.
- Undocks the Game window and sets it to a size to match the physical mobile device targeted.
- Allows defining and applying model import presets before importing a model
- Moves the selected GameObject(s) to (0, 0, 0).
- an editor utility that lets you move multiple selected objects into a layer at the same time.
- Generates Skybox by rendering 6 images and combining them with skybox material. Select multiple scene objects to render Skyboxes from multiple locations. (Pro Only)
- Normalize terrain
- Allows you to add notes to any GameObject.
- Convert a standard mesh object to a Unity terrain.
- Allows easy replacement of prefabs by defining "Replace Child X by Prefab Y" transitions in an editor window and save/load them to/from xml file
- Open the file/folder in your OS's file browser ("Reveal in Finder"/"Open in Explorer").
- Menu item with a list of all scenes in the build settings for easy loading
- Open the current visual studio project (To launch Express).
- A pixel based light mapper for Unity.
- A Poly-line Editor handling a vector3 array.
- Fill an area by Instantiating selected GameObject with specific parameters.
- Raises or lowers the entire terrain by a specified amount.
- Unity Script reference has an example of a script that is able to render cubemaps. (Pro Only)
- Editor panel that lets you interactively edit and run C# code.
- Replace all selected objects with new ones.
- How to replace a reference throughout a project.
- Saves auto-generated bitmaps that Unity makes from vector fonts as .png files so they can be edited externally
- Saves scene before playing to avoid losing to editor freezes/crashes.
- Dump information about the scene to a text file.
- Refer to a scene directly
- Allows multiple SceneView cameras to be setup to follow a gameobject in edit mode and play mode.
- Quickly switch between any scene in a build.
- Easily create an asset file of a ScriptableObject-inheriting class instance in Unity's intuitive style.
- Alternative method of adding a menu item to create ScriptableObject assets which better mimics Unity's behavior by immediately entering rename mode and allowing escape key to cancel creation.
- Selects all gameobjects in the scene which have the declared component type attached.
- Lets you select any GameObject with a renderer under the mouse cursor by scrolling.
- Iterates Over The Selected Prefabs/All Prefabs In Project Folder and Select each one of them.Waits 1 UnityEditor frame between each select to let Unity render the GUI and update the Components if necessary.After selecting all the Prefabs script Applies all prefabs and if Project mode is selected removes all of the created instances from the Hierarchy.
- A generic dictionary that's serializable in Unity + inspector. Requires a small amount of boilerplate per new type.
- Set or Clear 'Static', 'Active', 'Cast Shadow', 'Receive Shadow' on selected objects (and their children)
- Generates the 6 images necessary to create a Skybox in Unity. (Pro Only)
- Allows to define SKUs with different preprocessor directives, even when sharing the same target build
- Snaps objects to a grid in 3 dimensions.
- How to properly write editors for folders or custom file types.
- Take a "3d screenshot"; a series of screenshots captured while rotating around a given object. Useful for QTVR creation.
- Imports heightmaps and splatmaps from terrain applications.
- Exports Unity terrain objects as .obj files.
- Generates the terrain heights from a perlin noise function. **Warning: Uses Unity's undocumented Mathf.PerlinNoise() function. This may not work past Unity version 2.6.1**
- Editor script to change texture import settings for multiple textures at once.
- Lets you create objects aligned to a grid, align object to the grid, delete object from the grid.
- Allows you to see how long the current Unity editor window has been open for.
- Activates/deactivates entire hierarchies at once.
- Activates/deactivates entire hierarchies at once and for all selected game objects.
- Adds a context menu with copy/paste methods to the Transform component inspector.
- Includes tools to Align objects, copy, randomize and add noise to their transforms.
- PlayerPrefs-file-editor. Allows you to view and edit UPP files within Unity.
- Selects all reverse dependencies for the current selection in Project or Scene.
- The Unity Universal Collider Generator (or Universal Unity Collider Generator if you wish) is a more advanced/powerful version of the
script in active development.
- UV maps meshes in world space, allowing textures in separate meshes to seamlessly line up with each other.
- Provides two simple C# starter scripts for a minimalistic 2D tile map editing.
- Add a 'handle' gizmo to GameObjects to show position and orientation. Also allows clicking on objects without meshes.
- (snippet) Show a control for editing the custom inspector within the inspector itself. Handy while writing one.
- Adds 'DrawPoint', 'DrawCube' and others to drawing gizmo feedback.
- Dynamically graph values at runtime in EditorWindow.
- Some extensions to make coding the GUI for utilities/custom inspectors easier.
- Keyboard shortcuts that cycle through all Editor windows of the given type, rather than just focusing the first one.
- A custom control that lets you display data structs in a table with editable elements.
- Extension methods allowing you to cleanly add items to GenericMenu instances using chained method calls.
- Draw lines on your editor GUI with clipping
- Provides 'Gizmos.DrawWireCube' method inside OnSceneGUI using Handles.DrawLine.
- Makes a window that can execute small bits of C# script without needing explicit script files.
- Draws a number of 'frame' in the editor, useful for orthographic cameras.
- unlock hidden lightmapping features
- An EditorWindow showing all current ScriptableObjects in memory, scenes and assets. Supports drag'n'drop.
- An EditorWindow to select objects from the sceneview and provide drag&drop support.
- Provides a tool for selecting a tile from a tile set and creating a material from that tile.
- Reverse engineered version of the Unity 5 Transform component inspector. Makes extending the default inspector much easier.
- Adds a editable Size field to the Transform inspector that displays the scaled object's actual size. Editing the field will update the Scale property in relation.
- A window that locks objects and allows you to ignore selecting them to make editing the rest of the scene easier.
- A stunningly easy way to throw a real progress bar on... almost anything. Extends IEnumerable "with a progress bar".
- Adds a new text field to TextMesh that allows 'enter' to create new line.
- Turns Flag Enums into mask fields in the inspector.
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